Concerts across the country have set off a craze, how to make star traffic a city retention

  The weather is getting cooler, and the concerts are still hot. Since the beginning of this year, Mayday, Liu Ruoying, Liang Jingru, Wu Bai, Ren Xianqi, TFboys and other celebrities have started singing in Chongqing, setting off waves of craze. Looking across the country, "Go to a city for a concert" "Spend 500 to buy Wu Bai’s tickets and sing 500 to Wu Bai" and other hot searches have emerged one after another. Next, there are many concerts to be sung, and some venues have been scheduled until 2025…

  Behind the explosion of the concert is healing, feelings, and the chemical reaction brought about by the release of long-suppressed demand, but with it, there are also chaos such as "unable to grab tickets", "strong real-name system out of shape", "poor singer condition", "fans shouting refund tickets on the spot". What new changes have emerged behind the popularity? When the concert fever enters the second half, how can the traffic become the "retention" of the city?

  From chasing stars to pursuing "healing" concerts into a collective carnival

  "I can’t grab it, I can’t grab it at all." This past weekend, Wu Bai started singing in Chongqing. Citizen Hu Lisa is an old fan of Wu Bai and especially wants to participate in the "chorus". Unfortunately, she didn’t get tickets for both games. No matter how many strategies she did before, such as turning off all the programs on her mobile phone and finding the place with the best signal, there were too many people grabbing tickets. "Instead, it was my friend, a passerby fan who got it."

  More and more "passersby fans" are entering the concert scene, which is a new phenomenon this year. They often don’t chase stars, just to enjoy the atmosphere. "I haven’t seen a concert for three years. This time at the door of my house, I have to arrange it no matter what, and focus on a happy one." After watching the Mayday concert, Chongqing audience Chen Han hurriedly sent a set of photos to Moments, and the happy trip ended successfully.

  Zheng Xiaolin, a Guangzhou-based spectator, has seen three concerts a month. "It’s really relieving," she said. When she walked into the venue, she saw the crowd dressed up to watch the concert and the smiles on everyone’s faces, she felt "the moment is so good" and instantly forgot all troubles. At the scene, there will also be a certain lyric that makes her chest feel like it was hit, "the resonance is especially strong."

  Happiness and healing have become high-frequency words for watching concerts. The crowd at concerts can bring a short-term emotional release, and even if they are not chasing stars, people can get healing here. To a certain extent, watching concerts has gradually changed from an internal carnival of fan groups to a collective carnival of public participation.

  In this regard, Yang Yongfeng, an associate professor at the School of Geography and Tourism of Chongqing Normal University, explained: This is the inevitable result of the concentrated release of market demand for large-scale cultural and entertainment activities after the three-year epidemic. "Previously, people were confined to a small family or unit space, and they had a thirst for inner emotions and group connections, and they needed a leisure method similar to a concert to release and resolve."

  The market has also captured this mentality of the public. Since the beginning of this year, performance venues across the country have increased the number of performances to "seamless". Take the Mayday Chongqing concert as an example. From September 22 to 24, the Chongqing Olympic Sports Center held three consecutive days and three consecutive games, 120,000 fans flocked to the venues. "After mastering the audience’s love for concerts, the performers have more confidence. It is normal to have dense performances." Yang Yongfeng said that this is the law of the market economy and the need for economic and social development.

  The audience called out "rollover scene"

  The concert has frequent negative reviews

  At the same time as the popularity, there have also been some chaos. Since the second half of the year, many negative news and comments about the concert have been trending. For example, the TFboys Xi’an concert saw a phenomenon of "scalpers" hyping ticket prices. Shortly after the official announcement, the first row of tickets was fried to tens of thousands of yuan. On the day of the concert, there were also conflicts between fan groups over the competition for the support venue.

  Yang Yongfeng believes that there is a disorder in the ticket management of many concerts, and the emergence of "scalpers" not only damages the rights and interests of consumers, but also directly causes market chaos. Most of the concert audiences are young people, and everyone’s safety awareness is relatively lacking. Emotions are easy to get excited, coupled with the imperfect security mechanism of the organizers, unclear rights and responsibilities, etc., which can easily make the scene lose control.

  On the other hand, the quality of some concerts has aroused doubts among netizens. At Liang Jingru’s concert in Nanjing, more than one audience member reported encountering "pillar tickets" and the location was occupied; at the Chengdu concert, Xue Zhiqian had to stop halfway due to fever and tonsillitis; Miriam Yang’s Xiamen concert, the 580 yuan ticket seats were so dirty that fans did not dare to sit; Jay Chou’s Tianjin concert was suspected of being trapped in props for 20 minutes; at the Hainan "Diva Night" concert, the audience complained that "the song could not be heard clearly and the sound effect was poor"… In this regard, Yang Yongfeng said that there were many performances, heavy tasks, and after the high-intensity "special forces" performance, the singer would inevitably be in poor condition; the organizers blindly pursued economic interests or the pursuit of scenes, lacked control over the status of the guests, and ignored the audience’s feelings; The equipment was not well maintained, the seating arrangement was unreasonable, and the effect was also reduced. If a concert with the selling point of "star effect + live experience" finally brought such an experience to everyone, it would only consume everyone’s enthusiasm and chill the fans.

  Go to a city for a concert

  How to turn traffic into city "retention"

  Although there are a series of practical problems, it has to be admitted that the intensive holding of concerts has brought real popularity and consumption power to the city.

  According to the China Performing Arts Association’s observation of the first quarter of this year, one of the new trends in concert ticket sales is that the proportion of consumers who buy tickets to watch performances across cities has increased significantly, with an average cross-city viewing rate exceeding 50%. Industry insiders believe that compared with simple tourism, concerts attract more "gold content". The data also confirms this – before and after the Mayday Chongqing concert, the number of views of Chongqing hotels, restaurants, etc. rose rapidly, and it was difficult to find a room in the hotels around the Olympic Sports Center; TFboys Xi’an concert ticket revenue was 35.76 million yuan, which directly drove 416 million yuan in tourism revenue; data shows that on October 12, Jay Chou’s Shanghai concert, the day-on-day ratio of Shanghai supper takeout increased by 24%. " Concerts are comprehensive activities that integrate culture, entertainment, and economy. They have a strong’spillover effect ‘. Not only can they bring in considerable ticket revenue, but they can also gather a large number of passengers in a short period of time, driving the development of transportation, accommodation, catering, tourism, and other industries.

  It is understood that in July this year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued "Measures for Restoration and Expansion of Consumption", which mentioned that it is necessary to promote entertainment and sports exhibition consumption. The countdown will start in 2023, but the popularity of concerts continues. According to Barley Network data, 129,000 people marked Li Ronghao’s Chongqing concert "want to see", Zhang Huimei’s Chongqing concert reached 271,000 people, Eason Chan’s Chengdu concert 743,000 people were hot to grab, and some popular performance venues have been scheduled to 2025.

  How can the concert develop in a healthy and orderly manner next, and truly turn the traffic into the city’s "retention"? The first priority is to ensure safety. Yang Yongfeng said that local governments should make advance predictions and responses to problems that may affect safety and stability. The police, enterprises, and the police and the public work closely together to truly establish institutional safety management measures to effectively detect, prevent and reduce hidden dangers from the source.

  Secondly, organizers should strengthen ticketing management. Yang Yongfeng suggested that large-scale concerts implement a real-name ticket purchase and real-name admission system, and establish a refund mechanism. It is also necessary to plug policy loopholes, squeeze the space for "scalpers" to speculate on tickets, and make "strong real names" real and real, so as to truly solve the problem of concert ticket buying. Guide the fan group to establish correct values and cultivate a healthy star-chasing culture.

  "After this wave of fast-paced and hot topics, the concert market will gradually stabilize." Yang Yongfeng believes that in the future, concerts should combine local characteristics to promote the integrated development of "people’s livelihood + cultural performance + industry", expand and strengthen the concert industry chain, and extend the huge flow of people it brings to the entire cultural tourism consumption chain such as scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, and shopping, so as to fully release the "spillover effect" of the concert economy.