Stepping on rice noodles, eating cockroaches in scallion pancakes, do you dare to eat such a takeaway "delicacy"?

  CCTV News:In the kitchen, a large bucket of rice noodles was placed on the uneven lime cement floor. One foot was in close contact with the rice noodles. The owner of the foot stepped on the ground with his left foot barefoot wearing slippers, and there was a suspected obvious wound on the back of his right foot. The injured foot was stepping on the rice noodles.

  This is the back kitchen of a takeaway black workshop in Dalian, Liaoning. Recently, the photos posted on Weibo shocked netizens. "Feet + Rice Noodles" touches the bottom line of many netizens.

  "Takeaway store employee’s foot stepped on rice noodles" is clearly visible in the picture

  One informant said his feet were scalded and covered in ointment. Another said the photo was taken in the early hours of the morning and "I felt very sick when I saw it, so I took it." A third informant said he saw it with his own eyes that day, and he was by his side when the photo was taken. "I have seen his family catch rice noodles after blowing his nose and without washing his hands." "At that time, he was not shy about people, and this time he didn’t take care of putting his feet on rice noodles." "His house smells like a pig sty in the countryside."

  It is understood that the merchant’s offline stores and online stores on various takeaway platforms have been closed and suspended.

  Although the store has been closed, the food safety problems caused by online catering have been exposed. Although the "Internet Catering Service Food Safety Supervision and Administration Measures" have been implemented in January this year, the tricks behind online food still exist.

  Mr. Du, a student at Hunan City University, ordered an eggplant rice with minced meat on the takeaway platform. Next to the main course, there was a side dish with shredded kelp and dried radish. After eating nearly a third of it, he found a "cylinder", "thought [the tail] was kelp root, and took a bite" and found it was a mouse. The restaurant involved said that the mouse could not have appeared in the processing of the side dish. The relevant person in charge of the Food and Drug Administration of Yiyang City, Hunan Province, said that the store had been inspected by law enforcement and was further investigating and collecting evidence.


  A dead cockroach that had been cut into several pieces was mixed into the scallion pancake

  Miss Zang in Shanghai ordered a takeaway, but she didn’t expect that a dead cockroach that had been cut into several pieces was mixed into the scallion pancake. After the incident, the merchant did not respond. After the incident was published on Weibo, the merchant’s first reaction was not to apologize but to ask for "deletion of posts". The Changning District Market Supervision Bureau of Shanghai conducted a surprise inspection of the restaurant involved and found that live cockroaches were found on the kitchen wall and other places. At present, the Changning District Market Supervision Bureau has ordered the store to close immediately for rectification and carry out comprehensive rectification.


  CCTV Exposes Dirty Environment of Some Small Restaurants in Online Takeaway

  In some takeaway restaurants that had been exposed by CCTV, the walls were dark and full of oil stains, the sewers gave off a foul smell, the sausages and fish looked bad, and there were cockroaches crawling on the walls. There were no customers here, only diners who ordered food by the APP… Would you dare to eat the food made in this environment?

  No business license and food business license and other qualifications, the use of fake "deck" licenses, dirty and messy kitchen environment, the actual business address does not match the license address, and operates beyond the scope… Some problematic restaurants have repeatedly "changed clothes" through takeaway platforms. Such restaurants pose a great threat to "the safety of the tongue".

  In recent years, the online food ordering market has developed rapidly, and the user scale and usage rate have continued to increase compared with the previous year. Data show that by the end of 2017, the scale of online food delivery users in our country reached 343.38 million, and the usage rate of online food delivery accounted for 44.5% of netizens; the scale of mobile online food delivery users was 322.29 million, and the usage rate of mobile online food delivery accounted for 42.8% of mobile Internet users. With the continuous expansion of the scale of online food delivery services, the integrity of online food delivery has become a new problem that cannot be ignored.

  In the restaurants of the takeaway platform, some of the hygiene conditions can be said to be shocking. On the other hand, some takeaway platforms also have "lax checks" on this phenomenon for the sake of performance.

  A few days ago, in the special project of the Beijing police to crack down on the chaos of online takeaway food delivery, more than 100 black restaurant dens were investigated and shut down, and more than 30 people were criminally and administratively detained. Ji Hui, the captain of the food and drug detachment of the Environmental Food and Drug Brigade of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, said that many merchants are not strong in legal awareness and do not recognize the seriousness of buying and selling false certificates. They think it will be fine if they are fined, but if the circumstances are serious, they may violate the criminal law.

  In addition to the government’s strengthening of supervision, online takeaway platforms also bear the responsibility of management and supervision of food operators. The takeaway platform shall perform the obligation of reviewing the food business qualifications of merchants who join its platform, and ensure that the information on the business license is true. Violators shall be ordered by the Food and Drug Administration to make corrections, confiscate the illegal income, and impose a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan; if serious consequences are caused, the business shall be ordered to be suspended until the license is revoked.

  For consumers, if they encounter problems with the quality of the food and suffer property or personal damage after ordering food online, they can pursue the legal responsibility of the takeaway merchant according to law. According to the Food Safety Law, if they produce food that does not meet food safety standards or sell food that does not meet food safety standards, consumers can not only claim compensation for losses, but also ask the producer or seller to pay ten times the price or three times the loss. If the amount of compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it is 1,000 yuan.

  In addition, before ordering food, consumers should carefully check whether the online catering service unit has a business license, food business license (or catering service license), and check the relevant information of its license, such as business scope, business address and contact number. Choose a reliable takeaway platform, and choose a merchant that has passed the platform review, has legal business qualifications, and has a good reputation.

  After the takeaway is delivered, consumers should check whether the packaging of the catering food is in good condition and clean, and whether the delivered catering food is consistent with the order; check whether the catering food is contaminated or deteriorated in person, and reject it if it is found that the catering food has deteriorated or deteriorated. If there is a problem, you can keep the relevant consumption vouchers and call the consumer rights protection hotline 12315 to complain and report. (Text/Ren Jia)