Wildlife parks frequently expose tourists’ illegal lessons. Why are they repeatedly banned?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 26 (Shang Qi) Recently, the Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, where the "tiger bites" incident happened, exposed two incidents of tourists violating regulations. On the one hand, the park repeatedly emphasizes the requirements for tourists to visit, and on the other hand, the dangerous incidents of tourists are constantly exposed. Why are the illegal incidents of tourists in the wildlife park still repeatedly banned after experiencing the "blood lesson"?

  On the afternoon of July 22, 2017, in the Northeast Tiger Park of Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, children repeatedly leaned out of the roof window, almost revealing half of their bodies. Photo courtesy of the event exposer

  Badaling Zoo has repeatedly had tourists open windows and feed illegally?

  The garden confirmed!

  On July 23, 2016, a tiger wounding incident occurred in Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, causing one death and one injury. After the investigation by the Yanqing District Government of Beijing, the result was clear. The victim Zhao did not abide by the "no getting off the bus" rule in the beast area and was injured by a tiger attack. Her mother was eager to save her daughter, did not comply with the regulations and got off the bus. She was attacked by a tiger and died. This incident is not a production safety responsibility accident.

  Just one year after this tragedy, on July 23 this year, many media reported that on the morning of July 22, in Malai Bear Park, Badaling Wildlife World, some netizens photographed tourists being caught by bears for feeding bears. Also on the 22nd, in the Northeast Tiger Park, two children repeatedly leaned out of the skylight of the car, and one of them almost showed half of his body.

  On July 25, the park confirmed to the reporter of Zhongxin. com that these two incidents did occur and were immediately discovered and stopped by patrol cars in the park. The two incidents lasted for a short time and did not cause personal injury or vehicle damage.

  At present, it is the peak season of summer tour. Liu Weishi, director of the Badaling Wildlife World Office in Beijing, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the garden has sent more people, increased the inspection density, and added more security personnel. Specifically, each park has added a patrol car.

  In recent years, tourists’ violations in zoos have occurred frequently. According to media reports, in June this year, three tourists crossed the back mountain of Changsha Wildlife Park in order to avoid tickets, and as a result, they strayed into the tiger stocking area. Fortunately, no casualties were caused. At the beginning of this year, in Youngor Zoo in Ningbo, a man climbed over the fence and entered the activity area of Hushan. He was found by a tiger and killed.

  Some people think that although there are always "blood lessons", in reality, people who are lucky are still courageously rushing forward, bumping into the common sense and conscience of Chinese people again and again. This also shows that it is necessary for China society to further strengthen the awareness of rules and put an end to any form of "exception", "outside the law" and "outside the norm".

  Data Map: On the morning of March 19, 2017, in Badaling Wildlife Park, tourists got off at the Beast Area. Photo courtesy of the reporter

  Guarding tourists like minors?

  In view of the personal safety accidents in the zoo, laws and regulations have always been clearly defined. Article 81 of the Tort Liability Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that "if animals in the zoo cause damage to others, the zoo shall bear the tort liability, but those who can prove that they have fulfilled their management duties shall not bear the responsibility."

  Zhu Weiri, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, explained in an interview with Zhongxin.com that this means that if the zoo can prove that it is not at fault for the damage results, it will not be responsible, which is stipulated by law.

  In addition, the Tort Liability Law also requires that managers of hotels, shopping malls, banks, stations, entertainment places and other public places or organizers of mass activities should bear tort liability if they fail to fulfill their security obligations and cause damage to others. If the manager or organizer fails to fulfill the obligation of safety guarantee, he shall bear corresponding supplementary responsibilities.

  "What is the standard of security obligations? Is it like an adult’s guardianship over a minor? I’m afraid not. " An Xiang, director of Beijing Dexiang Law Firm, who participated in the compilation of the Collection of Current Animal Protection Laws in China, told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that in a judicial interpretation on personal injury compensation issued earlier years, "the obligation of safety protection within reasonable limits" was clarified.

  "Take the safari park as an example. First of all, we must set the tourists as people with full capacity, and not in a state of mental abnormality, lack of judgment and discrimination." An Xiang explained that if he is a person with full capacity, he should have a kind of self-knowledge about the danger of wild animals by default. On the basis of this self-knowledge, as a zoo, visitors should be made clear by signs, tips and other measures. In which area of the zoo, if you open the window and get off, your life will be in danger.

  An Xiang said that if tourists don’t carry out sightseeing activities according to the common sense of people with full capacity, it is similar to suicide and self-mutilation. This kind of behavior is not unilaterally asking the garden to stop it.

  "Is it necessary to monitor all tourists in the way of monitoring minors?" An Xiang asked, he said, if this is the case, for the vast majority of normal tourists, will the tour experience drop to a very low level, and will the operation of the whole society be lowered by IQ and efficiency?

  The zoo has a power grid. Who lives in it?

  Although the awareness of self-safety should be the common sense of tourists in the face of wild animals, and obeying the rules should also reflect the quality of human civilization, it is also indispensable to improve industry norms and better protect the safety of tourists.

  According to media reports, china wildlife conservation association presided over the drafting of the "Wildlife Park Safety Code" in 2005, which stipulated that special personnel should be set up in the animal stocking area to maintain the order of sightseeing; To avoid direct contact between tourists and potentially dangerous animals, we should set up power grid devices to prevent animals from escaping in fierce animal stocking areas, and comprehensively check the cages, fences, protective nets, trenches, door locks and power grids of fierce animals every day.

  Just after the tiger wounding incident in Badaling Wildlife World last year, the Northeast Tiger Park of the zoo added a power grid and a warning sign "No getting off the bus" at the exit gate, but it still failed to completely prevent the above-mentioned incidents of illegal window opening by tourists.

  Zhu Wei, who has visited the zoo many times, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the power grid installed in Badaling Wildlife World is particularly thin. With the power grid, the effect of safety warning is even worse. "Some people are not afraid after knowing that there is a power grid. Some people even get off the bus and open the window because they think that the power grid can block the tiger."

  An Xiang believes that the current laws and regulations are sufficient to deal with the safety accidents in zoos. If similar incidents become more and more common, the quality of tourists is getting worse and worse, and people should be more restricted than animals when they have to take certain measures.

  Regarding the restrictions on people, An Xiang told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that it is a way to establish a "blacklist" of zoo visits similar to the social credit system.

  "The zoo can operate on its own. Whether it is signing a notice or an agreement, it has certain legal effect in essence. A statement can be added to the notice, stating that if a tourist violates relevant regulations, the garden has the right to refuse his car, including visitors, to enter the zoo for sightseeing. Such a blacklist can be made by the garden. "

  However, Liu Weishi told reporters frankly that he would not consider setting up a "blacklist" for the time being. "If you blacklist tourists, they may not cooperate with you. Although some tourists violate the rules, they are still consumers. We have no right to ask them not to come in the future. This will be complained."

  An Xiang said that another way is that the zoo can make a "blacklist" from the perspective of protecting animals and maintaining normal visiting order, realize information exchange through animal protection related associations, and include unruly tourists into the "blacklist" of the entire zoo management system.

  Extension — —

  Should the safari park go on road trip be cancelled?

  Whether you open the window or get off the bus while driving, or you are bitten by a tiger for ticket evasion, the last victims are not only people themselves, but also animals that conflict with them. The phenomenon that the tiger is "innocent" and the peacock is plucked from its feathers can’t help but make some netizens wonder whether the form of self-driving tour should be cancelled for the protection of wild animals.

  Xie Yan, an associate researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with Zhongxin.com that wild zoos in foreign countries, especially in Africa, belong to in-situ protection, which is equivalent to a wildlife refuge in protected areas. It is the natural survival of local species in the local natural environment, which not only attracts a large number of tourists, but also really plays the role of protecting wild animals.

  "But some safari parks in China raise all kinds of wild animals and put them in a closed environment for people to watch. Instead of protecting wild animals, they consume wild animals." Xie Yan said.

  Nevertheless, An Xiang, who has been engaged in legal consultation in the field of animal protection for many years, believes that one of the social functions of the zoo is to give the public an opportunity to get in touch with wild animals, and the irrational behavior of a few people should not stifle the value of the existence of the wild zoo go on road trip. (End)

Day 28 of Diary of "Epidemic": Spring has arrived in ICU!

  February 21st, the 28th day of aid to Hubei. It’s raining again in Wuhan.

  When I went to work this morning, it was raining outside. I bought a loving little pholiota adiposa from the door of the hotel and hurried to work.

  There are obviously more cars and even buses on the road around Jinyintan Hospital. There are also many people standing at the bus stop in the distance. Wuhan has not lifted the "closed city", so I guess they may be the medical staff in the living room (Fangcang Hospital) of Wuhan, and they have to take the shuttle bus back to their place of residence. You have worked hard, too.

  When I changed my work clothes, I just arrived at the doctor’s office and saw a big plastic bag in front of Professor Zhou. When everyone was almost here, Professor Zhou opened the plastic bag, which contained several sets of protective clothing and swimming glasses. Professor Zhou said excitedly that this is a material sent to him by a Shanghai primary school student. Primary school students and their parents bought eight sets of protective clothing and donated them all. I hope everyone will be safe. I don’t know what kind of twists and turns this child and his family have gone through before they can collect protective clothing under the unified management of protective materials. From the childish handwriting of children, we can see the people’s care and love for us and the future of our motherland. The head nurse said that they also received materials from an aunt in Shanghai. The circle of friends said that the people of Shanghai "borrowed" us to Wuhan! The arrival of batches of materials expressed their care and they looked forward to our early and safe return. Everyone is very touched!

  Next, it’s the shift handover time. After the shift handover, Team Zheng once again reiterated the safety issue, and let us carefully read the formula of wearing and removing protective clothing in Ruijin Hospital, so that each team member can remember four "musts": be highly vigilant, be strict in management, be sure to standardize the process and be cautious! Yes, we have been helping Hubei for 28 days, and now it is time to get tired and relaxed easily. We must cheer up and do a good job in protection and other work seriously and rigorously.

  Today, I followed Professor Zhou into the isolation ward for rounds. After checking the room, the nurses have prepared a full set of tracheal intubation devices. After the patient was fully calm, Professor Zhou made a nasotracheal intubation under the guidance of bronchoscope. I admire his proficiency. Today, after working as an assistant and observing the actual operation, my heart is much more stable. As the saying goes, "more skills don’t weigh me down", and I learned new skills today. Professor Zhou completes tracheal intubation, adjusts the ventilator mode and parameters, and observes the patient’s vital signs for a while, which makes me feel more at ease.

  Our group discharged a patient today. His symptoms improved, his nucleic acid test was negative continuously, and his lung CT examination turned better. According to the current process, patients need to be isolated at home for 2 weeks after discharge. However, the patient expressed the difficulty of his family’s housing shortage, and he was worried that it would affect other family members. We reported to the medical department of the hospital. Through coordination, when the patient leaves the hospital today, his community will send a car to pick him up and observe him in isolation at a nearby hotel for two weeks. I told him the two-week and four-week follow-up plan after discharge. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there may be patients in our group discharged from the hospital. Spring has arrived in the intensive care unit.

  In the afternoon, three columns of Chinese characters were posted in front of the first important door of our isolation ward. Maybe it will become a small scenic spot in Jinyintan Hospital in the future. Everyone lined up to take a photo with Professor Zhou, and I quickly lined up. Wuhan, come on! China, come on!

  After work, the lights are already on outside. Because the team suggested that the medical staff should not eat directly in the canteen after work, fearing that it would be too late to eat after cleaning, I chose a self-heating hot pot and some fruits from the "energy station" and changed the dinner!

  Authors: The first batch of Wuhan medical team members from Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,

  Attending physician Cha Qiongfang, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Renji Hospital

TT voice, after becoming social software, is on the verge of danger.

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Produced by Chaoqi. com "See the column"

This generation of young people have long been unable to integrate into the social process of "eating and drinking mahjong KTV" of their parents, but in reality, they are limited by time and space and cannot expand their social circle. They establish contact with strangers outside the life and work circle through online games and thus have emotional connections. Games have become the social currency of a new generation of young people.

Mobile games and e-sports have long been popular in the streets. At the moment of winning the championship, the popularity in bilibili live broadcast room has reached more than 400 million, and the popularity of Tiger Tooth live broadcast has reached more than 300 million. Judging from the popularity of its various online platforms, e-sports live broadcast has long been a national entertainment activity.

The market scale of the game has derived the social demand of the game, and the upcoming TT focuses on the social voice of the game, thus harvesting 100 million users. However, under the precedent of many social platforms that died of social atmosphere, 90% of users are TT voices after 95 s and 00 s, but people have to worry, can game-based socialization go on healthily?

From game voice to social tools

At first, TT voice was just a voice tool.

In 2012, the mobile game industry in China began to enter an explosive period, and a large number of game practitioners rushed into the game content production industry in an attempt to create an explosive game. However, at that time, most games were still in the initial stage, and there was no perfect voice communication system, but the need for players to communicate in time was very urgent.

Based on this, Fun Pill Network chose to start from the game voice tool. In 2014, TT voice became an instant hit. In the first year, the number of registered users exceeded 3 million, and the number of online users exceeded 60,000. In one year, the running water exceeded 100 million yuan.

However, it is difficult for tool apps to achieve considerable revenue. Moreover, after 2016, more and more games that need to be "blacked out" have added built-in instant voice systems, and the core business of TT voice has been impacted, not only because the ceiling is too low, but also because the tools themselves have become chicken ribs.

"Blackout" in the game itself is a social way, therefore, social transformation has become the easiest path for TT voice to cut in. In 2018, TT voice gradually added live voice, expanded chat, pia drama, dynamics and other kinetic energy, which was deeply tied with explosive mobile games such as the glory of the king and Peace Elite, enabling gamers to directly perform voice hacking, teaming up, scoring and other operations within TT voice, broadening the use scenarios of TT voice, and the average online market for daily users exceeded two hours.

In the field of game socialization, TT voice can be regarded as a deep-rooted player. For example, in finding a playmate, the glory of the king’s matching mechanism does not allow too much difference between segments. Many players find it difficult to match the right teammates and opponents with the same segment because the segment is too high or too low, but TT Voice can find the right playmate with the same segment based on the game and gender, so as to recognize gamers who have the same topic cognition.

In fact, not only mobile games like the glory of the king Peace Elite have voice social needs, but other games also have voice social needs, but many minority games have no funds and strength to add voice built-in and social channels. The "quick matching" of the "black channel" on TT voice homepage not only covers high-heat mobile games such as the glory of the player, the peaceful elite, the call of duty, the fifth personality, but also covers leisure and educational games such as light encounter, gobang, you draw and guess, which makes TT voice not a vassal of a certain game, but the best playmate of the game, and can inject fresh blood into the platform while stabilizing old users.

In addition, TT voice is not only satisfied with finding suitable game playmates for players, but also based on user interest tags and other information, using system algorithms to gather people with similar interests in the virtual room voice room by distributing playmates, finding radar and other functions, and sharing audio, video, pictures and other contents in real time to achieve the purpose of making friends. In addition to "playing in black", TT voice also opened content sections such as finding playmates and entertainment.

Judging from these functions, TT voice is not only a tool, but also a social ecology based on games, which meets all the online entertainment and leisure needs of this generation of young people.

Therefore, TT voice also has a living space outside the game content. According to publicly disclosed data, the unique TT voice has accumulated more than 100 million users by 2020, an increase of more than 80% from the previous month. In addition, the platform MAU reached 20 million, of which the post-95 s, that is, Z generation users accounted for as high as 90%.

During the first half of 2021, users spend about 158 minutes in TT voice chat rooms every day, and users initiate more than 850,000 voice chat rooms every day, an increase of 45.6% compared with the same period in 2020.

Sullivan pointed out in the report that TT voice has become the largest mobile voice social platform and the largest player-centered mobile social platform in China according to monthly users and income data.

The ceiling is too low and it is too difficult to grow.

According to the data of China Game Industry Report 2020 released by China Game Industry Research Institute, the number of game users in China will reach 665 million in 2020, with a year-on-year increase of 3.7%. In other words, there is one TT voice user in every six e-sports players.

However, it is worth noting that TT voice is actually known outside the deep e-sports players. Because almost every popular game has its own social function, players can achieve basic needs such as communication and team formation in the game. With the improvement of the voice communication system of the game itself, the chances of players opening the voice-assisted APP are bound to gradually decrease.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that TT voice survives in a crack, and this crack makes it difficult for TT voice to make a breakthrough in market scale.

In addition, there are too many voice social software, and the substitutability of TT voice is very high, not to mention that WeChat QQ can open black communication games in groups, and there are also black-opening software such as YY voice, KK voice and hello voice in the market to compete with it. In contrast, the competitive advantage of TT voice is not clear.

According to the prospectus, in the first half of 2021, the monthly activity of TT voice reached 16.2 million. Compared with the social products such as Gathering Times and Momo, the number of monthly users of less than 20 million is not large enough.

The ceiling is too low, the loyalty is not enough, and the user payment rate is also very low. According to the data in the prospectus, the monthly living payment rates from 2018 to 2020 were 7.3%, 7.1% and 5.3% respectively, and even fell to 5.1% in the first half of 2021, the lowest level in history.

In addition, the target users of TT voice are the post-95 s and post-00 s under the age of 24, but this young group has limited spending power and it is difficult to promote more consumption.

Moreover, the acquisition cost of TT voice is not low. According to the prospectus, in 2020 and the first half of 2021, the network and marketing expenses of Fun Pill Network increased by 123.06% and 120.88% year-on-year, both higher than the revenue growth in the same period and higher than the growth rate of paying users.

In addition, as an auxiliary tool APP, TT voice also needs to solve the problem of user retention. At the beginning, TT voice can be downloaded because of the formation of playmates, but after a short period of acquaintance and pairing, playmates who form fixed friends often develop into daily communication software such as WeChat /QQ for voice, dialogue, making friends, opening black and other activities.

As far as social tools are concerned, most of WeChat and QQ are bound with offline real social information, so the probability of users uninstalling software and accounts is very low, but only a small social APP with Internet strangers’ "friends", which leads to a higher probability of uninstalling software and accounts because of the low maintenance cost, making it difficult for users to really keep them.

In this way, TT voice has become a diversion middleman of WeChat QQ, and it is difficult for users to really stay. In fact, this problem is not only the embarrassment of TT voice, but also the embarrassment that all niche social tools except WeChat QQ are difficult to solve.

Risk involved in gray areas is high.

Almost all Internet companies want to socialize, and Ma Yun’s Alipay is no exception. However, social functions are easy to build in, but it is extremely difficult to make social apps.

In particular, it is indeed the common demand of a new generation of young people to make friends through games, but social interaction based on games can be an interest, but it is also easier to deteriorate.

With the development of Qinglang Action, many accompanying software such as "Bixin", "Little Deer Accompanied Play" and "hello Voice" have been taken off the shelves indefinitely because of illegal activities such as fraud and pornography, and social software accompanying games has become a high-risk zone for juvenile supervision.

Although TT voice has not been removed, it does not mean that it does not have this problem. On the home page of TT voice, the online number of blind date rooms has exceeded that of black-out, party, listening to songs and other rooms.

The content of "edge ball" can be said to be the user’s low quality, but TT voice belongs to the "ignition" in this kind of edge ball socialization, and the official attitude may even imply encouragement. Many users reported that TT voice received an "immediate private chat" automatically matched by the system after the initial download and registration, and the dynamic recommendations were all kinds of speeches and private messages.

Some media reports have pointed out that TT voice has voice rooms named after minors, and some voice rooms have voice contents such as suspected obscenity and abuse, and the report pointed out that the platform did not block these live broadcast rooms during the investigation.

On the black cat complaint platform, the number of complaints about TT voice is as high as 2,705, which is more than two old-fashioned voice software such as Momo YY live broadcast. The complaints include problems such as fraud, inducing minors to pay, and swearing.

There are also public reports this year. A 9-year-old girl from Guangzhou once got to know the suspect Lu Mou after downloading TT voice chat dating platform. Lu Mou gave her a red envelope in the name of giving gifts. Due to lack of judgment, she was cheated for 12,781 yuan.

TT voice expanding social interest content outside the game may encourage dangerous discussions. In the "expanding column" section of TT voice, there are a large number of underage users, and most of them are involved in puppy love, and the situation is extremely serious. The section of "Minors posting to find boyfriends in public" even has a very obvious recommended position in the APP, and even pornographic content shows obvious recommended positions, as well as obscure yellow-related drainage stickers.

Although social software can’t supervise all users’ languages, the target users of TT voice are mainly minors and young students under the age of 25. Are you sure this high-risk social interaction is not playing with fire?

At present, TT voice has no underage review mechanism. After downloading, registration can be completed only by receiving a four-digit verification code from the mobile phone, which means that minors can complete registration without even unlocking their parents’ mobile phones, and can be used to contact all users without their real names or any third-party information.

Judging from its official attitude, although the youth model has also been established, most of the contents under the model are subject education courses. Obviously, there is no active and healthy planning and guidance for the healthy socialization of minors’ interests.

Although the state has issued policies to restrict the related behaviors of minors’ games, the surrounding industries of games also need strict supervision. Whether it is live broadcast or accompanying play, enterprises should actively fulfill their responsibilities to protect young people, and should not lower the lower limit in pursuit of market scale.

Why do elites love the commonness between running and business?

1. Why do elites love running?

Once I was scolded by my partners. During that time, they always asked me what the main road of our company was.

In fact, the direction is not clear. At that time, I didn’t understand that the so-called main road came out, not out of my mind.

When I talked too much, my anger came up, and a quarrel broke out between men. Z, the most angry one, told me that I had not made any money for more than a year.The reason for the Leader.

Said that my goal was unclear and not quantified. In short, I was helpless during that time and fell into an anxious state for a week.

It was a great blow to me. I was never so desperate after two bankruptcies. At that moment, I really wondered if I was worthless in my life.

Lying in bed every day, I don’t want to do anything, eat rice, drink water and touch my mobile phone. The more I think about it, the more anxious I am. What saved me in the end was not so much running as Lei Jun.

I don’t know what to do when I am helpless. In the past, I always watched the video of Ma Yun being driven back to Beijing and crying in the car. Later, I felt that it didn’t work for me, and I was a little numb.

It happened that during that time, the circle of friends was giving Lei Jun’s New Year’s speech, so I went to see it. Lei Jun said: 2020 is an extraordinary year, and the world faces many challenges.

Many people are very anxious, and they are also very anxious. We can’t change many things, but we can change our mentality.

To this end, he thought of a way to adjust his mentality: walking, walking 10 kilometers a day. Every step you take, you have more courage to move forward.

At first, Lei Jun thought this goal was exaggerated. He was worried that he couldn’t do it. He really walked more than 300 kilometers, walking for an average of 1 hour and 50 minutes every day.

This spring, he decided to push himself and start running, changing from walking to running. In Lei Jun’s own words, "the goal has changed".

Lei Jun fell in love with running during the Jinshan valley, when he was full of anxiety. In order to relieve the pressure, he began to force himself to run 5 kilometers a day.

In October 2014, Lei Jun took a photo after running. The Olympic Forest Park was sunny and the yellow leaves were all dyed. He said: "Running is a kind of precipitation, otherwise you can’t calm down."

At that time, I thought it was impossible. How could I do it in ten kilometers? But there was nothing I could do. I thought I might collapse, and then I began to learn from him.

I have to walk three times a day in Chenggong Guanshan Reservoir. I don’t know how far it is. Look at the lake and the plants. It seems that my mood is really much better.

In those days, I not only walked, but also listened to books, listening to what money can’t buy, happiness psychology, and how to comfort myself anyway.

Sure enough, I came out in three days, and we now have a complete business model, community+project incubation. From then on, I will walk for an hour every day, listening to books and attending classes.

In May of this year, I met some problems again, and I really answered that sentence. After 30 years of starting a business, looking back, it was all bumpy. Then I started running, and now I have lost more than ten kilograms.

Apart from my own experience, I talked about the content of this issue, and more importantly, I saw many elites running. After in-depth research, I found that entrepreneurship and running have strong correlation and commonality, so I shared this issue.

In the past, I was under great pressure to start a business, and I bought goods at every turn, but I was not so anxious in recent years.

One of my analysis is that the environment was not so difficult at that time, and the other is that I kept exercising all the time, because at that time I played badminton, played with the secretary and county magistrate every day, and sometimes I could spend eight hours in the arena, but I didn’t know anyone when I came to Kunming, so I stopped.

I have explored many awesome people, and they all have the habit of keeping moving, and most of them run.

In an interview with Eddie Peng Yuyan, he said: Running is not difficult, that is, moving your left foot and right foot back and forth and running before starting work. This is not a simple exercise, but also a blessing for self-recognition. Once you can fulfill your promise, you will have confidence.

No matter whether you meet the opposite sex or the boss, nothing you say can hurt me, because I am a confident person, and I can do what I say. Wang Shi said: Running is an internal enrichment.

Running for 30 minutes or an hour every day can relieve most of the stress in the day and make you feel relaxed, so that you can better devote yourself to trivial life and work.

If a person stays in front of a computer or holds a mobile phone every day, his brain will only get more and more confused. Running in fresh air, breathing fresh air, brain thinking activities immediately become clear, obviously eliminating brain fatigue and improving the ability of learning and practice.

Physiological research has proved that after long-term running, the content of red blood cells per cubic millimeter is 1 million to 1.5 million higher than that of ordinary people, and the blood circulation is nearly twice as high as that of normal people. Therefore, in such a process, a large amount of blood will be driven to the brain, so that you can think more keenly.

Buffett also said: "Long-distance running needs to endure boredom and control desire."

In his view, a few hours of long-distance running is more of a process of challenging yourself, physical fatigue and mental boredom.

Running is not only an exercise, but also a lifestyle and attitude towards life. It can not only make our bodies healthier, but also adjust our mentality and help us achieve better results in our work and life.

Running is an indispensable choice for both entrepreneurship and other fields.

Second, the similarity between running and business

With the previous personal experience, I tried to find the relevance between running and business, consulted several Kunming head entrepreneurs in the community, and also consulted some materials.

To sum up, there are probably a few points to share with you.

Entrepreneurial perspective:

Entrepreneurship is a technical activity with both long-term and short-term perspectives. It is necessary to look up at the starry sky and be down-to-earth, focusing on the future but living in the present. This perspective is simple, but it is actually difficult to exercise. Most of them are either too far-sighted to act, or they are occupied by the current work and troubles.

Therefore, starting a business is very similar to running. When you watch marathon training, you need to have a clear understanding of the long-term ultimate goal, but every time you train, you must work hard every kilometer.

The same is true for entrepreneurship. To create a successful enterprise, long-term vision and strategy are needed, but daily operational decisions, customer interaction and product development all require immediate efforts and attention.

Therefore, long-distance running is an effective way to exercise our combination of long and short perspectives, keep a close eye on the goal and run every step well.


No matter in life or starting a business, the only constant is change. When I first learned to repair mobile phones, my master repaired pagers, and they transformed into mobile phone maintenance masters. This is change.

With the change of the times, some things will not exist, and so will business. Not seeking change is the greatest risk, but human beings are extremely pursuing certainty and like the same.

For example, I have to go through slow walking, fast walking and jogging in five months to complete the runner’s goal, and I have to adjust my health and weather in the middle.

Just like starting a business, the market environment, customers’ needs and competitors’ behaviors will change, which requires us to be more adaptable and readjust its business strategy according to the changes.

Continuous self-challenge:

Many people say that entrepreneurship needs to find an imaginary enemy. Why is it an imaginary enemy? Because the real opponent is oneself, and entrepreneurship is the process of constantly conquering oneself.

A few days ago, vanilla installed GPT. She was extremely unwilling to study tools and technologies. She looked so big that I thought I was going to get mad. As a result, when I saw people in the group using it in the morning, it was a self-challenge. Do you think this is really difficult?

Others have studied the tutorial, so can she. What they really want to overcome is not how difficult it is, but the discomfort that they can break through the comfort zone.

You see, some business owners obviously can’t sell, and it’s the best choice to transform into IP, the founder of short video, but they can’t always do it. What they have to overcome is the inner difficulty of not wanting to please others.

Some people don’t want to do sales, and some people don’t want to please others. In the final analysis, they can’t challenge themselves. Wang Yangming said that it is easier to break a thief in the mountain than in the heart. What is the thief in this heart?

It is self-limiting. Running can exercise the ability to break through well. Runners often set higher goals to improve themselves and constantly challenge their limits.

The same is true of entrepreneurship. In order to continue to grow, we need to innovate constantly, open up new markets and meet more customer needs. We should continue to challenge ourselves and keep up with the progress of the times.

Data-driven decision:

The most taboo of starting a business is to make decisions by imagining things out of thin air. According to statistics from American business think tanks, 48% of entrepreneurial failures are due to the fact that the products produced are not needed in the market.

How did this product come from? The founder came up with it out of thin air. Have you ever thought about why short video live broadcasts are so popular in recent years? That’s because he can show you intuitive data and let you know what you did wrong.

Traditional entrepreneurship, making a product, can’t sell it, you can’t be sure whether it is needed by the product marketing department or weak sales ability, because the product has not been carefully investigated, and the sales team doesn’t blame the product itself, and eventually consumes each other.

But if you directly imitate mature products or are confirmed by a large number of data, it is much more reliable. Short videos are so popular that people are quick to make achievements because they use data to drive decision-making.

For example, if you send a video and no one watches it, you can look at the background data, showing that most people left after brushing for two seconds, which means that your first page shot or words are not attractive.

If you find that someone has finished reading it, but no one likes it, it means that your content has not voiced for a specific group and cannot resonate.

You see, the reason why short video can explode in a few years and complete the sales data that traditional enterprises can’t achieve for decades is that it comes from real data-driven decision-making. This is the ability that all entrepreneurs should learn and practice, regardless of feelings, only believing in data and facts.

The same is true for running. The correct way is to exercise watches and applications to track his progress, heart rate and pace, and adjust the training intensity according to strong facts to avoid being too tired or failing to achieve training results.

In this process of monitoring running with data, we can effectively train entrepreneurs’ data thinking and factual thinking, reduce irrational judgment, and get closer to the goal.

In fact, from these commonalities, whether running or starting a business requires strategy, hard work, continuous learning and adaptability, as well as the balance between teams and individuals.

These principles can help us succeed not only on the track, but also in the business world. Therefore, elites love running because they can effectively train related abilities and heart.

Collect this "spring film list" and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Special feature of 1905 film network People give the meaning of the renewal of Vientiane in spring, and inject thousands of expectations into the beginning of these four seasons, hoping that it will bring a brand-new look and weather, and "when the flowers bloom in spring" makes us look forward to it especially in this boxer year.


"March" seems to be the official name of spring. The warmth of runaway awakens the limp and numb limbs and warms up the beautiful season to come.


Just as spring is coming, follow Xiao Dianjun to taste this limited time of only three months on the screen.


Over the spring

Girl grow up private image

Girls and "Boundaries" are the stories of youth written in Over Spring.

The title of the film "Spring Festival" was originally a jargon in the mouth of smugglers, referring to "bringing goods" from Hong Kong to Shenzhen across the customs.

Liu Zipei, a girl who lives in Shenzhen and studies in Hong Kong, passively embarked on this "cross-border" journey with the dream of traveling to Japan with her friends.

The contradictory identity that originally made her lack of identity unexpectedly became her excellent advantage in the matter of "spending the spring", which not only helped her save enough travel expenses, but also made her feel an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

However, walking alone on the edge of danger is doomed to be full of adventure. The difference of ideas between mother and daughter, the break with friends and the love that can’t be established make this girl who can’t stand on either side of family, friendship or love become more and more addicted to this "boundary".

"Over Spring" does not hide a girl’s growing desire for material, feelings and self-identity, but it never forgets to find a safe place for this soul with nowhere to live.

In this tug-of-war of belonging and alienation, Pepe, wandering between the two cities, walked straight through the dividing line drawn by her youth with a cavity of loneliness and courage, and also left us with a series of questions about growth.


Four Springs

Family documentary video

In the eyes of China people, spring and the word "reunion" are inseparable. For every family, this season is filled with infinite warmth.

Lu Qingyi spent "four springs" in his hometown of dushan county, Guizhou Province to spend time with his family, and recorded this unique family video.

As far as the look and feel of the film is concerned, it actually looks almost the same as the video taken by our daily mobile phone. Lu Qingyi abandoned the tedious professional equipment and chose to take a hand-held shot in person to lead the audience to watch the family story under this patio. The lens that shakes from time to time and the depth of field that is not properly adjusted have added some pure and simple feelings of life.

From his subjective perspective, the father who smoked sausage, the mother who hummed ditty, and even a meal, a meal, a grass and a tree are particularly touching, warm and harmonious. Every true feeling of this family in the four springs: the sweetness of parents drinking a toast, the sadness of sister’s departure, and the sincerity naturally revealed at each reunion … … It seems to have become ours at that moment.

A series of collage family images, like spring breeze and rain, tell the whole picture of life, from which the most precious meaning about family ties is condensed and spread in everyone’s heart.


Small forest in winter and spring

Spiritual healing recipes

For people who are busy, what is more healing than a delicious meal after work?

Not much to say, "Little Forest in Winter and Spring" immediately presents you with a menu with full healing value: snowflake two-color cake, natto glutinous rice ball, fried tempura, winter flower miso sauce, wild garlic seedling fried salmon and cabbage flower pasta … …

Unable to blend in with the hustle and bustle of big cities, the hero Ichiko chose to return to his hometown Komori Village and run a self-sufficient life in the changing seasons. It is because of cooking that her seemingly monotonous life of living alone has become interesting.

As a food movie, the film aims a lot of close-ups at ingredients, showing them in an extremely simple way from the most authentic appearance to the appearance of being finally put on the table after special processing, which can instantly evoke taste buds.

In the film, the enthusiasm of the city children for life can be traced everywhere, not just the patience shown when cooking food. When burying natto in the snow, she will attach a special sentence "I hope you will become delicious", and every time even if one person eats, she should put her hands together and read the sentence "I am starting" devoutly.

Spring is the right season to start. When she received a letter from her long-lost mother, Shizi gradually realized the meaning of "going round and round". She was no longer trapped in her past life, but started from her heart and found the life she really longed for.

"Little Forest" has written a delicious chapter with enough literary brushstrokes. Putting aside this gorgeous coat, the core is still the true meaning of ordinary life.


Taste of Chengsha

Life taste tasting course

As a special guest of Japanese movies, Sakura always wakes up the audience: Look, isn’t spring the best time?

A small shop named "Spring of the Gong" is located beside a street full of cherry trees. The old man Dejiang, the manager Sentaro and the young girl Ruocai became attached to each other because of the burning of the Gong, and they met in the spring and spent a quiet and beautiful time together.

Grandmother Dejiang seems to be happy and informal, but every time she makes bean paste, she instantly changes to a serious face, soaking, boiling, filtering, boiling and stirring … … You have to do everything yourself.

Under her influence, Sentaro valued her work more, and Ruocai gradually opened her heart.

This is another natural law of Japanese movies — — "The beauty of mourning" is a film that is interpreted to the extreme.

"There are always all kinds of difficulties in life, so be sure to refuel." Dejiang tells the truth of life, but at the same time, he also conveys an open-minded attitude towards life to us in front of the screen.

When she visited another spring day, like a spiritual mentor, she had already passed away, and only the figure that had stood under the cherry tree was frozen forever.


Chunjiang plumbing

The Oriental Picture of Scenery Blending

If you want to choose a movie to visually present the appearance of spring, Chunjiang Plumbing must be on the list.

Hangzhou, where the film was filmed, is a paradise on earth with its own poetry and painting. When the traditional family stories are integrated into the oriental freehand brushwork aesthetics, the plain narrative slowly unfolds like a long scroll, which is fascinating.

The story focuses on the Gu family along the Fuchun River in Hangzhou, and a mother with a stroke leads to the warmth and coldness of a family for three generations. When consanguinity and kinship are discussed in the contemporary context, it is like a mirror that shines into reality and directly hits people’s hearts.

Inspired by Huang Gongwang’s "Fuchun Shan Jutu", the picture of the film slows down the narrative rhythm with a long scroll of landscapes and proper blank space, and creates a sense of documentary life with natural scenery, which makes people sigh for the world and still feel warm.

Under the ingenious arrangement of the director, the natural landscape and street style in "Spring River Plumbing" are poetically connected, and they have experienced a cycle from summer to spring, and all kinds of life have been deeply stared at by this river.


This spring in 2020 is of great significance, because it carries too many expectant eyes.

As the song goes, "When spring goes, spring will come, and the flowers will bloom again." I believe that after crossing the heavy haze, it will be the time when spring blooms again.

The sun will shine in the end, and the warmth will come as promised.

When is the Lantern Festival in 2021? What day is it on the fifteenth day of the first month?

  The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is called Lantern Festival every year, so when is the Lantern Festival in 2021, and when is it?

Q: When is the Lantern Festival in 2021? When is the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

  A:Lantern Festival in 2021 is on Friday, February 26th, 2021, the 15th day of the first lunar month..

WeChat screenshot _20210224162607

Brief introduction of lantern festival

  After the Spring Festival, another traditional festival in China is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar.

  The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called the night "Xiao", so they called the fifteenth day of the first month the Lantern Festival. The 15th day of the first month is the night of the first full moon in a year, and it is also the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. On the night in spring returns, people celebrate this and celebrate the continuation of the Spring Festival. Lantern Festival is also called "Shangyuan Festival".

  According to the folk tradition in China, on this bright night, people light up thousands of lanterns to celebrate. Going out to enjoy the moon, burning lamps and setting off flames, enjoying solve riddles on the lanterns, having Lantern Festival together, family reunion and celebrating the festive season are all enjoyable.

  Lantern Festival is also called Lantern Festival. The custom of burning lanterns on Lantern Festival originated from the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, the activities of enjoying lanterns became more prosperous. Lights were hung everywhere in the palace and on the streets, and tall lantern wheels, lantern buildings and lantern trees were also built. Lu Zhaolin, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, once described the grand occasion of burning lanterns on Lantern Festival in "Watching Lights on Fifteen Nights", saying that "the stars in the Han Dynasty are falling, and the buildings are like the moon hanging."

  In the Song Dynasty, more attention was paid to the Lantern Festival, and the lantern viewing activities were more lively. The lantern viewing activities lasted for five days and the styles of lanterns were more abundant. In the Ming Dynasty, the lantern festival will last for 10 days, which is the longest lantern festival in China. Although there were only three days of lantern viewing in Qing Dynasty, the lantern viewing activities were large in scale and unprecedented in pomp. Besides burning lanterns, fireworks were also put on to entertain.

  "solve riddles on the lanterns", also called "playing riddles", is an activity added after the Lantern Festival, which appeared in the Song Dynasty. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the capital Lin ‘an made riddles every Lantern Festival, and there were many people guessing riddles. At the beginning, it was a busybody who wrote riddles on paper and pasted them on colorful lanterns for people to guess. Because riddles are enlightening and interesting, they are welcomed by all walks of life in the process of spreading.

  The folk custom of eating Yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice, either solid or stuffed. Filled with bean paste, sugar, hawthorn, all kinds of fruit materials, etc., it can be cooked, fried, steamed and fried when eating. At first, people called this kind of food "Floating Yuanzi", and later they called it "Tangtuan" or "Tangyuan". These names "Reunion" have similar sounds, meaning reunion, which symbolizes the reunion of the whole family, harmony and happiness, and people also miss their parting relatives and place their good wishes on their future life.

  In some places, the Lantern Festival also has the custom of "walking all kinds of diseases", also known as "roasting all kinds of diseases" and "dispersing all kinds of diseases". Most of the participants are women. They walk together or walk by the wall, or cross the bridge and walk in the suburbs, in order to drive away diseases and eliminate disasters.

  With the passage of time, there are more and more activities in the Lantern Festival, and many local festivals have added traditional folk performances such as playing dragon lanterns, playing lions, walking on stilts, rowing dry boats and dancing yangko, and playing Taiping drums. This traditional festival, which has been passed down for more than 2,000 years, is not only popular on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, but also celebrated year after year in areas inhabited by overseas Chinese.

Editor in Charge: Fang Di

[Network China Festival Lantern Festival] Do you know all these Lantern Festival knowledge?

The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar, and the ancients called night "night".

So put the first full moon night of the year

The fifteenth day of the first month is called Lantern Festival.

So ~ Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month,

Do you remember those traditional customs?

Let’s take a look at it with Xiaobian ~


(Please swipe your phone to watch)

The bright moon in the sky, the Lantern Festival in the bowl

Every household is round and round.

Full of best wishes for the new year.

I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!

Source: Zhaoqing Civilization Network

Stay away from "toxic" "love" Listen to Zhang Wenhong teach you to love rationally.

Yesterday was the annual 520 "Dog Abuse Festival". There were many days related to love, and there were countless slogans and truths about love. Sincere love is always worthy of praise, but sometimes when there are other plans in the name of "love", you get the goods, and you get the goods!
Recently, there is a news in the hot search that really makes people laugh and cry:
There is a hot comment that borrows the lyrics of Aska Yang’s Onion, but it is very appropriate: "If you are willing to peel my heart layer by layer" …
Pure love is worthy of praise, and love and hate are the eternal carriers of thousands of literature; But sometimes, when the name of "love" is used for other purposes, how many people who are addicted to the love trap can discover the truth layer by layer?
Here, we must release Zhang Wen’s grand and super-rational view of love:
"Get a hepatitis B vaccine before you fall in love."
"The reason why AIDS hurts young people so much,
It is because it is under the banner of love.
Anything, once in the name of love, is terrible. "
Here, the key points must be bold: "anything, once it is under the banner of love, is terrible!" "
And the love that comes with "drugs" is always a tragedy.
For example, girls who are addicted to love traps and help transport drugs,
I don’t know what is waiting for them is not love.
It’s behind bars.
For example, some people are carried away by love,
Drug trafficking, drug abuse …
Trying to make love more "complete" …
A couple in Yunnan "borrowed" money from strangers to raise money for drugs.
And then don’t return it! ! !
To pay off his girlfriend’s debts,
The man was caught with drugs in his body,
Swallow twice as much as ordinary people.
Or starting from love but going to extremes,
In order to get back together, the man pretended to send a courier to the door.
Injured his ex-girlfriend and grandmother and forced him to "laugh" …
Women turn themselves in for drug abuse,
In order to enter the detention center and "reunite" with her boyfriend …
And drug trafficking was caught "throwing pot" to the boyfriend of pregnant girlfriend.
On May 13th, the police of Pinggui Branch of Hezhou Public Security Bureau in Guangxi arrested two suspects and seized more than 70 grams of suspected heroin. The criminal suspects He Mou and Cen Mou are lovers. When he was arrested, He tried his best to argue and "shabu-shabu" his pregnant girlfriend Cen.
The couple tried to get rid of their unhappiness by taking drugs.
During the patrol, the Anti-drug Brigade of Yongfu County Public Security Bureau in Guangxi found a white car parked on the side of the road, and there was a quarrel between men and women from time to time.
The police came forward to check and found that they were in a trance and faltered. The police found banknotes suspected of taking drugs and a small amount of drugs scattered at the car console, and they brought them back to Yongfu County Law Enforcement Case Center according to law. After testing, the urine of the two men was positive for ketamine (commonly known as K powder) and truthfully confessed the illegal facts of taking drugs in the car.
After the police asked, they learned that Qin and Wang were lovers before. Shortly after breaking up, there was a quarrel in the car due to emotional problems. Because of his bad mood, Qin, who had a drug abuse record, took out the K powder prepared in advance, thinking that they could get rid of their troubles by taking drugs together. The two were given administrative punishment by the public security organs.
True love,
Instead of using your partner,
Nor is it to lure your partner to the white abyss with drugs.
"Toxic" love never lasts,
When drugs meet love,
It is doomed to be a tragic ending.
Stay away from the "love" mixed with drugs,
Don’t let a trace of drugs contaminate your life.
Healthy love, away from drugs!
Source: China Anti-drug

Close-up | Mothers retire and come back, sitting and playing volleyball also has the spirit of women’s volleyball.

The players of the Shanghai team boarded the podium. Photo taken in Zhu Dechun On October 28th, the 11th National Paralympic Games and the 8th Special Olympics Games were all over.
In the evening at Northwestern Polytechnical University, in the women’s sitting volleyball final, the Shanghai team beat the Jiangsu team with absolute advantages (25-16, 25-10, 25-9) to win the championship, and the leaders of the Jiangsu team at the guest table also marveled. "The strength of the Shanghai team is really strong."
Women’s sitting volleyball has always been the dominant event of the Shanghai team. Many players have also been selected for the China team and won the silver medal in the just-concluded Tokyo Paralympic Games.
Being able to keep the advantage all the time stems from the persistence of these mothers for many years-this is the embodiment of the spirit of women’s volleyball.
In the final of the Paralympic Games, Shanghai seated women’s volleyball team beat Jiangsu team.
Blisters are everywhere on hands and buttocks.
Except for a short lag at the beginning of the first game, the Shanghai team won the championship almost all the way ahead.
In the second half of the second game, the advantage of the scene was so great that it was only a matter of time before the champion. The leaders of Jiangsu team at the guest table had already congratulated the Shanghai team in advance.
The Shanghai team is also very emotional here."Although it seems that the advantages are great, no champion is easy to get, and they have paid too much behind them. For example, training is almost all year round. "
In the team events, Shanghai’s blind soccer and goalball events are basically amateur, but sitting volleyball can be called quasi-professional-the training base of the national team is located in Shanghai, and many players in the Shanghai team are also members of the national team.
In order to prepare for the previous Tokyo Paralympic Games and this Paralympic Games, these players really tried their best.
After retiring from the Shanghai Women’s Volleyball Team, Xu Huimin began to coach women’s volleyball for the disabled in 2009 and took over the position of head coach in 2018. As soon as he took over the sitting volleyball team, Xu Huimin was shocked-compared with the conventional volleyball that needs to run and jump, the rhythm and skills of sitting volleyball are very different.
The same basic volleyball movements, such as receiving and sending, padding and spiking, are very difficult for sitting volleyball players and require more perseverance and sweat-All the movements of the girls can only be done by sitting on the ground. They should replace their feet with their hands and learn to move quickly on the floor. Touching the ground for countless times, blisters are everywhere on hands and buttocks …
In order to better experience the technical characteristics of sitting volleyball, Xu Huimin also sat down on the ground: "I need to play with them to understand the rhythm of playing and adjust the training plan."
Shanghai team members and coaches thanked the audience.
No rest, this is the normal state.
Through continuous exploration, Xu Huimin has formed a set of efficient training mode-in order to achieve good results, Xu Huimin also applied for the sitting volleyball men’s team to practice with the girls to simulate high-intensity competitions and temper their competitive state.
During the preparation period, the sitting volleyball training adopts the "3+1" mode, that is, three weeks of all-day training and one week of only morning training. "Some players have proposed to quit, and some players have secretly wiped their tears …"
For such high-intensity training, Xu Huimin admits that at present, more than half of the female queues are old players, and most of them are "abandoning their homes and careers". Everyone is very concerned about their children and missing their parents. Compared with physical fatigue, psychological pressure is a bigger problem.
In order to relieve everyone’s psychological pressure, Xu Huimin will come to the dormitory regularly to talk with everyone; The center also offers courses such as "embroidery class" to adjust everyone’s psychology; During the Chinese New Year, the center organized an e-sports competition for the team members.
Lv Hongqin (right) is in the match against Liaoning team.
"It is common for me not to go home during the Spring Festival. Except for my children, my family understands me very well."Talking about the topic of the Spring Festival, team member Lu Hongqin said that he was a little embarrassed about his children.
Lv Hongqin is an "old man" of sitting women’s volleyball team. She lives in Changning, Shanghai, and is a member of both the Shanghai team and the national team.
As the captain of the national team sitting women’s volleyball team, she led the team members to participate in the four Paralympic Games in Athens in 2004, Beijing in 2008, London in 2012 and Rio in 2016, and won three consecutive championships.
This year, as a representative of the Paralympic champion, she boarded the "Dream of the Olympics" float for the National Day ceremony. For her, the Olympics is a place where she witnessed her growth, and it is also a place where she won honors. And every Spring Festival in preparation for the Olympics is spent with her teammates in the team.
Group photo of the whole team.
Mothers retire and come back
After the final of the Paralympic Games, many players of the Shanghai team became the stars of the stadium, and many volunteers at the scene wanted to take photos with them.
Many college students say,"We all know their stories. We have been playing here for many days, and the spirit of women’s volleyball has also been passed on to them."
Five years ago, 36-year-old Lu Hongqin lost to the US team as the captain. "The American players are young, tall and growing up rapidly. We didn’t play well in that game." Lv Hongqin said that compared with players from European and American countries such as the United States and Russia, China girls are not dominant in size, and American players with an average height of more than 1.85 meters block the net as soon as they reach out.
At that time, the performance of American players made her see the vigorous development of this sport, but more of them were unwilling. After that, Lu Hongqin briefly returned to his family, but the sitting women’s volleyball players were green and yellow, the skills of the small players were not mature enough, the new players were not enough, and the team needed mature athletes. In this way, Lu Hongqin returned to the team again.
From her first participation in the Olympic Games to the present, during this period, she got married, had children and had her own family. It is a great challenge for her to return to the team.
Overcoming the gap in physical fitness and finding the sense of the ball on the court, Lu Hongqin, who is introverted, doesn’t talk much, but the fierce eyes on the court speak for themselves.
Volunteers take a group photo with Shanghai team players.
Big sister and champion mother
In addition to Lu Hongqin, Zhang Xufei, who was in contact with sitting volleyball in 2002, was also involved.
She played as the main player of the national team in the 2006 World Championships in the Netherlands, and her excellent performance impressed the coach and teammates. Since that competition, she has never stepped down from this main position.
The main force should not only be skilled in skills and excellent in ball skills, but also require not to leave the stadium all the time-she is the centering person of her teammates on the field, and she is also a kind and warm elder of everyone off the field. In life, everyone likes to call her "sister".
"But time and tide wait for no man. I am a little envious when I watch these young children sleep and all their pains are gone."ZhangXuFei lifted his right leg trouser legs, and a 10 cm long scar on his knee was particularly conspicuous. "The knee was opened, and now you can still hear it" Hua "when you touch it. Arms, waist and coccygeal vertebrae are all injuries. After all, they are athletes. This injury is common! "
The scars on my body seem to be athletes’ medals, and every place is a witness to past experiences. "In a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and I am already the big sister of new players!"
In September 2009, her daughter was born, and the arrival of the little guy gave Zhang Xufei another title "Mom". In front of her daughter, she is not a champion on the podium, nor an athlete with neat football style. She is just her daughter’s guardian.
"I owe my daughter a lot, because I was forced to wean her when she was six months old and went back to training. There was no winter and summer vacation, no May Day, no National Day, and only half a day off every week. I love my daughter, but I also love volleyball. "
Because of the long separation, Zhang Xufei said that he often thought of his daughter during training and competition."She will show off to her classmates that she has a champion mother, and she will also be angry that I will not go home for months after a game."
"Although I am 34 years old, I have never thought about retiring. Volleyball has become a part of my life. I can’t give up and I don’t know how to give up."
"Maybe when I am old enough to retire, I will calmly walk off the field and return to my family, but now I just want to concentrate on playing every game and enjoy the cheers of every victory."
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

The college entrance examination countdown is 10 days! Make more moves to ensure the safety of exams.

  Beijing, May 28th (Leng Yuyang) Today, there are only 10 days left before the 2018 college entrance examination. Every year, the college entrance examination, the topic of examination style and discipline, and the safety of college entrance examination are all hot spots of social concern. This year, what measures have been introduced in various places to ensure the safety of the college entrance examination?

  Data map: Senior three students are taking the simulated college entrance examination in the classroom, and the window sill of the classroom is filled with various review materials. Yan Nan Photo source: vision china

  Relevant departments have repeatedly applied for the deployment of college entrance examination security

  As the college entrance examination approaches, the safety of college entrance examination is frequently put on the agenda. The reporter from Zhongxin. com found that since March this year, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and other relevant departments have deployed the safety work of the college entrance examination many times.

  As early as March this year, the Ministry of Education made arrangements for the safety of the college entrance examination. On March 5th, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Colleges and Universities in 2018, which pointed out that special actions should be concentrated on purifying the network environment involved in the examination, cracking down on the sale of cheating equipment, purifying the surrounding environment of the test center, and cracking down on cheating for the test. Strengthen the management of standardized test sites, close the entrance to the examination room, focus on the implementation of examination services and examination room management, and ensure strict and orderly examination style and discipline.

  Two months later, the safety of the college entrance examination was specifically mentioned again. On May 8th, the Ministry of Education held a video conference with the members of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting of the National Unified Education Examination to fully mobilize and deploy the safety work of the 2018 college entrance examination.

  Chen Baosheng, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Education, pointed out at the meeting that it is necessary to further strengthen the departmental cooperation mechanism, focus on key actions, key groups and key areas, and severely punish them, thus forming a high-pressure situation to crack down on exam fraud. Strictly control the entrance, invigilation, marking and admission.

  At the same time, Shi Jun, member of the Party Committee and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, also demanded at the meeting that local public security organs should persist in attacking with heavy punches, strengthen online inspections, carry out key rectification, strengthen investigation and crackdown, and strictly guard against crimes involving exams. It is necessary to strengthen risk prevention and control, strengthen public security management around test sites, and create a good campus surrounding environment.

  On May 25th, less than half a month before the college entrance examination, official website, the Ministry of Education, released a message and signed a letter of responsibility for college entrance examination safety with the admissions committees of colleges and universities in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).

  The responsibility book is clear, and all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should improve the management responsibility system and accountability system of the college entrance examination, improve the working mechanism of the relevant departments, and take effective measures to ensure the safe and smooth progress of the college entrance examination.

  What measures are there to ensure the safety of the college entrance examination?

  At the same time, the reporters of Zhongxin. com found that the same measures were taken at the local level, and the college entrance examination was deployed safely.

  The importance of preventing examination questions from leaking is self-evident. In this regard, Henan proposed that education administrative departments at all levels and recruitment offices should strengthen the supervision of the whole process and the whole chain of secret-related links such as making papers, transporting, keeping, distributing, applying for examinations and marking papers to ensure the absolute safety of test papers.

  Xinyang, Henan Province, put forward more detailed measures. Specifically, the security room video should be monitored and stored 24 hours a day, in all directions and without dead ends. It is necessary to strengthen the video monitoring of the test paper on the way from the secret room to the test center, and track it in real time, so as to achieve special car transportation, special secret box storage, double lock reinforcement, public security escort, and full video monitoring.

  Preventing high-tech cheating is also a highlight of this year’s college entrance examination security work. The safety work plan for the 2018 college entrance examination issued by Beijing proposes that a fixed monitoring network covering the whole city and some outer suburbs will be started in advance, and special electromagnetic environment monitoring and governance work will be carried out on the test sites and surrounding areas to investigate suspicious signals. During the examination, the monitoring vehicles will patrol the road and cooperate with the fixed monitoring network to ensure seamless monitoring of the electromagnetic environment of the test center. Two groups of radio law enforcement officers will also be on duty in sections during the examination.

  In addition, in terms of ensuring the safety of examination rooms, Wuhan, Hubei Province proposed that every examination room in the city should be equipped with metal detectors and mobile phone shielding devices, and candidates should undergo security inspection after entering the examination room. The situation of the examination room will be recorded and recorded all the time, and remotely monitored electronically. In addition, this year’s Wuhan college entrance examination venue will all be replaced by intelligent automatic time correction radio clocks, and candidates can’t wear watches to enter the examination room.

  On the other hand, Jiangxi proposed that during the college entrance examination, colleges and universities should strictly enforce the system of students’ leave. Without special reasons, college students are not allowed to leave school on June 7 and 8. Students who have been approved to leave school or practice alone should contact the students by telephone half an hour after the exam starts during the college entrance examination, and report any suspicious substitute immediately.

  Data Map: On June 7, 2017, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the test center of Henan Experimental Middle School, the candidates and parents who took the college entrance examination. China News Service reporter Wang Zhongju photo

  Carefully deployed in many places to escort candidates.

  While severely cracking down on the safety issues involved in the examination, there are also some warm moves in many places to escort the candidates.

  For example, the Shaanxi Provincial Admissions Office recently issued the Shaanxi 2018 College Entrance Examination Code to remind candidates that only 2B pencils, 0.5mm black ink pens, rulers, compasses, triangular plates, rubber without envelopes, knives, blank pads, transparent pencil cases and other stationery are allowed to enter the examination room. Mobile phones, radio transmitting and receiving equipment, electronic memory recording and playback equipment, watches, correction fluids, correction tapes, hearing AIDS, pencil cases and other non-examination articles are strictly prohibited from being brought into the examination room.

  Food safety is also a hot topic for candidates and parents. In this regard, hunan food and drug administration recently issued a warning on food safety consumption during the college entrance examination. Specifically, parents should pay attention to the fact that the time interval between the prepared food and consumption should not exceed 2 hours; Parents and candidates should not be superstitious about the so-called "brain tonic" products and other warm tips.

  What should candidates do if they encounter problems with their documents? Recently, the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau set up a special distribution point for candidates’ certificates in the service hall of resident ID cards, and introduced measures such as expediting acceptance, giving priority to making certificates and shortening the time limit for receiving them, so as to provide convenient services for candidates who are in urgent need of certificates.

  In addition, Leshan, Sichuan Province stipulates that May 10 to June 14 is the noise-forbidden time for the college entrance examination, and arrangements are made for the construction time of the construction site, the use of sound devices for motor vehicles, and the use of sound in square dances during the noise-forbidden period to ensure the study and rest of candidates. (End)