All parts of the province jointly carry out voluntary tree planting activities, work together to plant new seedlings, and draw green and beautiful pictures together

  Spring is the best season of the year to plant green and sow green. On February 13, all parts of the province jointly launched the 2023 province-wide promotion of green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction voluntary tree planting activities. Cadres and masses in various places shoveled soil and supported seedlings for watering. With 100 green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites in the province as the main places, local tree species such as alpine fir, triangular plum and camphor were widely planted, adding new green to the land of South Guangdong.

  This year’s event is guided by the "Decision on Deepening Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), with the theme of "Promoting Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction and Promoting Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature". A total of 2,453 tree planting points were set up in the province, and five forest chiefs at the provincial, municipal, county, town and village levels participated in the voluntary tree planting activities. The number of people involved in tree planting exceeded 190,000, and the number of trees was over 1 million.

  Optimize forest stands ? ? Native tree species "play the leading role"

  Phoenix wood, banyan tree, soil agarwood, iron holly, Shanduying… A large number of native tree species have entered the voluntary tree planting activities, adding green and beauty to Shanwei’s roadside green spaces, scenic spots and parks and other areas. This year, Shanwei will include the "Implementation of Urban and Rural Green Beauty Project to Benefit the People" in the "Ten Practical Things for People’s Livelihoods". It is expected that by the end of this year, 10 forest phase optimization demonstration belts and 11 green beauty Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites will be completed.

  Qingyuan Yingde took "bamboo" as the characteristic theme of this voluntary tree planting activity, which is also a pillar industry for enriching the local people. In Yingde, the industry formed around bamboo shoots reached 3.20 billion yuan. With the help of this activity, Qingyuan focused on increasing the planting of evergreen broad-leaved forests, and the city and county jointly planted 66,885 seedlings of various types to continuously optimize the stand and beautiful forest appearance.

  Continuously improving forest appearance, improving stand quality, and comprehensively and deeply carrying out national voluntary tree planting activities are all key tasks for green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction put forward in the "Decision", and many prefectures and cities have combined the two. In Yunfu Xinxing Jintai Mountain Forest Park, everyone worked together to plant iron knife wood, golden peach, Hainan red beans, etc., and replanted and interplanted native broad-leaved trees in the existing masson pine pure forest in Jintai Mountain Forest Park. Through the scientific combination of multiple tree species, the internal ecosystem of the forest has become more stable.

  In the Meizhou Meishe Express Forest Stand Optimization Demonstration Site, newly planted saplings by Meizhou cadres and the masses stand tall in the wind. In the next three years, the demonstration site will achieve an average height of more than 3 meters of forest trees, a preservation rate of more than 85%, and an increase in native broad-leaved trees dominated by precious tree species from 20% to more than 65%. This will achieve accurate improvement in forest quality and a significant increase in the output value of afforestation acres. Effectively solve the problems of single tree species, poor landscape effect, high fire risk coefficient, and high risk of forest diseases and pests. The Meishe Express will be built into a multi-tree, multi-level, and multi-color key landscape corridor out of the city.

  In the area where the forest facies renovation project of Weiyuan Island Forest Park in Dongguan City is located, party members, cadres and volunteers waved shovels on the mountains to shovel soil and water seedlings. The scene was in full swing, and small saplings suitable for the local soil and climate, such as purple flower wind Suzuki, yellow flower wind Suzuki, camphor trees, iron holly, and yin fragrance, "stood up" on both sides of the hillside. "Today’s voluntary tree planting activity has planted a total of 600 trees. When the trees grow up, the Weiyuan Island forest, which was originally poor in growth and uneven in forest appearance, will form a multi-species, multi-level and multi-color forest ecosystem, further improving the ecological benefits of the forest." The relevant person in charge introduced.

  Seed recognition, adoption, protection, love, green action

  Leading cadres, army officers and soldiers, volunteers, student representatives… At the voluntary tree planting site in Sanlingshan National Forest Park, Zhanjiang City, there were busy figures everywhere. On the same day, 10 counties (cities and districts) in Zhanjiang City jointly carried out the voluntary tree planting activity to promote the ecological construction of Green and Beauty Guangdong. According to statistics, the city organized a total of 11 voluntary tree planting sessions, 7523 people participated in the voluntary tree planting, and a total of 63,566 trees were planted.

  Guangdong’s 21 cities have different populations, areas, and climates. All localities implement the principle of "Seek Truth and Be Pragmatic, Scientific Greening" in the "Decision". There are forestry cities that plant more than 100,000 trees, and some cities that strive for excellence and plant 10,000 saplings. The enthusiasm of the masses for tree planting is not much different in the province.

  By Moyang Lake, everyone is supporting seedlings and cultivating soil. At the Mini Program, citizens’ enthusiasm for seed adoption is high. Yangjiang continues to broaden the channels for mass participation in the form of "Internet +" seed adoption and adoption this year. Yangjiang, with a population of about 3 million, has participated in voluntary tree planting since "Chuangsen". The number of people who have participated in voluntary tree planting has exceeded 9 million. This year, Yangjiang also adopted some ancient trees for the first time, including plum, neem, stone chestnut, egg flower, longan, camphor tree, blood seal throat, banyan tree and other ancient trees located in parks and villages.

  Among the participants in the voluntary tree planting in Zhongshan, a group of local entrepreneurs’ representatives stood out. On February 13, they planted 17,000 saplings together with the cadres and masses in Zhongshan. "A tree needs to be cultivated if it wants to grow into a’towering tree ‘. As an enterprise rooted in Zhongshan, we are willing to claim a batch of tree planting tasks, water and maintain it for a long time, and contribute to retaining the green waters and green mountains in Zhongshan," said Zhang Chuanwei, an entrepreneur representative.

  "What we planted is not only saplings, but also pieces of green hope," said Xu Qingtao, a cadre in Nanxiong Town, Shaoguan, who participated in the tree planting. Although the spring rain still has a trace of coolness, the tree planting site in Nanxiong is in full swing. Everyone formed a group of 3 people and a group of 5 people, and planted 20 mu of saplings in one afternoon. A total of 105 voluntary tree planting activities like this were carried out in Shaoguan, attracting nearly 10,000 people.

  In Heyuan, many citizens were attracted by the warm atmosphere, donned volunteer vests, and led their children to join the tree planting team. About 117,000 trees were planted in the city that day. Osmanthus, kapok, iron holly, drunken fragrance and smiles and other tree species covered the mountains and plains, connecting the landscape ecology and humanities of Heyuan together. "Green waters and green mountains are becoming Jinshan Yinshan!" Everyone eagerly looked forward to it.

  Beautify urban and rural areas

  Sowing green, harvesting hope. In the national reserve forest base of Niu Mian Mountain, Jianqun Village, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing, the cadres and masses planted 14,000 trees such as Milao Pai, Acacia blackwood, red cone, Huolinan, and rosewood. "These trees are matched according to the long, medium and short growth cycles to create a broad-leaved mixed forest, and promote the optimization of low-quality and low-efficiency forest stands on both sides of the Xijiang River with points and areas to improve forest appearance," said Ding Jianping, deputy director of the Zhaoqing Forestry Bureau.

  Standing on Niu Mian Mountain and looking down, the clear water of a bay in the West River winds past; from a distance, the three waters of Foshan on the other side of the river can be faintly seen. Ding Jianping said that considering Niu Mian Mountain is the first scenic line of waterway entering Zhaoqing, the local area will make it the "main venue" for voluntary tree planting in Zhaoqing this year.

  In this year’s voluntary tree planting activities, many places have combined the national voluntary tree planting activities with the construction of a high-level urban-rural integrated green and beautiful environment, and the high-quality urban-rural green and beautiful ecological environment of "forest and city depend on each other, forest and people blend" has gradually emerged. In Jieyang Puning, citizens planted yellow flower suzuki, purple flower suzuki and kapok at the municipal voluntary tree planting activity point located on the north bank of Lianjiang River. The seedlings were planted along Lianjiang River, which stretched for 4 kilometers. A beautiful picture of "the city is in the forest, the road is in the green, the house is in the garden, and the people are in the scenery" is slowly unfolding.

  In Shantou, tree planting activities were carried out in the Jufeng Scenic Area of Haojiang District. Cadres, soldiers and volunteers planted Peach, Silver Leaf Acacia, Yellow Flower Wind Suzuki, Bodhi, etc., mostly for viewing flowers and leaves, adding to the creation of a green and beautiful home with scenery in all seasons. After more than 10 years of sewing and inserting green, planting green and replenishing green, the scenic spot has become a good place for citizens and tourists to watch flowers.

  In the Maoming Open-pit Mine Ecological Park, hundreds of green planters waved their hoes and shovels and planted saplings one by one. Open-pit mines used to be the "scars" of the city in the past, but now they have become an important part of the urban landscape, which shows that green planting has become an "example" action of Maoming. This year, Maoming will also focus on guiding the intensive processing of agarwood, orange, oil tea and other characteristic industries, extending the industrial chain of forest products, and at the same time creating a characteristic route of forest tourism, promoting the construction of forest towns and villages, actively cultivating a new business model of "rural tourism + ecology", exploring the development of forestry carbon sink trading, and enhancing the efficiency of Maoming forest "carbon sink discharge".

After the network about the car era: do not fight advertising subsidies, service management is king

  CCTV News(Reporter, Liu Chunyan) The emergence of the online car-hailing model has solved people’s travel needs, but it also faces many problems. With the promulgation of the new policy on online car-hailing, a large number of non-compliant online cars have been forced to be removed from the shelves, and the problem of taxi-hailing difficulties has re-emerged in front of the public.

  What is the current situation of online car-hailing, and how to go in the future? CCTV reporters interviewed and investigated this.

  Passenger: Can’t wait for a car in twenty minutes

  On April 1, Didi Chuxing officially stopped sending orders to non-Beijing-licensed vehicles, significantly reducing the number of vehicles outside Beijing, and citizens’ travel pressure began to face tests.

  At nine in the morning, Ms. Li stood on the side of Shijingshan Road and tried to send the order four times. After more than half an hour, she finally waited for an express driver to pick up the order. From an anxious look to a "calm sigh of relief", Ms. Li looked rather helpless. "I went out an hour early, and the order was received, but I was almost late," Ms. Li told reporters. "At the same distance, in the past, once the order was sent out, the driver would often pick up the order within a few seconds, but now it takes more time and waiting."

  At 3:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Shijie’s family, who planned to go home after enjoying the flowers from Yuyuantan Park, also encountered the problem of getting a taxi. "The order was sent out, and the system showed that hundreds of cars had been notified, but they didn’t take the order." After waiting for 20 minutes, Zhang Shijie’s family started to call a taxi while walking, and tried their luck on Yuyuantan South Road. "It’s good to be able to get a taxi now. Some time ago, as long as you use the taxi software, it will show that you have increased the price to call a taxi, and the same is true during non-congested hours. The price is much more expensive. I can’t wait to ride a bicycle." Zhang Shijie talked about his recent taxi experience with some displeasure.

  Didi accounts for more than 90% of the online car-hailing market share. After the implementation of the new policy on online car-hailing, due to the small number of online car-hailing cars that fully comply with the "Beijing Renjing Brand", the number of online car-hailing cars will also be greatly reduced after the "Shuangfei" vehicles exit the market. The direct result is that in some areas and some time periods, citizens are once again facing difficulties such as difficulty in hailing a car, expensive taxis, and long waiting times.

  Express driver: After the implementation of the New Deal, one day is one day

  Today, compared with the helpless waiting of passengers, many express drivers are also facing some embarrassment. The express driver, Master Guo, told reporters, "Now the distance to receive orders is long, and sometimes the system sends an order three or four kilometers away from the passenger."

  In 2015, online car-hailing was in the limelight, and Master Guo aimed at the huge market potential of this industry and registered his Beijing brand car as Didi Express. When business was good, he was busy receiving orders until late at night every day, plus platform subsidies, etc., and he could earn a high bonus a month, and his life improved a lot. The huge market demand also attracted many foreign vehicles to flood into Beijing, but Master Guo did not care: "Although there are many online car-hailing, there are also many people who take taxis, so it will not be affected at all."

  Previously, in all Didi Chuxing’s businesses, most of the orders came from the express business. High rewards and lower entry barriers for vehicles and drivers have made the cheap express business a gathering place for non-Beijing brand vehicles. However, with the introduction of policies to tighten and regulate online car-hailing, since October last year, the number of foreign vehicles on the road has gradually decreased, and many friends with foreign license plates around Master Guo have left the platform one after another and switched to other industries. Although Master Guo’s car belongs to the Beijing brand, he does not belong to the Beijing household. According to the New Deal regulations, soon, Master Guo’s car will no longer be able to take orders and run. When talking about future life, Master Guo confessed that one day is one day if he can work, and he will change to other jobs in the future.

  Taxi driver: There are more passengers beckoning on the road.

  Master Liu has been a taxi driver for 8 years, using old-fashioned Nokia mobile phones, unregistered online car-hailing platforms, and collecting cash for picking up and dropping off passengers.

  Mr. Liu said that the appearance of online taxi-hailing has had a great impact on the taxi industry. "After 8 o’clock in the evening, the taxi is basically dead." He told reporters that there are three types of taxi-hailing people during the day: long-term taxis, outsiders who come to see the sick, and those who go on business. At night, these groups do not appear, and other people are more affluent and generally do not take taxis. "You see that the people standing there are all holding mobile phones, basically don’t think about it."

  Mr. Liu said that although online car-hailing has made it easier for people to travel, the problems that come with it cannot be ignored. "With a Henan accent and a car with a Shandong license plate, you can’t be reasonable when you encounter something."

  According to the relevant departments, only to deal with such incidents, the 18 districts and counties in the Beijing area have to hold an average of three court sessions a day.

  Didi Chuxing: Focusing on technological innovation in the future

  It is understood that Beijing Didi drivers a total of 1.10 million people, the number of active drivers 200,000 people, and only 10.7% of drivers in line with the regulations, most of the drivers will be eliminated. In the future, the network about the car platform where to go?

  A staff member of Didi Chuxing said that at present, they are constantly calling on passengers to plan travel plans in advance through technological innovation and other means, and use booking, carpooling and hitchhiking to travel. With the gradual launch of the "certified driver program" of the special car, the special car service has been greatly improved. In the high-end online car-hailing market, Didi’s special car is still in a leading position and continues to widen the gap with competitors.

  "We are also actively expanding our internationalization strategy, setting up a research institute in Silicon Valley in the United States, using rich travel data to change the relationship between people and cars, leading the application of new energy vehicles and new intelligent driving safety technologies, and applying big data capability systems to the optimization of transportation infrastructure."

  The online car-hailing platform is an emerging business format developed under the background of the sharing economy. In the past, the online car-hailing platform operated at a price below cost, and there was a period of brutal growth in which subsidies were used to delineate the market. Some experts said that the online car-hailing platform is bound to return to a standardized, orderly, reasonable and legal development state. The competition among various platforms is no longer about subsidies and advertisements, but about services and management.

Sailis Automobile builds an efficient and stable supply chain system to help AITO enquire about the high-quality delivery of the new M7

"Gold nine silver ten" is the peak season of the traditional car market. According to the data released by the Passenger Federation, the sales of new energy passenger vehicles in September increased by 23.0% year-on-year. The AITO Wenjie new M7, which has been listed for only a month, is undoubtedly the new favorite of the market. According to the official, Dading has broken through 60,000 units. While sales are hot, it also puts forward higher requirements for delivery. It is reported that in order to fully ensure the high-quality and fast delivery of the AITO Wenjie new M7, Sailis Automobile’s joint supply chain has invested 1 billion yuan and added more than 20,000 manpower.

Whether the supply chain can be effectively pulled and managed is the key to ensuring large-scale delivery and high-quality product delivery. Especially in the new energy automobile industry, a stable and efficient supply chain system is the guarantee of the quality, quantity and delivery efficiency of auto parts. This is reflected in some previous new power car companies. Due to the lack of deep cooperation foundation and experience, there may be unstable and uncontrollable risk factors in the supply chain in the face of extreme situations. For example, during the epidemic, there were even situations where the supply chain was tight and "dared not" to take orders, which limited the sales growth of car companies.

As one of the leading enterprises in the whole vehicle chain, Sailis Automobile has 20 years of vehicle manufacturing accumulation and excellent supply chain management capabilities, and uses the high-quality supply chain system as the foundation for the whole vehicle strength. Not only does it cooperate with Huawei’s cross-border business to build a smart car industry chain in depth, but also reaches strategic cooperation with many leading enterprises such as Ningde Times, Topu, Wencan, etc. Among them, Li’er, Huguang, Topu, etc. have settled in the local area to help the local industry strengthen and supplement the chain. Through forward-looking judgment of the industry and cooperation with many supply chain enterprises in advance, Sailis Automobile gathers the leading technologies of leading supply chain enterprises, and at the same time reduces the cost from procurement, production to after-sales services, promotes production efficiency and quality control, and builds a solid foundation for efficient and high-quality delivery.

Since the beginning of this year, the AITO Q & A series has been launched and delivered the M5 smart driving version and the new M7 series, which have been widely recognized by the market. In December, the flagship model AITO Q & A M9 will also be launched soon. Under the support of a complete supply chain system, Sailis Automobile promotes the strategy of large single products, and will seize a place in the fierce competition of new energy vehicles.

It is worth noting that the stock price of 601127.SH has continued to rise recently, and the market value has jumped by 100 billion yuan again. Cinda Securities’ latest research report said that it is optimistic about the rising profit space of Sailis, and pointed out that with the launch of AITO’s new M7 and M9, the company’s new energy vehicle sales are expected to achieve a significant increase.

"Wandering Earth" roadshow Zhengzhou Station, Wu Mengda exposed himself to oxygen inhalation between filming

1905 movie network news On December 26, the "Adventure Departure, Stubbornness to the End" roadshow came to Zhengzhou, and walked into the two campuses of North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower and Zheng Dashengda School of Economics and Trade Management to have a close exchange with thousands of students. It is reported that on the day of the event, many students queued outside the door early, ready to see the main creator’s style. The whole event was full of enthusiasm and extraordinary atmosphere. Wu Mengda, Zhao Jinmai, and Mike Sui, the stars of "Wandering Earth", appeared on stage, setting off the climax of the entire event. The main creators revealed the story behind the shooting of the film on the spot, and also participated in the interaction of the topic of "me and my stubbornness" and shared their own short stories about stubbornness. The movie "Wandering Earth" will meet with audiences across the country on


The roadshow scene was full of surprises, and the main creator arrived to review the shooting process

After the start of the event, two trailers and two features of "The Wandering Earth" were screened for the students at the scene first. At the same time, a positive clip of "The Wandering Earth" that has never been exposed was also shown up the ante. Although the clip is still in the confidential stage, judging from the exclamations of the students at the scene, this clip is "not simple"! As the pictures were broadcast one by one, the scene broke out into warm applause, and many students said they couldn’t wait to watch the positive film!

After the screening, "The Wandering Earth" stars Wu Mengda, Zhao Jinmai, and Mike Sui officially took the stage. Mike Sui said hello in pure Henan dialect and immediately got closer to the audience. Facing thousands of students, the three expressed their pride in being a part of Chinese science fiction films. Mike Sui first said: "The original work of" The Wandering Earth "is very magnificent, and the director Guo Fan is about to take the first step in Chinese hard science fiction. I am honored to be able to participate in it." And shouted: "My little heart can’t take it anymore."

Zhao Jinmai, a young actor born after 2000, used five "truths" at the scene to express his luck to join the crew of "Wandering Earth", and thanked the seniors for their care during the filming. Through this shooting experience, he learned a lot of secret techniques. "Every actor in" Wandering Earth "worked very hard. Zhao Jinmai’s costume is nearly 40 kilograms, and the descendants are three centimeters shorter when he wears it." Mike Sui quipped, which shows that every participant in front of and behind the screen of "Wandering Earth" worked hard.

Wu Mengda led the fan girl to scream, stubborn experience won applause, and thousands of people shouted adventure

The main creator of the scene also participated in the interaction on the topic of "me and my stubbornness". Zhao Jinmai said frankly: "My stubbornness is to constantly change myself. I used to be known for playing the little devil fairy of Bala La, but I don’t want to be limited to children’s characters." At the request of the audience, Zhao Jinmai performed the transformation of the little devil fairy of Bala La on the spot, and said generously: "Thank you for liking the little devil fairy, but I also hope that everyone can see my growth!"

And "National Grandpa" Wu Mengda’s answer touched the audience very much. He said: "My stubbornness is that I am 65 years old this year, and I have been shooting comedy for more than 40 years, but starting from’The Wandering Earth ‘to challenge new genres, but also to challenge new selves." During the filming of the film, Wu Mengda went into a swagger, and he had to take oxygen after each scene, but for the sake of Chinese science fiction, he and the young actors were stubborn to the end!

During the interactive session, Wu Mengda’s fan girl screamed and confessed. She said excitedly: "Teacher Wu Mengda is my favorite actor", and she also asked Wu Mengda why she starred in "Wandering Earth". Wu Mengda believes: "At first, I was a little mentally resistant when I received the invitation from Director Guo Fan, and I also had a skeptical attitude towards Chinese science fiction. But when I really put myself into the work, I saw the more than 500 young staff members of the crew face the work with enthusiasm every day, which really infected me. So it is my duty to throw myself into this filming full of novelty and adventure."

After the students shared their stubborn experiences with enthusiasm, the Zhengzhou Station of the film’s high school roadshow ended perfectly as thousands of students shouted "Wandering Earth, the first day of the new year, adventure departure". Next, the "Wandering Earth" crew will also go to Nanjing, Harbin, Xiamen and other cities.


The film is based on Liu Cixin’s science fiction novel of the same name and directed by Guo Fan. Wu Jing starred in the film, with Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie, Wu Mengda, and Zhao Jinmai starring. Mike Sui, Qu Jingjing, Zhang Yichi, Yang Haoyu, Li Hongchen, Yang Yi, Jiang Zhigang, and Zhang Huan starred. It tells the story of the sun’s imminent destruction and humanity’s impending journey to launch the "Wandering Earth" plan. The film will be officially released on February 5, 2019. On the first day of the new year, take a risk!

Dare to run a red light? "Face recognition" makes you "online celebrity" in minutes.

Cctv newsIt is obviously a red light, so it is a big difficulty for traffic management in China to break through it. Many people seem to suddenly become color blind as soon as they get to the traffic lights.

Everyone knows that it is illegal to run a red light, but almost everyone has run a red light. Why? Just because the illegal cost is low, few people are in charge, and even if it is broken, it is difficult to be found in time.

Capture the scene of running a red light.

Capture the scene of running a red light.

However, with the development of face recognition technology, this management difficulty may be broken. Recently, some cities in Shandong and Jiangsu began to use face recognition systems at traffic intersections to capture pedestrians and non-motor vehicles running red lights and expose them on the spot. So far, the effect is not bad.

There is an electronic display screen at many intersections in Suqian, which is called the face recognition system for pedestrians running red lights. Once a pedestrian runs a red light, his image information and some personal information will be presented on the display screen in time, and the time difference between them is only about 10 seconds.

It takes only 10 seconds from running a red light to video exposure!

Just 10 seconds! This means that pedestrians just ran a red light and came across the road. As a result, they looked up and saw their own scene of running a red light.

It takes only 10 seconds from running a red light to video exposure!

Identifiable identity information

In addition to live playback, the traffic control department will also connect household registration information for exposure. At the intersection of century avenue and Hongzehu Road in downtown Suqian, the live pictures of citizens running red lights at this intersection in recent days are being scrolled on the big screen.

Xia Jianshe, deputy detachment leader of the traffic police detachment of Suqian Public Security Bureau: Everyone can see the display on the big screen. Some people will take the initiative to call our traffic control department after running a red light, and are willing to accept the punishment to ensure that they will not run a red light again. Let’s remove his photo. In the second way, we will take the initiative to contact him by comparing his contact information.

Xia Jianshe, deputy detachment leader of traffic police detachment of Suqian Public Security Bureau

Xia Jianshe, deputy detachment leader of traffic police detachment of Suqian Public Security Bureau

The accuracy of face recognition at 10 intersections is over 90%

For pedestrians and non-motor vehicles who run red lights, the traffic control department will impose fines on 20 yuan and 50 yuan respectively. At present, Suqian has installed face recognition systems at 10 intersections, exposing 580 pedestrians and non-motor vehicles running red lights, and the accuracy of face recognition is over 90%.

The accuracy of face recognition is over 90%

SuqianInstall face recognition system at 10 intersections.

Not only capture evidence, but also identify identity information.

In Jinan, Shandong Province, the data in 2016 showed that road safety accidents caused by pedestrians accounted for 16% of all accidents; Road safety accidents caused by non-motor vehicles account for 33.4% of all accidents. Recently, Jinan has also started to use the face recognition system.

Not only capture evidence, but also identify identity information.

Not only capture evidence, but also identify identity information.

When the red light is on, if a pedestrian crosses the stop line, the system will automatically capture 4 photos, keep the video for 15 seconds, and intercept the head of the illegal person. This system can not only capture and collect evidence, but also identify the identity information of illegal personnel. Even at night, it can be clearly imaged.

In addition to a fine for running a red light, you will also be sent to the intersection for duty.

Since the face recognition system was put into use in Jinan in early May, more than 6,200 illegal acts of running a red light have been caught. In addition to fines, people who run red lights will also receive traffic safety education and be sent to intersections for duty.

Running a red light will be sent to the intersection for duty.

Running a red light will be sent to the intersection for duty.

After nearly a month of rectification, the compliance rate of pedestrians and non-motor vehicles has been greatly improved. In the future, Jinan will install this system at about 50 major intersections in the city. 

The cake in the industry is not enough, and the marketing depends on the head anchor … What is the reason why it is "difficult" to make up domestic products?

Every reporter Shu Dongni, every intern reporter Huang Hai, every editor Liang Xiao    

The public opinion storm caused by 79 yuan Huaxizi’s eyebrow pencil has not stopped.

On September 14th, some event-related entries, such as "Netizen explodes Hua Xizi’s five makeup brushes for 919 yuan", "What eyebrow pencils are more expensive than Hua Xizi’s" and "Yu Meijing’s powder rose by 320,000 a day", were posted on the hot search, which triggered a total reading volume of over 200 million times.

Consumers who questioned the price of Huaxizi poured into traditional Chinese beauty brands with more cost-effective performance. Since September 12, brands such as Bee Flower and Yumeijing have been on the hot search in turn, becoming the "new favorites" chosen by consumers.

In the transformation from "online celebrity" to parity, there may be a consumption trend that cannot be ignored — — It seems that the first generation of online celebrity beauty brands represented by Hua Xizi and Perfect Diary can’t be sold in Amoy’s base camp. According to the data of the third-party research report, the reporter of national business daily found that the total GMV of Huaxizi had a high year-on-year decline for several months since December last year on the Alibaba platform, the base camp where Huaxizi started.

"It has never been used, and the price/performance ratio is average." Yemeng, who lives in Foshan, Guangdong Province, bought Hua Xizi’s makeup remover, cosmetic eggs and eyeliner two or three years ago.

For yemeng, who didn’t have a job at that time, the singer Charlie was the only reason for her to buy Hua Xizi. She was a hardcore fan of Charlie. "In fact, even if I knew that Charlie had become a brand friend, I hesitated for a long time before buying it, because I knew that it was low in cost performance, mainly in marketing. So I didn’t buy its ace product, but bought something I thought I would use. "

When it comes to lipstick and honey powder with a "good" reputation, yemeng, who has always been careful in skin care, bluntly said: "Honey powder lipstick is a bit ‘ Wrong species ’ … …” Yemeng’s experience is not unique. On social media such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu, there are many discussions about the quality and price of Huaxizi.

On September 13, the related terms of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil were more expensive than gold on the hot search.

Taobao platform shows that the price of Huaxizi Shouwumei chalk in Huaxizi’s official flagship store is one replacement in 89 yuan, with a net content of 0.08g. After conversion, the average price per gram is 556.25 yuan, which is nearly 20% higher than the latest published unit price of gold in China and Shanghai Gold Exchange.

Image source: Weibo @ Hua Xizi Florasis

Is Huaxizi expensive?

"The price of Huaxizi is in the upper-middle price range among domestic products (beauty products)." On the afternoon of September 14, a person who was responsible for the live broadcast of a domestic brand e-commerce told reporters. However, the person also said that when calculating the price of eyebrow pencil, consumers should also take the replacement into account. Take the price of Hua Xizi’s live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi as an example. 79 yuan buys one and gets two replacement clothes, with an average price of 329.17 yuan per gram.

Compared with mainstream makeup brands on the market, the unit price of this eyebrow pencil of Hua Xizi is in the upper-middle level of the industry. In fact, entering the mid-to high-end market has always been the business goal that Hua Xizi is laying out.

According to several authoritative sources, Hua Mantian, the founder of Hua Xizi, once bluntly said: "For a long time, the high-end market of China cosmetics has been monopolized by international brands. But today, many products of Huaxizi have cut into the middle and high-end price belt and achieved certain success. "

However, for price-sensitive consumers, domestic beauty products with rising prices seem less attractive.

According to the latest research report of China Merchants Securities, in the nine months from December 2022 to August this year, the monthly GMV (total turnover) of Huaxizi products on Ali platform only increased in three months. In December 2022 and January 2023, the overall GMV of Huaxizi on the Ali platform dropped by as much as 45% and 56%.

Not only Hua Xizi, but also the perfect diary that ran out almost at the same time as Hua Xizi has a similar situation — — In the past nine months, the GMV of Perfect Diary on Ali platform has declined year-on-year almost every month.

The trend of pressure may have appeared in 618 last year. According to the research report of Guoyuan Securities, during the period of June 18, 2022, the brand growth rate of Huaxi Zi failed, with a drop of 41%.

On the afternoon of September 14th, the reporter sent an interview request to Hua Xizi on the issue of sales volume. As of press time, the other party has not responded.

"The research data is also biased. As far as I know, there is more than one channel for brands now. Taobao, Shake (sound), Fast (hand) and Little Red Book all need marketing costs. Brands may focus on Taobao at this stage. If other sales channels perform well, they may focus on other channels (such as marketing costs). Brands don’t want to be monopolized by the platform, making themselves very passive. "

On the evening of September 14, an e-commerce industry practitioner bluntly told reporters: "To be honest, we don’t know whether the sales volume of the brand is rising or falling, because the industry of live e-commerce may find many anchors to bring the goods, and all the sales data are in the hands of the boss or the corresponding merchants’ meeting knows that the company’s data has a wall."

However, in Wang Kai’s perception, the overall beauty is indeed on the decline in the past two years.

Wang Kai had previously worked as a "friend" in the head live broadcast room. He analyzed to reporters: "One is because there will be more new products of beauty, and now both domestic products and big brands are actually rolling … … For domestic products, it is more powerful in cost performance, but many of them have no brand power to support, so if it is not a very classic product, its product life cycle will be shorter. "

"Now it doesn’t cost too much to build a brand and make a product, so it won’t have long-term vitality."

It is not difficult to make products, and marketing has become the "number one project" of the brand. In the process of industry involution, the live broadcast room of the head anchor still has great appeal to domestic beauty brands.

Everyone is criticizing Hua Xizi, but almost all brands want to be Hua Xizi. Since I started to contact Li Jiaqi Live Studio in 2018, in just five years, Huaxi’s revenue has achieved a leap from tens of millions to billions.

"Lick" — — Wan Qing, who was in charge of the live broadcast of a domestic beauty brand, used this word to describe the company’s dependence on the head anchor. Wan Qing’s brand has appeared in many popular variety shows, but its dependence on the head anchor is not much different from that of small brands. "Sometimes it is a loss, because self-broadcasting is not necessarily so good."

Wan Qing told reporters that the cooperation between his brand and the head anchor often adopts the model of pit fee plus commission. Wan Qing recalled that the price of cooperation with a head anchor at that time was about 300,000 to 400,000 pit fees, plus a certain percentage of commission. "There is also a molecular parent link. If it is a parent link, it is more links, and it will be more expensive."

Wang Kai provided a set of data to the reporter. In the beauty industry, there are two main ways to cooperate with the live broadcast room. One is a pure maid, which is about 30% ~ 50%; The second is the pit fee plus commission, but the commission is probably between 30% and 50%, depending on the cooperation rules between the product and the anchor. "If you are like the previous top anchor, his commission will not be lower than 40% or 50%."

Image source: Weibo @ Li Jiaqi Austin

In the face of such a high proportion of commission, why are brands looking for goods in the live broadcast room still "endless"?

"Live broadcast is a must for domestic beauty."

Wang Kai gave a view similar to Wan Qing’s. He thought there were two main problems: exposure and transformation.

"If you have a deep cooperation with the head anchor, the head anchor will give you a video, and its broadcast volume may reach several million, which is equivalent to your exposure of several million in the whole network; If there is a super head anchor, there may be tens of millions in one game, which means that your product has tens of millions of exposures. " In terms of transformation, "a small-headed anchor, if it sells well, will bring you an output of about one million. Although you said that you paid a commission of 30% to 40% to this anchor, you still earned it."

In Wang Kai’s view, the brand’s choice of head anchor has hidden benefits. "First of all, this is an increase in exposure. There is no way to calculate the income, but it is indeed a relatively large hidden income. If Tik Tok has these exposures on Taobao, it will correspondingly increase the search volume of keywords on Taobao … … After the product goes on the market, there will be more things to consider, which will definitely be much better than yourself.

Cover image source: vision china -VCG41N171299989

What is the difference between Yunqi system and standard luxury suspension system?

When I looked up at U9 and walked out of the stage in a dancing posture, I knew it was unusual. On April 10th, BYD released the cloud chariot system for new energy vehicles, which was specially created for new energy vehicles to improve driving quality. Among them, there are four sets of body control systems with different characteristics, including Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A, Yunqi -P and Yunqi -X, and different systems will be set for different models.

In terms of interpretation, the term "chariot" means a multi-person assisted push cart, which describes the state of the emperor’s trip in that year. However, in BYD’s technical system, Yunchariot represents different functional contents under the same platform structure, so it has different classifications. This setting is similar to luxury brands that pay attention to driving, such as Mercedes-Benz magic carpet, Audi’s intelligent attitude stabilization system, Land Rover all-terrain feedback system and Porsche PDCC system. Today, I will share their differences with you.

In the new energy era, vehicles will pay more attention to the functional applications such as three-electric technology and assisted driving, and the demand point for driving itself will become weaker. Therefore, for vehicles with higher overall load than traditional fuel, efforts in body control system are the place to open the gap between brands.

Pure electric vehicles can better achieve the 50:50 gold counterweight because the batteries are evenly distributed at the bottom of the vehicle. However, due to the high quality of the overall equipment, the inertia generated during driving will be greater, and the requirements for suspension damping will be higher. At the same time, according to the characteristics of different vehicles, the differences in control systems also make the vehicles have different performances.

The four systems have special targeted uses.

First of all, Yunxiao -C, which can be simply considered as a suspension system with variable damping adjustment, can adjust the hardness and damping effect of the suspension according to the feedback of road conditions by means of electronic dampers. This system is relatively rudimentary, and many models with torsion beam dependent suspensions will have similar systems to adjust the comfort of the suspension. At present, BYD Han is equipped with it, which can provide better damping effect.

Yunqi -A adds an air suspension, which can realize the soft and hard adjustment of the suspension and adjust it according to the actual demand, which is also the common point of air suspension. However, one thing is special. In the process of high-speed steering, an airbag is added to the flank positions on both sides of the bucket seat, which can be inflated according to the change of speed and steering angle, so that passengers can effectively offset the lateral thrust during the shift of center of gravity, and the direct effect is to make passengers sit on the seat more stably.

The cloud chariot -P is set for looking up to the U8 hard-core SUV. It is mainly divided into three contents, the first is the adjustment range of up and down height of 200mm, which makes the vehicle have stronger passability. Secondly, it is able to have stronger compression resistance and cushion the specific impact caused by the height difference. Finally, the most important thing is to have a longer suspension stroke, which can make it closer to the road surface when passing through the undulating road surface to avoid suspension. At the same time, it can realize the dynamic balance of the vehicle by four-wheel linkage and achieve the same height of the four wheels.

Finally, it is the strongest cloud -X, just like looking up at U9 at the beginning. As a super-running model, more attention is paid to handling, especially in high-speed dynamic driving texture. The active anti-roll bar can be adjusted moderately by combining with the road surface perception software, so that the included angle between the vehicle and the ground can be tracked more perfectly and the vehicle can be driven closer to the ground.

As mentioned above, Yunqi system can adjust different driving dynamics around cars, SUVs and even sports cars. It is targeted and differentiated, and it can be adjusted and adapted according to the driving conditions of different models. What are the differences from the familiar Mercedes-Benz magic carpet, Audi intelligent attitude stabilization system, Land Rover all-terrain feedback system and Porsche PDCC system? What I have concluded is that, on the one hand, the hardware is diversified and has different configurations according to different models, and it will not go all over the world like other systems. On the other hand, according to the computing power of the cloud, we can combine the road conditions and the data collected by the algorithm to simulate the suspension damping effect that changes according to driving habits. This is a process of continuous learning and optimization.

Say, where are the system characteristics of other brands?

First of all, the magic carpet of Mercedes-Benz is called the magic body control system. Through the "road scanning camera" located at the windshield, the road conditions within 15 meters in front of the vehicle and above 3 mm in ground height can be pre-scanned. When the road surface in front is monitored to be undulating, the magic body control system will automatically change the hydraulic oil quantity of the hydraulic tappet in suspension, and at the same time, it will be integrated with many sensors, calculation actuators and air suspension.

The core of this is predictability, which can perceive the road condition in advance and adjust it, instead of passively reacting when the vehicle drives to the corresponding road section. This configuration is unique to luxury models on Mercedes-Benz S-Class models.

Audi’s intelligent attitude stabilization system, as its name implies, can provide a more stable body driving posture. This system can increase or decrease the load of each wheel through the motor according to the road condition, so it can actively adjust the chassis position no matter what driving situation. In comfort+mode, the intelligent attitude stabilization system can use the tilting function when driving in corners, and can adjust the body posture to reduce the lateral acceleration of passengers.

When entering the curve, the intelligent attitude stabilization system will raise the car body on the outside of the curve and lower the car body on the other side, so that the deviation between the vehicle and the curve is controlled within 3. When driving in a straight line, the intelligent attitude stabilization system can provide buffer compensation for the pitching motion of the chassis, which makes the car body more trackable during driving.

In the field of cars, what Yunqi -C and Yunqi -A have in common with Mercedes-Benz magic carpet and Audi intelligent posture stabilization is that they can adjust the damping adaptively to improve the comfort, but Mercedes-Benz has better foresight and can simulate the road conditions in advance, which Yunqi can’t compare with.

Compared with Audi’s intelligent posture stabilization, Yunqi did not adjust the posture of the whole vehicle, but only simulated the corresponding feelings on the seat, which is a fundamental difference. After all, it has nothing to do with the dynamics of the whole vehicle.

In addition, for luxury models, Land Rover ATF system needs to manually select the corresponding mode system for proper allocation. The changes are the response speed of the engine, the acceleration slip regulation and the difference of the dynamic stability system of the car body, which can have more obvious effects on fuel vehicles.

However, compared with BYD’s Yunqi -P, it is developed around new energy vehicles, which can achieve a more accurate ratio of power output and four-wheel independent operation, which perfectly solves the problem that pure electric vehicles have no mechanical differential, can achieve four-wheel different speed differences, and has better effects on the ability to get rid of difficulties and the adjustment of suspension stroke.

Finally, Porsche’s PDCC, whose core is the active anti-roll bar, can actively adjust the speed between different wheels when cornering, improve the grip of the inner wheel, and compensate for the difference, so that the vehicle has better tracking performance during cornering, and will not be out of control because of the influence of speed and corner angle, thus restraining the roll and improving the cornering speed.

From this technical point of view, BYD’s Yunqi -X system imitates such functionality, which can monitor the dynamics of wheels from time to time. At the same time, it is more evolved than Porsche PDCC in that it is equipped with a laser radar and can realize four-wheel independent operation at the same time. This is the reason for the frog jump.


The different module functions of the cloud-chariot system can be used for different vehicles and different scenes, which can be said to be very targeted. Compared with the system provided by luxury brands to improve driving quality, it is very similar in functional attributes and effects, and the only difference is that it is aimed at new energy vehicles.

The value of luxury brands lies in providing luxury experience and more comfortable riding experience, which is the ultimate goal of all research and development of advanced suspension systems. However, Yunqi has mastered the core contents of luxury brands at present, and at the same time, it can be said that the innovation in the field of new energy is more advanced.

When others are still thinking about how to improve their sense of science and technology, BYD still returns to the original point and focuses on the driving quality itself. This consideration shows that BYD has begun to understand cars.

New aesthetics BYD Qin PLUS interior official map released

  [Official map of new car in car home] Recently, we obtained the interior picture of (|) from BYD official. The new car will be built on BYD’s brand-new DM-i platform, and the Xiaoyun-plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine will be the first to be mounted on its model. The appearance of Qin PLUS will follow BYD’s classic "Dragon Face" design language.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  In terms of interior, the new car adopts the embracing cockpit design, and the central control design is biased towards the main driving side. With the simple lines of the center console, the whole car is very layered. At the same time, the car is also equipped with a suspended LCD instrument+a suspended large-size central control panel, and with a three-spoke flat-bottomed multifunctional steering wheel, its overall sense of science and technology has been well improved.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  At the same time, the overall color of the interior of the car adopts the color matching style of clouds and blue, just like the clouds walking in the blue sky, which is advanced and comfortable. With the colorful ambient lights in the front row, the cockpit is filled with sports texture. In addition, the body-oriented sports seat is ergonomically designed, which has a strong sense of wrapping, and the texture of red and white stitching is embellished to better reflect the sense of sports. In addition, BYD Heart central control area presents a simple and avant-garde style, which shows the aesthetic way of Qin PLUS as a whole.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  BYD Qin PLUS is BYD’s latest leapfrog compact car product, and its front face incorporates brand-new design elements based on the design language of "DragonFace". The larger front grille of "Dragon Mouth" and the newly designed "Dragon Armor" bring strong sensory impact. At the same time, the combination of the heavily pressed front and the four three-dimensional lines on the hood creates a visual effect of diving. Its headlights and daytime running lights make the new car look very energetic.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

   The side lines of the car body are smooth and full of lines, and with a plurality of spoke aluminum alloy wheels, the sense of movement is enhanced. The horizontal lines and downward curved design of the tail widen the overall visual effect, and the through taillights are more recognizable, and the slogan above the taillights has also become the latest design font.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  BYD said that DM-i super hybrid technology is the core weapon of Qin PLUS. It is reported that Qin PLUS is equipped with a hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and an electric motor. The official said that the thermal efficiency of this 1.5L engine can reach 43%, and it also has Atkinson cycle, high compression ratio of 15.5, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system and split cooling technology. Without electric drive, the engine fuel consumption is 3.8L/100km.

Editor’s comment:

   It can be seen that Qin PLUS is positioned as a stylish and practical family car, but on this basis, BYD also hopes to let the new car release more features, such as simple but not simple design, ultra-low fuel consumption, etc., in order to meet the needs of users in terms of quality, cost performance and face value, and attract more potential consumers. Therefore, if its final pricing is close to the people in the future, it is expected to have good product sales. (Text/car home Zhouyi)

Pure electric version of Mercedes-Benz "Big G"? Mercedes-Benz EQG official spy photos exposure, can achieve in-situ U-turn.

A few days ago, Mercedes-Benz released a video about EQG, from which it can be found that the new car has the function of tank turning around. The new car is a pure electric version of Big G, and its appearance is consistent with that of Big G as a whole. It is reported that the new car will be officially unveiled in early 2024. What are the highlights of this car? Let’s take a look at it with the car brother!

The most striking thing this time is that the new car is equipped with four drive motors. Officials say that the new car is also equipped with an independent front suspension and a rigid rear axle specially developed for electric vehicles. Its main function is to control the wheels on both sides to rotate in different directions, so as to realize a form similar to tank turning, which is officially called "G-turn". From the officially released video, we can clearly see that the new car shows the function of turning around the tank, which can realize the original circle.

The tank here turns around, which may not be unfamiliar to users who are familiar with off-road. Simply put, it turns around in place like a tank. This function is mainly to reduce the turning radius of the vehicle in order to improve the passing performance.

In the appearance part, through the exposed video, we can find that the appearance of the new car is basically consistent with the fuel version of G-class. The overall appearance still looks hard and rough, and the headlights on both sides adopt retro round design.

On the side of the car body, the body lines of the new Mercedes EQG are rough, which highlights the domineering of the new car. The overall shape is still the same as the big G, and there is no difference. If you don’t look carefully, you may not be able to see that this is a pure electric vehicle.

In the rear part of the new car, a bare spare tire is hung outside the rear of the new car. This design is also a classic shape of off-road vehicles, and it also follows the side door design of Mercedes-Benz G.

In terms of power, it is understood that the new car will be equipped with a silicon anode battery, which can increase the battery density by 20%-40%, mainly to allow the car to save more energy in the same space, which can effectively alleviate the battery life problem to some extent.

For off-road enthusiasts, Mercedes-Benz G can be said to be their own "dream car", but the high price has dissuaded many people. Due to the influence of electrification, Mercedes-Benz G has to make corresponding changes, which shows that Mercedes-Benz EQG came into being. Generally speaking, the new car, as an electric hard-core off-road vehicle, has shown everyone the function of turning around the tank and realizing the original circle, which must be very attractive to everyone.

The question is coming. What do you think of the in-situ U-turn function of the new car? Leave a message in the comment area and discuss it with your brother!

Editor: sunny day

All over the mountains and plains, the Great Wall Cannon Great Wall Cannon all-round family fought in Alashan

  From September 30th to October 3rd, the performance version of Shanhai Gun, off-road gun, artillery and other heavy vehicles of Great Wall Gun, together with powerful vehicles such as Tank 300 and New Haval H5, formed the largest off-road corps, appeared in the "Alashan Heroes’ Club 2023", and gathered with users in the "Great Wall Motor Off-road Base" to make friends with cars and stroll in the sand sea.

  As the leader of pickup trucks, the All-round Family of Great Wall Gun built the pickup truck culture base camp in China with its strong off-road strength, which ignited the off-road pickup truck dream in users’ hearts and led the pickup truck culture to leap upward.

  Great Wall Gun Full Performance Familygo on an expedition/a campaignAlxa Write the lofty sentiments of galloping in the desert

  During the event, the full-performance family models of the Great Wall Cannon were all unveiled, and all over the mountains were Great Wall Cannons. They galloped with users in the vast desert and reveled under the vast starry sky, presenting a "performance pickup truck feast".

  As the leader of pickup truck culture and the leader of users’ co-creation, Great Wall Gun insists on creating user brands with users and empowering pickup truck culture. This Alashan Heroes’ Club is another user-created event after the fourth anniversary of the Great Wall Gun brand ushered in the 500,000-vehicle assembly line. This year’s Heroes’ Club will not only include cross-country events such as Arnaudas U2 Desert Championship, Great Wall Cup T3 Challenge, Artillery League Cup, but also activities such as users’ wave play and modification exhibition, cross-country training camp, light luxury camping in Shanhaiying, desert concert, etc., to play with users and be wild together.

  Great Wall Gun’s all-round performance family not only demonstrated its outstanding performance and leading technology, but also conveyed the spirit of freedom, passion and adventure to users, experienced the fun of "wild" together, and wrote down the lofty aspirations of galloping through the desert.

  The brand strength of Great Wall Gun has been recognized by the market and trusted by users. At present, the Great Wall pickup truck has been the first in sales for 25 consecutive years, and the global cumulative sales volume has exceeded 2.45 million; From January to August this year, the Great Wall pickup trucks sold a total of 135,477 units worldwide, up 7.3% year-on-year, and the domestic terminal market accounted for nearly 50%. For every two pickup trucks sold in China, one was the Great Wall, leading the pickup truck category value in China to jump upward.

  Bigger, stronger and more luxurious Shanhai cannon performance editionStage the ultimate performance aesthetics

  In this "2023 Alashan Heroes’ Club", the performance version of Shanhai Gun started the first test in the desert at the same time, showing off the hard-core off-road strength, and won unanimous praise from the media and user representatives in terms of luxury off-road configuration and long-distance crossing comfort.

  Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is based on the world’s leading intelligent professional off-road tank platform, which perfectly integrates hard-core off-road and intelligent luxury, and redefines hard-core off-road pickup trucks with bigger, stronger and more luxurious hard-core strength.

  The design concept of the performance version of Shanhai Gun originated from the aggressive spirit of China culture "erin brockovich". The exclusive body color of "Golden Armor" symbolizes the cross-country spirit of courage to challenge and constantly break through. Yellow sand wears golden armor in hundreds of battles, and it will never be returned without breaking Loulan. The whole vehicle body is close to the full-size pickup truck. Thanks to the design of shortening the rear suspension, increasing the wheelbase, widening the wheel track and optimizing the shock absorption arrangement, the proportion of the vehicle body is more coordinated, and the driving space is more spacious, bringing a space feeling like first class.

  Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is equipped with the only and most powerful domestic 3.0T V6 engine, matched with 9AT transmission, and comes standard with silicone oil fan with better heat dissipation performance, surging power and always on-line; Standard Borgwarner 4A+MLOCK intelligent four-wheel drive system, equipped with front and rear axle electronically controlled jaw differential locks, to create a real "three locks" in the hearts of off-road players, and equipped with up to 9 all-terrain modes, all-weather, all-road, all-scene off-road needs can be handled freely, showing the ultimate off-road driving pleasure and charm. The original factory is equipped with millions of off-road equipment, such as front and rear metal bumpers, metal side pedals connected to the frame, 18-inch off-road AT tires, K-MAN nitrogen shock absorption, 12,500-pound T-MAX winch and other hard-core equipment, which saves users the troubles of licensing, going on the road, annual inspection and after-sales, and brings amazing new off-road play.

  Highlighting the intelligent experience and high safety performance of the vehicle, Shanhai Gun Performance Edition also gives the optimal solution of off-road+intelligence, with L2-level high-level intelligent driving assistance, which can realize ACC adaptive cruise, intelligent cruise, AEB automatic emergency braking, lane keeping and other functions, giving the pickup a more intelligent and humanized experience with technology.

  It is reported that the performance version of Shanhai Gun will expand the experience of users and the media in mid-October, and start the national pre-sale at the same time. It will be listed in the fourth quarter of this year, with a price of less than 300,000. I believe that with the hard blessing of the performance version of Shanhai Gun, we will be more free, more calm and more extreme in pursuing the mountains and seas in our hearts.

  The Great Wall Gun created the off-road pickup truck culture that belongs to China people alone, so that off-road is no longer a hobby of a few people, but a lifestyle of more people. Great Wall Gun will continue to adhere to category innovation, continuously iterate and consolidate the full-performance family product matrix, so that more users can enjoy a new way of off-road life.