How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

Chaos in the water purifier market: 2,800 yuan, and the low end of water purifier accessories is less than 100 yuan.

The chaos in the water purifier market needs to be strictly controlled

Photo courtesy of China News Service

  In recent two years, people have paid unprecedented attention to the health and safety of life and drinking water. With the popularization and improvement of health awareness, people’s drinking habits have gradually changed. From bottled water and bottled water to today’s water purifiers, we can see that the pursuit of healthy drinking water has become a fashionable trend, and it can also be said that the situation is gratifying.

  At present, the overall situation of China’s water purifier industry is good. The whole water purifier industry presents a rapid development momentum, and the market prospect is brighter with the promotion of manufacturers. According to industry experts, the market capacity of domestic water purifiers will exceed 100 billion in five years. However, there is a saying that "there are three holidays in ten days", and the market is hot, which also exposes some problems.

  The quality can’t pass repeatedly.

  In recent years, the annual growth rate of water purifier market capacity in China has reached 50%. It is estimated that the market penetration rate of domestic water purifiers will reach 20% ~ 30% by 2019. However, behind the rapid growth of the water purifier market, many problems such as uneven brands, complicated installation and difficult maintenance have been hanging over the whole industry.

  "The selling price of this one is only 100 yuan, but the other one sells nearly 5,000 yuan. The appearance looks similar, and it is really impossible to tell good from bad." Recently, after visiting the market, the reporter found that there are many brands of water purifiers and the prices are very different. Among them, the cheapest is only 196 yuan, which can be directly installed on the faucet. The most expensive one is the central intelligent water purifier, which costs nearly 10,000 yuan.

  In order to attract customers to buy, merchants also put forward health concepts such as activity and rich oxygen ions, and publicity such as "beauty", "freckle" and "anti-cancer" are common. In a water purifier store, the clerk introduced a RO water purifier with a price of 4,998 yuan to the reporter, saying that "the filtration technology is the most advanced, which can remove 99% impurities and the water coming out is the healthiest". Seeing that the reporter suspected that the price was a bit high, the clerk introduced an ultra-filtration water purifier with a price of 998 yuan, and said that the filtered water is rich in minerals, which is beneficial to the body.

  In addition to price confusion, the quality of water purifiers has been questioned. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine conducted spot checks on the water purifiers of 33 enterprises nationwide and found that 40% of them were unqualified. Lu Jianguo, director of the Health Appliance Analysis and Testing Center of China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, said that since 2014, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has organized three national supervision and spot checks. The results show that the pass rate of water purifiers is less than 70%, which is a low level in the household electrical appliance industry.

  An insider broke the news that a 2800-yuan RO water purifier was disassembled and found that the accessories were a meltblown filter from 1.8 yuan, a compressed activated carbon filter from 3 yuan, two granular activated carbon filters not exceeding 3.5 yuan, and a RO membrane from 60 yuan. "In addition to the low-end accessories, some businesses do not have ‘ Water batch ’ (Approval of Hygiene License for Drinking Water Hygiene and Safety Products) also dare to sell. "

  The industry lacks supervision.

  It is understood that there are more than 3,000 enterprises producing water purification equipment in China, and there are countless brands. However, the quality of water purifiers is uneven, and there are phenomena such as inflated prices and inaccurate reporting.

  First, there are standards that are difficult to implement. At present, there are GB/T30307 national standards and QB/T4143 and QB/T4144 industry standards. The standards are available, but they have not been widely adopted. Most enterprises always try their best to bypass the standard requirements, and some enterprises do not implement the standard on the grounds of not knowing.

  Second, there is supervision and it is difficult to cover. At present, the water purifier industry is in a state of many and scattered. Although there are more than 4,000 brands of water purifiers in China, only a handful of them can become national brands. Behind the prosperity of the industry, a large number of small enterprises driven by interests exist, which invisibly increases the difficulty of supervision and law enforcement.

  Third, there is technology, which is difficult to distinguish. The biggest problem with water purifiers is poor experience, and it is difficult for consumers to distinguish between good and bad by appearance and price. Although there are water purification testing institutions, but the number is small, the price is expensive, enterprises are unwilling to test, so that some products do not meet the standard requirements are also listed for sale.

  Fourth, consumers favor foreign brands, giving some unscrupulous businesses an opportunity to make huge profits under the banner of "foreign names". Lu Jianguo said that it is difficult to manage thousands of small workshop-style enterprises only by government-led supervision, and some enterprises have slipped through the net, resulting in exaggerated efficacy and false propaganda. He believes that consumer participation in market supervision is the best way to supervise.

  Pay attention to safety in use

  The main function of water purifier is to improve water quality and remove harmful substances such as residual chlorine, heavy metals and suspended solids, but using unqualified water purifier will pollute the water source. How to choose a qualified water purifier, Lu Jianguo gave several suggestions.

  The first is to check the documents. It depends on whether the dealer’s sales documents (business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate, etc.) are complete. In addition, whether there is a health permit issued by the national health department for the health and safety of drinking water.

  The second is to understand the water quality. In areas with good water quality, you can buy a filter water purifier; In heavily polluted areas with chlorine in water and heavy taste, or families with direct drinking needs, you can buy reverse osmosis water purifiers.

  The third is to look at the filter. The high-hardness water quality in the north of China and the limestone area in the south of China have high calcium and magnesium ions, so you should buy an advanced filtration water purifier with ion exchange resin filter core. In areas with heavy chlorine and different colors and odors in water, you can choose a household water purifier with a large amount of activated carbon.

  The fourth is to look at the wastewater rate. For similar water purifiers, try to choose the one with low wastewater rate. (Zhong Gong Net reporter Lu Xiang)

The promotion policies of new energy vehicles are frequent everywhere, and new energy vehicles are popular with capital.

  In April, the promotion policies of new energy vehicles were frequent in various places. Xi ‘an announced that it would implement the charging service fee standard for new energy vehicles from April 10, and encouraged charging facility operators to implement preferential policies for users. Shanxi, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places also successively introduced corresponding support policies. A few days ago, the third batch of new energy vehicle catalogues was also announced, with a total of 309 models on the list. Since the introduction of the new new new energy vehicle catalogue in January 2016, more than 1,000 models have entered the new catalogue.

  While various automobile manufacturers vigorously promote the research, development and promotion of new energy automobile products, social capital has also flooded into this field on a large scale, which has spawned various modes such as Internet car-making and third-party services. At the same time, new energy vehicles have attracted more and more attention from the capital market.

  Trend capital pays attention to new energy vehicles

  On April 1st, the pure electric vehicle Tesla MODEL 3 started booking around the world. As of April 3rd, Model3 had received nearly 300,000 orders with a total value of more than 10 billion US dollars, and the market booking volume far exceeded expectations.

  Tesla effect drives the A-share new energy vehicle sector to rise. On the morning of April 5, the market opened, and the words Dafu Technology, Hongte Precision and Hongfa Shares were daily limit. Subsequently, Guangdong Hongtu, Changxin Technology, and Xinzhi Motor had daily limit. As of the close of the day, more than 20 stocks in this sector had daily limit. At the close of April 6, Nord’s shares rose daily, and the lithium battery sectors such as Polyfluoride, Ganfeng Lithium Industry and Tianqi Lithium Industry also rose by more than 4%.

  Not only has the stock price soared, but new energy vehicles have also become hot in the capital circle. Shenzhen O-film Tech Co.,lt, a listed company engaged in auto parts business, recently announced that it plans to subscribe for the registered capital of 80 million yuan (80 million shares) of Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Beijing Automobile Group, at the price of 204 million yuan and 2.56 yuan per share.

  In the past month, many listed companies such as Bohai Piston and Guoxuan Hi-Tech have become new shareholders of BAIC New Energy. According to the announcements of the subscribers, the target of this round of capital increase launched by BAIC New Energy in March this year is 1.2 billion yuan. After the subscription is completed, the registered capital of BAIC New Energy will increase from the existing 2 billion yuan to no more than 3.2 billion yuan.

  BYD Auto started construction of a new energy vehicle production base in Taiyuan, Shanxi at the end of March, with a total investment of 4 billion yuan, and an annual output of 5,000 pure electric buses, 5,000 pure electric buses and 2,000 industrial and mining vehicles.

  At the same time, many social capitals have entered the service fields of new energy vehicles such as charging piles and time-sharing leasing. The reporter learned that Yikai Car Rental is an enterprise engaged in the third-party service of new energy vehicles. By establishing a large number of new energy vehicle rental points including parking spaces and charging piles, it serves consumers in a time-sharing mode. At present, this model has been operated in Wuhu, Anhui Province for more than two years, and has gained good experience and matured.

  Promotion of the status quo is the primary issue.

  Since the private market of new energy vehicles was opened in 2014, new energy vehicles have been growing at multiple times in the past two years. According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, the production and sales of new energy vehicles increased by 1.7 times in the first two months of this year compared with the same period of last year, and the production and sales of pure electric vehicles increased by nearly 3 times respectively. At the same time, however, the promotion of new energy vehicles is still the most important issue at present, affected by factors such as cruising range, cost and price, and charging facilities. How to promote the development of new energy vehicles through the innovation of policies, modes, technologies and services has become a topic of common concern.

  Both auto companies and social operators have a clear understanding of this. Zhang Yong, deputy general manager of Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of the marketing company, said that Beijing New Energy Automobile has developed from a single model to multiple series, and established the service brand of "Smart and Smart Housekeeper", and opened up the demand of market users and opened up markets such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Qingdao and Sanya.

  "The promotion of new energy vehicles in first-tier cities has policy advantages such as restrictions on purchases and restrictions. However, it is impossible to improve air quality only by promoting new energy vehicles in first-tier cities. How to promote new energy vehicles in the vast second-and third-tier small and medium-sized cities has become an important issue. The model of easy car rental is to solve this problem. " Yan Daoyuan, chairman of Yikai Car Rental, said.

  Yan Daoyuan said that at present, more than 1,100 pure electric vehicles have been invested in Wuhu, and more than 200 car rental points have been set up, which are spread all over the urban area of Wuhu. Consumers can basically walk within 10 minutes, and it is very convenient to pick up and return the cars.

  "For example, if you go to work every day, you can inquire about the car rental point near your home through the mobile APP, walk for 5 to 10 minutes, and then return the car at the car return point near the unit. It is also a 5 to 10 minute walk. It is convenient to go to the unit and pay the fees online." Yan Daoyuan said that at present, there are 1,500 charging piles, which can provide charging service for 300 vehicles at the same time, and the vehicles are configured according to the ratio of one thousandth of the permanent population. In the future, a total of 5,000 pure electric vehicles will be put into Wuhu, further increasing the construction of car rental points.

  Yan Daoyuan said that the current costs include land, maintenance, labor, electricity consumption, car purchase and other expenses. At present, in terms of income, only car rental fees are charged, and consumers are not charged other fees such as charging fees and parking fees.

  Some experts said that there is a great demand for travel between 25 km and 100 km in the city, but there is no public solution now. In addition, the current utilization rate of private cars is only about 7%, while time-sharing can increase the utilization rate to 40% to 60%. It is estimated that the future time-sharing market will be hundreds of billions of yuan.

  "At present, this model of easy car rental has formed a small ecological environment for sharing traffic in an urban area, which can be promoted and replicated in other small and medium-sized cities across the country." Yan Daoyuan said that not only small and medium-sized cities, but also Easy Car Rental has planned to enter the Beijing market. "The situation in Beijing and Wuhu is fundamentally different, including the cost of distribution will be greatly increased, but with the city’s demand for improving the environment and people’s fast and green travel, the promotion of new energy vehicles will go a long way." He said.

  It is expected that the target of 5 million vehicles is expected to break through.

  Good policies, good models, and good products and services are also needed. A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission approved the pure electric passenger car construction project of Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., which is considered to be the first new energy vehicle production qualification in China. At the same time, the super pure electric sports car developed by BAIC Group in the R&D center in Barcelona, Spain has started field testing. At the Beijing Auto Show at the end of this month, BAIC’s driverless technology will also be available.

  "5 million vehicles is a planned goal of the government. We think this may be faster. The most important reason is the progress of technology and the reduction of costs. With the improvement of product research and development and supply chain systems invested by major automobile companies, the scale effect is becoming more and more obvious." Zhang Yong said.

  Some experts say that in the next three to five years, the private market in first-and second-tier cities will start rapidly, and the vast third-and fourth-tier cities and developed rural cities also have the demand for pure electric vehicles, but there are no suitable products to meet them, which will be replaced by some low-speed electric vehicles. If there are pure electric vehicles with appropriate cost performance, there will be a good market.

  Under such a market prospect, the performance of the new energy automobile industry has also performed well. According to incomplete statistics, among more than 50 companies related to the new energy automobile industry that have published annual reports and performance reports in the A-share market, nearly 40 have achieved year-on-year growth in net profit. "We believe that the domestic new energy vehicle market will be better than the target of 5 million vehicles in the future." Zhang Yong said.

  Reporter Li Zhiyong

ETF selection | Does the "white list" of real estate projects land before the end of the month? Real estate and banks usher in multi-layer benefits.

On January 26, 2024, the market fluctuated and differentiated all day. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.14%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 1.06% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 2.23%. Northbound funds bought 1.51 billion net all day.

In terms of sectors, PEEK materials, Hainan, real estate and Shanghai state-owned assets were among the top gainers, while CRO, semiconductors, MR and BC batteries were among the top losers.

In ETF, S&P ETF(159655.SZ), real estate ETF Huaxia (515060.SH) and real estate ETF(512200.SH) led the gains. In addition, banks, games, and delivery ETFs were also boosted by relevant news, with the highest gains.

[Financial support for real estate, favorable policies resonate]

In the news, the relevant person in charge of the State Financial Supervision Bureau said that it will continue to provide personal housing loan financial services. We will support local city governments and housing construction departments to further optimize individual housing loan policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate, and guide and urge banks to better serve the financing needs of the broad masses of people for rigid and improved housing.

In addition, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a voice on January 26, 2024, fully giving urban real estate control autonomy, and cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

Huatai Securities believes that the press conference makes it clear that the financial industry is duty-bound to support real estate vigorously, and optimize policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate due to the city’s policy. At present, the mortgage interest rate has gone through several rounds of LPR adjustment, and the lower limit of the point has been gradually relaxed until a dynamic breakthrough. Many places have lowered or cancelled the lower limit of the interest rate due to the city’s policy. RealData shows that the national first home interest rate has dropped to 3.84% in January 2004, down 1.59pct from the high point in October 2001. In September 2003, the stock mortgage interest rate was lowered to further reduce the burden on residents. Many cities have implemented the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans" and optimized the criteria for recognizing the first suite, and the policy adjustment has gradually spread from low-energy cities to high-energy cities. There is still room for the relaxation of the future purchase restriction policy in first-tier cities.

Related ETFs: real estate ETF Huaxia (515060.SH), real estate ETF(512200.SH), real estate ETF(159768.SZ), real estate ETF(159707.SZ), financial real estate ETF(510650.SH) and financial real estate ETF(159940.SZ).

[Cancel the restrictions on the proportion of foreign investment, and banks will welcome benefits again]

In the news, on January 25, 2024, the relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Financial Supervision said that more than 50 opening-up measures have been introduced recently. First, the restriction on the proportion of foreign shares will be abolished. Now, foreign capital can hold 100% of the shares of bank insurance institutions and achieve complete control. Second, the negative list of foreign investment access, and the relevant restrictive measures on the financial industry have been completely cleaned up. For example, the business scope of foreign banks and insurance institutions is completely consistent with that of Chinese capital, realizing national treatment.

Huatai Securities believes that the press conference of the State Council Office made a heavy noise, and the policies at both ends of real estate supply and demand were once again overweight, emphasizing the resolution of risks of small and medium-sized banks and relaxing the proportion of foreign ownership. The combination of the central bank’s policy of lowering the RRR at the beginning of the year will help improve the liquidity environment and accumulate momentum for economic recovery. The policy is expected to be good+the valuation position is double low, and we should seize the opportunity of bank allocation. At present, the valuation of PB(lf) in the banking sector is 0.54 times, which is 3.66% quantile since 2010, which is at a low level. Bank positions of 23Q4 decreased by 0.6pct from the previous month to 1.91%, a record low.

Related ETFs: Bank ETF Huaxia (515020.SH), Bank Leading ETF(515280.SH), China Securities Bank ETF(512730.SH), Bank ETF(512800.SH), Banking ETF(512820.SH) and Bank ETF(159887.SZ).

[Spring Festival travel rush opens on the first day, and the travel industry chain is expected to benefit]

In the news, today (January 26th) is the first day of Spring Festival travel rush in 2024. Railway 12306 began to sell train tickets for February 9, that is, the 30 th day of the twelfth lunar month. It is estimated that during the period of Spring Festival travel rush this year, the cross-regional personnel flow will reach 9 billion. According to the booking data of 12306, on the first day of Spring Festival travel rush, the national railway is expected to send 10.6 million passengers.

Yongxing Securities believes that the traditional holidays are coming and the travel industry chain is expected to benefit as a whole. Near the 8-day holiday of the Spring Festival, the travel heat of the Ma Honeycomb Platform during the Spring Festival rose by 350%, showing an upward trend. The reunion festival has become the choice of most tourists to promote family travel, and the family parent-child group accounts for 42% of the Spring Festival travellers. Ctrip shows that orders for domestic travel, outbound travel and inbound travel have all increased substantially. Considering that during the traditional holidays, the flow of visiting relatives and tourists will overlap, the demand for domestic and outbound travel will increase, and the travel industry chain is expected to benefit as a whole.

Related ETFs: Travel ETF(159766.SZ), Travel ETF(562510.SH), Delivery ETF(561320.SH), Transportation ETF(159683.SZ), Transportation ETF(159666.SZ) and Delivery ETF(159662.SZ).

[115 games approved! The game plate oscillated and rebounded]

On January 26th, 2024, relevant departments released the approval information of domestic online games in January, and a total of 115 games were approved. Since the edition number was resumed in 2022, the number of edition numbers in a single month has exceeded 100 for two consecutive months, and the overall edition number has remained stable.

Citic Securities believes that in the medium and long term, there are still opportunities for the development of China’s game industry, especially related companies that focus on quality content and development in the sea. At the same time, the game industry is an industry that pays attention to innovation. Through technological innovations such as AI and VR, as well as business model innovations in gameplay and categories, game companies are still expected to continue to create increments.

Related ETFs: game animation ETF(516770.SH), game ETF(516010.SH), game ETF(159869.SZ) and game media ETF(517770.SH).

Xiangshui Qingbo Finance Lianyun PICC P&C Insurance Hunan Branch: Cultivating Clean Culture and Creating Financial Ecology "Green Water and Green Mountain"

The Central Financial Work Conference held in October 2023 emphasized that finance is the blood of the national economy and an important part of the country’s core competitiveness. As a stabilizer and promoter for the healthy development of the financial industry, the construction of clean financial culture needs financial workers to shoulder their sacred mission, maintain the long-term purity and stability of the financial team, and provide an important guarantee for the safe and steady operation of the national finance and effectively serve the real economy.
In the past three years, PICC P&C Hunan Branch has incorporated the construction of incorruptible financial culture into party building, corporate governance and corporate culture, compacted the responsibility of party committees at all levels in the province to manage the party and the supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection commission, incorporated the construction of incorruptible financial culture into the overall planning of party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work layout, and devoted itself to cultivating incorruptible culture and creating a "green mountain" of corporate financial ecology.
Adhere to the guidance of party building and promote ideological and political work to take root and cast souls.
PICC P&C Hunan Branch always adheres to the guidance of Party building, embodies the Party’s centralized and unified leadership over financial work in the specific work of building a clean financial culture, constantly strengthens the Party’s leadership, highlights the political function of the Party organization, takes Party building as the "root" and ideological and political work as the "soul" for building a clean financial culture.
First, strengthen the awareness of "one post and two responsibilities" among members of party committees at all levels, and organize party committee secretaries, discipline inspection commission secretaries and team members to sign the Supervision Letter on Performing Political Responsibility respectively, so as to clarify the specific measures and implementation requirements of political responsibility.
The second is to strengthen the party’s innovative theory, attach importance to ideological and political education, and regularly organize the theoretical study center group study of party committees at all levels, the "three sessions and one lesson" study of party branches, and the party branch secretary to teach the special party class on clean government. Pay attention to strengthening ideological and political education, convey the concept of strictly administering the party in an all-round way, and strengthen the leadership of the party in the whole province.
Strengthen organizational leadership and promote the implementation of the security system.
In order to ensure the real implementation and implementation of the construction of clean financial culture in the practical work of provincial branches, there must be three guarantees, namely, strong organizational leadership and personnel team, scientific institutional mechanism and strict system implementation. The three guarantees complement each other and rely on each other, and are always implemented in the construction of clean financial culture to ensure the stability and far-reaching operation of clean financial culture and the company.
First, strengthen organizational leadership. Provincial and municipal institutions set up leading groups for the construction of clean and honest financial culture, with the party secretary as the leader and the secretary of the discipline inspection commission as the deputy leader, set up supervision committees and risk compliance committees, and set up offices to undertake daily work, with specialized agencies to study and promote and effectively ensure the orderly development of clean and honest financial culture construction. The Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and relevant functional departments hold regular joint meetings to listen to the work of political and ecological governance, find out the problems existing in the comprehensive and strict management of the party, study and deploy the work of building a clean and honest government, promote the rectification of problems, and promote big governance with small incisions.
The second is to strengthen the construction of discipline inspection and supervision team, optimize and adjust the division of labor of discipline inspection secretaries of local and municipal branches, increase the number of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, strengthen the training of discipline inspection team, and promote the improvement of supervision ability.
The third is to establish and improve a scientific and reasonable system and mechanism of clean government. We have successively issued a series of system documents and work plans in the aspects of supervising four winds’s eight regulations, key minority supervision, and "three majors and one big" supervision, and established a joint meeting mechanism of supervision committees to integrate supervision resources, form a joint force of supervision, and give full play to the functional supervision role of various functional departments.
Carry out investigation and management, and continue to promote discipline and discipline.
Do a good job in the investigation and prevention of integrity risks in financial institutions, and pay attention to key positions, key areas and key links. We should regularly collect information such as the performance of cadres and employees’ duties and the implementation of the system. On the one hand, we can understand the breeding environment of corruption and optimize the identification method of personal and post risks; On the other hand, it can identify potential risks in time, analyze various risk manifestations, warn and resolve risks, and make up for management loopholes.
The first is to integrate honesty into compliance management and establish and improve the supervision and inspection mechanism. Organize the clean-up of existing employee management and related processes, and conduct many investigations on abnormal behaviors of employees for outstanding problems of internal control and compliance and potential risks of integrity, so as to plug loopholes in the management system. In view of the illegal issues found in the risk investigation of employee behavior management, such as illegal shareholding and engaging in social business activities that are of interest to their jobs, they have been promptly accountable and rectified.
The second is to carry out special rectification and continue to be disciplined. We will carry out special rectification work to correct the unhealthy trend and discipline, and comprehensively investigate and centrally rectify the new and old problems of leading cadres at all levels in five aspects: violation of political discipline and rules, violation of organizational and personnel discipline, violation of business-run enterprises, violation of financial discipline (including violation of the spirit of the eight central regulations), and bad work style. Comprehensively strengthen the party’s discipline construction, strictly implement the "Regulations on the Approval Authority and Procedures of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Municipality for Disciplinary Actions against Discipline in party member", resolutely investigate and deal with violations of party discipline together, and report by name, so as to promote the political and organizational functions of party organizations through discipline construction.
Insist on diversified promotion and create a strong atmosphere of clean finance
The construction of clean financial culture is an important measure to establish and improve the punishment system and prevent financial corruption, and it is also an effective way to optimize the financial environment. To build a clean financial culture, we need to further strengthen systematic thinking, adhere to diversified promotion, and continue to exert our strength for a long time.
The first is to strengthen the warning activities of clean government education. Focus on the publicity and education of the party’s work style and clean government in various forms, such as collecting and broadcasting clean financial and cultural works, establishing clean government publications, organizing cadres and employees to participate in online clean government knowledge tests, collectively watching warning education films, inviting party school teachers to teach clean government classes, and organizing visits to clean government education bases. Disciplinary committees at all levels in the province cooperated with the Claims Department to strengthen the integrity construction in the field of claims, and jointly hired personnel from the Judicial Bureau, the Economic Investigation and Criminal Investigation Bureau, the traffic police and the appraisal agency as the supervisors of the company’s claims integrity style. Strengthen the warning by case, inform and forward judicial cases and typical cases of violation of discipline, deepen the promotion of reform by case, and clarify the discipline by case, so as to achieve the effect of investigating a case, warning one side and standardizing one side.
The second is to conduct a clean government talk in a normal way. Strengthen daily supervision and conversation reminders, and members of the party Committee team will conduct pre-appointment talks on clean government to new managers one by one, and conduct daily talks on clean government with members of lower-level teams from time to time; The top leaders at the same level took the initiative to talk with other members of the team, reminding each other and urging each other.
The third is to improve the archives of leading cadres’ integrity, comprehensively collect the basic information of leading cadres, their integrity performance, performance behavior, letters and visits, accountability results and other contents, use the archives of integrity to analyze the situation of cadres’ integrity, draw political portraits of cadres, and provide important reference for selecting and appointing leading cadres, investigating hidden risks of integrity, and judging political ecology.
Fourth, carry out the construction of clean financial demonstration sites, extensively establish clean financial culture demonstration sites at the grass-roots level in the whole province, cultivate and guide them to carry out rich clean financial culture construction activities, and make clean financial culture go deep into the minds of grassroots cadres and employees. Among them, the construction of two demonstration sites in Chenzhou and Xiangtan has achieved fruitful results and was awarded by the provincial insurance industry association and the clean financial special Committee.
The fifth is to enrich the publicity activities of clean and honest culture. With the goal of creating a strong atmosphere, the provincial branch has carried out rich, diverse, pragmatic and efficient learning and publicity, such as making short videos and posters on incorruptible culture, conducting online answering activities on incorruptible culture, sending a letter to family members of leading cadres, and holding a photo exhibition on incorruptible financial culture calligraphy and painting.
In the next stage, PICC P&C Hunan Branch will insist on the construction of clean financial culture as an effective way to enrich political culture and conserve political ecology, and continue to strengthen the company’s ideological and political education, so as to help the high-quality development of Hunan’s financial industry with the financial ecology of PICC P&C Hunan Branch. (Wen Wei)

Emotional memory of the 90-year-old war hero at the premiere of the film Our July today.

Sanqin Metropolis Daily-Sanqin Net News (Reporter Xia Mingqin)On December 18th, the premiere of the film "Our July", a major cultural boutique support project in Shaanxi Province, was held at China Film International Studios in Xiying Film Park. The film’s creative team and the veteran Wang Wengui’s old hero and representatives of revolutionary martyrs’ families made their debut to pay tribute to those youthful years.

The film "Our July" is based on the Battle of Fu Mei, which tells the story of the first field army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and started the first decisive battle in the northwest, showing the touching details of the PLA soldiers’ fighting and their friendship with comrades.

The film was produced by Xi ‘an Film Studio Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Meixian County Committee and Meixian People’s Government. It was released today (December 19).

Huang Xiansong, general manager of Xiying Group and chairman of Shaanxi Film Association, said that the film "Our July" is a film that pays tribute to the heroes who took the lead in founding the new China and paid tribute to the thousands of revolutionary martyrs in Qian Qian, showing the heroic spirit of the China People’s Liberation Army in dying and fighting to the end, and sharing weal and woe with each other as comrades.

For more than 60 years, Xiying has always adhered to the creative orientation of "people-centered", shouldered the mission of "singing songs for the people and casting souls for the times", accelerated the revitalization and development of "Western Film and Television", and successively produced a number of masterpieces of Acura Party, Acura Motherland, Acura People and Acura Heroes. In the new era and new journey, Xiying will launch more excellent works to enhance people’s spiritual strength, carry forward the spirit of China and tell the story of China well.

Zhang Xiaoping, deputy secretary of Meixian County Party Committee and county magistrate, thinks that "Our July" truly reproduces the process of the battle of supporting eyebrows, portrays the glorious image of the soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army who are brave and tenacious and fought bloody battles. It is a masterpiece with a red theme integrating ideology, artistry and appeal, and it is also a vivid teaching material for the study and education of party history that cherishes the memory of revolutionary martyrs, bears heroic memories and is full of red genes.

Meixian county is the main battlefield of the eyebrow-lifting campaign, and it is also the place where the red spirit is inherited and carried forward. We will take this premiere as an opportunity to make good use of red resources, carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red spirit, so as to inspire party member cadres to draw strength from the heroic spirit and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary predecessors, turn patriotic enthusiasm into a powerful driving force for dedication, inherit the red gene in performing their duties and responsibilities, and continue the red blood in taking responsibility.

Recall the heavy history

Revolutionary heroes tell stories covered in medals emotionally.

Wang Wengui, a veteran of the 2nd Corps of the First Field Army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, as a participant in the war and a witness to history, spoke passionately about the hardships of the war. The heroic struggle of the soldiers was not afraid of sacrifice. He said, "When I was in my 90 s, I was very excited to see this film truly restore the war." Wang Jingwen, Wang Wengui’s daughter, also said that seeing the film seems to be in the scene of the bloody battles of her parents. As a family member of the veterans, she feels extremely proud and glorious.

Mr. Gao Xilin, the son of Gao Zengyue, the deputy head of the film, was very excited after watching the film. He expressed his gratitude to the producer and the creative team in a trembling voice. "This film successfully restored the historical scene of that era. It is not only a work to remember the heroes who died, but also an important teaching material to educate future generations and inherit the revolutionary spirit." Gao Fei, the granddaughter of Gao Zengyue, said that the professional and meticulous creation team presented this excellent work, which not only recorded valuable historical images, but also brought precious memories.

The creative team shared behind-the-scenes creative experience.

Inheriting the Red Revolutionary Spirit with Roles

The film "Our July" team devoted themselves to their respective fields with the spirit of striving for perfection, visiting and researching, studying archives, discussing with experts, etc., combined with meticulous service road design and excellent artistic techniques such as photography and production, and strived to truly restore the war scene. Director Zhang Youfang, starring Yin Chendi, Yu Zhilin and Gao Feng, shared the creative story in the filming process with the audience.

Gao Feng (who plays Luo Congshan) said: "After seeing the complete film, I was moved to tears, thinking about the hardships of shooting, and I realized the hardships of the war and the firm revolutionary belief and resolute courage of our ancestors."

Yin Chendi (as Wang Wengui) said: "I started doing research and homework as soon as I joined the group. After more than 50 days of hard shooting, I experienced personal growth, learned historical knowledge, and grasped the revolutionary spirit, which became my very important memory."

Starring Yu Zhilin (as Zhao Chunsi) tells that as a veteran, he was infected by the real environmental atmosphere on the set and deeply realized that there would be no happy life today without the sacrifice of his ancestors.

Later director Zhang Youfang said, "We have received more than 7,000 lens materials and more than 5,000 minutes of footage. The workload is heavy, the task is heavy, and the pressure is great. However, compared with the sacrifices made by our revolutionary ancestors, we are still too happy today.".

Producer Duan Peng said, "It’s a great honor to participate in this project with the producer and the creative team, and all the difficulties experienced have turned into today’s achievements, which will be our longest and most important experience".

Experts and scholars comment on the artistic value of movies.

Restore the masterpiece of historical hero stories

Zhang Ali, chairman of Shaanxi Literary Critics Association, believes that Shaanxi films have long been concerned about the revolutionary history, cultural history and real life in the northwest. This film not only inherits the artistic tradition, but also transcends the conventional definition of films and becomes the carrier of historical restoration, representing an important breakthrough of Xiying in the creation of western films and injecting new vitality into western films. At the same time, it combines various art forms and time relations, redefining the viewing experience.

Li Zhen, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, said that the film is a masterpiece to restore the story of historical heroes, which combines two types, namely documentary and war film. Through the memories of heroes, we have traveled through just visiting for 70 years, and we have a deep understanding of history. The film has created different types of heroes, which are both bloody and tender, without showing off or grandiose words, which makes the characters more authentic and will be deeply moved when watching.

According to Pei Yali, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, "This is a touching film, and the most touching part is the real interview content, which is very touching and adds soul to the film. The film also absorbs the cultural and artistic traditions very well, showing the profound integration of Guanzhong culture and art. For example, when the two armies confronted each other, the two armies challenged the Shaanxi opera, which we have not seen in other films, so that the audience can empathize. "

The audience communicated with the creative team around behind-the-scenes stories, creative inspiration and performance details. Everyone said that the film was real and moving, and the revolutionary ancestors did not hesitate to shed blood and sacrifice, and wrote a magnificent chapter for the happiness of the motherland and the people. Their heroic deeds will go down in history forever. We should remember the history, carry forward the glorious tradition, contribute to the prosperity of the motherland and create a better future.

Leaders of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, members of Xiying Group, Meixian County Party Committee and County Government, Provincial Literary Critics Association, Provincial Film Association, Provincial Cultural Industry Association, Provincial Film Industry Association, Provincial Musicians Association and other units, responsible persons of Xiying film and television industry, university experts, media guests, fans and audiences attended the premiere ceremony.

On December 19th, let’s walk into the cinema, reminisce about the red years and pay tribute to the revolutionary heroes.

The United States is going to wage war?

This warning notice issued on Twitter reveals the urgent tone of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council.
The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council called on Americans overseas to return to China as soon as possible. "the State Council urged Americans not to postpone their return to China, and all means of transportation may be unavailable soon."
Besides,The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Department of the United States wrote on the attached map that "American citizens should make plans to return to China now", and especially emphasized "now" in bold font.The tweet links to the global level 4 health warning issued by official website of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council on March 31st-Don’t travel.
As you can see, in this warning, the State Council advised American citizens to avoid all international travel. American citizens living in the United States should immediately arrange to return to the United States unless they are prepared to stay abroad indefinitely.
Obviously, this is an unusual warning notice.
Looking at the wars that have happened in the past few decades, the United States will also mobilize its overseas citizens to return to China as soon as possible before the war, and then choose the right time to start the war.When the United States attacked Iraq in 2003, there was a similar move. Therefore, this has become an important basis for some people to speculate that the United States may wage war again.
The second reason is that the Covid-19 epidemic has become a global pandemic, and the number of confirmed infections in the United States is increasing at a "rocket speed" of 30,000 people a day. At present, the total number of infected people in the United States is close to 350 thousand, and the death toll immediately exceeds 10 thousand. Trump just warned that the United States may usher in the peak of death toll in the next two weeks.
US Health Secretary Jerome Adams said that the American epidemic will usher in the "Pearl Harbor moment", which will be the "most difficult and sad" day for most Americans."The next moment will be our Pearl Harbor moment, the’ 9.11′ moment … We really have to understand that if we want to smooth the curve to the other side, everyone needs to do their duty."
Economically, the United States is in a bad situation. Last week, the number of first-time unemployed registered in the United States has reached a record-breaking 6 million, compared with 3.12 million in the previous week. The domestic economy and people’s living conditions in the United States have also been pressed the "pause button". Many large American companies have issued warnings, which may be the most difficult one, and have thrown out layoffs.
Therefore, in this grim situation,I am afraid that the epidemic situation in the United States will get out of control (or close to a stable state), a serious economic crisis will break out, and social contradictions will become increasingly prominent. The American political ruling class will go to war to transfer contradictions.
The third basis is that, judging from the information transmitted by the current US military, it seems that it has begun to enter a quasi-wartime state.
On March 29th, "Russia Today" revealed that the US Northern Command had dispersed its important headquarters to the famous Cheyenne Mountain bunker in Colorado, and isolated them from another secret location. The purpose of the Northern Command is to ensure that these personnel can work normally in the case of an epidemic and monitor the potential threats to the United States around the clock.
The underground bunker in Cheyenne Mountain is the product of the "nuclear cloud" of the Cold War. It is located on the outskirts of colorado springs. From 1965 to 2006, the base was used as the main command and control center of the North American Air Defense Command, and it is the largest and most modern military command center on the earth.
Because it is located in the center of the mountain, the top and surrounding of the building are covered with rocks hundreds of meters thick, forming an unbreakable bunker, and its independent facilities are placed in a large excavation tunnel of 20,000 square meters.This tunnel is hidden behind a 25-ton explosion-proof door. Its design purpose is to enable the supreme commander of the US military to survive a nuclear attack.
Combined with the last media exposure, if the top government and parliament in Washington, USA can’t command this country, then the commander of the Northern Command will take over the military command of the whole country. Someone on the Internet said that this move to the Northern Command must be carefully studied …
In addition, on the last day of the end of March, the US military reconnaissance plane rarely entered the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea at the same time; The two US aircraft carrier battle groups are still deployed in the Middle East to implement strategic deterrence against Iran; The United States issued a wanted order to Venezuelan national leader Maduro; It is rare for the US military to recruit 1 million reservists …
It seems that the atmosphere of war is really getting stronger and stronger.

Positive progress has been made in the high-quality development of culture and tourism

On December 14th, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism introduced the situation of accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

There are 57 world heritages in China.

Lu Yingchuan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has taken a series of targeted and effective measures to build a strong cultural country and promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism, and has done a lot of work to lay a foundation and establish a long-term future, thus making positive progress in promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

Adhere to the spirit of culture, cultural empowerment, prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries. We will increase the guidance and support for stage art and art creation, implement a series of art creation projects in the new era, and organize activities such as the exhibition of outstanding plays of stage art and the exhibition of fine arts. In the first 11 months, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism hosted 27 exhibitions, with 900,000 offline audiences and over 1.8 billion online viewers. We will improve cultural and economic policies, implement the strategy of driving major cultural industry projects, actively cultivate new formats and models, launch a series of consumption promotion activities, and carry out special rectification such as performance ticketing and script entertainment, so that the cultural industry will achieve rapid growth. In the first three quarters, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, with a box office income of 31.54 billion yuan and 111 million audience, up by 121.0%, 84.2% and 188.5% over the same period in 2019.

Adhere to integrity, innovation, self-confidence and self-improvement, protect, inherit and carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture. In-depth implementation of the Chinese civilization tracing project, archaeological China and other major projects, strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and ancient books, promote the fourth national cultural relics survey, and implement the Chinese ancient books protection plan. Do a good job in the systematic protection of intangible heritage, promote the identification of the sixth batch of national intangible heritage representative inheritors, and announce 10 national cultural and ecological protection zones. Organize international museum day, cultural and natural heritage day and other publicity and exhibitions, and hold activities such as "Tea and the World Sharing Intangible Heritage". Actively promote the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival, and promote the inclusion of "Pu ‘er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" in the World Heritage List, increasing the number of world heritage sites in China to 57.

Adhere to tourism for the people and tourism-driven, and better meet the new expectations of the people for a better life. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, develop mass tourism, smart tourism, green tourism and civilized tourism, build a list of special-grade tourism resources in China, pilot cultivate a new space for immersive experience of smart tourism, and hold a publicity campaign of "Civilized Tourism with You and Me". Eight villages were selected as the "Best Tourism Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization after the implementation of the rural tourism quality project, which became a typical case of rural revitalization with cultural and tourism empowerment.

Adhere to the position of Chinese culture, promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and continuously enhance the influence of Chinese cultural communication. We will implement the global civilization initiative, hold high-level cultural performances of important state events such as the China-Central Asia Summit and the third "the belt and road initiative" international cooperation summit forum, and carry out the activities of Chinese and Western culture and tourism year. Hold the first Liangzhu Forum, Yihui Silk Road-exhibition of works by famous Chinese and Arab artists, and performance to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra’s visit to China. Restore the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises to operate the outbound team travel business of China citizens to 138 countries, and carry out "Hello! China "national tourism image promotion, promote the recovery and development of inbound and outbound tourism.

In the first three quarters, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion.

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first three quarters of this year, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will focus on three aspects: promoting cultural and tourism consumption, improving people’s quality of life and better meeting people’s needs.

The first is to optimize the policy environment and solve the difficulties of blocking points. We will combine the new situation of tourism development, implement relevant policies and measures, and exert our efforts from both supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumer confidence. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, improve tourism services, standardize the order of the tourism market, strengthen tourism security, and create a tourist destination with quality and temperature. At the same time, provide more high-quality tourism products and more convenient services for inbound tourists.

The second is to promote industrial integration and innovate product supply. It will further promote the deep integration of cultural tourism, enhance cultural taste, enrich spiritual connotation, cultivate new consumption formats and new models, promote the construction of "small but beautiful" performing arts new space, and innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products. Promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts, and promote the integration of food, performance, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism, so that people can feel culture, cultivate sentiment, experience life and enjoy health during their travels.

The third is to build a platform carrier and increase the intensity of benefiting the people. It will promote the brand building of a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas. Guide local innovative consumption scenarios, cultivate new formats and consumption patterns, enrich measures to benefit the people, and implement the "100 cities and 100 districts" financial support culture and tourism consumption action plan. We will continue to run national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, strengthen publicity and marketing, stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption will, and help business entities to resume development.

Further safeguard the order of culture and tourism market.

In recent years, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has continuously relaxed market access, actively innovated supervision methods, created a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment, stimulated the vitality of the cultural and tourism markets, and helped the high-quality development of the industry. Relax the market access threshold and continuously release policy dividends. Promote the reform of tourism service quality margin, so that travel agencies have more liquidity. In the Pilot Free Trade Zone and other places, we have implemented the notification and commitment system for the establishment of travel agencies, implemented the electronic license for applied culture and tourism market, fully implemented the "one-line management" for administrative examination and approval, implemented more high-frequency matters "handheld management, fingertip management", and deepened the "good and bad reviews" for government services, making things more convenient and providing better services.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism responded to the demands of the masses in a timely manner, found and handled a number of problems, and organized a series of special law enforcement actions, effectively maintaining market order.

Since the beginning of this year, special rectification of script entertainment, special rectification of commercial performance ticketing, and 100-day rectification of tourism market order have been deployed one after another. In the first 11 months, the comprehensive law enforcement agencies of the national cultural market dispatched 9.988 million law enforcement personnel, inspected 3.348 million times and handled 41,000 cases. In view of the e-commerce platform providing conditions for reselling performance "scalper tickets", commercial performance activities and art exhibitions contain illegal contents, and some cases such as organizing minors to participate in performances that harm physical and mental health are specially supervised. In view of the illegal and illegal business activities such as specifying specific shopping places and operating travel agency business without permission, key provinces have been deployed to carry out centralized case handling in the tourism market, guiding relevant regions to investigate and deal with a number of major cases according to law.

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the local cultural and tourism departments investigated and dealt with some typical cases such as content violations, non-performance of performance obligations, forced shopping in the tourism market, threats by tour guides to tourists, and abandonment of tour groups by travel agencies, and promptly disclosed the punishment results to the public, effectively deterring all kinds of illegal acts.

"In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will continue to strengthen the comprehensive law enforcement supervision of the cultural and tourism markets, solidly promote a series of law enforcement actions, severely investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations, and further safeguard the order of the cultural and tourism markets." Du Jiang said. People’s Daily (December 15, 2023, 02 edition)

Harvard experts recommend: the five best sports for the body.

To cultivate exercise habits, what kind of exercise do you think of first? Many people think of marathons, which are very popular in recent years, but I-Min Lee, a professor at Harvard Medical School, points out that long-distance running will cause a certain burden on the knee joint and digestive system, and long-term running may also lead to other problems.

Harvard Medical School once published a health report "Start Exercise", which recommended five kinds of exercises for people who want to exercise and hope to lose weight and gain muscle through exercise:

It is pointed out in the report that swimming is almost a perfect way to exercise, except for the ability toIn addition to exercising most muscles of the body, it can also improve the heart rate, benefit heart health and slow down brain aging.. In addition, the pressure on all joints of the body is very small when swimming, which is good for arthritis patients because the joints bear less weight.

Studies have shown that endorphin is a kind of hormone that can make people feel good and improve people’s mood, while swimming can effectively stimulate the secretion of endorphin and help people relieve the stress in daily life. At the same time, swimming can calm people down, eliminate external interference and become more focused, which naturally reduces people’s tension and depression.

Practicing Tai Ji Chuan requires high concentration and soft and slow movements, which can exercise the stability of the core muscles of the footwall; Standing on one foot and shifting the center of gravity can improve the balance ability; The semi-squatting posture can enhance the grip of leg muscles and soles.

Tai Ji Chuan is especially suitable for the elderly.. A study in the American New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that the elderly in Tai Ji Chuan who practice for one hour twice a week can reduce the risk of falling by 58% as long as they persist for half a year.

I-Min Lee said: Balance is an important guarantee for good health, but many people’s sense of balance deteriorates as they get older. Therefore, Tai Ji Chuan is particularly beneficial to the elderly.

Strength training is also called weight-bearing exercise and resistance exercise. People usually think that it is a physical exercise. In fact, it is harmful to the overall health, such asIncrease strength, improve mood and protect heart health.And so on have a very positive role and influence. Strength exercises include sit-ups, weightlifting, pull-ups and push-ups.

Chris Jordan, a sports physiologist, suggested that healthy adults should have regular resistance and strength training, and HIIT is a good choice.

HIIT sports include push-ups, squats, squats and other strength training, and every movement is using the specific muscle mass of the body. A person whose muscle tissue is not too outstanding will get a significant increase in muscle mass after a period of HIIT training. HIIT is most suitable for people who are young and have a certain sports history, and has high requirements for physical fitness. People who have experienced HIIT sports will feel out of breath and thirsty. Ordinary people should do what they can.

Walking may sound trivial, but it is a powerful "medicine". Many studies have shown that even walking at a moderate or leisurely speed for at least 30 minutes willGood for the brain and the body..

A study found that adults aged 60-88 walked for 30 minutes four times a week, and after 12 weeks, the connectivity of the brain region seemed to be enhanced, and the weakening of connectivity in this region was related to memory loss.

In addition, a preliminary study on patients with severe depression found that walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes for 10 consecutive days can effectively reduce the degree of depression. If you haven’t formed the habit of regular exercise at present, the medical team of Harvard University suggests that you can start by walking.

Many people think that only women need to do Kegel exercise, but in fact,Both men and women need to do this sport.. This exercise was put forward by American doctor arnold kegel in 1948. In daily work, Dr. Kaigl found that the problem of postpartum female urinary incontinence can be effectively alleviated by consciously contracting and relaxing the muscles near the urethra and anus. So the initial function of Kegel exercise is to treat postpartum female urinary incontinence.

Later, after gradual improvement, it has the current function:Prevent male and female urinary incontinence, female pelvic organ prolapse (uterus, vagina, bladder, rectum), treat male prostate problems, and improve the quality of sexual life..

The correct way of Kegel exercise includes tightening the micturition muscles (that is, holding the urine), keeping the contraction for 2 ~ 3 seconds, then releasing and repeating for 10 times. In order to get the best effect, it is recommended to do it 4 ~ 5 times a day.

Original article, please do not reprint without permission.

Author: Wuxiang | Editor: Da V

Article source: November 2020 issue of Medical and Food Reference magazine


When more and more unconventional young people emerge in the streets and lanes, proudly parading through the city with carefully highlighted blue and green hairstyles; When Ma Baoguo’s Ma Jia Tai Ji Chuan spread all over the country like a clown; When a thunder resounds through the north and south of the river; When the models on the runway are wearing clothes that are close to nothing … People are amazed: fashion has appeared.

So there was this kind of report: "Shocked! There are really young people who are not fashionable! ""Still watching fake fashion collocation? No, it’s not from China! "….. Exaggerated dazzling modelling, artificial offensive personality, turn praise into derogatory words, these people often self-vulgar, self-proclaimed stand out from the crowd. Some people have questioned whether fashion means not talking about people, and wearing strange clothes has gradually begun to realize that this is not real fashion, and the fashion of this era seems to have slowly gone bad.

So, what is fashion? The dictionary defines it like this: the fashion at that time, the fashionable fashion. Nowadays, fashion is more like a benchmark, and it is the yardstick to judge whether a person is fashionable or not. What is popular is the trend. Once you fall behind this trend, congratulations, you will be given a stubborn title. In order not to be ridiculed for being old-fashioned, young people always stare at entertainment news, trying to find every little detail that can prove their advanced nature and make it carry forward.

For example, the original meaning of "ox and horse" refers to people who are willing to contribute and work hard, but the popular figure "knife elder brother" refers to it as the title of black powder, which seriously deviates from the original intention. So there was such a scene on campus: "Hey! What kind of cow and horse are you? " "Strange, isn’t cow and horse an adjective?" "This all don’t know? Forget it, there is no topic to talk about. " The person who knows left, and the person who doesn’t know immediately checked his mobile phone, suddenly realized, and immediately asked the next person: Hello! What are you? "Gradually became a bad fashion.

There are not only words, but also countless examples.

Do whatever is popular. People don’t seem to understand that this can only be called blindly following the trend and shouting loudly about their own fashion in life. So life is eroded by these so-called nouns. Fashion, in the eyes of many people, is just synonymous with the trend of the times.

But in fact, is fashion just such a superficial pursuit? Such a fashion way has a glamorous material appearance, but does it lack a deeper connotation pursuit?

There is nothing wrong with fashion, but blindly following the so-called trend vulgarizes the word fashion.

In blind pursuit, some people find the satisfaction of keeping pace with the times, but lose their own characteristics and personality. Do those unconventional shapes really suit me? Are unknown so’s derogatory words really beneficial to interpersonal communication? Did we choose fashion, or did fashion enslave us? Is this pursuit because fashion shows the temperament of the self, or just to prove that the self is fashionable? Also keep up with the trend, and then satisfy the psychological vanity?

What is fashion? I think the innovation of Chinese traditional culture is one kind.

You see, the spring flowers and the autumn moon jointly interpret the Xinxiang poems and songs of classical culture, embellishing the vicissitudes of Chinese bronze together, implying the different sounds of ancient feet and silk and bamboo, and the significance of Fengming’s welcome music. Modern people combine ancient poetry culture with popular songs, and it is easy to set off an antique fever. This kind of fashion can not only make people appreciate the golden horse in the long river of history, but also be affectionate with their children, and can better match the unique connotation of the times and bloom an attractive fragrance alone.

Fashion is still around us. Look at the green lifestyle of low-carbon people to protect the earth; Look at the travel modes chosen by carpoolers in order to save money, time and resources; Look at those people who wear chic and elegant clothes. They don’t have the exaggerated shapes needed to choose the trend, but who can say that this is not a fashion? This kind of fashion is not blindly following the trend, nor is it just the pursuit of material things. This kind of fashion is based on its full understanding of the outside world. Don’t choose the most fashionable, just choose the most suitable.

Fashion is still around us. Look at the green lifestyle of low-carbon people to protect the earth; Look at the travel modes chosen by carpoolers in order to save money, time and resources; Look at those people who wear chic and elegant clothes. They don’t have the exaggerated shapes needed to choose the trend, but who can say that this is not a fashion? This kind of fashion is not blindly following the trend, nor is it just the pursuit of material things. This kind of fashion is based on its full understanding of the outside world. Don’t choose the most fashionable, just choose the most suitable.

This is the connotation of fashion, and the real fashion should be a fashion with such connotation, with knowledge and knowledge, rather than just advocating and imitating the trend.