[Winter Olympics "cold" knowledge] How difficult is freestyle skiing? From 1260 degrees to 1440 degrees, women athletes all over the world have walked for nearly 9 years.

  CCTV News:We have a strong feeling in watching the freestyle ski jumping competition, which is the visual impact and aesthetic feeling. But at the same time, we also see that many athletes, including world-class top players, will make mistakes and fall. Indeed, freestyle skiing has high intensity and higher risk factor. How difficult is this project?

  Big platform and aerial skills, snow skills, U-shaped field and slope obstacle skills all belong to freestyle skiing. Among them, the big platform is the most difficult. Athletes need to slide down the slope and rush to the platform, but also perform aerial stunts such as somersault and gyration at the end of the platform by inertia, which is extremely risky.

  At present, in the world’s first-line platform competition, the degree of female athletes’ aerial rotation basically starts from 720 degrees, and then reaches 900 degrees, 1080 degrees, 1260 degrees and 1440 degrees, a total of five dimensions. Players in the first three dimensions can basically do it, but from 1260 degrees to 1440 degrees, women players all over the world have walked for nearly 9 years.

  In October, 2012, Lisa zimmermann, a 16-year-old German talented girl, completed the first two-week off-axis twist of a female snowboarder in the history of snowboarding, officially opening the era of two cores and three and a half weeks for women’s snowboarding.

  In November, 2020, mathilde Gremaud, a Swiss player, completed a two-week off-axis twist of 1440 degrees and broke the history at the same time.

  In December, 2021, Gu Ailing made another 1440-degree off-axis twist with two straight slides, making history again. It took nearly nine years to make this step.

  Why is the big platform jump so difficult? In fact, not only the big platform, but also the whole freestyle skiing event is not easy. Freestyle skiing is a high-risk and high-intensity competition with very high technical content. Take-off, aerial action, landing and taxiing, the three processes are interlocking, pulling one hair and moving the whole body. The turning action in the air can be divided into vertical and horizontal axes of the human body and turning around the longitudinal axis. While completing the difficult movements, it must also be highly ornamental, while ensuring a smooth and safe landing.

  The timing of the athlete’s take-off, the degree of take-off, the angle of the moment of take-off, the muscle strength of the leg and the muscle strength of the waist, etc., all have great influence on landing, and there are too many uncertain factors. It can be said that freestyle skiing can’t make mistakes from the beginning. It can be seen that freestyle skiing is not just a wonderful flying jump, but there are countless invisible efforts behind it. Freestyle skiing is not so difficult as human’s awe of the Olympic competitive spirit and the courage to break through and surpass themselves. Always young, always enthusiastic, always love sports.

Bookstore nightlife, can "one night" become "night after night"?

  From July 19th, every Friday to Sunday, the operation hours of Beijing Metro Line 1 and Line 2 are extended, and the last bus departure time of each station along the line is after zero. It can be seen that the subway works hard for our nightlife.





  Everything is fine, but this excitement is like a "flash" featuring a bookstore. After this night, can the bookstore be added to the nightlife options? Can "one night" become "every night"?

  In fact, it is nothing new to spend the night in a bookstore. There have been 24-hour bookstores in various places before. According to Liu Jingjing, deputy dean of the School of Cultural Industry Management of China Communication University, this series of activities with the overall planning and support of government resources is a good demonstration and guidance, but the sustainable development of bookstore nightlife depends on the enthusiasm and demands of bookstores themselves.

  Most directly, the development of bookstore nightlife is closely related to bookstore operating costs. Liu Jingjing said: "The cost of personnel and security required for night operation will increase significantly compared with that during the day. Whether the bookstore can get enough returns by extending its business hours is the key to restricting the sustainable development of the bookstore nightlife."

  Liu Jingjing believes that there are two ways to develop bookstore nightlife at present: one is to expand the bookstore into a public cultural space with multiple functions, providing a carrier for various cultural activities, such as movie viewing, reading, reading, drama, music, and even night training; The second is to carry life related to books in various spaces, such as reading activities in restaurants, shopping malls and cinemas.

  Liu Jingjing felt "anxious" at first to live the bookstore nightlife well. "You can find some brand and iconic bookstores to explore and try first, instead of opening them all at once. Because it depends on whether the bookstore itself can survive, or whether it will have more room for development after the city as a whole forms an atmosphere of night cultural life. "

  Expanding bookstores into cultural complexes has become more common in first-and second-tier cities. When it gradually sinks into third-and fourth-tier cities, it is expected to produce more new formats, such as combining bookstores with restaurants, creative markets and even car beauty.

  The latter, in this "flash" activity, is also emerging. In MUJI HOTEL BEIJING (Beijing Branch of Muji Hotel), in-house guests can choose a favorite book from about 8,000 books in the lobby book bar and bring it back to their rooms for free.

  In the children’s paradise "Little Oasis", Fantasy Country and Yimi Sunshine Children’s Library moved children’s favorite reading scenes to the paradise. Ma Jin, founder of Little Oasis, said: "Let children regard picture books as toys. In our space, it will be arranged in different corners ‘ Reading angle ’ At the same time, a small library will be set up to open all picture books to parents and children for all parents who come to the small oasis to choose and borrow. "

  Mom+,a family-style restaurant under the brand of "Family Heritage", has set up a trial reading area for Xiong Liang’s classic picture books. Xiong Liang said, "In other scenes, books should have such an opportunity". "Mom+"restaurant will recommend a book every month. The first month of opening is the picture book "A Bowl of Soup for Mom" by Hao Guangcai, a famous children’s book publisher. In that month, Sun Yankun, the co-founder of the family biography, found that all the children in the whole restaurant were reading the same book, but everyone had their own understanding.

  Sun Yankun said: "Seventy percent of our guests are families with children. When conceiving a restaurant, the first plate to be put in is the reading corner, which is also our discussion about ‘ Dining table and desk ’ An embodiment of the idea. Mom and dad put down their mobile phones when they were waiting for each other, and they were very devoted to reading picture books to children. It was beautiful. "

  "Promoting night economy is a systematic project, which requires all systems in the city to support night life, including public transportation, public security maintenance and night landscape. Bookstore nightlife does not depend on the development of a single bookstore, but on the formation of the whole cultural consumption habits. " Liu Jingjing said.

  China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter Jiang Xiaobin Trainee reporter Li Yi Source: China Youth Daily

In 2024, the box office of New Year’s Day broke 1.2 billion, and the "bright star" fault led the way.

According to Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 21: 00 on December 31st, the total box office (including screening and pre-sale) of new films on New Year’s Day in 2024 exceeded 1.26 billion, and "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" and "The annual meeting can’t stop! "Stealth" is still the top three at the box office, among which "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" leads with 553 million faults.
"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" set a record that the pre-sale of Chinese film history broke through 100 million at the earliest and the pre-sale of New Year’s Eve file broke through 100 million at the fastest. The film is directed by Chen Xiaoming and Zhang Pan, written by Zhang Pan, Duan Yule, Wang Yichao and Chen Xiaoming, starring Qu Chuxiao and Karlina, and starring Jinna and Jiang Yunlin.
The annual meeting can’t stop! Ranked second in the box office list of new films on New Year’s Day, the film tells the story that fitter Hu Jianlin was transferred to the group headquarters by mistake and became a gold collar. At the annual meeting of the group, he exposed the corrupt executives of the factory and finally saved the factory. The film was written and directed by Run Nian Dong, with Luo Jia as the screenwriter and producer, Dapeng, Ke Bai and Zhuang Duffy as the leading actors, Wang Xun as the leading actor, Sean as the friendly actor and Li Naiwen as the guest actor.
The cumulative box office of "Stealth" is also nearly 200 million, and the film is co-starred by Andy Lau, Lin Jiadong and Eddie Peng Yuyan. Fighting between police and bandits, undercover stealth, and the righteous belief that they will stick to their death, and the evil hidden under the "dark net", are on the verge of confrontation with evil.
It is worth mentioning that "If You Are the One 3", written and directed by Xiaogang Feng, has been a box office flop. The film was released on December 30th, with a box office of only 24.3 million yuan on its first day of release, and the current cumulative box office is 43 million yuan, ranking sixth in the total box office of new films on New Year’s Day in 2024. The film, starring Ge You and Shu Qi, starring Fan Wei, Li Chengru, Yun-peng Yue and Chang Yuan, featuring Yao Chen, Guan Xiaotong and Wu Yi-cong, and specially introduced by Yu Shuxin, is the final chapter of If You Are the One series.
Some market research institutions said that the film market showed a good recovery trend, and the major schedules exceeded expectations. The New Year’s Day schedule has a New Year’s atmosphere, and the diversified film types have achieved full coverage of the audience, optimistic about the overall performance of the schedule.
Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Kong Xiaoping
Proofread Li Haihui

Insist on exchanges and mutual learning to promote the development of human rights.

Guangming Daily reporter Marseille
The "2023 China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights" co-sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Law School of the University of Rome, Italy, was successfully held in Rome, Italy, on September 20th. This seminar focuses on "Modernization and Diversity of Human Rights Civilization". More than 130 experts and scholars in the field of human rights, government officials, diplomatic envoys, representatives of political parties and social organizations from China, Italy, the United States, Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other countries combined online and offline around topics such as the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations and the development of modern human rights concepts, the free and all-round development of modernization and human beings, the sustainable development in the process of modernization and the evolution of human rights civilization in the digital age.
The guests from all over the world spoke highly of China’s great achievements in human rights, fully affirmed China’s important contribution to the development and progress of human rights in the world, and opposed the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues by a few countries. In his speech, Diliberto, former Italian Minister of Justice and Dean of the Law School of the University of Rome, stressed that different civilizations should actively build bridges of communication instead of walls, and hoped that Europe and China would seek common cooperation goals in the spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences.
Chinese modernization creates a new road for human rights development.
Chinese-style modernization is to fully respect and protect human rights, adhere to the people-centered development concept, take the realization of people’s longing for a better life as the starting point and the end result, and finally realize people’s free and all-round development.
In his speech, Padma Choling, Vice Chairman of the 13th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) and President of the China Human Rights Research Association, pointed out that in the process of promoting Chinese modernization, the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people out of a road of human rights development that conforms to the trend of the times and is suitable for China’s national conditions, and has made fruitful achievements. All countries should promote the positive development of global human rights governance through unity and cooperation, promote the free and all-round development of all people in the process of modernization, and jointly seek solutions to the problems and challenges existing in the current international human rights field.
Jia Guide, China’s ambassador to Italy, said that the governments of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and China have always adhered to the people-centered concept of human rights, combined the principle of universality of human rights with China’s concrete reality, adhered to the basic human rights with the right to subsistence and development as the first priority, coordinated and guaranteed citizens’ political, economic and social rights, led the people of China out of a human rights development path in line with China’s national conditions, and made a series of remarkable achievements in the modernization and diversity of human rights development.
Marceli, former director of the Institute of International Law of the Italian National Institute, said in an interview that human rights are the key to the common future of mankind, and it is very important to have a human rights dialogue between Europe and China. He lamented that China has made great achievements in economic development in recent years, which has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and greatly improved people’s living standards. The people of China have a strong sense of happiness and a sense of national politics. Marceli believes that every country has its own particularity and needs to find its own way to promote human rights. The successful experience of Chinese modernization is worth studying and learning from.
Civilized exchanges and mutual learning enrich the diversity of human rights and civilizations
The world is colorful, and diversity is the charm of human civilization. Implementing the global civilization initiative and strengthening exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations provide new ideas for enriching and developing the diversity of human rights civilization and promoting the improvement of global human rights governance.
Lord Dai Weixun, a member of the House of Lords of the British Labour Party Parliament, believes that mutual learning enables human society to develop and prosper, and mutual respect is a necessary condition for the development of human rights. Every country has its own history, culture, system, tradition, lifestyle and philosophy, and the policies that apply to one country may not apply to another. Respect and understanding of the diversity of human experience is an indispensable foundation for the development of modern human rights philosophy.
Campbell, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Czech Left-wing Institute, firmly believes that communication and dialogue should be used to enhance the mutual understanding of human rights views between the East and the West. He believes that the concept of human rights is the product of historical development. Under different historical development stages and cultural backgrounds, the East and the West have different understandings and practices on the concept of human rights. It cannot be considered that the human rights standards and models of some countries are only correct, nor should all countries be required to abide by the same standards.
Su Faxiang, a researcher at the Human Rights Research Center of Minzu University of China, believes that the human rights concept of mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual appreciation and mutual learning formed on the basis of China’s traditional culture has important enlightenment and reference significance for the development of human rights in China and the world today. It is on the basis of fully absorbing these traditional wisdom and following the universal principles of international human rights development, and combining with its own reality, the China government has continuously promoted and promoted the development of human rights in China and even in the world, and has made remarkable achievements.
Many participating experts also discussed issues such as digital human rights governance model and digital development right, and emphasized the importance of human rights protection in the digital age. Francisco, adviser to the President of the Portuguese International Human Rights Observatory, reminded that human rights violations by digital means are more common than people think. The international community urgently needs to strengthen legal norms in the digital field and make the Internet a tool to achieve freedom, equality and social justice.
Community of Shared Future for Mankind concept promotes the development of human rights in the world.
It is the universal pursuit of all mankind that everyone enjoys human rights. For a long time, China has actively carried out human rights dialogue and cooperation, selflessly shared the development experience of human rights, promoted the introduction of important concepts such as building Community of Shared Future for Mankind, promoting human rights through development, and promoting win-win cooperation in the field of human rights into the international human rights system, and contributed China wisdom and China plan to the development of human rights in the world.
Wang Lifeng, executive director of the China Human Rights Research Association and deputy director of the Human Rights Research Center of the Central Party School, said in his speech that Community of Shared Future for Mankind is not only a community of values that pursues universal human rights, but also a community of interests that resolves conflicts of interest and pursues common interests. People of all countries should uphold the concept of "one country under the sun" and jointly promote the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind.
Li Xiade, Austrian dean of the Confucius Institute at Vienna University in Austria and a famous sinologist, pointed out that today’s human civilization is facing multiple risk challenges such as climate change and ecological environment degradation, and human beings should devote themselves to building a "global community with a common future". In his view, the sustainable development of mankind in the future can not be separated from the "global responsibility" based on sincere and in-depth international cooperation, and can not only pay attention to individual rights.
According to Walker, an academician of the Royal Academy of Social Sciences and a member of the Academic Committee of Social Sciences of the European Union, China’s ideas on development and global governance are consistent with the goals and objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China is aware that the fruits of development should benefit every country and individual more directly and fairly, and calls for more inclusive global governance, more effective multilateral mechanisms and more active regional cooperation to promote the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind and put forward global development initiatives. This initiative has been widely responded by the international community, which is conducive to promoting global sustainable development, promoting the well-being and human rights of people of all countries, and building a fairer and more prosperous world.
(Guangming Daily, Rome, September 20th)
Guangming Daily (14th edition, September 21st, 2023)
Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily


Every time it takes root, it is a commitment to the future of the city; Every rejuvenation is the pursuit of an ideal life; As the first fourth-generation residence in the Economic Development Zone, Yun Qi Time Project has been adhering to the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, casting a beautiful life with ingenuity, and laying a good foundation for the renovation and upgrading of residential buildings in the Economic Development Zone.

Architecture is a dialogue between man and life aesthetics. On December 16th, Yun Qi opened a "Fourth Generation Building Revitalization Life Salon" for prospective owners, and invited Caotan Group’s subsidiary, who is also the head of the planning and design department of Xi ‘an Caotan Construction and Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Caotan Construction), and SUM landscape designers to share with you how to realize the ideal life scene of painting an air courtyard.

Liu Tianran, head of the planning and design department of Xi ‘an Caotan Construction and Development Co., Ltd., elaborated the first fourth-generation residence in the Economic Development Zone inspired by the design concept, architectural planning, garden details and product highlights. As Liu Tianran said: "The core of the continuous iteration of living patterns is the continuous improvement of people’s needs." In Yun Qi, as a game breaker, he rearranged the order for the economic development, and renewed it iteratively.

As an iterative product of living, Yun Qi moved the courtyard into the air to realize "every family has a garden and every household has a courtyard", so that people living in a bustling city can realize the imagination of "staying in a cage for a long time and returning to nature". Wang Jiameng and Sun Dandan, the main designers of SUM landscape design, started a communication trip about green homes from the aspects of yard life plant scene matching and daily plant maintenance, so that all the imaginations of life can be realized here one by one. This is a trip to the artistic realm of aesthetic life and a dialogue with future life.

Caotan Group, with its original intention, respect for the land and the vision of building a better life, inherits the ingenuity of state-owned enterprises, and starts a new chapter in life with the fourth-generation low-density streamer courtyard at the confluence of urban resources.

60 beautiful landscape stick figure tutorials, a few strokes, easy to draw! You can also get started with zero foundation

Ready for a happy weekend again.

You like painting, what are your plans?

Do you want to prepare?A notebook, a pen

go onA simple journey of sketchingAnd?

Sometimes you don’t need complicated strokes.

With a few strokes, you can quickly draw the scenery along the way.

For example, like this


When camping in the wild at night

Set up a tent and make a fire.

Feel the silence in the suburbs

There are sunrises, trees and rivers.

Driving through the suburbs at night

Do you remember this scenery?

Have you ever fantasized about owning an RV?

It can hold a lot of things.

Sleep wherever you drive it.

Every time I travel by car

It’s very pleasant to watch the mountains and Woods pass by outside the window. …

I believe everyone has their own yearning poems and distant places.

There is always a body and mind.

Thinking about starting on the road

Both physically and mentally.

When encountering these beautiful scenery.

Just simply record it with a brush ~

And the authors of these stick figures

He is also a person who loves to travel.

He is the illustrator:David Rollyn Powell

He comes fromUnited States of America

His main job at ordinary times is to draw illustrations.

I will also go outdoors to design wall painting and printing.

After creating these minimalist landscape stick figures,

He will draw them on the wall.

Used for decoration and guiding people like road signs.

Every time after working outdoors,

David Rollyn Powell will give himself a vacation.

Go camping or play some exciting projects.

Like rock climbing, boating and rafting.

He thinks traveling is very interesting, which can not only release

You can also increase your creative inspiration.

So, after playing tired,

David Rollyn Powell often sits on the floor.

Write down what you see along the way with a brush.

Sometimes he takes pictures with his camera when he has no time to draw.

Describe it again

This is the scenery photographed by David Rollyn Powell.

And the scenes created.


David Rollyn Powell’s painting tools are simple.

Pencils, needle pens and markers

His advice to beginners is

Before you start painting, you can type the manuscript with a simple pen.

Then draw with a needle pen or marker.

Finally, choose whether to color.

David Rollyn Powell, these landscapes are simple.

But there are still differences in the length of vision, depth and sense of space.

When painting close-ups, he will magnify things.

When painting a distant scene, it will be scaled down appropriately.

So that people can distinguish vision and space.

These are some simple landscape stick figures.

David Rollyn Powell also put them

Printed on clothes and daily necessities

Be loved and snapped up by many people

In addition to the scenery, some common small objects and animals

Through David Rollyn Powell’s design

It has also become simple and fashionable.

All right, after David Rollyn Powell.

These simple works

Next, I will teach you how to

Draw these simple landscape paintings step by step.


Beautiful seascape

Painting steps

1. Draw the triangle stones under the tree before drawing the whole coconut tree.

2. After drawing the coconut tree, draw the hills, waves and three boats at sea in the distance.

3. Add waves, draw wild geese in the sky, and finally paint them.

Beautiful lighthouse

Painting steps

1. Draw the semi-arc mountain, the tower on the mountain and the green trees next to the tower.

2. Then draw the forest behind the tower and the sea level in front of it. When drawing, everyone should focus on their relationship.

3. Draw the geese in the sky and the sailboats on the sea, and finally color them.

Mount Fuji and cherry blossoms

Painting steps

1. Draw the crater first, and then draw the jungle under the volcano.

2. Draw cherry blossoms under the volcano, beautiful sea level and white clouds in the sky.

3. Add ripples to the sea surface and finally color it as a whole.

A winding stream

Painting steps

1. Draw two curves as rivers, and then draw small trees on both sides of the river.

2. Draw mountains and white clouds in the distance, and decorate the grass with dots.

3. Draw stones and ripples, and finally paint them.

Did you find out?

These painting steps all start from the distance between us.

And then describe the things around them

In fact, everyone has different painting habits.

You can also describe it in order according to your own preferences.

Golden wheat field

Painting steps

Small house

Painting steps


Painting steps

Well, I have learned so many steps to draw a landscape stick figure.

I believe that everyone must have learned.

Then relax yourself this weekend.

Go out and draw a picture ~

In the name of "advanced" and the fact of "hooliganism", what is noble in the fashion circle?

# Headline Creation Challenge #

After the beginning of the year, various film festivals, fashion weeks and red carpets at home and abroad have never stopped. The fashion industry seems to be eager to release all the inspiration accumulated in the past two years.

Through the internet, everyone can enjoy different aesthetics all over the world, which was originally a good thing.

However, the fashion industry has always been dominated by the aesthetics of Europe and the United States, and they do not change the strong nature, and more and more like to kidnap the aesthetics of Asians with "advanced".

If you look closely, you will find that the fashion industry is all "hooligans" under the banner of "advanced".

Part 1: Binding, Discrimination and Solidification

Recently, Liu Wen, a supermodel, boarded a hot search with the entry of "wearing a chain dress with dozens of pounds", which triggered a hot discussion among netizens.

When I opened it, it turned out that Liu Wen was a catwalk for a big brand, and the skirt she was wearing was all made up of chains, weighing tens of pounds.

In the comment area, full of praise such as "beautiful", "Liu Wen’s business ability is excellent" and "too stable", small 8 didn’t know how to react for a moment.

To be fair, is this set of styling really beautiful?

As can be seen from the photos of the audience, Liu Wen’s two arms are congested because of the heavy skirt, and the skin color of the arms is in sharp contrast with the skin color of the neck, so people can only feel bound and can’t see where the beauty lies.

The first function of clothes is to wear, and the second is to look beautiful. This style does not occupy any point. Just because it is designed by foreign brands, it has become recognized as "beauty".

Europe and America are very experienced in forcibly defining aesthetics.

However, what Europe and America admire is "advanced". Models should lose their ribs and their cheeks should be sunken, which is in line with their aesthetics.

At the same time, they are still aggravating the stereotype of Asians: the eyes should be small, the cheekbones should be high, and the hair should be combed into a "big light", exposing the shortcomings of the head shape.

In China, Liu Wen looks like this: fresh, simple and intellectual.

But in Europe and America, she became old-fashioned, withered and emaciated.

He Sui, a supermodel known as "Fairy Girl", is glamorous and smart in China.

When she went abroad for a catwalk, she became indescribable ……

The so-called "senior face" is just a kidnapping of European and American aesthetics and Asian aesthetics.

Part 2: the "freedom" of going too far

While keen on labeling Asians, the fashion industry also likes to beautify their "freedom".

"Freedom to dress" is a very popular word in recent years. Indeed, everyone has the right to wear clothes he likes, but gradually, this "freedom" has gone beyond the fire.

Recently, Jin Jenny, a member of BLACKPINK, a top-notch Korean women’s group, is traveling in Europe and America.

As the top actress in Asia, she played a supporting role in American TV series, and the biggest scene was dancing the following dance.

Once the clip came out, it attracted netizens to vomit.

To put it bluntly, what’s the difference between this and playing hooligans in the street?

Don’t say that our thoughts are feudal, and they can’t accept the comments of Korean netizens.

As soon as the controversy subsided, Jenny Jin was scolded for a group of photos.

In the first photo, she is wearing a perspective coat, which seems to be tightly dressed. When you look closely, you can actually see everything in a glance.

In the second photo, she is wearing a plastic corset and tight underwear, which is neither beautiful nor comfortable, and I really don’t know what the meaning is.

If the domestic fashion circle had arranged for her to dress like this, the designers and dressers would have been scolded.

However, since this was written by European and American fashion circles, the related comments immediately became "Jennie is so beautiful" ……

At the previous Milan Fashion Week, the styles of Liu Wen and He Cong were also unacceptable.

Liu Wen appeared in the show wearing a black dress with straps, saying that the straps are not exaggerated at all. There are only two crossed straps as a cover for the whole upper body, which is quite like "the emperor’s new clothes".

Another supermodel, He Cong’s clothes, are even more outrageous. The place that can not be covered is covered tightly, and there is no cloth in the covered place, so it can only be replaced by hands.

It took thousands of years for human beings to evolve from smooth animals to ashamed homo sapiens, but now, the fashion circle has begun to advocate the trend of not wearing clothes, which is really hard to understand.

You can dress freely, but please don’t overdo it.

Part 3: Aesthetic "brainwashing" has achieved results.

Some people may say that the aesthetics of European and American fashion circles have anything to do with us, and they like whatever they like!

In fact, this has a lot to do with us. Under the "brainwashing" of aesthetics in Europe and America, there are also many examples of self-uglification in China.

The same is the advertisement for shooting beauty cosmetics. The effect of shooting abroad is like this: blonde, sweet and lovely.

And here we are, a model with a single eyelid, picking her eyes with her fingers as "squinting".

The same is the advertisement for shooting bags. The advertising effect abroad is natural, and the models are also carefully selected beauties.

In China, however, the advertisements have become ugly with dark style, squinting and high cheekbones.

What’s more sad is that it was taken by our own photographer.

In addition to industry photographers being brainwashed by abnormal aesthetics in Europe and America, even schools have been eroded by this trend.

Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, as one of the benchmarks of domestic academy of fine arts, launched a graduation show full of "squints".

To tell the truth, it is difficult for everyone to see so many people who conform to stereotypes in their lives, but on the show floor, such models are caught a lot.

Chinese culture has been passed down for thousands of years, and we have our own aesthetics.

What we are after is never skinny and squint with high cheekbones, but a well-proportioned figure, an oval face, big eyes and a high nose.

Aesthetics can be grounded, but not grounded.

Nowadays, more and more people oppose the so-called "advanced aesthetics" in Europe and America, and it is the most beautiful to stick to yourself!

The realistic echo and reflection of history

On September 13th, local time, in Washington, D.C., US congressmen attended the 20th anniversary ceremony of the September 11th terrorist attacks on Capitol Hill. Photo courtesy of people’s vision

On April 13th, in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, a number of civic groups gathered in front of the Fukushima prefectural government, holding high slogans such as "Don’t discharge into the sea" and "People don’t support the decision" to protest the government’s decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea. Photo courtesy of vision china

The coming year 2021 is a year of complexity, disorder and ups and downs for the whole world. The COVID-19 epidemic runs through the whole year, with constant alarms, and many countries have opened and closed their doors; The game of great powers has spread to more non-traditional fields such as governance and technology; In the multiple crises, the international community has repeatedly made multiple-choice questions about "abnormal" and "new normal". Walking at the crossroads of development, "uncertainty" has become one of the most frequently used expressions.

Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. When the world is experiencing a great change that has never happened in a hundred years, history has become the reference coordinate that we can choose for our annual resumption. Through the "anniversary" nodes of some international events in 2021, we may be able to find the realistic echo of history from far and near.

30 years after the end of the cold war, is the world more United?

Late at night on December 25, 1991, the Soviet flag was lowered slowly in the Kremlin. With the collapse of a "superpower" occupying one-sixth of the world’s land area, the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union, which lasted for nearly half a century, also came to an end.

Although the Cold War has satisfied the ideological and geopolitical interests of the "superpower", the long-term confrontation between the East and the West has created a tragedy of division in Germany, North Korea and other countries. Wen Anli, an expert on the history of the Cold War and a professor at Harvard University, believes that the lessons left by the Cold War to today’s human society include that big countries need to regulate their own behaviors, respect each other’s core interests, and jointly contain and resolve regional conflicts.

However, the "new cold war" is gradually becoming a popular word in current international political life. There are constant comments that the United States, as a former winner of the Cold War, has been experiencing increasing strategic anxiety in recent years and is trying to push the most important international relationship in the 21st century-Sino-US relations to the so-called "new cold war".

Although this is inconsistent with the public statement of the Biden administration in the United States, this year, the United States has organized a so-called "democracy summit" and divided the world into two camps again. While piecing together the "small circle", I tried to maintain the dominance of the West with the practices of the Cold War. From the Group of Seven to the "Five Eyes Alliance", from the four-party mechanism of the United States, Japan, India and Australia to the tripartite security partnership between the United States and Britain and Australia, behind the United States, the "cold war-style" group politics reappeared.

As a result, people see a lot of history repeating itself. NATO, led by the United States, is breaking its promise to expand further, trying to contain Russia by taking advantage of Ukraine, which left Russia and entered Europe after the Cold War, and constantly speculating that Russia is assembling heavy troops and "preparing to invade Ukraine". British troops, tanks and equipment were ordered to return to Germany for fear that "Russia threatened the Baltic countries." Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has repeatedly compared the current situation with the Cuban missile crisis during the Cold War, when the world was on the brink of thermonuclear war, and it is still regarded as the most dangerous moment for human survival. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, "the United States is on the old road of the Soviet Union with confidence and firm steps".

In 1991, 30 years ago, the Soviet Union was disintegrated under multiple shocks. Thirty years later, in 2021, which was started by the "riots on Capitol Hill", the United States fell into a social crisis and a stalemate in party struggle, and the gloom of the "lighthouse" became an indisputable fact. If the vision is long enough, it can be said that the United States is not the winner of the cold war, or that there is no winner in the cold war. When global challenges such as COVID-19 epidemic, climate change and digital security appear indiscriminately in front of all countries, multipolarization and cooperation beyond ideological differences are still the general trend of the international pattern.

Twenty years after the September 11th incident, is the world safer?

Twenty years later, the terrible flames of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in new york seem to be still in sight. However, the trial of the mastermind of the "9.11" incident is still pending, and the ghost of terrorism still lingers in the world. Open the "calendar of terrorist events" in 2021, and people will find one after another bloody records-

On February 22, a terrorist attack occurred in North Waziristan, northwest Pakistan, killing four people; On March 3, at least 8 people were stabbed in a suspected terrorist attack in Wetlanda, a city in southern Sweden. On June 5, a terrorist attack occurred in a village in northern Burkina Faso, Africa, killing at least 132 people; On July 14th, the Chinese commuter shuttle bus of Dasu Hydropower Station project in Cape Province, Pakistan suffered a terrorist explosion, killing 9 Chinese personnel and 4 Pakistani personnel. On August 26, two suicide bombings occurred near Kabul airport in Afghanistan, killing about 100 people, including American soldiers who were evacuating Afghanistan. On November 14th, a taxi exploded in Liverpool, England, killing one person and injuring another. On December 8, the French media revealed that the French anti-terrorism agency had foiled the fourth terrorist attack attempt this year …

The historical trend of the United States and the world changed to a great extent at the moment when the plane crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers. The Taliban in Afghanistan were accused of being the mastermind behind the September 11th terrorist attacks, and they provided shelter for bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Since then, the unipolar pattern of "dominating the world" in the United States after the Cold War has been seriously impacted. "Counter-terrorism" has become the first priority of the US government, which has driven the national strategic shift and launched the so-called "global war on terrorism". Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have been plunged into wars one after another, with nearly one million people killed and tens of millions displaced.

In August this year, the United States withdrew from Afghanistan out of the strategy of turning to great power competition, and the Taliban announced the establishment of the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan". After four presidents, the United States "successfully" changed the Afghan regime from "Taliban" to "Taliban", leaving behind devastation in Afghanistan. The "war on terrorism" started by Americans since the "9.11" incident ended up with a reputation of "more anti-terrorism".

The analysis believes that the withdrawal of troops from Kabul, which is comparable to the "Saigon moment", highlights the misjudgment of American foreign policy and the lack of strategic preparation. The U.S. military unilaterally withdrew from Afghanistan in order to protect its own security, which led to a serious crisis of trust between the United States and NATO. The Washington Post published an editorial on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the September 11th incident, pointing out that "it is undeniable that the United States has gone in the wrong direction in strategy, tactics and morality in the past 20 years".

Ten years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, is the nuclear cloud farther away from mankind?

Another concept closely related to terrorism is "nuclear". There is a scene in Operation Red Sea, a domestic film released in 2018, in which terrorists attempt to seize nuclear materials and get the technology to make "dirty bombs", and the result is destroyed by special warfare players, thus smashing the terrorists’ plot.

Nuclear weapons have great power and are regarded as the material basis of nuclear war and strategic deterrence by nuclear-armed countries. According to the annual report released by SIPRI in Sweden in June this year, by the beginning of 2021, the nuclear-armed countries had 13,080 nuclear warheads, a slight decrease compared with last year, but both the number of deployable nuclear warheads and the number of actual deployments have increased; The number of nuclear weapons in India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea has increased to varying degrees. The report also pointed out that the United States and Russia, as two nuclear powers with the vast majority of nuclear warheads in the world, still have absolute nuclear superiority, and the number of nuclear warheads in the two countries accounts for about 90% of the global total.

Some nuclear-armed countries continue to strengthen their nuclear forces. In February this year, the French Ministry of National Defense announced the official launch of the third-generation strategic missile nuclear submarine R&D and production project, which is planned to be put into use in the 1930s. In March, Britain announced in its national defense policy document that it planned to substantially increase its nuclear arsenal. In September, the United States, Britain and Australia signed the trilateral security alliance agreement (AUKUS), and Britain and the United States will help Australia build nuclear submarines. At the same time, nuclear exercises have caused more concerns. In November, Russian Defense Minister shoigu accused American bombers of conducting nuclear strikes against Russia from two different directions in early November, and these bombers even flew within 20 kilometers from the Russian border. At the end of the year, more than 600 American scientists and engineers jointly sent a letter to US President Biden, urging the government to abandon the nuclear arms race.

Nowadays, the public talk about the "nuclear" discoloration is also a product of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union to a certain extent. During the Cold War, both the US and Soviet camps vigorously developed nuclear armament. For political purposes such as "nuclear blackmail", the media reported the destructive power of nuclear energy and the long-term impact of nuclear pollution. In 1986, there was a loud noise in the No.4 reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union, and millions of people were affected by radiation. Thirty-five years later, 2,600 square kilometers around Chernobyl is still a "forbidden zone".

In 2021, the safety issues related to "nuclear" caused widespread discussion, and it was also because of another real event that passed through the historical tunnel: on March 11th, 2011, 10 years ago, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake broke out in the northeastern waters of Japan, and at the same time triggered the largest tsunami in Japan’s history. The tsunami washed away the flood levees of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and the cores of units 1-3 of the nuclear power plant melted and radioactive materials leaked, thus making Fukushima nuclear wastewater a global hazard.

Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the "March 11th" earthquake this year that the Fukushima nuclear accident left an important lesson for the world, that is, it is necessary to strengthen supervision. However, just one month later, on April 13th, the Japanese government made a decision to filter and dilute the Fukushima nuclear sewage and then discharge it into the sea. Although Japan claims that the treated nuclear wastewater meets international standards and will not affect human health, Japanese official documents show that 750,000 tons, or 84%, of the 890,000 tons of accumulated water stored at the Fukushima nuclear power plant at that time contained radioactive substances above the legal limit.

The international community, including the Japanese people, has always expressed concern and opposition to this. Some research results show that the radioactive materials produced by the accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant have spread to the whole North Pacific Ocean and even affected the Arctic Ocean. However, in December this year, the Tokyo Electric Power Company still insisted on submitting an application to the Japanese government for the discharge of nuclear waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and planned to officially start the discharge procedure. The latest development of the incident is that, due to the spread of Covid-19 mutant Omicron, the visit time of the investigation team of the International Atomic Energy Agency was postponed from mid-December 2021 to January 2022.

Ten years after the Arab Spring, has the "Spring" in the Middle East arrived?

At the end of 2010, the self-immolation of young Tunisian vendor Bouajiji ignited the Arab Spring. Fueled by the United States and other western media and politicians, this so-called "democracy movement" quickly spread from Tunisia to Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and other countries, and several countries in the Middle East and North Africa experienced regime changes, and Syria, Yemen and other countries fell into a long-term civil war. The "Arab Spring" is also called "the upheaval in the Middle East". Since then, the Arab world has planted the evil seeds of the "color revolution" and fallen into the haze of economic stagnation, social unrest, frequent wars, depressed people’s livelihood and intensified humanitarian crisis. Ten years later, Eric Denece, a French geopolitical expert, admitted that the Arab Spring was a lie.

Only Tunisia, the birthplace of the Arab Spring, achieved peaceful evolution at that time. The fall of former President Ben Ali, who had been in power for more than 20 years, once became a "model of democratic transformation" in the mouth of foreign media. However, since 2011, Tunisia, which was caught in a political party dispute, has experienced at least nine governments, and its economy has not recovered, and the government faces huge debts. As the only "successful country" in the Arab Spring, Tunisia suffered a political "earthquake" in 2021: since July 25th, people marched and protested, President Said announced the freezing of all functions and powers of parliament and the dismissal of Prime Minister Mehmet, the military surrounded the parliament building and banned the speaker from entering, and a curfew was imposed throughout the country … The western media, which once created the "Tunisian democracy myth", quickly characterized the situation in Tunisia as "the return of dictators" and even.

The chaos in the Middle East was largely the result of colonialism in the First World War. Coupled with the large-scale discovery of oil as a strategic resource in the Middle East in the 1920s, frequent geo-security crises became the most prominent feature in the Middle East. With all parties scrambling to fill the regional power vacuum caused by the strategic contraction of the United States, the old order has been destroyed, and the new order has not yet been established. Turbulence, disorder and out of control have become the norm in the Middle East for many years.

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has ended the war on terrorism like a "baggage", causing a sudden tension in the security situation in Afghanistan and its surrounding areas; The Palestinian-Israeli conflict intensified again, and a large-scale conflict broke out in the Gaza Strip during Ramadan. The civil war in Syria and the war in Yemen are still not over, and external countries continue to use the two battlefields for game wars … At the same time, Iraq hosted a conference on cooperation and partnership in Baghdad, showing "Middle East reconciliation"; At the end of the year, when the negotiations between Iran and other interested parties on returning to the Iranian nuclear deal were deadlocked, Tanon, the national security adviser of the United Arab Emirates, made a rare visit to Iran, and the Israeli Prime Minister officially visited the United Arab Emirates for the first time in 73 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. A new round of strategic reshuffle in the Middle East seems to be brewing.

History is unfinished, what will happen in 2022?

Mark Twain famously said, "History will not repeat itself, but it must have its rhythm." In 2021, expressions related to "historical lessons" appeared in the memorial node of almost every historical event mentioned above. History will not give mankind a clear and standard blueprint for action, but it will leave many lessons and warnings that countries can freely choose according to their own political reality and ideology. Therefore, the torrent of social development is rolling forward, but it seems that there are often cycles in the process. The "history" of natural development is in a state of "to be continued".

For many western countries, 2021 is a year worthy of reflection. Not only because of the so-called historical "cycle", but also because many countries have the opportunity to start again in 2021, but there are no signs of optimism.

In January this year, after the presidential election dispute and the "riots on Capitol Hill", US President Biden was sworn in with a sense of urgency of "calling for unity". One year later, the partisan struggle still plays the "leading role" in American politics, hindering the legislation on epidemic relief, infrastructure construction, social welfare bill, government debt ceiling and other aspects of American economy and people’s livelihood.

Also in January this year, Britain officially "Brexit" and left the European single market and customs union. The 11-month transition period will come to an end on December 31 this year, and the cumbersome examination and approval procedures and customs inspection procedures for British-European trade are still impacting many enterprises. David fuster, Britain’s Brexit Minister, who is the soul of coordinating Brexit affairs with the EU on behalf of Prime Minister Johnson, recently confirmed his resignation because of his dissatisfaction with the Johnson administration. Johnson, the prime minister who came to power because of "Brexit", is currently experiencing the biggest ruling crisis since he took office because of his ineffective response to the COVID-19 epidemic and private scandals.

Therefore, the trend of "East Rising and West Falling" was mentioned again at the end of the year. When the process of globalization is progressing in twists and turns, China put forward a global development initiative for the first time-insisting on development priority, people-centered, inclusive, innovation-driven, harmonious coexistence between man and nature and action-oriented, calling on all parties to jointly promote global development to a new stage of balance, coordination and tolerance. The recently released Yellow Book on the International Situation: Global Politics and Security Report (2022) points out that the international situation continues to rise in the east and fall in the west, and China’s ability and willingness to effectively cope with the game between big countries and participate in global governance continue to increase.

What kind of 2022 should the world expect?

On December 28th, UN Secretary-General Guterres said in his New Year speech in 2022 that people should devote themselves to making 2022 a "year of recovery". He said that the moment facing great difficulties is also a moment full of great opportunities. Grasping this opportunity means solidarity and mutual assistance, helping each other in the same boat, supporting solutions that can benefit everyone together, and moving forward hand in hand with full hope for the outstanding ability of the human family. Therefore, the spirit of dialogue, compromise and reconciliation needs to be revived.

Coming from history, an uncertain trust and hope is indispensable in the choice.

Beijing, December 29th

Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Ma Ziqian Source: China Youth Daily

The three cars with the best reputation in the history of China automobile have strong power and high grade, and have not been overhauled after driving for 300,000 kilometers.

China automobile market has always been concerned, and consumers pay more and more attention to many factors such as performance, appearance and configuration. Among many models, several models with the best reputation have attracted much attention. They are Cadillac CT5, Toyota Highlander and Volvo S60. These three models have outstanding performance in appearance design, configuration technology and safety performance, and become the best representative of China automobile market.

Cadillac CT5: the representative of fashion and luxury

Cadillac CT5 has always attracted much attention for its luxurious and fashionable appearance. The body lines are smooth, and the design incorporates many fashion elements, making the overall shape highly recognizable. The luxurious design makes it unique in the minds of consumers.

In terms of configuration, the CT5 is a car with a sense of technology. Advanced driver assistance system, advanced entertainment system and humanized comfortable configuration all provide drivers with first-class driving experience. Cadillac CT5 is not only a car, but also a perfect combination of luxury and technology.

Toyota Highlander: practicality and luxury coexist

Toyota Highlander has always been known for its sedate and luxurious design.

As a medium and large SUV, it not only shows a sense of advanced appearance, but also has a solid texture in the interior materials. Highlander’s interior space design is spacious and practical, with rich storage space and flexible seat layout, so that drivers and passengers can be satisfied in comfort and practicality. In terms of configuration, advanced intelligent driver assistance system and efficient fuel economy make Toyota Highlander the first choice for family cars.

It achieves a perfect balance between practicality and luxury.

Volvo S60: Unique and Exquisite Nordic Style

As a luxury car from northern Europe, Volvo S60 is highly praised for its unique and exquisite appearance and high-level safety performance.

The design of S60 is full of Nordic simplicity and exquisiteness, and every detail has been carefully carved. The car is luxurious and comfortable, and the use of advanced materials shows the manufacturer’s ultimate pursuit of quality. In terms of configuration, Volvo has always been synonymous with safety performance, and S60 has performed well in active safety and pass ivo safety.

Choosing Volvo S60 is not only a kind of driving, but also a symbol of taste.

Diversified development of China automobile market

It is no accident that these three models have the best reputation. They have outstanding performances in different aspects and represent the diversified development trend of China automobile market. With the increasing diversification of consumer demand, car companies are no longer just pursuing a single feature, but comprehensively improving their sense of luxury, practicality and safety performance.

Diversified trend of consumer choice

The factors that consumers consider when buying a car are gradually diversified. No longer just pursue the brand or appearance, but pay more attention to the actual performance of the vehicle in daily use. This also makes car companies pay more attention to details in R&D and design to meet the needs of different consumers.

The models with the best reputation can often be balanced in many aspects, which is in line with the diversified choice trend of contemporary consumers.

The integration of technology and luxury

Among these three models, the upgrade of technology configuration has become a highlight to attract consumers. With the continuous improvement of technology configuration such as intelligent driving assistance system and advanced entertainment system, driving becomes more convenient and safe.

Luxury models no longer just stay in the design, but also make great efforts to create a sense of technology in the car to meet the pursuit of modern consumers for a sense of technology.

Prospect of future development trend

With the continuous development of new energy and intelligent technology, the future automobile market will usher in more innovations and changes.

The application of new materials and technologies will further improve the overall performance of automobiles and meet consumers’ demands for environmental protection and intelligence. Cars are no longer just means of transportation, but also the integration of technology and luxury, representing the development trend of the times.


Among the three cars with the best reputation in China automobile market, Cadillac CT5, Toyota Highlander and Volvo S60 have won the favor of consumers with their unique design and excellent performance respectively.

These three models not only have outstanding performance in appearance, but also have outstanding performance in configuration, practicality and safety performance. In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology and the changing needs of consumers, the automobile market will usher in more diversified choices and provide consumers with a richer car buying experience.

Music, dance, poetry and painting blend together to enjoy the beauty of China culture.

This newspaper (reporter Zhang Yue Meng) invites you to enjoy the moon dance with Su Dongpo, a talented person thousands of years ago, with a guqin and several dances. On December 2nd, the diplomatic envoys from more than 30 countries in China took their families to watch this beautiful modern dance and poetic drama "Poetry Memories Dongpo". After the performance, the diplomatic envoys in China praised the dance drama which showed strong Chinese traditional culture. "I can’t describe its beauty in words!" I Brachem I Brachem, Counsellor of the Azerbaijani Embassy in China, said.

Before the performance, the activity of "Diplomats Watching China —— Envoys in China Watching the Modern Dance Poetic Drama" Poetry Memories Dongpo "was held in poly theatre. Li Li, director of the Diplomatic Service Bureau, Yu Junsheng, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Information Office of the Municipal Government, and Jing Xiaoyong, chairman of the Oriental Performing Arts Group, attended and delivered speeches.

Li Li said that poetry is an important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and it is also an important content of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. Modern dance dramas and other stage works show the new atmosphere of contemporary China literature and art. The combination of the two shows that Chinese civilization is an organic unity that inherits and carries forward excellent traditional culture, and reflects the profound connotation of Chinese modernization at the literary level. It is expected that today’s viewing activities of the modern dance and poetic drama "Poetry Memories of Dongpo" will enhance the understanding of China’s traditional poetry culture, further enhance the understanding of the Chinese national spirit and the achievements of China’s construction in the new era, actively promote the exchanges between Chinese and foreign civilizations, and build a platform for cooperation in the cultural field between China and foreign countries.

Yu Junsheng said that Beijing, as the capital, has a history of 3,000 years and 870 years. The three cultural belts represented by the Grand Canal Cultural Belt, the Great Wall Cultural Belt and the Yongding River Cultural Belt in Xishan are the testimony of Beijing’s splendid culture. As a national cultural center, Beijing has a wealth of cultural performances. The cultural activity "Watching Beijing with Dramas" launched in the past two years has brought together wonderful cultural performances from all over the world. I hope that everyone can watch big dramas in Beijing, better understand the ancient capital culture and Beijing flavor culture, and have a deeper understanding of the profound Chinese civilization.

Jing Xiaoyong said that China Oriental Performing Arts Group, as an important "cultural envoy" and a beautiful "cultural business card" in new China, has always taken the prosperity and development of literature and art as its mission, and it also hopes to build a bridge of communication with the service bureau to realize the common aspiration of the people and the common growth of the United States and the United States.

At the event, Shen Wei, the director of Poem Memories of Dongpo, introduced the original intention of the creation. He expressed the hope that through this work, we can learn more about the spiritual world of Su Dongpo, a famous cultural figure in China, and learn more about China culture, China philosophy and China spirit, and feel the charm of mutual learning between Chinese culture and civilization.

It is understood that Shi Yi Dongpo is a modern dance poetic drama produced by China Oriental Performing Arts Group. The drama presents the core of China spirit in Dongpo’s poems with dance art, and creatively integrates modern dance with China traditional cultural elements such as poetry, Chinese painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, guqin, opera and martial arts, and deeply refines the essence of China’s classical philosophy and aesthetics with the comprehensive audio-visual experience of sound, dance, poetry and painting, and explores it from an international artistic perspective. Combining China’s traditional aesthetic interest with the connotation of the times, and integrating the flowing expressions of China’s dance, opera and martial arts, it explores the modern search for China’s poetic spirit, which is a China stage art work with distinctive times and internationality.

Accompanied by melodious guqin, the actors tell the ups and downs of Su Dongpo, a generation of talented people, with clever body language. After the performance, the diplomatic envoys in China spoke highly of the artistic level and cultural connotation contained in the modern dance poetry drama "Poem on Dongpo". Karim, the new Sierra Leonean ambassador to China, said that this drama tells the story of China’s traditional culture in the form of modern art, and I am very grateful to the organizers for inviting me to watch this wonderful dance drama. Karim said that diplomats should not only increase economic exchanges between the two countries, but also strengthen cultural exchanges, hoping to bring the drama and China traditional culture to the people of Sierra Leone, and also hope that the people of China will have the opportunity to experience Sierra Leonean culture.

I-Brachem I-Brachem, Counsellor of the Azerbaijani Embassy in China, said that I was fortunate to see a very beautiful performance today, which allowed me to see the profound China culture and philosophy. "This drama also shows us that we should not only talk about China’s modern economy and technology, but also pay attention to and understand China’s profound traditional culture."

Sammy Parviz, Second Secretary of Tajikistan Embassy in China, came to the performance with his wife and a pair of children. He told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that his son was born in China. "I think he needs to know more about this country." Sami said that China and Tajikistan are both "the belt and road initiative" countries with deep historical ties, and he hoped that the two countries would continue to deepen cultural exchanges. (Beijing Youth Daily)