All parts of the province jointly carry out voluntary tree planting activities, work together to plant new seedlings, and draw green and beautiful pictures together

  Spring is the best season of the year to plant green and sow green. On February 13, all parts of the province jointly launched the 2023 province-wide promotion of green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction voluntary tree planting activities. Cadres and masses in various places shoveled soil and supported seedlings for watering. With 100 green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites in the province as the main places, local tree species such as alpine fir, triangular plum and camphor were widely planted, adding new green to the land of South Guangdong.

  This year’s event is guided by the "Decision on Deepening Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), with the theme of "Promoting Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction and Promoting Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature". A total of 2,453 tree planting points were set up in the province, and five forest chiefs at the provincial, municipal, county, town and village levels participated in the voluntary tree planting activities. The number of people involved in tree planting exceeded 190,000, and the number of trees was over 1 million.

  Optimize forest stands ? ? Native tree species "play the leading role"

  Phoenix wood, banyan tree, soil agarwood, iron holly, Shanduying… A large number of native tree species have entered the voluntary tree planting activities, adding green and beauty to Shanwei’s roadside green spaces, scenic spots and parks and other areas. This year, Shanwei will include the "Implementation of Urban and Rural Green Beauty Project to Benefit the People" in the "Ten Practical Things for People’s Livelihoods". It is expected that by the end of this year, 10 forest phase optimization demonstration belts and 11 green beauty Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites will be completed.

  Qingyuan Yingde took "bamboo" as the characteristic theme of this voluntary tree planting activity, which is also a pillar industry for enriching the local people. In Yingde, the industry formed around bamboo shoots reached 3.20 billion yuan. With the help of this activity, Qingyuan focused on increasing the planting of evergreen broad-leaved forests, and the city and county jointly planted 66,885 seedlings of various types to continuously optimize the stand and beautiful forest appearance.

  Continuously improving forest appearance, improving stand quality, and comprehensively and deeply carrying out national voluntary tree planting activities are all key tasks for green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction put forward in the "Decision", and many prefectures and cities have combined the two. In Yunfu Xinxing Jintai Mountain Forest Park, everyone worked together to plant iron knife wood, golden peach, Hainan red beans, etc., and replanted and interplanted native broad-leaved trees in the existing masson pine pure forest in Jintai Mountain Forest Park. Through the scientific combination of multiple tree species, the internal ecosystem of the forest has become more stable.

  In the Meizhou Meishe Express Forest Stand Optimization Demonstration Site, newly planted saplings by Meizhou cadres and the masses stand tall in the wind. In the next three years, the demonstration site will achieve an average height of more than 3 meters of forest trees, a preservation rate of more than 85%, and an increase in native broad-leaved trees dominated by precious tree species from 20% to more than 65%. This will achieve accurate improvement in forest quality and a significant increase in the output value of afforestation acres. Effectively solve the problems of single tree species, poor landscape effect, high fire risk coefficient, and high risk of forest diseases and pests. The Meishe Express will be built into a multi-tree, multi-level, and multi-color key landscape corridor out of the city.

  In the area where the forest facies renovation project of Weiyuan Island Forest Park in Dongguan City is located, party members, cadres and volunteers waved shovels on the mountains to shovel soil and water seedlings. The scene was in full swing, and small saplings suitable for the local soil and climate, such as purple flower wind Suzuki, yellow flower wind Suzuki, camphor trees, iron holly, and yin fragrance, "stood up" on both sides of the hillside. "Today’s voluntary tree planting activity has planted a total of 600 trees. When the trees grow up, the Weiyuan Island forest, which was originally poor in growth and uneven in forest appearance, will form a multi-species, multi-level and multi-color forest ecosystem, further improving the ecological benefits of the forest." The relevant person in charge introduced.

  Seed recognition, adoption, protection, love, green action

  Leading cadres, army officers and soldiers, volunteers, student representatives… At the voluntary tree planting site in Sanlingshan National Forest Park, Zhanjiang City, there were busy figures everywhere. On the same day, 10 counties (cities and districts) in Zhanjiang City jointly carried out the voluntary tree planting activity to promote the ecological construction of Green and Beauty Guangdong. According to statistics, the city organized a total of 11 voluntary tree planting sessions, 7523 people participated in the voluntary tree planting, and a total of 63,566 trees were planted.

  Guangdong’s 21 cities have different populations, areas, and climates. All localities implement the principle of "Seek Truth and Be Pragmatic, Scientific Greening" in the "Decision". There are forestry cities that plant more than 100,000 trees, and some cities that strive for excellence and plant 10,000 saplings. The enthusiasm of the masses for tree planting is not much different in the province.

  By Moyang Lake, everyone is supporting seedlings and cultivating soil. At the Mini Program, citizens’ enthusiasm for seed adoption is high. Yangjiang continues to broaden the channels for mass participation in the form of "Internet +" seed adoption and adoption this year. Yangjiang, with a population of about 3 million, has participated in voluntary tree planting since "Chuangsen". The number of people who have participated in voluntary tree planting has exceeded 9 million. This year, Yangjiang also adopted some ancient trees for the first time, including plum, neem, stone chestnut, egg flower, longan, camphor tree, blood seal throat, banyan tree and other ancient trees located in parks and villages.

  Among the participants in the voluntary tree planting in Zhongshan, a group of local entrepreneurs’ representatives stood out. On February 13, they planted 17,000 saplings together with the cadres and masses in Zhongshan. "A tree needs to be cultivated if it wants to grow into a’towering tree ‘. As an enterprise rooted in Zhongshan, we are willing to claim a batch of tree planting tasks, water and maintain it for a long time, and contribute to retaining the green waters and green mountains in Zhongshan," said Zhang Chuanwei, an entrepreneur representative.

  "What we planted is not only saplings, but also pieces of green hope," said Xu Qingtao, a cadre in Nanxiong Town, Shaoguan, who participated in the tree planting. Although the spring rain still has a trace of coolness, the tree planting site in Nanxiong is in full swing. Everyone formed a group of 3 people and a group of 5 people, and planted 20 mu of saplings in one afternoon. A total of 105 voluntary tree planting activities like this were carried out in Shaoguan, attracting nearly 10,000 people.

  In Heyuan, many citizens were attracted by the warm atmosphere, donned volunteer vests, and led their children to join the tree planting team. About 117,000 trees were planted in the city that day. Osmanthus, kapok, iron holly, drunken fragrance and smiles and other tree species covered the mountains and plains, connecting the landscape ecology and humanities of Heyuan together. "Green waters and green mountains are becoming Jinshan Yinshan!" Everyone eagerly looked forward to it.

  Beautify urban and rural areas

  Sowing green, harvesting hope. In the national reserve forest base of Niu Mian Mountain, Jianqun Village, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing, the cadres and masses planted 14,000 trees such as Milao Pai, Acacia blackwood, red cone, Huolinan, and rosewood. "These trees are matched according to the long, medium and short growth cycles to create a broad-leaved mixed forest, and promote the optimization of low-quality and low-efficiency forest stands on both sides of the Xijiang River with points and areas to improve forest appearance," said Ding Jianping, deputy director of the Zhaoqing Forestry Bureau.

  Standing on Niu Mian Mountain and looking down, the clear water of a bay in the West River winds past; from a distance, the three waters of Foshan on the other side of the river can be faintly seen. Ding Jianping said that considering Niu Mian Mountain is the first scenic line of waterway entering Zhaoqing, the local area will make it the "main venue" for voluntary tree planting in Zhaoqing this year.

  In this year’s voluntary tree planting activities, many places have combined the national voluntary tree planting activities with the construction of a high-level urban-rural integrated green and beautiful environment, and the high-quality urban-rural green and beautiful ecological environment of "forest and city depend on each other, forest and people blend" has gradually emerged. In Jieyang Puning, citizens planted yellow flower suzuki, purple flower suzuki and kapok at the municipal voluntary tree planting activity point located on the north bank of Lianjiang River. The seedlings were planted along Lianjiang River, which stretched for 4 kilometers. A beautiful picture of "the city is in the forest, the road is in the green, the house is in the garden, and the people are in the scenery" is slowly unfolding.

  In Shantou, tree planting activities were carried out in the Jufeng Scenic Area of Haojiang District. Cadres, soldiers and volunteers planted Peach, Silver Leaf Acacia, Yellow Flower Wind Suzuki, Bodhi, etc., mostly for viewing flowers and leaves, adding to the creation of a green and beautiful home with scenery in all seasons. After more than 10 years of sewing and inserting green, planting green and replenishing green, the scenic spot has become a good place for citizens and tourists to watch flowers.

  In the Maoming Open-pit Mine Ecological Park, hundreds of green planters waved their hoes and shovels and planted saplings one by one. Open-pit mines used to be the "scars" of the city in the past, but now they have become an important part of the urban landscape, which shows that green planting has become an "example" action of Maoming. This year, Maoming will also focus on guiding the intensive processing of agarwood, orange, oil tea and other characteristic industries, extending the industrial chain of forest products, and at the same time creating a characteristic route of forest tourism, promoting the construction of forest towns and villages, actively cultivating a new business model of "rural tourism + ecology", exploring the development of forestry carbon sink trading, and enhancing the efficiency of Maoming forest "carbon sink discharge".