The United States is going to wage war?

This warning notice issued on Twitter reveals the urgent tone of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council.
The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council called on Americans overseas to return to China as soon as possible. "the State Council urged Americans not to postpone their return to China, and all means of transportation may be unavailable soon."
Besides,The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Department of the United States wrote on the attached map that "American citizens should make plans to return to China now", and especially emphasized "now" in bold font.The tweet links to the global level 4 health warning issued by official website of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council on March 31st-Don’t travel.
As you can see, in this warning, the State Council advised American citizens to avoid all international travel. American citizens living in the United States should immediately arrange to return to the United States unless they are prepared to stay abroad indefinitely.
Obviously, this is an unusual warning notice.
Looking at the wars that have happened in the past few decades, the United States will also mobilize its overseas citizens to return to China as soon as possible before the war, and then choose the right time to start the war.When the United States attacked Iraq in 2003, there was a similar move. Therefore, this has become an important basis for some people to speculate that the United States may wage war again.
The second reason is that the Covid-19 epidemic has become a global pandemic, and the number of confirmed infections in the United States is increasing at a "rocket speed" of 30,000 people a day. At present, the total number of infected people in the United States is close to 350 thousand, and the death toll immediately exceeds 10 thousand. Trump just warned that the United States may usher in the peak of death toll in the next two weeks.
US Health Secretary Jerome Adams said that the American epidemic will usher in the "Pearl Harbor moment", which will be the "most difficult and sad" day for most Americans."The next moment will be our Pearl Harbor moment, the’ 9.11′ moment … We really have to understand that if we want to smooth the curve to the other side, everyone needs to do their duty."
Economically, the United States is in a bad situation. Last week, the number of first-time unemployed registered in the United States has reached a record-breaking 6 million, compared with 3.12 million in the previous week. The domestic economy and people’s living conditions in the United States have also been pressed the "pause button". Many large American companies have issued warnings, which may be the most difficult one, and have thrown out layoffs.
Therefore, in this grim situation,I am afraid that the epidemic situation in the United States will get out of control (or close to a stable state), a serious economic crisis will break out, and social contradictions will become increasingly prominent. The American political ruling class will go to war to transfer contradictions.
The third basis is that, judging from the information transmitted by the current US military, it seems that it has begun to enter a quasi-wartime state.
On March 29th, "Russia Today" revealed that the US Northern Command had dispersed its important headquarters to the famous Cheyenne Mountain bunker in Colorado, and isolated them from another secret location. The purpose of the Northern Command is to ensure that these personnel can work normally in the case of an epidemic and monitor the potential threats to the United States around the clock.
The underground bunker in Cheyenne Mountain is the product of the "nuclear cloud" of the Cold War. It is located on the outskirts of colorado springs. From 1965 to 2006, the base was used as the main command and control center of the North American Air Defense Command, and it is the largest and most modern military command center on the earth.
Because it is located in the center of the mountain, the top and surrounding of the building are covered with rocks hundreds of meters thick, forming an unbreakable bunker, and its independent facilities are placed in a large excavation tunnel of 20,000 square meters.This tunnel is hidden behind a 25-ton explosion-proof door. Its design purpose is to enable the supreme commander of the US military to survive a nuclear attack.
Combined with the last media exposure, if the top government and parliament in Washington, USA can’t command this country, then the commander of the Northern Command will take over the military command of the whole country. Someone on the Internet said that this move to the Northern Command must be carefully studied …
In addition, on the last day of the end of March, the US military reconnaissance plane rarely entered the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea at the same time; The two US aircraft carrier battle groups are still deployed in the Middle East to implement strategic deterrence against Iran; The United States issued a wanted order to Venezuelan national leader Maduro; It is rare for the US military to recruit 1 million reservists …
It seems that the atmosphere of war is really getting stronger and stronger.


Every time it takes root, it is a commitment to the future of the city; Every rejuvenation is the pursuit of an ideal life; As the first fourth-generation residence in the Economic Development Zone, Yun Qi Time Project has been adhering to the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, casting a beautiful life with ingenuity, and laying a good foundation for the renovation and upgrading of residential buildings in the Economic Development Zone.

Architecture is a dialogue between man and life aesthetics. On December 16th, Yun Qi opened a "Fourth Generation Building Revitalization Life Salon" for prospective owners, and invited Caotan Group’s subsidiary, who is also the head of the planning and design department of Xi ‘an Caotan Construction and Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Caotan Construction), and SUM landscape designers to share with you how to realize the ideal life scene of painting an air courtyard.

Liu Tianran, head of the planning and design department of Xi ‘an Caotan Construction and Development Co., Ltd., elaborated the first fourth-generation residence in the Economic Development Zone inspired by the design concept, architectural planning, garden details and product highlights. As Liu Tianran said: "The core of the continuous iteration of living patterns is the continuous improvement of people’s needs." In Yun Qi, as a game breaker, he rearranged the order for the economic development, and renewed it iteratively.

As an iterative product of living, Yun Qi moved the courtyard into the air to realize "every family has a garden and every household has a courtyard", so that people living in a bustling city can realize the imagination of "staying in a cage for a long time and returning to nature". Wang Jiameng and Sun Dandan, the main designers of SUM landscape design, started a communication trip about green homes from the aspects of yard life plant scene matching and daily plant maintenance, so that all the imaginations of life can be realized here one by one. This is a trip to the artistic realm of aesthetic life and a dialogue with future life.

Caotan Group, with its original intention, respect for the land and the vision of building a better life, inherits the ingenuity of state-owned enterprises, and starts a new chapter in life with the fourth-generation low-density streamer courtyard at the confluence of urban resources.

Why are domestic cars getting bigger and bigger now? Brother Miao will tell you the reason. Do you like big cars or small cars?

Have you noticed that our domestic cars, especially new energy vehicles, are getting bigger and bigger no matter whether they are hybrid or pure electric? If you ask M7, the conductor is more than 5 meters long. To tell the truth, this car is made of five seats, and the space is really spacious.

Why were there not so many big cars in the past, but now there are more and more big cars? Brother Miao, talk about some of my understanding.

First of all, we need to buy a car. In recent years, in fact, we need to buy a car. At first, many friends chose SUV, which has a high body and then a high interior.

Second, the car appearsatmosphereIn addition, many of our friends buy cars, and there may be a car at home.

A car should not only take care of my daily commute, but also take care of my family’s trip, and sometimes I go back to my hometown occasionally, drag something or go out to go on road trip. After all, our country is vast and has such a big territory.

Therefore, an SUV can solve many problems at this time, but a car can’t solve the SUV problem, so everyone may give priority to a larger SUV.

Moreover, from another psychological point of view, when the car is big, it looks atmospheric. For example, now, when the car is parked with my old corolla, is it like an elder brother and a younger brother?

The second reason, it is very important.Energy consumption.If it’s a pure fuel car, like my old buddy, the fuel consumption of 1.8 is actually not delicate after a long time.

You think, if an SUV with a curb weight of more than two tons and a curb weight of more than five meters is a pure fuel vehicle, then its displacement is basically at least 2.0T, and its fuel consumption of 2.0T is definitely not low. It is possible that you will have to reach 3.0 to drive better.

At this time, if you drive in the city, it is entirely possible that you will consume 15 or 16 petrol per 100 kilometers.

But now that there is new energy, after it is added with electricity, it is like a car as big as the M7. If you are at ordinary times, it is basically enough to force pure electricity.

Because of its pure battery life, if I run in the city, I can basically run to 170 or 80 kilometers. There are more than 100 kilometers of high speed, and even when you are short of electricity, you can directly start burning oil, whichThe overall fuel consumption is also relatively low.

Plus, if you buy it, many people may have a fixed parking space at home and be able to install a charging pile.

At this time, like Changsha, it charges a little more than 5 cents at night, less than 5 cents, and it is a little more than 6 cents at noon and a little more than 7 cents at peak.

This electricity price, according to its power consumption of 100 kilometers, even if you have about 20, you can basically pay for it.ignoreYes.

Secondly, it is in the feed state, and its fuel consumption is also considerable. When I run at high speed, it is less than 8 oils. If I run downtown, it is more economical than high-speed fuel consumption.

So, in recent years, why have our own brands of cars become bigger and bigger, including new energy vehicles, including MPV, including Tengshi D9, which sells so well?

In fact, the core reason, one is the cost of its car.Significantly reduced,Plus, if you buy it now, you can save the purchase tax, and after you bring electricity to the car later, it will be a lot.The car scene will become richer..

This is why I have been driving for a while and asked about M7. At present, the cars with domestic new energy sources are getting bigger and bigger, with a 5-meter body and a 3-meter wheelbase. In the back seat, you can cross your legs completely, so Brother Miao asks everyone, do you like big cars or small cars?

Harvard experts recommend: the five best sports for the body.

To cultivate exercise habits, what kind of exercise do you think of first? Many people think of marathons, which are very popular in recent years, but I-Min Lee, a professor at Harvard Medical School, points out that long-distance running will cause a certain burden on the knee joint and digestive system, and long-term running may also lead to other problems.

Harvard Medical School once published a health report "Start Exercise", which recommended five kinds of exercises for people who want to exercise and hope to lose weight and gain muscle through exercise:

It is pointed out in the report that swimming is almost a perfect way to exercise, except for the ability toIn addition to exercising most muscles of the body, it can also improve the heart rate, benefit heart health and slow down brain aging.. In addition, the pressure on all joints of the body is very small when swimming, which is good for arthritis patients because the joints bear less weight.

Studies have shown that endorphin is a kind of hormone that can make people feel good and improve people’s mood, while swimming can effectively stimulate the secretion of endorphin and help people relieve the stress in daily life. At the same time, swimming can calm people down, eliminate external interference and become more focused, which naturally reduces people’s tension and depression.

Practicing Tai Ji Chuan requires high concentration and soft and slow movements, which can exercise the stability of the core muscles of the footwall; Standing on one foot and shifting the center of gravity can improve the balance ability; The semi-squatting posture can enhance the grip of leg muscles and soles.

Tai Ji Chuan is especially suitable for the elderly.. A study in the American New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that the elderly in Tai Ji Chuan who practice for one hour twice a week can reduce the risk of falling by 58% as long as they persist for half a year.

I-Min Lee said: Balance is an important guarantee for good health, but many people’s sense of balance deteriorates as they get older. Therefore, Tai Ji Chuan is particularly beneficial to the elderly.

Strength training is also called weight-bearing exercise and resistance exercise. People usually think that it is a physical exercise. In fact, it is harmful to the overall health, such asIncrease strength, improve mood and protect heart health.And so on have a very positive role and influence. Strength exercises include sit-ups, weightlifting, pull-ups and push-ups.

Chris Jordan, a sports physiologist, suggested that healthy adults should have regular resistance and strength training, and HIIT is a good choice.

HIIT sports include push-ups, squats, squats and other strength training, and every movement is using the specific muscle mass of the body. A person whose muscle tissue is not too outstanding will get a significant increase in muscle mass after a period of HIIT training. HIIT is most suitable for people who are young and have a certain sports history, and has high requirements for physical fitness. People who have experienced HIIT sports will feel out of breath and thirsty. Ordinary people should do what they can.

Walking may sound trivial, but it is a powerful "medicine". Many studies have shown that even walking at a moderate or leisurely speed for at least 30 minutes willGood for the brain and the body..

A study found that adults aged 60-88 walked for 30 minutes four times a week, and after 12 weeks, the connectivity of the brain region seemed to be enhanced, and the weakening of connectivity in this region was related to memory loss.

In addition, a preliminary study on patients with severe depression found that walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes for 10 consecutive days can effectively reduce the degree of depression. If you haven’t formed the habit of regular exercise at present, the medical team of Harvard University suggests that you can start by walking.

Many people think that only women need to do Kegel exercise, but in fact,Both men and women need to do this sport.. This exercise was put forward by American doctor arnold kegel in 1948. In daily work, Dr. Kaigl found that the problem of postpartum female urinary incontinence can be effectively alleviated by consciously contracting and relaxing the muscles near the urethra and anus. So the initial function of Kegel exercise is to treat postpartum female urinary incontinence.

Later, after gradual improvement, it has the current function:Prevent male and female urinary incontinence, female pelvic organ prolapse (uterus, vagina, bladder, rectum), treat male prostate problems, and improve the quality of sexual life..

The correct way of Kegel exercise includes tightening the micturition muscles (that is, holding the urine), keeping the contraction for 2 ~ 3 seconds, then releasing and repeating for 10 times. In order to get the best effect, it is recommended to do it 4 ~ 5 times a day.

Original article, please do not reprint without permission.

Author: Wuxiang | Editor: Da V

Article source: November 2020 issue of Medical and Food Reference magazine

Ten funny stories: I was caught smoking in the bathroom, and my mother was so angry that she swung her belt and beat her.

Who should control the family economic power? This is a puzzling question. Today, we are going to listen to a story about a man B and his wife. Man b confidently said that he gave his wife pocket money every month, which made people admire him. But what kind of story is hidden behind his behavior? Male B was predicted by the master to be a cow and a horse for a woman, but in the end he did it willingly for his sister. Some of his reactions to his wife also made people laugh. His daughter-in-law’s pocket money made him a little uneasy, so he secretly opened his son’s red envelope and won some money, only to find that his son always ran to the flowerpot. Finally, his girlfriend lost her ring, and he promised to buy her a new one. As a result, her girlfriend made up her mind to cry out another gold necklace. These stories make us wonder, who should control the family economic power?

Is it a man or a woman? Or, should this power be shared with each other? Please leave your opinions and suggestions. Looking back at the full text, the story of male B shows us all kinds of complicated and interesting stories behind the mastery of family economic power. In real life, the power of family economy should be jointly negotiated and decided by husband and wife, not unilaterally controlled by one party. Mutual respect and equal communication are the keys to maintaining family harmony. What do you think? My relatives and friends have been angry or surprised for some unexpected reasons. For example, some people are blamed for their impolite answers on blind date, while others lament each other’s heartlessness after divorce, but frankly admit that they put it forward by themselves. Another time, my family found me smoking in the bathroom, and I was beaten by a belt and a feather duster.

What’s more, I thought that the other party would promise me, but I was told that today is the final test. What an accident. Another time at school, I mistakenly thought someone was fighting, but it caused the other person’s anger. It was a joke. Which of the above stories do you think is the most unexpected? Leave a message and tell us! Each of these stories is full of surprises and reversals, which makes people stunned. In life, we are always full of surprises and accidents, which is also the fun of life. Whether you get along with relatives and friends or deal with various situations in your life, unexpected things may happen. In the face of these accidents, we should learn to deal with them calmly and handle every accident well, so as to enjoy the fun of life better. Do you have a similar experience?

Or what do you think and comment on the above story? Welcome to leave a message and share with us!

Review of global history: from ancient times to modern times, major events and trends

1. Ancient civilization: Around 3100 BC, Egypt began to appear in the early kingdom period. At the same time, the Elam state in the Iranian plateau has also begun to rise. Around 2613 BC, the fourth dynasty of Egypt began to rule and the pyramids began to be built. At the same time, Harappa culture in ancient India began to flourish.

2. Ancient Empire: In about 2181 BC, the first middle period of Egypt began. About 2040 BC, the Middle Kingdom of Egypt began, and this period lasted until 1786 BC. During this period, the ancient Babylonian era also began in 2017 BC and lasted until 1595 BC.

3. The rise of Europe: In the centuries BC, the Roman Empire became the dominant force in Europe. The rule of the empire lasted for hundreds of years, and it was not until 476 AD that the Western Roman Empire finally collapsed.

4. The rise of religion: At the beginning of A.D., Christianity began to spread in the Roman Empire and became an important part of European history. At the same time, Islam has also begun to rise in the Middle East.

5. Middle Ages: In the Middle Ages, Europe experienced many wars, diseases and territorial disputes. During this period, the level of technology and knowledge in Europe has also been significantly improved.

6. Renaissance: In the 14th and 15th centuries, Europe experienced a period called Renaissance. This period is characterized by the prosperity of art, science and culture.

7. Modern world: In the 18th and 19th centuries, the industrial revolution changed the global economic structure. During this period, many countries began to shift from agricultural society to industrial society.

8. 20th century: In the 20th century, two world wars changed the global political landscape. During this period, many countries began to become independent from colonies.

9. Globalization: In recent decades, globalization has become an important global trend. This trend includes the development of economy, politics, culture and technology.

The above is a review of some major events and trends from ancient times to modern times. History is a process of continuous development and change, and these events and trends are only part of it.

long process of history

The long river of history is always moving forward. Although it sometimes encounters twists and turns and difficulties, the overall trend is constantly moving forward.