Interview with Yang Zi: Leave the most authentic and precious performances in the camera

1905 movie network news "Family with Children" has accompanied a generation’s childhood.In the blink of an eye, 15 years later, Yang Zi, the child star who played Xia Xue at that time, is now also the head "Huadan" in the entertainment industry who can carry the banner.


Many actors who have worked with her have joked that they "grew up watching Teacher Yang Zi’s plays", and every time, Yang Zi laughed "hahahahahaha".The "true self" in words is also like her laughter, pure and free and easy.In Yang Zi’s WeChat circle of friends, she claims to be the most active one, and the messages are always "hahahahaha". If a friend promotes her, she will give a like.


Yang Zi never taboo "self-blackening", would make fun of her own weight, save her own emoji, and look at Yang Zi’s speech in the words, and if she complained about herself, she would laugh along. When she encountered strange things, she would say "what the hell" in her heart, and then let it go.Yang Zi confessed that her personality resembled"Ode to Joy."Qiu in LiYingyingJust a little girl.


When she went to KTV, her friends would help her order a lot of nursery rhymes similar to "Little Donkey" and "Little Sloppy". When she met teachers and elders, she would also be "second-timed", "I grew up seeing that leaders and teachers are the kind who turn corners and don’t dare to say too much."


On weekdays, Yang Zi discussed many things with her father, and Yang Zi’s father’s WeChat name was "Yang Zi Studio". In many interviews, Yang Zi revealed that her family atmosphere was full of love, and it was this kind of family that cultivated her pure and optimistic character.


This personality makes Yang Zi transparent and self-consistent in the entertainment industry.Since entering the industry in 1999, 21 years of acting experience has also made her appear stable and sober in acting.This time,China Film Report"Looking Up – Young Actors Pay Tribute to Ordinary Heroes" special program interviewed actress Yang Zi. We took this opportunity to organize past interviews with Yang Zi by China Film Report to see how she combines "little girl" and "old actor".

(The following is Yang Zi’s self-report)


I didn’t know "Chaohua" before, and I thought it was the homepage of Weibo searching for my name. Later, Zhang Yishan taught me that "Chaohua" is after searching for Yang Zi, there is "Yang Zi Chaohua" below and then click on it. "Chaohua" is full of things about Yang Zi.


I like to see the funny things inside, complain to me there, I also laugh, feel very funny.Our post-90s actor friends chatted privately, including many famous actors. Everyone was very innocent, "I’ve seen your plays" "I like you too," and I was very happy. In fact, everyone’s private conversations were not what they imagined.


We actors are ordinary people, and we all know these online memes, and we also use our own emojis. Everyone may think that actors or celebrities are far away from us, but in fact, they are not. Everyone is the same.


Many people want to watch me and Zhang Yishan act, not because I don’t want to act, but because I don’t want to consume everyone’s enthusiasm for us. I think we must choose a script that is worthy of the audience, rather than just to satisfy everyone.


If I chose the ideal type in the roles I have played, I would chooseXu Xiaobin in.Like Han Shangyan and Xufeng, they are more like characters living in TV dramas. I don’t think they will appear in life, but Xu Xiaobin will. He is reliable and true. What I value most is kindness, sincerity, and a good person.


I am very grateful to Teen Fame, because Teen Fame made everyone know me earlierI also understand some things earlier than children of the same age. I like acting and have a strong desire to perform. If I don’t act, I can’t think of what else I can do.I think I’m lucky too, it used to be likeThe Great Yangko."Ode to Joy.""War in Changsha"These well-received dramas were all chosen by them. And at that time, I didn’t have much choice, so I naturally went all out when I had the opportunity.


For example, if there is a good script, I will say to my father, "Can you contact them, give me a chance to audition, and let the director at least see me?" Maybe sometimes they will say, "Your image is not suitable, forget it," and I will say, "No, try my play and think I am suitable."


Before I picked up Heroes of Fire, I didn’t read the script.At that time, the script was still under wraps, but the director told me the story of Xu Xiaobin’s prototype. He and his fiancée died fighting a fire before they even took wedding photos. The director also showed me many photos and videos, and I cried on the spot. Then the director asked me if I would like to participate in this movie? I said, "Director, no matter what the role is, I promise, even if there is only one word, I will also participate."Because my dad used to be a firefighter, at that moment I felt like a nerve was touched, and I felt like I had to act no matter what.


Another point that touches me is my role, Wang Lu. She is a firefighter first, and then a family member of a firefighter. Although her scenes are not particularly large, their love story made me cry just by reading the script.


Wang Lu’s rank is a little higher than Xu Xiaobin’s. As a boy, Xu Xiaobin’s self-esteem will be a little frustrated. In addition, he doesn’t earn much. When Wang Lu asked him during the wedding photo shoot, "What do we plan to do in the future?" He said, "Two blind people walk at night." Meaning, he can’t guarantee my future. But in fact, he loves me very much, and I love him very much, but neither of them said it and left angrily.


And that turned out to be the last time the two of us met. This line of affection was very abusive, including the scene where Xu Xiaobin died at the end, which also touched me a lot.

When I was filming "Heroes of Fire", a lot of people asked me if your dad told you a lot about firefighters, but he didn’t.Now that I think about it, maybe he was afraid that I would worry about my mother. Then one day he told me that when he got out of the fire truck, he would think, "I just want it to be okayAn’anWhen I go back, I can see my daughter-in-law and my two-year-old child at home, and I can see her sleeping face again. "He always sets out with this idea, because he doesn’t know what will happen, and it is possible that he will never come back if he goes.

But my dad would never tell us this. I really know that when I grew up, I read the news, including learning about the lives of firefighters, and realized that this is a great and dangerous thing. Firefighters use their lives to protect our safety. Therefore, I think my dad is great.

After "Heroes of Fire" was released, he went to the audience and invited fellow firefighters to watch it. When he came back, he told me, "You really did a good job. You have to continue to work hard."


The thing I grew up most afraid of and disliked the most was when people said, "Come on, show us a crying scene."So I also reject acting in variety shows. If everyone asks me to act, I will act out hilariously, because I think acting is a mission and my dream. "Acting" is very high in my heart.


In the early stage of a crying scene, you have to work very hard to enter the world of the characters. Although you may think I’m being perfunctory, I really didn’t lie to you. I don’t have any skills. This is what I have summed up over the years. Therefore, I say that actors are very innocent. When you truly believe in this thing, when you really step into this role, you will believe that you are him. Therefore, at the moment of filming a crying scene, you are wronged.


Just like in "Dear Love", when I broke up with Han Shangyan, I felt particularly wronged, but my grievance was not the kind of grievance that I was angry with or resented him, but the kind of grievance that he couldn’t be with me, and I was particularly sad.When I was playing "Honey Sinks Like Frost", there was a scene where I went to kill the person I loved the most, and I cried that time, but it was a kind of hatred, but I loved him very much in my heart, and it was different from the previous emotions. Therefore, when I was playing the crying scene, I played it according to the character’s state.

If a play has a good plot, I will be more immersive in it. This is also due to the director and screenwriter. They have made the play of high quality, including during the shooting, the atmosphere of the scene will naturally bring you into that environment.


A lot of them say I’m good at acting or something, and I’ll say I’m probably just more emotional. I like to observe things and release that emotion in the character.

If I want to play a person, I will definitely be with her, and I hope to keep the most authentic and precious performances in the camera.

The 13-year time difference on Andy Lau’s hot search is particularly touching

  Andy Lau is a hot search, not a new song or a new drama, let alone a negative gossip, but an event more than 10 years ago. This incident shows that a star has been popular for more than 30 years, let several generations listen to his songs and remember his name, and maintain a clear and firm "character" in the entertainment industry where people turn over every day. It is not without reason.

  Andy Lau has reached the age of being called "Grandpa Liu", and his hot search this time is actually quite ironic. Sexual assault, tax evasion, arrogance, illegal money, and one after another celebrity rollover incidents have made people see the dirt and smoke in the entertainment industry. People miss those clear star personalities, and Andy Lau quickly resonated and was quickly searched.

  The hot article "The Day So-and-So Was Hot, Andy Lau Was Also Exposed" mentions an incident more than a decade ago: In 2008, China welcomed the Olympic Games. At that time, countless stars on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places competed to sing for the Beijing Olympic Games. "Welcome to Beijing" invited 100 stars to participate in the singing and recording. This song has become popular all over China. One thing is quite puzzling: among the 100 artists, there are popular and old-fashioned, young and old, strangers and familiar faces, but only Andy Lau. It was only later that I learned that he chose not to go. He said: "Everyone is competing for the Olympics, and no one is competing with me for the Paralympics." He didn’t steal the limelight of the Olympic Games, and he provoked the propaganda for the Paralympic Games without hesitation. He personally participated in the songwriting and wrote a song called "Everyone is No. 1". Chinese translation: Everyone is No. 1.

  He paid 1.50 million yuan out of his own pocket to make the song, and in the music video of the song, he played a disabled athlete. In order to play the role of "broken leg" well, he had to wrap his left calf in bandages and hang it every day for seven hours during the filming process. The left leg was often paralyzed and cramped, and the pain was too great. Later, a netizens said in the comment section of Weibo: "I was only 8 years old at that time. When I saw this music video, I really thought that the singer named Andy Lau was disabled." Some netizens said that a reporter interviewed Andy Lau during the Olympic Games and asked him which athlete he liked the most, but he did not say the name of the star athlete. He Junquan, who lacked both arms, won four Paralympic swimming gold medals.

  The Paralympic Games didn’t receive much attention back then, so few people knew about these things about Andy Lau. It was more than 10 years later that it was on the hot search, and this hot search "hot" made people tear up. This is the temperature and dimension of people’s hearts. You have done a lot of good things in obscurity, and you have gone to your clothes to hide your merits and fame. Things may be "hidden", but the light of kindness cannot be hidden. For 10 or 20 years, you have adhered to this quality for decades, and one day you will suddenly touch the string of people’s hearts, and the people who have been recorded will be turned out like treasures, shining like gold. The longer the time, the deeper the precipitation, and the more powerful it will be to warm people’s hearts.

  Do things in a low profile, care for the weak, cultivate both morality and art, cherish feathers, and speak with works. People are like his works. The quality of Andy Lau is very representative of old-school stars. Many of that generation of star stars were spelled out from bitter children, went through the difficult years of walking around, spelled out representative works step by step, and conquered the public one song at a time. Wealth is spelled out, and fame is hard "hit", so their mental intelligence can control the temptation of wealth and the entertainment industry, and they are more caring for the weak. Because they have also come from poverty, they feel that they have the obligation to help the weak. Unlike some small fresh meat today, it can be called an upstart in traffic. It did not rely on "plays" and "songs" to break out, but was spelled out by traffic. The family was rich, and parents used money to invest to help their children "smash" their fame. The rice circle helped, the variety show was blessed, the hype was promoted, and the abnormal culture was nourished. At a young age, they accumulated huge wealth. If morality does not match, the body and mind cannot control wealth, and they lack empathy for the weak. Andy Lau became a hot search at this time, reflecting a clear literary attitude: Andy Lau, who needs to be spelled out, does not want these little fresh meat soaked in traffic.

  Andy Lau’s hot search, what particularly touched me was this "hot search time difference". It happened more than 10 years ago, when there was no fire, and it was only widely known on the hot search today. This shows that he doesn’t care about any hot searches at all, it’s good that he can make Paralympic athletes feel that someone cares and someone pays attention. Just as under the halo of the Olympic Games, he chose the Paralympic Games without heat and cared about those outside the heat. Therefore, this heat that has been settled for more than 10 years has a profound value. Nowadays, some small fresh meat seems to often donate money to do good deeds, but they always feel that it is too utilitarian. Wherever they do good deeds, they bring a bunch of photos and records. They quickly go on the hot search, and soon realize this "how much money donated" as a kind of "charity person". Andy Lau avoided the hot search, quietly wrote songs for the disabled, and served as a love ambassador. More than 10 years later, the hot search contains people’s deep respect for this "hidden merit and fame".

  Achievement doesn’t have to be in me, the heat doesn’t have to be at the time, hiding from the heat to do things, there is the power of time to penetrate 10 years and 20 years, and it is discovered in the story of time like a treasure. This kind of star and heat is more valuable.

  Cao Lin, Source: China Youth Daily

Stepping on rice noodles, eating cockroaches in scallion pancakes, do you dare to eat such a takeaway "delicacy"?

  CCTV News:In the kitchen, a large bucket of rice noodles was placed on the uneven lime cement floor. One foot was in close contact with the rice noodles. The owner of the foot stepped on the ground with his left foot barefoot wearing slippers, and there was a suspected obvious wound on the back of his right foot. The injured foot was stepping on the rice noodles.

  This is the back kitchen of a takeaway black workshop in Dalian, Liaoning. Recently, the photos posted on Weibo shocked netizens. "Feet + Rice Noodles" touches the bottom line of many netizens.

  "Takeaway store employee’s foot stepped on rice noodles" is clearly visible in the picture

  One informant said his feet were scalded and covered in ointment. Another said the photo was taken in the early hours of the morning and "I felt very sick when I saw it, so I took it." A third informant said he saw it with his own eyes that day, and he was by his side when the photo was taken. "I have seen his family catch rice noodles after blowing his nose and without washing his hands." "At that time, he was not shy about people, and this time he didn’t take care of putting his feet on rice noodles." "His house smells like a pig sty in the countryside."

  It is understood that the merchant’s offline stores and online stores on various takeaway platforms have been closed and suspended.

  Although the store has been closed, the food safety problems caused by online catering have been exposed. Although the "Internet Catering Service Food Safety Supervision and Administration Measures" have been implemented in January this year, the tricks behind online food still exist.

  Mr. Du, a student at Hunan City University, ordered an eggplant rice with minced meat on the takeaway platform. Next to the main course, there was a side dish with shredded kelp and dried radish. After eating nearly a third of it, he found a "cylinder", "thought [the tail] was kelp root, and took a bite" and found it was a mouse. The restaurant involved said that the mouse could not have appeared in the processing of the side dish. The relevant person in charge of the Food and Drug Administration of Yiyang City, Hunan Province, said that the store had been inspected by law enforcement and was further investigating and collecting evidence.


  A dead cockroach that had been cut into several pieces was mixed into the scallion pancake

  Miss Zang in Shanghai ordered a takeaway, but she didn’t expect that a dead cockroach that had been cut into several pieces was mixed into the scallion pancake. After the incident, the merchant did not respond. After the incident was published on Weibo, the merchant’s first reaction was not to apologize but to ask for "deletion of posts". The Changning District Market Supervision Bureau of Shanghai conducted a surprise inspection of the restaurant involved and found that live cockroaches were found on the kitchen wall and other places. At present, the Changning District Market Supervision Bureau has ordered the store to close immediately for rectification and carry out comprehensive rectification.


  CCTV Exposes Dirty Environment of Some Small Restaurants in Online Takeaway

  In some takeaway restaurants that had been exposed by CCTV, the walls were dark and full of oil stains, the sewers gave off a foul smell, the sausages and fish looked bad, and there were cockroaches crawling on the walls. There were no customers here, only diners who ordered food by the APP… Would you dare to eat the food made in this environment?

  No business license and food business license and other qualifications, the use of fake "deck" licenses, dirty and messy kitchen environment, the actual business address does not match the license address, and operates beyond the scope… Some problematic restaurants have repeatedly "changed clothes" through takeaway platforms. Such restaurants pose a great threat to "the safety of the tongue".

  In recent years, the online food ordering market has developed rapidly, and the user scale and usage rate have continued to increase compared with the previous year. Data show that by the end of 2017, the scale of online food delivery users in our country reached 343.38 million, and the usage rate of online food delivery accounted for 44.5% of netizens; the scale of mobile online food delivery users was 322.29 million, and the usage rate of mobile online food delivery accounted for 42.8% of mobile Internet users. With the continuous expansion of the scale of online food delivery services, the integrity of online food delivery has become a new problem that cannot be ignored.

  In the restaurants of the takeaway platform, some of the hygiene conditions can be said to be shocking. On the other hand, some takeaway platforms also have "lax checks" on this phenomenon for the sake of performance.

  A few days ago, in the special project of the Beijing police to crack down on the chaos of online takeaway food delivery, more than 100 black restaurant dens were investigated and shut down, and more than 30 people were criminally and administratively detained. Ji Hui, the captain of the food and drug detachment of the Environmental Food and Drug Brigade of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, said that many merchants are not strong in legal awareness and do not recognize the seriousness of buying and selling false certificates. They think it will be fine if they are fined, but if the circumstances are serious, they may violate the criminal law.

  In addition to the government’s strengthening of supervision, online takeaway platforms also bear the responsibility of management and supervision of food operators. The takeaway platform shall perform the obligation of reviewing the food business qualifications of merchants who join its platform, and ensure that the information on the business license is true. Violators shall be ordered by the Food and Drug Administration to make corrections, confiscate the illegal income, and impose a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan; if serious consequences are caused, the business shall be ordered to be suspended until the license is revoked.

  For consumers, if they encounter problems with the quality of the food and suffer property or personal damage after ordering food online, they can pursue the legal responsibility of the takeaway merchant according to law. According to the Food Safety Law, if they produce food that does not meet food safety standards or sell food that does not meet food safety standards, consumers can not only claim compensation for losses, but also ask the producer or seller to pay ten times the price or three times the loss. If the amount of compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it is 1,000 yuan.

  In addition, before ordering food, consumers should carefully check whether the online catering service unit has a business license, food business license (or catering service license), and check the relevant information of its license, such as business scope, business address and contact number. Choose a reliable takeaway platform, and choose a merchant that has passed the platform review, has legal business qualifications, and has a good reputation.

  After the takeaway is delivered, consumers should check whether the packaging of the catering food is in good condition and clean, and whether the delivered catering food is consistent with the order; check whether the catering food is contaminated or deteriorated in person, and reject it if it is found that the catering food has deteriorated or deteriorated. If there is a problem, you can keep the relevant consumption vouchers and call the consumer rights protection hotline 12315 to complain and report. (Text/Ren Jia)

Or cause fire and explosion! These products are immediately removed from the shelves and are strictly prohibited from sale

Mobile power, also known as "power bank". The latest quality supervision and sampling results of online mobile power products released by the State Administration for Market Regulation show that more than one-third of the products tested failed.

The quality of mobile power supplies sold online is subject to national supervision and spot checks, and more than 35% fail.

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

The results of the random inspection showed that among the 99 batches of products produced by 95 enterprises in 9 provinces (cities), 35 batches failed, and the failure rate was 35.4%.

Some of these unqualified mobile power supplies have prominent problems with false capacity and cannot achieve the claimed charging effect; some have safety risks such as heat generation and deflagration, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety. According to relevant industry data, our country is not only the world’s largest producer of mobile power supplies, but also the largest consumer market. Since 2020, shipments have remained at about 100 million units. With the continuous popularization of mobile power supplies, safety accidents caused by mobile power supplies have occurred all over the country.

At the end of May this year, on Line 7 of the Beijing Subway, the mobile power supply in a passenger’s satchel suddenly exploded, and a large amount of smoke instantly filled the entire carriage. Fortunately, due to the timely handling of the staff, the accident did not cause casualties.

Also in May this year, in a parking lot in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, the mobile power supply left in the car also exploded. The center console inside the car was badly damaged, and there were traces of bursting in the front windshield.

In early January this year, a self-built house in Guiping, Guangxi Province, burst into flames in the early morning, and a family of four died tragically. According to a warning article issued by the fire department, "After preliminary investigation, the cause of the fire was a short circuit of the mobile power supply, which caused the fire. The on-site inspection found that the mobile power supply was suspected to be counterfeit and shoddy products."

Industry experts say that poor quality or improper use of mobile power supplies can lead to safety accidents, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety.

5 batches of mobile power supply overcharging test failure can cause fire and explosion

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

It generally takes a few hours or even longer for the mobile power supply to be fully charged. If you forget to unplug the power supply, you may also charge it all day and night. This situation is called charging. During this national supervision and spot inspection, it was found that 5 batches of mobile power supplies failed the charging test.

According to the testing engineer, during daily use, a mobile power supply may forget to unplug the power supply for a long time to charge, which requires that the internal battery quality of the mobile power supply must be reliable enough. Even if the circuit is damaged during overcharging, there should be no risk of fire or explosion.

Some mobile power internal battery in the test process suddenly deflagration, a lot of smoke. After the test of these unqualified mobile power batteries were burned.

After testing, 5 batches of mobile power overcharging items failed this time. They are:

Shenzhen Jinyu Dongfang Industrial Co., Ltd. produces the Yuanqi Mengmeng mobile power supply of Tmall Lofte flagship store

Dongguan Yubo Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. produces Yubo mobile power supply for Vipshop Yubo Digital Sale Flagship Store

Shenzhen Yanbu Technology Co., Ltd. produces super flash charging (mobile power supply) for Tmall eara flagship store.

Shenzhen Yimo Technology Co., Ltd. produces the LeTV super mobile power supply of Pinduoduo LeTV Yandian store

Yuantu Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. produces the Starry Sky Hand Warmer of Tmall Tianxiang Chuangwu Flagship Store

According to the testing engineer, poor battery quality is often one of the main reasons for the failure of the overcharge index.

If the shell quality is not up to standard, in the event of a bump or drop, the internal circuit and battery of the mobile power supply cannot be effectively protected, causing problems such as short circuit and battery leakage, which may also lead to safety accidents such as fire and deflagration.

For unqualified products found in supervision and spot checks, the General Administration of Market Supervision requires local market supervision bureaus to urge e-commerce platforms to immediately remove them from the shelves, and at the same time take measures such as seizure and seizure in accordance with the law to strictly prohibit the production and sales of enterprises. For unqualified enterprises, further clarify the rectification requirements, strictly supervise the implementation of rectification measures, and organize timely review.

Ministry of Transport: The average daily usage of online car-hailing in 2019 exceeded 20 million

Webmaster’s Home ( December 22, news:At today’s press conference of the State Council Information Office, the Ministry of Transport announced data that in 2019, the whole society completed 17.60 billion passengers and 46.20 billion tons of freight, with an average of 48.22 million passengers and 127 million tons of goods in transit every day.

In addition, in 2019, online car-hailing covered more than 400 cities across the country, and the average daily usage of the platform exceeded 20 million. The average daily usage of shared bicycles is about 45 million. The express business volume has completed 63.50 billion pieces, with an average annual growth of 39.1% in the past 10 years. The business volume has jumped to the first place in the world, equivalent to about 174 million pieces of express delivery every day.

This year, the China Intelligent Transportation Association and the Ministry of Transport have also released data on shared bicycles and online car-hailing.

On September 18, the China Intelligent Transportation Association announced data that the national bus card users have approached 500 million, the vehicle and mobile phone navigation users have exceeded 700 million, and the registered users of shared bicycles have exceeded 400 million.

On October 12, the Ministry of Transport announced data that as of now, the average daily order volume of online car-hailing has reached more than 21 million orders. At present, there are 1.39 million cruise taxis across the country, and the daily passenger volume is nearly 100 million.

In addition,December 17th.The Ministry of Transport once again released data saying,As of November 30, 2020, a total of 210 online car-hailing platform companies across the country have obtained the operating license of the online car-hailing platform, and a total of 2.719 million online car-hailing driver licenses and 1.111 million vehicle transportation licenses have been issued in various places. In November 2020, the online car-hailing regulatory information exchange platform received a total of 660 million orders. Among them, there were 8 online car-hailing platforms with a total of more than 1 million orders in the month, namely Enjoy Road Travel, T3 Travel, Cao Cao Travel, Shouqi Car-hailing, Didi Chuxing, Meituan Taxi, Wanshun Taxi, Hua Xiaozhu Travel.


Li Dong, Consul General in Adelaide, Meets with Chairperson of China Energy Construction International Construction Group

On November 15, 2023, Consul General Li Dong in Adelaide met with Lu Zexiang, Chairperson of China Energy Construction International Construction Group, and his party at the Consulate General.

Chairperson Lv Zexiang introduced the overall layout of China Energy Construction’s overseas business, the development of projects in Australia and the next plan. Consul General Li welcomed Chairperson Lv to lead entrepreneurs to visit South Australia, saying that when the Supreme Leader met with Australian Prime Minister Albanese in Beijing not long ago, he guided the development of China-Australia cooperative relations. The Consulate General in Adelaide actively supports Chinese enterprises to conduct business in South Australia. It is hoped that China Energy Construction International Construction Group will base on its own advantages and actively explore and promote practical cooperation with South Australia in energy development, especially in the field of clean energy.

Hengda Automobile announced that Hengchi 5 will be mass-produced and delivered next month, and the stock will continue to be suspended

Wu Shuying, 21st Century Business Herald reporter, reporting from Guangzhou

On September 16, 2022, Hengda Automobile announced that the Hengchi 5 would be mass-produced at the Tianjin plant on September 16, 2022 and would be delivered in October 2022.

In the announcement, Hengda Automobile said that it will accelerate the development and mass production of other models, and strive to build a national automobile brand with world-leading core technology and world-class product quality.

In a subsequent article published by Hengchi’s official account, Hengchi Automobile said that it has established the concept of "gathering global wisdom and building a national brand", and strives to achieve the goal of world-leading core technology and world-class product quality.

In order to achieve this goal, Hengchi Automobile pointed out that it has tried every means to introduce more than 2,000 international top scientific research talents, established the Global Research Institute and the Global Battery Research Institute, and carried out R & D work simultaneously in China, Sweden, South Korea, Japan and other places. Adopting a global integrated R & D model, introducing international advanced technology, and jointly developing models with the world’s top leaders such as Magna and EDAC.

According to Hengchi Automobile, it currently has world-leading core technologies in the fields of vehicle manufacturing, chassis architecture, intelligent networking, power batteries, and autonomous driving.

In terms of the automotive research and development schedule, Hengchi said that it will accelerate the development and mass production of other models. Hengchi 6 will be launched at the end of this year and mass-produced in the first half of next year. Hengchi 7 will be launched in the first half of next year and mass-produced in the second half of next year. At the same time, we will accelerate the research and development progress of Hengchi 1 and Hengchi 3, and make every effort to build a national automobile brand with world-leading core technology and world-class product quality.

Hengchi Auto’s mass-produced model, Hengchi 5, will start pre-sale at 20:00 on July 6, 2022. On July 30, 2022, Hengchi Auto announced that the cumulative pre-sale order of Hengchi 5 has exceeded 37,000.

Hengchi 5 "innovated" the sales method. According to the sales plan of Hengchi 5, the first 10,000 cars will be given a large profit, and the car will be paid at the time of delivery, and the car can be returned and refunded within 15 days after pickup. All car purchase payments and refunds are in the special account of the notary office.

At the same time as the mass production announcement of Hengchi 5, Hengda also announced the progress of its resumption of trading.

Evergrande Motor is required to publish its 2022 interim results on or before August 31, 2022, while the relevant audit and review work is still in progress. Evergrande Motor said that after the relevant procedures are completed, it will release the 2021 audited annual results and 2022 interim results as soon as practicable.

Evergrande said it would continue to inform the market of all important information in due course. Evergrande has been suspended since April 1, 2022 and has not resumed trading.

Geely Xingyue L will become the world’s first L4 AVP mass-produced fuel vehicle with 1km parking problem.

Xingyue L relies on the (cross-domain) centralized electrical functional architecture first carried by the "CMA Super Matrix" architecture, and realizes cross-domain high-speed calculation and highly integrated collaborative management of functional domains such as power control, intelligent driving control, chassis control and cloud collaboration with the help of the vehicle core super domain controller, making the automatic driving control management more centralized, agile, reliable and safer!

It is reported that the Xingyue L 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking system is equipped with the world’s first super-domain controller of Texas Instruments and a super-sensing system consisting of 24 sensors covering the whole vehicle, which can calculate the dynamic and static obstacles such as roads, pedestrians, road signs and roadblocks online, and the intelligence exceeds the industry models, bringing users a safe, reliable, worry-free and convenient parking experience. As the first automobile enterprise in the industry to mass-produce this high-level autonomous driving technology, Geely Automobile has demonstrated its strong technical strength.

Demonstrate the powerful strength of technology Geely 4.0 Geely 5G-AVP will realize parking freedom.

Driving and parking in the city has always been a difficult problem. With the continuous increase of car ownership, "difficulty in parking and picking up cars" has become the second biggest pain point after "traffic jam". In order to solve this problem, most car companies are working on automatic parking technology. From the initial ultrasonic radar, reversing image assisted parking, to APA automatic parking using multiple sensors, and then to RPA remote parking technology carried by some new models. As the spokesperson of the powerful strength and the latest technology of Geely 4.0, Xingyue L, combined with the development of the previous stages, has surpassed RPA remote parking technology in its automatic parking technology. At present, it has reached the unmanned parking technology of 5G-AVP 1km, and will explore to enter the parking service stage of AVP intelligent cloud map in the future.

The world’s first 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology, Xingyue L, can currently complete powerful functions such as 100% unmanned driving, obstacle avoidance, intelligent parking space search, autonomous parking and parking within 200 meters round-trip distance through vehicle self-learning. In scenes with fixed parking spaces such as home and office, the vehicle only needs to complete route learning once, and the user can get off the bus in advance, and the vehicle can find the parking space independently to complete parking. When picking up the car, the mobile phone also calls the vehicle to automatically drive to the user’s location, which completely liberates the user from repeated parking.

According to Geely technicians, Xingyue L’s 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology will realize full-scene parking in the underground parking lot, and vehicles will automatically travel to any location. When the user goes out to pick up the car, he can remotely call Xingyue L by tAPPing the mobile phone app, and the car can automatically start, park out and drive to the set pick-up point. When parking after work, the driver can get off early when driving within the automatic parking map. Xingyue L will automatically drive and search for parking spaces, avoid obstacles on the way, and lock the parking spaces, which can realize automatic parking of different parking spaces such as vertical and parallel. After the parking is successful, Xingyue L will automatically take photos and accept the inspection of users. This technology does not need the driver’s participation in the whole process, which truly realizes the complete automatic driving, helps users solve the parking problem and greatly facilitates the user’s experience.

Xingyue L 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking system has 360TOPS+8TOPS overspeed computing power through the high-speed and low-speed fusion algorithm of 24 sensing elements including 12 ultrasonic radars, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 7 high-definition cameras, and can calculate road information and dynamic and static obstacles in real time, and realize L4-class unmanned driving technology in some scenes and working conditions. According to relevant comparative tests, the unmanned parking technology of 5G-AVP 1km of Xingyue L is superior to the new power star model Tesla Model Y in terms of the farthest control distance and parking function, which greatly subverts the aura of "idol" and reshapes the market’s cognition of China brand high-end SUV.

Evolvable Xingyue L with FOTA upgrade will realize L4 AVP driverless technology.

Geely Automobile is one of the first automobile enterprises to obtain the license of intelligent networked automobile test in the Yangtze River Delta. It has accumulated rich technology and experience in the field of automatic driving. It not only took the lead in popularizing L2 intelligent driving assistance system to its vehicles, but also became the first China brand to realize the full-scale mass production of L2 intelligent driving technology. Moreover, the allocation rate and market share of newly-produced L2 intelligent driving vehicles in the industry reached the first place, benefiting the intelligent travel life of millions of users.

In the completely unmanned scene, absolute accurate positioning and low delay are needed to ensure driving safety, which requires high-precision maps to reach centimeter level. In recent years, Geely has comprehensively laid out the field of commercial satellites, consolidating the underground structure of the integration of heaven and earth. With the formation of Geely’s low-orbit satellite layout, the navigation accuracy will be improved to centimeter level, providing systematic positioning services for future high-level intelligent driving. This time, the 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology carried by Xingyue L is an overall improvement of Geely brand parking technology. In addition, with the FOTA upgrade and evolution of the whole vehicle with full functional domain, it is believed that the parking service function of AVP intelligent cloud image will be realized soon.

As the new flagship of SUV under the CMA framework of Geely Automobile, Xingyue L will be the first safe and intelligent fuel vehicle to reach L4 level, breaking the boundary between old and new forces and opening a new stage of intelligent driving, and its subversive strength is increasingly expected. In the future when 5G, sensor technology and infrastructure become more mature, cars will be smarter. Xingyue L, which is homologous to the whole world and can be upgraded and evolved by FOTA, will surely promote the further improvement of driverless technology, and continuously evolve in the direction of automation, bringing more, higher, faster and stronger cutting-edge intelligent technologies to the people, which is bound to detonate the new trend in the mainstream market.

Concerts across the country have set off a craze, how to make star traffic a city retention

  The weather is getting cooler, and the concerts are still hot. Since the beginning of this year, Mayday, Liu Ruoying, Liang Jingru, Wu Bai, Ren Xianqi, TFboys and other celebrities have started singing in Chongqing, setting off waves of craze. Looking across the country, "Go to a city for a concert" "Spend 500 to buy Wu Bai’s tickets and sing 500 to Wu Bai" and other hot searches have emerged one after another. Next, there are many concerts to be sung, and some venues have been scheduled until 2025…

  Behind the explosion of the concert is healing, feelings, and the chemical reaction brought about by the release of long-suppressed demand, but with it, there are also chaos such as "unable to grab tickets", "strong real-name system out of shape", "poor singer condition", "fans shouting refund tickets on the spot". What new changes have emerged behind the popularity? When the concert fever enters the second half, how can the traffic become the "retention" of the city?

  From chasing stars to pursuing "healing" concerts into a collective carnival

  "I can’t grab it, I can’t grab it at all." This past weekend, Wu Bai started singing in Chongqing. Citizen Hu Lisa is an old fan of Wu Bai and especially wants to participate in the "chorus". Unfortunately, she didn’t get tickets for both games. No matter how many strategies she did before, such as turning off all the programs on her mobile phone and finding the place with the best signal, there were too many people grabbing tickets. "Instead, it was my friend, a passerby fan who got it."

  More and more "passersby fans" are entering the concert scene, which is a new phenomenon this year. They often don’t chase stars, just to enjoy the atmosphere. "I haven’t seen a concert for three years. This time at the door of my house, I have to arrange it no matter what, and focus on a happy one." After watching the Mayday concert, Chongqing audience Chen Han hurriedly sent a set of photos to Moments, and the happy trip ended successfully.

  Zheng Xiaolin, a Guangzhou-based spectator, has seen three concerts a month. "It’s really relieving," she said. When she walked into the venue, she saw the crowd dressed up to watch the concert and the smiles on everyone’s faces, she felt "the moment is so good" and instantly forgot all troubles. At the scene, there will also be a certain lyric that makes her chest feel like it was hit, "the resonance is especially strong."

  Happiness and healing have become high-frequency words for watching concerts. The crowd at concerts can bring a short-term emotional release, and even if they are not chasing stars, people can get healing here. To a certain extent, watching concerts has gradually changed from an internal carnival of fan groups to a collective carnival of public participation.

  In this regard, Yang Yongfeng, an associate professor at the School of Geography and Tourism of Chongqing Normal University, explained: This is the inevitable result of the concentrated release of market demand for large-scale cultural and entertainment activities after the three-year epidemic. "Previously, people were confined to a small family or unit space, and they had a thirst for inner emotions and group connections, and they needed a leisure method similar to a concert to release and resolve."

  The market has also captured this mentality of the public. Since the beginning of this year, performance venues across the country have increased the number of performances to "seamless". Take the Mayday Chongqing concert as an example. From September 22 to 24, the Chongqing Olympic Sports Center held three consecutive days and three consecutive games, 120,000 fans flocked to the venues. "After mastering the audience’s love for concerts, the performers have more confidence. It is normal to have dense performances." Yang Yongfeng said that this is the law of the market economy and the need for economic and social development.

  The audience called out "rollover scene"

  The concert has frequent negative reviews

  At the same time as the popularity, there have also been some chaos. Since the second half of the year, many negative news and comments about the concert have been trending. For example, the TFboys Xi’an concert saw a phenomenon of "scalpers" hyping ticket prices. Shortly after the official announcement, the first row of tickets was fried to tens of thousands of yuan. On the day of the concert, there were also conflicts between fan groups over the competition for the support venue.

  Yang Yongfeng believes that there is a disorder in the ticket management of many concerts, and the emergence of "scalpers" not only damages the rights and interests of consumers, but also directly causes market chaos. Most of the concert audiences are young people, and everyone’s safety awareness is relatively lacking. Emotions are easy to get excited, coupled with the imperfect security mechanism of the organizers, unclear rights and responsibilities, etc., which can easily make the scene lose control.

  On the other hand, the quality of some concerts has aroused doubts among netizens. At Liang Jingru’s concert in Nanjing, more than one audience member reported encountering "pillar tickets" and the location was occupied; at the Chengdu concert, Xue Zhiqian had to stop halfway due to fever and tonsillitis; Miriam Yang’s Xiamen concert, the 580 yuan ticket seats were so dirty that fans did not dare to sit; Jay Chou’s Tianjin concert was suspected of being trapped in props for 20 minutes; at the Hainan "Diva Night" concert, the audience complained that "the song could not be heard clearly and the sound effect was poor"… In this regard, Yang Yongfeng said that there were many performances, heavy tasks, and after the high-intensity "special forces" performance, the singer would inevitably be in poor condition; the organizers blindly pursued economic interests or the pursuit of scenes, lacked control over the status of the guests, and ignored the audience’s feelings; The equipment was not well maintained, the seating arrangement was unreasonable, and the effect was also reduced. If a concert with the selling point of "star effect + live experience" finally brought such an experience to everyone, it would only consume everyone’s enthusiasm and chill the fans.

  Go to a city for a concert

  How to turn traffic into city "retention"

  Although there are a series of practical problems, it has to be admitted that the intensive holding of concerts has brought real popularity and consumption power to the city.

  According to the China Performing Arts Association’s observation of the first quarter of this year, one of the new trends in concert ticket sales is that the proportion of consumers who buy tickets to watch performances across cities has increased significantly, with an average cross-city viewing rate exceeding 50%. Industry insiders believe that compared with simple tourism, concerts attract more "gold content". The data also confirms this – before and after the Mayday Chongqing concert, the number of views of Chongqing hotels, restaurants, etc. rose rapidly, and it was difficult to find a room in the hotels around the Olympic Sports Center; TFboys Xi’an concert ticket revenue was 35.76 million yuan, which directly drove 416 million yuan in tourism revenue; data shows that on October 12, Jay Chou’s Shanghai concert, the day-on-day ratio of Shanghai supper takeout increased by 24%. " Concerts are comprehensive activities that integrate culture, entertainment, and economy. They have a strong’spillover effect ‘. Not only can they bring in considerable ticket revenue, but they can also gather a large number of passengers in a short period of time, driving the development of transportation, accommodation, catering, tourism, and other industries.

  It is understood that in July this year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued "Measures for Restoration and Expansion of Consumption", which mentioned that it is necessary to promote entertainment and sports exhibition consumption. The countdown will start in 2023, but the popularity of concerts continues. According to Barley Network data, 129,000 people marked Li Ronghao’s Chongqing concert "want to see", Zhang Huimei’s Chongqing concert reached 271,000 people, Eason Chan’s Chengdu concert 743,000 people were hot to grab, and some popular performance venues have been scheduled to 2025.

  How can the concert develop in a healthy and orderly manner next, and truly turn the traffic into the city’s "retention"? The first priority is to ensure safety. Yang Yongfeng said that local governments should make advance predictions and responses to problems that may affect safety and stability. The police, enterprises, and the police and the public work closely together to truly establish institutional safety management measures to effectively detect, prevent and reduce hidden dangers from the source.

  Secondly, organizers should strengthen ticketing management. Yang Yongfeng suggested that large-scale concerts implement a real-name ticket purchase and real-name admission system, and establish a refund mechanism. It is also necessary to plug policy loopholes, squeeze the space for "scalpers" to speculate on tickets, and make "strong real names" real and real, so as to truly solve the problem of concert ticket buying. Guide the fan group to establish correct values and cultivate a healthy star-chasing culture.

  "After this wave of fast-paced and hot topics, the concert market will gradually stabilize." Yang Yongfeng believes that in the future, concerts should combine local characteristics to promote the integrated development of "people’s livelihood + cultural performance + industry", expand and strengthen the concert industry chain, and extend the huge flow of people it brings to the entire cultural tourism consumption chain such as scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, and shopping, so as to fully release the "spillover effect" of the concert economy.

Changan once again empowered Avita to cooperate with Huawei, and Avita became a big winner

  Recently, Changan Automobile and Huawei signed an "Investment Cooperation Memorandum" in Shenzhen. Xu Zhijun, chairperson of Huawei, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei and chairperson of BU Intelligent Vehicle Solutions, and Zhu Huarong, chairperson of Changan Automobile, attended the event. According to industry analysts, the cooperation between the two parties will further release technological benefits for the domestic automotive industry, and Avita, as a smart model jointly built by the two parties, may enjoy priority to empower.

  After all, the reason why Avita, as an emerging smart car brand, can quickly make a name for itself in the domestic market is inseparable from Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times, which respectively empower Avita Technology in the fields of vehicle research and development, smart car solutions, and smart energy ecology. Take Avita’s two flagship models as an example, Avita 11 is fully equipped with HI Huawei full-stack smart car solutions, and with strong strength, it has become the world’s first car brand to reach Mount Everest with intelligent driving. The subsequent iteration of Avita 12 is a new benchmark for global luxury smart electric vehicles.

  According to the official data released by Avita, in November this year, Avita 11 delivered a total of 4,080 units, and at the same time, sales are also steadily increasing. And Avita 12, which went on sale on November 10, orders exceeded 20,000 units in November, and mass deliveries are about to start. At the same time, Avita launched its two flagship models in the Thai market to show overseas fans the charm of China’s intelligent luxury, and its overseas strategy is steadily advancing.

  From the "Memorandum of Investment Cooperation" signed by Changan Automobile and Huawei in Shenzhen, Huawei plans to integrate the core technologies and resources of the smart car solutions business into the new company. Changan Automobile and related parties will intend to invest in the company and jointly support the company’s future development with Huawei. The new company of Huawei’s car BU business will continue to serve customers with high quality, and work with partners to promote the innovation and leadership of smart car technology and promote the prosperity and development of the automotive industry.

  From the perspective of the shareholding structure of the new Huawei Car BU company, Changan Automobile, as the only shareholder at present, has a relatively large say in the new company. Furthermore, based on the previous experience in building the Avita brand, the deep coordination and strategic cooperation between Changan Automobile and Huawei this time will be a further innovation and sublimation of the CHN model. Next, the new Huawei Car BU company is likely to tilt more core technologies to Avita, help its existing models OTA upgrade, and empower new smart driving models.

  Next, Avita will use the technology of Changan Automobile and Huawei to create a more user-friendly smart travel experience for the majority of users, and at the same time set an example to show the world the smart driving strength of China’s own brands.