8 minutes of "hurricane", red and blue warning lights become life-saving green lights! High fever of 40 ° C, foaming at the mouth… This disease is menacing, you must be vigilant

Original, full of positive energy, Qiantang New District News

"Here we are, send to the emergency room!"

February 25th at 10:00 pm

A police car with flashing lights

"Rush" to the entrance of the emergency room of Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

Hezhuang police station police Zhou Zewei

Pull the door open and jump out

It’s usually a 20-minute drive.

It only takes 8 minutes to "go crazy" all the way

"Comrade police, my child has a high fever and is in a coma

I need urgent medical treatment, please help! "

It turned out that ten minutes ago

Qiantang Public Security received a call for help

Ms. Mao lives in Hezhuang Street

The grandson fainted due to a high fever

Foaming at the mouth, critical condition

In less than 5 minutes, Hezhuang Police Station police officer Zhou Zewei

I drove a police car to Ms. Mao’s house

High fever 40 degrees Celsius, body keeps twitching

Foaming out of his mouth…

Parents feel sorry for their children and sweat in a hurry

Zhou Zewei is also nervous

Immediately let Mr. Mao pick up the child and get into the police car

Under the premise of ensuring safety

Quickly rush to Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

On the way, he sounded the siren to warn the vehicles ahead to avoid

While reassuring anxious parents

In order not to delay the rescue time

A vehicle is blocked on the road.

Zhou Zewei shouted loudly

Alert the driver ahead to avoid

The police lights are shining in the dark

All the way

With the cooperation of many enthusiastic drivers

The police car arrived at the hospital smoothly

After getting off the bus, Zhou Zewei asked Mr. Mao

Take the baby to the emergency room

He quickly called a doctor for consultation

After examination, the child was infected with influenza A, causing stress fever

With emergency treatment, her high fever gradually subsided

Out of danger

At present, the child has been safely discharged from the hospital

(Officer Zhou at work)

Recently, the frequent occurrence of influenza A has attracted social attention. Afterwards, the reporter also interviewed the doctors of Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital to interpret it for the public –


What is "A-stream"?

A: Influenza A refers to an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the influenza A virus. It is highly infectious and the population is generally susceptible. Spring is the high incidence period of influenza A.


What are the symptoms of "influenza A"?

What is the difference between it and the common cold?

A: Due to the similarity of symptoms, many residents will confuse influenza A with the common cold. In fact, compared to the common cold, the symptoms of influenza A are often more serious.

① From the perspective of fever, the duration of A-stream fever is longer, which can reach 3-5 days; hot topics are prone to occur, and the body temperature can reach 39 ° C or higher.

② From the perspective of accompanying symptoms, influenza A is often accompanied by sore throat, muscle pain, general weakness, etc., and patients may experience symptoms such as chills, chills, poor spirits, and vomiting.


"H1N1" Which groups need special attention?

A: Generally speaking, the elderly and children with underlying diseases need special attention. Young and middle-aged people are less susceptible to infection due to their strong resistance.


What should I do if I have swine flu? Is swine flu easy to turn into severe disease?

A: If you have flu-like symptoms, fever, sore throat or cough during the epidemic season of influenza A, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible. The doctor will determine whether it is influenza A based on further examinations, such as nucleic acid tests, and will give antiviral treatment or antiviral prophylaxis as soon as possible to shorten the course of the disease and prevent severe illness.

At the same time, the doctor cautioned that the severe incidence of influenza A is relatively low, and as long as patients seek medical attention promptly after experiencing flu-like symptoms, they can largely avoid becoming more severe.


How to prevent swine flu?

A: ① Active vaccination against influenza can reduce the probability of infection and also reduce the occurrence of severe and critical influenza.

② Wear masks in a standardized manner and avoid going to crowded places.

Wash your hands frequently, open windows frequently, and maintain indoor air circulation.

④ If someone around you experiences respiratory symptoms, try to avoid close contact with them.

In addition, in addition to influenza A, there are also some spring epidemics that require attention:


Norovirus is mainly transmitted by the intestine and is highly contagious. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, etc. The course of the disease is short, generally about 2-3 days. It is mainly spread through contaminated water sources, food, items, air, etc.

hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses, mainly through the digestive tract or respiratory tract droplets, usually fever symptoms, papules and herpes on the palms and soles of the feet, herpes or ulcers on the oral mucosa, and obvious pain.


It is an acute infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus infection, mainly in infants and preschool children. It is generally transmitted through droplets. Patients will experience symptoms such as headache and fever, and will develop into blisters with itching later. After the onset, there will be lifelong immune effects.


Mumps, also known as "mumps", is a common respiratory infectious disease in children and adolescents. It is an acute, systemic infection caused by the mumps virus. Patients often experience symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache, and swollen and painful parotid glands on one or both sides of the ear. The entire course of the disease is about 7-12 days.

Source | District Rong Media Center, Hezhuang Police Station, Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

Original title: "8 minutes of" hurricane ", red and blue warning lights become life-saving green lights! High fever of 40 ° C, foaming at the mouth… This disease is menacing, you must be vigilant"

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Tony Leung Andy Lau fit! Movie Channel Live Promotion "Goldfinger"

1905 movie network feature On December 27, the premiere ceremony of the movie "Global All the Way" was held in Beijing. Around the premiere event, the movie channel launched a live broadcast of financial media to the whole network. The screenwriter, director, leading star,,,,,, and so on gathered at the premiere, and the "whole life" was continuous and the interaction was non-stop.

During the live broadcast, the host of the movie channel and the reporters were divided into multiple paths, and the life-like joint record of the premiere. Sitting in the "Blue Feather Parlor", the host Lan Yu had an in-depth conversation with Zhuang Wenqiang and Leung Chaowei and Andy Lau, who have cooperated for more than 20 years; during the special session of the M viewing group, the host witnessed the "get rich" scene where the main creator sprinkled "gold coin chocolate"; during the roadshow and in the background of the premiere, the host had interesting conversations with a number of reporters Cai Zhuoyan, Ren Dahua, Chen Jiale and other main creators, and scanned the premiere scene panoramic to share the mood of lucky movie fans.

"Blue Feather Parlor" welcomes big coffee

Tony Leung and Andy Lau send blessings together

As one of the most high-quality film in-depth interview brands, "Blue Feather Club Big Coffee", which returns to the live broadcast of the film channel, has ushered in a real big coffee partner – director Zhuang Wenqiang, who co-created the classic film series more than 20 years ago, and Tony Leung and Andy Lau.

Talking about the reason for the filming of "Goldfinger", Zhuang Wenqiang bluntly said that it was because he felt that "only publicity is not enough" when commemorating the 20 years of the release of "Infernal Affairs", so he asked Andy Lau to talk about the new film plan, but "this time Tony Leung played the bad guy, and Andy Lau played the good guy"! According to him, when the two stars read the script, they also felt that the roles should be played by each other.

Click the link to watch the video: Blue Feather talks to Zhuang Wenqiang, the director revealed that the filming of "Goldfinger" is to commemorate "Infernal Affairs"

After the "Infernal Affairs" series, they played opposite scenes. Sitting together, Tony Leung and Andy Lau, who were "different", expressed satisfaction with the cooperation they had reunited after a long absence. Looking back on their initial impressions of each other, Tony Leung said that it was on the set of "Falcon", when he was still a "small supporting actor", that he first met Andy, who was already the protagonist. Andy Lau said that when he first met Wei Zai, "He was hosting a children’s program!" Regarding the friendship between the two, Andy Lau revealed that it was established during the filming of "The Deer’s Cauldron". For so many years, the two have maintained a good friend relationship with a certain distance. "Everyone has their own life, and I don’t want to disturb it. This relationship is very comfortable."

Click the link to watch: Blue Feather Parlor | Tony Leung on Friendship and Memories of the First Meeting in Life

Who is more committed in their career? Who cares more about appearance? Who can stay up late more? Who is more talkative? Who loves food and cooking more? Who is more suitable to be a director… In the specially set "Goldfinger coreference" session, two old friends held "Goldfinger" props to identify each other, showing mutual affection. Leung Chaowei bluntly said that he had never seen Andy Lau take a break, and his more emotional self "spoke for a year" during this roadshow. Andy Lau admitted that Leung Chaowei faced greater challenges in cooperation, and joked that if he became a director, he must give Wei Zai a "flamboyant role".

At the end of the conversation, the two old friends who co-starred in the love and hatred of the money world "combined" to send "get rich" blessings. The golden "fireworks" bloom, and who else’s blessings will be more effective than Tony Leung, who holds the "first pot of gold", and Andy Lau, who engraved "Gong Xi Fa Cai" into the DNA of Chinese people around the world?

M movie group starts to rain gold coins

Star guests are chasing stars

The dream of getting rich with "gold coins" in the sky, the movie channel M viewing group will help you achieve it!

On the premiere day of "Goldfinger" in Beijing, Tony Leung and Andy Lau, who were present at the M viewing group special, led the creators to sprinkle "gold coins" graphic chocolate to the audience. The two "i people" and "e people" are completely different from each other. The Goldfinger gesture of "who refers to who gets rich" pushed the celebratory atmosphere to the extreme.

Click the link to watch: Super happy! Tony Leung Andy Lau combined to sprinkle "gold coins"

The strong sense of New Year’s Eve festival is the core of this live broadcast. In the M viewing group, whether it is the reunion of Tony Leung and Andy Lau who are "still fresh" about their cooperation with each other, or the two-way rush of fans and them on the spot for many years, they all carry a unique sense of celebration.

Fun and laughter have also become a way to connect the inside and outside of the event venue. Cai Zhuoyan, who "competed" with Tony Leung at the premiere to speak more slowly, immediately smiled at the "Sister Sa" evaluation of the fans during the transition interview, calling it "Ah Sa is very Sa". Ren Dahua swept the table tennis level of the "Goldfinger" crew, and challenged Chen Jiale’s Mandarin and Cantonese to switch freely, all of which gave the live broadcast a life-like soul.

The release of the wonderful new work has promoted a new gathering of the starring fans. Outside the premiere ceremony, fans of Andy Lau’s "Andy World" collectively cheered for the film and Andy, and sang the golden songs "Love You for 10,000 Years" and "Gong Xi Fa Cai" on the spot to pass on love and blessing to more fans. Shuttle between the "Money Tree" and "Wishing Tree" and other devices, the premiere audience around the "First Pot of Gold" also shared the joy of grabbing the New Year’s jackpot when interviewed by the movie channel.

No matter on the spot or online, "Goldfinger" has gained a good reputation. Many industry guests who came to watch the movie also gave praise one after another.,,,, Zhang Jiayuan and other "fan girl" identities starring Tony Leung, Andy Lau, etc., pushed the all-day premiere to a climax of unity and celebration.

Click the link to watch: Hui Yinghong appeared at the Beijing premiere of "Goldfinger", claiming to be Andy Lau’s fan girl

Click the link to watch: Guo Fan’s self-disclosure of "Infernal Affairs" saved his career

On December 30th, the movie "Goldfinger" will accompany the audience to "get rich" on the big screen for New Year’s Eve. At present, the roadshow of the movie "Global All the Way" is still in progress. Please continue to pay attention to the "Wealth Code" sent by the movie channel M viewing group from all over the country.

The 13-year time difference on Andy Lau’s hot search is particularly touching

  Andy Lau is a hot search, not a new song or a new drama, let alone a negative gossip, but an event more than 10 years ago. This incident shows that a star has been popular for more than 30 years, let several generations listen to his songs and remember his name, and maintain a clear and firm "character" in the entertainment industry where people turn over every day. It is not without reason.

  Andy Lau has reached the age of being called "Grandpa Liu", and his hot search this time is actually quite ironic. Sexual assault, tax evasion, arrogance, illegal money, and one after another celebrity rollover incidents have made people see the dirt and smoke in the entertainment industry. People miss those clear star personalities, and Andy Lau quickly resonated and was quickly searched.

  The hot article "The Day So-and-So Was Hot, Andy Lau Was Also Exposed" mentions an incident more than a decade ago: In 2008, China welcomed the Olympic Games. At that time, countless stars on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places competed to sing for the Beijing Olympic Games. "Welcome to Beijing" invited 100 stars to participate in the singing and recording. This song has become popular all over China. One thing is quite puzzling: among the 100 artists, there are popular and old-fashioned, young and old, strangers and familiar faces, but only Andy Lau. It was only later that I learned that he chose not to go. He said: "Everyone is competing for the Olympics, and no one is competing with me for the Paralympics." He didn’t steal the limelight of the Olympic Games, and he provoked the propaganda for the Paralympic Games without hesitation. He personally participated in the songwriting and wrote a song called "Everyone is No. 1". Chinese translation: Everyone is No. 1.

  He paid 1.50 million yuan out of his own pocket to make the song, and in the music video of the song, he played a disabled athlete. In order to play the role of "broken leg" well, he had to wrap his left calf in bandages and hang it every day for seven hours during the filming process. The left leg was often paralyzed and cramped, and the pain was too great. Later, a netizens said in the comment section of Weibo: "I was only 8 years old at that time. When I saw this music video, I really thought that the singer named Andy Lau was disabled." Some netizens said that a reporter interviewed Andy Lau during the Olympic Games and asked him which athlete he liked the most, but he did not say the name of the star athlete. He Junquan, who lacked both arms, won four Paralympic swimming gold medals.

  The Paralympic Games didn’t receive much attention back then, so few people knew about these things about Andy Lau. It was more than 10 years later that it was on the hot search, and this hot search "hot" made people tear up. This is the temperature and dimension of people’s hearts. You have done a lot of good things in obscurity, and you have gone to your clothes to hide your merits and fame. Things may be "hidden", but the light of kindness cannot be hidden. For 10 or 20 years, you have adhered to this quality for decades, and one day you will suddenly touch the string of people’s hearts, and the people who have been recorded will be turned out like treasures, shining like gold. The longer the time, the deeper the precipitation, and the more powerful it will be to warm people’s hearts.

  Do things in a low profile, care for the weak, cultivate both morality and art, cherish feathers, and speak with works. People are like his works. The quality of Andy Lau is very representative of old-school stars. Many of that generation of star stars were spelled out from bitter children, went through the difficult years of walking around, spelled out representative works step by step, and conquered the public one song at a time. Wealth is spelled out, and fame is hard "hit", so their mental intelligence can control the temptation of wealth and the entertainment industry, and they are more caring for the weak. Because they have also come from poverty, they feel that they have the obligation to help the weak. Unlike some small fresh meat today, it can be called an upstart in traffic. It did not rely on "plays" and "songs" to break out, but was spelled out by traffic. The family was rich, and parents used money to invest to help their children "smash" their fame. The rice circle helped, the variety show was blessed, the hype was promoted, and the abnormal culture was nourished. At a young age, they accumulated huge wealth. If morality does not match, the body and mind cannot control wealth, and they lack empathy for the weak. Andy Lau became a hot search at this time, reflecting a clear literary attitude: Andy Lau, who needs to be spelled out, does not want these little fresh meat soaked in traffic.

  Andy Lau’s hot search, what particularly touched me was this "hot search time difference". It happened more than 10 years ago, when there was no fire, and it was only widely known on the hot search today. This shows that he doesn’t care about any hot searches at all, it’s good that he can make Paralympic athletes feel that someone cares and someone pays attention. Just as under the halo of the Olympic Games, he chose the Paralympic Games without heat and cared about those outside the heat. Therefore, this heat that has been settled for more than 10 years has a profound value. Nowadays, some small fresh meat seems to often donate money to do good deeds, but they always feel that it is too utilitarian. Wherever they do good deeds, they bring a bunch of photos and records. They quickly go on the hot search, and soon realize this "how much money donated" as a kind of "charity person". Andy Lau avoided the hot search, quietly wrote songs for the disabled, and served as a love ambassador. More than 10 years later, the hot search contains people’s deep respect for this "hidden merit and fame".

  Achievement doesn’t have to be in me, the heat doesn’t have to be at the time, hiding from the heat to do things, there is the power of time to penetrate 10 years and 20 years, and it is discovered in the story of time like a treasure. This kind of star and heat is more valuable.

  Cao Lin, Source: China Youth Daily

Or cause fire and explosion! These products are immediately removed from the shelves and are strictly prohibited from sale

Mobile power, also known as "power bank". The latest quality supervision and sampling results of online mobile power products released by the State Administration for Market Regulation show that more than one-third of the products tested failed.

The quality of mobile power supplies sold online is subject to national supervision and spot checks, and more than 35% fail.

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

The results of the random inspection showed that among the 99 batches of products produced by 95 enterprises in 9 provinces (cities), 35 batches failed, and the failure rate was 35.4%.

Some of these unqualified mobile power supplies have prominent problems with false capacity and cannot achieve the claimed charging effect; some have safety risks such as heat generation and deflagration, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety. According to relevant industry data, our country is not only the world’s largest producer of mobile power supplies, but also the largest consumer market. Since 2020, shipments have remained at about 100 million units. With the continuous popularization of mobile power supplies, safety accidents caused by mobile power supplies have occurred all over the country.

At the end of May this year, on Line 7 of the Beijing Subway, the mobile power supply in a passenger’s satchel suddenly exploded, and a large amount of smoke instantly filled the entire carriage. Fortunately, due to the timely handling of the staff, the accident did not cause casualties.

Also in May this year, in a parking lot in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, the mobile power supply left in the car also exploded. The center console inside the car was badly damaged, and there were traces of bursting in the front windshield.

In early January this year, a self-built house in Guiping, Guangxi Province, burst into flames in the early morning, and a family of four died tragically. According to a warning article issued by the fire department, "After preliminary investigation, the cause of the fire was a short circuit of the mobile power supply, which caused the fire. The on-site inspection found that the mobile power supply was suspected to be counterfeit and shoddy products."

Industry experts say that poor quality or improper use of mobile power supplies can lead to safety accidents, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety.

5 batches of mobile power supply overcharging test failure can cause fire and explosion

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

It generally takes a few hours or even longer for the mobile power supply to be fully charged. If you forget to unplug the power supply, you may also charge it all day and night. This situation is called charging. During this national supervision and spot inspection, it was found that 5 batches of mobile power supplies failed the charging test.

According to the testing engineer, during daily use, a mobile power supply may forget to unplug the power supply for a long time to charge, which requires that the internal battery quality of the mobile power supply must be reliable enough. Even if the circuit is damaged during overcharging, there should be no risk of fire or explosion.

Some mobile power internal battery in the test process suddenly deflagration, a lot of smoke. After the test of these unqualified mobile power batteries were burned.

After testing, 5 batches of mobile power overcharging items failed this time. They are:

Shenzhen Jinyu Dongfang Industrial Co., Ltd. produces the Yuanqi Mengmeng mobile power supply of Tmall Lofte flagship store

Dongguan Yubo Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. produces Yubo mobile power supply for Vipshop Yubo Digital Sale Flagship Store

Shenzhen Yanbu Technology Co., Ltd. produces super flash charging (mobile power supply) for Tmall eara flagship store.

Shenzhen Yimo Technology Co., Ltd. produces the LeTV super mobile power supply of Pinduoduo LeTV Yandian store

Yuantu Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. produces the Starry Sky Hand Warmer of Tmall Tianxiang Chuangwu Flagship Store

According to the testing engineer, poor battery quality is often one of the main reasons for the failure of the overcharge index.

If the shell quality is not up to standard, in the event of a bump or drop, the internal circuit and battery of the mobile power supply cannot be effectively protected, causing problems such as short circuit and battery leakage, which may also lead to safety accidents such as fire and deflagration.

For unqualified products found in supervision and spot checks, the General Administration of Market Supervision requires local market supervision bureaus to urge e-commerce platforms to immediately remove them from the shelves, and at the same time take measures such as seizure and seizure in accordance with the law to strictly prohibit the production and sales of enterprises. For unqualified enterprises, further clarify the rectification requirements, strictly supervise the implementation of rectification measures, and organize timely review.

NIO, "landing" in five European countries

On June 17, NIO announced that its NIO EL8 (domestic model ES8) has been officially launched in five European countries, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark. This is the sixth model launched after NIO launched in the European market.

Specifically, the NIO EL8 offers two models. The 75 kWh battery version is priced at 94,900 euros (about 739,000 yuan); the 100 kWh battery version is priced at 103,900 euros (about 809,000 yuan). For reference, the NIO ES8 is priced at 49.80-598,000 yuan in China. This means that the starting price of the NIO EL8 in the German market is about 240,000 yuan higher than the starting price of the domestic ES8.

As a well-crafted luxury electric SUV, the NIO EL8 shows its extraordinary quality in details. The design has maintained the consistency with the ES8 sold in China. From the hidden door handle to the watchtower laser radar, to the equipped multiple high definition cameras, it all shows the NIO’s scientific and technological strength and innovative spirit.

In terms of configuration, the car has a 6-seat layout of 2 + 2 + 2 type. The first two rows of seats use a seat frame platform developed by Weilai, with heating/ventilation/massage functions, and the third row of seats supports seat heating. Equipped with a suspended central control screen and a full LCD instrument, it not only enhances the comfort of the ride, but also makes a clever article on the sense of technology.

In terms of power, the NIO EL8 is equipped with a front and rear dual-motor four-wheel drive system, with a combined power of 480 kW and a peak torque of 850 Nm. It is also equipped with a dual-cavity air suspension, a CDC dynamic damping control system, and a Bosch IPB intelligent braking system.

Earlier, NIO founder, chairperson and CEO Li Bin announced the company’s expansion plans in the European market at the opening ceremony of "NIO Center | Amsterdam". Despite the current uncertainty of the European Union’s tariff policy on electric vehicles in China, NIO is still committed to the development of the European market.

Li Bin mentioned that electric vehicles are of great significance to the sustainable development of the environment. If the European Union imposes high tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, NIO will make corresponding business decisions based on market conditions.

In 2023, the cumulative sales volume of NIO in the European market is 2,399 vehicles. At the same time, the company has laid out a charging and swapping network in Europe, with 43 swapping stations, 45 overcharging piles, and connected to 600,000 third-party charging piles.

"When NIO’s annual sales in the European market reach about 100,000 units, we will consider establishing a production base in cooperation with local partners," Li Bin said.

Make up for shortcomings and strengthen norms – multi-departments speed up the "umbrella company" for workers in new formats

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 5?Topic: Making up for shortcomings and strengthening norms – multi-departments accelerate the support of "umbrella companies" for new business workers

Xinhua News Agency reporters Jiang Lin and Liu Weiwei

During the May Day holiday, Qi Jianzhong, a Meituan delivery rider in Nanjing, was both busy and down-to-earth. "With occupational injury protection, I feel much more at ease. Otherwise, I really don’t know who to call if I get injured."

In December 2023, Qi Jianzhong accidentally fell and broke his bone while delivering food. With the help of Meituan staff, he used his mobile phone to declare occupational injury protection, and about 1,000 yuan of medical expenses were reimbursed 875 yuan. After the disability identification, at the end of January 2024, he received a one-time disability subsidy of 41,900 yuan issued by the human resources and social security department.

Qi Jianzhong told reporters that he has been a rider for six years, and his income is good and his time is flexible. But bumps are inevitable in the rush, especially in bad weather, and his family always worries. "Occupational injury protection is like adding a layer of’protective net ‘, so after four months of recuperation and recovery, I came back to deliver food."

The occupational injury insurance that Qi Jianzhong said is a new type of work-related injury insurance created by the state for workers in new employment forms. The platform enterprise pays the fee, and the individual employed person does not pay the fee. The scope and circumstances of its protection, the standard and level of treatment, are basically consistent with work-related injury insurance.

Since July 2022, the new employment form of occupational injury protection for employed persons has been piloted in 7 platform enterprises including Meituan, Ele.me, Flash, Lalamove, and Cao Cao Travel in 7 provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Guangdong. As of the end of March 2024, 8.017 million people have been included in the scope of protection.

"Occupational injury protection effectively protects the rights and interests of employees in the new employment form, especially the basic living standards guarantee function of major casualty accidents. This system also disperses the business risks of platform enterprises and helps the platform economy develop in a standardized and healthy way," said Zheng Xuanbo, director of the work injury insurance department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Zheng Xuanbo introduced that how to participate in social insurance for the emerging group of new employment forms, the pilot has solved the problem and accumulated valuable experience. The next step will be to summarize experience and study to expand the scope of implementation.

The reporter noticed that on the website of the national social insurance public service platform, a special occupational injury protection service section has been set up, which shows that the insurance information, treatment payment application acceptance, occupational injury confirmation, treatment distribution, processing progress and other inquiry services are being practiced run.

Including delivery riders, instant delivery staff, online car drivers, such as the new employment form of workers, there are 84 million people.

"In response to the shortcomings such as high occupational risks, high labor intensity and low level of security faced by this group, in recent years, we have worked with relevant departments to continuously improve the system and mechanism, innovate work methods, strengthen service security, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers in new employment forms," said Li Xinwang, director of the labor relations department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

From the eight departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Safeguarding the Labor Protection Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms", to the introduction of special project rights protection policies for key groups such as takeout workers and online car-hailing drivers, and the reasonable definition of labor protection responsibilities of enterprises, to the February 2024 issue of "Guidelines for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms of Rest and Labor Remuneration", "Guidelines for the Publicity of Labor Rules for Workers in New Employment Forms" and "Guidelines for the Protection of Workers’ Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms"… Relevant departments have accelerated the support of "umbrella companies" for workers in new

"We guide platform companies and their employment partners to sign employment contracts and written agreements with workers, reasonably determine labor compensation, scientifically arrange working hours, formulate and revise platform labor rules such as order distribution and compensation payment in accordance with laws and regulations, and establish an internal labor dispute resolution mechanism," Li Xinwang said.

In response to the outstanding problems faced by workers in the new employment form of "overtime work", the relevant guidelines have made specific and detailed guidance for enterprises to scientifically determine the workload and labor intensity, and at the same time include workers in the new employment form into the minimum wage guarantee. In terms of optimizing insurance participation services, except for some megacities, all localities have opened the channels for flexible employment personnel to participate in employee pension insurance at the place of employment.

What should I do if there is a dispute between workers and platforms over compensation, and how can I protect my rights?

By strengthening the linkage with people’s mediation and judicial mediation, relevant departments have launched one-stop joint mediation services for labor disputes in new employment forms such as labor compensation, rest time, and occupational injury. At the same time, they have continuously improved the construction of online mediation platforms, optimized the mediation process and time limit, and helped both parties reach a mediation agreement voluntarily on the basis of mutual understanding and accommodation.

"The parties can also apply for arbitration review or judicial confirmation of the mediation agreement, and after review or confirmation, they can apply for the court to enforce it. At present, there are nearly 1,000 such mediation organizations across the country, and we will continue to promote it," Li Xinwang said.

Geely Xingyue L will become the world’s first L4 AVP mass-produced fuel vehicle with 1km parking problem.

Xingyue L relies on the (cross-domain) centralized electrical functional architecture first carried by the "CMA Super Matrix" architecture, and realizes cross-domain high-speed calculation and highly integrated collaborative management of functional domains such as power control, intelligent driving control, chassis control and cloud collaboration with the help of the vehicle core super domain controller, making the automatic driving control management more centralized, agile, reliable and safer!

It is reported that the Xingyue L 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking system is equipped with the world’s first super-domain controller of Texas Instruments and a super-sensing system consisting of 24 sensors covering the whole vehicle, which can calculate the dynamic and static obstacles such as roads, pedestrians, road signs and roadblocks online, and the intelligence exceeds the industry models, bringing users a safe, reliable, worry-free and convenient parking experience. As the first automobile enterprise in the industry to mass-produce this high-level autonomous driving technology, Geely Automobile has demonstrated its strong technical strength.

Demonstrate the powerful strength of technology Geely 4.0 Geely 5G-AVP will realize parking freedom.

Driving and parking in the city has always been a difficult problem. With the continuous increase of car ownership, "difficulty in parking and picking up cars" has become the second biggest pain point after "traffic jam". In order to solve this problem, most car companies are working on automatic parking technology. From the initial ultrasonic radar, reversing image assisted parking, to APA automatic parking using multiple sensors, and then to RPA remote parking technology carried by some new models. As the spokesperson of the powerful strength and the latest technology of Geely 4.0, Xingyue L, combined with the development of the previous stages, has surpassed RPA remote parking technology in its automatic parking technology. At present, it has reached the unmanned parking technology of 5G-AVP 1km, and will explore to enter the parking service stage of AVP intelligent cloud map in the future.

The world’s first 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology, Xingyue L, can currently complete powerful functions such as 100% unmanned driving, obstacle avoidance, intelligent parking space search, autonomous parking and parking within 200 meters round-trip distance through vehicle self-learning. In scenes with fixed parking spaces such as home and office, the vehicle only needs to complete route learning once, and the user can get off the bus in advance, and the vehicle can find the parking space independently to complete parking. When picking up the car, the mobile phone also calls the vehicle to automatically drive to the user’s location, which completely liberates the user from repeated parking.

According to Geely technicians, Xingyue L’s 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology will realize full-scene parking in the underground parking lot, and vehicles will automatically travel to any location. When the user goes out to pick up the car, he can remotely call Xingyue L by tAPPing the mobile phone app, and the car can automatically start, park out and drive to the set pick-up point. When parking after work, the driver can get off early when driving within the automatic parking map. Xingyue L will automatically drive and search for parking spaces, avoid obstacles on the way, and lock the parking spaces, which can realize automatic parking of different parking spaces such as vertical and parallel. After the parking is successful, Xingyue L will automatically take photos and accept the inspection of users. This technology does not need the driver’s participation in the whole process, which truly realizes the complete automatic driving, helps users solve the parking problem and greatly facilitates the user’s experience.

Xingyue L 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking system has 360TOPS+8TOPS overspeed computing power through the high-speed and low-speed fusion algorithm of 24 sensing elements including 12 ultrasonic radars, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 7 high-definition cameras, and can calculate road information and dynamic and static obstacles in real time, and realize L4-class unmanned driving technology in some scenes and working conditions. According to relevant comparative tests, the unmanned parking technology of 5G-AVP 1km of Xingyue L is superior to the new power star model Tesla Model Y in terms of the farthest control distance and parking function, which greatly subverts the aura of "idol" and reshapes the market’s cognition of China brand high-end SUV.

Evolvable Xingyue L with FOTA upgrade will realize L4 AVP driverless technology.

Geely Automobile is one of the first automobile enterprises to obtain the license of intelligent networked automobile test in the Yangtze River Delta. It has accumulated rich technology and experience in the field of automatic driving. It not only took the lead in popularizing L2 intelligent driving assistance system to its vehicles, but also became the first China brand to realize the full-scale mass production of L2 intelligent driving technology. Moreover, the allocation rate and market share of newly-produced L2 intelligent driving vehicles in the industry reached the first place, benefiting the intelligent travel life of millions of users.

In the completely unmanned scene, absolute accurate positioning and low delay are needed to ensure driving safety, which requires high-precision maps to reach centimeter level. In recent years, Geely has comprehensively laid out the field of commercial satellites, consolidating the underground structure of the integration of heaven and earth. With the formation of Geely’s low-orbit satellite layout, the navigation accuracy will be improved to centimeter level, providing systematic positioning services for future high-level intelligent driving. This time, the 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology carried by Xingyue L is an overall improvement of Geely brand parking technology. In addition, with the FOTA upgrade and evolution of the whole vehicle with full functional domain, it is believed that the parking service function of AVP intelligent cloud image will be realized soon.

As the new flagship of SUV under the CMA framework of Geely Automobile, Xingyue L will be the first safe and intelligent fuel vehicle to reach L4 level, breaking the boundary between old and new forces and opening a new stage of intelligent driving, and its subversive strength is increasingly expected. In the future when 5G, sensor technology and infrastructure become more mature, cars will be smarter. Xingyue L, which is homologous to the whole world and can be upgraded and evolved by FOTA, will surely promote the further improvement of driverless technology, and continuously evolve in the direction of automation, bringing more, higher, faster and stronger cutting-edge intelligent technologies to the people, which is bound to detonate the new trend in the mainstream market.

Didi’s management loopholes deserve further investigation, and two executives were removed from the national ride-hailing business

  CCTV News:In response to some netizens’ doubts about the problems of the police in the process of solving the case, the Wenzhou Public Security Bureau immediately organized personnel to carry out an investigation. After questioning the reporter Zhu Moumou and the family of the victim, reviewing the video and report records of the police reception hall, and reviewing the relevant communication records, the police issued a notice saying that there was no "case will not be filed without the license plate number and the driver’s phone number."

  At 16:22 on August 24, the victim’s friend Zhu Moumou went to Yongjia County Shangtang Police Station to report the case. The police used Zhu Moumou’s mobile phone to communicate with Didi customer service. After indicating the identity of the police, they hoped to learn more from Didi customer service. Regarding the relevant information of the owner and vehicle of the hitchhiker taken by the victim, Didi customer service replied that the security expert would intervene and asked to continue waiting for a reply.

  At 17:13, Didi customer service reported to the police that the victim had cancelled the order at 14:10 after booking a ride at 13:00 and did not get on the bus. The police questioned that the order could be cancelled halfway through the ride, and again asked to know the driver’s contact number or license plate number for easy contact, but failed. At around 17:30, the family of the victim also went to the police station to report the case.

  Xie Zhangan, Chief of the Propaganda and Education Section of Yueqing Public Security Bureau: "At around 5:30 pm on the 24th, the family of the victim came to our Yueqing Hongqiao police station to call the police. Her father and his grandfather came over. Her father said that her daughter lost contact, and the police briefly understood the situation. At about 5:36, the police contacted Didi customer service. When the police contacted him, Didi customer service said that it would take about 3 to 4 hours to inquire about relevant information. The police said that the situation was more urgent. According to the police, Didi Company said that the situation could be expedited. At 5:49, Didi Company came back and said that we needed a police card and a letter of introduction, and then the police forwarded the relevant procedures to Didi Company. The relevant emails arrived. At 6:13, Didi sent us their inquiry, the license plate of Didi and the basic information of the driver. "

  The license plate number provided by Didi does not match the registered license plate number.

  According to the police report, the license plate number information provided by Didi was consistent with the license plate number of the vehicle seized by the police the next morning. It is worth noting that the apology statement issued by Didi said that the license plate issued by the suspect Zhong was temporarily forged offline. That is to say, when the license plate number of the crime was provided to the police on the 24th, Didi should have known that the license plate number was inconsistent with the license plate number used by Zhong when registering. This shows that Didi is fully capable of knowing the driver, and it is worth investigating what kind of management loopholes exist in the end.

  Didi will start the national offline ride-hailing business tomorrow

  On the 26th, Didi Chuxing announced that since 0:00 on August 27, it will offline the Hitch business nationwide, removing the general manager of Huang Jieli’s Hitch business department and the vice president of Golden Red customer service. Didi Chuxing said that after the Hitch business goes offline, the company will reassess its business model and product logic internally.

At the age of 58, Jackie Chan jumped into a volcano with his life, calling it a year to let Lin Fengjiao star

group photo of the main creator

Jackie Chan

    Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Li Chao) On December 11, the film held a "final blow" press conference in Beijing, and Jackie Chan attended with the stars Yao Xingtong, Zhang Lanxin, Bai Luna, Liao Fan and Liu Chengjun. Jackie Chan, who has won the Guinness World Record for performing the most stunts, revealed that although he was also very scared during the shooting of the volcano jumping scene, he still stood in front of the camera when he saw a big rock flying over, and he said that even if he died, he would like to be a hero. At the end of the film, Jackie Chan’s brother’s beloved wife Lin Fengjiao appeared in surprise. In this regard, Jackie Chan said that for these short shots, he begged Lin Fengjiao for a whole year.


Yao Xingtong

Zhang Lanxin

Bai Luna

Liao Fan

Liu Chengjun

58-Year-old kung fu superstar jumps over volcano, Jackie Chan: Die like a hero

    Jackie Chan, who is 58 years old this year, has performed a lot of extremely dangerous and difficult moves for the audience in "Zodiac". Not long ago, he broke the Guinness World Record for "most stunts". Jackie Chan admitted that looking back on the dangerous scenes he had shot, he was also very scared at the time. "Today I broke my hand, tomorrow I broke my foot, and I can cut my head at every turn. I can get through it safely, but every morning I wake up and ask myself, will I be so lucky every time? Bruce Lee died after a few scenes, but he left a very bright image. I also want to leave a bright image, but I am not willing to die. It is better to leave a way out for myself and tell everyone that I will never make such a life-saving movie again."

    "It was too dangerous. I was going to roll down from the top of the volcano with iron ore in my eyes. Before I took the picture, I asked them, when was the last volcanic eruption? They said it was ten years ago. I mean, I wouldn’t have caught up with it so coincidentally. Once I saw a big rock floating over, and they were all shouting: Big brother! Go away! I stood in front of the camera very calmly and smartly, because even if I die, I will die like a hero."

Next page: Shu Qi and Wu Yanzu made cameos, Jackie Chan begged for a year to make Lin Fengjiao play

300,000 Chinese brand new energy SUV market research

  [Autohome News] Before 2020, our Chinese brand’s medium/medium and large SUV products were still rare, and the market was almost monopolized by overseas brands. At that time, we were still very cautious about this market. Even if there were products, most of them showed brand perception and technology, and did not pursue market performance. However, the growth of our Chinese brands in the past two years has indeed made rapid progress, especially in the new energy market. Medium/medium and large SUVs have gradually become the mainstream. Not only is the market demand increasing day by day, but our products are also becoming more and more mature.


  Recently, it has also become a period of product explosion in this market, including the new (|), the new Wenjie M7, Lynk & Co 08 EM-P and the new Xiaopeng G9 have been launched, and new players such as Zhiji LS6 are waiting for an opportunity. What is their market prospect? What is the sales policy now? Let’s go to the store again to find out.

◆ The new NIO EC6
Price range: 35.80-41 6,000
Product features: LiDAR upper body, appearance/configuration have been upgraded
Store location: direct sales model, there are many supermarket/store layouts. At present, there are 134 NIO centers, 286 NIO spaces, 304 NIO service centers and 58 NIO delivery centers globally


  The new NIO EC6 was officially launched on September 15, with two versions priced at 358,000 (75kWh) and 416,000 (100kWh). It stands to reason that it is beyond our 300,000 car purchase budget, but after using the NIO BaaS battery rental plan, the price of both models is 288,000 (battery rental 980 yuan/month and 1680 yuan/month), just within the budget, plus a good heat, so we decided to add it to this car purchase survey.



  The new EC6 has not been listed on the day of arrival, so there is only one.10,000 points for booking (deposit 5000 yuan)Other relevant policies are subject to those announced at the time of official listing. Detailed information can be found atClick here.Check, the delivery cycle is about 2 weeks. At that time, although the price of the new EC6 has not yet been released, the sales said that it is expected to be about 350,000, which is very close to the actual price. The order data is also relatively good. There are already more than 10 orders in the store, and one can be added every day on working days, and about 3 on weekends. The order is mainly for young people. Older users are also interested, but they have not placed an order. They still want to wait for the listing price to come out. Overall, the market prospect is relatively optimistic. It is worth mentioning that although the new EC6 has no discounts, there are no discounts in the storeES8 and ET7 have a small number of stock cars, you can get a discount of 10,000 yuan

NIO NIO EC6 2023 75kWh

NIO NIO EC6 2023 100kWh

  One of the main upgrades of the new EC6 is the appearance, and the other is the intelligent performance. The appearance aspect includes changing the appearance to a new design style, and at the same time provides 9 body colors to choose from. The interior will also provide 3 exclusive color schemes. It just so happens that the car on display adopts the Danxia red color scheme, which is very classy. In addition to intelligence, the new car is equipped with the latest banyan system and NOP + driving assistance. This time I came to the store just in time for the system upgrade, and I couldn’t actually experience it. However, friends who want to know more about the new car can also check our previous detailed experience videos.

NIO NIO EC6 2020 615KM Signature Edition


  The NIO EC6 was first launched in 2020, which can be regarded as a pioneer for Chinese brands to enter the medium-sized SUV market relatively early. At that time, it was also regarded as one of the strong competitors of Tesla Model Y. After the previous generation EC6 was launched, it achieved a monthly sales of 3,000 +, which is also a meritorious model that helped NIO achieve monthly sales of over 10,000 and successfully ranked among the top three new forces. With the launch of the new EC6, it can be regarded as the last piece of the puzzle of the NIO NT2.0 platform. It is bound to bear the burden of sales again. The future market performance is what we all look forward to.

◆ New Xiaopeng G9
Price range: 26.39-35 9,900 yuan
Product features: configuration adjustment, more people-friendly, more practical
Store location: mainly based on the direct sales model, but also developing the dealer model.Supermarkets are the main ones, and there are also departmental stores.





  The new Xiaopeng G9 just listed on September 19, after the completion of the change, the new car has finally dropped to 300,000, a total of 5 models, the price range is 26.39-35 9,900 yuan. At the same time, you can also enjoy the air suspension time-limited 20% off, car color limit free, delivery gift package, replacement subsidy, intelligent upgrade and other subsidy policies, while there are points compensation and hardware upgrades for old owners and so on.



  This time, the Xiaopeng G9 has been mainly adjusted for the configuration. For example, the Danao audio + 5D music cockpit is replaced with an optional configuration, and the standard Xiaopeng XOpera brand audio is equipped. In practice, this self-developed audio can also provide a good listening experience for front and rear passengers, which is completely sufficient for the vast majority of people. In addition, the car system still maintains a relatively high level, and the voice response is very sensitive, which has always been XPeng Motors’ expertise. Of course, in addition to the audio, the new Xiaopeng G9 has many details to adjust. For details, you can click here to view.



  There is a new G9 570max model display in the store. This is also the configuration mainly promoted by Xiaopeng G9. The new G9 has not been listed when it arrives at the store.The deposit is 5,000 yuan, and delivery is expected to start in 1 month.In addition, sales representationThe old Xiaopeng G9 can have a discount of 10,000 yuanHowever, there are only a small number of existing cars, and they are not available when they are sold out. But users who come to the store are basically waiting for the launch of the new G9. After all, there was news at that time that the price of the new model would be cheaper, and the configuration adjustment would not be large.

XPeng Motors Xpeng G9 2022 650 Performance Edition Max


  Xiaopeng G9 was officially launched in September 2022 at the earliest, and it has been exactly one year. As the flagship product of XPeng Motors, although its intelligent driving and charging capabilities have been raised to a new height, the pricing of 30.99-46 9,900 yuan has not been recognized by the market. Except for the sales volume of 4,000 in December 2022, the average monthly sales volume in other months basically hovers around 1,000. After the launch of the new Xiaopeng G9, the price range will be greatly reduced. Can it be recognized by the market again?

◆ New Q Jie M7
Price range: 24.98-32 9,800 yuan
Product features: five-seat version, Huawei ADS 2.0 smart drive, all-aluminum chassis
Store location: Huawei direct sales are mainly in supermarkets, while Sailis direct sales are mainly in industrial park stores, and supermarkets have a wider layout




  The new Q & J M7 was officially launched on September 12, with a total of 5 models and a price range of 24.98-32 9,800 yuan. Since the new car was pre-sold at the Chengdu Auto Show in August, the cumulative order exceeded 15,000 units within 24 hours of listing, and 2700 new orders were added on September 17, creating a new high for the brand’s single-day orders. It can be seen that whether in the supermarket Huawei store or the Q & J 4S store, the new Q & J M7 has become a well-deserved star product.




  According to sales, the new M7 store can basically guarantee a daily increase of 2-3 orders, and can double on weekends, mainly young consumers, most of them choose 5-seat smart driving version (309,800), Huawei ADS 2.0 smart driving is still very attractive to young consumers, and the older ones will basically choose the rear drive version (5 rear drive version sold 249,800, 6 rear drive version sold 269,800 yuan). According to previous news, Huawei ADS 2.0 smart driving system is expected to be in the National Open City NCA in December, when it may usher in another wave of sales.




  If you place an order before the first sales period on October 7, you can get a cash discount of 6,000 yuan, a matching fee of 12,000 yuan and a matching benefit of 15,000 yuan (choose one of three). In addition, there is a replacement subsidy of 15,000 yuan in the store, and the sales rights are still quite attractive. Although the new Q Jie M7 will be delivered when it is listed, if you place an order now, the delivery cycle will take about a month. It is worth mentioning that the new Q Jie M7 has a new 5-seat version with high comfort in the rear row, which is the most comfortable in this visit. In addition, Hongmeng Smart Cockpit 3.0 also has excellent performance. Except for the slightly slow automatic speech recognition (possibly due to signal problems in the exhibition hall), other performances are impeccable.

Sailis Automobile, Ask the World M7 2022 1.5T 4WD Deluxe Edition

  Wenjie M7 was first launched in July 2022. Under Huawei’s halo blessing, it achieved good market feedback in the early stage of listing. The highest monthly sales exceeded 5,000 units, but it fell sharply after 2023, with the average monthly sales falling to about 1,000 units. The new Wenjie M7 can be said to have been adjusted very timely and successful, especially at the moment when Huawei’s new mobile phones are released, the new M7 is also taking advantage of the momentum and has the potential to enter the first echelon.

◆ Lynk & Co 08 EM-P
Price range: 20.88-28 8,000 yuan
Product features: Meizu car machine, new design language/pure electric battery life 245km
Store location: dealer model, mostly industrial park stores, few supermarkets


Lynk & Co 08 2023, basic

Lynk & Co 08 Guided Price Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 120 Long Range Pro 20.88 120 long battery life Halo 21.58 245 Super long battery life Halo 23.58 220 4WD Performance Halo 26.18 Time Limited Edition 28.80

  Lynk & Co 08 ushered in the official listing on September 8. This time, a total of 5 models were launched, priced at 20.88-28 8,000 yuan. Through communication with sales staff, it was found that there are no other preferential policies in the store. For consumers who want to buy Lynk & Co 08, they can only refer to the official rights and interests released when they were listed. At present,Lynk & Co 08 all models can enjoy 9,000 yuan to enjoy the gold when placing an order. At the same time, you can also upgrade the Harmanka 23 speaker audio bag worth 10,000 yuan for free. The optional "Technology Pride Smart Enjoy Pack" can get 7,500 yuan for five years of NOA function service. In terms of replacement subsidy, you can enjoy a replacement/additional purchase subsidy of up to 6,000 yuan. In addition, you can also get 300 yuan worth of Meizu Mall 30,000 points.





  According to Geely’s official sales figures, the Lynk & Co brand sold 18,696 units in August, an increase of about 9% month-on-month and an increase of about 24% year-on-year. According to previous data, less than a week after the new car opened for pre-sale on August 8, the order has exceeded 10,000 units. On the same day, I communicated with the staff in the Beijing store and learned that since the official listing of Lynk & Co 08 as of September 15, the current in-store sales have exceeded 100 units. In this way, this store alone has an average of more than 10 orders per day. It seems that the popularity of new cars is still very high. During our viewing, there are staff who are explaining the functions of the car system to users. It can be seen that users are still very concerned about the intelligent configuration of vehicles.

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

  The new car uses the latest LYNK Flyme Auto Meizu car system. The sales staff in the store said that it has the same level of fluency as the mobile phone, and the actual experience is really good. Our experience of zoom navigation, one-handed sliding interface, switching between different interfaces and other conventional operations did not find any cards or slow responses during the process. Basically, we can realize finger operation where to hit, and the response is very fast. In addition, we also experienced the automatic speech recognition function of the car. Lynk & Co 08 can only support voice conversations in a single area. When the main driver issues a voice command, the co-pilot immediately sends out a voice command that cannot be recognized. In this regard, we can compare the M7, which can support continuous dialogue in different zones and increase the convenience of continuous operation for different passengers in the car. But for the usage habits of different users, we can’t give absolute good or bad evaluations.

  In addition to the function of the car, when we learned that the Harmanka stereo can be replaced for free, we immediately carried out the experience, which does continue the consistent characteristics of its brand, with excellent sound resolution. In addition, we hope to give users a certain reference in the car purchase experience. Looking back at our car store this time, the overall scale is relatively large, and different models have cars on display. There are also a small number of official used cars in the store. The service attitude of the sales staff in the store and the patient explanation provided us with a good car viewing experience.

◆ Zhiji LS6
Pre-sale price range: 23- 300,000 yuan
Product features: DIY personalized dress-up/technology cockpit design, GPT large model
go online
Store location: direct sales model, mostly supermarket stores, industrial park stores are rare



  Zhiji LS6 has opened pre-sale at the previous Chengdu Auto Show, and the pre-sale price range is 23-300,000 yuan.The new car plans to show the car to the store on September 22. By inquiring about the sales in the store, it is expected that the official price will be maintained within 300,000 yuan, and it will be officially listed and delivered in October. At present, there are no additional preferential policies in the store, and it is still based on official rights and interests. At present, the preferential activities that provide 2,000 yuan of intention gold to 5,000 car purchases also include 10,000 yuan of optional funds. For L7/LS7 owners, they can enjoy another 10,000 yuan discount.Since the pre-sale started at the end of August, as of the day of the survey on September 15,The national order volume of Zhiji LS6 has reached 15,000 units.

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, low-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

  The new car offers a total of 7 body colors. According to the store, the current main colors are brown, cyan and pink. Obviously, pink bodies are more popular with female consumers. Interestingly, although we didn’t see the real car, the in-store sales explained to us a variety of personalized gameplay of Zhiji LS6, including DIY replacement of different colors of rim decoration, side skirt trim and rear spoiler trim and so on.


Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

  Since there are no show cars in the store at present, we did not experience the actual operation of the car and machine system this time. However, in the store we experienced the car and machine of Zhiji L7 and the voice control system. The overall recognition speed needs to be improved compared with other vehicles of the same class. Looking forward to LS6’s improvement in this regard. The Zhiji car we investigated this time is a store located in a large shopping mall. The store decoration style is similar to the reduced version of the car show booth, located in the central lobby area of the mall. The service attitude of the staff in the store and the professional performance of the product are acceptable. 

Editor’s comment:

  This time we are mainly limited to about 300,000 of new products to the store survey, but in the domestic new energy market, of course, there are many BYD, Tengshi and ideal brands have very good products have been affirmed by consumers. An obvious feeling is that compared with the previous store survey by price, preferential and other stimulus policies, this survey we are more impressed by the product force.

  They are not only trying their best to meet the harsh conditions of consumers "both want, want, and want", but also form brand differences through details and bring some unexpected joy. So if you buy a car 300,000 budget, what aspects do you value most and which model will you choose? Which new car market conditions do you want to see? You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area, our car purchase investigation team is always ready. (Text/Autohome Guo Chen, Yao Yu)