More than 20 provinces’ civil service exams are getting together. Learn about this week’s preferential policies

  Cctv newsThe recruitment of civil servants in many provinces in 2018 is underway. This weekend, more than 20 provinces will gather together to hold a written examination of civil servant recruitment. Observing the recruitment policies of civil servants in various places this year, many places continue to increase the policy inclination for the grassroots. In addition, some provinces have also introduced preferential policies to recruit professionals or urgently needed talents.

  The popularity of civil servant registration in many provinces has not diminished.

  Since March this year, more than 20 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have intensively started the recruitment of civil servants in 2018. Judging from the number of applicants announced in various places, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, Guangdong and other provinces have recruited more than 7,000 civil servants this year. At present, the online registration work in many places has ended, and civil servants in some provinces are very popular.

  For example, Jiangxi’s recruitment plan this year is 5,235, an increase of 46% over last year, and 179,000 people have successfully registered, an increase of 19% over last year, the highest in history.

  In Chongqing, in the first half of this year, Chongqing plans to recruit a total of 1,193 civil servants, and finally 74,683 people will pay for registration, with a recruitment ratio of 63: 1. This is the most competitive civil service examination in Chongqing in the first half of the past three years.

  Yunnan plans to recruit 3,765 civil servants this year. In the end, a total of 305,128 people successfully registered, and the registration was successful and the payment was 284,944, and the number of applicants also reached a new high.

  In addition, in the registration of some provinces, the competition ratio of the hottest positions exceeds "one in a thousand". For example, the number of applicants for the civil service examination in Guizhou Province exceeded 400,000, the highest in the past years, and the competition for the hottest positions exceeded 1,700: 1. In the recruitment of civil servants in Qinghai this year, 62,608 people signed up, and the hottest competition ratio was as high as 1,370: 1. In Yunnan, the competition ratio of the hottest jobs is as high as 1376∶1.

  Push preferential policies in many places to recruit "urgent talents"

  In recent years, no matter the national or provincial examination, the recruitment policy of civil servants has been continuously strengthened and tilted to the grassroots level, enriching the grassroots civil servants. In addition to paying more attention to the grassroots, some provinces have also introduced preferential policies to recruit professionals or urgently needed talents.

  For example, this year, Guangxi listed some highly specialized positions such as medicine, urban and rural planning and food inspection that are urgently needed by some recruitment agencies as short-term positions, and gave preferential policies such as relaxing the proportion of written examinations and delineating qualified scores separately; If the newly recruited civil servants meet the requirements of the high-level or scarce talent introduction policies of the cities and counties where they are located, the cities and counties can formulate specific policies in light of the actual situation and enjoy the relevant treatment of talent introduction.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Anhui Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, this year, Anhui will take measures such as relaxing the qualification conditions, reducing the proportion of opening examinations, delineating the scores of qualified written examinations separately, and recruiting students for household registration in this city, so as to supplement urgently needed professionals in urban and rural planning, modern agriculture, tourism management and so on for the grassroots in time.

  In Jiangxi, in order to solve the shortage of talents in key areas and key links of grass-roots market and quality supervision departments, the market and quality supervision departments of Jiangxi Province have come up with a total of 549 recruitment plans, mainly distributed in grass-roots branches of market and quality supervision.

  Shaanxi also requires employers to reasonably set job qualifications within the scope of laws, regulations and policies, combined with the actual personnel structure; Actively promote the grading and classification examination, increase the written examination of professional subjects for law enforcement service positions of public security organs, strengthen the scientific level of civil service recruitment examination, improve the matching degree between people and posts, and supplement urgently needed professionals for organs at all levels in the province.

  Recruitment of civil servants in more than 20 provinces will start this weekend.

  Since November last year, the recruitment of provincial civil servants has started one after another in 2018. Beijing and Shanghai have conducted written examinations at the end of last year, and the written examinations for civil servants in Zhejiang and Jiangsu were held in January and March this year respectively.

  In April, this year’s written recruitment tests for civil servants were held in various provinces. Last weekend, on April 14th and 15th, Guangxi and Guangdong held written recruitment tests for civil servants respectively. This weekend, the written recruitment tests for civil servants in more than 20 provinces will be held on April 21st.

  In recent years, many places have arranged the written examination of the provincial civil service examination on the same day, which is also called the "civil service joint examination" among candidates. "In the past, some candidates took exams across many provinces. If they were hired by many places, they could only choose one position, which would have an impact on the recruitment of other positions." Experts said that in all provinces participating in the joint entrance examination, the recruitment work is organized separately, and the joint entrance examination is not the same volume. Many provinces choose the written test on the same day, which helps to prevent candidates from taking advantage of the test time difference to participate in multi-provincial recruitment.

Can a hydrogen fuel cell car be affordable? Is it safe? Experts tell you the answer.

  CCTV News:In the development process of hydrogen energy industry, reducing cost and ensuring safety are two core concerns. In the face of this emerging industry, how to answer the public’s concerns? Let’s take a look at the answers given by the guests in the "On Tao" column.

  Reduce industrial costs

  Dong Yang, First Vice President of the World Automobile Organization and former Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:It is still more expensive than this gasoline car, even more expensive than the ordinary battery car. However, I will tell you that there is such a rule in automobile production. After you reach this scale of hundreds of thousands and millions, its cost will drop to one tenth of the original. Or this aircraft engine is the price of gold, and the car engine, with the same technology, is the price of cast iron.

  Zhang Weidong, Director of Energy and Environment Project of the United Nations Development Programme:According to some experts, the cost of battery stack is 11,833 yuan per kilowatt now, and it will reach 668 yuan by 2025, which will be lower.

  Dong Yang:Compared with the internal combustion engine, the fuel cell stack is basically a quasi-static or quasi-dynamic process, and many processes are very similar, but there is no reason to say that the stack must be more expensive than the internal combustion engine. Now it is only a matter of technical maturity and market capacity.

  Zhang Xiaoqiang, Executive Vice President and Executive Director of China International Economic Exchange Center.To solve the cost problem of hydrogen production, if we don’t have a reasonable framework in terms of electricity price and so on, it may trouble enterprises for a long time, that is, the cost can’t be reduced. How can we have a reasonable electricity price system? For example, when using off-peak electricity, can we make it cheaper enough, so that large users can establish such a direct purchase and sale relationship, instead of adding this network fee through the power grid, resulting in high cost. Many aspects like these need government guidance.

  For another example, we now attach importance to the utilization of hydrogen energy, especially hope that it can transform renewable clean energy, that is, water, wind and light. According to the characteristics of China, water, wind and light are concentrated in the southwest and northwest. Therefore, under the guidance of the government, we established a large-scale project in the world in the past. We called it "West-to-East Power Transmission and West-to-East Gas Transmission". Then, the next step is how to cooperate with this kind of energy and pipe network facilities in existing countries and explore in some ways. By participating in power transmission and gas transmission, and exploring new long-distance transportation of liquid hydrogen, for example, we can clean the energy in the northwest and northeast regions where energy is abundant. Apart from local consumption, because our main and most developed area is in the east, to solve these problems, I think many of them need the government to do a good job.

  Safety standard operation

  Guo Liejin, Academician of China Academy of Sciences:Everyone is very concerned about safety. When we were in primary school, our teacher would tell us that hydrogen would explode. The concentration of hydrogen, the concentration in space is 13% to 90%, and it is likely to explode between them. However, there is a premise for explosion. It needs to see an open flame with sufficient concentration. In Toyota and related enterprises, they all talk about the same car in their reports, which is a car filled with gasoline and a car filled with hydrogen. The chassis structure is the same. They do experiments. Under the premise of causing an explosion, the explosion of the gasoline car is completely destroyed, while the whole structure of the hydrogen fuel cell car is basically unchanged. Therefore, from this safety point of view, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are much safer than our diesel gasoline vehicles.

  The US Department of Energy and NASA have also done the same experiment. A barrel of gasoline, a barrel of diesel oil and a barrel of liquid hydrogen are shot from a distance, and then various protective facilities are built around to see who has strong explosive ability. The damage degree of the hydrogen tank after explosion is less than half that of the first two tanks, which is between 30% and 40%. What is the reason? Because hydrogen itself is a very light thing, once it is released, it runs into the sky and you can’t find it.

  I have a personal experience. In 1997, I started to build facilities for hydrogen energy research in my State Key Laboratory. At that time, I was also worried about safety. I installed explosion-proof facilities on all the windows of the laboratory, and put hydrogen sensitive elements called sensors at key points around me, and I debugged them myself. Then when the concentration reaches a certain level, it will call the police and the fan will directly discharge the things. But it’s been twenty-two years since this year, and it hasn’t exploded, even ringing.

  We operate according to the rules. Don’t our gas stations have many rules? It is also dangerous goods. Why can we do it well? Hydrogen can also be done very well, and even its destructiveness is much smaller than the fuel we use now. So recently, several hydrogen refueling stations in the world have reported explosions, such as those in California, South Korea and Europe, but when you read its reports, the final result is that the harm to people is minimal. Moreover, it is not the explosion of the fuel body itself, but the auxiliary device, which is caused by irregular operation or irregular installation. So in itself, as an energy source, you can use hydrogen with confidence, but you must of course obey the rules.

  Dong Yang:This safety mainly depends not on whether the fuel can catch fire, but on whether you have mastered the norms and whether human beings have mastered the laws. Therefore, we must pay attention to the safety issue, which is the top priority for us to develop fuel cell vehicles. It is to do it seriously, accumulate experience, solve it, and monitor it with the industrial chain and life cycle, which can completely solve this problem.

[Going to the grassroots in the New Year] Returning to the countryside to plant rattan peppers to drive the villagers to generate income. "This reunion dinner is very real."

  Returning home to plant rattan pepper to drive villagers to generate income — —

  □ Sichuan Online Reporter Deng Sihua Song Kaiwen Yu Rubo

  On the morning of January 16th, on a barren slope not far from the village road, bulldozers rumbled and dug up red land, and villagers were busy cleaning up roots and weeds … …

  After this land is sorted out, it will become a part of the rattan pepper planting park in Yongtai Town. "Before the Spring Festival to sort out the land, seedlings. Germination in February, germination in March, flowering in April, and fruiting in July. " Tang Morality, a returning entrepreneur, is full of confidence in planting rattan pepper.

  As a populous county and a labor export county, Zhongjiang County has introduced a number of policies and measures in recent years to attract talents to return home to start businesses, and Tang Morality is one of them. Returning home to start a business has activated the land that has been abandoned for many years and increased the opportunities for rural employment and income increase. "They brought back capital, industries and markets, brought all kinds of resources, and brought us hope for rural revitalization." Huang Zhen, Party Secretary of Yongtai Town, said.

  "The villagers can see the benefits"

  On the same day, while the sun was shining, Tang Morality decided to do everything that could be done years ago.

  After urging the completed people to tidy up the land in Jinqiao Village, he rushed to Shiba Village to explain pruning skills to more than 10 villagers who were busy in the field. Here, his rattan pepper garden has developed more than 400 mu, and the seedlings planted last year have been half a meter high, and will enter a high-yield period in about 5 years. "The taste of rattan pepper has been accepted by all kinds of cuisines and cuisines, and the market prospect is broader." At present, Tang Morality has invested more than 3 million yuan, and will continue to invest more in the later period.

  After busy working in the field, he invited the workers to the courtyard of his second brother’s house to settle the salary in December 2019 on the spot and distribute more than 40,000 yuan in cash to nearly 20 people. Later, a dam banquet was held in the yard, and Tang Morality called workers and villagers to have a family reunion dinner. Meng Yinlong, a villager, rammed earth in the Tengjiao Park and earned more than 10,000 yuan. He smiled and said, "Mr. Tang has come back, and this reunion dinner has been really eaten."

  "At present, there are more than 20 villagers who have been working for a long time in the rattan pepper garden. At the peak of the employment of seedlings and picking, more than 200 people will be absorbed every day. " Tang Morality said that the wages were settled in the same month, plus the land transfer fee, "the villagers can see the benefits."

  "Affordable" is obvious. Shiba village has planted more than 400 acres of rattan pepper trees, and two-thirds of it was abandoned in the past. "One-third of the land is planted with corn, and one acre can only receive one season a year, with only 700 yuan of income." Yang Quyong, the branch secretary of Shiba Village, said that the rattan pepper garden has just started and there is no income yet, but Tang Morality has planted cash crops such as soybeans in the field, with an income of more than 3,000 yuan per mu.

  Yang Sifu, a villager in Shiba Village, also works outside the home all the year round. He has invested 10,000 yuan to plant more than 4 mu of rattan pepper with Tang Morality. Last year, the income from intercropping soybeans has reached more than 5,000 yuan. Yang Sifu smiled and said, "Money is definitely not a loss."

  "When the rattan pepper is listed in high yield, if the market is good, the yield per mu can reach 10,000 yuan." Tang Morality said that he hopes to make the rattan pepper industry bigger and stronger, which will be more driving. "‘ Company+farmer ’ , joint-stock system and other forms, we all have to try. "

  "There is hope in the countryside"

  "I have no culture, but I always have feelings for my hometown." When it comes to returning home to start a business, Tang’s moral words reveal rationality. Tang’s morality is very clear, and the project is the key to returning home to start a business. "It’s not good to have a passion, especially in agriculture."

  In 1988, when he was only 15 years old, Tang Daode went out to work. In 2000, his family began to take root in Xi ‘an, and he still runs his own decoration company and hotel.

  When I return home to start a business, my family and friends don’t quite understand: "According to the business and assets outside, my family doesn’t have to worry about food and clothing, so why bother?"

  Tang Morality said that it is not blind to "invest in agriculture in my hometown". Around 2012, he thought about going back to Zhongjiang to "do something", and kept consulting materials and visiting friends for several years. Later, Tang Morality realized that Yangling, where he was located, was an important agricultural town, and held the "China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Achievements Expo" every year, while his hometown was also a big agricultural county. His thoughts suddenly became clear, so he went to the Agricultural Fair every year to learn about it. The company that Tang Morality often cooperates with has the business of processing rattan pepper into seasonings, cosmetics and other products, and the products are "not worried about the market". Tang Morality still hasn’t rushed into the project. In his view, engaging in agriculture needs ideals and rationality. "You don’t plant whatever you want."

  Tang Morality learned from teachers everywhere, met Yu Jianghong, a senior agronomist known as the "father of rattan pepper", and hired him as technical director. He found that in 2019, the "No.1 Document" of the provincial party committee clearly stated that it was important to cultivate and expand the "Chuanzihao" characteristic industry and improve the five-year promotion plan of "10+3" advantageous characteristic industries, among which "Chuanjiao" was listed. He sent the soil collected from his hometown to agricultural research institutions for testing, and carefully studied the terrain and climate conditions needed for the growth of rattan pepper, and found that Zhongjiang was generally suitable.

  In 2019, Tang Morality returned to his hometown to start a business, rattan pepper, which was officially launched. He set a "small goal": to develop thousands of acres of rattan pepper, provide seedlings, technology and sales channels, and drive local farmers to plant together.

  Huang Zhen said that Yongtai Town is a pure agricultural town, and 70% of the village’s more than 60,000 people are working outside the home. At present, more than 60 outstanding talents with certain strength and willingness to return home have been counted. "There are more ‘ Tang Morality ’ When we come back to start a business, we can see more hope. "

  There are 488,000 migrant workers in Zhongjiang County all the year round, and Tang Morality is one of them. In recent years, Zhongjiang County has introduced a series of policies and measures to attract entrepreneurs who return home. According to statistics from Zhongjiang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, in 2019, a total of 253 migrant workers in Zhongjiang returned home to start businesses.

Increase fiscal, taxation and financial support. The return rate of logistics enterprises exceeds 60%

  In recent days, the network operation center of Qinhuangdao Branch of China Post Group Company, located in Lingang Logistics Park, Haigang District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, has been doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and at the same time, it has seized the time to sort express parcels to ensure smooth logistics and transportation.

  Photo by Cao Jianxiong (People’s Vision)

  Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the production and operation of logistics enterprises have been greatly affected, and the social logistics cost has risen in stages. In view of these problems, Gao Gao, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission, pointed out at the press conference held by the the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on March 6 that at present, the key point is to solve the obstacles and operating cost pressure faced by logistics enterprises and support the logistics industry to resume normal operation as soon as possible; In the future, efforts should be made to promote the construction of a safe and efficient logistics operation system and further enhance the ability of the logistics industry to cope with external shocks and serve the national economy.

  The return to work rate of logistics enterprises exceeds 60%

  The logistics industry plays an important supporting role in coordinating the prevention and control of epidemic situation and economic and social development. What is the situation of returning to work?

  Gao Gao introduced that at present, there are about 400,000 logistics-related legal entities in China, with more than 50 million employees. By the end of February, the proportion of logistics enterprises in China has exceeded 60%, the road freight market has continued to pick up, the vehicle operating rate has been restored to 70%, and the rate of returning to work in logistics parks is close to 90%, especially for a number of national logistics hubs and demonstration logistics parks.

  Regarding the express delivery that people are concerned about, Liu Jun, deputy director of the State Post Bureau, said that after the outbreak, the State Post Bureau organized and mobilized the postal express delivery industry to fully guarantee the transportation and delivery of epidemic prevention materials and the distribution of daily necessities, and to distinguish enterprises from orderly resumption of work and production, speed up the smooth economic cycle, and strive to meet the needs of people’s livelihood. At present, there are nearly 3 million people who have returned to work in the postal express delivery industry, with a return rate of 90.2%, handling more than 160 million pieces of express mail every day, and a recovery rate of over 80%.

  "Judging from what we have learned in the past few days, the situation of resuming work and production continues to improve. Logistics related to daily necessities, such as express delivery, has a relatively fast recovery speed, and the rate of returning to work and the yield are relatively high. Relatively speaking, productive logistics is extensive and involves the coordination and linkage of different industries and different upstream and downstream, and the recovery situation is weaker than that of life logistics. " Gao Wei said.

  Get through the blocking point of agricultural products entering the city

  The overall situation is improving, but problems such as the failure to return to work and the ineffective guarantee of the timeliness of mail express still exist. Liu Jun pointed out that postal express delivery enterprises belong to network enterprises. Due to the epidemic control policy, the production capacity recovery area is not balanced enough. Distribution centers, municipal processing sites and terminal business outlets in some areas such as Hubei have not resumed normal operations, which has a direct impact on the smooth operation of the whole network.

  "During the epidemic, some communities and rural areas were under strict control, and the courier brother could not deliver normally. Especially now, the utilization rate of smart express boxes is less than 50%, which directly affects the delivery efficiency." Liu Jun said that at the same time, the production capacity of upstream SMEs of some e-commerce companies has recovered unevenly. Some consumers have placed orders, but they cannot generate packages in time, which also has some impact on the whole time limit.

  Liu Jun said that in order to ensure the quality of service, the State Post Bureau requires delivery enterprises to effectively guarantee the production capacity of personnel, transportation capacity and equipment, strengthen the management and scheduling of reasonable time limit for express mail, and give priority to dealing with the backlog and problems caused by the epidemic. In the next step, it is necessary to keep the "green channel" for the transportation and delivery of epidemic prevention materials unimpeded, and timely and efficiently distribute the needed materials for the front line of epidemic prevention and control. At the same time, it is necessary to give priority to the distribution of basic living materials for residents in closed management areas, concentrate on the delivery service of agricultural and sideline products into cities, and help solve the problem of unsalable agricultural products. "Now the epidemic situation has a greater impact on agricultural products entering the city. Recently, our focus has been on getting through the blocking points in this area and smoothing the circulation channels."

  "We will continue to promote the resumption of work in the express delivery industry in stages and continuously improve the production capacity according to market demand." Liu Jun said that it is preliminarily predicted that by mid-March, except Hubei, the whole network will basically return to normal.

  Increase fiscal, taxation and financial support

  "This epidemic has had a great impact on the logistics industry. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant parties, aimed at the outstanding problems that restrict the resumption of production and long-term development of the logistics industry, in accordance with ‘ Combination of distance and overall consideration ’ The principle of putting forward a series of policy measures. " Gao Wei said.

  The intensity of tax reduction and fee reduction has increased in stages. Within a certain period of time, we will continue to implement the policy of halving the urban land use tax for bulk commodity storage land that expired at the end of last year. From March 1 to June 30, the port construction fee for import and export goods will be exempted, and the government-set charges such as port charges and port facility security fees will be reduced by 20%, and the compulsory emergency response services and charges for non-tanker cargo ships will be cancelled. Before the end of June, the railway insured price, the delayed use of containers, the detention of trucks and other fees will be halved. Transportation and logistics enterprises that perform emergency transportation tasks during the epidemic prevention and control period belong to the government’s purchase of public services, and governments at all levels should give compensation.

  In terms of financial support, Gao Gao introduced that the national list of key enterprises for epidemic prevention and control is being published in a rolling way, and several groups of key logistics enterprises have been recommended to be included in this list, and financial institutions can provide them with preferential interest rate loans by using special refinancing. At the same time, ease the financial pressure of small and micro logistics enterprises with a wide range and a large quantity, and encourage financial institutions to temporarily postpone the repayment of principal and interest on their loans, especially not to borrow, keep lending and keep lending.

  "Policy measures also involve accelerating the improvement of the emergency logistics system, deepening the adjustment of cargo transportation structure, and improving the level of modern supply chain." Gao Gao said that the National Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant departments and localities to implement relevant policies, support and guide logistics enterprises to resume work and production in an orderly manner, increase dynamic monitoring of the operation of the logistics industry, promote the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry, improve quality and efficiency, and provide a strong guarantee for the sustained and healthy development of the national economy.

The big article on digital finance is coming, and experts focus on it!

The planner’s notes

The Central Financial Work Conference held at the end of October, 2023 emphasized that five major articles, namely, technology and finance, Green Finance, inclusive finance, Pension Finance and Digital Finance, should be done well.Vigorously developing digital finance is the implementation of financial servicesEffective technical means to improve the economy, serve the people and improve the quality of financial services are the starting point and the foothold of digital transformation of banks.In this issue of Theoretical Research, Professor Wang Yong from Zhengzhou Training College of People’s Bank of China and Director Yang Tao from Industrial Finance Research Base of China Academy of Social Sciences wrote articles, focusing on digital finance and planning how to focus on digital finance in the new year.


How to make a good article on digital finance?

People’s Bank of China Zhengzhou TrainingProfessor Wang Yong of the College:
First, focus on strengthening data security and privacy protection.protect. With the accelerated development of digital finance, data security and privacy protection have become key topics. For important data, use strong encryption algorithm to encrypt it, so as to ensure that only authorized personnel can read and process the data. At the same time, it is necessary to adopt anti-leakage technology and add multiple security layers in the process of data transmission and storage to avoid data loss.
Secondly, efforts should be made to strengthen the inclusiveness and inclusiveness of digital financial services.nature. Digital finance can create three application values: capillary, long tail and precision, and these three application values are fully reflected in the financial services of inclusive groups. To this end, the State Council’s Implementation Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development in inclusive finance (Guo Fa [2023] No.15) requires strengthening science and technology to empower inclusive finance, supporting financial institutions to deepen the use of Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other scientific and technological means, optimizing inclusive finance’s service model, improving credit approval and risk management models, and improving the availability and quality of financial services such as small and micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households and agricultural subjects.
Thirdly, efforts should be made to strengthen multi-party cooperation in the application of financial big models.. The joint creation and ecological co-construction of financial institutions and technology companies is undoubtedly the most effective way to accelerate the application of big models in the financial industry. As the frontier field of digital and intelligent application, the financial industry is rich in data resources and has a wide range of practical scenarios, which has the prospect of deep integration with large models. Technology companies also need to improve their large-scale model capabilities and explore commercialization paths through the tempering of business scenarios. The cooperation between the two parties has great prospects.
Finally, efforts should be made to strengthen the ethical governance and construction of financial science and technology.. The so-called scientific and technological ethics refers to the values and codes of conduct that need to be followed in carrying out scientific research, technological development and other scientific and technological activities. To promote financial science and technology to be good, it is urgent to strengthen the ethical governance of financial science and technology, improve the regulatory rules of financial science and technology ethics, strengthen the role of ethical review of financial science and technology, effectively prevent and control the ethical risks of scientific and technological activities in the financial field, and realize the benign interaction between innovative high-quality development and high-level security of financial science and technology.

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Doing a good job in digital finance requires theoretical and practical innovation.

Director Yang Tao of Industrial Finance Research Base of China Academy of Social Sciences:
The Central Financial Work Conference held at the end of October, 2023 put forward the strategic goal of building a financial power and the need to do five major articles: technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance. Among them, digital finance, as an important main line that directly affects the core competitiveness of the financial industry and helps the financial "big country" to turn into a "strong country", has attracted great attention from all parties. Under this background, China Digital Finance Innovation and Development Report (2023), edited by Professor Ouyang Rihui of Central University of Finance and Economics, was officially published, which just echoed the urgent demand of financial reform for think tank research under the new situation and has high theoretical, policy and practical significance.
In fact, under the influence of digitalization and new technology, financial theory has produced many changes in research assumptions, research methods and theoretical logic, which will have a far-reaching impact on financial practice. For example, in the field of macro-finance, the emergence and application of big data and artificial intelligence contribute to better financial statistical analysis. In recent years, central banks of various countries have made efforts to use new technologies to serve economic and financial operations, monetary policy operations, financial risk identification and other work. For another example, from the micro level, the research paradigm of behavioral finance often starts with financial anomalies and explores the laws behind the formation of financial anomalies. With the support of big data and cutting-edge technology, behavioral finance research has also obtained a broader experimental foundation guarantee. Many existing quantitative investment models are based on the thinking and paradigm support of behavioral finance. In view of this, based on the literature review of digital finance research, this book makes an in-depth analysis of the theoretical context and progress in key areas such as digital inclusive finance, industrial digital finance and consumer finance, which is helpful to better clarify the thinking and guide the innovative practice of digital finance. For example, this book analyzes and refines the framework of industrial digital finance research, which has outstanding reference value for promoting the virtuous circle of science and technology, industry and finance.

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Everyone is watching.

"Flowers" is a hit, and banks appear in the list of "special thanks"
The fee reduction of the five major futures exchanges is in action!
2024: What tracks are laid out by commercial banks?

Source: Financial Times client

Reporter: Xie Jingjing.

Editor: Yunyang

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Before New Year’s Day, a municipal government was interviewed.

Shanxi Provincial Emergency Management Department on the 29th, December 29th,In view of the "12.16" self-built house in the village in Nanpan community of xiaodian district and the "12.27" carbon monoxide poisoning accident in the hot pot restaurant in Xiaozhanying Village, Jinci Town, Jinyuan District,According to the requirements of the State Council Security Committee Office and the provincial government,The Provincial Security Committee Office interviewed Taiyuan Municipal Government.Wang Qirui, director of the Provincial Security Committee Office and director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department, mainly interviewed.

The interview requires that Taiyuan should improve its political position and conscientiously implement the major decision-making arrangements of the provincial party Committee and the provincial government.Draw lessons from the accident and draw inferences from others.Supervise all departments and enterprises in the territory to do their best to implement safety production responsibility measures and stabilize the safety production situation. It is necessary to put the work of safety in production in a more important position, comprehensively compact the government responsibility, departmental supervision responsibility and enterprise main responsibility, and do a good job in safety in production in key industries at the end of the year and the beginning of the year.Solidly carry out actions to investigate and rectify potential safety hazards,In particular, the prevention of toxic and harmful gas poisoning, strengthen safety risk management and control, organize the investigation of indoor units or houses such as burning charcoal for heating, burning charcoal for dining, using gas water heaters, strengthen safety publicity, promote the installation of toxic and harmful gas alarm devices, and prevent poisoning caused by carbon monoxide and other injuries.It is necessary to seriously investigate and handle the accident, thoroughly find out the nature of the cause of the accident, speed up the investigation and handling of the accident, and announce the results to the public in a timely manner.

Yang Cheng, member of the Standing Committee of Taiyuan Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor, expressed his position on behalf of Taiyuan Municipal Government.We will conscientiously implement the spirit of this interview meeting.Deeply draw lessons from the accident, draw inferences from others, compact the safety responsibilities of all parties, effectively strengthen the prevention and control of safety risks, carefully investigate and rectify potential safety hazards, avoid the recurrence of similar accidents, and ensure the safety and stability of the city during the "two festivals".

Zhang Heping, deputy director of the Provincial Safety Committee Office, deputy director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department, Li Wei, second-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Commerce, Hu Baishun, second-level inspector of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, and heads of relevant offices attended the interview.

At the same time, according to the "Notice of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Work of Enterprise Safety in Production" and other relevant regulations,The Provincial Safety Committee Office decided to investigate and supervise the "December 27" carbon monoxide poisoning accident in Xinlong Yangxiezi Hotpot Restaurant in Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City.

Source: "Shanxi Provincial Emergency Management Department" WeChat WeChat official account


Emotional memory of the 90-year-old war hero at the premiere of the film Our July today.

Sanqin Metropolis Daily-Sanqin Net News (Reporter Xia Mingqin)On December 18th, the premiere of the film "Our July", a major cultural boutique support project in Shaanxi Province, was held at China Film International Studios in Xiying Film Park. The film’s creative team and the veteran Wang Wengui’s old hero and representatives of revolutionary martyrs’ families made their debut to pay tribute to those youthful years.

The film "Our July" is based on the Battle of Fu Mei, which tells the story of the first field army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and started the first decisive battle in the northwest, showing the touching details of the PLA soldiers’ fighting and their friendship with comrades.

The film was produced by Xi ‘an Film Studio Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Meixian County Committee and Meixian People’s Government. It was released today (December 19).

Huang Xiansong, general manager of Xiying Group and chairman of Shaanxi Film Association, said that the film "Our July" is a film that pays tribute to the heroes who took the lead in founding the new China and paid tribute to the thousands of revolutionary martyrs in Qian Qian, showing the heroic spirit of the China People’s Liberation Army in dying and fighting to the end, and sharing weal and woe with each other as comrades.

For more than 60 years, Xiying has always adhered to the creative orientation of "people-centered", shouldered the mission of "singing songs for the people and casting souls for the times", accelerated the revitalization and development of "Western Film and Television", and successively produced a number of masterpieces of Acura Party, Acura Motherland, Acura People and Acura Heroes. In the new era and new journey, Xiying will launch more excellent works to enhance people’s spiritual strength, carry forward the spirit of China and tell the story of China well.

Zhang Xiaoping, deputy secretary of Meixian County Party Committee and county magistrate, thinks that "Our July" truly reproduces the process of the battle of supporting eyebrows, portrays the glorious image of the soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army who are brave and tenacious and fought bloody battles. It is a masterpiece with a red theme integrating ideology, artistry and appeal, and it is also a vivid teaching material for the study and education of party history that cherishes the memory of revolutionary martyrs, bears heroic memories and is full of red genes.

Meixian county is the main battlefield of the eyebrow-lifting campaign, and it is also the place where the red spirit is inherited and carried forward. We will take this premiere as an opportunity to make good use of red resources, carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red spirit, so as to inspire party member cadres to draw strength from the heroic spirit and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary predecessors, turn patriotic enthusiasm into a powerful driving force for dedication, inherit the red gene in performing their duties and responsibilities, and continue the red blood in taking responsibility.

Recall the heavy history

Revolutionary heroes tell stories covered in medals emotionally.

Wang Wengui, a veteran of the 2nd Corps of the First Field Army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, as a participant in the war and a witness to history, spoke passionately about the hardships of the war. The heroic struggle of the soldiers was not afraid of sacrifice. He said, "When I was in my 90 s, I was very excited to see this film truly restore the war." Wang Jingwen, Wang Wengui’s daughter, also said that seeing the film seems to be in the scene of the bloody battles of her parents. As a family member of the veterans, she feels extremely proud and glorious.

Mr. Gao Xilin, the son of Gao Zengyue, the deputy head of the film, was very excited after watching the film. He expressed his gratitude to the producer and the creative team in a trembling voice. "This film successfully restored the historical scene of that era. It is not only a work to remember the heroes who died, but also an important teaching material to educate future generations and inherit the revolutionary spirit." Gao Fei, the granddaughter of Gao Zengyue, said that the professional and meticulous creation team presented this excellent work, which not only recorded valuable historical images, but also brought precious memories.

The creative team shared behind-the-scenes creative experience.

Inheriting the Red Revolutionary Spirit with Roles

The film "Our July" team devoted themselves to their respective fields with the spirit of striving for perfection, visiting and researching, studying archives, discussing with experts, etc., combined with meticulous service road design and excellent artistic techniques such as photography and production, and strived to truly restore the war scene. Director Zhang Youfang, starring Yin Chendi, Yu Zhilin and Gao Feng, shared the creative story in the filming process with the audience.

Gao Feng (who plays Luo Congshan) said: "After seeing the complete film, I was moved to tears, thinking about the hardships of shooting, and I realized the hardships of the war and the firm revolutionary belief and resolute courage of our ancestors."

Yin Chendi (as Wang Wengui) said: "I started doing research and homework as soon as I joined the group. After more than 50 days of hard shooting, I experienced personal growth, learned historical knowledge, and grasped the revolutionary spirit, which became my very important memory."

Starring Yu Zhilin (as Zhao Chunsi) tells that as a veteran, he was infected by the real environmental atmosphere on the set and deeply realized that there would be no happy life today without the sacrifice of his ancestors.

Later director Zhang Youfang said, "We have received more than 7,000 lens materials and more than 5,000 minutes of footage. The workload is heavy, the task is heavy, and the pressure is great. However, compared with the sacrifices made by our revolutionary ancestors, we are still too happy today.".

Producer Duan Peng said, "It’s a great honor to participate in this project with the producer and the creative team, and all the difficulties experienced have turned into today’s achievements, which will be our longest and most important experience".

Experts and scholars comment on the artistic value of movies.

Restore the masterpiece of historical hero stories

Zhang Ali, chairman of Shaanxi Literary Critics Association, believes that Shaanxi films have long been concerned about the revolutionary history, cultural history and real life in the northwest. This film not only inherits the artistic tradition, but also transcends the conventional definition of films and becomes the carrier of historical restoration, representing an important breakthrough of Xiying in the creation of western films and injecting new vitality into western films. At the same time, it combines various art forms and time relations, redefining the viewing experience.

Li Zhen, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, said that the film is a masterpiece to restore the story of historical heroes, which combines two types, namely documentary and war film. Through the memories of heroes, we have traveled through just visiting for 70 years, and we have a deep understanding of history. The film has created different types of heroes, which are both bloody and tender, without showing off or grandiose words, which makes the characters more authentic and will be deeply moved when watching.

According to Pei Yali, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, "This is a touching film, and the most touching part is the real interview content, which is very touching and adds soul to the film. The film also absorbs the cultural and artistic traditions very well, showing the profound integration of Guanzhong culture and art. For example, when the two armies confronted each other, the two armies challenged the Shaanxi opera, which we have not seen in other films, so that the audience can empathize. "

The audience communicated with the creative team around behind-the-scenes stories, creative inspiration and performance details. Everyone said that the film was real and moving, and the revolutionary ancestors did not hesitate to shed blood and sacrifice, and wrote a magnificent chapter for the happiness of the motherland and the people. Their heroic deeds will go down in history forever. We should remember the history, carry forward the glorious tradition, contribute to the prosperity of the motherland and create a better future.

Leaders of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, members of Xiying Group, Meixian County Party Committee and County Government, Provincial Literary Critics Association, Provincial Film Association, Provincial Cultural Industry Association, Provincial Film Industry Association, Provincial Musicians Association and other units, responsible persons of Xiying film and television industry, university experts, media guests, fans and audiences attended the premiere ceremony.

On December 19th, let’s walk into the cinema, reminisce about the red years and pay tribute to the revolutionary heroes.

The United States is going to wage war?

This warning notice issued on Twitter reveals the urgent tone of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council.
The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council called on Americans overseas to return to China as soon as possible. "the State Council urged Americans not to postpone their return to China, and all means of transportation may be unavailable soon."
Besides,The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Department of the United States wrote on the attached map that "American citizens should make plans to return to China now", and especially emphasized "now" in bold font.The tweet links to the global level 4 health warning issued by official website of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council on March 31st-Don’t travel.
As you can see, in this warning, the State Council advised American citizens to avoid all international travel. American citizens living in the United States should immediately arrange to return to the United States unless they are prepared to stay abroad indefinitely.
Obviously, this is an unusual warning notice.
Looking at the wars that have happened in the past few decades, the United States will also mobilize its overseas citizens to return to China as soon as possible before the war, and then choose the right time to start the war.When the United States attacked Iraq in 2003, there was a similar move. Therefore, this has become an important basis for some people to speculate that the United States may wage war again.
The second reason is that the Covid-19 epidemic has become a global pandemic, and the number of confirmed infections in the United States is increasing at a "rocket speed" of 30,000 people a day. At present, the total number of infected people in the United States is close to 350 thousand, and the death toll immediately exceeds 10 thousand. Trump just warned that the United States may usher in the peak of death toll in the next two weeks.
US Health Secretary Jerome Adams said that the American epidemic will usher in the "Pearl Harbor moment", which will be the "most difficult and sad" day for most Americans."The next moment will be our Pearl Harbor moment, the’ 9.11′ moment … We really have to understand that if we want to smooth the curve to the other side, everyone needs to do their duty."
Economically, the United States is in a bad situation. Last week, the number of first-time unemployed registered in the United States has reached a record-breaking 6 million, compared with 3.12 million in the previous week. The domestic economy and people’s living conditions in the United States have also been pressed the "pause button". Many large American companies have issued warnings, which may be the most difficult one, and have thrown out layoffs.
Therefore, in this grim situation,I am afraid that the epidemic situation in the United States will get out of control (or close to a stable state), a serious economic crisis will break out, and social contradictions will become increasingly prominent. The American political ruling class will go to war to transfer contradictions.
The third basis is that, judging from the information transmitted by the current US military, it seems that it has begun to enter a quasi-wartime state.
On March 29th, "Russia Today" revealed that the US Northern Command had dispersed its important headquarters to the famous Cheyenne Mountain bunker in Colorado, and isolated them from another secret location. The purpose of the Northern Command is to ensure that these personnel can work normally in the case of an epidemic and monitor the potential threats to the United States around the clock.
The underground bunker in Cheyenne Mountain is the product of the "nuclear cloud" of the Cold War. It is located on the outskirts of colorado springs. From 1965 to 2006, the base was used as the main command and control center of the North American Air Defense Command, and it is the largest and most modern military command center on the earth.
Because it is located in the center of the mountain, the top and surrounding of the building are covered with rocks hundreds of meters thick, forming an unbreakable bunker, and its independent facilities are placed in a large excavation tunnel of 20,000 square meters.This tunnel is hidden behind a 25-ton explosion-proof door. Its design purpose is to enable the supreme commander of the US military to survive a nuclear attack.
Combined with the last media exposure, if the top government and parliament in Washington, USA can’t command this country, then the commander of the Northern Command will take over the military command of the whole country. Someone on the Internet said that this move to the Northern Command must be carefully studied …
In addition, on the last day of the end of March, the US military reconnaissance plane rarely entered the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea at the same time; The two US aircraft carrier battle groups are still deployed in the Middle East to implement strategic deterrence against Iran; The United States issued a wanted order to Venezuelan national leader Maduro; It is rare for the US military to recruit 1 million reservists …
It seems that the atmosphere of war is really getting stronger and stronger.

Hot words vividly record the life of China people.

On September 29th, in the new "December City" block of Kuanzhai Lane, Chengdu, actors dressed as characters of the Tang and Song Dynasties were performing in a parade. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Hongjing photo
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 19th, by topic:Hot words vividly record the life of China people.
Xinhua News Agency reporters Ma Xinran, Zhang Yujie and Luo Fei
"Love the Future", "Generative Artificial Intelligence", "Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation", "Special Forces Tourism" and "Village Supermarket" … The buzzwords, new words and online expressions of 2023 launched by multi-platforms have been released one after another. These annual hot words cover the hot current affairs of the year, record the changes of the times, social development and people’s lives, and outline a vibrant China.
"The hot words that are simple and easy to understand are the most sensitive nerve endings to perceive social development." Wang Xiaoyan, an associate professor in the Chinese Department of the College of Arts and Sciences of Beijing Normal University, said that online language is an observation window that is closest to the lives of Chinese people and directly reflects the feelings of the group.
The "Top Ten Internet Terms" released by the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center in 2023 are: Aida Future, Fireworks, Intelligent Life, Village BA, Special Forces Tourism, Prominent Bag, Playing a ×××, Dopamine, The Gear of Destiny Begins to Turn, and New Employees.
Experts said that the monitoring corpus contains language resources in different media forms such as video barrage and online news, and the size of the analyzed corpus exceeds 8 billion characters.
Wang Xiaoyan believes that online neologisms or occasional old words and new sayings show the vigorous vitality of Chinese. The "commando-style tourism" and "dopamine penetration" come from the fact that netizens mix and match cross-industry proper terms, and the "gear of fate begins to turn" and "the main one is ×××", which has the characteristics of strong appeal and easy internet spread.
For example, hot words such as "Love the future" and "Fireworks" are close to daily life, full of human touch and romantic poetry, showing the life picture under the accelerated economic and social recovery and pinning people’s beautiful vision for life. Internet vocabulary integrates the context of wonderful life, which reflects the solid foundation of China’s economic stabilization and social life stability and order.
On August 16th, the picture shows Mozi Sky Survey Telescope. Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of China University of Science and Technology)
More innovative ideas are also reflected in the "Top Ten New Words" in 2023. Generative artificial intelligence, global civilization initiative, village supermarket, new quality productivity, national ecological day, consumption boost year, special forces tourism, conspicuous bags, hundred-mode war, Mozi’s sky survey …
Ouyang Rihui, vice president of China Institute of Internet Economy, Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that compared with the top ten new words in 2022, the high-tech vocabulary has higher gold content and more quantity this year. "This shows that 2023 is a year for China to increase innovation and strive to develop".
This year, all kinds of "large-scale deep learning models" are developing in the application field. There are more than 100 large-scale models published in China, and the large-field "optical" telescope is named after Mozi, which shows that it has the hard power of scientific research in China. New-quality productivity provides scientific guidance for China to accelerate scientific and technological innovation and promote high-quality development in the new era and new journey.
Sports events with super-high national popularity, such as "Village BA", "Village Super" and "Hangzhou Asian Games", have entered the list of buzzwords, new words and online terms one after another this year.
On October 25th, the finals of the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) started in Taipan Village, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, and the audience watched the game in the stands. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongyu photo
"Thanks to the hot circle of’ Village BA’, there are several waves of tourists in the surrounding villages." Yang Xiaochun, a physical education teacher at No.1 Middle School in Kaili City, Guizhou Province, said, "The mass sports culture atmosphere is stronger, and exercise and health are always on everyone’s lips.
In her view, sports have boosted the spirit of China people to stand on their own feet and pursue their dreams. Yang Xiaochun is a member of the local women’s basketball team.
From the "Chinese Dream" in 2013, the "new era" in 2017, to the "Chinese modernization" and "the common value of all mankind" in 2022, and then to this year’s "modern civilization of the Chinese nation" and "building a the belt and road initiative with high quality" … China people’s pioneering temperament and the context of national development can be seen.
"forge ahead hand in hand" is the theme of the times read by Ruan Huangyun, a Vietnamese student studying at Central South University. China’s global civilization initiative ranks among the "top ten new words" and "top ten buzzwords" respectively this year.
"The Journey to the West’s Dream of Red Mansions is very popular in Vietnam, and Chinese culture is no stranger to us. The two countries have many common highlights of civilization, and exchanges and mutual learning bring the love and respect that the world needs most." Ruan Huangyun said. She hopes to become a Chinese teacher and continue to spread the flame of civilization after returning to China.
On July 12, the photovoltaic power station in Xuezhang Township, Ruicheng County, Shanxi Province (photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yanshe
Since 2013, green and sustainability have become the "permanent guests" of China’s annual hot words. This year’s shortlisted "National Ecological Day" is a microcosm of the ecological civilization concept of "respecting nature, adapting to nature and protecting nature" which is deeply rooted in China.
Nowadays, more and more people in China have opened household carbon accounts. Since the application program "Carbon Pratt & Whitney" for low-carbon electricity consumption in Shenzhen was launched one year ago, 805,000 households have opened carbon accounts, and the cumulative carbon reduction is about 12,000 tons. The new energy vehicles that can be seen everywhere on urban roads are also one of the many witnesses that China people practice "green travel".
"The continuity and positive energy contained in the annual hot words are, to a certain extent, the surface innuendo of social development stability and civilization." Wang Xiaoyan said that in the future, there will be more "keywords" representing China people’s yearning for a better life, which is worth looking forward to.

Some things you must know about shooting.

Hello, everyone, today we share some things you must know about shooting, I hope you like it!

front cover

There are no rules for shooting. The purpose of shooting is not to be beautiful, but to score. If you hear shooting, you think that shooting is limited to your feet. That’s because we have a preconceived concept of shooting. In the past, some strikers that everyone liked, Mueller, Inzaghi and Raul, didn’t shoot well, but they just scored.

Figure 1- Prejudice

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have to pursue technical perfection, we must do it well, because if we really want to shoot, we must score, exert ourselves, turn the corner and shoot the ball where we want to shoot.

Figure 2- Shooting Score

However, we have said the perfect technique countless times. Put our supporting feet next to the ball, head down, tighten the core, pay attention to follow the ball, lock our ankles, and then kick the ball and land, like this.

Figure 3- Perfect Technology

But if we look up like this, or lean back, we will send the ball directly to the moon, which is definitely not what we want.

Figure 4- Don’t lean back

So what’s so special about these strikers mentioned above? They know where the ball is going, which is another form and part of shooting, because in essence, it is why we shoot, and we shoot to score.

Figure 5- What’s so special?

Think about it, if we know where the ball is going, we can shoot it in. Sun Tzu, a great thinker and author of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, said, "If you defeat the enemy without fighting, the good will be good."

Figure 6- Know where the ball is going

This means that we must find a way to achieve our goal instead of struggling like ants on hot bricks.

So whether you like him or not, Ronaldo can always score goals. He doesn’t care about those comments. If we want to win and score goals, look at what these players are doing.

Figure 7- Always scoring goals

Harland has many chances to shoot. He knows how to score goals. What else can we do?

Next, the most important thing is that we should take risks. In some leagues, the goal rate of shooting rebound is as high as 20-25%.

Figure 8- Dare to take risks

This means that if we shoot, although it doesn’t look the best, as long as the ball can pass the first defender, who knows what will happen?

Figure 9- Passing the defender

Rebound ball is difficult for the goalkeeper to predict and react in time. Maybe the ball will bounce in from the knee, back and face. Anyway, we will never know until we try.

Figure 10- Dare to shoot.

Remember, as a striker, we should dare to take risks, and as a defender, we should also dare to take risks, but we should take risks wisely, especially when we are in and around the restricted area, and don’t hesitate to shoot decisively.

Figure 11- Decisive shooting

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!