Wildlife parks frequently expose tourists’ illegal lessons. Why are they repeatedly banned?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 26 (Shang Qi) Recently, the Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, where the "tiger bites" incident happened, exposed two incidents of tourists violating regulations. On the one hand, the park repeatedly emphasizes the requirements for tourists to visit, and on the other hand, the dangerous incidents of tourists are constantly exposed. Why are the illegal incidents of tourists in the wildlife park still repeatedly banned after experiencing the "blood lesson"?

  On the afternoon of July 22, 2017, in the Northeast Tiger Park of Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, children repeatedly leaned out of the roof window, almost revealing half of their bodies. Photo courtesy of the event exposer

  Badaling Zoo has repeatedly had tourists open windows and feed illegally?

  The garden confirmed!

  On July 23, 2016, a tiger wounding incident occurred in Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, causing one death and one injury. After the investigation by the Yanqing District Government of Beijing, the result was clear. The victim Zhao did not abide by the "no getting off the bus" rule in the beast area and was injured by a tiger attack. Her mother was eager to save her daughter, did not comply with the regulations and got off the bus. She was attacked by a tiger and died. This incident is not a production safety responsibility accident.

  Just one year after this tragedy, on July 23 this year, many media reported that on the morning of July 22, in Malai Bear Park, Badaling Wildlife World, some netizens photographed tourists being caught by bears for feeding bears. Also on the 22nd, in the Northeast Tiger Park, two children repeatedly leaned out of the skylight of the car, and one of them almost showed half of his body.

  On July 25, the park confirmed to the reporter of Zhongxin. com that these two incidents did occur and were immediately discovered and stopped by patrol cars in the park. The two incidents lasted for a short time and did not cause personal injury or vehicle damage.

  At present, it is the peak season of summer tour. Liu Weishi, director of the Badaling Wildlife World Office in Beijing, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the garden has sent more people, increased the inspection density, and added more security personnel. Specifically, each park has added a patrol car.

  In recent years, tourists’ violations in zoos have occurred frequently. According to media reports, in June this year, three tourists crossed the back mountain of Changsha Wildlife Park in order to avoid tickets, and as a result, they strayed into the tiger stocking area. Fortunately, no casualties were caused. At the beginning of this year, in Youngor Zoo in Ningbo, a man climbed over the fence and entered the activity area of Hushan. He was found by a tiger and killed.

  Some people think that although there are always "blood lessons", in reality, people who are lucky are still courageously rushing forward, bumping into the common sense and conscience of Chinese people again and again. This also shows that it is necessary for China society to further strengthen the awareness of rules and put an end to any form of "exception", "outside the law" and "outside the norm".

  Data Map: On the morning of March 19, 2017, in Badaling Wildlife Park, tourists got off at the Beast Area. Photo courtesy of the reporter

  Guarding tourists like minors?

  In view of the personal safety accidents in the zoo, laws and regulations have always been clearly defined. Article 81 of the Tort Liability Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that "if animals in the zoo cause damage to others, the zoo shall bear the tort liability, but those who can prove that they have fulfilled their management duties shall not bear the responsibility."

  Zhu Weiri, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, explained in an interview with Zhongxin.com that this means that if the zoo can prove that it is not at fault for the damage results, it will not be responsible, which is stipulated by law.

  In addition, the Tort Liability Law also requires that managers of hotels, shopping malls, banks, stations, entertainment places and other public places or organizers of mass activities should bear tort liability if they fail to fulfill their security obligations and cause damage to others. If the manager or organizer fails to fulfill the obligation of safety guarantee, he shall bear corresponding supplementary responsibilities.

  "What is the standard of security obligations? Is it like an adult’s guardianship over a minor? I’m afraid not. " An Xiang, director of Beijing Dexiang Law Firm, who participated in the compilation of the Collection of Current Animal Protection Laws in China, told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that in a judicial interpretation on personal injury compensation issued earlier years, "the obligation of safety protection within reasonable limits" was clarified.

  "Take the safari park as an example. First of all, we must set the tourists as people with full capacity, and not in a state of mental abnormality, lack of judgment and discrimination." An Xiang explained that if he is a person with full capacity, he should have a kind of self-knowledge about the danger of wild animals by default. On the basis of this self-knowledge, as a zoo, visitors should be made clear by signs, tips and other measures. In which area of the zoo, if you open the window and get off, your life will be in danger.

  An Xiang said that if tourists don’t carry out sightseeing activities according to the common sense of people with full capacity, it is similar to suicide and self-mutilation. This kind of behavior is not unilaterally asking the garden to stop it.

  "Is it necessary to monitor all tourists in the way of monitoring minors?" An Xiang asked, he said, if this is the case, for the vast majority of normal tourists, will the tour experience drop to a very low level, and will the operation of the whole society be lowered by IQ and efficiency?

  The zoo has a power grid. Who lives in it?

  Although the awareness of self-safety should be the common sense of tourists in the face of wild animals, and obeying the rules should also reflect the quality of human civilization, it is also indispensable to improve industry norms and better protect the safety of tourists.

  According to media reports, china wildlife conservation association presided over the drafting of the "Wildlife Park Safety Code" in 2005, which stipulated that special personnel should be set up in the animal stocking area to maintain the order of sightseeing; To avoid direct contact between tourists and potentially dangerous animals, we should set up power grid devices to prevent animals from escaping in fierce animal stocking areas, and comprehensively check the cages, fences, protective nets, trenches, door locks and power grids of fierce animals every day.

  Just after the tiger wounding incident in Badaling Wildlife World last year, the Northeast Tiger Park of the zoo added a power grid and a warning sign "No getting off the bus" at the exit gate, but it still failed to completely prevent the above-mentioned incidents of illegal window opening by tourists.

  Zhu Wei, who has visited the zoo many times, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the power grid installed in Badaling Wildlife World is particularly thin. With the power grid, the effect of safety warning is even worse. "Some people are not afraid after knowing that there is a power grid. Some people even get off the bus and open the window because they think that the power grid can block the tiger."

  An Xiang believes that the current laws and regulations are sufficient to deal with the safety accidents in zoos. If similar incidents become more and more common, the quality of tourists is getting worse and worse, and people should be more restricted than animals when they have to take certain measures.

  Regarding the restrictions on people, An Xiang told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that it is a way to establish a "blacklist" of zoo visits similar to the social credit system.

  "The zoo can operate on its own. Whether it is signing a notice or an agreement, it has certain legal effect in essence. A statement can be added to the notice, stating that if a tourist violates relevant regulations, the garden has the right to refuse his car, including visitors, to enter the zoo for sightseeing. Such a blacklist can be made by the garden. "

  However, Liu Weishi told reporters frankly that he would not consider setting up a "blacklist" for the time being. "If you blacklist tourists, they may not cooperate with you. Although some tourists violate the rules, they are still consumers. We have no right to ask them not to come in the future. This will be complained."

  An Xiang said that another way is that the zoo can make a "blacklist" from the perspective of protecting animals and maintaining normal visiting order, realize information exchange through animal protection related associations, and include unruly tourists into the "blacklist" of the entire zoo management system.

  Extension — —

  Should the safari park go on road trip be cancelled?

  Whether you open the window or get off the bus while driving, or you are bitten by a tiger for ticket evasion, the last victims are not only people themselves, but also animals that conflict with them. The phenomenon that the tiger is "innocent" and the peacock is plucked from its feathers can’t help but make some netizens wonder whether the form of self-driving tour should be cancelled for the protection of wild animals.

  Xie Yan, an associate researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with Zhongxin.com that wild zoos in foreign countries, especially in Africa, belong to in-situ protection, which is equivalent to a wildlife refuge in protected areas. It is the natural survival of local species in the local natural environment, which not only attracts a large number of tourists, but also really plays the role of protecting wild animals.

  "But some safari parks in China raise all kinds of wild animals and put them in a closed environment for people to watch. Instead of protecting wild animals, they consume wild animals." Xie Yan said.

  Nevertheless, An Xiang, who has been engaged in legal consultation in the field of animal protection for many years, believes that one of the social functions of the zoo is to give the public an opportunity to get in touch with wild animals, and the irrational behavior of a few people should not stifle the value of the existence of the wild zoo go on road trip. (End)

TT voice, after becoming social software, is on the verge of danger.

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This generation of young people have long been unable to integrate into the social process of "eating and drinking mahjong KTV" of their parents, but in reality, they are limited by time and space and cannot expand their social circle. They establish contact with strangers outside the life and work circle through online games and thus have emotional connections. Games have become the social currency of a new generation of young people.

Mobile games and e-sports have long been popular in the streets. At the moment of winning the championship, the popularity in bilibili live broadcast room has reached more than 400 million, and the popularity of Tiger Tooth live broadcast has reached more than 300 million. Judging from the popularity of its various online platforms, e-sports live broadcast has long been a national entertainment activity.

The market scale of the game has derived the social demand of the game, and the upcoming TT focuses on the social voice of the game, thus harvesting 100 million users. However, under the precedent of many social platforms that died of social atmosphere, 90% of users are TT voices after 95 s and 00 s, but people have to worry, can game-based socialization go on healthily?

From game voice to social tools

At first, TT voice was just a voice tool.

In 2012, the mobile game industry in China began to enter an explosive period, and a large number of game practitioners rushed into the game content production industry in an attempt to create an explosive game. However, at that time, most games were still in the initial stage, and there was no perfect voice communication system, but the need for players to communicate in time was very urgent.

Based on this, Fun Pill Network chose to start from the game voice tool. In 2014, TT voice became an instant hit. In the first year, the number of registered users exceeded 3 million, and the number of online users exceeded 60,000. In one year, the running water exceeded 100 million yuan.

However, it is difficult for tool apps to achieve considerable revenue. Moreover, after 2016, more and more games that need to be "blacked out" have added built-in instant voice systems, and the core business of TT voice has been impacted, not only because the ceiling is too low, but also because the tools themselves have become chicken ribs.

"Blackout" in the game itself is a social way, therefore, social transformation has become the easiest path for TT voice to cut in. In 2018, TT voice gradually added live voice, expanded chat, pia drama, dynamics and other kinetic energy, which was deeply tied with explosive mobile games such as the glory of the king and Peace Elite, enabling gamers to directly perform voice hacking, teaming up, scoring and other operations within TT voice, broadening the use scenarios of TT voice, and the average online market for daily users exceeded two hours.

In the field of game socialization, TT voice can be regarded as a deep-rooted player. For example, in finding a playmate, the glory of the king’s matching mechanism does not allow too much difference between segments. Many players find it difficult to match the right teammates and opponents with the same segment because the segment is too high or too low, but TT Voice can find the right playmate with the same segment based on the game and gender, so as to recognize gamers who have the same topic cognition.

In fact, not only mobile games like the glory of the king Peace Elite have voice social needs, but other games also have voice social needs, but many minority games have no funds and strength to add voice built-in and social channels. The "quick matching" of the "black channel" on TT voice homepage not only covers high-heat mobile games such as the glory of the player, the peaceful elite, the call of duty, the fifth personality, but also covers leisure and educational games such as light encounter, gobang, you draw and guess, which makes TT voice not a vassal of a certain game, but the best playmate of the game, and can inject fresh blood into the platform while stabilizing old users.

In addition, TT voice is not only satisfied with finding suitable game playmates for players, but also based on user interest tags and other information, using system algorithms to gather people with similar interests in the virtual room voice room by distributing playmates, finding radar and other functions, and sharing audio, video, pictures and other contents in real time to achieve the purpose of making friends. In addition to "playing in black", TT voice also opened content sections such as finding playmates and entertainment.

Judging from these functions, TT voice is not only a tool, but also a social ecology based on games, which meets all the online entertainment and leisure needs of this generation of young people.

Therefore, TT voice also has a living space outside the game content. According to publicly disclosed data, the unique TT voice has accumulated more than 100 million users by 2020, an increase of more than 80% from the previous month. In addition, the platform MAU reached 20 million, of which the post-95 s, that is, Z generation users accounted for as high as 90%.

During the first half of 2021, users spend about 158 minutes in TT voice chat rooms every day, and users initiate more than 850,000 voice chat rooms every day, an increase of 45.6% compared with the same period in 2020.

Sullivan pointed out in the report that TT voice has become the largest mobile voice social platform and the largest player-centered mobile social platform in China according to monthly users and income data.

The ceiling is too low and it is too difficult to grow.

According to the data of China Game Industry Report 2020 released by China Game Industry Research Institute, the number of game users in China will reach 665 million in 2020, with a year-on-year increase of 3.7%. In other words, there is one TT voice user in every six e-sports players.

However, it is worth noting that TT voice is actually known outside the deep e-sports players. Because almost every popular game has its own social function, players can achieve basic needs such as communication and team formation in the game. With the improvement of the voice communication system of the game itself, the chances of players opening the voice-assisted APP are bound to gradually decrease.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that TT voice survives in a crack, and this crack makes it difficult for TT voice to make a breakthrough in market scale.

In addition, there are too many voice social software, and the substitutability of TT voice is very high, not to mention that WeChat QQ can open black communication games in groups, and there are also black-opening software such as YY voice, KK voice and hello voice in the market to compete with it. In contrast, the competitive advantage of TT voice is not clear.

According to the prospectus, in the first half of 2021, the monthly activity of TT voice reached 16.2 million. Compared with the social products such as Gathering Times and Momo, the number of monthly users of less than 20 million is not large enough.

The ceiling is too low, the loyalty is not enough, and the user payment rate is also very low. According to the data in the prospectus, the monthly living payment rates from 2018 to 2020 were 7.3%, 7.1% and 5.3% respectively, and even fell to 5.1% in the first half of 2021, the lowest level in history.

In addition, the target users of TT voice are the post-95 s and post-00 s under the age of 24, but this young group has limited spending power and it is difficult to promote more consumption.

Moreover, the acquisition cost of TT voice is not low. According to the prospectus, in 2020 and the first half of 2021, the network and marketing expenses of Fun Pill Network increased by 123.06% and 120.88% year-on-year, both higher than the revenue growth in the same period and higher than the growth rate of paying users.

In addition, as an auxiliary tool APP, TT voice also needs to solve the problem of user retention. At the beginning, TT voice can be downloaded because of the formation of playmates, but after a short period of acquaintance and pairing, playmates who form fixed friends often develop into daily communication software such as WeChat /QQ for voice, dialogue, making friends, opening black and other activities.

As far as social tools are concerned, most of WeChat and QQ are bound with offline real social information, so the probability of users uninstalling software and accounts is very low, but only a small social APP with Internet strangers’ "friends", which leads to a higher probability of uninstalling software and accounts because of the low maintenance cost, making it difficult for users to really keep them.

In this way, TT voice has become a diversion middleman of WeChat QQ, and it is difficult for users to really stay. In fact, this problem is not only the embarrassment of TT voice, but also the embarrassment that all niche social tools except WeChat QQ are difficult to solve.

Risk involved in gray areas is high.

Almost all Internet companies want to socialize, and Ma Yun’s Alipay is no exception. However, social functions are easy to build in, but it is extremely difficult to make social apps.

In particular, it is indeed the common demand of a new generation of young people to make friends through games, but social interaction based on games can be an interest, but it is also easier to deteriorate.

With the development of Qinglang Action, many accompanying software such as "Bixin", "Little Deer Accompanied Play" and "hello Voice" have been taken off the shelves indefinitely because of illegal activities such as fraud and pornography, and social software accompanying games has become a high-risk zone for juvenile supervision.

Although TT voice has not been removed, it does not mean that it does not have this problem. On the home page of TT voice, the online number of blind date rooms has exceeded that of black-out, party, listening to songs and other rooms.

The content of "edge ball" can be said to be the user’s low quality, but TT voice belongs to the "ignition" in this kind of edge ball socialization, and the official attitude may even imply encouragement. Many users reported that TT voice received an "immediate private chat" automatically matched by the system after the initial download and registration, and the dynamic recommendations were all kinds of speeches and private messages.

Some media reports have pointed out that TT voice has voice rooms named after minors, and some voice rooms have voice contents such as suspected obscenity and abuse, and the report pointed out that the platform did not block these live broadcast rooms during the investigation.

On the black cat complaint platform, the number of complaints about TT voice is as high as 2,705, which is more than two old-fashioned voice software such as Momo YY live broadcast. The complaints include problems such as fraud, inducing minors to pay, and swearing.

There are also public reports this year. A 9-year-old girl from Guangzhou once got to know the suspect Lu Mou after downloading TT voice chat dating platform. Lu Mou gave her a red envelope in the name of giving gifts. Due to lack of judgment, she was cheated for 12,781 yuan.

TT voice expanding social interest content outside the game may encourage dangerous discussions. In the "expanding column" section of TT voice, there are a large number of underage users, and most of them are involved in puppy love, and the situation is extremely serious. The section of "Minors posting to find boyfriends in public" even has a very obvious recommended position in the APP, and even pornographic content shows obvious recommended positions, as well as obscure yellow-related drainage stickers.

Although social software can’t supervise all users’ languages, the target users of TT voice are mainly minors and young students under the age of 25. Are you sure this high-risk social interaction is not playing with fire?

At present, TT voice has no underage review mechanism. After downloading, registration can be completed only by receiving a four-digit verification code from the mobile phone, which means that minors can complete registration without even unlocking their parents’ mobile phones, and can be used to contact all users without their real names or any third-party information.

Judging from its official attitude, although the youth model has also been established, most of the contents under the model are subject education courses. Obviously, there is no active and healthy planning and guidance for the healthy socialization of minors’ interests.

Although the state has issued policies to restrict the related behaviors of minors’ games, the surrounding industries of games also need strict supervision. Whether it is live broadcast or accompanying play, enterprises should actively fulfill their responsibilities to protect young people, and should not lower the lower limit in pursuit of market scale.

Blizzard in March Peach blossom snow, thunder and snow, hot search in Henan when it snows, and the snow is as thick as a quilt. Is this normal?

Since last evening, the temperature in Hangzhou has turned straight down.

At 15 o’clock yesterday, the temperature in Hangzhou was 26.1℃, and at 23 o’clock in the evening, the temperature was only 12.2℃. In just 8 hours, the temperature dropped by nearly 14℃. Today, the lowest temperature in Hangzhou is 11℃. The temperature during the whole day seems to have no heartbeat, and there is almost no fluctuation. By 14 o’clock, the temperature in Hangzhou is only 11.4℃.

Just when Hangzhou people "spit" spring is like the four seasons, many friends said:Not only is the four seasons in Hangzhou chaotic, but it snows heavily in Henan!

With the cold air heading south, rain and snow occurred in parts of Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hubei and other places this morning, and snowfall mainly occurred in southeastern Shaanxi, southwestern Shanxi and western Henan.

This morning, heavy snow fell in Luoyang, Henan, and "Snow in Henan" once rushed to the top of the hot search. In the afternoon, snowflakes floated in Zhengzhou, the provincial capital.

From this morning to this afternoon, the snowfall (turning into water) in Luanchuan, western Henan Province has exceeded 20 mm, reaching the level of heavy snowstorm. The local meteorological observatory has issued a yellow warning signal of snowstorm red warning signal and road icing. The snow is as thick as a quilt, and it is 18 cm at 14: 00, which is rare in March. The local snow record in March is 20 cm (March-April, 1992).

Henan Meteorology said: Under the combined influence of cold air and strong southerly warm and humid airflow, the temperature in many places in Henan plummeted today, and there was a large range of rain and snow. In the morning, Henan Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning of road icing and a blue warning of blizzard.During the day today, some counties and cities in the central and western regions experienced moderate to heavy rain and snow and local snowstorms. As of 16: 00 today, the snowfall in Xin ‘an, Luoyang reached 34.8 mm.

Snow in March is also called "Peach Blossom Snow"When the peach blossoms are in full bloom, the wind blows the petals like snow, and later people call the snowflakes falling with the peach blossoms peach blossom snow.

You know, a week ago, Zhengzhou experienced the "summer" in advance, and the highest temperature exceeded 30℃. A week later, it began to "peach blossom snow" in March, which was really a random crossing of the four seasons.

In addition, from today’s weather phenomenon and lightning monitoring, some areas in Henan province have experienced thunder and snow.

Many netizens feel quite puzzled.It’s March, and it snows at this time, and it can also thunder and snow. Is it abnormal?

According to the analysis of China Weather Network,At this time, it is in the season of alternating cold and warm, and it is normal to snow. In previous years, it snowed in April.Snowfall is mainly caused by the combined influence of warm and humid airflow in the south and the cold air infiltrating from the lower level to the south, and some areas are also caused by topography. For example, in mountainous areas with higher altitude, the temperature is lower, which is prone to snowfall.

As the cold air moves south, rain and snow will also change in some areas, and the snowfall area will spread further south. For example, in Mianchi, Henan Province, it rained from about 5 am today, and it snowed from around 6 am to 10 am. The accumulated snowfall has reached 9 mm.

The phenomenon of "thunder and snow" has also happened in many places.When it snows, because the strong warm and humid airflow meets the strong cold air, the warm and humid air is forced to rise, resulting in strong convection, which creates conditions for the formation of lightning, and the phenomenon of "thunder hitting snow" appears.

Some people say, "It snows in have no martial ethics only after the flowers bloom", while others care.: I wonder if crops will have an impact?

Henan Meteorology said that due to the lack of precipitation in Henan Province in the early stage, the proportion of 0 ~ 10 cm short of moisture monitoring stations reached 55% (note: moisture is an important monitoring indicator of drought, mainly reflecting the situation of soil water content), and the forest fire risk rating was also high.This rain and snow process is very beneficial to improving soil moisture, ensuring wheat growth and reducing forest fire danger.It is expected that the rain and snow will gradually stop in most areas in the middle of the night today, but the cold in spring is still there. In the morning after tomorrow, the temperature in Henan Province will be around 0-5℃, and there will be heavy fog in many places.

Orange persimmon interactive reporter Sun Wei

(Source: Orange Persimmon Interaction)

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Olympic platform: swimming

    Warrior: Wu Peng


    Men RS 200 m butterfly


    11-13 August

    Military exploits:

    Silver medal in 2007 World Championships

    Warrior: Zhang Lin

    Events: Men’s 200m freestyle, 400m freestyle, 1500m freestyle and 4x200m freestyle relay.

    Appearance: August 9-13

    Merit: Men’s 400-meter freestyle ranked seventh in the world this year.

    Warrior: Zhou Yafei

    Events: women’s 100m butterfly and women’s 4x100m medley relay.

    Appearance: August 9-17

    Merit: Women’s 4× 100m medley gold medal in Barcelona Swimming World Championships in 2003.

    Warrior: Qi Hui

    Events: women’s 200m breaststroke and women’s 200m individual medley.

    Appearance: August 13-15

    Merit: Women’s 200m individual medley 2 minutes 12 seconds 61, 11th best result in the world this year.

    Our reporter Li Yuanfei J131

Editor: Huo Junxia

How does "sauna day" pass the advice of meteorologists?

Since August 1st, high temperature and high humidity weather has continued to appear in Tianjin, and it is full of sultry feeling. It can be seen that this year’s "middling" high temperature and high humidity "power" is not small. What effects does hot weather have on health and life? How should the public strengthen health protection? Listen to Yi Xiaoyuan, chief forecaster of Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, and Fan Wenyan, engineer of Tianjin Environmental Meteorological Center, explain the high temperature weather and give advice on how to strengthen health protection.
See how the weather in Tianjin enters "sauna steaming mode"
Since August 1st, there has been a continuous hot and muggy weather in Tianjin. In recent days, the highest temperature in most parts of Tianjin has exceeded 37℃. Coupled with the high humidity, people feel extremely hot and humid, which is also known as "sauna weather".
Sauna weather is not only caused by high temperature, but also by high humidity. Yi Xiaoyuan, chief forecaster of Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, said that wet bulb temperature is a comprehensive measure of temperature and humidity, and it often reflects the sultry weather. Therefore, meteorological departments often use the wet bulb temperature of 25℃ and the temperature of 33℃ as the threshold of "sauna weather".
For example, when the temperature reaches 33℃ and the relative humidity is 55%, the wet bulb temperature will reach 25.5℃, which is the "sauna day" in everyone’s mouth. Sometimes, although the temperature is very high, the relative humidity is not high enough. For example, when the temperature reaches 38℃ but the relative humidity is 30%, the wet bulb temperature is only 23.7℃, and there will be no sultry feeling of "sauna weather" in this weather.
Why does "sauna weather" make people feel hot and humid? Yi Xiaoyuan said that there are two ways to make the human body cool down quickly. One is that the temperature drops. For example, when we enter an air-conditioned room, we will feel cool immediately. The second is to speed up the air flow, for example, we will feel much cooler when we turn on the fan. This is because both the temperature drop and the air flow can make human sweat evaporate, thus taking away the heat in the body, and then we will feel cool. The "sauna weather" is not only high in temperature, but also high in humidity in the air, which makes the sweat on the body surface unable to evaporate, so it will feel very hot.
"Summer solar terms+subtropical high system" perfectly matches "heat"!
It is said that it is the hottest time in Tianjin from late July to early August, because it is in the summer solar term at this time of year, and it is often the hottest time in a year from the climate background. In addition, from the weather system, at this time, the subtropical high will be carried northward to the northern part of China. Subtropical high pressure is a very deep warm high pressure system, and high temperature weather will appear under the influence of this system. In recent days, Tianjin has maintained hot and muggy weather under the control of subtropical high.
According to Yixiaoyuan, during the day on the 4th, the degree of sultry weather in Tianjin remained unabated. It is expected that there will be a weak cold air influence on the night of the 4th, when there may be thunderstorms, and the maximum temperature will drop slightly. However, due to the weak cold air force, the cooling rate is very small. Moreover, the recent rainfall in Tianjin under the control of subtropical high is mostly local heat convection weather. This type of rainfall weather will increase the humidity in the air, resulting in a stronger sultry feeling after rainfall, and will not bring you a refreshing and cool feeling.
Hot weather is closely related to life and health.
Directly affected by hot weather, the most common disease is heatstroke. As an inducing factor, it may aggravate the condition of people who suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Fan Wenyan, an engineer of Tianjin Environmental Meteorological Center, said that our common heatstroke refers to the acute diseases caused by the dysfunction of human thermoregulation center and sweat gland failure under high temperature conditions.
Besides the temperature, the factors causing heatstroke are also related to humidity, sunshine, labor intensity, exposure time to high temperature environment, physical strength, nutritional status, water and salt supply and health status. According to the severity of symptoms, it can be divided into mild heatstroke, moderate heatstroke and severe heatstroke, and severe heatstroke is also called heatstroke.
There are various manifestations of heatstroke. The main manifestations of mild heatstroke are palpitation, dizziness, headache, thirst, hyperhidrosis, general fatigue, inattention, uncoordinated movements, and normal or slightly elevated body temperature. The symptoms of moderate heatstroke include nausea, vomiting, cold skin, pale face, obviously increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure or syncope, oliguria, mild dehydration and so on. Severe heatstroke, also known as heatstroke, is a serious fatal disease caused by the imbalance of body regulation function when people are exposed to high temperature and high humidity, and the heat production is greater than heat dissipation, which leads to the rapid rise of the core temperature of the human body and exceeds 40℃, accompanied by skin burning, consciousness disorder and multiple organ dysfunction.
How to protect health in hot weather?
In terms of clothes, you can wear some loose, light and light clothes, which will reflect sunlight and maintain the balance of body temperature. Drink plenty of water, sweat a lot in hot weather, and replenish water in time, so as to "always drink water when you are not thirsty". The elderly and the infirm should avoid activities under the scorching sun, the living environment should be ventilated, sleep should be ensured, digestible food should be eaten, and heatstroke should be avoided as far as possible. Once you feel heatstroke, you should quickly get out of the high temperature and high humidity environment, lie still in a cool and ventilated place, replenish water in time, and remove clothes as much as possible if possible to help dissipate heat. People with severe heatstroke, dyspnea or coma should seek medical treatment immediately and take corresponding first aid measures under the guidance of doctors.
For the elderly, more attention should be paid to health protection in hot weather. To get into the habit of replenishing water, the daily water intake should be about 1500-2000 ml, and the blood viscosity of diabetic patients is higher, so it is necessary to replenish more water. Attention should be paid to avoid foods with high fat, sugar and starch in daily diet, and it is suggested to increase the proportion of coarse grains in the diet appropriately. In summer, you can also eat more ingredients with the functions of dispelling summer heat and benefiting qi, promoting fluid production and quenching thirst. Proper exercise can control weight, reduce the risk of stroke, ensure adequate high-quality sleep every day, and adjust mood to avoid excessive blood pressure fluctuation. Pay attention to the adjustment of air-conditioning temperature, because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, it is more likely for the elderly to have blood pressure fluctuations, which may lead to repeated contraction and relaxation of cerebral vessels. In addition, the cerebral vessels of the elderly are prone to atherosclerosis, resulting in poor blood circulation in the brain, which may easily lead to ischemic stroke. Therefore, when the elderly use air conditioning, the room temperature should be controlled at 26℃, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not exceed 7℃, giving the body time to adapt to the indoor low temperature environment. (Li Dan)

[Winter Olympics "cold" knowledge] How difficult is freestyle skiing? From 1260 degrees to 1440 degrees, women athletes all over the world have walked for nearly 9 years.

  CCTV News:We have a strong feeling in watching the freestyle ski jumping competition, which is the visual impact and aesthetic feeling. But at the same time, we also see that many athletes, including world-class top players, will make mistakes and fall. Indeed, freestyle skiing has high intensity and higher risk factor. How difficult is this project?

  Big platform and aerial skills, snow skills, U-shaped field and slope obstacle skills all belong to freestyle skiing. Among them, the big platform is the most difficult. Athletes need to slide down the slope and rush to the platform, but also perform aerial stunts such as somersault and gyration at the end of the platform by inertia, which is extremely risky.

  At present, in the world’s first-line platform competition, the degree of female athletes’ aerial rotation basically starts from 720 degrees, and then reaches 900 degrees, 1080 degrees, 1260 degrees and 1440 degrees, a total of five dimensions. Players in the first three dimensions can basically do it, but from 1260 degrees to 1440 degrees, women players all over the world have walked for nearly 9 years.

  In October, 2012, Lisa zimmermann, a 16-year-old German talented girl, completed the first two-week off-axis twist of a female snowboarder in the history of snowboarding, officially opening the era of two cores and three and a half weeks for women’s snowboarding.

  In November, 2020, mathilde Gremaud, a Swiss player, completed a two-week off-axis twist of 1440 degrees and broke the history at the same time.

  In December, 2021, Gu Ailing made another 1440-degree off-axis twist with two straight slides, making history again. It took nearly nine years to make this step.

  Why is the big platform jump so difficult? In fact, not only the big platform, but also the whole freestyle skiing event is not easy. Freestyle skiing is a high-risk and high-intensity competition with very high technical content. Take-off, aerial action, landing and taxiing, the three processes are interlocking, pulling one hair and moving the whole body. The turning action in the air can be divided into vertical and horizontal axes of the human body and turning around the longitudinal axis. While completing the difficult movements, it must also be highly ornamental, while ensuring a smooth and safe landing.

  The timing of the athlete’s take-off, the degree of take-off, the angle of the moment of take-off, the muscle strength of the leg and the muscle strength of the waist, etc., all have great influence on landing, and there are too many uncertain factors. It can be said that freestyle skiing can’t make mistakes from the beginning. It can be seen that freestyle skiing is not just a wonderful flying jump, but there are countless invisible efforts behind it. Freestyle skiing is not so difficult as human’s awe of the Olympic competitive spirit and the courage to break through and surpass themselves. Always young, always enthusiastic, always love sports.

[Going to the grassroots in the New Year] Returning to the countryside to plant rattan peppers to drive the villagers to generate income. "This reunion dinner is very real."

  Returning home to plant rattan pepper to drive villagers to generate income — —

  □ Sichuan Online Reporter Deng Sihua Song Kaiwen Yu Rubo

  On the morning of January 16th, on a barren slope not far from the village road, bulldozers rumbled and dug up red land, and villagers were busy cleaning up roots and weeds … …

  After this land is sorted out, it will become a part of the rattan pepper planting park in Yongtai Town. "Before the Spring Festival to sort out the land, seedlings. Germination in February, germination in March, flowering in April, and fruiting in July. " Tang Morality, a returning entrepreneur, is full of confidence in planting rattan pepper.

  As a populous county and a labor export county, Zhongjiang County has introduced a number of policies and measures in recent years to attract talents to return home to start businesses, and Tang Morality is one of them. Returning home to start a business has activated the land that has been abandoned for many years and increased the opportunities for rural employment and income increase. "They brought back capital, industries and markets, brought all kinds of resources, and brought us hope for rural revitalization." Huang Zhen, Party Secretary of Yongtai Town, said.

  "The villagers can see the benefits"

  On the same day, while the sun was shining, Tang Morality decided to do everything that could be done years ago.

  After urging the completed people to tidy up the land in Jinqiao Village, he rushed to Shiba Village to explain pruning skills to more than 10 villagers who were busy in the field. Here, his rattan pepper garden has developed more than 400 mu, and the seedlings planted last year have been half a meter high, and will enter a high-yield period in about 5 years. "The taste of rattan pepper has been accepted by all kinds of cuisines and cuisines, and the market prospect is broader." At present, Tang Morality has invested more than 3 million yuan, and will continue to invest more in the later period.

  After busy working in the field, he invited the workers to the courtyard of his second brother’s house to settle the salary in December 2019 on the spot and distribute more than 40,000 yuan in cash to nearly 20 people. Later, a dam banquet was held in the yard, and Tang Morality called workers and villagers to have a family reunion dinner. Meng Yinlong, a villager, rammed earth in the Tengjiao Park and earned more than 10,000 yuan. He smiled and said, "Mr. Tang has come back, and this reunion dinner has been really eaten."

  "At present, there are more than 20 villagers who have been working for a long time in the rattan pepper garden. At the peak of the employment of seedlings and picking, more than 200 people will be absorbed every day. " Tang Morality said that the wages were settled in the same month, plus the land transfer fee, "the villagers can see the benefits."

  "Affordable" is obvious. Shiba village has planted more than 400 acres of rattan pepper trees, and two-thirds of it was abandoned in the past. "One-third of the land is planted with corn, and one acre can only receive one season a year, with only 700 yuan of income." Yang Quyong, the branch secretary of Shiba Village, said that the rattan pepper garden has just started and there is no income yet, but Tang Morality has planted cash crops such as soybeans in the field, with an income of more than 3,000 yuan per mu.

  Yang Sifu, a villager in Shiba Village, also works outside the home all the year round. He has invested 10,000 yuan to plant more than 4 mu of rattan pepper with Tang Morality. Last year, the income from intercropping soybeans has reached more than 5,000 yuan. Yang Sifu smiled and said, "Money is definitely not a loss."

  "When the rattan pepper is listed in high yield, if the market is good, the yield per mu can reach 10,000 yuan." Tang Morality said that he hopes to make the rattan pepper industry bigger and stronger, which will be more driving. "‘ Company+farmer ’ , joint-stock system and other forms, we all have to try. "

  "There is hope in the countryside"

  "I have no culture, but I always have feelings for my hometown." When it comes to returning home to start a business, Tang’s moral words reveal rationality. Tang’s morality is very clear, and the project is the key to returning home to start a business. "It’s not good to have a passion, especially in agriculture."

  In 1988, when he was only 15 years old, Tang Daode went out to work. In 2000, his family began to take root in Xi ‘an, and he still runs his own decoration company and hotel.

  When I return home to start a business, my family and friends don’t quite understand: "According to the business and assets outside, my family doesn’t have to worry about food and clothing, so why bother?"

  Tang Morality said that it is not blind to "invest in agriculture in my hometown". Around 2012, he thought about going back to Zhongjiang to "do something", and kept consulting materials and visiting friends for several years. Later, Tang Morality realized that Yangling, where he was located, was an important agricultural town, and held the "China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Achievements Expo" every year, while his hometown was also a big agricultural county. His thoughts suddenly became clear, so he went to the Agricultural Fair every year to learn about it. The company that Tang Morality often cooperates with has the business of processing rattan pepper into seasonings, cosmetics and other products, and the products are "not worried about the market". Tang Morality still hasn’t rushed into the project. In his view, engaging in agriculture needs ideals and rationality. "You don’t plant whatever you want."

  Tang Morality learned from teachers everywhere, met Yu Jianghong, a senior agronomist known as the "father of rattan pepper", and hired him as technical director. He found that in 2019, the "No.1 Document" of the provincial party committee clearly stated that it was important to cultivate and expand the "Chuanzihao" characteristic industry and improve the five-year promotion plan of "10+3" advantageous characteristic industries, among which "Chuanjiao" was listed. He sent the soil collected from his hometown to agricultural research institutions for testing, and carefully studied the terrain and climate conditions needed for the growth of rattan pepper, and found that Zhongjiang was generally suitable.

  In 2019, Tang Morality returned to his hometown to start a business, rattan pepper, which was officially launched. He set a "small goal": to develop thousands of acres of rattan pepper, provide seedlings, technology and sales channels, and drive local farmers to plant together.

  Huang Zhen said that Yongtai Town is a pure agricultural town, and 70% of the village’s more than 60,000 people are working outside the home. At present, more than 60 outstanding talents with certain strength and willingness to return home have been counted. "There are more ‘ Tang Morality ’ When we come back to start a business, we can see more hope. "

  There are 488,000 migrant workers in Zhongjiang County all the year round, and Tang Morality is one of them. In recent years, Zhongjiang County has introduced a series of policies and measures to attract entrepreneurs who return home. According to statistics from Zhongjiang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, in 2019, a total of 253 migrant workers in Zhongjiang returned home to start businesses.

The big article on digital finance is coming, and experts focus on it!

The planner’s notes

The Central Financial Work Conference held at the end of October, 2023 emphasized that five major articles, namely, technology and finance, Green Finance, inclusive finance, Pension Finance and Digital Finance, should be done well.Vigorously developing digital finance is the implementation of financial servicesEffective technical means to improve the economy, serve the people and improve the quality of financial services are the starting point and the foothold of digital transformation of banks.In this issue of Theoretical Research, Professor Wang Yong from Zhengzhou Training College of People’s Bank of China and Director Yang Tao from Industrial Finance Research Base of China Academy of Social Sciences wrote articles, focusing on digital finance and planning how to focus on digital finance in the new year.


How to make a good article on digital finance?

People’s Bank of China Zhengzhou TrainingProfessor Wang Yong of the College:
First, focus on strengthening data security and privacy protection.protect. With the accelerated development of digital finance, data security and privacy protection have become key topics. For important data, use strong encryption algorithm to encrypt it, so as to ensure that only authorized personnel can read and process the data. At the same time, it is necessary to adopt anti-leakage technology and add multiple security layers in the process of data transmission and storage to avoid data loss.
Secondly, efforts should be made to strengthen the inclusiveness and inclusiveness of digital financial services.nature. Digital finance can create three application values: capillary, long tail and precision, and these three application values are fully reflected in the financial services of inclusive groups. To this end, the State Council’s Implementation Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development in inclusive finance (Guo Fa [2023] No.15) requires strengthening science and technology to empower inclusive finance, supporting financial institutions to deepen the use of Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other scientific and technological means, optimizing inclusive finance’s service model, improving credit approval and risk management models, and improving the availability and quality of financial services such as small and micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households and agricultural subjects.
Thirdly, efforts should be made to strengthen multi-party cooperation in the application of financial big models.. The joint creation and ecological co-construction of financial institutions and technology companies is undoubtedly the most effective way to accelerate the application of big models in the financial industry. As the frontier field of digital and intelligent application, the financial industry is rich in data resources and has a wide range of practical scenarios, which has the prospect of deep integration with large models. Technology companies also need to improve their large-scale model capabilities and explore commercialization paths through the tempering of business scenarios. The cooperation between the two parties has great prospects.
Finally, efforts should be made to strengthen the ethical governance and construction of financial science and technology.. The so-called scientific and technological ethics refers to the values and codes of conduct that need to be followed in carrying out scientific research, technological development and other scientific and technological activities. To promote financial science and technology to be good, it is urgent to strengthen the ethical governance of financial science and technology, improve the regulatory rules of financial science and technology ethics, strengthen the role of ethical review of financial science and technology, effectively prevent and control the ethical risks of scientific and technological activities in the financial field, and realize the benign interaction between innovative high-quality development and high-level security of financial science and technology.

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Doing a good job in digital finance requires theoretical and practical innovation.

Director Yang Tao of Industrial Finance Research Base of China Academy of Social Sciences:
The Central Financial Work Conference held at the end of October, 2023 put forward the strategic goal of building a financial power and the need to do five major articles: technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance. Among them, digital finance, as an important main line that directly affects the core competitiveness of the financial industry and helps the financial "big country" to turn into a "strong country", has attracted great attention from all parties. Under this background, China Digital Finance Innovation and Development Report (2023), edited by Professor Ouyang Rihui of Central University of Finance and Economics, was officially published, which just echoed the urgent demand of financial reform for think tank research under the new situation and has high theoretical, policy and practical significance.
In fact, under the influence of digitalization and new technology, financial theory has produced many changes in research assumptions, research methods and theoretical logic, which will have a far-reaching impact on financial practice. For example, in the field of macro-finance, the emergence and application of big data and artificial intelligence contribute to better financial statistical analysis. In recent years, central banks of various countries have made efforts to use new technologies to serve economic and financial operations, monetary policy operations, financial risk identification and other work. For another example, from the micro level, the research paradigm of behavioral finance often starts with financial anomalies and explores the laws behind the formation of financial anomalies. With the support of big data and cutting-edge technology, behavioral finance research has also obtained a broader experimental foundation guarantee. Many existing quantitative investment models are based on the thinking and paradigm support of behavioral finance. In view of this, based on the literature review of digital finance research, this book makes an in-depth analysis of the theoretical context and progress in key areas such as digital inclusive finance, industrial digital finance and consumer finance, which is helpful to better clarify the thinking and guide the innovative practice of digital finance. For example, this book analyzes and refines the framework of industrial digital finance research, which has outstanding reference value for promoting the virtuous circle of science and technology, industry and finance.

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"Flowers" is a hit, and banks appear in the list of "special thanks"
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2024: What tracks are laid out by commercial banks?

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In 2024, the box office of New Year’s Day broke 1.2 billion, and the "bright star" fault led the way.

According to Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 21: 00 on December 31st, the total box office (including screening and pre-sale) of new films on New Year’s Day in 2024 exceeded 1.26 billion, and "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" and "The annual meeting can’t stop! "Stealth" is still the top three at the box office, among which "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" leads with 553 million faults.
"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" set a record that the pre-sale of Chinese film history broke through 100 million at the earliest and the pre-sale of New Year’s Eve file broke through 100 million at the fastest. The film is directed by Chen Xiaoming and Zhang Pan, written by Zhang Pan, Duan Yule, Wang Yichao and Chen Xiaoming, starring Qu Chuxiao and Karlina, and starring Jinna and Jiang Yunlin.
The annual meeting can’t stop! Ranked second in the box office list of new films on New Year’s Day, the film tells the story that fitter Hu Jianlin was transferred to the group headquarters by mistake and became a gold collar. At the annual meeting of the group, he exposed the corrupt executives of the factory and finally saved the factory. The film was written and directed by Run Nian Dong, with Luo Jia as the screenwriter and producer, Dapeng, Ke Bai and Zhuang Duffy as the leading actors, Wang Xun as the leading actor, Sean as the friendly actor and Li Naiwen as the guest actor.
The cumulative box office of "Stealth" is also nearly 200 million, and the film is co-starred by Andy Lau, Lin Jiadong and Eddie Peng Yuyan. Fighting between police and bandits, undercover stealth, and the righteous belief that they will stick to their death, and the evil hidden under the "dark net", are on the verge of confrontation with evil.
It is worth mentioning that "If You Are the One 3", written and directed by Xiaogang Feng, has been a box office flop. The film was released on December 30th, with a box office of only 24.3 million yuan on its first day of release, and the current cumulative box office is 43 million yuan, ranking sixth in the total box office of new films on New Year’s Day in 2024. The film, starring Ge You and Shu Qi, starring Fan Wei, Li Chengru, Yun-peng Yue and Chang Yuan, featuring Yao Chen, Guan Xiaotong and Wu Yi-cong, and specially introduced by Yu Shuxin, is the final chapter of If You Are the One series.
Some market research institutions said that the film market showed a good recovery trend, and the major schedules exceeded expectations. The New Year’s Day schedule has a New Year’s atmosphere, and the diversified film types have achieved full coverage of the audience, optimistic about the overall performance of the schedule.
Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Kong Xiaoping
Proofread Li Haihui

Emotional memory of the 90-year-old war hero at the premiere of the film Our July today.

Sanqin Metropolis Daily-Sanqin Net News (Reporter Xia Mingqin)On December 18th, the premiere of the film "Our July", a major cultural boutique support project in Shaanxi Province, was held at China Film International Studios in Xiying Film Park. The film’s creative team and the veteran Wang Wengui’s old hero and representatives of revolutionary martyrs’ families made their debut to pay tribute to those youthful years.

The film "Our July" is based on the Battle of Fu Mei, which tells the story of the first field army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and started the first decisive battle in the northwest, showing the touching details of the PLA soldiers’ fighting and their friendship with comrades.

The film was produced by Xi ‘an Film Studio Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Meixian County Committee and Meixian People’s Government. It was released today (December 19).

Huang Xiansong, general manager of Xiying Group and chairman of Shaanxi Film Association, said that the film "Our July" is a film that pays tribute to the heroes who took the lead in founding the new China and paid tribute to the thousands of revolutionary martyrs in Qian Qian, showing the heroic spirit of the China People’s Liberation Army in dying and fighting to the end, and sharing weal and woe with each other as comrades.

For more than 60 years, Xiying has always adhered to the creative orientation of "people-centered", shouldered the mission of "singing songs for the people and casting souls for the times", accelerated the revitalization and development of "Western Film and Television", and successively produced a number of masterpieces of Acura Party, Acura Motherland, Acura People and Acura Heroes. In the new era and new journey, Xiying will launch more excellent works to enhance people’s spiritual strength, carry forward the spirit of China and tell the story of China well.

Zhang Xiaoping, deputy secretary of Meixian County Party Committee and county magistrate, thinks that "Our July" truly reproduces the process of the battle of supporting eyebrows, portrays the glorious image of the soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army who are brave and tenacious and fought bloody battles. It is a masterpiece with a red theme integrating ideology, artistry and appeal, and it is also a vivid teaching material for the study and education of party history that cherishes the memory of revolutionary martyrs, bears heroic memories and is full of red genes.

Meixian county is the main battlefield of the eyebrow-lifting campaign, and it is also the place where the red spirit is inherited and carried forward. We will take this premiere as an opportunity to make good use of red resources, carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red spirit, so as to inspire party member cadres to draw strength from the heroic spirit and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary predecessors, turn patriotic enthusiasm into a powerful driving force for dedication, inherit the red gene in performing their duties and responsibilities, and continue the red blood in taking responsibility.

Recall the heavy history

Revolutionary heroes tell stories covered in medals emotionally.

Wang Wengui, a veteran of the 2nd Corps of the First Field Army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, as a participant in the war and a witness to history, spoke passionately about the hardships of the war. The heroic struggle of the soldiers was not afraid of sacrifice. He said, "When I was in my 90 s, I was very excited to see this film truly restore the war." Wang Jingwen, Wang Wengui’s daughter, also said that seeing the film seems to be in the scene of the bloody battles of her parents. As a family member of the veterans, she feels extremely proud and glorious.

Mr. Gao Xilin, the son of Gao Zengyue, the deputy head of the film, was very excited after watching the film. He expressed his gratitude to the producer and the creative team in a trembling voice. "This film successfully restored the historical scene of that era. It is not only a work to remember the heroes who died, but also an important teaching material to educate future generations and inherit the revolutionary spirit." Gao Fei, the granddaughter of Gao Zengyue, said that the professional and meticulous creation team presented this excellent work, which not only recorded valuable historical images, but also brought precious memories.

The creative team shared behind-the-scenes creative experience.

Inheriting the Red Revolutionary Spirit with Roles

The film "Our July" team devoted themselves to their respective fields with the spirit of striving for perfection, visiting and researching, studying archives, discussing with experts, etc., combined with meticulous service road design and excellent artistic techniques such as photography and production, and strived to truly restore the war scene. Director Zhang Youfang, starring Yin Chendi, Yu Zhilin and Gao Feng, shared the creative story in the filming process with the audience.

Gao Feng (who plays Luo Congshan) said: "After seeing the complete film, I was moved to tears, thinking about the hardships of shooting, and I realized the hardships of the war and the firm revolutionary belief and resolute courage of our ancestors."

Yin Chendi (as Wang Wengui) said: "I started doing research and homework as soon as I joined the group. After more than 50 days of hard shooting, I experienced personal growth, learned historical knowledge, and grasped the revolutionary spirit, which became my very important memory."

Starring Yu Zhilin (as Zhao Chunsi) tells that as a veteran, he was infected by the real environmental atmosphere on the set and deeply realized that there would be no happy life today without the sacrifice of his ancestors.

Later director Zhang Youfang said, "We have received more than 7,000 lens materials and more than 5,000 minutes of footage. The workload is heavy, the task is heavy, and the pressure is great. However, compared with the sacrifices made by our revolutionary ancestors, we are still too happy today.".

Producer Duan Peng said, "It’s a great honor to participate in this project with the producer and the creative team, and all the difficulties experienced have turned into today’s achievements, which will be our longest and most important experience".

Experts and scholars comment on the artistic value of movies.

Restore the masterpiece of historical hero stories

Zhang Ali, chairman of Shaanxi Literary Critics Association, believes that Shaanxi films have long been concerned about the revolutionary history, cultural history and real life in the northwest. This film not only inherits the artistic tradition, but also transcends the conventional definition of films and becomes the carrier of historical restoration, representing an important breakthrough of Xiying in the creation of western films and injecting new vitality into western films. At the same time, it combines various art forms and time relations, redefining the viewing experience.

Li Zhen, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, said that the film is a masterpiece to restore the story of historical heroes, which combines two types, namely documentary and war film. Through the memories of heroes, we have traveled through just visiting for 70 years, and we have a deep understanding of history. The film has created different types of heroes, which are both bloody and tender, without showing off or grandiose words, which makes the characters more authentic and will be deeply moved when watching.

According to Pei Yali, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, "This is a touching film, and the most touching part is the real interview content, which is very touching and adds soul to the film. The film also absorbs the cultural and artistic traditions very well, showing the profound integration of Guanzhong culture and art. For example, when the two armies confronted each other, the two armies challenged the Shaanxi opera, which we have not seen in other films, so that the audience can empathize. "

The audience communicated with the creative team around behind-the-scenes stories, creative inspiration and performance details. Everyone said that the film was real and moving, and the revolutionary ancestors did not hesitate to shed blood and sacrifice, and wrote a magnificent chapter for the happiness of the motherland and the people. Their heroic deeds will go down in history forever. We should remember the history, carry forward the glorious tradition, contribute to the prosperity of the motherland and create a better future.

Leaders of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, members of Xiying Group, Meixian County Party Committee and County Government, Provincial Literary Critics Association, Provincial Film Association, Provincial Cultural Industry Association, Provincial Film Industry Association, Provincial Musicians Association and other units, responsible persons of Xiying film and television industry, university experts, media guests, fans and audiences attended the premiere ceremony.

On December 19th, let’s walk into the cinema, reminisce about the red years and pay tribute to the revolutionary heroes.