Bookstore nightlife, can "one night" become "night after night"?

  From July 19th, every Friday to Sunday, the operation hours of Beijing Metro Line 1 and Line 2 are extended, and the last bus departure time of each station along the line is after zero. It can be seen that the subway works hard for our nightlife.





  Everything is fine, but this excitement is like a "flash" featuring a bookstore. After this night, can the bookstore be added to the nightlife options? Can "one night" become "every night"?

  In fact, it is nothing new to spend the night in a bookstore. There have been 24-hour bookstores in various places before. According to Liu Jingjing, deputy dean of the School of Cultural Industry Management of China Communication University, this series of activities with the overall planning and support of government resources is a good demonstration and guidance, but the sustainable development of bookstore nightlife depends on the enthusiasm and demands of bookstores themselves.

  Most directly, the development of bookstore nightlife is closely related to bookstore operating costs. Liu Jingjing said: "The cost of personnel and security required for night operation will increase significantly compared with that during the day. Whether the bookstore can get enough returns by extending its business hours is the key to restricting the sustainable development of the bookstore nightlife."

  Liu Jingjing believes that there are two ways to develop bookstore nightlife at present: one is to expand the bookstore into a public cultural space with multiple functions, providing a carrier for various cultural activities, such as movie viewing, reading, reading, drama, music, and even night training; The second is to carry life related to books in various spaces, such as reading activities in restaurants, shopping malls and cinemas.

  Liu Jingjing felt "anxious" at first to live the bookstore nightlife well. "You can find some brand and iconic bookstores to explore and try first, instead of opening them all at once. Because it depends on whether the bookstore itself can survive, or whether it will have more room for development after the city as a whole forms an atmosphere of night cultural life. "

  Expanding bookstores into cultural complexes has become more common in first-and second-tier cities. When it gradually sinks into third-and fourth-tier cities, it is expected to produce more new formats, such as combining bookstores with restaurants, creative markets and even car beauty.

  The latter, in this "flash" activity, is also emerging. In MUJI HOTEL BEIJING (Beijing Branch of Muji Hotel), in-house guests can choose a favorite book from about 8,000 books in the lobby book bar and bring it back to their rooms for free.

  In the children’s paradise "Little Oasis", Fantasy Country and Yimi Sunshine Children’s Library moved children’s favorite reading scenes to the paradise. Ma Jin, founder of Little Oasis, said: "Let children regard picture books as toys. In our space, it will be arranged in different corners ‘ Reading angle ’ At the same time, a small library will be set up to open all picture books to parents and children for all parents who come to the small oasis to choose and borrow. "

  Mom+,a family-style restaurant under the brand of "Family Heritage", has set up a trial reading area for Xiong Liang’s classic picture books. Xiong Liang said, "In other scenes, books should have such an opportunity". "Mom+"restaurant will recommend a book every month. The first month of opening is the picture book "A Bowl of Soup for Mom" by Hao Guangcai, a famous children’s book publisher. In that month, Sun Yankun, the co-founder of the family biography, found that all the children in the whole restaurant were reading the same book, but everyone had their own understanding.

  Sun Yankun said: "Seventy percent of our guests are families with children. When conceiving a restaurant, the first plate to be put in is the reading corner, which is also our discussion about ‘ Dining table and desk ’ An embodiment of the idea. Mom and dad put down their mobile phones when they were waiting for each other, and they were very devoted to reading picture books to children. It was beautiful. "

  "Promoting night economy is a systematic project, which requires all systems in the city to support night life, including public transportation, public security maintenance and night landscape. Bookstore nightlife does not depend on the development of a single bookstore, but on the formation of the whole cultural consumption habits. " Liu Jingjing said.

  China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter Jiang Xiaobin Trainee reporter Li Yi Source: China Youth Daily

Communiqué of the Third Ministerial Conference of China-Arab Cooperation Forum

  BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the communiqué of the third ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum.

  The foreign ministers of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the member countries of the League of Arab States (hereinafter referred to as "the two sides") and the Secretary General of the League of Arab States held the third ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum (hereinafter referred to as "the Forum") in Manama, the capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain, from May 21 to 22, 2008.

  The two sides spoke highly of the rich achievements made by China and Arab countries in building a new partnership of equality and all-round cooperation in recent years; Reviewing the activities held under the framework of the Forum since the Second Ministerial Conference, I am satisfied with the achievements made in the mechanism construction and important activities such as the Senior Officials Committee, the China-Arab Entrepreneurs Conference, the China-Arab Relations and the China-Arab Civilization Dialogue Seminar, China-Arab Environmental Cooperation, China-Arab Friendship Conference, China-Arab Energy Cooperation Conference and China-Arab News Cooperation Forum. Determined to further enrich the connotation of cooperation and promote the in-depth development of forum construction.

  It is believed that the world today is undergoing great changes and adjustments, and it is the general trend to seek peace, development and cooperation. With the in-depth development of economic globalization, countries are increasingly interdependent, so all countries should jointly deal with it and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Traditional security threats are still outstanding, and non-traditional security threats are on the rise, which urgently requires the international community to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with them.

  It is emphasized that strengthening China-Arab dialogue and cooperation and improving the overall level of China-Arab relations under the new situation are in the common interests of the Chinese and Arab people and are also conducive to world peace and development;

  To this end, the two sides decided to continue to strengthen the new partnership of equality, mutual trust, all-round cooperation, peace-oriented and sustainable development, and reached the following consensus:

  I. Political field

  1-Reaffirm the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. Promote the democratization of international relations and build a harmonious world. Respect all countries to safeguard their territorial integrity and security without violating the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized norms of international law.

  2-Strengthen mutual visits and communication between leaders and government officials of the two sides, keep close contact and contact, and enhance friendship and mutual trust.

  3-Promote exchanges between parliaments and political parties of the two sides, promote exchanges between non-governmental organizations, enhance mutual understanding and deepen traditional friendship.

  4-Maintain political consultations between the foreign ministries of the two sides and collective consultations within the framework of the forum.

  5-The Arab countries expressed sympathy and condolences to the Chinese side for the heavy casualties and serious property losses caused by the earthquake in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, People’s Republic of China (PRC), and appreciated the efforts of the China government and people in earthquake relief and reconstruction. The government and people of China express their heartfelt thanks and welcome to the sympathy, support and help given by the Arab countries and people. The Arab countries support China in hosting the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 and wish the Games a complete success.

  6-The Arab countries reiterate that the government of People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan Province is an inalienable part of the territory of China. They oppose the Taiwan Province authorities’ participation in the United Nations and other international organizations and conferences limited to sovereign countries in any name and form, and support the efforts of the government and people of China to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

  7-China supports the Arab countries’ strategic choice to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the road map plan for Middle East peace. China supports the Arab peace initiative as an important principle for comprehensively solving the Middle East issue, and calls on Israel to respond to the Arab countries’ desire for peace, negotiate with relevant Arab countries on the basis of the initiative, and end the occupation of all Arab territories occupied since 1967. Support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Arab peace initiative and solve the refugee problem in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, so as to restore the legitimate rights of the Arab people, and thus achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Call on the international community to commit itself to lifting the blockade of Palestine, take practical measures to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza, stop building settlements and all actions that aggravate tensions, and create favorable conditions for the Middle East peace process to move forward.

  8-Emphasize support for Syria to recover the occupied Golan Heights in accordance with relevant UN resolutions, on the basis of the results of the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991 and the Arab Peace Initiative in 2002, and on the basis of the principles of the peace process.

  9-Emphasize full solidarity with Lebanon and provide it with political and economic support. In the State of Qatar Emir Hamad? Ben? Khalifa? His Highness Al Thani, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad? Ben? Jasim? Ben? Jabbar? His Highness Al Thani, Secretary General of the Arab League Amr? Thanks to the efforts of Your Excellency Moussa and the members of the Arab Ministerial Committee, the Doha Lebanese National Dialogue Conference reached a consensus solution on the basis of the Arab initiative to solve the political crisis in Lebanon, and both sides warmly congratulated them.

  10-Emphasize that Iraq’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity should be fully respected, not interfering in its internal affairs, respecting the Iraqi people’s independent determination of their future, and condemning all forms of terrorist acts against the Iraqi people and their institutions. Support the Iraqi government’s efforts aimed at stabilizing the security situation and promoting the process of national reconciliation, so as to achieve national reconciliation and encourage cooperation for the reconstruction of Iraq. We welcome the role of the Arab League, the expansion of international cooperation through meetings of foreign ministers of neighboring countries in Iraq, and the search for the necessary mechanism to solve Iraq’s current problems. We hope that Iraq and its neighbors can solve their mutual concerns.

  11-Emphasize support for all peaceful efforts, including the initiative and efforts of the United Arab Emirates, aimed at peacefully resolving the issue of the three islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa) through peaceful negotiations and in accordance with the norms of international law.

  12-Emphasize support for Sudan’s national unity, national unity and territorial integrity. Support the Sudanese government of national unity to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and push forward the North-South peace process. Welcoming the signing of the Agreement on the Status of Mixed Forces on 9 February 2008 and the efforts made by the Government of Sudan to make the hybrid operation a success. It emphasizes that the hybrid operation should be deployed in Darfur in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1769, supports the tripartite consultation mechanism between Sudan, the African Union and the United Nations to continue to play the role of the main channel, advocates the balanced promotion of peacekeeping operations and the political process in Darfur, calls on the opposition and the Sudanese government to step up negotiations, reach a comprehensive peace agreement in Darfur at an early date, and supports the Arab League to continue to play an important role in this issue. Condemn the attack launched by the Justice and Equality Movement in Omdurman.

  13-Emphasize that continuing to promote the peace process in Somalia is of great significance to regional security and stability, respect the unity and national sovereignty of Somalia, and support Somalia to achieve national reconciliation and domestic peace as soon as possible.

  14-Support each other to safeguard national sovereignty, independence and national dignity, respect and support the independent choice of development path according to national conditions, and exchange ruling experience and development experience with each other.

  15-Emphasize that both sides attach importance to strengthening friendly relations between the National People’s Congress of China and Arab parliaments, consultative conferences and Arab transitional parliaments on the basis of the purposes and principles of the forum.

  16-Conduct political consultations, close coordination and cooperation on major regional and international issues of common concern within the framework of the Forum.

  17-Advocate dialogue and consultation, and encourage hot issues and differences to be handled through political and peaceful means.

  18-Support the maintenance of the international nuclear non-proliferation system and advocate the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue in the Middle East through diplomatic negotiations, so as to maintain regional peace and stability. Support the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East and the active efforts made by Arab countries on the basis of consultation to achieve this goal as soon as possible. The right of all countries to peaceful use of nuclear energy in accordance with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons should be respected and maintained, and the possession and development of military nuclear capabilities in violation of the provisions of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons should be opposed.

  19-Condemn all forms of terrorism and oppose linking terrorism with specific ethnic groups and religions. It is believed that counter-terrorism must be based on the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized norms of international law, adhere to the leading and coordinating role of the United Nations and its Security Council, and oppose double standards. King Abdullah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a servant who supports the two holy places? Ben? Abdalasis? Al Saud’s proposal to establish an international counter-terrorism center at the 2005 Riyadh World Counter-Terrorism Conference. Welcome and support President Zine El-Zine El-Assad of the Republic of Tunisia? Abidine? Ben? Ali proposed that the United Nations should hold an international conference to formulate anti-terrorism action guidelines that all parties should abide by and promote dialogue among different faiths, cultures and civilizations. We will continue to strengthen anti-terrorism cooperation in bilateral areas and under multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations. In this regard, the two sides support the international conference organized by the United Nations and attended by international organizations such as the Organization of the Islamic Conference to discuss the definition, prevention and fight against terrorism, and call on all parties to complete the negotiation of a comprehensive anti-terrorism convention as soon as possible.

  They agreed to strengthen dialogue and cooperation within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations, promote multilateralism, and safeguard the authority of the United Nations and its leading role in international affairs. Support the United Nations to carry out necessary and reasonable reforms, improve efficiency, fulfill the mission entrusted by the Charter of the United Nations, and increase its ability to effectively respond to new threats and challenges. Support the Security Council to play a major role in maintaining world peace and security. The reform of the Security Council should give priority to increasing the representation of developing countries, and members should reach consensus on the reform of the Security Council on the basis of extensive discussion and democratic consultation.

  21-It advocates reaching understanding and resolving differences between countries through dialogue and diplomatic means, so as to solve the problems that hinder the improvement of relations between countries. Oppose laws that override the norms of international law and aim at harming the sovereignty and interests of other countries.

  Second, promote development

  22-The two sides actively promote trade facilitation, continue to expand the scale of trade, improve the trade structure, standardize the trade order, raise the level of trade, and strive to achieve comprehensive, orderly and balanced development of bilateral trade.

  23-Expand two-way investment, promote enterprises of both sides to strengthen investment cooperation in a wider field, and encourage technology transfer.

  24-Strengthen cooperation in infrastructure construction, complement each other’s advantages in capital, technology and engineering, and explore projects to implement infrastructure construction, improve people’s livelihood and enhance the ability of independent development.

  25-Promote cooperation in the financial field, encourage financial institutions of both sides to strengthen cooperation, jointly provide financial support and convenience for investment, project contracting and trade of both sides, and encourage both sides to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the banking field under the conditions of complying with relevant laws and regulations of various countries.

  26-Strengthen cooperation between the two sides in the field of human resources development, learn from each other and learn from each other.

  27-The two sides coordinate and cooperate in international economic and trade fields and institutions, and work together to establish an open, fair and standardized multilateral international trading system and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

  28-Accelerate the negotiation process between China and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, and strive to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

  29-Support mutual investment projects in oil and gas industries on the basis of mutual benefit, and strengthen and expand existing cooperation, especially in the exploration, exploitation, transportation and refining of oil and gas; Exchange of experience and technology transfer in the fields of energy and environmental protection of energy-related projects through mutual visits, holding joint seminars and advanced courses, and participating in relevant activities organized by the other side.

  30-Strengthen cooperation and dialogue in the fields of environmental protection and desertification control, maintain close consultation and cooperation on international environmental affairs, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides in the fields of environmental protection and sustainable development.

  Carry out scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges through close contacts, and carry out joint research and technology transfer in seawater desalination, environmental protection technology, high-efficiency agricultural technology, clean energy, new energy and renewable energy technology.

  32-The two sides recognize that mankind is facing severe challenges in the issues of environment and sustainable development, and are willing to strengthen cooperation with the international community to meet the challenges in an open and pragmatic manner; Support the United Nations to play an important role in promoting global sustainable development and make positive contributions to promoting global environmental protection and sustainable development.

  33-Both sides attach great importance to climate change and are willing to make joint efforts with the international community to make positive contributions to climate change. The two sides stressed that any international arrangement to deal with climate change should be based on the principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, especially the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation in tackling climate change, including technical exchanges, improving energy efficiency and developing new and renewable energy sources.

  Third, people-to-people exchanges and dialogue among civilizations should be carried out.

  34-Encourage cooperation between research institutions, universities and educational institutions of both sides in the fields of education, scientific research and academic exchanges, including teaching Chinese and Arabic.

  35-Encourage and support Chinese and Arab cultural institutions to carry out official and non-governmental exchange programs, use information and communication technology to protect cultural heritage, sort out and publish cultural works, and attach importance to learning from each other in culture to achieve common development.

  36-Establish an art festival mechanism held by both parties in turn on a regular basis.

  37-Encourage the opening of Arab cultural centers in China and China cultural centers in Arab countries, and provide mutual convenience.

  38-Create conditions to encourage tourism cooperation between China and China, and actively consider listing Arab countries as outbound tourist destinations for citizens.

  39-Strengthen exchanges and dialogues among different civilizations, promote mutual understanding and interaction among people of all countries, respect the cultural characteristics of people of all countries, and be inclusive and exchange and learn from each other in the spirit of equality, mutual respect and tolerance.

  40-Emphasize that the two sides attach importance to participating in regional and international initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation among different civilizations, cultures and religions to deal with all forms of mutual exclusion and incitement to violence, and should not use freedom of speech as an excuse to vilify and vilify religions, beliefs, religious shrines and figures of people of all countries.

  Fourth, enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between Chinese and Arab news organizations.

  41-Close cooperation in the fields of news and publication between the two sides, and enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and Arab peoples through various mass media (television, newspapers and radio).

  V. Building the China-Arab Cooperation Forum

  42-Strengthen coordination and cooperation, jointly implement the principles and objectives set in the forum communiqué and the action implementation plan, and create more common development benefits for the people of both sides.

  43-Persist in innovation, constantly enrich China-Arab cooperation, improve the forum mechanism, and explore a forum construction model that conforms to the reality of both sides and the characteristics of China-Arab bilateral relations.

  44-Support the Forum to establish horizontal ties with other regional or multilateral cooperation mechanisms in which both sides participate, and broaden the space for common cooperation.

  45-Express gratitude and appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain for hosting the third ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum, and welcome the holding of the fourth ministerial meeting of the Forum in China in 2010 and the next Senior Officials Meeting of the Forum in China in 2009.

  This communiqué was signed in Manama on May 20th, 2008 in duplicate, each in Chinese and Arabic, both texts being equally authentic.



People’s Republic of China (PRC)

League of Arab States



Yang Jiechi (signature)

Amourous? Moussa (signature)

Foreign Minister of People’s Republic of China (PRC)

Secretary-General of the League of Arab States

Editor: Sun Jie


Every time it takes root, it is a commitment to the future of the city; Every rejuvenation is the pursuit of an ideal life; As the first fourth-generation residence in the Economic Development Zone, Yun Qi Time Project has been adhering to the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, casting a beautiful life with ingenuity, and laying a good foundation for the renovation and upgrading of residential buildings in the Economic Development Zone.

Architecture is a dialogue between man and life aesthetics. On December 16th, Yun Qi opened a "Fourth Generation Building Revitalization Life Salon" for prospective owners, and invited Caotan Group’s subsidiary, who is also the head of the planning and design department of Xi ‘an Caotan Construction and Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Caotan Construction), and SUM landscape designers to share with you how to realize the ideal life scene of painting an air courtyard.

Liu Tianran, head of the planning and design department of Xi ‘an Caotan Construction and Development Co., Ltd., elaborated the first fourth-generation residence in the Economic Development Zone inspired by the design concept, architectural planning, garden details and product highlights. As Liu Tianran said: "The core of the continuous iteration of living patterns is the continuous improvement of people’s needs." In Yun Qi, as a game breaker, he rearranged the order for the economic development, and renewed it iteratively.

As an iterative product of living, Yun Qi moved the courtyard into the air to realize "every family has a garden and every household has a courtyard", so that people living in a bustling city can realize the imagination of "staying in a cage for a long time and returning to nature". Wang Jiameng and Sun Dandan, the main designers of SUM landscape design, started a communication trip about green homes from the aspects of yard life plant scene matching and daily plant maintenance, so that all the imaginations of life can be realized here one by one. This is a trip to the artistic realm of aesthetic life and a dialogue with future life.

Caotan Group, with its original intention, respect for the land and the vision of building a better life, inherits the ingenuity of state-owned enterprises, and starts a new chapter in life with the fourth-generation low-density streamer courtyard at the confluence of urban resources.

Positive progress has been made in the high-quality development of culture and tourism

On December 14th, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism introduced the situation of accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

There are 57 world heritages in China.

Lu Yingchuan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has taken a series of targeted and effective measures to build a strong cultural country and promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism, and has done a lot of work to lay a foundation and establish a long-term future, thus making positive progress in promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

Adhere to the spirit of culture, cultural empowerment, prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries. We will increase the guidance and support for stage art and art creation, implement a series of art creation projects in the new era, and organize activities such as the exhibition of outstanding plays of stage art and the exhibition of fine arts. In the first 11 months, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism hosted 27 exhibitions, with 900,000 offline audiences and over 1.8 billion online viewers. We will improve cultural and economic policies, implement the strategy of driving major cultural industry projects, actively cultivate new formats and models, launch a series of consumption promotion activities, and carry out special rectification such as performance ticketing and script entertainment, so that the cultural industry will achieve rapid growth. In the first three quarters, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, with a box office income of 31.54 billion yuan and 111 million audience, up by 121.0%, 84.2% and 188.5% over the same period in 2019.

Adhere to integrity, innovation, self-confidence and self-improvement, protect, inherit and carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture. In-depth implementation of the Chinese civilization tracing project, archaeological China and other major projects, strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and ancient books, promote the fourth national cultural relics survey, and implement the Chinese ancient books protection plan. Do a good job in the systematic protection of intangible heritage, promote the identification of the sixth batch of national intangible heritage representative inheritors, and announce 10 national cultural and ecological protection zones. Organize international museum day, cultural and natural heritage day and other publicity and exhibitions, and hold activities such as "Tea and the World Sharing Intangible Heritage". Actively promote the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival, and promote the inclusion of "Pu ‘er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" in the World Heritage List, increasing the number of world heritage sites in China to 57.

Adhere to tourism for the people and tourism-driven, and better meet the new expectations of the people for a better life. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, develop mass tourism, smart tourism, green tourism and civilized tourism, build a list of special-grade tourism resources in China, pilot cultivate a new space for immersive experience of smart tourism, and hold a publicity campaign of "Civilized Tourism with You and Me". Eight villages were selected as the "Best Tourism Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization after the implementation of the rural tourism quality project, which became a typical case of rural revitalization with cultural and tourism empowerment.

Adhere to the position of Chinese culture, promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and continuously enhance the influence of Chinese cultural communication. We will implement the global civilization initiative, hold high-level cultural performances of important state events such as the China-Central Asia Summit and the third "the belt and road initiative" international cooperation summit forum, and carry out the activities of Chinese and Western culture and tourism year. Hold the first Liangzhu Forum, Yihui Silk Road-exhibition of works by famous Chinese and Arab artists, and performance to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra’s visit to China. Restore the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises to operate the outbound team travel business of China citizens to 138 countries, and carry out "Hello! China "national tourism image promotion, promote the recovery and development of inbound and outbound tourism.

In the first three quarters, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion.

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first three quarters of this year, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will focus on three aspects: promoting cultural and tourism consumption, improving people’s quality of life and better meeting people’s needs.

The first is to optimize the policy environment and solve the difficulties of blocking points. We will combine the new situation of tourism development, implement relevant policies and measures, and exert our efforts from both supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumer confidence. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, improve tourism services, standardize the order of the tourism market, strengthen tourism security, and create a tourist destination with quality and temperature. At the same time, provide more high-quality tourism products and more convenient services for inbound tourists.

The second is to promote industrial integration and innovate product supply. It will further promote the deep integration of cultural tourism, enhance cultural taste, enrich spiritual connotation, cultivate new consumption formats and new models, promote the construction of "small but beautiful" performing arts new space, and innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products. Promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts, and promote the integration of food, performance, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism, so that people can feel culture, cultivate sentiment, experience life and enjoy health during their travels.

The third is to build a platform carrier and increase the intensity of benefiting the people. It will promote the brand building of a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas. Guide local innovative consumption scenarios, cultivate new formats and consumption patterns, enrich measures to benefit the people, and implement the "100 cities and 100 districts" financial support culture and tourism consumption action plan. We will continue to run national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, strengthen publicity and marketing, stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption will, and help business entities to resume development.

Further safeguard the order of culture and tourism market.

In recent years, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has continuously relaxed market access, actively innovated supervision methods, created a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment, stimulated the vitality of the cultural and tourism markets, and helped the high-quality development of the industry. Relax the market access threshold and continuously release policy dividends. Promote the reform of tourism service quality margin, so that travel agencies have more liquidity. In the Pilot Free Trade Zone and other places, we have implemented the notification and commitment system for the establishment of travel agencies, implemented the electronic license for applied culture and tourism market, fully implemented the "one-line management" for administrative examination and approval, implemented more high-frequency matters "handheld management, fingertip management", and deepened the "good and bad reviews" for government services, making things more convenient and providing better services.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism responded to the demands of the masses in a timely manner, found and handled a number of problems, and organized a series of special law enforcement actions, effectively maintaining market order.

Since the beginning of this year, special rectification of script entertainment, special rectification of commercial performance ticketing, and 100-day rectification of tourism market order have been deployed one after another. In the first 11 months, the comprehensive law enforcement agencies of the national cultural market dispatched 9.988 million law enforcement personnel, inspected 3.348 million times and handled 41,000 cases. In view of the e-commerce platform providing conditions for reselling performance "scalper tickets", commercial performance activities and art exhibitions contain illegal contents, and some cases such as organizing minors to participate in performances that harm physical and mental health are specially supervised. In view of the illegal and illegal business activities such as specifying specific shopping places and operating travel agency business without permission, key provinces have been deployed to carry out centralized case handling in the tourism market, guiding relevant regions to investigate and deal with a number of major cases according to law.

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the local cultural and tourism departments investigated and dealt with some typical cases such as content violations, non-performance of performance obligations, forced shopping in the tourism market, threats by tour guides to tourists, and abandonment of tour groups by travel agencies, and promptly disclosed the punishment results to the public, effectively deterring all kinds of illegal acts.

"In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will continue to strengthen the comprehensive law enforcement supervision of the cultural and tourism markets, solidly promote a series of law enforcement actions, severely investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations, and further safeguard the order of the cultural and tourism markets." Du Jiang said. People’s Daily (December 15, 2023, 02 edition)

The realistic echo and reflection of history

On September 13th, local time, in Washington, D.C., US congressmen attended the 20th anniversary ceremony of the September 11th terrorist attacks on Capitol Hill. Photo courtesy of people’s vision

On April 13th, in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, a number of civic groups gathered in front of the Fukushima prefectural government, holding high slogans such as "Don’t discharge into the sea" and "People don’t support the decision" to protest the government’s decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea. Photo courtesy of vision china

The coming year 2021 is a year of complexity, disorder and ups and downs for the whole world. The COVID-19 epidemic runs through the whole year, with constant alarms, and many countries have opened and closed their doors; The game of great powers has spread to more non-traditional fields such as governance and technology; In the multiple crises, the international community has repeatedly made multiple-choice questions about "abnormal" and "new normal". Walking at the crossroads of development, "uncertainty" has become one of the most frequently used expressions.

Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. When the world is experiencing a great change that has never happened in a hundred years, history has become the reference coordinate that we can choose for our annual resumption. Through the "anniversary" nodes of some international events in 2021, we may be able to find the realistic echo of history from far and near.

30 years after the end of the cold war, is the world more United?

Late at night on December 25, 1991, the Soviet flag was lowered slowly in the Kremlin. With the collapse of a "superpower" occupying one-sixth of the world’s land area, the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union, which lasted for nearly half a century, also came to an end.

Although the Cold War has satisfied the ideological and geopolitical interests of the "superpower", the long-term confrontation between the East and the West has created a tragedy of division in Germany, North Korea and other countries. Wen Anli, an expert on the history of the Cold War and a professor at Harvard University, believes that the lessons left by the Cold War to today’s human society include that big countries need to regulate their own behaviors, respect each other’s core interests, and jointly contain and resolve regional conflicts.

However, the "new cold war" is gradually becoming a popular word in current international political life. There are constant comments that the United States, as a former winner of the Cold War, has been experiencing increasing strategic anxiety in recent years and is trying to push the most important international relationship in the 21st century-Sino-US relations to the so-called "new cold war".

Although this is inconsistent with the public statement of the Biden administration in the United States, this year, the United States has organized a so-called "democracy summit" and divided the world into two camps again. While piecing together the "small circle", I tried to maintain the dominance of the West with the practices of the Cold War. From the Group of Seven to the "Five Eyes Alliance", from the four-party mechanism of the United States, Japan, India and Australia to the tripartite security partnership between the United States and Britain and Australia, behind the United States, the "cold war-style" group politics reappeared.

As a result, people see a lot of history repeating itself. NATO, led by the United States, is breaking its promise to expand further, trying to contain Russia by taking advantage of Ukraine, which left Russia and entered Europe after the Cold War, and constantly speculating that Russia is assembling heavy troops and "preparing to invade Ukraine". British troops, tanks and equipment were ordered to return to Germany for fear that "Russia threatened the Baltic countries." Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has repeatedly compared the current situation with the Cuban missile crisis during the Cold War, when the world was on the brink of thermonuclear war, and it is still regarded as the most dangerous moment for human survival. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, "the United States is on the old road of the Soviet Union with confidence and firm steps".

In 1991, 30 years ago, the Soviet Union was disintegrated under multiple shocks. Thirty years later, in 2021, which was started by the "riots on Capitol Hill", the United States fell into a social crisis and a stalemate in party struggle, and the gloom of the "lighthouse" became an indisputable fact. If the vision is long enough, it can be said that the United States is not the winner of the cold war, or that there is no winner in the cold war. When global challenges such as COVID-19 epidemic, climate change and digital security appear indiscriminately in front of all countries, multipolarization and cooperation beyond ideological differences are still the general trend of the international pattern.

Twenty years after the September 11th incident, is the world safer?

Twenty years later, the terrible flames of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in new york seem to be still in sight. However, the trial of the mastermind of the "9.11" incident is still pending, and the ghost of terrorism still lingers in the world. Open the "calendar of terrorist events" in 2021, and people will find one after another bloody records-

On February 22, a terrorist attack occurred in North Waziristan, northwest Pakistan, killing four people; On March 3, at least 8 people were stabbed in a suspected terrorist attack in Wetlanda, a city in southern Sweden. On June 5, a terrorist attack occurred in a village in northern Burkina Faso, Africa, killing at least 132 people; On July 14th, the Chinese commuter shuttle bus of Dasu Hydropower Station project in Cape Province, Pakistan suffered a terrorist explosion, killing 9 Chinese personnel and 4 Pakistani personnel. On August 26, two suicide bombings occurred near Kabul airport in Afghanistan, killing about 100 people, including American soldiers who were evacuating Afghanistan. On November 14th, a taxi exploded in Liverpool, England, killing one person and injuring another. On December 8, the French media revealed that the French anti-terrorism agency had foiled the fourth terrorist attack attempt this year …

The historical trend of the United States and the world changed to a great extent at the moment when the plane crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers. The Taliban in Afghanistan were accused of being the mastermind behind the September 11th terrorist attacks, and they provided shelter for bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Since then, the unipolar pattern of "dominating the world" in the United States after the Cold War has been seriously impacted. "Counter-terrorism" has become the first priority of the US government, which has driven the national strategic shift and launched the so-called "global war on terrorism". Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have been plunged into wars one after another, with nearly one million people killed and tens of millions displaced.

In August this year, the United States withdrew from Afghanistan out of the strategy of turning to great power competition, and the Taliban announced the establishment of the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan". After four presidents, the United States "successfully" changed the Afghan regime from "Taliban" to "Taliban", leaving behind devastation in Afghanistan. The "war on terrorism" started by Americans since the "9.11" incident ended up with a reputation of "more anti-terrorism".

The analysis believes that the withdrawal of troops from Kabul, which is comparable to the "Saigon moment", highlights the misjudgment of American foreign policy and the lack of strategic preparation. The U.S. military unilaterally withdrew from Afghanistan in order to protect its own security, which led to a serious crisis of trust between the United States and NATO. The Washington Post published an editorial on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the September 11th incident, pointing out that "it is undeniable that the United States has gone in the wrong direction in strategy, tactics and morality in the past 20 years".

Ten years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, is the nuclear cloud farther away from mankind?

Another concept closely related to terrorism is "nuclear". There is a scene in Operation Red Sea, a domestic film released in 2018, in which terrorists attempt to seize nuclear materials and get the technology to make "dirty bombs", and the result is destroyed by special warfare players, thus smashing the terrorists’ plot.

Nuclear weapons have great power and are regarded as the material basis of nuclear war and strategic deterrence by nuclear-armed countries. According to the annual report released by SIPRI in Sweden in June this year, by the beginning of 2021, the nuclear-armed countries had 13,080 nuclear warheads, a slight decrease compared with last year, but both the number of deployable nuclear warheads and the number of actual deployments have increased; The number of nuclear weapons in India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea has increased to varying degrees. The report also pointed out that the United States and Russia, as two nuclear powers with the vast majority of nuclear warheads in the world, still have absolute nuclear superiority, and the number of nuclear warheads in the two countries accounts for about 90% of the global total.

Some nuclear-armed countries continue to strengthen their nuclear forces. In February this year, the French Ministry of National Defense announced the official launch of the third-generation strategic missile nuclear submarine R&D and production project, which is planned to be put into use in the 1930s. In March, Britain announced in its national defense policy document that it planned to substantially increase its nuclear arsenal. In September, the United States, Britain and Australia signed the trilateral security alliance agreement (AUKUS), and Britain and the United States will help Australia build nuclear submarines. At the same time, nuclear exercises have caused more concerns. In November, Russian Defense Minister shoigu accused American bombers of conducting nuclear strikes against Russia from two different directions in early November, and these bombers even flew within 20 kilometers from the Russian border. At the end of the year, more than 600 American scientists and engineers jointly sent a letter to US President Biden, urging the government to abandon the nuclear arms race.

Nowadays, the public talk about the "nuclear" discoloration is also a product of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union to a certain extent. During the Cold War, both the US and Soviet camps vigorously developed nuclear armament. For political purposes such as "nuclear blackmail", the media reported the destructive power of nuclear energy and the long-term impact of nuclear pollution. In 1986, there was a loud noise in the No.4 reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union, and millions of people were affected by radiation. Thirty-five years later, 2,600 square kilometers around Chernobyl is still a "forbidden zone".

In 2021, the safety issues related to "nuclear" caused widespread discussion, and it was also because of another real event that passed through the historical tunnel: on March 11th, 2011, 10 years ago, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake broke out in the northeastern waters of Japan, and at the same time triggered the largest tsunami in Japan’s history. The tsunami washed away the flood levees of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and the cores of units 1-3 of the nuclear power plant melted and radioactive materials leaked, thus making Fukushima nuclear wastewater a global hazard.

Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the "March 11th" earthquake this year that the Fukushima nuclear accident left an important lesson for the world, that is, it is necessary to strengthen supervision. However, just one month later, on April 13th, the Japanese government made a decision to filter and dilute the Fukushima nuclear sewage and then discharge it into the sea. Although Japan claims that the treated nuclear wastewater meets international standards and will not affect human health, Japanese official documents show that 750,000 tons, or 84%, of the 890,000 tons of accumulated water stored at the Fukushima nuclear power plant at that time contained radioactive substances above the legal limit.

The international community, including the Japanese people, has always expressed concern and opposition to this. Some research results show that the radioactive materials produced by the accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant have spread to the whole North Pacific Ocean and even affected the Arctic Ocean. However, in December this year, the Tokyo Electric Power Company still insisted on submitting an application to the Japanese government for the discharge of nuclear waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and planned to officially start the discharge procedure. The latest development of the incident is that, due to the spread of Covid-19 mutant Omicron, the visit time of the investigation team of the International Atomic Energy Agency was postponed from mid-December 2021 to January 2022.

Ten years after the Arab Spring, has the "Spring" in the Middle East arrived?

At the end of 2010, the self-immolation of young Tunisian vendor Bouajiji ignited the Arab Spring. Fueled by the United States and other western media and politicians, this so-called "democracy movement" quickly spread from Tunisia to Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and other countries, and several countries in the Middle East and North Africa experienced regime changes, and Syria, Yemen and other countries fell into a long-term civil war. The "Arab Spring" is also called "the upheaval in the Middle East". Since then, the Arab world has planted the evil seeds of the "color revolution" and fallen into the haze of economic stagnation, social unrest, frequent wars, depressed people’s livelihood and intensified humanitarian crisis. Ten years later, Eric Denece, a French geopolitical expert, admitted that the Arab Spring was a lie.

Only Tunisia, the birthplace of the Arab Spring, achieved peaceful evolution at that time. The fall of former President Ben Ali, who had been in power for more than 20 years, once became a "model of democratic transformation" in the mouth of foreign media. However, since 2011, Tunisia, which was caught in a political party dispute, has experienced at least nine governments, and its economy has not recovered, and the government faces huge debts. As the only "successful country" in the Arab Spring, Tunisia suffered a political "earthquake" in 2021: since July 25th, people marched and protested, President Said announced the freezing of all functions and powers of parliament and the dismissal of Prime Minister Mehmet, the military surrounded the parliament building and banned the speaker from entering, and a curfew was imposed throughout the country … The western media, which once created the "Tunisian democracy myth", quickly characterized the situation in Tunisia as "the return of dictators" and even.

The chaos in the Middle East was largely the result of colonialism in the First World War. Coupled with the large-scale discovery of oil as a strategic resource in the Middle East in the 1920s, frequent geo-security crises became the most prominent feature in the Middle East. With all parties scrambling to fill the regional power vacuum caused by the strategic contraction of the United States, the old order has been destroyed, and the new order has not yet been established. Turbulence, disorder and out of control have become the norm in the Middle East for many years.

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has ended the war on terrorism like a "baggage", causing a sudden tension in the security situation in Afghanistan and its surrounding areas; The Palestinian-Israeli conflict intensified again, and a large-scale conflict broke out in the Gaza Strip during Ramadan. The civil war in Syria and the war in Yemen are still not over, and external countries continue to use the two battlefields for game wars … At the same time, Iraq hosted a conference on cooperation and partnership in Baghdad, showing "Middle East reconciliation"; At the end of the year, when the negotiations between Iran and other interested parties on returning to the Iranian nuclear deal were deadlocked, Tanon, the national security adviser of the United Arab Emirates, made a rare visit to Iran, and the Israeli Prime Minister officially visited the United Arab Emirates for the first time in 73 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. A new round of strategic reshuffle in the Middle East seems to be brewing.

History is unfinished, what will happen in 2022?

Mark Twain famously said, "History will not repeat itself, but it must have its rhythm." In 2021, expressions related to "historical lessons" appeared in the memorial node of almost every historical event mentioned above. History will not give mankind a clear and standard blueprint for action, but it will leave many lessons and warnings that countries can freely choose according to their own political reality and ideology. Therefore, the torrent of social development is rolling forward, but it seems that there are often cycles in the process. The "history" of natural development is in a state of "to be continued".

For many western countries, 2021 is a year worthy of reflection. Not only because of the so-called historical "cycle", but also because many countries have the opportunity to start again in 2021, but there are no signs of optimism.

In January this year, after the presidential election dispute and the "riots on Capitol Hill", US President Biden was sworn in with a sense of urgency of "calling for unity". One year later, the partisan struggle still plays the "leading role" in American politics, hindering the legislation on epidemic relief, infrastructure construction, social welfare bill, government debt ceiling and other aspects of American economy and people’s livelihood.

Also in January this year, Britain officially "Brexit" and left the European single market and customs union. The 11-month transition period will come to an end on December 31 this year, and the cumbersome examination and approval procedures and customs inspection procedures for British-European trade are still impacting many enterprises. David fuster, Britain’s Brexit Minister, who is the soul of coordinating Brexit affairs with the EU on behalf of Prime Minister Johnson, recently confirmed his resignation because of his dissatisfaction with the Johnson administration. Johnson, the prime minister who came to power because of "Brexit", is currently experiencing the biggest ruling crisis since he took office because of his ineffective response to the COVID-19 epidemic and private scandals.

Therefore, the trend of "East Rising and West Falling" was mentioned again at the end of the year. When the process of globalization is progressing in twists and turns, China put forward a global development initiative for the first time-insisting on development priority, people-centered, inclusive, innovation-driven, harmonious coexistence between man and nature and action-oriented, calling on all parties to jointly promote global development to a new stage of balance, coordination and tolerance. The recently released Yellow Book on the International Situation: Global Politics and Security Report (2022) points out that the international situation continues to rise in the east and fall in the west, and China’s ability and willingness to effectively cope with the game between big countries and participate in global governance continue to increase.

What kind of 2022 should the world expect?

On December 28th, UN Secretary-General Guterres said in his New Year speech in 2022 that people should devote themselves to making 2022 a "year of recovery". He said that the moment facing great difficulties is also a moment full of great opportunities. Grasping this opportunity means solidarity and mutual assistance, helping each other in the same boat, supporting solutions that can benefit everyone together, and moving forward hand in hand with full hope for the outstanding ability of the human family. Therefore, the spirit of dialogue, compromise and reconciliation needs to be revived.

Coming from history, an uncertain trust and hope is indispensable in the choice.

Beijing, December 29th

Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Ma Ziqian Source: China Youth Daily

How does Marxism understand "culture"



Culture also has class nature. Marx pointed out that "a class is the dominant material force in society, but also the dominant spiritual force in society", and "the dominant thought is only the conceptual expression of the dominant material relationship, but the dominant material relationship in the form of thought". Culture is produced by people, and people are not an abstract concept. They are always in a certain social relationship and behave as class people. Cultural forms such as legal and political thoughts, morality, literature and art, philosophy and religion created by people directly or indirectly reflect class interests, feelings and thoughts. Even though individuals can transcend class interests to some extent, even transcend time and space restrictions and create cultural works with lasting value, human culture, as a product of society, is always branded with class more or less. Lenin attached great importance to the class attribute of culture. In About Proletarian Culture, he proposed that proletarian culture and bourgeois culture are two different cultures. The proletariat cannot be separated from the foundation of traditional culture, including bourgeois culture, but it is by no means a simple inheritance and total acceptance. It needs to be transformed and innovated by Marxism, and the cultural principles of the proletariat must be implemented in it, so as to establish a real proletarian culture.

From the perspective of cultural form, culture has nationality and diversity. As a historically condensed and stable way of life, culture focuses on people’s values, attitudes towards life, behavior habits and psychological state. At first, human culture was formed by ethnic groups. Because of the different natural environments such as geography, resources and climate, there are obvious differences in people’s attitudes and lifestyles. On this basis, all ethnic groups form their own culture with their own styles and characteristics. When Mao Zedong explained the culture of new democracy in On New Democracy, he pointed out: "It belongs to our nation and has the characteristics of our nation", and "China culture should have its own form, which is the national form". Culture contains different ideological wisdom, value pursuit and aesthetic taste of all ethnic groups, which has become a unique symbol that distinguishes one nation from another.

With the change from history to world history, exchanges and mutual learning between different cultures have become increasingly frequent, and the cosmopolitan characteristics of culture have become more and more distinct. As Marx said in the communist party Declaration, "As a result of opening up the world market, the production and consumption of all countries have become cosmopolitan … The same is true for material production and spiritual production. The spiritual products of all ethnic groups have become public property. One-sidedness and limitations of the nation are becoming increasingly impossible, so many kinds of national and local literature have formed a kind of world literature. " However, the cosmopolitanism of culture does not mean that the whole human being forms a uniform culture, nor does it dispel the nationality, but the unity of diversity based on the nationality. The more national a culture is, the more cosmopolitan it is.

From the perspective of cultural function, culture has independence and reaction. On the one hand, Marx insisted on the materialistic view that "social existence determines social consciousness", on the other hand, he also saw the relative independence of culture and its reaction to the economic base. Marx pointed out in "The 18th Fog Moon in louis bonaparte" that "people create their own history, but they don’t create it at will, not under the conditions of their own choice, but under the conditions of direct encounter, established and inherited from the past. The traditions of all the dead ancestors haunt the minds of the living like nightmares, and cultural traditions are one of the important influencing factors. As a long-term accumulation of history, culture is extremely stable once it is formed. This stability is reflected in people’s beliefs, value pursuits, moral concepts, etc., and they will not change easily with the changes of external environment; As far as groups are concerned, a certain cultural pattern will dominate the development of a nation for hundreds or even thousands of years. Even if dynasties change and times change, the way of thinking and behavior habits formed in a certain cultural pattern will still play a lasting role.

As a superstructure, culture also has a dynamic reaction. Advanced, revolutionary and scientific culture plays a positive role in promoting social development, while backward, reactionary and unscientific culture hinders social development. Marx pointed out in the Economic Manuscripts of 1857-1858 that "the disintegration of a certain ideological form is enough to make the whole era fall", and Engels also wrote in his letter to Joseph Bloch that "the economic situation is the foundation, but it has an impact on the process of historical struggle and in many cases mainly determines the form of this struggle, as well as various factors of the superstructure". In today’s world, culture, as a soft power, plays an increasingly important role in the competition of comprehensive national strength, while cultural self-confidence is a "more basic, deeper and more lasting force". This is the concentrated expression of cultural reaction.

The cultural concept of Marxism is rich in connotation and profound in meaning. Only by deeply understanding Marxist cultural concept can we scientifically grasp the characteristics and laws of cultural development, which will help us to do a good job in combining the basic principles of Marxism with Chinese excellent traditional culture and truly undertake the new cultural mission in the new era.

What is the difference between a woman who has lost her uterus and a normal woman? 4 changes, which may not be changed.

Xiaoying has often been troubled by dysmenorrhea since she was in college, but because all her female friends around her also have dysmenorrhea problems, Xiaoying didn’t care too much.

After marriage, Xiaoying felt that the symptoms of dysmenorrhea were still not relieved, especially when she was in the same room.

Although both husband and wife are trying to get pregnant, Xiaoying’s stomach has not moved for many years. Under the repeated urging of her mother-in-law, Xiaoying has no choice but to go to the hospital for examination.

Results The doctor found that her uterus was as big as a ball, and it was initially suspected that it might be a hysteromyoma.The doctor also told Xiaoying that uterine fibroids can easily lead to infertility.

Xiaoying looked up a lot of information on the Internet, and the related search words of hysteromyoma were "easy to relapse" and "incurable" … Xiaoying began to panic, and she couldn’t get pregnant in the future? Will the husband divorce himself because of this? Xiaoying couldn’t sleep well for this.

Speaking of uterine fibroids, everyone will certainly not feel strange. What is its incidence?

In the "China Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Uterine Myoma", it is pointed out that the probability of women of childbearing age suffering from uterine fibroids has reached 25%, and from the relevant autopsy data,More than 50% of women had uterine fibroids before their death..

Hysteromyoma is the most common benign tumor disease among women. Hysteromyoma is like a small stone growing on the endometrial wall, which not only makes the smooth uterine wall lose its contractile function and elasticity, but also easily affects women’s menstruation.

The exact cause of uterine fibroids is still unclear, but one thing is certain.Uterine leiomyoma is a hormone-dependent disease.

In particular, women with unbalanced estrogen and progesterone levels are more prone to uterine fibroids. If there are few symptoms of uterine fibroids in adolescence, there will be few new uterine fibroids after menopause.

If women are in childbearing age, hysteromyoma is a high-risk disease. At present, clinical medicine believes that this may be because during childbearing age,Estrogen and progesterone in women stimulate the proliferation and hypertrophy of hysteromyoma cells for a long time..

In addition, ovarian tumors, premature menarche and other diseases may also lead to abnormal estrogen and progesterone in women and promote the occurrence of uterine fibroids.

At the same time, if women are stressed for a long time,And have bad habits such as sedentary, staying up late, and eating irregularly., may affect the stability of female endocrine, thus causing uterine fibroids.

Although hysteromyoma is very common, if it happens, it is easy to cause certain harm to women.

For example, uterine fibroids constantly oppress the uterus, which can lead to irregular menstruation; The location where uterine fibroids grow is also easy to cause discomfort such as backache and lower abdomen swelling; In particular, uterine fibroids that grow into the uterus may even squeeze the fallopian tubes, resulting in infertility or abortion.

Some women find that there are uterine fibroids in routine physical examination, and they also have a kind of worry: if they have uterine fibroids, should they cut off the uterus?

In fact, in most cases, uterine fibroids are benign diseases, and only a few of them will become malignant.The data showed that the malignant rate of hysteromyoma was 0.4% to 0.8%..

If some women have no obvious symptoms after developing uterine fibroids, they can consider observation and regular review.

There are also women who enter perimenopausal period, because of the decline of ovarian function, the level of estrogen in the body will plummet.This will lead to the growth rate of some large uterine fibroids slowing down or stopping.Some small uterine fibroids may even disappear.

However, if there are any of the following situations, you should pay attention to it and consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  • When hysteromyoma occurs and infertility symptoms occur;
  • Without hormone replacement therapy after menopause, uterine fibroids are still growing;
  • Uterine fibroids cause menorrhagia or abnormal bleeding, or even anemia in women, or uterine fibroids oppress the digestive, urinary and nervous systems and cause a series of symptoms, and drug treatment is ineffective;
  • When women with uterine fibroids are preparing for pregnancy, when the diameter of uterine fibroids exceeds 4cm.

Therefore, women should pay more attention to their physical condition in peacetime, if it appears.Abnormal menstruation, abdominal pain, increased leucorrhea, infertility, hypoglycemia, secondary anemia.When waiting for symptoms, we should be vigilant and do relevant examinations as soon as possible to investigate the cause.

Although there are many benign uterine fibroids, if there are some uterine fibroids with high malignant degree, patients may still have to face the result of hysterectomy. What will happen to women if they lose their uterus?

1. Early menopause

After the uterus is removed, the endocrine system of women will inevitably be affected, which will also lead to the early menopause.

2. Menstruation stops

The generation of menstruation is related to the periodic hyperplasia and congestion of endometrium. If a woman has her uterus removed, this monthly physiological period will disappear and menstruation will naturally stop.

3. Infertility

The uterus is an important organ for women’s life, and hysterectomy also means that women cannot have children.

4. Loss of libido

It is still the problem that hysterectomy will lead to the decrease of estrogen. The decrease of estrogen in women is easy to reduce vaginal secretions or cause vaginal atrophy, which in turn reduces women’s sexual desire.

Of course, in addition to these physical changes, women will also face tremendous psychological pressure after hysterectomy-without the uterus, won’t they become "men"? Can I still share a room? If not, will the lover abandon himself?

In fact, all the characteristics of women are related to estrogen.The organs that women produce estrogen are mainly ovarian portal and adrenal gland.It has nothing to do with the uterus and will not become a man just because the uterus is removed.

As for the problem of sharing a room, there is no need to worry too much, because the treatment of female sexual life is mainly influenced by factors such as mental state and age.

Even if the uterus is removed, as long as women adjust their mentality, both husband and wife can communicate well and consult a psychologist when necessary, and they can have a husband and wife life that is satisfactory to both sides.

Finally, Xiao Jiu would like to remind you that hysterectomy for health does not mean that you are not perfect.

Because beauty never looks at what you have, every woman is a beautiful and independent individual. And hysterectomy will not accelerate aging or affect sexual life. You should know how to adjust your mood and mentality and believe in science.


[1] Uterine fibroids "prefer" the same kind of women, and most of them have this feature. Life Times .2021-12-06

[2] "Why does a good uterus grow fibroids? All the questions you care about most are here! Tencent Medical Code. 2022-03-17

[3] "Women’s Health Care | The doctor tells you that hysterectomy is not so terrible! Guangzhou Women and Children Center. 2020-07-17

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Review of global history: from ancient times to modern times, major events and trends

1. Ancient civilization: Around 3100 BC, Egypt began to appear in the early kingdom period. At the same time, the Elam state in the Iranian plateau has also begun to rise. Around 2613 BC, the fourth dynasty of Egypt began to rule and the pyramids began to be built. At the same time, Harappa culture in ancient India began to flourish.

2. Ancient Empire: In about 2181 BC, the first middle period of Egypt began. About 2040 BC, the Middle Kingdom of Egypt began, and this period lasted until 1786 BC. During this period, the ancient Babylonian era also began in 2017 BC and lasted until 1595 BC.

3. The rise of Europe: In the centuries BC, the Roman Empire became the dominant force in Europe. The rule of the empire lasted for hundreds of years, and it was not until 476 AD that the Western Roman Empire finally collapsed.

4. The rise of religion: At the beginning of A.D., Christianity began to spread in the Roman Empire and became an important part of European history. At the same time, Islam has also begun to rise in the Middle East.

5. Middle Ages: In the Middle Ages, Europe experienced many wars, diseases and territorial disputes. During this period, the level of technology and knowledge in Europe has also been significantly improved.

6. Renaissance: In the 14th and 15th centuries, Europe experienced a period called Renaissance. This period is characterized by the prosperity of art, science and culture.

7. Modern world: In the 18th and 19th centuries, the industrial revolution changed the global economic structure. During this period, many countries began to shift from agricultural society to industrial society.

8. 20th century: In the 20th century, two world wars changed the global political landscape. During this period, many countries began to become independent from colonies.

9. Globalization: In recent decades, globalization has become an important global trend. This trend includes the development of economy, politics, culture and technology.

The above is a review of some major events and trends from ancient times to modern times. History is a process of continuous development and change, and these events and trends are only part of it.

long process of history

The long river of history is always moving forward. Although it sometimes encounters twists and turns and difficulties, the overall trend is constantly moving forward.