How many unreasonable places are there in the female body?

From forest apes to modern humans

Humans have experienced tens of millions of years of evolution.

In this process

We learned to walk upright and use tools.

Has produced the emotion, the thinking consciousness

Great changes have taken place in the body.

it is a pity that

Although after tens of millions of years of evolution,

Our bodies still have some. …

Where "it doesn’t seem reasonable"

Let’s take a look at it with you today.

The female body

How many unreasonable places are there?

Private part

First of all, let’s talk about the biggest difference between women and men-reproductive system. As one of the most important parts of the human body, the reproductive system, which bears the heavy responsibility of racial reproduction, has a "huge" defect in design-it is too close to the urinary system and excretory system.

Women’s reproductive tract mouth, urethral mouth and anus are too close. Under the attack of these two, various problems follow.

It is inevitable that there will be some "dirty things" in excreta that are not conducive to health. Because they are too close, these "dirty things" may run to the reproductive system with a little carelessness, causing inflammation, mold infection and other diseases.

Even if you pay great attention to personal hygiene, it is difficult to keep this area dry and fresh all the time. The humid environment will continue to irritate the skin and cause folliculitis.

In addition, the female reproductive system has also designed an unreasonable "cooling mechanism"-menstruation stage.

Regular visits by "big aunt" will not only bring a lot of inconvenience in life, but also bring physical pain and emotional fluctuations.


After talking about the private parts, let’s turn our eyes to the inside of the body and talk about the pelvis.

In order to give birth smoothly, women’s pelvis is wider than men’s, and such "differential treatment" brings many "congenital disadvantages" to girls.

Because the pelvis is narrower, boys can have a "good-looking" ass without effort. And girls’ hips are wide and flat.

The wider pelvis also leads to a larger pelvic inclination, a forward posture and an X-leg problem.

Therefore, women are more vulnerable to pelvic pain, and at the same time, the probability of low back pain and other problems is higher than that of men.

Accessory milk

Next, let’s move our eyes upward-vice breasts.

During fetal development, if the redundant breast tissue is not completely degraded, this embarrassing thing will appear. Although complementary breasts will not pose a threat to women’s health, they will bring some inconvenience and trouble to women.

First of all, the first question is-not good-looking. Vice breasts usually grow near women’s armpits. In summer, these two bulging "fat" have become the heart disease of many girls.

If it’s just "two lumps of meat", it’s tolerable. I’m afraid that the pair of breasts is the version with nipples, which is embarrassing to by going up one flight of stairs.

corpus luteum

The corpus luteum may be unfamiliar to men. Let me introduce it to you first. The corpus luteum of women is a temporary gland in the ovary, which will be formed after ovulation.

Unlike "useless auxiliary milk", Huang will secrete hormones such as progesterone, which can help the endometrium maintain a stable state and promote the full development of the chest.

But it has a fatal bug-it will break! And it is easy to break!

Slightly violent jumping, running, or too hard when going to the toilet may cause corpus luteum rupture. If the pressure in the yellow body is too great and no external force is needed, it will even break for you automatically.

After corpus luteum rupture, abdominal pain will be severe, and if internal bleeding is serious, there may even be shock.

Prostaglandins and androgens

Yes, women also secrete prostaglandins and androgens. The former can regulate menstrual cycle and fertility, while the latter can affect women’s sexual desire and reproductive health.

However, if these two hormones are secreted too much, they will have adverse effects on girls’ health.

Excessive secretion of prostaglandin will amplify girls’ sensitivity to pain, while excessive secretion of androgen will lead to more body hair and irregular menstruation.

The good news is.

Some researchers have found that

Over the past 40 thousand years

The speed of human evolution is accelerating.

Especially in the last 5000 years.

The speed of human evolution is 100 times faster than before.

Over time.

These "unreasonable" places.

Maybe through evolution.

Become more reasonable

But everyone here

I don’t think I can witness it in person

Doctor, for a minute, the posture keeps rising.

End of this period

Ten funny stories: I was caught smoking in the bathroom, and my mother was so angry that she swung her belt and beat her.

Who should control the family economic power? This is a puzzling question. Today, we are going to listen to a story about a man B and his wife. Man b confidently said that he gave his wife pocket money every month, which made people admire him. But what kind of story is hidden behind his behavior? Male B was predicted by the master to be a cow and a horse for a woman, but in the end he did it willingly for his sister. Some of his reactions to his wife also made people laugh. His daughter-in-law’s pocket money made him a little uneasy, so he secretly opened his son’s red envelope and won some money, only to find that his son always ran to the flowerpot. Finally, his girlfriend lost her ring, and he promised to buy her a new one. As a result, her girlfriend made up her mind to cry out another gold necklace. These stories make us wonder, who should control the family economic power?

Is it a man or a woman? Or, should this power be shared with each other? Please leave your opinions and suggestions. Looking back at the full text, the story of male B shows us all kinds of complicated and interesting stories behind the mastery of family economic power. In real life, the power of family economy should be jointly negotiated and decided by husband and wife, not unilaterally controlled by one party. Mutual respect and equal communication are the keys to maintaining family harmony. What do you think? My relatives and friends have been angry or surprised for some unexpected reasons. For example, some people are blamed for their impolite answers on blind date, while others lament each other’s heartlessness after divorce, but frankly admit that they put it forward by themselves. Another time, my family found me smoking in the bathroom, and I was beaten by a belt and a feather duster.

What’s more, I thought that the other party would promise me, but I was told that today is the final test. What an accident. Another time at school, I mistakenly thought someone was fighting, but it caused the other person’s anger. It was a joke. Which of the above stories do you think is the most unexpected? Leave a message and tell us! Each of these stories is full of surprises and reversals, which makes people stunned. In life, we are always full of surprises and accidents, which is also the fun of life. Whether you get along with relatives and friends or deal with various situations in your life, unexpected things may happen. In the face of these accidents, we should learn to deal with them calmly and handle every accident well, so as to enjoy the fun of life better. Do you have a similar experience?

Or what do you think and comment on the above story? Welcome to leave a message and share with us!

Random talk about football

Some people may be surprised that what is the charm of football? It can be popular with so many people, regardless of race and social status. There is a shady venue, 22 people grabbing the ball and shooting under the supervision of the referee, and occasionally taking risks to send some balls to their own goals … In fact, for non-football professionals, the fantastic terms of skills and tactics are too empty. It must be admitted that the long game time of more than 90 minutes.

I think fans should be divided into several categories:

(1) professional fans. They are either professionals in the field of football or take the study of football as a profession. The biggest feature of these people is to start with the details and understand the truth inside the industry.

(2) Amateur fans. They just watch and talk about the ball as a hobby, and they have their own jobs in their daily lives. They may play a few wild games with three or two friends during the holidays, which is very informal. But they did enrich the population of football.

(3) fans who only watch the ball. As the name implies, people who never play football or rarely play football, who are skilled or unskilled in various professional terms in the field of football, and who like to play football games instead of actual football experience, are in a sense hidden football population.

(4) fake fans. On weekdays, they don’t pay attention to football news at all. They like to follow the tide of public opinion and firmly grasp the most critical core information. They have a keen eye and insight into the basic quality of human nature, and they can pretend to be top experts in the industry most of the time.

Four kinds of fans are four kinds of people’s attitudes towards football, so I want to extend this topic: On the first day of last year, the national football team was defeated by the Vietnamese team in the top 12 competition with a score of one to three.

The national football team lost to Vietnam 1-3 on the first day of the New Year’s Day.

An embarrassing result. Losing to such powerful teams as Japan and Saudi Arabia can only be said to be reasonable and lacking. However, the Vietnamese team had suffered a seven-game losing streak before meeting the national football team in the second round. People gave it the nickname 007. Is it unreasonable to be defeated by such a team? I don’t think the strength of the national football team will degenerate to be crushed by the Vietnamese team. I mean, the off-site factors account for a greater proportion of this loss, and a series of performances on the field are only results rather than reasons.

Is it really that important for a team with such a level of national football not to enter the World Cup? I don’t think it matters. For three reasons:

(1) Chinese people are not keen on football. Does anyone around you often play football? Will you support your children to play football instead of taking the entrance examination? Where does your child want to find a coach to play football? Is there enough football field near your home? It seems that there are many fans in China who care about the development of football. In fact, most of them are fake fans and fans who only watch football. There are not many fans who are really keen on football. So the level of the national team will not be much higher. With such a mass base, what kind of good seeds do you expect its national team to have?

(2) Lack of respect for the rules of football and sportsmanship. As we all know, in order to achieve the goal of marching into FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, the Chinese Football Association of zhong spared no expense in planning a group of foreign players. Trying to use the planning players to drive the overall strength of the whole team, but on the other hand ignoring the development of basic youth training, the domestic league stopped. Reality slapped them hard, and the national football team defeated Vietnam in advance. It is unwise to get quick success and instant benefit. The foundation is not firmly built, and everything else is just castles in the air.

One of the important reasons why Chinese people are not suitable for playing football is that they are not United enough.

(3) Chinese people’s thinking and physical conditions are not suitable for football. Chinese people pay attention to being unprofitable and can’t afford to get up early, but football happens to be a team sport, which needs cooperation to play the best effect, and being willing to be a green leaf means losing money, which is obviously not in the interest of individuals. In fact, we may find that China’s good sports, such as table tennis, badminton, gymnastics and diving, are often played by one or two people, and it is rare for more than three people to work together. Have you ever seen six people playing table tennis on a case in a formal competition? Even in table tennis, players may feel that another person is in the way. No way, this is a kind of thinking concept, and it is difficult for Chinese people to play team projects well. Then someone will ask why women’s volleyball and women’s football are better than men’s volleyball and men’s football. In fact, I don’t understand this either. Maybe it’s the difference between men’s and women’s thinking. It’s really strange that our female compatriots are more United than their male compatriots. As for the physical condition of Chinese people, it is enough to compare Koreans instead of whites and blacks.

To sum up, football is not the best choice for Chinese people, so it is not particularly strange to lose to a national team like Vietnam, which attaches importance to following the rules of football. But I saw the chilling side after this game. Wu Xi, the captain of the national football team, inadvertently dodged the ball and was associated with abalone advertisements. For more than ten years, he worked hard for the national team and set an example for players on and off the court. Because he was guided by public opinion, he was nailed to their so-called shame column, which was not only absurd, but also evil.

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes. Perhaps these players have a sacred love for football since childhood, or they have chosen to enter the field of professional football with the dream of making a fortune, and have a young meal. (Many people complain that football players have high salaries and low ability, but who will notice their life after retirement? Football is a young meal. If you don’t earn enough money when you are young, will you continue to play football to support your family when you are old? ) Crush competitors, step by step to the top of the pyramid of top clubs, and become a leader in the domestic field. Then, if you lose to a stronger opponent in international competitions, you will be scolded as having no fighting spirit. Are they really not spelling? Lei Wu got a leg cramp in the match against the Australian team. How many people really care?

The national football team in the top 12 relied on Lei Wu’s penalty to draw the Australian team.

Luo Guofu, the planning player with the lowest score in the audience, was boasted as a national hero by public opinion because he flew to block a cross ball. Is it absurd? Luo Guofu’s nickname is Yue Fei, and Li Tie’s nickname is Qin Gui … It’s a slippery record. Such a public opinion environment is really invisible. After that, foreign players in poor condition appeared in the team, so there was no starting position. I work hard in the team, but it is better for foreigners who have not come to the joint training for several months to have a high status. Whose mind will be balanced, and the players who plan on the court are in poor condition, shouldn’t local players follow suit? Anyway, there has been an unfair phenomenon. Let’s just lose to the Vietnamese team, and no one can think about it … Sadly, China Football.

We shouldn’t expect any good news from China football in a short time, because it is totally divorced from reality. In fact, the greatest charm of football is not the skills and tactics on the court, but the fighting spirit of people and the complicated world outside the court. Football is a sport, more like a war. In the final analysis, it is a complete summary of human struggle, including tactics, art, strategy, strategy, diplomacy, humanities, geography, chemistry, socialization and humanity. It is the biggest insult to football if you only pay attention to the goals on the court and don’t care about the culture and beliefs inside and outside the court.