Insist on exchanges and mutual learning to promote the development of human rights.

Guangming Daily reporter Marseille
The "2023 China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights" co-sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Law School of the University of Rome, Italy, was successfully held in Rome, Italy, on September 20th. This seminar focuses on "Modernization and Diversity of Human Rights Civilization". More than 130 experts and scholars in the field of human rights, government officials, diplomatic envoys, representatives of political parties and social organizations from China, Italy, the United States, Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other countries combined online and offline around topics such as the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations and the development of modern human rights concepts, the free and all-round development of modernization and human beings, the sustainable development in the process of modernization and the evolution of human rights civilization in the digital age.
The guests from all over the world spoke highly of China’s great achievements in human rights, fully affirmed China’s important contribution to the development and progress of human rights in the world, and opposed the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues by a few countries. In his speech, Diliberto, former Italian Minister of Justice and Dean of the Law School of the University of Rome, stressed that different civilizations should actively build bridges of communication instead of walls, and hoped that Europe and China would seek common cooperation goals in the spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences.
Chinese modernization creates a new road for human rights development.
Chinese-style modernization is to fully respect and protect human rights, adhere to the people-centered development concept, take the realization of people’s longing for a better life as the starting point and the end result, and finally realize people’s free and all-round development.
In his speech, Padma Choling, Vice Chairman of the 13th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) and President of the China Human Rights Research Association, pointed out that in the process of promoting Chinese modernization, the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people out of a road of human rights development that conforms to the trend of the times and is suitable for China’s national conditions, and has made fruitful achievements. All countries should promote the positive development of global human rights governance through unity and cooperation, promote the free and all-round development of all people in the process of modernization, and jointly seek solutions to the problems and challenges existing in the current international human rights field.
Jia Guide, China’s ambassador to Italy, said that the governments of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and China have always adhered to the people-centered concept of human rights, combined the principle of universality of human rights with China’s concrete reality, adhered to the basic human rights with the right to subsistence and development as the first priority, coordinated and guaranteed citizens’ political, economic and social rights, led the people of China out of a human rights development path in line with China’s national conditions, and made a series of remarkable achievements in the modernization and diversity of human rights development.
Marceli, former director of the Institute of International Law of the Italian National Institute, said in an interview that human rights are the key to the common future of mankind, and it is very important to have a human rights dialogue between Europe and China. He lamented that China has made great achievements in economic development in recent years, which has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and greatly improved people’s living standards. The people of China have a strong sense of happiness and a sense of national politics. Marceli believes that every country has its own particularity and needs to find its own way to promote human rights. The successful experience of Chinese modernization is worth studying and learning from.
Civilized exchanges and mutual learning enrich the diversity of human rights and civilizations
The world is colorful, and diversity is the charm of human civilization. Implementing the global civilization initiative and strengthening exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations provide new ideas for enriching and developing the diversity of human rights civilization and promoting the improvement of global human rights governance.
Lord Dai Weixun, a member of the House of Lords of the British Labour Party Parliament, believes that mutual learning enables human society to develop and prosper, and mutual respect is a necessary condition for the development of human rights. Every country has its own history, culture, system, tradition, lifestyle and philosophy, and the policies that apply to one country may not apply to another. Respect and understanding of the diversity of human experience is an indispensable foundation for the development of modern human rights philosophy.
Campbell, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Czech Left-wing Institute, firmly believes that communication and dialogue should be used to enhance the mutual understanding of human rights views between the East and the West. He believes that the concept of human rights is the product of historical development. Under different historical development stages and cultural backgrounds, the East and the West have different understandings and practices on the concept of human rights. It cannot be considered that the human rights standards and models of some countries are only correct, nor should all countries be required to abide by the same standards.
Su Faxiang, a researcher at the Human Rights Research Center of Minzu University of China, believes that the human rights concept of mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual appreciation and mutual learning formed on the basis of China’s traditional culture has important enlightenment and reference significance for the development of human rights in China and the world today. It is on the basis of fully absorbing these traditional wisdom and following the universal principles of international human rights development, and combining with its own reality, the China government has continuously promoted and promoted the development of human rights in China and even in the world, and has made remarkable achievements.
Many participating experts also discussed issues such as digital human rights governance model and digital development right, and emphasized the importance of human rights protection in the digital age. Francisco, adviser to the President of the Portuguese International Human Rights Observatory, reminded that human rights violations by digital means are more common than people think. The international community urgently needs to strengthen legal norms in the digital field and make the Internet a tool to achieve freedom, equality and social justice.
Community of Shared Future for Mankind concept promotes the development of human rights in the world.
It is the universal pursuit of all mankind that everyone enjoys human rights. For a long time, China has actively carried out human rights dialogue and cooperation, selflessly shared the development experience of human rights, promoted the introduction of important concepts such as building Community of Shared Future for Mankind, promoting human rights through development, and promoting win-win cooperation in the field of human rights into the international human rights system, and contributed China wisdom and China plan to the development of human rights in the world.
Wang Lifeng, executive director of the China Human Rights Research Association and deputy director of the Human Rights Research Center of the Central Party School, said in his speech that Community of Shared Future for Mankind is not only a community of values that pursues universal human rights, but also a community of interests that resolves conflicts of interest and pursues common interests. People of all countries should uphold the concept of "one country under the sun" and jointly promote the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind.
Li Xiade, Austrian dean of the Confucius Institute at Vienna University in Austria and a famous sinologist, pointed out that today’s human civilization is facing multiple risk challenges such as climate change and ecological environment degradation, and human beings should devote themselves to building a "global community with a common future". In his view, the sustainable development of mankind in the future can not be separated from the "global responsibility" based on sincere and in-depth international cooperation, and can not only pay attention to individual rights.
According to Walker, an academician of the Royal Academy of Social Sciences and a member of the Academic Committee of Social Sciences of the European Union, China’s ideas on development and global governance are consistent with the goals and objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China is aware that the fruits of development should benefit every country and individual more directly and fairly, and calls for more inclusive global governance, more effective multilateral mechanisms and more active regional cooperation to promote the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind and put forward global development initiatives. This initiative has been widely responded by the international community, which is conducive to promoting global sustainable development, promoting the well-being and human rights of people of all countries, and building a fairer and more prosperous world.
(Guangming Daily, Rome, September 20th)
Guangming Daily (14th edition, September 21st, 2023)
Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily

Positive progress has been made in the high-quality development of culture and tourism

On December 14th, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism introduced the situation of accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

There are 57 world heritages in China.

Lu Yingchuan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has taken a series of targeted and effective measures to build a strong cultural country and promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism, and has done a lot of work to lay a foundation and establish a long-term future, thus making positive progress in promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

Adhere to the spirit of culture, cultural empowerment, prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries. We will increase the guidance and support for stage art and art creation, implement a series of art creation projects in the new era, and organize activities such as the exhibition of outstanding plays of stage art and the exhibition of fine arts. In the first 11 months, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism hosted 27 exhibitions, with 900,000 offline audiences and over 1.8 billion online viewers. We will improve cultural and economic policies, implement the strategy of driving major cultural industry projects, actively cultivate new formats and models, launch a series of consumption promotion activities, and carry out special rectification such as performance ticketing and script entertainment, so that the cultural industry will achieve rapid growth. In the first three quarters, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, with a box office income of 31.54 billion yuan and 111 million audience, up by 121.0%, 84.2% and 188.5% over the same period in 2019.

Adhere to integrity, innovation, self-confidence and self-improvement, protect, inherit and carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture. In-depth implementation of the Chinese civilization tracing project, archaeological China and other major projects, strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and ancient books, promote the fourth national cultural relics survey, and implement the Chinese ancient books protection plan. Do a good job in the systematic protection of intangible heritage, promote the identification of the sixth batch of national intangible heritage representative inheritors, and announce 10 national cultural and ecological protection zones. Organize international museum day, cultural and natural heritage day and other publicity and exhibitions, and hold activities such as "Tea and the World Sharing Intangible Heritage". Actively promote the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival, and promote the inclusion of "Pu ‘er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" in the World Heritage List, increasing the number of world heritage sites in China to 57.

Adhere to tourism for the people and tourism-driven, and better meet the new expectations of the people for a better life. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, develop mass tourism, smart tourism, green tourism and civilized tourism, build a list of special-grade tourism resources in China, pilot cultivate a new space for immersive experience of smart tourism, and hold a publicity campaign of "Civilized Tourism with You and Me". Eight villages were selected as the "Best Tourism Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization after the implementation of the rural tourism quality project, which became a typical case of rural revitalization with cultural and tourism empowerment.

Adhere to the position of Chinese culture, promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and continuously enhance the influence of Chinese cultural communication. We will implement the global civilization initiative, hold high-level cultural performances of important state events such as the China-Central Asia Summit and the third "the belt and road initiative" international cooperation summit forum, and carry out the activities of Chinese and Western culture and tourism year. Hold the first Liangzhu Forum, Yihui Silk Road-exhibition of works by famous Chinese and Arab artists, and performance to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra’s visit to China. Restore the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises to operate the outbound team travel business of China citizens to 138 countries, and carry out "Hello! China "national tourism image promotion, promote the recovery and development of inbound and outbound tourism.

In the first three quarters, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion.

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first three quarters of this year, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will focus on three aspects: promoting cultural and tourism consumption, improving people’s quality of life and better meeting people’s needs.

The first is to optimize the policy environment and solve the difficulties of blocking points. We will combine the new situation of tourism development, implement relevant policies and measures, and exert our efforts from both supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumer confidence. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, improve tourism services, standardize the order of the tourism market, strengthen tourism security, and create a tourist destination with quality and temperature. At the same time, provide more high-quality tourism products and more convenient services for inbound tourists.

The second is to promote industrial integration and innovate product supply. It will further promote the deep integration of cultural tourism, enhance cultural taste, enrich spiritual connotation, cultivate new consumption formats and new models, promote the construction of "small but beautiful" performing arts new space, and innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products. Promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts, and promote the integration of food, performance, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism, so that people can feel culture, cultivate sentiment, experience life and enjoy health during their travels.

The third is to build a platform carrier and increase the intensity of benefiting the people. It will promote the brand building of a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas. Guide local innovative consumption scenarios, cultivate new formats and consumption patterns, enrich measures to benefit the people, and implement the "100 cities and 100 districts" financial support culture and tourism consumption action plan. We will continue to run national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, strengthen publicity and marketing, stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption will, and help business entities to resume development.

Further safeguard the order of culture and tourism market.

In recent years, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has continuously relaxed market access, actively innovated supervision methods, created a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment, stimulated the vitality of the cultural and tourism markets, and helped the high-quality development of the industry. Relax the market access threshold and continuously release policy dividends. Promote the reform of tourism service quality margin, so that travel agencies have more liquidity. In the Pilot Free Trade Zone and other places, we have implemented the notification and commitment system for the establishment of travel agencies, implemented the electronic license for applied culture and tourism market, fully implemented the "one-line management" for administrative examination and approval, implemented more high-frequency matters "handheld management, fingertip management", and deepened the "good and bad reviews" for government services, making things more convenient and providing better services.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism responded to the demands of the masses in a timely manner, found and handled a number of problems, and organized a series of special law enforcement actions, effectively maintaining market order.

Since the beginning of this year, special rectification of script entertainment, special rectification of commercial performance ticketing, and 100-day rectification of tourism market order have been deployed one after another. In the first 11 months, the comprehensive law enforcement agencies of the national cultural market dispatched 9.988 million law enforcement personnel, inspected 3.348 million times and handled 41,000 cases. In view of the e-commerce platform providing conditions for reselling performance "scalper tickets", commercial performance activities and art exhibitions contain illegal contents, and some cases such as organizing minors to participate in performances that harm physical and mental health are specially supervised. In view of the illegal and illegal business activities such as specifying specific shopping places and operating travel agency business without permission, key provinces have been deployed to carry out centralized case handling in the tourism market, guiding relevant regions to investigate and deal with a number of major cases according to law.

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the local cultural and tourism departments investigated and dealt with some typical cases such as content violations, non-performance of performance obligations, forced shopping in the tourism market, threats by tour guides to tourists, and abandonment of tour groups by travel agencies, and promptly disclosed the punishment results to the public, effectively deterring all kinds of illegal acts.

"In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will continue to strengthen the comprehensive law enforcement supervision of the cultural and tourism markets, solidly promote a series of law enforcement actions, severely investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations, and further safeguard the order of the cultural and tourism markets." Du Jiang said. People’s Daily (December 15, 2023, 02 edition)

How many unreasonable places are there in the female body?

From forest apes to modern humans

Humans have experienced tens of millions of years of evolution.

In this process

We learned to walk upright and use tools.

Has produced the emotion, the thinking consciousness

Great changes have taken place in the body.

it is a pity that

Although after tens of millions of years of evolution,

Our bodies still have some. …

Where "it doesn’t seem reasonable"

Let’s take a look at it with you today.

The female body

How many unreasonable places are there?

Private part

First of all, let’s talk about the biggest difference between women and men-reproductive system. As one of the most important parts of the human body, the reproductive system, which bears the heavy responsibility of racial reproduction, has a "huge" defect in design-it is too close to the urinary system and excretory system.

Women’s reproductive tract mouth, urethral mouth and anus are too close. Under the attack of these two, various problems follow.

It is inevitable that there will be some "dirty things" in excreta that are not conducive to health. Because they are too close, these "dirty things" may run to the reproductive system with a little carelessness, causing inflammation, mold infection and other diseases.

Even if you pay great attention to personal hygiene, it is difficult to keep this area dry and fresh all the time. The humid environment will continue to irritate the skin and cause folliculitis.

In addition, the female reproductive system has also designed an unreasonable "cooling mechanism"-menstruation stage.

Regular visits by "big aunt" will not only bring a lot of inconvenience in life, but also bring physical pain and emotional fluctuations.


After talking about the private parts, let’s turn our eyes to the inside of the body and talk about the pelvis.

In order to give birth smoothly, women’s pelvis is wider than men’s, and such "differential treatment" brings many "congenital disadvantages" to girls.

Because the pelvis is narrower, boys can have a "good-looking" ass without effort. And girls’ hips are wide and flat.

The wider pelvis also leads to a larger pelvic inclination, a forward posture and an X-leg problem.

Therefore, women are more vulnerable to pelvic pain, and at the same time, the probability of low back pain and other problems is higher than that of men.

Accessory milk

Next, let’s move our eyes upward-vice breasts.

During fetal development, if the redundant breast tissue is not completely degraded, this embarrassing thing will appear. Although complementary breasts will not pose a threat to women’s health, they will bring some inconvenience and trouble to women.

First of all, the first question is-not good-looking. Vice breasts usually grow near women’s armpits. In summer, these two bulging "fat" have become the heart disease of many girls.

If it’s just "two lumps of meat", it’s tolerable. I’m afraid that the pair of breasts is the version with nipples, which is embarrassing to by going up one flight of stairs.

corpus luteum

The corpus luteum may be unfamiliar to men. Let me introduce it to you first. The corpus luteum of women is a temporary gland in the ovary, which will be formed after ovulation.

Unlike "useless auxiliary milk", Huang will secrete hormones such as progesterone, which can help the endometrium maintain a stable state and promote the full development of the chest.

But it has a fatal bug-it will break! And it is easy to break!

Slightly violent jumping, running, or too hard when going to the toilet may cause corpus luteum rupture. If the pressure in the yellow body is too great and no external force is needed, it will even break for you automatically.

After corpus luteum rupture, abdominal pain will be severe, and if internal bleeding is serious, there may even be shock.

Prostaglandins and androgens

Yes, women also secrete prostaglandins and androgens. The former can regulate menstrual cycle and fertility, while the latter can affect women’s sexual desire and reproductive health.

However, if these two hormones are secreted too much, they will have adverse effects on girls’ health.

Excessive secretion of prostaglandin will amplify girls’ sensitivity to pain, while excessive secretion of androgen will lead to more body hair and irregular menstruation.

The good news is.

Some researchers have found that

Over the past 40 thousand years

The speed of human evolution is accelerating.

Especially in the last 5000 years.

The speed of human evolution is 100 times faster than before.

Over time.

These "unreasonable" places.

Maybe through evolution.

Become more reasonable

But everyone here

I don’t think I can witness it in person

Doctor, for a minute, the posture keeps rising.

End of this period

Music, dance, poetry and painting blend together to enjoy the beauty of China culture.

This newspaper (reporter Zhang Yue Meng) invites you to enjoy the moon dance with Su Dongpo, a talented person thousands of years ago, with a guqin and several dances. On December 2nd, the diplomatic envoys from more than 30 countries in China took their families to watch this beautiful modern dance and poetic drama "Poetry Memories Dongpo". After the performance, the diplomatic envoys in China praised the dance drama which showed strong Chinese traditional culture. "I can’t describe its beauty in words!" I Brachem I Brachem, Counsellor of the Azerbaijani Embassy in China, said.

Before the performance, the activity of "Diplomats Watching China —— Envoys in China Watching the Modern Dance Poetic Drama" Poetry Memories Dongpo "was held in poly theatre. Li Li, director of the Diplomatic Service Bureau, Yu Junsheng, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Information Office of the Municipal Government, and Jing Xiaoyong, chairman of the Oriental Performing Arts Group, attended and delivered speeches.

Li Li said that poetry is an important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and it is also an important content of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. Modern dance dramas and other stage works show the new atmosphere of contemporary China literature and art. The combination of the two shows that Chinese civilization is an organic unity that inherits and carries forward excellent traditional culture, and reflects the profound connotation of Chinese modernization at the literary level. It is expected that today’s viewing activities of the modern dance and poetic drama "Poetry Memories of Dongpo" will enhance the understanding of China’s traditional poetry culture, further enhance the understanding of the Chinese national spirit and the achievements of China’s construction in the new era, actively promote the exchanges between Chinese and foreign civilizations, and build a platform for cooperation in the cultural field between China and foreign countries.

Yu Junsheng said that Beijing, as the capital, has a history of 3,000 years and 870 years. The three cultural belts represented by the Grand Canal Cultural Belt, the Great Wall Cultural Belt and the Yongding River Cultural Belt in Xishan are the testimony of Beijing’s splendid culture. As a national cultural center, Beijing has a wealth of cultural performances. The cultural activity "Watching Beijing with Dramas" launched in the past two years has brought together wonderful cultural performances from all over the world. I hope that everyone can watch big dramas in Beijing, better understand the ancient capital culture and Beijing flavor culture, and have a deeper understanding of the profound Chinese civilization.

Jing Xiaoyong said that China Oriental Performing Arts Group, as an important "cultural envoy" and a beautiful "cultural business card" in new China, has always taken the prosperity and development of literature and art as its mission, and it also hopes to build a bridge of communication with the service bureau to realize the common aspiration of the people and the common growth of the United States and the United States.

At the event, Shen Wei, the director of Poem Memories of Dongpo, introduced the original intention of the creation. He expressed the hope that through this work, we can learn more about the spiritual world of Su Dongpo, a famous cultural figure in China, and learn more about China culture, China philosophy and China spirit, and feel the charm of mutual learning between Chinese culture and civilization.

It is understood that Shi Yi Dongpo is a modern dance poetic drama produced by China Oriental Performing Arts Group. The drama presents the core of China spirit in Dongpo’s poems with dance art, and creatively integrates modern dance with China traditional cultural elements such as poetry, Chinese painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, guqin, opera and martial arts, and deeply refines the essence of China’s classical philosophy and aesthetics with the comprehensive audio-visual experience of sound, dance, poetry and painting, and explores it from an international artistic perspective. Combining China’s traditional aesthetic interest with the connotation of the times, and integrating the flowing expressions of China’s dance, opera and martial arts, it explores the modern search for China’s poetic spirit, which is a China stage art work with distinctive times and internationality.

Accompanied by melodious guqin, the actors tell the ups and downs of Su Dongpo, a generation of talented people, with clever body language. After the performance, the diplomatic envoys in China spoke highly of the artistic level and cultural connotation contained in the modern dance poetry drama "Poem on Dongpo". Karim, the new Sierra Leonean ambassador to China, said that this drama tells the story of China’s traditional culture in the form of modern art, and I am very grateful to the organizers for inviting me to watch this wonderful dance drama. Karim said that diplomats should not only increase economic exchanges between the two countries, but also strengthen cultural exchanges, hoping to bring the drama and China traditional culture to the people of Sierra Leone, and also hope that the people of China will have the opportunity to experience Sierra Leonean culture.

I-Brachem I-Brachem, Counsellor of the Azerbaijani Embassy in China, said that I was fortunate to see a very beautiful performance today, which allowed me to see the profound China culture and philosophy. "This drama also shows us that we should not only talk about China’s modern economy and technology, but also pay attention to and understand China’s profound traditional culture."

Sammy Parviz, Second Secretary of Tajikistan Embassy in China, came to the performance with his wife and a pair of children. He told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that his son was born in China. "I think he needs to know more about this country." Sami said that China and Tajikistan are both "the belt and road initiative" countries with deep historical ties, and he hoped that the two countries would continue to deepen cultural exchanges. (Beijing Youth Daily)

Review of global history: from ancient times to modern times, major events and trends

1. Ancient civilization: Around 3100 BC, Egypt began to appear in the early kingdom period. At the same time, the Elam state in the Iranian plateau has also begun to rise. Around 2613 BC, the fourth dynasty of Egypt began to rule and the pyramids began to be built. At the same time, Harappa culture in ancient India began to flourish.

2. Ancient Empire: In about 2181 BC, the first middle period of Egypt began. About 2040 BC, the Middle Kingdom of Egypt began, and this period lasted until 1786 BC. During this period, the ancient Babylonian era also began in 2017 BC and lasted until 1595 BC.

3. The rise of Europe: In the centuries BC, the Roman Empire became the dominant force in Europe. The rule of the empire lasted for hundreds of years, and it was not until 476 AD that the Western Roman Empire finally collapsed.

4. The rise of religion: At the beginning of A.D., Christianity began to spread in the Roman Empire and became an important part of European history. At the same time, Islam has also begun to rise in the Middle East.

5. Middle Ages: In the Middle Ages, Europe experienced many wars, diseases and territorial disputes. During this period, the level of technology and knowledge in Europe has also been significantly improved.

6. Renaissance: In the 14th and 15th centuries, Europe experienced a period called Renaissance. This period is characterized by the prosperity of art, science and culture.

7. Modern world: In the 18th and 19th centuries, the industrial revolution changed the global economic structure. During this period, many countries began to shift from agricultural society to industrial society.

8. 20th century: In the 20th century, two world wars changed the global political landscape. During this period, many countries began to become independent from colonies.

9. Globalization: In recent decades, globalization has become an important global trend. This trend includes the development of economy, politics, culture and technology.

The above is a review of some major events and trends from ancient times to modern times. History is a process of continuous development and change, and these events and trends are only part of it.

long process of history

The long river of history is always moving forward. Although it sometimes encounters twists and turns and difficulties, the overall trend is constantly moving forward.