Ministry of Transport: The average daily usage of online car-hailing in 2019 exceeded 20 million

Webmaster’s Home ( December 22, news:At today’s press conference of the State Council Information Office, the Ministry of Transport announced data that in 2019, the whole society completed 17.60 billion passengers and 46.20 billion tons of freight, with an average of 48.22 million passengers and 127 million tons of goods in transit every day.

In addition, in 2019, online car-hailing covered more than 400 cities across the country, and the average daily usage of the platform exceeded 20 million. The average daily usage of shared bicycles is about 45 million. The express business volume has completed 63.50 billion pieces, with an average annual growth of 39.1% in the past 10 years. The business volume has jumped to the first place in the world, equivalent to about 174 million pieces of express delivery every day.

This year, the China Intelligent Transportation Association and the Ministry of Transport have also released data on shared bicycles and online car-hailing.

On September 18, the China Intelligent Transportation Association announced data that the national bus card users have approached 500 million, the vehicle and mobile phone navigation users have exceeded 700 million, and the registered users of shared bicycles have exceeded 400 million.

On October 12, the Ministry of Transport announced data that as of now, the average daily order volume of online car-hailing has reached more than 21 million orders. At present, there are 1.39 million cruise taxis across the country, and the daily passenger volume is nearly 100 million.

In addition,December 17th.The Ministry of Transport once again released data saying,As of November 30, 2020, a total of 210 online car-hailing platform companies across the country have obtained the operating license of the online car-hailing platform, and a total of 2.719 million online car-hailing driver licenses and 1.111 million vehicle transportation licenses have been issued in various places. In November 2020, the online car-hailing regulatory information exchange platform received a total of 660 million orders. Among them, there were 8 online car-hailing platforms with a total of more than 1 million orders in the month, namely Enjoy Road Travel, T3 Travel, Cao Cao Travel, Shouqi Car-hailing, Didi Chuxing, Meituan Taxi, Wanshun Taxi, Hua Xiaozhu Travel.
