Music, dance, poetry and painting blend together to enjoy the beauty of China culture.

This newspaper (reporter Zhang Yue Meng) invites you to enjoy the moon dance with Su Dongpo, a talented person thousands of years ago, with a guqin and several dances. On December 2nd, the diplomatic envoys from more than 30 countries in China took their families to watch this beautiful modern dance and poetic drama "Poetry Memories Dongpo". After the performance, the diplomatic envoys in China praised the dance drama which showed strong Chinese traditional culture. "I can’t describe its beauty in words!" I Brachem I Brachem, Counsellor of the Azerbaijani Embassy in China, said.

Before the performance, the activity of "Diplomats Watching China —— Envoys in China Watching the Modern Dance Poetic Drama" Poetry Memories Dongpo "was held in poly theatre. Li Li, director of the Diplomatic Service Bureau, Yu Junsheng, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Information Office of the Municipal Government, and Jing Xiaoyong, chairman of the Oriental Performing Arts Group, attended and delivered speeches.

Li Li said that poetry is an important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and it is also an important content of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. Modern dance dramas and other stage works show the new atmosphere of contemporary China literature and art. The combination of the two shows that Chinese civilization is an organic unity that inherits and carries forward excellent traditional culture, and reflects the profound connotation of Chinese modernization at the literary level. It is expected that today’s viewing activities of the modern dance and poetic drama "Poetry Memories of Dongpo" will enhance the understanding of China’s traditional poetry culture, further enhance the understanding of the Chinese national spirit and the achievements of China’s construction in the new era, actively promote the exchanges between Chinese and foreign civilizations, and build a platform for cooperation in the cultural field between China and foreign countries.

Yu Junsheng said that Beijing, as the capital, has a history of 3,000 years and 870 years. The three cultural belts represented by the Grand Canal Cultural Belt, the Great Wall Cultural Belt and the Yongding River Cultural Belt in Xishan are the testimony of Beijing’s splendid culture. As a national cultural center, Beijing has a wealth of cultural performances. The cultural activity "Watching Beijing with Dramas" launched in the past two years has brought together wonderful cultural performances from all over the world. I hope that everyone can watch big dramas in Beijing, better understand the ancient capital culture and Beijing flavor culture, and have a deeper understanding of the profound Chinese civilization.

Jing Xiaoyong said that China Oriental Performing Arts Group, as an important "cultural envoy" and a beautiful "cultural business card" in new China, has always taken the prosperity and development of literature and art as its mission, and it also hopes to build a bridge of communication with the service bureau to realize the common aspiration of the people and the common growth of the United States and the United States.

At the event, Shen Wei, the director of Poem Memories of Dongpo, introduced the original intention of the creation. He expressed the hope that through this work, we can learn more about the spiritual world of Su Dongpo, a famous cultural figure in China, and learn more about China culture, China philosophy and China spirit, and feel the charm of mutual learning between Chinese culture and civilization.

It is understood that Shi Yi Dongpo is a modern dance poetic drama produced by China Oriental Performing Arts Group. The drama presents the core of China spirit in Dongpo’s poems with dance art, and creatively integrates modern dance with China traditional cultural elements such as poetry, Chinese painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, guqin, opera and martial arts, and deeply refines the essence of China’s classical philosophy and aesthetics with the comprehensive audio-visual experience of sound, dance, poetry and painting, and explores it from an international artistic perspective. Combining China’s traditional aesthetic interest with the connotation of the times, and integrating the flowing expressions of China’s dance, opera and martial arts, it explores the modern search for China’s poetic spirit, which is a China stage art work with distinctive times and internationality.

Accompanied by melodious guqin, the actors tell the ups and downs of Su Dongpo, a generation of talented people, with clever body language. After the performance, the diplomatic envoys in China spoke highly of the artistic level and cultural connotation contained in the modern dance poetry drama "Poem on Dongpo". Karim, the new Sierra Leonean ambassador to China, said that this drama tells the story of China’s traditional culture in the form of modern art, and I am very grateful to the organizers for inviting me to watch this wonderful dance drama. Karim said that diplomats should not only increase economic exchanges between the two countries, but also strengthen cultural exchanges, hoping to bring the drama and China traditional culture to the people of Sierra Leone, and also hope that the people of China will have the opportunity to experience Sierra Leonean culture.

I-Brachem I-Brachem, Counsellor of the Azerbaijani Embassy in China, said that I was fortunate to see a very beautiful performance today, which allowed me to see the profound China culture and philosophy. "This drama also shows us that we should not only talk about China’s modern economy and technology, but also pay attention to and understand China’s profound traditional culture."

Sammy Parviz, Second Secretary of Tajikistan Embassy in China, came to the performance with his wife and a pair of children. He told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that his son was born in China. "I think he needs to know more about this country." Sami said that China and Tajikistan are both "the belt and road initiative" countries with deep historical ties, and he hoped that the two countries would continue to deepen cultural exchanges. (Beijing Youth Daily)

Review of global history: from ancient times to modern times, major events and trends

1. Ancient civilization: Around 3100 BC, Egypt began to appear in the early kingdom period. At the same time, the Elam state in the Iranian plateau has also begun to rise. Around 2613 BC, the fourth dynasty of Egypt began to rule and the pyramids began to be built. At the same time, Harappa culture in ancient India began to flourish.

2. Ancient Empire: In about 2181 BC, the first middle period of Egypt began. About 2040 BC, the Middle Kingdom of Egypt began, and this period lasted until 1786 BC. During this period, the ancient Babylonian era also began in 2017 BC and lasted until 1595 BC.

3. The rise of Europe: In the centuries BC, the Roman Empire became the dominant force in Europe. The rule of the empire lasted for hundreds of years, and it was not until 476 AD that the Western Roman Empire finally collapsed.

4. The rise of religion: At the beginning of A.D., Christianity began to spread in the Roman Empire and became an important part of European history. At the same time, Islam has also begun to rise in the Middle East.

5. Middle Ages: In the Middle Ages, Europe experienced many wars, diseases and territorial disputes. During this period, the level of technology and knowledge in Europe has also been significantly improved.

6. Renaissance: In the 14th and 15th centuries, Europe experienced a period called Renaissance. This period is characterized by the prosperity of art, science and culture.

7. Modern world: In the 18th and 19th centuries, the industrial revolution changed the global economic structure. During this period, many countries began to shift from agricultural society to industrial society.

8. 20th century: In the 20th century, two world wars changed the global political landscape. During this period, many countries began to become independent from colonies.

9. Globalization: In recent decades, globalization has become an important global trend. This trend includes the development of economy, politics, culture and technology.

The above is a review of some major events and trends from ancient times to modern times. History is a process of continuous development and change, and these events and trends are only part of it.

long process of history

The long river of history is always moving forward. Although it sometimes encounters twists and turns and difficulties, the overall trend is constantly moving forward.