The new M7 in the world is set to exceed 80,000 vehicles, and the smart car ETF(159888) rose in intraday trading.

Today, the three major indexes opened higher and went lower, and the smart car ETF(159888) rose against the market, up to 10:17, with an increase of 0.62%. The positions of Guangting Information, Dongjian Technology and Zhongke Chuangda all rose more than 5%, and Luchang Technology, Hudian Shares and Wanji Technology all followed suit.

In the news, the new M7 in the world has exceeded 80,000 vehicles in 50 days since its listing, and the sales data of other new energy vehicle companies in October collectively appeared. Among the new forces, the monthly delivery of LI exceeded 40,000 vehicles for the first time, and the delivery of Xpeng Motors exceeded 20,000 vehicles, which made the automobile market "Silver Ten" full of background color.

Smart car ETF closely tracks CS Smart Car Index. From the perspective of the weight distribution of Shenwan secondary industries, the constituent stocks are mainly distributed in high-quality industry tracks such as electronics, computers, automobiles and communications, with distinct scientific and technological attributes. From the perspective of more exposed concepts, Smart Car Index is mainly exposed to automobiles, consumer electronics and Huawei-related concepts.

Founder Securities said that with the acceleration of the application of NOA in cities and the continuous landing of automatic driving systems at L3 and above, advanced assisted driving is gradually becoming standard. Thanks to the gradual maturity of hardware platform and software algorithm, the second half of autonomous driving is coming, and commercial vehicle autonomous driving takes the lead in entering the stage of commercial operation.

"Cloud Fitness" appears "from person to person". Did you dance "Compendium of Materia Medica" with Liu Genghong?

  Recently, "fitness live broadcast" has once again become popular on the internet, and the trend of "staying at home fitness" has revived. In the face of the epidemic, more and more people in Shanxi choose to strengthen their physique and adjust their mentality through physical exercise, and many people’s lives have also changed because of exercise. Xu Jun/Zuo (Xinhua News Agency)

  This year’s "May Day" holiday, the "scenery" in the circle of friends is very different from previous years: some people go outdoors and enjoy the comfort brought by camping; There are still a large number of people who continue to stay at home and follow Liu Genghong in the live broadcast room to dance the "Compendium of Materia Medica". Beginning in early April, live fitness and shuttlecock jumping seemed to be unavoidable topics, and many "Liu Genghong boys" and "Liu Genghong girls" punched in the clouds on time.

  In recent years, influenced by the repeated epidemic in COVID-19, fitness, as a part of the consumer market, has been constantly changing, and the home scene has been fully developed. From the launch of black technology products such as fitness rings and mirrors, online courses have been laid out on fitness platforms one after another, and a group of fitness IP figures such as Saturday Ye, Pamela and Liu Genghong quickly iterated, and the wave of "cloud fitness" for the whole people has been heated up.

  However, with the topic of "Liu Genghong boys and girls jumping into hospitals" rushing to the hot search, many people in the industry reminded that we must pay attention to the intensity of training, do what we can, and don’t blindly follow the practice.

  "Cloud Fitness" appears "from person to person", so it is most important to choose the right one.

  "You jump ‘ Compendium of materia medica ’ Is it? " Lin Lin, a post-90s Chengdu girl, found that the greetings of friends around her have changed recently. She told the reporter of Zhongqing Daily and, "It seems that overnight, Liu Genghong has become everyone’s fitness instructor, and sometimes she sees her friend ‘ Trembling ’ When I came, I knew that she skipped exercise yesterday. "

  In Lin Lin’s view, the "person-to-person" follow-up phenomenon, dubbed by netizens, has become a "new social way" for young people. As a fitness enthusiast, Lin Lin will follow the live broadcast of Liu Genghong to exercise whenever she has time.

  "Before the fire broke out in Liu Genghong, many online celebrity fitness bloggers had sprung up on various platforms with various courses. Choose courses that you can follow and like, and train regularly. You don’t have to be hard on yourself. After all, fitness is something that can release your stress. " Lin Lin said.

  In fact, long before Liu Genghong, Pamela, a foreign fitness blogger known as "Humanoid AI", set off a trend of heel-training in China. Sharing and practicing courses has also enabled many offline fitness coaches and fitness enthusiasts to switch to the network and become a fitness blogger with many fans. Interestingly, Olympic champions such as Wu Dajing, Ren Ziwei and Su Bingtian started to participate in the "National Fitness Program" launched by some platforms during the "May 1" holiday this year, taking everyone to exercise together.

  "Cloud Fitness" swept the social platform, which is obviously a red sea.

  More and more stars, athletes and fitness bloggers give free classes, which seems to give everyone a reason to "move". Skipping rope with the Keep course and practicing boxing in the offline fighting hall, Yang Xiaoyi, who works in Beijing, happily got a fitness report card: he lost 30 pounds in five months. She told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that after leaving the original company in early March, "Cloud Fitness" made her have a lot of happiness.

  Although she didn’t follow Liu Genghong’s "Shuttlecock Exercise", Yang Xiaoyi will also look for a fitness blogger who suits her on social platforms. When screening and practicing courses, she will pay special attention to the cases and comments posted by bloggers. "Generally, we will verify whether the courses are scientific or not, and we will also look at the interest chain behind bloggers. If bloggers just want to bring goods, sports are not suitable for themselves, and they will be ruled out."

  A fitness practitioner who didn’t want to be named reminded: "The chaos that can’t be ignored is that some bloggers exaggerate the effects of some actions in order to pursue traffic and cater to the market. Myth ’ . Returning to the initial heart, fitness bloggers should recommend sports areas that they are good at, and give professional guidance to people who love you, so that everyone can fall in love with sports, not get hurt, and enjoy the joy of sports. "

  "Liu Doby is not very funny", the owner of bilibili Sports and Fitness UP with millions of fans, suggested that you should know your physical condition before fitness and do what you can; During the fitness period, you should also learn some fitness science knowledge properly, so as to better distinguish and choose the fitness bloggers and exercise methods that suit you. "Exercise and fitness should be done slowly, and it is urgent."

  "Cloud Fitness" should also have "dry goods", and it can also train users for offline fitness.

  Exercise has become a daily habit of Liu Doby because of his contact with fitness during the post-operation rehabilitation period. She worked as a fitness instructor for 7 years before becoming a full-time fitness UP master. Liu Doby admits that she likes the feeling of face-to-face communication with students offline.

  "Until the beginning of 2021, because of vocal cord injury, I tried to share my own dancing and training videos on various platforms during my rest at home. I didn’t expect to gain a lot of attention." After more than two months, Liu Doby chose the "main attack" online.

  Without the face-to-face atmosphere of offline fitness, how to attract young people to like the content of online courses is particularly important. Liu Doby told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that she was very opposed to "crash" and body anxiety, and hoped to convey more emotional value in online courses.

  For example, let everyone feel that exercise and fitness can actually be very happy, exercise can also be integrated into the dance and music that everyone likes, and it can also make you more active and energetic in your work and life. What makes her happy is that "the fitness studio in Liu Genghong is actually providing emotional value for everyone, which deserves more people to see. Fitness is not only for beauty, but also for happiness and decompression, especially in the home mode, which may require the release of emotions. "

  "Early-made follow-up videos are more like ‘ Translator ’ , to help you do password guidance, safety tips and action explanations. But anyone can do the video of translating and practicing actions, and I still have to do my own original content. " Liu Doby admits that compared with other bloggers, her courses are "relatively small", and there will be no high-intensity movements. They are all fitness and fat-burning dances that she also likes very much. However, she will also arrange more interesting courses according to the suggestions of netizens.

  Yan Shuaiqi has been a fitness instructor for two years and a course designer on the Keep platform. Now he has become a sports UPP owner with nearly 2 million fans. He observed that since the outbreak of the epidemic, when gyms were closed, many fitness coaches turned online, and some coaches who had done well became full-time bloggers.

  In view of the fact that the course audience is mostly male users, he classifies his courses according to fat reduction, single part training, posture adjustment, home training and novice application. In his view, "doing sports courses is the same as being a brand. The content must be focused and it is impossible for all people. We should thoroughly understand the needs of the audience we are facing, launch the response content according to the needs, and also explain what everyone needs ‘ Dry goods ’ And tips for safety training. "

  At the beginning of this year, Liu Doby obviously felt that many fitness instructors around her were testing the water from the media, and some institutions invited her to share and train from the media operation. In her view, the popularity of "cloud fitness" not only makes online courses richer and more high-quality, but also promotes the development of the fitness industry.

  "Maybe some people will prefer online courses, but some people will develop fitness habits through online courses. After the epidemic, they will turn to offline fitness and bring drainage to offline fitness venues. More importantly, there are more and more online quality courses, which will also force offline fitness instructors to be more professional. " Yan Shuaiqi also believes that the increase of online quality courses will promote the better development of the fitness industry. "The more people stay at home to exercise, the more people will be willing to go offline to exercise after the epidemic."

  Running a gym in Beijing makes Wang Liping feel very interesting. "Although the epidemic is repeated, the students in the gym will follow the fitness bloggers for daily exercise, but they are also eager to train in offline venues. The feeling and atmosphere that everyone is sweating together, and you are fighting with me, can’t be achieved by online live broadcast. " However, she also saw the fierce competition in the fitness market from online to offline. "After surviving the epidemic, we will continue to improve our courses and services and develop rapidly with the fitness industry."

  Zhongqing Daily Zhongqing Net reporter Meng Peipei Source: China Youth Daily

"Flying in the Big Country" started in Ling Xiaosu, Geng Le and Wu Jian with aerospace dreams.

1905 movie network news Recently, The Great Power Flying directed by Zhang Li held the theme conference and launching ceremony of "Dream Departure" in Beijing Aerospace City. Actors Ling Xiaosu, Geng Le, Wu Jian and others all appeared. Among them, Fang Xiaotian, played by Ling Xiaosu, is an aerospace backbone. Wu Jian, a powerful actor who has repeatedly shaped the image of a soldier and a tough guy, plays Fang Xiaotian’s brother and the first generation of preparatory astronauts.


The launch conference was held in Beijing Aerospace City, and Wu Jian said that he felt like going home. It turns out that this is not the first time he has played an astronaut. As early as 2018, Wu Jian spent three months here when filming an aerospace TV series. He had in-depth exchanges and studies with astronauts such as Liu Wang, Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping, and completed many professional training for astronauts: escape tower training, swivel chair training, underwater weightlessness training and centrifuge training that ordinary people could not bear. Wu Jian recalled that the training of astronauts was extremely hard, and every astronaut was a veritable "superman" who had to bear great psychological pressure and physical quality test.


Flying in a Big Country is a work that depicts the true face of two generations of astronauts in an all-round way. It depicts the story of the older generation of astronauts who found their way in the long exploration and struggled for the aerospace industry all their lives. Fang Haotian, the first generation astronaut played by Wu Jian, has a full image and distinctive personality. When it comes to playing the astronaut again, Wu Jian is particularly confident. He is currently recovering, and I believe that with excellent physical fitness and a good foundation laid by previous professional training, he will be able to successfully interpret the elegance of the first generation of astronauts in China.

In order to express his imagination and longing for the spacewalk, Wu Jian also painted on the spot, and the China rocket engraved with the national flag soared into the air. In the distant space, Wu Jian also painted a jade rabbit to express the romanticism of the astronauts.


It is reported that "Flying in a Big Country" will be filmed in many places for nearly five months. I look forward to the performance of actor Wu Jian, and convey the aerospace spirit of hard work, courage to attack, pioneering and innovative, and selfless dedication to the audience through the wonderful interpretation of the role.

"You are beautiful when you smile" is still being drained by hot search, and the three slots are obvious, so it is difficult to turn over against the wind.

The urban romantic drama "You are beautiful when you smile", which has caused a large number of audiences to resist since its launch, has been searched again.

Compared with the momentum of Weibo’s first and second search volume, this hot search is particularly unsightly. Combining the previous e-sports fans and fans who had high expectations for this drama from Reuters, the angry siege was launched when the drama was officially broadcast.

It seems that this "low-key" hot search arranged by the propaganda group of "You are beautiful when you smile" is to prevent the passers-by from being disgusted and collapsing, and to drain the gradually depressed broadcast volume. However, it is undeniable that even with the help of the marketing number and the water army, the comment area is still falling.

It is conceivable that this hot search did not save the popularity of "You are beautiful when you smile" a little. The constant criticism of the original audience formed a wave of public opinion. The play was once labeled as "you are beautiful when you plagiarize" and even directly denied that "it is not an e-sports drama at all". On a famous comment scoring platform, nearly 150,000 people scored the TV series "You are beautiful when you smile" with a final score of 2.9, so "bad drama" can be concluded.

However, the "dust of the ages", which was vigorously vomited at the same beginning, went against the wind.

It can be seen that, with the foreshadowing of the previous plot, The Dust of the Eternal Jun began to develop the love-hate entanglement and identity bondage between the ancient and the back pool, Bai Jun and Qing Mu. Apart from the gradually full and clear emotional line, the contradiction between the fairy world and the demon world deepened. The style of the whole TV series not only stopped in the monotony of being immersed in love, but added the due elements of Xian Xia, which made the audience who had been expecting a quality reversal greatly.

To say that "The Dust of the Ages" relies on excellent plots to restore word of mouth, then in the case that domestic TV dramas are generally cut first and then broadcast, there is no hope for "You are beautiful when you smile", which has been promoted by hot search. The reason is nothing more than three points:

The first point is almost a foregone conclusion. After the eighteenth episode, that is, more than half of the plot, e-sports fans’ dislike of "You are beautiful when you smile" has been nailed down and very clear, and the statement issued by "You are beautiful when you smile", which flaunts itself as an e-sports drama, has not retained the most important audience, or even intensified contradictions.

However, the plot content is still full of plagiarism. Even in the picture of Reuters, Cheng Xiao, the heroine, is sitting on the trophy table and chatting with the crew. The trophy table is a place where countless e-sports players have made great efforts with their dreams, but they regret leaving because they have no chance to win the trophy, calling it a sacred place. In the play, people related to e-sports are completely offended outside the play, and "You are beautiful when you smile" is really unique.

The second point is that the plot is hard. Only by this, You are Beautiful when You Smile can’t copy the comeback path of Dust through the ages. The same is the adaptation of the novel, and the e-sports players in Qing Lan’s works are in love first; Ignoring training under the principle of "food is the original sin", he won the championship by virtue of talent; Players from other countries are big villains like flowing water …

The author applies the experience of well-known e-sports players in reality, despises their efforts, and thinks that talent can be invincible in the world; Ignoring their achievements, only industrial saccharin is left. Without reasonable adaptation, a work that is so hard-working and hides the author’s lofty mentality will be doomed to failure if it is born into a TV script.

The third point is the numerous black spots in "You Smile Beautiful" that fans can’t wash white:

Playing professional games at the age of 22 is not old; When a genius is abused by blood, he should type and beg for mercy; Auxiliary is used to resist injury; New players can be airborne directly without trial training; You need to shout 321 when opening a group; Players can hang up and help their girlfriends quarrel when playing the game; During training, e-sports players should apply masks, and black masks have the best effect; Play a game of training in five days; You don’t need a coach to reach the final; After the game, the whole team talked about gossip together, and there was no need to repeat the ironic pictures.

Combining the above three points, Xiao Bian even thinks that only the Xuanfa group of the "You are beautiful when you smile" crew is working conscientiously at the risk of being scolded, and other men and women who rely on the value of their faces to sprinkle industrial sugar; Champion team members who don’t like training but love gossiping; A dispensable screenwriter; Those who have no creativity and rely entirely on copying can all be ignored.

With the hope that the public will face up to the idea of e-sports in China, Xiao Bian hopes that more e-sports dramas that spread positive energy will be launched as soon as possible. Instead of making money under the banner of respecting e-sports, it is similar to the drama, but secretly thinks that "they are all idiots playing games."

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced ten major events this year: the mobile phone traffic tariff dropped to 26 yuan/GB.

  BEIJING, Dec. 22 (Reporter Cheng Chunyu) Today, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced ten major events in 2017: new achievements were made in the full implementation of "Made in China 2025", the domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones were completely cancelled, and the domestic large aircraft C919 successfully made its first flight.

  New achievements have been made in the full implementation of "Made in China 2025"

  In 2017, the vertical linkage and horizontal collaborative working mechanism of "Made in China 2025" became more and more perfect, the implementation of five major projects progressed steadily, the "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone was launched, and a number of major landmark projects and projects were successively implemented. Add three national manufacturing innovation centers: information optoelectronics, printing and flexible display, and robots; 97 projects carried out pilot demonstrations of multi-field and multi-mode intelligent manufacturing; A number of high-end equipment innovations such as the "Fuxing" Chinese standard EMU with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour are constantly emerging, and the results of service-oriented manufacturing are beginning to show.

  Domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones have been completely cancelled.

  The three tasks of "canceling all domestic long-distance and roaming charges of mobile phones during the year, greatly reducing the access charges of private Internet lines for small and medium-sized enterprises and reducing the international long-distance telephone charges" have been overfulfilled ahead of schedule. On September 1st, the three basic telecommunications companies completely canceled the domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones. Small and medium-sized enterprises’ private line tariffs have been greatly reduced, with the highest drop of international long-distance telephone charges exceeding 90%, the average tariff of mobile Internet traffic dropping to 26 yuan /GB, over 80% of fiber-optic broadband users, and 60% of users’ access bandwidth exceeding 50M.

  At 11: 38 on November 10th, the first aircraft of China’s domestic large aircraft C919 soared into the sky, starting a "long journey" of more than 1,300 kilometers. China News Service reporter Yin Liqin photo

  Domestic large aircraft C919 successfully made its first flight.

  The C919 large passenger plane successfully made its first flight on May 5, 2017 after the final assembly rolled off the assembly line in 2015, realizing the historic breakthrough of the Chinese nation’s century-old "big plane dream". At the same time, a number of high-end equipment have achieved major breakthroughs: the world’s most advanced ultra-deep-water double-rig semi-submersible deep-sea drilling platform "Blue Whale No.1" successfully tested combustible ice in the South China Sea, and the "Fuxing" Chinese standard EMU was officially put into operation on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway. The ARJ21-700 new regional aircraft has safely transported more than 30,000 passengers.

  Industrial Internet Boosts the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry

  In 2017, the framework of industrial Internet standard system (1.0) was released, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology promoted the construction of a number of industrial Internet platforms. A number of new industrial apps were commercialized, and personalized customization, intelligent production, networked collaboration and service-oriented manufacturing models were increasingly enriched. The pilot demonstration of intelligent manufacturing and the special project of intelligent manufacturing have been steadily promoted, and the penetration rate of "double innovation" platform of key manufacturing enterprises is close to 70%.

  4G(TD-LTE) won the special prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.

  On January 9, 2017, the project "Key Technologies and Applications of the Fourth Generation Mobile Communication System (TD-LTE)" promoted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology won the special prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. China put forward and dominated the international standard of TD-LTE, which achieved a breakthrough in the whole industrial chain of mobile communication and built the world’s largest 4G network, with the total number of 4G users in China reaching 962 million. Positive progress has been made in the research and development of 5G technology, and the second phase of the experiment has been completed. The mid-band frequency planning has been released first, and technologies such as network architecture have become international standards. Fifteen 5G field test base stations have been built.

  Revision and promulgation of "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Promotion Law"

  The revised SME Promotion Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be officially implemented on January 1, 2018. The new law promotes the effective policies in recent years into laws, standardizes the policies related to fiscal and taxation support, and improves the measures related to financing promotion, especially standardizing administrative licensing matters, reducing the burden on enterprises, simplifying tax collection and cancellation registration procedures for small and micro enterprises, and creating a good environment for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

  "Double Points Policy" Helps the Healthy Development of New Energy Vehicles

  On September 27, 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments jointly issued a double-point policy, and at the same time set up two points, namely, the average fuel consumption of enterprises and new energy vehicles, and established a point trading mechanism. Enterprises independently determined the negative point compensation method to achieve two goals of energy saving and consumption reduction and promoting the development of new energy vehicles. In 2017, China’s new energy automobile industry developed rapidly, with both production and sales exceeding 700,000 vehicles, with the number of vehicles exceeding 1.7 million, ranking first in the world for three consecutive years.

  Expanding and upgrading information consumption and continuously releasing domestic demand potential

  In the first three quarters, China’s online retail sales exceeded 4.8 trillion, a year-on-year increase of 34%, accounting for 14% of the total retail sales of consumer goods. New intelligent hardware, virtual reality and other products emerge in an endless stream, and new models and formats such as mobile payment and sharing economy are accelerating. It is estimated that the annual information consumption scale will reach 4.5 trillion yuan, accounting for 10% of the final consumption expenditure.

  The cancer "strip steel" in the iron and steel industry has been completely cleared

  2017 is a crucial year for steel de-capacity, exceeding the government target of 50 million tons of steel de-capacity for the whole year. Concentrate on banning strip steel, which has plagued the development of the industry for many years, and realize the comprehensive clearing of 140 million tons of strip steel, effectively reversing the situation that "bad money drives out good money" in the steel industry.

  Integration of defense and civilian technologies’s development of national defense science, technology and industry has achieved stage results.

  Beidou-3 began global networking, and the accuracy of services in the Asia-Pacific region reached the meter level; The military industry has taken a new step in opening up, and the revised catalogue of scientific research and production licenses for weapons and equipment has been reduced by 62% compared with the original one. More than two-thirds of the main units that have obtained the licenses for the development and production of weapons and equipment are civilian units, and the level of "civilian participation in the army" has been upgraded from general supporting products to overall and sub-systems; The sharing of military and civilian resources has been deepened, and more than 3,000 major test equipment and facilities for national defense science, technology and industry have been released to the society. (End)

In 2018, a big wave of new policies will be related to your "wallet" from July 1.

  In a blink of an eye, 2018 is about halfway through. In July, there is a big wave of new policies about your wallet: the reduction of tariffs on imported consumer goods, the cancellation of traffic roaming fees, etc. What other new policies are there?

  1 enterprise employees’ pensions shall be subject to the central adjustment system.

  The State Council recently issued the Notice on Establishing the Central Adjustment System of the Basic Endowment Insurance Fund for Enterprise Employees, and decided to establish the central adjustment system of the endowment insurance fund, which will be implemented on July 1, 2018. On the basis of the current provincial overall planning of basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees, a central adjustment fund for old-age insurance will be established, and the old-age insurance funds in various provinces will be appropriately adjusted to ensure that basic pensions are paid in full and on time.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that the implementation of the central fund transfer system will not increase the burden on enterprises and individuals and will not affect the treatment of retirees. First, do not increase the proportion of contributions paid by enterprises and individual employees. The establishment of a central fund adjustment system is mainly to adjust the surplus and deficiency of funds between provinces. The total income and expenditure of the national endowment insurance fund in the current period has not changed, and enterprises and individual employees do not need to pay extra fees, which will not increase the overall burden of society. Second, it will not change the current pension insurance benefits calculation and adjustment methods, and will not affect the personal benefits of retirees. In some provinces, the amount of funds borrowed is greater than the amount of funds allocated. In these provinces, the burden of old-age care is relatively light and the fund support ability is strong. After adjustment, it will not affect the timely and full payment of current pensions. In some provinces, the amount of funds allocated is greater than that of the above solution. Through adjustment, the pressure of fund payment can be appropriately alleviated, and the basic pension can be better guaranteed to be paid in full and on time.

  2. Adjustment of social security payment base

  Many places in the country have successively announced the social security payment base in 2018. Taking Beijing as an example, the lower limit of the payment base for employees participating in basic old-age insurance and unemployment insurance is 40% of the average monthly salary of employees in Beijing in 2017, with a minimum of 3,387 yuan, which is 305 yuan higher than last year; For employees who participate in basic medical insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance, the minimum payment base is 60% of the average monthly salary of employees in this city in 2017, with a minimum of 5,080 yuan, up 456 yuan from last year.

  Social security payment is related to the treatment of the insured after retirement. Only when a certain payment level is reached can a better treatment level be achieved. If the payment level is too low, the pension level is still low. In other words, the payment level will increase with the increase of average salary, and the future treatment level will also increase.

  3. The tax incentives for scientific and technical personnel will be "received"

  The Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the Notice on Individual Income Tax Policies for Scientific and Technological Personnel to Earn Cash Rewards from Their Post Scientific and Technological Achievements, which made it clear that since July 1, 2018, non-profit research and development institutions and institutions of higher learning approved according to the law on promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the cash rewards given to scientific and technological personnel from their post scientific and technological achievements can be included in the "salary and salary income" of scientific and technological personnel in the current month at a reduced rate of 50%, and personal income tax can be paid according to law.

  It is cheaper to import daily consumer goods.

  With the approval of the State Council, the MFN tariff rate of some consumer goods will be reduced from July 1, 2018, involving 1449 tax items, and the average tax rate will be reduced from 15.7% to 6.9%, with an average decrease of 55.9%. Reduce the average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes and hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products from 15.9% to 7.1%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators from 20.5% to 8%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing and some medical and health products will be reduced from 8.4% to 2.9%.

  5. Tariff reduction of imported cars and parts.

  With the approval of the State Council, from July 1, 2018, the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% will be reduced to 15%, with tax reductions of 40% and 25% respectively; The tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% will be reduced to 6%, with an average tax reduction of 46%.

  6. The vehicle purchase tax will be levied on the trailer by half.

  The Ministry of Finance, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the Announcement on Reducing Vehicle Purchase Tax on Trailers. From July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021, the vehicle purchase tax will be reduced by half. The date of purchase shall be determined according to the issuance date of the Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales, Special Payment Letter for Customs Tariff or other valid documents.

  7. Preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investment individuals.

  The Notice on Tax Policies for Venture Capital Enterprises and Angel Investors jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China promoted the preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors, that is, the preferential policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors to invest in seed-stage and start-up technology-based enterprises, and the taxable income was deducted by 70% of the investment amount, which was implemented nationwide by eight pilot areas of comprehensive innovation reform and Suzhou Industrial Park.

  This Notice clarifies that the personal income tax policy for angel investment will be implemented as of July 1, 2018, and other policies will be implemented as of January 1, 2018; The above-mentioned tax policy can be applied to the investment that occurred within 2 years before the implementation date and has been invested for 2 years after the implementation date and meets the prescribed conditions.

  8. Traffic "roaming" fee is cancelled.

  On June 22nd, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom successively announced that, starting from July 1st, 2018, the roaming fee will be cancelled, and the provincial traffic of new and old mobile phone users will be upgraded to domestic traffic (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan traffic).

  Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a series of measures to reduce the growth rate of mobile traffic, including: from July 1, the "roaming" fee for mobile traffic will be cancelled, and basic telecommunications companies will be encouraged to launch large-flow packages. The average unit price of mobile traffic will be reduced by more than 30% during the year. Further reduce household broadband charges and international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan roaming charges. Promote enterprises to optimize and streamline tariff packages, and study and introduce relevant policies and measures to standardize tariff management. Support all localities to expand the coverage of wireless networks in public places and provide users with free Internet access services.

  9. Some high-speed rail tickets are discounted by 6.5%

  Starting from July 5 this year, the announced fares of high-speed trains running on the six sections of Hefei-Wuhan, Wuhan-Yichang, Guiyang-Guangzhou, Liuzhou-Nanning, Shanghai-Nanjing and Nanjing-Hangzhou were optimized and adjusted. This time, it is clear that the published fare is the highest price limit. Railway-related enterprises can lower the fare within the price limit by season, time, seats and sections according to the passenger flow, with a maximum discount of 6.5%. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  10. Tianjin will raise the unemployment insurance standard from July 1st.

  A few days ago, Tianjin issued a notice, starting from July 1 this year, it will raise the unemployment insurance payment standard.

  According to the "Notice on Improving the Payment Standard of Unemployment Insurance in Tianjin", if the payment period is from the first month to the twelfth month, the monthly payment standard will be raised from 1150 yuan to 1240 yuan; For the 13th to 24th months, the monthly payment standard was raised from 1,110 yuan to 1,200 yuan, respectively increasing the 90 yuan.

  The standard of one-time living allowance for farmers’ contract workers was raised from the current monthly payment standard of 690 yuan to 744 yuan, with an increase of 7.83% in 54 yuan. (Gao Chang/Compilation)

By the end of September 2023, the number of new energy vehicles in China had reached 18.21 million.

  People’s Daily, Beijing, October 10 (Reporter Zhang Tianpei) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security that by the end of September 2023, the number of motor vehicles in China had reached 430 million, including 330 million vehicles and 18.21 million new energy vehicles. There are 520 million motorists, including 480 million motorists.

  According to reports, there were 26.01 million newly registered motor vehicles in the first three quarters, including 18.17 million newly registered vehicles, up 4.4% year-on-year. The newly registered vehicles in the first quarter, the second quarter and the third quarter were 5.88 million, 5.87 million and 6.42 million respectively.

  By the end of September, the number of new energy vehicles in China reached 18.21 million, accounting for 5.5% of the total number of vehicles. Among them, the number of pure electric vehicles is 14.01 million, accounting for 76.9% of the total number of new energy vehicles. From the first quarter to the third quarter, 5.198 million new energy vehicles were registered nationwide, up 40% year-on-year, accounting for 28.6% of the newly registered vehicles. Among them, 1.44 million new energy vehicles were registered in the first quarter, 1.709 million in the second quarter and 2.049 million in the third quarter respectively.

  It is understood that the used car market remained active in the first three quarters. From the first quarter to the third quarter, local public security traffic control departments handled a total of 25.05 million motor vehicle transfer registrations, including 23.31 million motor vehicle transfer registrations, accounting for 93.1%. In recent years, the Ministry of Public Security, together with the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, has promoted the implementation of reform measures to facilitate the registration of second-hand car transactions in different places, which has better promoted the circulation of second-hand cars. In the first three quarters of this year, the public security traffic control department handled 3.805 million transactions of second-hand passenger cars in different places.

  By the end of September, there were 90 cities in China with more than 1 million cars, an increase of 8 cities over the same period of last year. Among them, 43 cities have more than 2 million cars and 25 cities have more than 3 million cars. Beijing, Chongqing and Chengdu have more than 6 million cars, Shanghai and Suzhou have more than 5 million cars, and Tianjin, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Xi ‘an, Shenzhen and Dongguan have more than 4 million cars.

Huafu Fashion rose 5.35% to 5.12 yuan/share.

On March 13th, Huafu Fashion rose 5.35% to 5.12 yuan/share at 10:12, with a turnover of 289 million yuan and a turnover rate of 3.38%, with a total market value of 8.707 billion yuan.

According to the data, Huafu Fashion Co., Ltd. is located at No.6 Shishan Road, New Economic Development Zone, Huaibei City, Anhui Province. The company is the world’s leading color spinning brand and new yarn supplier, mainly engaged in medium and high-grade colored spinning yarn, high-grade new blank yarn and dyed yarn, and provides value-added services such as fashion trend, raw material and product certification, tag and technical consultation. At present, the company has formed a production capacity of 2 million spindles, with an annual output of 300,000 tons of new yarn. The leading products are exported to Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macao, Southeast Asia and other dozens of countries and regions.

As of September 30th, the number of shareholders of Huafu Fashion was 25,200, with 67,400 shares outstanding per capita.

From January to September 2023, Huafu Fashion achieved an operating income of 11.053 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 16.91%; The net profit attributable was 84,937,800 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 71.74%.

Awesome, my C919! The first flight of China big plane is in sight.

  Wu Guanghui, chief designer of Comac C919 and ARJ21, has won the national special prize for scientific and technological progress and the first prize for national defense scientific and technological achievements. A key model won the first prize of China Aviation Industry Corporation I and the first prize of the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Committee.

  "Many aircraft parts are made in China and fly in the sky every day. C919 has gone through nearly seven years, and has done a lot of design, calculation and experiments. I am definitely willing to take this plane first. "

  — — Wu Guanghui

  These days, in the commercial aircraft test center of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation, the newly-built Zhuqiao test hangar in Pudong is spacious and bright. In the hangar, the landing gear that originally supported the domestic large passenger plane C919 was all put into the landing gear cabin, and three air springs like "jacks" lifted the plane into mid-air. What is going on here is the ground resonance test and modal coupling test of the whole aircraft that must be completed before the first flight, which means that the C919 has officially entered the final sprint stage before the first flight.

  C919 is a domestic large passenger plane independently designed and developed by China. It is a short-haul single-aisle narrow-body passenger plane with more than 150 seats. In the future, it will compete with internationally renowned commercial aircraft such as Airbus 320 series and Boeing 737 series for orders. The manufacturer China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. recently announced that the C919 plans to make its first flight in the first half of 2017 and will fully launch the wide-body passenger aircraft project. It can be said that after nearly 10 years of hard work, China people’s dream of "big plane" will soon become a reality.

  ① Rigorous test to ensure safety.

  To fly into the blue sky, a plane must first practice a pair of steel bars and iron bones. For the C919, which carries the dream of a big plane for Chinese people, the significance of the test is even more significant. This is the first large passenger plane made in China, and its safety cannot be lost.

  For this reason, C919 has undergone a series of tests like "torture". Among them, the 2.5g static test of the whole aircraft started in early November last year is the most severe and significant one since the birth of the C919.

  This test mainly tests the strain and deformation of the "skeleton" of the body under constant external loading. In layman’s terms, this kind of test is to let the aircraft simulate the stress situation when challenging air flight on the ground, and go beyond the natural limit to verify how much force the aircraft can bear.

  Before the start of the experiment, the researchers covered the whole body with white adhesive tape, which is a resistance strain gauge that can sensitively measure stress and strain close to the surface of the body, just like doing electrocardiogram for the plane. During the test, the load starts to rise at the level of 5%, and the load must be kept for 3 seconds every time. "The structure must be able to withstand the ultimate load for 3 seconds without damage." Zhou Liang Dao, deputy chief designer of the C919 passenger plane, said that the preparation behind the team took more than 300 days for this short three seconds.

  With the continuous loading, the aircraft began to show obvious external reflection, and the wing began to tilt up a little. Finally, when the load reaches 100% of the test outline, the wing tip tilts up to nearly 2 meters, which is highly consistent with the strength analysis before the test, which shows that the test is successful and its strong "bones" and body are enough to support flying into the blue sky.

  This is just a small step in the long March before the first flight of the plane. A passenger plane has to complete 13 static tests in 48 working conditions, including pressurization in the booster cabin, front lifting connection, main lifting connection, whole aircraft condition, vertical tail and rudder, as well as "three-bird test" such as iron bird, copper bird and electric bird and joint test of the whole aircraft system. Therefore, researchers have made independent innovations in system integration experiments.

  In the comprehensive test hall of Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, the iron bird test-bed with little difference from the C919 real machine looks like an eagle with wings spread and its tail stuck high. Don’t underestimate this test-bed. Its full name is "Integrated Test-bed for Flight Control Hydraulic System", which mainly tests the landing gear, wings and other mechanical systems of aircraft. In order to ensure the authenticity of the system test, the iron bird test-bed is designed according to the 1:1 ratio of the real aircraft, so that the mechanical installation interfaces of the flight control, hydraulic and landing gear systems are the same as those of the aircraft.

  Next to the Iron Bird Test Bench, there is also a "Copper Bird" that tests power supply systems such as power generation and distribution, and also restores the real state of the machine to 1:1 for equipment installation. "Iron Bird", "Copper Bird" and the avionics system test called "Electric Bird" will eventually be all connected, thus forming a "three-bird joint test" to simulate the state of the aircraft.

  In the experiment, researchers conducted a comprehensive test on the aircraft system. Take the avionics system as an example. At most, there are more than 100,000 parameters in a test. These parameters should be tested one by one to find out the possible omissions in the design. "Our goal is not to take the fault to the sky." Yu Shenghui, senior engineer of the General Aerodynamics Department of Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, said.

  According to the plan, six testing machines are carrying out joint testing of the whole machine system, and customer service engineering and airworthiness work are also being carried out simultaneously.

  ②C919 is genuine China goods.

  As the first large passenger plane with completely independent intellectual property rights in China, C919 has been frequently questioned since it was established in 2006: an aircraft whose engine, avionics core processing system and some materials all depend on foreign products or technologies, why should it be said to be "made in China"?

  In fact, to evaluate the innovation of C919, we may need to draw lessons from a fairy tale named Pony Crossing the River. This story is about a pony crossing a river. A cow next to it said, "The water is very shallow, just without a calf, so you can cross it." But the squirrel in the tree said, "The water is deep and will drown." So, is the river deep or shallow? Finally, the pony got off the river by himself and carefully waded to the other side. It found that the river was neither as shallow as the cow said, nor as deep as the squirrel said. The same is true for the development and innovation of C919. Everyone should not only see the major innovations achieved in the process of aircraft development, but also objectively admit the existing shortcomings.

  According to international standards, judging whether an airplane is made in China or assembled depends on whether it meets three conditions. 1. Who owns the property right of the whole machine? Second, who is the core team to develop the whole machine? Third, who holds the key link in the development of the whole machine? For C919, the answer to these three questions is China.

  The person in charge of Comac in China said that the property right of the C919 is owned by Comac in China. The team of Comac in China is the core of the development, and the key links such as aircraft design, final assembly, test flight and sales are in the hands of Comac in China.

  As for foreign companies providing parts or technology, this is a common thing in the global aviation manufacturing industry. Aviation manufacturing giants such as Boeing and Airbus also use foreign products on many key components when developing aircraft.

  However, for equipment like engines, the C919 chose the LEAP-X1C engine jointly developed by the United States and France, which is the only foreign starting power device selected by the C919. It should be said that the engine is indeed a major constraint in the development of China’s large aircraft, and it can only be sought from people at present. However, I believe that in 10 to 15 years, China will be able to develop its own advanced aero-engine for large aircraft.

  ③ Have a number of scientific and technological innovations.

  Experts said that the C919 was completely designed and integrated independently, with outstanding technical indicators. It is the persistent innovation of researchers who have sharpened their swords for ten years that has led to the high-tech C919, which integrates many key technologies.

  However, what did C919 look like when it was approved as one of the 16 major projects in the national medium-and long-term science and technology planning in January 2006? What difficulties may be encountered in the development? Due to the limitation of western aviation powers in technology introduction, China researchers have no idea and can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

  In November 2008, the C919 project was launched. A large passenger aircraft joint engineering team composed of 468 experts from 47 domestic and foreign units, plus a large passenger aircraft expert consulting group composed of 20 academicians and experts, started from sketches and gradually sorted out the first batch of 14 special technical research projects that need to be started.

  Among these key technologies, there are several that must be mentioned. For example, the "supercritical airfoil" that makes airplanes more fuel efficient. A large passenger airliner is an out-and-out "oil tiger". In order to reduce fuel consumption, the wing design of C919 uses a supercritical airfoil, which improves the cruise aerodynamic efficiency by more than 20% and reduces drag by about 8%.

  Another unique innovation is the adoption of the third generation Al-Li alloy materials. It is the first time in China that the world’s advanced third-generation Al-Li alloy materials are widely used in the main structure of C919. Compared with ordinary aluminum alloy, this lightweight metal material with high damage resistance has greater strength and lighter weight under the same strength, which is very important to realize the weight reduction of aircraft structure and greatly improve the service life of aircraft.

  In addition, as the "brain" of the C919, the avionics system of the aircraft has realized "giving all the work to the network". Compared with the old version of the network, which was widely used before but had limited bandwidth, the new aviation bus communication protocol adopted by C919 not only has high bandwidth but also shares resources, which means that the signals that originally needed to be transmitted through several cables can now be transmitted by one cable. Experts said that this is like we need to run 10 trains from A to B, but we don’t need to build 10 railways. We only need a set of double-track railways and a reliable signal system.

  According to Wu Guanghui, the chief designer of C919, the developers have planned 102 key technical problems, and many advanced materials have been applied on a large scale in domestic civil aircraft for the first time. The development process of millions of parts and airborne systems is highly parallel. In order to overcome these technical difficulties, 22 provinces and cities, more than 200 enterprises, 36 universities and hundreds of thousands of industrial personnel participated in the development of C919 large passenger aircraft, and 16 material manufacturers and 54 standard parts manufacturers including Baosteel became suppliers or potential suppliers of large passenger aircraft projects.

  Our reporter Peng Xunwen

The beauty of reading | It’s always shallow to get what you get on paper, but you don’t know how to do it.


Reading on a Winter’s Night and Showing Children’s Yue is a group of eight poems taught by Lu You. This poem is the most famous third poem, which was written at the end of the fifth year of Qingyuan in Song Ningzong (1199). Zi Yu is Lu You’s youngest son. In his poems, Lu You encouraged his son to work hard and persevere in learning, emphasizing that learning can not be satisfied with book knowledge, but must be "practiced" — — Only by learning and applying knowledge in practice can we achieve something.

The first two sentences of the poem say that the ancients always tried their best to learn, and only by working hard when they were young can they achieve something in the future. The word "no effort" summarizes the degree to which the ancients worked hard and tirelessly in learning. The last two sentences, "I feel shallow at the end of the paper, but I don’t know how to do it", are poetic eyes. Paper: books. Know nothing: understand deeply and thoroughly. This means that the knowledge gained from books is inevitably superficial, and to thoroughly understand things, you must practice it yourself. Lu You emphasized the importance of practice from the relationship between book knowledge and social practice. This feeling of the poet’s reading in winter night is the most profound understanding of his life as a scholar. He told his son: a person who has both book knowledge and practical experience is a truly learned person; Reading must strive to achieve "heart-to-heart, eye-to-eye, mouth-to-mouth", and can draw inferences from others in practice to achieve mastery.






(作者 杨立新)
