8 minutes of "hurricane", red and blue warning lights become life-saving green lights! High fever of 40 ° C, foaming at the mouth… This disease is menacing, you must be vigilant

Original, full of positive energy, Qiantang New District News

"Here we are, send to the emergency room!"

February 25th at 10:00 pm

A police car with flashing lights

"Rush" to the entrance of the emergency room of Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

Hezhuang police station police Zhou Zewei

Pull the door open and jump out

It’s usually a 20-minute drive.

It only takes 8 minutes to "go crazy" all the way

"Comrade police, my child has a high fever and is in a coma

I need urgent medical treatment, please help! "

It turned out that ten minutes ago

Qiantang Public Security received a call for help

Ms. Mao lives in Hezhuang Street

The grandson fainted due to a high fever

Foaming at the mouth, critical condition

In less than 5 minutes, Hezhuang Police Station police officer Zhou Zewei

I drove a police car to Ms. Mao’s house

High fever 40 degrees Celsius, body keeps twitching

Foaming out of his mouth…

Parents feel sorry for their children and sweat in a hurry

Zhou Zewei is also nervous

Immediately let Mr. Mao pick up the child and get into the police car

Under the premise of ensuring safety

Quickly rush to Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

On the way, he sounded the siren to warn the vehicles ahead to avoid

While reassuring anxious parents

In order not to delay the rescue time

A vehicle is blocked on the road.

Zhou Zewei shouted loudly

Alert the driver ahead to avoid

The police lights are shining in the dark

All the way

With the cooperation of many enthusiastic drivers

The police car arrived at the hospital smoothly

After getting off the bus, Zhou Zewei asked Mr. Mao

Take the baby to the emergency room

He quickly called a doctor for consultation

After examination, the child was infected with influenza A, causing stress fever

With emergency treatment, her high fever gradually subsided

Out of danger

At present, the child has been safely discharged from the hospital

(Officer Zhou at work)

Recently, the frequent occurrence of influenza A has attracted social attention. Afterwards, the reporter also interviewed the doctors of Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital to interpret it for the public –


What is "A-stream"?

A: Influenza A refers to an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the influenza A virus. It is highly infectious and the population is generally susceptible. Spring is the high incidence period of influenza A.


What are the symptoms of "influenza A"?

What is the difference between it and the common cold?

A: Due to the similarity of symptoms, many residents will confuse influenza A with the common cold. In fact, compared to the common cold, the symptoms of influenza A are often more serious.

① From the perspective of fever, the duration of A-stream fever is longer, which can reach 3-5 days; hot topics are prone to occur, and the body temperature can reach 39 ° C or higher.

② From the perspective of accompanying symptoms, influenza A is often accompanied by sore throat, muscle pain, general weakness, etc., and patients may experience symptoms such as chills, chills, poor spirits, and vomiting.


"H1N1" Which groups need special attention?

A: Generally speaking, the elderly and children with underlying diseases need special attention. Young and middle-aged people are less susceptible to infection due to their strong resistance.


What should I do if I have swine flu? Is swine flu easy to turn into severe disease?

A: If you have flu-like symptoms, fever, sore throat or cough during the epidemic season of influenza A, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible. The doctor will determine whether it is influenza A based on further examinations, such as nucleic acid tests, and will give antiviral treatment or antiviral prophylaxis as soon as possible to shorten the course of the disease and prevent severe illness.

At the same time, the doctor cautioned that the severe incidence of influenza A is relatively low, and as long as patients seek medical attention promptly after experiencing flu-like symptoms, they can largely avoid becoming more severe.


How to prevent swine flu?

A: ① Active vaccination against influenza can reduce the probability of infection and also reduce the occurrence of severe and critical influenza.

② Wear masks in a standardized manner and avoid going to crowded places.

Wash your hands frequently, open windows frequently, and maintain indoor air circulation.

④ If someone around you experiences respiratory symptoms, try to avoid close contact with them.

In addition, in addition to influenza A, there are also some spring epidemics that require attention:


Norovirus is mainly transmitted by the intestine and is highly contagious. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, etc. The course of the disease is short, generally about 2-3 days. It is mainly spread through contaminated water sources, food, items, air, etc.

hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses, mainly through the digestive tract or respiratory tract droplets, usually fever symptoms, papules and herpes on the palms and soles of the feet, herpes or ulcers on the oral mucosa, and obvious pain.


It is an acute infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus infection, mainly in infants and preschool children. It is generally transmitted through droplets. Patients will experience symptoms such as headache and fever, and will develop into blisters with itching later. After the onset, there will be lifelong immune effects.


Mumps, also known as "mumps", is a common respiratory infectious disease in children and adolescents. It is an acute, systemic infection caused by the mumps virus. Patients often experience symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache, and swollen and painful parotid glands on one or both sides of the ear. The entire course of the disease is about 7-12 days.

Source | District Rong Media Center, Hezhuang Police Station, Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

Original title: "8 minutes of" hurricane ", red and blue warning lights become life-saving green lights! High fever of 40 ° C, foaming at the mouth… This disease is menacing, you must be vigilant"

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