Didi’s management loopholes deserve further investigation, and two executives were removed from the national ride-hailing business

  CCTV News:In response to some netizens’ doubts about the problems of the police in the process of solving the case, the Wenzhou Public Security Bureau immediately organized personnel to carry out an investigation. After questioning the reporter Zhu Moumou and the family of the victim, reviewing the video and report records of the police reception hall, and reviewing the relevant communication records, the police issued a notice saying that there was no "case will not be filed without the license plate number and the driver’s phone number."

  At 16:22 on August 24, the victim’s friend Zhu Moumou went to Yongjia County Shangtang Police Station to report the case. The police used Zhu Moumou’s mobile phone to communicate with Didi customer service. After indicating the identity of the police, they hoped to learn more from Didi customer service. Regarding the relevant information of the owner and vehicle of the hitchhiker taken by the victim, Didi customer service replied that the security expert would intervene and asked to continue waiting for a reply.

  At 17:13, Didi customer service reported to the police that the victim had cancelled the order at 14:10 after booking a ride at 13:00 and did not get on the bus. The police questioned that the order could be cancelled halfway through the ride, and again asked to know the driver’s contact number or license plate number for easy contact, but failed. At around 17:30, the family of the victim also went to the police station to report the case.

  Xie Zhangan, Chief of the Propaganda and Education Section of Yueqing Public Security Bureau: "At around 5:30 pm on the 24th, the family of the victim came to our Yueqing Hongqiao police station to call the police. Her father and his grandfather came over. Her father said that her daughter lost contact, and the police briefly understood the situation. At about 5:36, the police contacted Didi customer service. When the police contacted him, Didi customer service said that it would take about 3 to 4 hours to inquire about relevant information. The police said that the situation was more urgent. According to the police, Didi Company said that the situation could be expedited. At 5:49, Didi Company came back and said that we needed a police card and a letter of introduction, and then the police forwarded the relevant procedures to Didi Company. The relevant emails arrived. At 6:13, Didi sent us their inquiry, the license plate of Didi and the basic information of the driver. "

  The license plate number provided by Didi does not match the registered license plate number.

  According to the police report, the license plate number information provided by Didi was consistent with the license plate number of the vehicle seized by the police the next morning. It is worth noting that the apology statement issued by Didi said that the license plate issued by the suspect Zhong was temporarily forged offline. That is to say, when the license plate number of the crime was provided to the police on the 24th, Didi should have known that the license plate number was inconsistent with the license plate number used by Zhong when registering. This shows that Didi is fully capable of knowing the driver, and it is worth investigating what kind of management loopholes exist in the end.

  Didi will start the national offline ride-hailing business tomorrow

  On the 26th, Didi Chuxing announced that since 0:00 on August 27, it will offline the Hitch business nationwide, removing the general manager of Huang Jieli’s Hitch business department and the vice president of Golden Red customer service. Didi Chuxing said that after the Hitch business goes offline, the company will reassess its business model and product logic internally.

Concerts across the country have set off a craze, how to make star traffic a city retention

  The weather is getting cooler, and the concerts are still hot. Since the beginning of this year, Mayday, Liu Ruoying, Liang Jingru, Wu Bai, Ren Xianqi, TFboys and other celebrities have started singing in Chongqing, setting off waves of craze. Looking across the country, "Go to a city for a concert" "Spend 500 to buy Wu Bai’s tickets and sing 500 to Wu Bai" and other hot searches have emerged one after another. Next, there are many concerts to be sung, and some venues have been scheduled until 2025…

  Behind the explosion of the concert is healing, feelings, and the chemical reaction brought about by the release of long-suppressed demand, but with it, there are also chaos such as "unable to grab tickets", "strong real-name system out of shape", "poor singer condition", "fans shouting refund tickets on the spot". What new changes have emerged behind the popularity? When the concert fever enters the second half, how can the traffic become the "retention" of the city?

  From chasing stars to pursuing "healing" concerts into a collective carnival

  "I can’t grab it, I can’t grab it at all." This past weekend, Wu Bai started singing in Chongqing. Citizen Hu Lisa is an old fan of Wu Bai and especially wants to participate in the "chorus". Unfortunately, she didn’t get tickets for both games. No matter how many strategies she did before, such as turning off all the programs on her mobile phone and finding the place with the best signal, there were too many people grabbing tickets. "Instead, it was my friend, a passerby fan who got it."

  More and more "passersby fans" are entering the concert scene, which is a new phenomenon this year. They often don’t chase stars, just to enjoy the atmosphere. "I haven’t seen a concert for three years. This time at the door of my house, I have to arrange it no matter what, and focus on a happy one." After watching the Mayday concert, Chongqing audience Chen Han hurriedly sent a set of photos to Moments, and the happy trip ended successfully.

  Zheng Xiaolin, a Guangzhou-based spectator, has seen three concerts a month. "It’s really relieving," she said. When she walked into the venue, she saw the crowd dressed up to watch the concert and the smiles on everyone’s faces, she felt "the moment is so good" and instantly forgot all troubles. At the scene, there will also be a certain lyric that makes her chest feel like it was hit, "the resonance is especially strong."

  Happiness and healing have become high-frequency words for watching concerts. The crowd at concerts can bring a short-term emotional release, and even if they are not chasing stars, people can get healing here. To a certain extent, watching concerts has gradually changed from an internal carnival of fan groups to a collective carnival of public participation.

  In this regard, Yang Yongfeng, an associate professor at the School of Geography and Tourism of Chongqing Normal University, explained: This is the inevitable result of the concentrated release of market demand for large-scale cultural and entertainment activities after the three-year epidemic. "Previously, people were confined to a small family or unit space, and they had a thirst for inner emotions and group connections, and they needed a leisure method similar to a concert to release and resolve."

  The market has also captured this mentality of the public. Since the beginning of this year, performance venues across the country have increased the number of performances to "seamless". Take the Mayday Chongqing concert as an example. From September 22 to 24, the Chongqing Olympic Sports Center held three consecutive days and three consecutive games, 120,000 fans flocked to the venues. "After mastering the audience’s love for concerts, the performers have more confidence. It is normal to have dense performances." Yang Yongfeng said that this is the law of the market economy and the need for economic and social development.

  The audience called out "rollover scene"

  The concert has frequent negative reviews

  At the same time as the popularity, there have also been some chaos. Since the second half of the year, many negative news and comments about the concert have been trending. For example, the TFboys Xi’an concert saw a phenomenon of "scalpers" hyping ticket prices. Shortly after the official announcement, the first row of tickets was fried to tens of thousands of yuan. On the day of the concert, there were also conflicts between fan groups over the competition for the support venue.

  Yang Yongfeng believes that there is a disorder in the ticket management of many concerts, and the emergence of "scalpers" not only damages the rights and interests of consumers, but also directly causes market chaos. Most of the concert audiences are young people, and everyone’s safety awareness is relatively lacking. Emotions are easy to get excited, coupled with the imperfect security mechanism of the organizers, unclear rights and responsibilities, etc., which can easily make the scene lose control.

  On the other hand, the quality of some concerts has aroused doubts among netizens. At Liang Jingru’s concert in Nanjing, more than one audience member reported encountering "pillar tickets" and the location was occupied; at the Chengdu concert, Xue Zhiqian had to stop halfway due to fever and tonsillitis; Miriam Yang’s Xiamen concert, the 580 yuan ticket seats were so dirty that fans did not dare to sit; Jay Chou’s Tianjin concert was suspected of being trapped in props for 20 minutes; at the Hainan "Diva Night" concert, the audience complained that "the song could not be heard clearly and the sound effect was poor"… In this regard, Yang Yongfeng said that there were many performances, heavy tasks, and after the high-intensity "special forces" performance, the singer would inevitably be in poor condition; the organizers blindly pursued economic interests or the pursuit of scenes, lacked control over the status of the guests, and ignored the audience’s feelings; The equipment was not well maintained, the seating arrangement was unreasonable, and the effect was also reduced. If a concert with the selling point of "star effect + live experience" finally brought such an experience to everyone, it would only consume everyone’s enthusiasm and chill the fans.

  Go to a city for a concert

  How to turn traffic into city "retention"

  Although there are a series of practical problems, it has to be admitted that the intensive holding of concerts has brought real popularity and consumption power to the city.

  According to the China Performing Arts Association’s observation of the first quarter of this year, one of the new trends in concert ticket sales is that the proportion of consumers who buy tickets to watch performances across cities has increased significantly, with an average cross-city viewing rate exceeding 50%. Industry insiders believe that compared with simple tourism, concerts attract more "gold content". The data also confirms this – before and after the Mayday Chongqing concert, the number of views of Chongqing hotels, restaurants, etc. rose rapidly, and it was difficult to find a room in the hotels around the Olympic Sports Center; TFboys Xi’an concert ticket revenue was 35.76 million yuan, which directly drove 416 million yuan in tourism revenue; Ele.me data shows that on October 12, Jay Chou’s Shanghai concert, the day-on-day ratio of Shanghai supper takeout increased by 24%. " Concerts are comprehensive activities that integrate culture, entertainment, and economy. They have a strong’spillover effect ‘. Not only can they bring in considerable ticket revenue, but they can also gather a large number of passengers in a short period of time, driving the development of transportation, accommodation, catering, tourism, and other industries.

  It is understood that in July this year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued "Measures for Restoration and Expansion of Consumption", which mentioned that it is necessary to promote entertainment and sports exhibition consumption. The countdown will start in 2023, but the popularity of concerts continues. According to Barley Network data, 129,000 people marked Li Ronghao’s Chongqing concert "want to see", Zhang Huimei’s Chongqing concert reached 271,000 people, Eason Chan’s Chengdu concert 743,000 people were hot to grab, and some popular performance venues have been scheduled to 2025.

  How can the concert develop in a healthy and orderly manner next, and truly turn the traffic into the city’s "retention"? The first priority is to ensure safety. Yang Yongfeng said that local governments should make advance predictions and responses to problems that may affect safety and stability. The police, enterprises, and the police and the public work closely together to truly establish institutional safety management measures to effectively detect, prevent and reduce hidden dangers from the source.

  Secondly, organizers should strengthen ticketing management. Yang Yongfeng suggested that large-scale concerts implement a real-name ticket purchase and real-name admission system, and establish a refund mechanism. It is also necessary to plug policy loopholes, squeeze the space for "scalpers" to speculate on tickets, and make "strong real names" real and real, so as to truly solve the problem of concert ticket buying. Guide the fan group to establish correct values and cultivate a healthy star-chasing culture.

  "After this wave of fast-paced and hot topics, the concert market will gradually stabilize." Yang Yongfeng believes that in the future, concerts should combine local characteristics to promote the integrated development of "people’s livelihood + cultural performance + industry", expand and strengthen the concert industry chain, and extend the huge flow of people it brings to the entire cultural tourism consumption chain such as scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, and shopping, so as to fully release the "spillover effect" of the concert economy.

Changan once again empowered Avita to cooperate with Huawei, and Avita became a big winner

  Recently, Changan Automobile and Huawei signed an "Investment Cooperation Memorandum" in Shenzhen. Xu Zhijun, chairperson of Huawei, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei and chairperson of BU Intelligent Vehicle Solutions, and Zhu Huarong, chairperson of Changan Automobile, attended the event. According to industry analysts, the cooperation between the two parties will further release technological benefits for the domestic automotive industry, and Avita, as a smart model jointly built by the two parties, may enjoy priority to empower.

  After all, the reason why Avita, as an emerging smart car brand, can quickly make a name for itself in the domestic market is inseparable from Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times, which respectively empower Avita Technology in the fields of vehicle research and development, smart car solutions, and smart energy ecology. Take Avita’s two flagship models as an example, Avita 11 is fully equipped with HI Huawei full-stack smart car solutions, and with strong strength, it has become the world’s first car brand to reach Mount Everest with intelligent driving. The subsequent iteration of Avita 12 is a new benchmark for global luxury smart electric vehicles.

  According to the official data released by Avita, in November this year, Avita 11 delivered a total of 4,080 units, and at the same time, sales are also steadily increasing. And Avita 12, which went on sale on November 10, orders exceeded 20,000 units in November, and mass deliveries are about to start. At the same time, Avita launched its two flagship models in the Thai market to show overseas fans the charm of China’s intelligent luxury, and its overseas strategy is steadily advancing.

  From the "Memorandum of Investment Cooperation" signed by Changan Automobile and Huawei in Shenzhen, Huawei plans to integrate the core technologies and resources of the smart car solutions business into the new company. Changan Automobile and related parties will intend to invest in the company and jointly support the company’s future development with Huawei. The new company of Huawei’s car BU business will continue to serve customers with high quality, and work with partners to promote the innovation and leadership of smart car technology and promote the prosperity and development of the automotive industry.

  From the perspective of the shareholding structure of the new Huawei Car BU company, Changan Automobile, as the only shareholder at present, has a relatively large say in the new company. Furthermore, based on the previous experience in building the Avita brand, the deep coordination and strategic cooperation between Changan Automobile and Huawei this time will be a further innovation and sublimation of the CHN model. Next, the new Huawei Car BU company is likely to tilt more core technologies to Avita, help its existing models OTA upgrade, and empower new smart driving models.

  Next, Avita will use the technology of Changan Automobile and Huawei to create a more user-friendly smart travel experience for the majority of users, and at the same time set an example to show the world the smart driving strength of China’s own brands.

Big data on takeaway platforms: Confucius Temple, Drum Tower, and Xuanwu Lake have become the most popular attractions for takeaway orders in Nanjing

  Featured restaurants queue too long and don’t want to wait? Eating too much supper needs stomach-strengthening and digestive tablets? Scenic restaurants are too expensive to eat? More than half of the National Day holiday, big data just released by Ele.me shows that five days before the National Day holiday, more than 529 tourists in Nanjing ordered duck takeaway; orders for takeaway medicine in hotels increased more than ten times year-on-year; takeaway orders from Nanjing libraries exceeded 2,500 orders, there are really many people who are racing against time to learn!

  Confucius Temple, Drum Tower, and Xuanwu Lake have become the attractions with the most takeaway orders in Nanjing

  According to data analytics, among tourists from all over the world who visit Nanjing, tourists from Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing most like to order takeout in Nanjing. Among the many attractions in Nanjing, Confucius Temple, Drum Tower and Xuanwu Lake have become the most ordered attractions for takeout. Five days before the National Day holiday, more than 529 tourists in Nanjing ordered duck food takeout.

  It is worth noting that, unlike previous years, the takeaway orders of Nanjing hotels saw a remarkable increase in non-dinner orders. Among them, medical orders increased by 1431% year-on-year, and orders for flowers and green plants increased by 185%.

  Three days before the National Day holiday, the most expensive takeaway order in Nanjing was as high as 737 yuan, and 25 curry beef brisket sets were ordered. When the warm-hearted Nanjing citizens ordered takeaway, they left 327 orders with the remarks "Happy National Day" and "Celebrate the birthday of the motherland".

  Five days before the National Day holiday, the library in Nanjing received more than 2,500 orders for takeout. There are really many people who are racing to learn! At the same time, there are also many "strugglers" who are still working hard. In Nanjing, more than 3,300 orders were sent to the traffic police brigade, and 443 orders were sent to the sanitation station and 944 orders were sent to the fire brigade.

  Ele.me data shows that Nanjing people like to order takeout in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou when they go out. During this year’s National Day, Nanjing people’s favorite snacks when traveling are Shanghai raw fried, Changsha stinky tofu, and Chongqing hot and sour powder.

  Word-of-mouth data shows that during the National Day, the order volume of many consumer places increased by more than 100% month-on-month compared with the pre-holiday period. Among them, amusement parks, hot springs, and foot massage have become new choices for leisure gatherings during the National Day holiday of Nanjing citizens this year. The growth rate of orders from these places ranks among the top three in the city.

  More and more small and medium-sized urban residents

  The first choice for overseas travel during the festival

  Feeling fed up with the crowds and crowds at domestic tourist attractions, more and more domestic tourists prefer to travel abroad for the National Day holiday, "I want to take you to Turkey, as well as Tokyo and Paris." According to big data recently released by JD.com, during this year’s National Day holiday, the number of foreign travel tickets and hotel reservations in third- to sixth-tier cities increased rapidly.

  Statistics show that among the orders booked for international air tickets before the National Day this year, the proportion of first- and second-tier cities has declined compared with last year. At the same time, the proportion of international air tickets bookings in third- to sixth-tier cities has increased by 10 percentage points compared with last year. In terms of the number of international hotel reservations, the proportion of orders from third- to sixth-tier cities has increased by nearly 12 percentage points compared with last year.

  From the consumption destination data, Japan, South Korea and South East Asia continue to be the top travel destinations for domestic consumers. Seoul, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Osaka, Manila and other tourist cities are ranked at the top of the air ticket booking rankings. In addition to Japan, the popularity of British tourism has also been growing in recent years. London, Liverpool, Manchester and other cities full of British style are also the first choice for some domestic tourists. In addition, Singapore, Russia, New Zealand, Turkey and other tourist countries, due to better infrastructure and local customs, consumption popularity is also increasing year by year.

  In terms of travel equipment, consumers are also spending a lot of money. In terms of sales, sunscreen products and swimsuits still account for the majority, which also means that islands and beaches are still the first choice for tourists’ travel destination arrangements. With the arrival of the golden autumn season, sales of mountaineering equipment, sports cameras, drones and other equipment have also increased significantly. (Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter, Xu Xiaofeng)

At the age of 58, Jackie Chan jumped into a volcano with his life, calling it a year to let Lin Fengjiao star

group photo of the main creator

Jackie Chan

    Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Li Chao) On December 11, the film held a "final blow" press conference in Beijing, and Jackie Chan attended with the stars Yao Xingtong, Zhang Lanxin, Bai Luna, Liao Fan and Liu Chengjun. Jackie Chan, who has won the Guinness World Record for performing the most stunts, revealed that although he was also very scared during the shooting of the volcano jumping scene, he still stood in front of the camera when he saw a big rock flying over, and he said that even if he died, he would like to be a hero. At the end of the film, Jackie Chan’s brother’s beloved wife Lin Fengjiao appeared in surprise. In this regard, Jackie Chan said that for these short shots, he begged Lin Fengjiao for a whole year.


Yao Xingtong

Zhang Lanxin

Bai Luna

Liao Fan

Liu Chengjun

58-Year-old kung fu superstar jumps over volcano, Jackie Chan: Die like a hero

    Jackie Chan, who is 58 years old this year, has performed a lot of extremely dangerous and difficult moves for the audience in "Zodiac". Not long ago, he broke the Guinness World Record for "most stunts". Jackie Chan admitted that looking back on the dangerous scenes he had shot, he was also very scared at the time. "Today I broke my hand, tomorrow I broke my foot, and I can cut my head at every turn. I can get through it safely, but every morning I wake up and ask myself, will I be so lucky every time? Bruce Lee died after a few scenes, but he left a very bright image. I also want to leave a bright image, but I am not willing to die. It is better to leave a way out for myself and tell everyone that I will never make such a life-saving movie again."

    "It was too dangerous. I was going to roll down from the top of the volcano with iron ore in my eyes. Before I took the picture, I asked them, when was the last volcanic eruption? They said it was ten years ago. I mean, I wouldn’t have caught up with it so coincidentally. Once I saw a big rock floating over, and they were all shouting: Big brother! Go away! I stood in front of the camera very calmly and smartly, because even if I die, I will die like a hero."

Next page: Shu Qi and Wu Yanzu made cameos, Jackie Chan begged for a year to make Lin Fengjiao play

Andy Lau is suspected of announcing his marriage, asking fans "Should I get married?"

Andy Lau is singing and dancing in Taipei

    On November 21, Andy Lau began singing in Taipei. At the age of 47, he showed his abs and sang "Chinese" in front of the LED screen, which was magnificent. The eternal idol in the hearts of thousands of fans said: "I’m back, do you miss me? Do you really?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he stirred the hearts of 10,000 viewers. Afterwards, Andy Lau also asked the fans in the audience: "Do you think an idol should get married and have a girlfriend?" After saying that, he immediately won thunderous applause from the audience. "

    Back then, Andy Lau became popular in Taiwan with the movie "Extrajudicial Love". When he sang the theme song of the film "Dear Child" that night, the live film played the movie footage, which was very interesting in the past. When singing "Stupid Child", he said emotionally: "More than 20 years ago, a stupid child was born in the entertainment industry, but I didn’t expect everyone to support him so much now." The time and space exchange of this concert was misplaced, and he was suddenly in the Shanghai style of Shili Yangchang, and suddenly turned into a cowherd in the sky, performing the unblessed love song and drama with the Weaver Girl.

    Andy Lau started singing in Taipei, and the two box offices were full, earning about 12.50 million yuan. It was the best concert at the box office in Taipei in the second half of this year. The entertainers in the audience also shone brightly that night, and even Jolin Tsai became a small fan to join the audience, wanting to learn the lighting and stage design of his concert. Luo Zhixiang, who regards Andy Lau as his number one idol, and Da S, Cai Kangyong, Ella, and Bang Bang Tang, who recently co-produced a new film with Andy Lau, all attended the performance.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

All parts of the province jointly carry out voluntary tree planting activities, work together to plant new seedlings, and draw green and beautiful pictures together

  Spring is the best season of the year to plant green and sow green. On February 13, all parts of the province jointly launched the 2023 province-wide promotion of green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction voluntary tree planting activities. Cadres and masses in various places shoveled soil and supported seedlings for watering. With 100 green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites in the province as the main places, local tree species such as alpine fir, triangular plum and camphor were widely planted, adding new green to the land of South Guangdong.

  This year’s event is guided by the "Decision on Deepening Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), with the theme of "Promoting Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction and Promoting Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature". A total of 2,453 tree planting points were set up in the province, and five forest chiefs at the provincial, municipal, county, town and village levels participated in the voluntary tree planting activities. The number of people involved in tree planting exceeded 190,000, and the number of trees was over 1 million.

  Optimize forest stands ? ? Native tree species "play the leading role"

  Phoenix wood, banyan tree, soil agarwood, iron holly, Shanduying… A large number of native tree species have entered the voluntary tree planting activities, adding green and beauty to Shanwei’s roadside green spaces, scenic spots and parks and other areas. This year, Shanwei will include the "Implementation of Urban and Rural Green Beauty Project to Benefit the People" in the "Ten Practical Things for People’s Livelihoods". It is expected that by the end of this year, 10 forest phase optimization demonstration belts and 11 green beauty Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites will be completed.

  Qingyuan Yingde took "bamboo" as the characteristic theme of this voluntary tree planting activity, which is also a pillar industry for enriching the local people. In Yingde, the industry formed around bamboo shoots reached 3.20 billion yuan. With the help of this activity, Qingyuan focused on increasing the planting of evergreen broad-leaved forests, and the city and county jointly planted 66,885 seedlings of various types to continuously optimize the stand and beautiful forest appearance.

  Continuously improving forest appearance, improving stand quality, and comprehensively and deeply carrying out national voluntary tree planting activities are all key tasks for green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction put forward in the "Decision", and many prefectures and cities have combined the two. In Yunfu Xinxing Jintai Mountain Forest Park, everyone worked together to plant iron knife wood, golden peach, Hainan red beans, etc., and replanted and interplanted native broad-leaved trees in the existing masson pine pure forest in Jintai Mountain Forest Park. Through the scientific combination of multiple tree species, the internal ecosystem of the forest has become more stable.

  In the Meizhou Meishe Express Forest Stand Optimization Demonstration Site, newly planted saplings by Meizhou cadres and the masses stand tall in the wind. In the next three years, the demonstration site will achieve an average height of more than 3 meters of forest trees, a preservation rate of more than 85%, and an increase in native broad-leaved trees dominated by precious tree species from 20% to more than 65%. This will achieve accurate improvement in forest quality and a significant increase in the output value of afforestation acres. Effectively solve the problems of single tree species, poor landscape effect, high fire risk coefficient, and high risk of forest diseases and pests. The Meishe Express will be built into a multi-tree, multi-level, and multi-color key landscape corridor out of the city.

  In the area where the forest facies renovation project of Weiyuan Island Forest Park in Dongguan City is located, party members, cadres and volunteers waved shovels on the mountains to shovel soil and water seedlings. The scene was in full swing, and small saplings suitable for the local soil and climate, such as purple flower wind Suzuki, yellow flower wind Suzuki, camphor trees, iron holly, and yin fragrance, "stood up" on both sides of the hillside. "Today’s voluntary tree planting activity has planted a total of 600 trees. When the trees grow up, the Weiyuan Island forest, which was originally poor in growth and uneven in forest appearance, will form a multi-species, multi-level and multi-color forest ecosystem, further improving the ecological benefits of the forest." The relevant person in charge introduced.

  Seed recognition, adoption, protection, love, green action

  Leading cadres, army officers and soldiers, volunteers, student representatives… At the voluntary tree planting site in Sanlingshan National Forest Park, Zhanjiang City, there were busy figures everywhere. On the same day, 10 counties (cities and districts) in Zhanjiang City jointly carried out the voluntary tree planting activity to promote the ecological construction of Green and Beauty Guangdong. According to statistics, the city organized a total of 11 voluntary tree planting sessions, 7523 people participated in the voluntary tree planting, and a total of 63,566 trees were planted.

  Guangdong’s 21 cities have different populations, areas, and climates. All localities implement the principle of "Seek Truth and Be Pragmatic, Scientific Greening" in the "Decision". There are forestry cities that plant more than 100,000 trees, and some cities that strive for excellence and plant 10,000 saplings. The enthusiasm of the masses for tree planting is not much different in the province.

  By Moyang Lake, everyone is supporting seedlings and cultivating soil. At the Mini Program, citizens’ enthusiasm for seed adoption is high. Yangjiang continues to broaden the channels for mass participation in the form of "Internet +" seed adoption and adoption this year. Yangjiang, with a population of about 3 million, has participated in voluntary tree planting since "Chuangsen". The number of people who have participated in voluntary tree planting has exceeded 9 million. This year, Yangjiang also adopted some ancient trees for the first time, including plum, neem, stone chestnut, egg flower, longan, camphor tree, blood seal throat, banyan tree and other ancient trees located in parks and villages.

  Among the participants in the voluntary tree planting in Zhongshan, a group of local entrepreneurs’ representatives stood out. On February 13, they planted 17,000 saplings together with the cadres and masses in Zhongshan. "A tree needs to be cultivated if it wants to grow into a’towering tree ‘. As an enterprise rooted in Zhongshan, we are willing to claim a batch of tree planting tasks, water and maintain it for a long time, and contribute to retaining the green waters and green mountains in Zhongshan," said Zhang Chuanwei, an entrepreneur representative.

  "What we planted is not only saplings, but also pieces of green hope," said Xu Qingtao, a cadre in Nanxiong Town, Shaoguan, who participated in the tree planting. Although the spring rain still has a trace of coolness, the tree planting site in Nanxiong is in full swing. Everyone formed a group of 3 people and a group of 5 people, and planted 20 mu of saplings in one afternoon. A total of 105 voluntary tree planting activities like this were carried out in Shaoguan, attracting nearly 10,000 people.

  In Heyuan, many citizens were attracted by the warm atmosphere, donned volunteer vests, and led their children to join the tree planting team. About 117,000 trees were planted in the city that day. Osmanthus, kapok, iron holly, drunken fragrance and smiles and other tree species covered the mountains and plains, connecting the landscape ecology and humanities of Heyuan together. "Green waters and green mountains are becoming Jinshan Yinshan!" Everyone eagerly looked forward to it.

  Beautify urban and rural areas

  Sowing green, harvesting hope. In the national reserve forest base of Niu Mian Mountain, Jianqun Village, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing, the cadres and masses planted 14,000 trees such as Milao Pai, Acacia blackwood, red cone, Huolinan, and rosewood. "These trees are matched according to the long, medium and short growth cycles to create a broad-leaved mixed forest, and promote the optimization of low-quality and low-efficiency forest stands on both sides of the Xijiang River with points and areas to improve forest appearance," said Ding Jianping, deputy director of the Zhaoqing Forestry Bureau.

  Standing on Niu Mian Mountain and looking down, the clear water of a bay in the West River winds past; from a distance, the three waters of Foshan on the other side of the river can be faintly seen. Ding Jianping said that considering Niu Mian Mountain is the first scenic line of waterway entering Zhaoqing, the local area will make it the "main venue" for voluntary tree planting in Zhaoqing this year.

  In this year’s voluntary tree planting activities, many places have combined the national voluntary tree planting activities with the construction of a high-level urban-rural integrated green and beautiful environment, and the high-quality urban-rural green and beautiful ecological environment of "forest and city depend on each other, forest and people blend" has gradually emerged. In Jieyang Puning, citizens planted yellow flower suzuki, purple flower suzuki and kapok at the municipal voluntary tree planting activity point located on the north bank of Lianjiang River. The seedlings were planted along Lianjiang River, which stretched for 4 kilometers. A beautiful picture of "the city is in the forest, the road is in the green, the house is in the garden, and the people are in the scenery" is slowly unfolding.

  In Shantou, tree planting activities were carried out in the Jufeng Scenic Area of Haojiang District. Cadres, soldiers and volunteers planted Peach, Silver Leaf Acacia, Yellow Flower Wind Suzuki, Bodhi, etc., mostly for viewing flowers and leaves, adding to the creation of a green and beautiful home with scenery in all seasons. After more than 10 years of sewing and inserting green, planting green and replenishing green, the scenic spot has become a good place for citizens and tourists to watch flowers.

  In the Maoming Open-pit Mine Ecological Park, hundreds of green planters waved their hoes and shovels and planted saplings one by one. Open-pit mines used to be the "scars" of the city in the past, but now they have become an important part of the urban landscape, which shows that green planting has become an "example" action of Maoming. This year, Maoming will also focus on guiding the intensive processing of agarwood, orange, oil tea and other characteristic industries, extending the industrial chain of forest products, and at the same time creating a characteristic route of forest tourism, promoting the construction of forest towns and villages, actively cultivating a new business model of "rural tourism + ecology", exploring the development of forestry carbon sink trading, and enhancing the efficiency of Maoming forest "carbon sink discharge".

After the network about the car era: do not fight advertising subsidies, service management is king

  CCTV News(Reporter, Liu Chunyan) The emergence of the online car-hailing model has solved people’s travel needs, but it also faces many problems. With the promulgation of the new policy on online car-hailing, a large number of non-compliant online cars have been forced to be removed from the shelves, and the problem of taxi-hailing difficulties has re-emerged in front of the public.

  What is the current situation of online car-hailing, and how to go in the future? CCTV reporters interviewed and investigated this.

  Passenger: Can’t wait for a car in twenty minutes

  On April 1, Didi Chuxing officially stopped sending orders to non-Beijing-licensed vehicles, significantly reducing the number of vehicles outside Beijing, and citizens’ travel pressure began to face tests.

  At nine in the morning, Ms. Li stood on the side of Shijingshan Road and tried to send the order four times. After more than half an hour, she finally waited for an express driver to pick up the order. From an anxious look to a "calm sigh of relief", Ms. Li looked rather helpless. "I went out an hour early, and the order was received, but I was almost late," Ms. Li told reporters. "At the same distance, in the past, once the order was sent out, the driver would often pick up the order within a few seconds, but now it takes more time and waiting."

  At 3:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Shijie’s family, who planned to go home after enjoying the flowers from Yuyuantan Park, also encountered the problem of getting a taxi. "The order was sent out, and the system showed that hundreds of cars had been notified, but they didn’t take the order." After waiting for 20 minutes, Zhang Shijie’s family started to call a taxi while walking, and tried their luck on Yuyuantan South Road. "It’s good to be able to get a taxi now. Some time ago, as long as you use the taxi software, it will show that you have increased the price to call a taxi, and the same is true during non-congested hours. The price is much more expensive. I can’t wait to ride a bicycle." Zhang Shijie talked about his recent taxi experience with some displeasure.

  Didi accounts for more than 90% of the online car-hailing market share. After the implementation of the new policy on online car-hailing, due to the small number of online car-hailing cars that fully comply with the "Beijing Renjing Brand", the number of online car-hailing cars will also be greatly reduced after the "Shuangfei" vehicles exit the market. The direct result is that in some areas and some time periods, citizens are once again facing difficulties such as difficulty in hailing a car, expensive taxis, and long waiting times.

  Express driver: After the implementation of the New Deal, one day is one day

  Today, compared with the helpless waiting of passengers, many express drivers are also facing some embarrassment. The express driver, Master Guo, told reporters, "Now the distance to receive orders is long, and sometimes the system sends an order three or four kilometers away from the passenger."

  In 2015, online car-hailing was in the limelight, and Master Guo aimed at the huge market potential of this industry and registered his Beijing brand car as Didi Express. When business was good, he was busy receiving orders until late at night every day, plus platform subsidies, etc., and he could earn a high bonus a month, and his life improved a lot. The huge market demand also attracted many foreign vehicles to flood into Beijing, but Master Guo did not care: "Although there are many online car-hailing, there are also many people who take taxis, so it will not be affected at all."

  Previously, in all Didi Chuxing’s businesses, most of the orders came from the express business. High rewards and lower entry barriers for vehicles and drivers have made the cheap express business a gathering place for non-Beijing brand vehicles. However, with the introduction of policies to tighten and regulate online car-hailing, since October last year, the number of foreign vehicles on the road has gradually decreased, and many friends with foreign license plates around Master Guo have left the platform one after another and switched to other industries. Although Master Guo’s car belongs to the Beijing brand, he does not belong to the Beijing household. According to the New Deal regulations, soon, Master Guo’s car will no longer be able to take orders and run. When talking about future life, Master Guo confessed that one day is one day if he can work, and he will change to other jobs in the future.

  Taxi driver: There are more passengers beckoning on the road.

  Master Liu has been a taxi driver for 8 years, using old-fashioned Nokia mobile phones, unregistered online car-hailing platforms, and collecting cash for picking up and dropping off passengers.

  Mr. Liu said that the appearance of online taxi-hailing has had a great impact on the taxi industry. "After 8 o’clock in the evening, the taxi is basically dead." He told reporters that there are three types of taxi-hailing people during the day: long-term taxis, outsiders who come to see the sick, and those who go on business. At night, these groups do not appear, and other people are more affluent and generally do not take taxis. "You see that the people standing there are all holding mobile phones, basically don’t think about it."

  Mr. Liu said that although online car-hailing has made it easier for people to travel, the problems that come with it cannot be ignored. "With a Henan accent and a car with a Shandong license plate, you can’t be reasonable when you encounter something."

  According to the relevant departments, only to deal with such incidents, the 18 districts and counties in the Beijing area have to hold an average of three court sessions a day.

  Didi Chuxing: Focusing on technological innovation in the future

  It is understood that Beijing Didi drivers a total of 1.10 million people, the number of active drivers 200,000 people, and only 10.7% of drivers in line with the regulations, most of the drivers will be eliminated. In the future, the network about the car platform where to go?

  A staff member of Didi Chuxing said that at present, they are constantly calling on passengers to plan travel plans in advance through technological innovation and other means, and use booking, carpooling and hitchhiking to travel. With the gradual launch of the "certified driver program" of the special car, the special car service has been greatly improved. In the high-end online car-hailing market, Didi’s special car is still in a leading position and continues to widen the gap with competitors.

  "We are also actively expanding our internationalization strategy, setting up a research institute in Silicon Valley in the United States, using rich travel data to change the relationship between people and cars, leading the application of new energy vehicles and new intelligent driving safety technologies, and applying big data capability systems to the optimization of transportation infrastructure."

  The online car-hailing platform is an emerging business format developed under the background of the sharing economy. In the past, the online car-hailing platform operated at a price below cost, and there was a period of brutal growth in which subsidies were used to delineate the market. Some experts said that the online car-hailing platform is bound to return to a standardized, orderly, reasonable and legal development state. The competition among various platforms is no longer about subsidies and advertisements, but about services and management.

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

The original title: A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  There are still 3 days to end in 2016. Recently, foreign media checked through SteamSpy what are the games that sold 1 million in 2016. Before announcing the game, let’s say that this investigation does not count free games and remastered games that provide free upgrades. In addition, games that landed on Steam Early Access in 2014 or 2015 and were officially released this year will not be included.

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

  But in terms of sales, it seems that "H1Z1: Killing King" is the best-selling new game on Steam in 2016. The Steam version sold more than 3 million sets, and the game first landed on Steam on February 17. The second place is the indie game "Stardew Valley Story". The game landed on Steam in February, and as of now, it has sold almost 2 million sets (1.89 million).

  In third place is the multiplayer (4v1) horror game "Dead by Dawn", which sold around 1.45 million. Judging from Tieba and live broadcasts, this game seems to be relatively popular in China. As for 3A games, the games on the list include "Doom 4" (1.45 million), "Civilization 6" (1.43 million), "Dark Souls 3" (1.23 million), "Tomb Raider: Rise" (1.23 million), "The Division Lockdown" (1.02 million), "UFO 2" (1.08 million) and "Warhammer: Total War" (1.03 million).

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

  Most of the games on the list were released in the first half of 2016 (except for Civilization 6, which was released in October), and the masterpieces released in October and November were not on the list. Watchdog 2 is only a month away from now, and it must be difficult to sell millions, but according to SteamSpy statistics, the current sales are around 190,000. For 3A games, I don’t know if Ubisoft can accept it?

  In addition, the "Dishonored 2" released on November 11 currently sells about 320,000 Steam, while the "Call of Duty 13" released on November 3 sells about 260,000 Steam.