The man ordered takeout and was eaten by the rider, and was also threatened by the rider’s text messages

  Qilu Evening News (reporter, Qi Yunlei, intern, He Xishuang) At noon on July 22, Mr. Qi, a citizen of Jinan, ordered a takeaway through, but he didn’t expect to wait for more than an hour before receiving it. After contacting the delivery rider, the rider actually claimed that he was taking revenge on the person who ordered the takeaway, and sent a text message to abuse and threaten Mr. Qi. At present, the platform has been involved in the investigation, and a delivery manager of said that he will pay Mr. Qi.

  At around 7pm on the 22nd, the netizens "Cen Cen _" broke the news on the Internet, saying that he ordered a takeaway through at noon, but did not expect to be eaten by the rider who delivered the food. "This person took the order to get the meal, and then ordered to complete the order for himself to eat. Then the mobile phone was turned off and could not be contacted. customer service did not care. The responsibility was pushed to the merchant, and the merchant was pushed to" netizens said.

  According to the exposed order, the reporter saw that netizens spent 32.75 yuan to order takeout, showing that it was delivered at 1:34 pm, and the delivery rider was Liu. However, two other screenshots show that Liu sent multiple text messages to netizens at 3:29 to abuse, with a bad attitude and a lot of swear words. He also said "we are in the dark" and "be careful of bricks these days", and made verbal threats to netizens.

  At 9 PM on the 22nd, the reporter contacted Mr. Qi, who broke the news. According to his introduction, he ordered the takeaway at 12 noon. An hour later, although the order showed that the takeaway had been delivered to the destination, it was strange that he did not get the takeaway.

  Then, Mr. Qi tried to contact the rider to ask where his takeaway was, but the rider’s phone could not get through. He contacted the customer service of again, but the customer service staff put the responsibility on the merchant and did not deal with it. In desperation, Mr. Qi contacted a regional manager of, who just asked him to order another takeaway without explaining the relevant problems.

  Then why did the rider send abusive text messages? Mr. Qi said that he later contacted the delivery rider Liu and asked why the other party did not deliver the food to him. As a result, the rider told him that the food was indeed in his hands, and he ordered the delivery on purpose without delivering it. The purpose is to treat people like him who specialize in ordering food, because they do not get paid. "It sounds like he has a kind of revenge mentality."

  Mr. Qi told reporters that he had contacted Liu with another mobile phone number at the time, but Liu began to keep calling and harassing him, one after another, and even sent text messages to abuse him. Unbearable, Mr. Qi complained again to customer service, but the customer service staff only sent him the rider’s information and asked him to contact the rider himself. "They did this so incorrectly that they haven’t dealt with it until now," Mr. Qi said.

  According to the situation reported by Mr. Qi, the reporter tried to contact the rider involved to verify the relevant information, but Liu’s mobile phone has been unanswered.

  Subsequently, the reporter contacted a manager surnamed Li who was in charge of takeaway delivery at Regarding the situation that Mr. Qi placed an order but did not get the takeaway, Manager Li said that they would negotiate with the merchant to compensate Mr. Qi. As for the rider’s abuse and threats against Mr. Qi, Manager Li said he was not clear and they would verify.

  Reporters noticed that when Mr. Qi exposed the rider online, official Weibo quickly responded and apologized to the user for the matter, saying that it would private message the parties and communicate the specific situation.

  "Money is a small matter, but I am very dissatisfied with the way handles it. The takeaway was not delivered, the rider scolded people, and the customer service has been dragging it out." At 10 pm on the 22nd, Mr. Qi said that the staff of the platform had called him back, and the other party would refund him today.