Fang Zhigang: Every drop of crude oil is the crystallization of science and technology.

  Editor’s Note: The publicity campaign on the theme of "Chinese Dream: Artisans in Great Countries" was jointly carried out by the National Internet Information Office and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, aiming at vigorously promoting the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and artisans, creating a glorious social fashion of labor and a professional atmosphere of striving for perfection, giving full play to the demonstration and leading role of advanced model figures, and encouraging more workers, especially young people, to take the road of becoming talents and serving the country with skills.

  China Youth Network, Beijing, September 29th (Reporter Mou Haokun Intern reporter Wu Boyang correspondent Hasyeti Kasmu Li Shuangxing) Petroleum is the most important raw material in modern industrial society. Everyone’s food, clothing, housing and transportation are closely related to oil and natural gas.

  For example, a bottle of mineral water on the table, which is put in front of you after water source discovery, mining, purification, bottling and transportation, consumes a third of the oil. If it is fruit juice, the oil consumption will be as much as half a bottle.

  Before graduating from college, like many young people who have never been to an oil field, Fang Zhigang, a first-class engineer in Tuha Oilfield and a technical expert in China Petroleum Gas Lift Center, thought that once an oil well was drilled, the oil could be ejected or pumped out and then applied to all aspects of our lives. However, when he arrived in the Turpan-Hami basin, he realized that oil is contained in rock sand and needs to be "washed out" again and again by water and polymers.

  Recently, the reporter followed the theme propaganda activity of "Chinese Dream, Artisans of Great Powers", and learned about the whole process of oil from exploitation, refining to export, as well as the symbolic brand technology of China oil. "Gas-lift oil recovery is an oil recovery method that injects high-pressure gas into the well from the ground and uses the principle of gas expansion to reduce the liquid density in the wellbore and lift crude oil to the ground." Fang Zhigang is an outstanding representative engaged in this technical research and the leader of the gas lift technical innovation team in recent years.

  "What we are doing is to make oil wells produce high and stable yields."

  "Facing the long yellow sand and the vast Gobi every day, it’s a bit monotonous and lonely after a long time, but I’m used to it." After graduating from college, Fang Zhigang, a young man from the northeast, came to the northwest of the motherland, which gradually made him feel special about this land in Xinjiang. In his eyes, the vast desert contains infinite possibilities. "If you want to dry oil, you want to choose the place with the most oil fields. The most promising place in the future is Xinjiang." He said.

  Fang Zhigang went into the gas distribution room to check the gas injection in the gas lift well at the gas lift technical operation site in Jannarol Oilfield (well 2397). Photo courtesy of respondents

  When he first arrived in Tuha Oilfield, Fang Zhigang came to Tuha Drilling Company for an internship. But the drilling work is a far cry from what Fang Zhigang imagined. Fang Zhigang starts from the construction site every day, lifting drill pipes and removing cuttings. At the end of the day, he is covered with mud and oil. What impressed me the most was that one day a nearby well overflowed and several drilling teams helped to prepare mud. Fang Zhigang and his workmates carried barite powder and poured it into the mud pit in bags. A bag of 25 kilograms, busy from the afternoon until late at night, when the danger is lifted, everyone is tired and paralyzed at the well site.

  This is the first time that Fang Zhigang experienced heavy physical labor. Later, I heard from Master that overflow is the precursor of blowout, and barite powder mixed with mud is used to kill well and make blowout. If you hold down the well, it will be fine. If you can’t hold down the well, it will be a blowout accident, and the most serious machine will destroy people. At that time, what appeared in Fang Zhigang’s mind was the picture of Iron Man Wang Jinxi jumping into the mud pool, and he also understood the special significance behind everyone’s shoulder-pulling.

  After the first Spring Festival in Tuha Oilfield, the company informed Fang Zhigang to report to the Institute of Engineering Technology. When he arrived at the Academy of Engineering and entered the gas lift center, Fang Zhigang’s first task was to design a slim hole expandable packer. At that time, Tuha Oilfield used sidetracking technology to bring a number of old wells and casing damaged wells back to life and re-employed. However, there is no matching small diameter packer in China, so the oilfield decided to develop it by itself.

  When designing the rubber tube, the research team encountered problems. Small size does not have enough bearing capacity, and large size can’t get into the well. Repeated adjustment of the design failed to solve the problem. "It’s like a seesaw, taking care of one end and not caring about the other." Fang Zhigang said.

  After soaking in the workshop for several days, Fang Zhigang pondered it over and over again. He found that the most serious deformation of the rubber tube was mainly at both ends, and this factor mainly affected the sealing performance.

  "Can you change the rubber tube from fixed to movable, so as to reduce the risk of damage and improve the sealing performance?" Fang Zhigang’s idea, after implementation, really solved the problem. Master asserted that a single-minded young man can do technology and research.

  After a period of oil well production, the pressure drop and the output drop, all of which need to be supplemented by artificial lifting to improve the output. In Fang Zhigang’s view, among many artificial lifting oil production methods, gas lift can give full play to the reservoir’s own energy. Under the condition of gas source, gas lift oil production is the first choice and the most economical and effective artificial lifting method in the oilfield. Moreover, gas lift can produce oil in the whole life cycle from the initial stage of production to the final shutdown.

  With gas lift, wells with insufficient energy for flowing production can produce normally, wells with low production can increase production, and wells with high production can obtain higher production. Fang Zhigang often vividly said to the gas lift team members, "What we are doing is to make the oil well high and stable, make the oil field develop efficiently, and strive to make the oil field younger."

  "The mountain is climbed step by step."

  In 2010, Fang Zhigang took over the 48-gas lift technical service of BBA Oilfield in the Middle East, and the biggest problem was gas lift tools.

  The crude oil in BBA Oilfield has "four highs", high sulfur content, high wax content, high carbon dioxide content and high asphaltene content, which requires high sulfur and corrosion resistance for downhole tools. In particular, the oil well is large in size and high in production, and the diameter of the working cylinder of gas lift valve is required to be 168 mm, while the largest size of Tuha gas lift in the past was only 127 mm.

  "The diameter has increased by 41 mm, which seems to have only increased by one-third, but the technological difficulty is geometric growth, which is easy to talk about!" It is time-consuming, heavy-duty and difficult to complete the R&D and manufacturing test of tools and put them into field application within one year. When I first took over the task in 2010, many people described it as an "impossible task".

  "The mountain is climbed step by step, and the ship is shaken out one by one." Fang Zhigang said, "If you don’t do it, you will never succeed."

  When it really gets started, problems follow.

  The first is to prevent hydrogen sulfide. Sulfur is the nemesis of metals. Generally, when metal meets hydrogen sulfide, it will produce "hydrogen embrittlement" phenomenon, and the stress will drop greatly, so it is easy to break off. The upper and lower ends of the working cylinder of the gas lift valve are connected with oil pipes, and the diameter is relatively small, while the diameter of the body part is large, which is "small at both ends and thick in the middle" on the whole. In the past, the working cylinder of gas lift valve mostly adopted welding technology, three-stage combination and two welds. However, sulfur has a great influence on the weld, and the sulfur-proof welding process is more difficult.

  Domestic factories have found one after another, but they can’t guarantee sulfur-resistant welding. "Welding can’t be changed to forging!" Forging is not difficult. Just to solve the problems of shrinkage ratio and compression resistance, I don’t know how many times I optimized the structure repeatedly, and finally I had to choose a special-shaped working cylinder similar to an ellipse.

  Press the hoist to float the ladle, avoiding the welding problem and welcoming the forging test. The special-shaped structure has greatly increased the difficulty of forging, and it is only after half a year of tackling key problems that we have found the top domestic factory in Shenyang.

  Dozens of such large and small problems have been solved, almost all of which are original solutions. Finally, it’s time to wake up the underground gas lift tools. Whether the gas-lift tools that have been dormant underground for several years can be started normally or not, the gas-lift ceremony of Well 028 affects the hearts of all parties in the oilfield. Although every step of gas lift is carefully calculated and thought out, many original technologies are used to extract oil under such harsh conditions, which is unprecedented in China. "Whether it’s a dragon or a worm, we’ll see." Just like welcoming the birth of a child, Fang Zhigang was both nervous and excited in those days. "I still have the confidence to do my own work!"

  At 9: 00 am on July 18, 2017, with the opening of the gas injection valve, natural gas was continuously injected into the wellbore. The primary valve is over-gassed, and the secondary valve is over-gassed … … Two days later, the gas lift well entered the normal working state, and the oil well output rose steadily until it exceeded 30% of the initial daily production. The oil field won the environmental protection award issued by the local government, which is the first time that the local government’s foreign cooperation project has won such an honor for decades.

  "My greatest value is here."

  In North Trouvat Oilfield (Well 7546), Fang Zhigang (third from left) led the team to go deep into the technical service site to carry out technical services. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Working in the oil field and serving the domestic and foreign countries by gas lift is the norm in Fang Zhigang, and even the wife who works in the same unit rarely meets it.

  At the end of 2014, his father, who was far away in the northeast, was critically ill, and Fang Zhigang hurried back to his hometown. When I met my father in the hospital, my condition was so serious that it was no longer suitable for treatment. Father said, "Son, let’s go home." Going home that day, my father died in the middle of the night.

  I have been working for many years, far away from my hometown, and there are only a handful of days to be with my father. Children want to raise and don’t stay close. Fang Zhigang said that the most regrettable thing is that he failed to convince his father to come to Xinjiang to live together before his death.

  After the birth of his youngest daughter, he was away on business all the year round. I have a vacation once in a while, but I can’t stay for a few days. When I first met my father, my little daughter felt strange and cried. Go to bed at night and drive straight out. A few days later, I finally got a little hot, and it was time to go again.

  In 2011, Tuha gas lift entered the Middle East market. As the head of the Middle East project in Beijing, Fang Zhigang is as busy as a top every day. In July, it was the critical moment of business operation, and the two daughters had a high fever at the same time. Three days later, I still have a high fever. The wife was really desperate, so she called Fang Zhigang.

  Report to the leader, immediately grant leave, and arrange for colleagues in Tuha Oilfield to coordinate vehicles and help take care of them. Fang Zhigang finished the work at hand overnight, and instructed his colleagues. Only then did he fly back to Xinjiang in a hurry and rushed to the hospital. At this time, the child’s body temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius, especially the one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, who has been in a coma since she had a fever. The doctor suggested that she be transferred to the hospital immediately. Rushed to Urumqi overnight, the hospital arranged directly into the intensive care unit. Seeing the child with an oxygen tube and a stomach tube, this strong northeast man shed tears.

  Fortunately, three days later, the high fever eased and the child could open his eyes, so the couple were a little relieved. A week later, the child was transferred to the general ward. Fang Zhigang was ready to put up with his wife’s complaints and scolding, but she didn’t say anything. She understands that most oil families do.

  A few years ago, some mainland enterprises also offered olive branches with high salaries, hoping to seek common development. Fang Zhigang declined politely. He said: "It is my breath that has made me. My greatest value is here, and the stage for giving full play to my talents is also here."

Huafu Fashion rose 5.35% to 5.12 yuan/share.

On March 13th, Huafu Fashion rose 5.35% to 5.12 yuan/share at 10:12, with a turnover of 289 million yuan and a turnover rate of 3.38%, with a total market value of 8.707 billion yuan.

According to the data, Huafu Fashion Co., Ltd. is located at No.6 Shishan Road, New Economic Development Zone, Huaibei City, Anhui Province. The company is the world’s leading color spinning brand and new yarn supplier, mainly engaged in medium and high-grade colored spinning yarn, high-grade new blank yarn and dyed yarn, and provides value-added services such as fashion trend, raw material and product certification, tag and technical consultation. At present, the company has formed a production capacity of 2 million spindles, with an annual output of 300,000 tons of new yarn. The leading products are exported to Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macao, Southeast Asia and other dozens of countries and regions.

As of September 30th, the number of shareholders of Huafu Fashion was 25,200, with 67,400 shares outstanding per capita.

From January to September 2023, Huafu Fashion achieved an operating income of 11.053 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 16.91%; The net profit attributable was 84,937,800 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 71.74%.

Awesome, my C919! The first flight of China big plane is in sight.

  Wu Guanghui, chief designer of Comac C919 and ARJ21, has won the national special prize for scientific and technological progress and the first prize for national defense scientific and technological achievements. A key model won the first prize of China Aviation Industry Corporation I and the first prize of the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Committee.

  "Many aircraft parts are made in China and fly in the sky every day. C919 has gone through nearly seven years, and has done a lot of design, calculation and experiments. I am definitely willing to take this plane first. "

  — — Wu Guanghui

  These days, in the commercial aircraft test center of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation, the newly-built Zhuqiao test hangar in Pudong is spacious and bright. In the hangar, the landing gear that originally supported the domestic large passenger plane C919 was all put into the landing gear cabin, and three air springs like "jacks" lifted the plane into mid-air. What is going on here is the ground resonance test and modal coupling test of the whole aircraft that must be completed before the first flight, which means that the C919 has officially entered the final sprint stage before the first flight.

  C919 is a domestic large passenger plane independently designed and developed by China. It is a short-haul single-aisle narrow-body passenger plane with more than 150 seats. In the future, it will compete with internationally renowned commercial aircraft such as Airbus 320 series and Boeing 737 series for orders. The manufacturer China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. recently announced that the C919 plans to make its first flight in the first half of 2017 and will fully launch the wide-body passenger aircraft project. It can be said that after nearly 10 years of hard work, China people’s dream of "big plane" will soon become a reality.

  ① Rigorous test to ensure safety.

  To fly into the blue sky, a plane must first practice a pair of steel bars and iron bones. For the C919, which carries the dream of a big plane for Chinese people, the significance of the test is even more significant. This is the first large passenger plane made in China, and its safety cannot be lost.

  For this reason, C919 has undergone a series of tests like "torture". Among them, the 2.5g static test of the whole aircraft started in early November last year is the most severe and significant one since the birth of the C919.

  This test mainly tests the strain and deformation of the "skeleton" of the body under constant external loading. In layman’s terms, this kind of test is to let the aircraft simulate the stress situation when challenging air flight on the ground, and go beyond the natural limit to verify how much force the aircraft can bear.

  Before the start of the experiment, the researchers covered the whole body with white adhesive tape, which is a resistance strain gauge that can sensitively measure stress and strain close to the surface of the body, just like doing electrocardiogram for the plane. During the test, the load starts to rise at the level of 5%, and the load must be kept for 3 seconds every time. "The structure must be able to withstand the ultimate load for 3 seconds without damage." Zhou Liang Dao, deputy chief designer of the C919 passenger plane, said that the preparation behind the team took more than 300 days for this short three seconds.

  With the continuous loading, the aircraft began to show obvious external reflection, and the wing began to tilt up a little. Finally, when the load reaches 100% of the test outline, the wing tip tilts up to nearly 2 meters, which is highly consistent with the strength analysis before the test, which shows that the test is successful and its strong "bones" and body are enough to support flying into the blue sky.

  This is just a small step in the long March before the first flight of the plane. A passenger plane has to complete 13 static tests in 48 working conditions, including pressurization in the booster cabin, front lifting connection, main lifting connection, whole aircraft condition, vertical tail and rudder, as well as "three-bird test" such as iron bird, copper bird and electric bird and joint test of the whole aircraft system. Therefore, researchers have made independent innovations in system integration experiments.

  In the comprehensive test hall of Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, the iron bird test-bed with little difference from the C919 real machine looks like an eagle with wings spread and its tail stuck high. Don’t underestimate this test-bed. Its full name is "Integrated Test-bed for Flight Control Hydraulic System", which mainly tests the landing gear, wings and other mechanical systems of aircraft. In order to ensure the authenticity of the system test, the iron bird test-bed is designed according to the 1:1 ratio of the real aircraft, so that the mechanical installation interfaces of the flight control, hydraulic and landing gear systems are the same as those of the aircraft.

  Next to the Iron Bird Test Bench, there is also a "Copper Bird" that tests power supply systems such as power generation and distribution, and also restores the real state of the machine to 1:1 for equipment installation. "Iron Bird", "Copper Bird" and the avionics system test called "Electric Bird" will eventually be all connected, thus forming a "three-bird joint test" to simulate the state of the aircraft.

  In the experiment, researchers conducted a comprehensive test on the aircraft system. Take the avionics system as an example. At most, there are more than 100,000 parameters in a test. These parameters should be tested one by one to find out the possible omissions in the design. "Our goal is not to take the fault to the sky." Yu Shenghui, senior engineer of the General Aerodynamics Department of Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, said.

  According to the plan, six testing machines are carrying out joint testing of the whole machine system, and customer service engineering and airworthiness work are also being carried out simultaneously.

  ②C919 is genuine China goods.

  As the first large passenger plane with completely independent intellectual property rights in China, C919 has been frequently questioned since it was established in 2006: an aircraft whose engine, avionics core processing system and some materials all depend on foreign products or technologies, why should it be said to be "made in China"?

  In fact, to evaluate the innovation of C919, we may need to draw lessons from a fairy tale named Pony Crossing the River. This story is about a pony crossing a river. A cow next to it said, "The water is very shallow, just without a calf, so you can cross it." But the squirrel in the tree said, "The water is deep and will drown." So, is the river deep or shallow? Finally, the pony got off the river by himself and carefully waded to the other side. It found that the river was neither as shallow as the cow said, nor as deep as the squirrel said. The same is true for the development and innovation of C919. Everyone should not only see the major innovations achieved in the process of aircraft development, but also objectively admit the existing shortcomings.

  According to international standards, judging whether an airplane is made in China or assembled depends on whether it meets three conditions. 1. Who owns the property right of the whole machine? Second, who is the core team to develop the whole machine? Third, who holds the key link in the development of the whole machine? For C919, the answer to these three questions is China.

  The person in charge of Comac in China said that the property right of the C919 is owned by Comac in China. The team of Comac in China is the core of the development, and the key links such as aircraft design, final assembly, test flight and sales are in the hands of Comac in China.

  As for foreign companies providing parts or technology, this is a common thing in the global aviation manufacturing industry. Aviation manufacturing giants such as Boeing and Airbus also use foreign products on many key components when developing aircraft.

  However, for equipment like engines, the C919 chose the LEAP-X1C engine jointly developed by the United States and France, which is the only foreign starting power device selected by the C919. It should be said that the engine is indeed a major constraint in the development of China’s large aircraft, and it can only be sought from people at present. However, I believe that in 10 to 15 years, China will be able to develop its own advanced aero-engine for large aircraft.

  ③ Have a number of scientific and technological innovations.

  Experts said that the C919 was completely designed and integrated independently, with outstanding technical indicators. It is the persistent innovation of researchers who have sharpened their swords for ten years that has led to the high-tech C919, which integrates many key technologies.

  However, what did C919 look like when it was approved as one of the 16 major projects in the national medium-and long-term science and technology planning in January 2006? What difficulties may be encountered in the development? Due to the limitation of western aviation powers in technology introduction, China researchers have no idea and can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

  In November 2008, the C919 project was launched. A large passenger aircraft joint engineering team composed of 468 experts from 47 domestic and foreign units, plus a large passenger aircraft expert consulting group composed of 20 academicians and experts, started from sketches and gradually sorted out the first batch of 14 special technical research projects that need to be started.

  Among these key technologies, there are several that must be mentioned. For example, the "supercritical airfoil" that makes airplanes more fuel efficient. A large passenger airliner is an out-and-out "oil tiger". In order to reduce fuel consumption, the wing design of C919 uses a supercritical airfoil, which improves the cruise aerodynamic efficiency by more than 20% and reduces drag by about 8%.

  Another unique innovation is the adoption of the third generation Al-Li alloy materials. It is the first time in China that the world’s advanced third-generation Al-Li alloy materials are widely used in the main structure of C919. Compared with ordinary aluminum alloy, this lightweight metal material with high damage resistance has greater strength and lighter weight under the same strength, which is very important to realize the weight reduction of aircraft structure and greatly improve the service life of aircraft.

  In addition, as the "brain" of the C919, the avionics system of the aircraft has realized "giving all the work to the network". Compared with the old version of the network, which was widely used before but had limited bandwidth, the new aviation bus communication protocol adopted by C919 not only has high bandwidth but also shares resources, which means that the signals that originally needed to be transmitted through several cables can now be transmitted by one cable. Experts said that this is like we need to run 10 trains from A to B, but we don’t need to build 10 railways. We only need a set of double-track railways and a reliable signal system.

  According to Wu Guanghui, the chief designer of C919, the developers have planned 102 key technical problems, and many advanced materials have been applied on a large scale in domestic civil aircraft for the first time. The development process of millions of parts and airborne systems is highly parallel. In order to overcome these technical difficulties, 22 provinces and cities, more than 200 enterprises, 36 universities and hundreds of thousands of industrial personnel participated in the development of C919 large passenger aircraft, and 16 material manufacturers and 54 standard parts manufacturers including Baosteel became suppliers or potential suppliers of large passenger aircraft projects.

  Our reporter Peng Xunwen

The beauty of reading | It’s always shallow to get what you get on paper, but you don’t know how to do it.


Reading on a Winter’s Night and Showing Children’s Yue is a group of eight poems taught by Lu You. This poem is the most famous third poem, which was written at the end of the fifth year of Qingyuan in Song Ningzong (1199). Zi Yu is Lu You’s youngest son. In his poems, Lu You encouraged his son to work hard and persevere in learning, emphasizing that learning can not be satisfied with book knowledge, but must be "practiced" — — Only by learning and applying knowledge in practice can we achieve something.

The first two sentences of the poem say that the ancients always tried their best to learn, and only by working hard when they were young can they achieve something in the future. The word "no effort" summarizes the degree to which the ancients worked hard and tirelessly in learning. The last two sentences, "I feel shallow at the end of the paper, but I don’t know how to do it", are poetic eyes. Paper: books. Know nothing: understand deeply and thoroughly. This means that the knowledge gained from books is inevitably superficial, and to thoroughly understand things, you must practice it yourself. Lu You emphasized the importance of practice from the relationship between book knowledge and social practice. This feeling of the poet’s reading in winter night is the most profound understanding of his life as a scholar. He told his son: a person who has both book knowledge and practical experience is a truly learned person; Reading must strive to achieve "heart-to-heart, eye-to-eye, mouth-to-mouth", and can draw inferences from others in practice to achieve mastery.






(作者 杨立新)


What should online games rely on to win the future?

  Recently, a number of ministries and commissions jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content. Bright pictures/vision china

  In recent years, China’s online games have developed rapidly and the content forms are constantly enriched. At the same time, it must be noted that the lack of cultural connotation of online games in China is more prominent, some games have a tendency to vulgar violence, and the values of individual works are biased. Recently, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content, which opened the curtain of online game industry governance nationwide. Taking this industry governance as an opportunity, online games are bidding farewell to the old stage of barbaric growth and welcoming a new era of transformation and upgrading.

  There is an urgent need to standardize the governance of online game market.

  To sum up, there are four kinds of problems in online games at present: universal and serious addiction, serious vulgarization of some contents, emphasis on form but light on connotation, and wanton deconstruction of traditional cultural classics and values.

  Addiction is a major feature that distinguishes online literature from traditional literature, among which online games are the most addictive. Once a netizen suffers from Internet addiction, it will not only consume a lot of time, energy and money, but also seriously damage his physical and mental health. The main users of online games are between the ages of 15 and 25. These teenagers have poor self-control and their minds are not yet fully mature. Once they are infected with Internet addiction, their physical and mental injuries are often very serious.

  Online games are not only the most addictive, but also the problem of vulgarization is serious. For example, in a popular MOBA online game, most female characters such as Wu Zetian, Xiao Qiao, The Story Of Diu Sim and da ji are scantily dressed, wearing sexy short skirts or long skirts. However, in large MMORPG 3D online games such as "Dragon’s Eight Branches" and "Zhu Xian", the role modeling with erotic and seductive meanings has been brought into full play. In addition to visual pornography, many games even add interactive content, such as the 3D online game "Myth", which has a built-in interactive little game called "Ghost Story", so that players can "experience" the pornographic scene of stealing women and stealing jade by manipulating characters. The above-mentioned vulgar pornographic content can be found everywhere in online games, which is extremely harmful to the physical and mental health of young players.

  Formalization is also a prominent problem in online games, which is manifested in excessive pursuit of external sensory experience and content almost becoming a vassal of form. Many domestic war games are designed with "skins" that need to be purchased before they can be used, and many games will regularly launch some "limited skins" for short-term sale according to specific festivals. Games such as the glory of the king, Battle Against the Snake, etc. are constantly launching a large number of various "skin" shapes to attract players to spend. No matter what kind of "skin", its function is just to change the audio-visual special effects in the game, which has nothing to do with the content of the game.

  There are also some games that arbitrarily deconstruct cultural classics and convey wrong values. For example, in a turn-based role-playing game with The Journey to the West as its content, both the demon and the demon are justified, and the inferno becomes an equal force with the Terran and the Fairy, thus the image of "man-eating monster" in the original work is easily dispelled. Another game with the content of "Three Kingdoms" is mixed with many fictional myths and legends on the basis of deconstructing the story of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The characters in this game, such as "Yin and Yang Scholars" and "Magician", have supernatural power and can use all kinds of magic. In addition, the excessive deconstruction of history and historical figures is also a common problem in online games. In a popular game, the backgrounds and experiences of all historical figures are deconstructed to varying degrees. For example, Gao Jianli is deconstructed as a wild and uninhibited "genius musician", Di Renjie is endowed with "extremely strong obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness tendency" and other unique personalities, Jing Ke is designed as a sexy female assassin, Huang Zhong is shaped as a gunner who operates a cannon, and da ji is deconstructed as a magic puppet with powers. The above-mentioned question game tells a false story of China, portrays a false image of China, and spreads a wrong view of history, which not only harms users’ physical and mental health,It is also not conducive to the construction of China’s cultural security and soft power.

  Build a strong position to tell the story of China well

  The problem of online games has a long history. To fundamentally solve all kinds of problems in the production and communication of online games, we need to start with top-level design, take multiple measures and make comprehensive policies.

  At present, Tencent, Netease, Sohu, Sina and other private capital or foreign capital-controlled Internet companies occupy the main position on the supply side of online game content in China. While calling on online game enterprises to assume more social responsibilities, in order to fundamentally improve the production pattern of online games in China, we must implement the supply-side reform of online literature and art, and build a number of powerful national teams of online literature and art as soon as possible, and the national teams will intervene and lead the development of online game industry.

  In order to ensure the core competitiveness of the national team in the online game market, the author suggests to build the first echelon of the online game national team based on the existing state-owned leading online media. For example, people’s network, CCTV, Xinhuanet and other powerful national online media can open up special online literature and art channels, recruit top talents in online game research and development around the world, develop a number of phenomenal online game products with both social and economic benefits, and build a strong position to tell the story of China on the Internet. For the strong private network literature and art production and communication subject, it can be developed into the second echelon of the online game national team by means of acquisition, holding or mixed reform. In addition, we can also acquire, hold or participate in a number of well-known foreign online game R&D teams with leading content production and network technology to form an alliance of the online game national team. The national online game team constructed in this way is conducive to the optimal allocation of various resources, which can not only lead the direction of telling the story of China in Socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also maintain high market sensitivity and creative vitality.

  The governance of online games can’t treat the symptoms only. To fundamentally solve the problem, we need to establish an institutional mechanism to ensure the green, healthy and sustainable development of online games. The author suggests that legislation on online literature and art should be started as soon as possible, so as to clarify the respective rights and obligations of the producers, communicators, consumers and regulators of online literature and art, and clearly define all kinds of illegal acts and punishment measures in online literature and art practice, so as to provide sufficient jurisprudence and legal basis for online game supervision. At the same time, the regulatory authorities should work with online game research institutions to introduce online game quality grading standards as soon as possible to improve the online threshold of online games; Develop a workable mechanism for screening, inspecting and identifying mental damage in online games to provide technical support for supervision. In addition, it is necessary to establish an online game criticism team with experts and scholars as the main body, actively guide online game criticism public opinion, and implement all-weather and full-coverage academic monitoring of online game industry operation.

  Deeply cultivate excellent cultural information resources on the Internet.

  Online games should embark on the road of healthy and sustainable development. Apart from the macro-level management of the country, it is more important for online games to practice their internal skills, enrich their contents and enhance their cultural content.

  Compared with traditional literary forms, online games have inherent advantages in the development and utilization of online cultural information resources because of their own Internet attributes, so they can make use of massive online cultural resources to achieve expanded reproduction based on high-quality IP and traffic factors. For example, the national treasure cultural relics collected in the Forbidden City can be carefully incubated as high-quality IP prototypes. When the traffic is cultivated to a certain amount and becomes an explosion "online celebrity", the first resource development from IP prototypes to online games can be realized according to the preset IP development roadmap. The online games developed for the first time, after gaining huge traffic, can be used as IP to expand the reproduction of TV dramas, variety shows and other products, and realize the re-dissemination from online to offline. By transforming the theme advantage of IP into the traffic advantage, and then transforming the traffic advantage into the content advantage, the social and economic benefits of online games can be maximized.

  Online games are a cross-border literary form. In the future development, domestic online games should make use of the unique communication advantages of the Internet, break through the national barriers, capital barriers and technical barriers inherent in traditional literature and art, and realize the global communication of China’s story based on online games. Therefore, the online game industry in China must build a powerful online game communication platform with high efficiency, unique resources and convenient consumption by greatly increasing bandwidth, expanding giant servers, mobile online payment and other advanced technical means, and simultaneously make online games and their derivatives bearing specific China stories and China spirit into multilingual versions for all-weather and full coverage integrated marketing communication for netizens around the world.

  Online game enterprises should clearly realize that the competition of online games in the future is cultural competition, and must abandon the commercial motivation of quick success and instant benefit and enhance the cultural content of products. Excellent Chinese traditional culture can provide rich materials for online game creation. In addition to adopting Chinese style in subject matter, pictures and music, we should organically embed the values of benevolence, loyalty and filial piety, benevolence, honesty, chivalry, humility and studiousness in Chinese traditional culture into game products. At any time, online games should correctly grasp the relationship between social benefits and market benefits, consciously put social benefits in the first place, do not be slaves to the market, and prevent economic interests from colliding with the bottom line of social morality.

   (Author: Ma Lixin Zhou Ding, a professor at Qilu Cultural Research Institute of Shandong Normal University, this article is the phased achievement of the key project of Shandong Social Science Planning "Research on the Rights and Obligations of Digital Art")

Weekend sports competitions and autumn outing activities will affect traffic in many places, Beijing traffic control department reminded.

  During the peak season of autumn tour, many scenic spots in the city attract a large number of passengers, and parking around some scenic spots is difficult, which in turn leads to congestion. The traffic pressure around Xiangquan Island is high from 7: 00 to 14: 00, and the parking lot is saturated before 8: 00. The traffic forecast for next week released by the Municipal Traffic Management Bureau shows that due to the increase of outing vehicles, the Beijing-Chengde Expressway, the Beijing-Tibet Expressway and the Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway in the northern part of the city are prone to congestion during the weekend morning hours. At the same time, sports competitions will be held in Tongzhou and Pinggu, and the surrounding traffic will be affected to some extent during the games.

  This weekend is the key peak day of the viewing period of the red leaves in Xiangshan, and the traffic control department will take temporary traffic management measures for the surrounding roads in due course according to the traffic conditions. It is suggested that citizens should choose the Xijiao Line of rail transit as far as possible, which not only saves time than driving, but also makes Xiangshan Station on Xijiao Line 1500 meters closer to the park than the parking lot.

  During the morning rush hour next week, the second, third and fourth rings, the east, west and north fifth rings, the east and north sixth rings, Caihuying South Road, Tonghuihe North Road, Xizhimen North Street, Deshengmenwai Street, Yuanmingyuan West Road to Wanquanhe Road, Fushi Road and Lianshi East Road will enter the city, as well as Beijing-Tibet Expressway, Jingcheng Expressway, Jingtong Expressway, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway and Airport Expressway. The traffic pressure will be particularly prominent on Monday and Wednesday morning rush hours when the tail numbers are limited to 4 and 9.

  From morning to morning on weekdays, it is estimated that the traffic volume in front of and around hospitals such as Children’s Research Institute, Children’s Hospital, Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, Beijing Hospital, Tongren Hospital, Xiyuan Hospital and Jishuitan Hospital is relatively large, and the peak hours are expected to be 7: 00 to 13: 00.

  From 7:10 to 7:50, some schools in Haidian, Xicheng, Dongcheng and Chaoyang, and areas where primary and secondary schools are concentrated, such as Zhongguancun and Guangqumen, will have traffic peaks, and parking will affect normal traffic.

  During the evening rush hour, the traffic flow on some sections of the East, West, North Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Ring Road and East Sixth Ring Road, as well as urban roads from Wanquanhe Road to Yuanmingyuan West Road, Tonghuihe North Road and Lianshi East Road, is concentrated. The traffic flow on Beijing-Tibet Expressway, Jingcheng Expressway, Jingtong Expressway, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway and Airport Expressway is large, and the peak hours are from 17:30 to 20:00.

  From the morning of November 5 (Sunday) to the morning, the 2023 Beijing Tongzhou Canal Half Marathon will be held in Tongzhou District. During the event, temporary traffic management measures will be taken for the urban green heart forest park and some surrounding roads; From the morning of November 5 (Sunday) to noon, a bicycle race will be held in Pinggu District. During the event, temporary traffic management measures will be taken for Shilinxia Scenic Area and some surrounding roads; On the evening of November 6, a basketball match will be held in the gymnasium of the Olympic Sports Center. On the evening of November 8th and 10th, a basketball match will be held in Wukesong Gymnasium. In addition, a number of performances will be held in the National Grand Theatre, Beijing Concert Hall, Tianqiao District, Guotu Art Center, Sanlitun District and the vicinity of Pingfang Bridge. Before and after the entrance, there will be a short period of heavy traffic on the roads around the venue.

Rank of World Football Players in 2023

1. Mbappé: 180 million euros.

2. Harland: 180 million euros.

3. Vinicius Junior: 150 million euros.

4. Bellingham: 120 million euros.

5. Saka: 120 million euros

6. Mucia: 110 million euros.

7. Forden: 110 million euros

8. Osmain: 100 million euros

9. Pedri: 100 million euros.

10. valverde: 100 million euros.

11. Chuameni: 90 million euros

12. Harry Kane: 90 million euros

13. Enzo Fernandez: 85 million euros

14. Hilia, Cavallace: 85 million euros.

15. Vilt: 85 million euros.

Nkunku: 80 million euros

17. kimmich: 80 million euros.

Rafael Leon: 80 million euros

19. Lautaro Martínez: 80 million euros.

Rodrigo: 80 million euros

Declan Rice: 80 million euros

22. Odegard: 80 million euros.

23. Rachford: 80 million euros.

Rodrigo Herná ndez Cascante: 80 million euros.

25. Luis Diaz: 75 million euros

Gvardiol: 75 million euros.

Vlahovic: 75 million euros.

28. Mataix Delicht: 75 million euros

29. bruno fernandez: 75 million euros.

30. Jesus: 75 million euros.

31. Reuben Diaz: 75 million euros.

32. Santos: 70 million euros

33. N ú? ez: 70 million euros

34. Neymar: 70 million euros.

35. Marchionos: 70 million euros

36. Sane: 70 million euros

37. Alfonso: 70 million euros

38. Nicolò Barella: 70 million euros

39. araujo: 70 million euros.

40. Militao: 70 million euros.

41. Gabriel: 70 million euros

42. Salah: 70 million euros

43. reece james: 70 million euros.

44. Mendes: 65 million euros.

45. Muani: 65 million euros

46. Koeman: 65 million euros

Goretzka: 65 million euros.

48. Fofana: 65 million euros.

49. Arnold: 65 million euros

50. Mount: 65 million euros

How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

The layout wisdom of the Forbidden City-facing the mountains and facing the water, taking the positive center.

  The layout of the Forbidden City embodies the designers’ wisdom. The clever thinking of "facing the mountain and facing the water" is one of the obvious characteristics. Jingshan Mountain is in the north of the Forbidden City, and Neijinshui River is in the south. There were no mountains in Beijing. When the Forbidden City was built in Yongle period, more than 1 million cubic meters of soil was excavated by opening a moat, and the piles of muck demolished by the Yuan Dynasty Palace could not be treated. So, a "waste utilization" came, which piled up the soil into mountains and planted trees on them. This is the Zhenshan in the north of the Forbidden City. Zhenshan was called "jingshan park" in the Ming Dynasty, and it was renamed "Jingshan" in the Qing Dynasty, and it has been used ever since. Jingshan is the commanding height in Beijing, which is east-west and narrow in the north-south direction, much like a screen. At the same time, when the Forbidden City was built, a culvert was dug downstairs from the northwest corner to introduce the moat water into the city. This is the specially dug Jinshui River. Jinshui River winds south through Chenglong Temple, winding all the way, turning east through Wuying Hall, passing Taihe Gate and Wenyuan Pavilion, and flowing out of the Forbidden City from the southeast corner. Jinshui River not only provides drainage channels for people in the Forbidden City, but also echoes with Jingshan Mountain, forming an aesthetic image of mountains, rivers and mountains in harmony. The surface of Jinshui River is lower than the ground of the Forbidden City, and the main part of the Forbidden City is built on the balcony between Jingshan and Jinshui River. Through Jingshan Mountain and Jinshui River, the Forbidden City is in harmony with nature in the aesthetic sense.

  "negative yin embraces yang" is also a feature of the layout of the forbidden city. All the important palaces in the city face south. Chapter 42 of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching says: "Everything is negative and holds Yang, and rushing into the air is thought to be harmonious". It means that everything in the world is shady and sunny, and yin and yang interact to form a new harmonious body. The important palace buildings in the Forbidden City face south, with a large number of doors and windows in the south and fewer doors and windows in the north. The Book of Changes, Zhuan Zhuan Zhuan, says, "Sages listen to the world from the south, and govern from the Ming Dynasty", which means that the ancient sages ruled the world by listening to the south and facing the bright sunshine. Similarly, this layout has scientific significance in geography: the Yellow River Basin in China is located in the most remarkable subtropical monsoon climate area in the northern hemisphere, and in winter, a high pressure is formed in the northwest of the Asian continent, with a northerly wind for several months; In summer, the center of high pressure turns to the southeast Pacific Ocean, and the rainy monsoon from the south makes the temperature rise and the summer heat pressing. Under this geographical condition, it is most suitable for the building to face south, with the north side closed to keep out the cold, and the south side with windows for sunlight and ventilation in summer.

  Another feature of the layout of the Forbidden City is "taking the positive center". "Correcting" means that the north-south direction is the main axial direction of the building layout. This is mainly due to the construction experience of ancient Chinese craftsmen based on the geographical location and natural environment of China, that is, the main seat faces south and is symmetrical left and right. "Centripetal" means that all secondary buildings face the main building. All the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City are mainly quadrangles, with the main rooms facing south and the wing rooms facing east and west. This centripetal architectural style not only makes the distance between houses smaller, which is conducive to the convenience of transportation, but also reflects the idea of "China is supreme" and "China is still big" in ancient China culture. At the same time, this orientation layout reflects the unity and coordination of the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City, and there is no sense of clutter.

  The architectural division of the Forbidden City is also particular. From the perspective of architectural functional zoning, the layout of the Forbidden City includes the imperial court area and the imperial court area. The buildings of the former dynasty were located in the south of the Forbidden City, mainly including the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Zhonghe and the Hall of Baohe (commonly known as the Three Great Halls), which was the place where the emperor held important ceremonies. The imperial palace buildings are mainly located in the northern part of the Forbidden City, including Ganqing Palace, Jiaotai Palace, Kunning Palace (commonly known as the last three palaces) and the East and West Six palaces, which are the places where emperors and empresses live. The three great halls of the former dynasty occupied a large area and formed a huge pattern in the Forbidden City. These three buildings stand on a three-story platform, which is 8.13 meters high and takes the form of Sumitomo. Sumeru is actually the base of the Buddha statue. "Sumeru" is an Indian Buddhist term, which means "the center of the universe". Sumeru is used as the foundation of the building, which means that the building is stable and long-lasting. The three-story platform of the three halls can highlight the grandeur and height of the building, form an obvious contrast with other buildings in the Forbidden City, and highlight its extraordinary position. Not only that, the three halls are elegant in richness and dignified in exquisiteness, which highlights the majesty of the emperor. The Three Great Halls are not only the center of the Forbidden City, but also the center of Beijing, with the axis from Yongdingmen in the south to the Bell Tower in the north, becoming a straight central line. On both sides of this axis, buildings with less important functions are arranged symmetrically and orderly in turn. There is also a square with an area of 30,000 square meters in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This layout is conducive to showing a grand scene when holding important ceremonies.For the six palaces of the East and West, they are symmetrically arranged and vertically arranged. These buildings are separated vertically and horizontally by the East-West Second Long Street and the alleys in front of the palace, forming a very regular and rigorous closed space with streets and lanes, and the doors and walls of the seats are connected and separated. In their own space, that is, in the independent courtyards of each palace, they have the same layout and basically the same architectural form. The plane of each palace is square, and the layout is in the form of a three-in-one courtyard with two courtyards. The front hall and the back bedroom are all equipped with halls, which are strictly symmetrical. The layout of the courtyards of the East-West Six Palaces is subtle and compact, which not only guarantees the privacy of the life of the Empress Dowager, but also has reasonable planning: "How deep the courtyards are" can reflect the location characteristics of the East-West Six Palaces in the Forbidden City. On the whole, the architecture of the former dynasty was Yang, and Yang was majestic and tall. The architecture of the imperial palace is yin, and yin converges to the reality of hiding. The six palaces in the east and west and the three halls form a harmonious and unified wisdom thought of rigidity and softness, yang and yin.

  In addition, the architectural layout of the Forbidden City was convex in the former dynasty and concave in the imperial palace. The combination of convex and concave is just like a mortise and tenon. This layout of tenon-mortise connection not only shows the ingenious tenon-mortise locking concept of the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City, but also embodies the concept of "Yin and Yang in one" in ancient Chinese architectural culture, which is a reflection of the wisdom of the builders of ancient architecture.

  (The author is a research librarian of the Palace Museum)

Chaos in the water purifier market: 2,800 yuan, and the low end of water purifier accessories is less than 100 yuan.

The chaos in the water purifier market needs to be strictly controlled

Photo courtesy of China News Service

  In recent two years, people have paid unprecedented attention to the health and safety of life and drinking water. With the popularization and improvement of health awareness, people’s drinking habits have gradually changed. From bottled water and bottled water to today’s water purifiers, we can see that the pursuit of healthy drinking water has become a fashionable trend, and it can also be said that the situation is gratifying.

  At present, the overall situation of China’s water purifier industry is good. The whole water purifier industry presents a rapid development momentum, and the market prospect is brighter with the promotion of manufacturers. According to industry experts, the market capacity of domestic water purifiers will exceed 100 billion in five years. However, there is a saying that "there are three holidays in ten days", and the market is hot, which also exposes some problems.

  The quality can’t pass repeatedly.

  In recent years, the annual growth rate of water purifier market capacity in China has reached 50%. It is estimated that the market penetration rate of domestic water purifiers will reach 20% ~ 30% by 2019. However, behind the rapid growth of the water purifier market, many problems such as uneven brands, complicated installation and difficult maintenance have been hanging over the whole industry.

  "The selling price of this one is only 100 yuan, but the other one sells nearly 5,000 yuan. The appearance looks similar, and it is really impossible to tell good from bad." Recently, after visiting the market, the reporter found that there are many brands of water purifiers and the prices are very different. Among them, the cheapest is only 196 yuan, which can be directly installed on the faucet. The most expensive one is the central intelligent water purifier, which costs nearly 10,000 yuan.

  In order to attract customers to buy, merchants also put forward health concepts such as activity and rich oxygen ions, and publicity such as "beauty", "freckle" and "anti-cancer" are common. In a water purifier store, the clerk introduced a RO water purifier with a price of 4,998 yuan to the reporter, saying that "the filtration technology is the most advanced, which can remove 99% impurities and the water coming out is the healthiest". Seeing that the reporter suspected that the price was a bit high, the clerk introduced an ultra-filtration water purifier with a price of 998 yuan, and said that the filtered water is rich in minerals, which is beneficial to the body.

  In addition to price confusion, the quality of water purifiers has been questioned. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine conducted spot checks on the water purifiers of 33 enterprises nationwide and found that 40% of them were unqualified. Lu Jianguo, director of the Health Appliance Analysis and Testing Center of China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, said that since 2014, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has organized three national supervision and spot checks. The results show that the pass rate of water purifiers is less than 70%, which is a low level in the household electrical appliance industry.

  An insider broke the news that a 2800-yuan RO water purifier was disassembled and found that the accessories were a meltblown filter from 1.8 yuan, a compressed activated carbon filter from 3 yuan, two granular activated carbon filters not exceeding 3.5 yuan, and a RO membrane from 60 yuan. "In addition to the low-end accessories, some businesses do not have ‘ Water batch ’ (Approval of Hygiene License for Drinking Water Hygiene and Safety Products) also dare to sell. "

  The industry lacks supervision.

  It is understood that there are more than 3,000 enterprises producing water purification equipment in China, and there are countless brands. However, the quality of water purifiers is uneven, and there are phenomena such as inflated prices and inaccurate reporting.

  First, there are standards that are difficult to implement. At present, there are GB/T30307 national standards and QB/T4143 and QB/T4144 industry standards. The standards are available, but they have not been widely adopted. Most enterprises always try their best to bypass the standard requirements, and some enterprises do not implement the standard on the grounds of not knowing.

  Second, there is supervision and it is difficult to cover. At present, the water purifier industry is in a state of many and scattered. Although there are more than 4,000 brands of water purifiers in China, only a handful of them can become national brands. Behind the prosperity of the industry, a large number of small enterprises driven by interests exist, which invisibly increases the difficulty of supervision and law enforcement.

  Third, there is technology, which is difficult to distinguish. The biggest problem with water purifiers is poor experience, and it is difficult for consumers to distinguish between good and bad by appearance and price. Although there are water purification testing institutions, but the number is small, the price is expensive, enterprises are unwilling to test, so that some products do not meet the standard requirements are also listed for sale.

  Fourth, consumers favor foreign brands, giving some unscrupulous businesses an opportunity to make huge profits under the banner of "foreign names". Lu Jianguo said that it is difficult to manage thousands of small workshop-style enterprises only by government-led supervision, and some enterprises have slipped through the net, resulting in exaggerated efficacy and false propaganda. He believes that consumer participation in market supervision is the best way to supervise.

  Pay attention to safety in use

  The main function of water purifier is to improve water quality and remove harmful substances such as residual chlorine, heavy metals and suspended solids, but using unqualified water purifier will pollute the water source. How to choose a qualified water purifier, Lu Jianguo gave several suggestions.

  The first is to check the documents. It depends on whether the dealer’s sales documents (business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate, etc.) are complete. In addition, whether there is a health permit issued by the national health department for the health and safety of drinking water.

  The second is to understand the water quality. In areas with good water quality, you can buy a filter water purifier; In heavily polluted areas with chlorine in water and heavy taste, or families with direct drinking needs, you can buy reverse osmosis water purifiers.

  The third is to look at the filter. The high-hardness water quality in the north of China and the limestone area in the south of China have high calcium and magnesium ions, so you should buy an advanced filtration water purifier with ion exchange resin filter core. In areas with heavy chlorine and different colors and odors in water, you can choose a household water purifier with a large amount of activated carbon.

  The fourth is to look at the wastewater rate. For similar water purifiers, try to choose the one with low wastewater rate. (Zhong Gong Net reporter Lu Xiang)