Collect this "spring film list" and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Special feature of 1905 film network People give the meaning of the renewal of Vientiane in spring, and inject thousands of expectations into the beginning of these four seasons, hoping that it will bring a brand-new look and weather, and "when the flowers bloom in spring" makes us look forward to it especially in this boxer year.


"March" seems to be the official name of spring. The warmth of runaway awakens the limp and numb limbs and warms up the beautiful season to come.


Just as spring is coming, follow Xiao Dianjun to taste this limited time of only three months on the screen.


Over the spring

Girl grow up private image

Girls and "Boundaries" are the stories of youth written in Over Spring.

The title of the film "Spring Festival" was originally a jargon in the mouth of smugglers, referring to "bringing goods" from Hong Kong to Shenzhen across the customs.

Liu Zipei, a girl who lives in Shenzhen and studies in Hong Kong, passively embarked on this "cross-border" journey with the dream of traveling to Japan with her friends.

The contradictory identity that originally made her lack of identity unexpectedly became her excellent advantage in the matter of "spending the spring", which not only helped her save enough travel expenses, but also made her feel an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

However, walking alone on the edge of danger is doomed to be full of adventure. The difference of ideas between mother and daughter, the break with friends and the love that can’t be established make this girl who can’t stand on either side of family, friendship or love become more and more addicted to this "boundary".

"Over Spring" does not hide a girl’s growing desire for material, feelings and self-identity, but it never forgets to find a safe place for this soul with nowhere to live.

In this tug-of-war of belonging and alienation, Pepe, wandering between the two cities, walked straight through the dividing line drawn by her youth with a cavity of loneliness and courage, and also left us with a series of questions about growth.


Four Springs

Family documentary video

In the eyes of China people, spring and the word "reunion" are inseparable. For every family, this season is filled with infinite warmth.

Lu Qingyi spent "four springs" in his hometown of dushan county, Guizhou Province to spend time with his family, and recorded this unique family video.

As far as the look and feel of the film is concerned, it actually looks almost the same as the video taken by our daily mobile phone. Lu Qingyi abandoned the tedious professional equipment and chose to take a hand-held shot in person to lead the audience to watch the family story under this patio. The lens that shakes from time to time and the depth of field that is not properly adjusted have added some pure and simple feelings of life.

From his subjective perspective, the father who smoked sausage, the mother who hummed ditty, and even a meal, a meal, a grass and a tree are particularly touching, warm and harmonious. Every true feeling of this family in the four springs: the sweetness of parents drinking a toast, the sadness of sister’s departure, and the sincerity naturally revealed at each reunion … … It seems to have become ours at that moment.

A series of collage family images, like spring breeze and rain, tell the whole picture of life, from which the most precious meaning about family ties is condensed and spread in everyone’s heart.


Small forest in winter and spring

Spiritual healing recipes

For people who are busy, what is more healing than a delicious meal after work?

Not much to say, "Little Forest in Winter and Spring" immediately presents you with a menu with full healing value: snowflake two-color cake, natto glutinous rice ball, fried tempura, winter flower miso sauce, wild garlic seedling fried salmon and cabbage flower pasta … …

Unable to blend in with the hustle and bustle of big cities, the hero Ichiko chose to return to his hometown Komori Village and run a self-sufficient life in the changing seasons. It is because of cooking that her seemingly monotonous life of living alone has become interesting.

As a food movie, the film aims a lot of close-ups at ingredients, showing them in an extremely simple way from the most authentic appearance to the appearance of being finally put on the table after special processing, which can instantly evoke taste buds.

In the film, the enthusiasm of the city children for life can be traced everywhere, not just the patience shown when cooking food. When burying natto in the snow, she will attach a special sentence "I hope you will become delicious", and every time even if one person eats, she should put her hands together and read the sentence "I am starting" devoutly.

Spring is the right season to start. When she received a letter from her long-lost mother, Shizi gradually realized the meaning of "going round and round". She was no longer trapped in her past life, but started from her heart and found the life she really longed for.

"Little Forest" has written a delicious chapter with enough literary brushstrokes. Putting aside this gorgeous coat, the core is still the true meaning of ordinary life.


Taste of Chengsha

Life taste tasting course

As a special guest of Japanese movies, Sakura always wakes up the audience: Look, isn’t spring the best time?

A small shop named "Spring of the Gong" is located beside a street full of cherry trees. The old man Dejiang, the manager Sentaro and the young girl Ruocai became attached to each other because of the burning of the Gong, and they met in the spring and spent a quiet and beautiful time together.

Grandmother Dejiang seems to be happy and informal, but every time she makes bean paste, she instantly changes to a serious face, soaking, boiling, filtering, boiling and stirring … … You have to do everything yourself.

Under her influence, Sentaro valued her work more, and Ruocai gradually opened her heart.

This is another natural law of Japanese movies — — "The beauty of mourning" is a film that is interpreted to the extreme.

"There are always all kinds of difficulties in life, so be sure to refuel." Dejiang tells the truth of life, but at the same time, he also conveys an open-minded attitude towards life to us in front of the screen.

When she visited another spring day, like a spiritual mentor, she had already passed away, and only the figure that had stood under the cherry tree was frozen forever.


Chunjiang plumbing

The Oriental Picture of Scenery Blending

If you want to choose a movie to visually present the appearance of spring, Chunjiang Plumbing must be on the list.

Hangzhou, where the film was filmed, is a paradise on earth with its own poetry and painting. When the traditional family stories are integrated into the oriental freehand brushwork aesthetics, the plain narrative slowly unfolds like a long scroll, which is fascinating.

The story focuses on the Gu family along the Fuchun River in Hangzhou, and a mother with a stroke leads to the warmth and coldness of a family for three generations. When consanguinity and kinship are discussed in the contemporary context, it is like a mirror that shines into reality and directly hits people’s hearts.

Inspired by Huang Gongwang’s "Fuchun Shan Jutu", the picture of the film slows down the narrative rhythm with a long scroll of landscapes and proper blank space, and creates a sense of documentary life with natural scenery, which makes people sigh for the world and still feel warm.

Under the ingenious arrangement of the director, the natural landscape and street style in "Spring River Plumbing" are poetically connected, and they have experienced a cycle from summer to spring, and all kinds of life have been deeply stared at by this river.


This spring in 2020 is of great significance, because it carries too many expectant eyes.

As the song goes, "When spring goes, spring will come, and the flowers will bloom again." I believe that after crossing the heavy haze, it will be the time when spring blooms again.

The sun will shine in the end, and the warmth will come as promised.

The college entrance examination countdown is 10 days! Make more moves to ensure the safety of exams.

  Beijing, May 28th (Leng Yuyang) Today, there are only 10 days left before the 2018 college entrance examination. Every year, the college entrance examination, the topic of examination style and discipline, and the safety of college entrance examination are all hot spots of social concern. This year, what measures have been introduced in various places to ensure the safety of the college entrance examination?

  Data map: Senior three students are taking the simulated college entrance examination in the classroom, and the window sill of the classroom is filled with various review materials. Yan Nan Photo source: vision china

  Relevant departments have repeatedly applied for the deployment of college entrance examination security

  As the college entrance examination approaches, the safety of college entrance examination is frequently put on the agenda. The reporter from Zhongxin. com found that since March this year, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and other relevant departments have deployed the safety work of the college entrance examination many times.

  As early as March this year, the Ministry of Education made arrangements for the safety of the college entrance examination. On March 5th, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Colleges and Universities in 2018, which pointed out that special actions should be concentrated on purifying the network environment involved in the examination, cracking down on the sale of cheating equipment, purifying the surrounding environment of the test center, and cracking down on cheating for the test. Strengthen the management of standardized test sites, close the entrance to the examination room, focus on the implementation of examination services and examination room management, and ensure strict and orderly examination style and discipline.

  Two months later, the safety of the college entrance examination was specifically mentioned again. On May 8th, the Ministry of Education held a video conference with the members of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting of the National Unified Education Examination to fully mobilize and deploy the safety work of the 2018 college entrance examination.

  Chen Baosheng, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Education, pointed out at the meeting that it is necessary to further strengthen the departmental cooperation mechanism, focus on key actions, key groups and key areas, and severely punish them, thus forming a high-pressure situation to crack down on exam fraud. Strictly control the entrance, invigilation, marking and admission.

  At the same time, Shi Jun, member of the Party Committee and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, also demanded at the meeting that local public security organs should persist in attacking with heavy punches, strengthen online inspections, carry out key rectification, strengthen investigation and crackdown, and strictly guard against crimes involving exams. It is necessary to strengthen risk prevention and control, strengthen public security management around test sites, and create a good campus surrounding environment.

  On May 25th, less than half a month before the college entrance examination, official website, the Ministry of Education, released a message and signed a letter of responsibility for college entrance examination safety with the admissions committees of colleges and universities in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).

  The responsibility book is clear, and all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should improve the management responsibility system and accountability system of the college entrance examination, improve the working mechanism of the relevant departments, and take effective measures to ensure the safe and smooth progress of the college entrance examination.

  What measures are there to ensure the safety of the college entrance examination?

  At the same time, the reporters of Zhongxin. com found that the same measures were taken at the local level, and the college entrance examination was deployed safely.

  The importance of preventing examination questions from leaking is self-evident. In this regard, Henan proposed that education administrative departments at all levels and recruitment offices should strengthen the supervision of the whole process and the whole chain of secret-related links such as making papers, transporting, keeping, distributing, applying for examinations and marking papers to ensure the absolute safety of test papers.

  Xinyang, Henan Province, put forward more detailed measures. Specifically, the security room video should be monitored and stored 24 hours a day, in all directions and without dead ends. It is necessary to strengthen the video monitoring of the test paper on the way from the secret room to the test center, and track it in real time, so as to achieve special car transportation, special secret box storage, double lock reinforcement, public security escort, and full video monitoring.

  Preventing high-tech cheating is also a highlight of this year’s college entrance examination security work. The safety work plan for the 2018 college entrance examination issued by Beijing proposes that a fixed monitoring network covering the whole city and some outer suburbs will be started in advance, and special electromagnetic environment monitoring and governance work will be carried out on the test sites and surrounding areas to investigate suspicious signals. During the examination, the monitoring vehicles will patrol the road and cooperate with the fixed monitoring network to ensure seamless monitoring of the electromagnetic environment of the test center. Two groups of radio law enforcement officers will also be on duty in sections during the examination.

  In addition, in terms of ensuring the safety of examination rooms, Wuhan, Hubei Province proposed that every examination room in the city should be equipped with metal detectors and mobile phone shielding devices, and candidates should undergo security inspection after entering the examination room. The situation of the examination room will be recorded and recorded all the time, and remotely monitored electronically. In addition, this year’s Wuhan college entrance examination venue will all be replaced by intelligent automatic time correction radio clocks, and candidates can’t wear watches to enter the examination room.

  On the other hand, Jiangxi proposed that during the college entrance examination, colleges and universities should strictly enforce the system of students’ leave. Without special reasons, college students are not allowed to leave school on June 7 and 8. Students who have been approved to leave school or practice alone should contact the students by telephone half an hour after the exam starts during the college entrance examination, and report any suspicious substitute immediately.

  Data Map: On June 7, 2017, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the test center of Henan Experimental Middle School, the candidates and parents who took the college entrance examination. China News Service reporter Wang Zhongju photo

  Carefully deployed in many places to escort candidates.

  While severely cracking down on the safety issues involved in the examination, there are also some warm moves in many places to escort the candidates.

  For example, the Shaanxi Provincial Admissions Office recently issued the Shaanxi 2018 College Entrance Examination Code to remind candidates that only 2B pencils, 0.5mm black ink pens, rulers, compasses, triangular plates, rubber without envelopes, knives, blank pads, transparent pencil cases and other stationery are allowed to enter the examination room. Mobile phones, radio transmitting and receiving equipment, electronic memory recording and playback equipment, watches, correction fluids, correction tapes, hearing AIDS, pencil cases and other non-examination articles are strictly prohibited from being brought into the examination room.

  Food safety is also a hot topic for candidates and parents. In this regard, hunan food and drug administration recently issued a warning on food safety consumption during the college entrance examination. Specifically, parents should pay attention to the fact that the time interval between the prepared food and consumption should not exceed 2 hours; Parents and candidates should not be superstitious about the so-called "brain tonic" products and other warm tips.

  What should candidates do if they encounter problems with their documents? Recently, the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau set up a special distribution point for candidates’ certificates in the service hall of resident ID cards, and introduced measures such as expediting acceptance, giving priority to making certificates and shortening the time limit for receiving them, so as to provide convenient services for candidates who are in urgent need of certificates.

  In addition, Leshan, Sichuan Province stipulates that May 10 to June 14 is the noise-forbidden time for the college entrance examination, and arrangements are made for the construction time of the construction site, the use of sound devices for motor vehicles, and the use of sound in square dances during the noise-forbidden period to ensure the study and rest of candidates. (End)

Fun Olympics | Can swimming build 8 abdominal muscles? Brother Africa tells you the answer.

  CCTV News:In the men’s swimming field of Rio Olympic Games, we are used to this painting style:

  Eight-pack ABS and a faint mermaid line … … 



  No one can resist the power of the perfect figure.


Australian star McEvoy


Phelps of Rio 2016 Olympic Games


"Youth Invincible Edition" of Philippine Fish and Rochet are poisonous after watching … …

  However, in the 100-meter freestyle preliminaries, a "belly brother" broke this style of painting.


  His name is Robel Kiros Habte, and he is 24 years old and comes from Ethiopia.


Yes, 24 years old!

  According to official data, gabit is 1.76 meters tall and weighs 81 kilograms.

  This height and weight are really grounded. Many netizens said: "I feel that I can compete."


Like us, he only has one abdominal muscle.

  Gabit took part in the men’s 100m freestyle.


Take off and take off without falling in the wind ~


Then, file out gracefully ~



However … … Swim a little slow … …

  Gabit finished the race almost half a pool behind others in the preliminaries … … The score was 1 minute 04.95 seconds, and he was the only player who took more than 1 minute, ranking 59 th overall.


  However, when he reached the finish line, he got the warmest applause from the audience.

  Gabit told reporters that this is his first time to participate in the Olympic Games, and he had never even seen a 50-meter regular competition swimming pool before the competition. He was very happy to be here. He said that his personal best time was 59.08 seconds. Although he didn’t play well this time, he really tried his best in this field.


  "I am the only professional swimmer in our country. This is not surprising, because Ethiopia is a traditional long-distance running power, and people just want to be a long-distance runner. But I have a soft spot for swimming. What I always thought was to be different from others. "

  It doesn’t matter where my destination is, what matters is that I’m here!


In the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, Eric Sabani of Equatorial Guinea competed.

  History is always strikingly similar. The appearance of gabit made Xiao Bian suddenly think of another athlete from Africa, Eric MSabani of Equatorial Guinea. He also participated in the 100-meter freestyle preliminaries at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, and finally he finished the race with a time of 1 minute 52.72 seconds, just like gabit’s experience. Unlike gabit, Tim Sabani is not a professional swimmer. He only started swimming nine months before the Sydney Olympic Games.

  How did you get into the Olympic Games with such a bloated figure?

  Gabit’s Olympic spirit is praiseworthy, but many netizens may ask, "Why did he qualify for the Rio Olympic Games? How did he get in when he swam so slowly? "

  Because of the "wild card". Every session of the International Olympic Committee will issue "wild card" players to countries with underdeveloped sports. The quota system is determined to ensure that some countries can be represented in some backward projects and show the spirit of modern Olympics. These players obviously don’t have the strength to compete for gold and silver at all, but every year their persistence and love for the project touched a group of audiences.

  So, as long as you finish the game, you are good!

The snow express will not stop, and the Spring Festival price will be notified.

Elephant journalist Zhao Quantang Fan Mohan


On the afternoon of February 2, Zhengzhou ushered in a new round of snowfall. Snowflakes are flying, and the express car is still on the road. Does continuous snowfall affect the delivery of express delivery? What changes have taken place in the price during the Spring Festival? Elephant journalists came to the express delivery point in Zhengzhou to learn about the situation.

Don’t close when it snows, don’t worry about the delay of express delivery.

At the SF Express Point in Maohua Road, Zhengzhou City, despite the heavy snow, the express point is still operating normally, and everything is as usual. According to the salesman of SF Express, this snowfall will not affect the operation of the express delivery point. However, some courier company salesmen also said that snowfall will cause some couriers to arrive late.

According to reports, SF salesman started unloading at around 6 am and got off work at 9 pm. Near the end of the year, the number of gifts transported by the courier company increased, and the company equipped the salesman with a shuttle bus to transfer the goods. In order to ensure the quality of work, in recent weeks, SF Express Company has provided free breakfast and hot drinks for outlets every day.

How to calculate the cost without stopping during the Spring Festival?

A number of courier companies said that due to the overtime pay of couriers, the price of pickup items will rise during the Chinese New Year. According to previous years’ practice, an additional Spring Festival service fee will be added to the basic fee for mailing, and this year’s fee standard has not been announced.

A number of courier companies have indicated that the fee information will be released as soon as possible in official website, the courier company. At that time, you can log in to official website of major express delivery companies to check the charging standards.

(Source: Elephant News)


[Winter Olympics "cold" knowledge] How difficult is freestyle skiing? From 1260 degrees to 1440 degrees, women athletes all over the world have walked for nearly 9 years.

  CCTV News:We have a strong feeling in watching the freestyle ski jumping competition, which is the visual impact and aesthetic feeling. But at the same time, we also see that many athletes, including world-class top players, will make mistakes and fall. Indeed, freestyle skiing has high intensity and higher risk factor. How difficult is this project?

  Big platform and aerial skills, snow skills, U-shaped field and slope obstacle skills all belong to freestyle skiing. Among them, the big platform is the most difficult. Athletes need to slide down the slope and rush to the platform, but also perform aerial stunts such as somersault and gyration at the end of the platform by inertia, which is extremely risky.

  At present, in the world’s first-line platform competition, the degree of female athletes’ aerial rotation basically starts from 720 degrees, and then reaches 900 degrees, 1080 degrees, 1260 degrees and 1440 degrees, a total of five dimensions. Players in the first three dimensions can basically do it, but from 1260 degrees to 1440 degrees, women players all over the world have walked for nearly 9 years.

  In October, 2012, Lisa zimmermann, a 16-year-old German talented girl, completed the first two-week off-axis twist of a female snowboarder in the history of snowboarding, officially opening the era of two cores and three and a half weeks for women’s snowboarding.

  In November, 2020, mathilde Gremaud, a Swiss player, completed a two-week off-axis twist of 1440 degrees and broke the history at the same time.

  In December, 2021, Gu Ailing made another 1440-degree off-axis twist with two straight slides, making history again. It took nearly nine years to make this step.

  Why is the big platform jump so difficult? In fact, not only the big platform, but also the whole freestyle skiing event is not easy. Freestyle skiing is a high-risk and high-intensity competition with very high technical content. Take-off, aerial action, landing and taxiing, the three processes are interlocking, pulling one hair and moving the whole body. The turning action in the air can be divided into vertical and horizontal axes of the human body and turning around the longitudinal axis. While completing the difficult movements, it must also be highly ornamental, while ensuring a smooth and safe landing.

  The timing of the athlete’s take-off, the degree of take-off, the angle of the moment of take-off, the muscle strength of the leg and the muscle strength of the waist, etc., all have great influence on landing, and there are too many uncertain factors. It can be said that freestyle skiing can’t make mistakes from the beginning. It can be seen that freestyle skiing is not just a wonderful flying jump, but there are countless invisible efforts behind it. Freestyle skiing is not so difficult as human’s awe of the Olympic competitive spirit and the courage to break through and surpass themselves. Always young, always enthusiastic, always love sports.

In 2024, the box office of New Year’s Day broke 1.2 billion, and the "bright star" fault led the way.

According to Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 21: 00 on December 31st, the total box office (including screening and pre-sale) of new films on New Year’s Day in 2024 exceeded 1.26 billion, and "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" and "The annual meeting can’t stop! "Stealth" is still the top three at the box office, among which "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" leads with 553 million faults.
"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" set a record that the pre-sale of Chinese film history broke through 100 million at the earliest and the pre-sale of New Year’s Eve file broke through 100 million at the fastest. The film is directed by Chen Xiaoming and Zhang Pan, written by Zhang Pan, Duan Yule, Wang Yichao and Chen Xiaoming, starring Qu Chuxiao and Karlina, and starring Jinna and Jiang Yunlin.
The annual meeting can’t stop! Ranked second in the box office list of new films on New Year’s Day, the film tells the story that fitter Hu Jianlin was transferred to the group headquarters by mistake and became a gold collar. At the annual meeting of the group, he exposed the corrupt executives of the factory and finally saved the factory. The film was written and directed by Run Nian Dong, with Luo Jia as the screenwriter and producer, Dapeng, Ke Bai and Zhuang Duffy as the leading actors, Wang Xun as the leading actor, Sean as the friendly actor and Li Naiwen as the guest actor.
The cumulative box office of "Stealth" is also nearly 200 million, and the film is co-starred by Andy Lau, Lin Jiadong and Eddie Peng Yuyan. Fighting between police and bandits, undercover stealth, and the righteous belief that they will stick to their death, and the evil hidden under the "dark net", are on the verge of confrontation with evil.
It is worth mentioning that "If You Are the One 3", written and directed by Xiaogang Feng, has been a box office flop. The film was released on December 30th, with a box office of only 24.3 million yuan on its first day of release, and the current cumulative box office is 43 million yuan, ranking sixth in the total box office of new films on New Year’s Day in 2024. The film, starring Ge You and Shu Qi, starring Fan Wei, Li Chengru, Yun-peng Yue and Chang Yuan, featuring Yao Chen, Guan Xiaotong and Wu Yi-cong, and specially introduced by Yu Shuxin, is the final chapter of If You Are the One series.
Some market research institutions said that the film market showed a good recovery trend, and the major schedules exceeded expectations. The New Year’s Day schedule has a New Year’s atmosphere, and the diversified film types have achieved full coverage of the audience, optimistic about the overall performance of the schedule.
Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Kong Xiaoping
Proofread Li Haihui

Emotional memory of the 90-year-old war hero at the premiere of the film Our July today.

Sanqin Metropolis Daily-Sanqin Net News (Reporter Xia Mingqin)On December 18th, the premiere of the film "Our July", a major cultural boutique support project in Shaanxi Province, was held at China Film International Studios in Xiying Film Park. The film’s creative team and the veteran Wang Wengui’s old hero and representatives of revolutionary martyrs’ families made their debut to pay tribute to those youthful years.

The film "Our July" is based on the Battle of Fu Mei, which tells the story of the first field army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and started the first decisive battle in the northwest, showing the touching details of the PLA soldiers’ fighting and their friendship with comrades.

The film was produced by Xi ‘an Film Studio Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Meixian County Committee and Meixian People’s Government. It was released today (December 19).

Huang Xiansong, general manager of Xiying Group and chairman of Shaanxi Film Association, said that the film "Our July" is a film that pays tribute to the heroes who took the lead in founding the new China and paid tribute to the thousands of revolutionary martyrs in Qian Qian, showing the heroic spirit of the China People’s Liberation Army in dying and fighting to the end, and sharing weal and woe with each other as comrades.

For more than 60 years, Xiying has always adhered to the creative orientation of "people-centered", shouldered the mission of "singing songs for the people and casting souls for the times", accelerated the revitalization and development of "Western Film and Television", and successively produced a number of masterpieces of Acura Party, Acura Motherland, Acura People and Acura Heroes. In the new era and new journey, Xiying will launch more excellent works to enhance people’s spiritual strength, carry forward the spirit of China and tell the story of China well.

Zhang Xiaoping, deputy secretary of Meixian County Party Committee and county magistrate, thinks that "Our July" truly reproduces the process of the battle of supporting eyebrows, portrays the glorious image of the soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army who are brave and tenacious and fought bloody battles. It is a masterpiece with a red theme integrating ideology, artistry and appeal, and it is also a vivid teaching material for the study and education of party history that cherishes the memory of revolutionary martyrs, bears heroic memories and is full of red genes.

Meixian county is the main battlefield of the eyebrow-lifting campaign, and it is also the place where the red spirit is inherited and carried forward. We will take this premiere as an opportunity to make good use of red resources, carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red spirit, so as to inspire party member cadres to draw strength from the heroic spirit and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary predecessors, turn patriotic enthusiasm into a powerful driving force for dedication, inherit the red gene in performing their duties and responsibilities, and continue the red blood in taking responsibility.

Recall the heavy history

Revolutionary heroes tell stories covered in medals emotionally.

Wang Wengui, a veteran of the 2nd Corps of the First Field Army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, as a participant in the war and a witness to history, spoke passionately about the hardships of the war. The heroic struggle of the soldiers was not afraid of sacrifice. He said, "When I was in my 90 s, I was very excited to see this film truly restore the war." Wang Jingwen, Wang Wengui’s daughter, also said that seeing the film seems to be in the scene of the bloody battles of her parents. As a family member of the veterans, she feels extremely proud and glorious.

Mr. Gao Xilin, the son of Gao Zengyue, the deputy head of the film, was very excited after watching the film. He expressed his gratitude to the producer and the creative team in a trembling voice. "This film successfully restored the historical scene of that era. It is not only a work to remember the heroes who died, but also an important teaching material to educate future generations and inherit the revolutionary spirit." Gao Fei, the granddaughter of Gao Zengyue, said that the professional and meticulous creation team presented this excellent work, which not only recorded valuable historical images, but also brought precious memories.

The creative team shared behind-the-scenes creative experience.

Inheriting the Red Revolutionary Spirit with Roles

The film "Our July" team devoted themselves to their respective fields with the spirit of striving for perfection, visiting and researching, studying archives, discussing with experts, etc., combined with meticulous service road design and excellent artistic techniques such as photography and production, and strived to truly restore the war scene. Director Zhang Youfang, starring Yin Chendi, Yu Zhilin and Gao Feng, shared the creative story in the filming process with the audience.

Gao Feng (who plays Luo Congshan) said: "After seeing the complete film, I was moved to tears, thinking about the hardships of shooting, and I realized the hardships of the war and the firm revolutionary belief and resolute courage of our ancestors."

Yin Chendi (as Wang Wengui) said: "I started doing research and homework as soon as I joined the group. After more than 50 days of hard shooting, I experienced personal growth, learned historical knowledge, and grasped the revolutionary spirit, which became my very important memory."

Starring Yu Zhilin (as Zhao Chunsi) tells that as a veteran, he was infected by the real environmental atmosphere on the set and deeply realized that there would be no happy life today without the sacrifice of his ancestors.

Later director Zhang Youfang said, "We have received more than 7,000 lens materials and more than 5,000 minutes of footage. The workload is heavy, the task is heavy, and the pressure is great. However, compared with the sacrifices made by our revolutionary ancestors, we are still too happy today.".

Producer Duan Peng said, "It’s a great honor to participate in this project with the producer and the creative team, and all the difficulties experienced have turned into today’s achievements, which will be our longest and most important experience".

Experts and scholars comment on the artistic value of movies.

Restore the masterpiece of historical hero stories

Zhang Ali, chairman of Shaanxi Literary Critics Association, believes that Shaanxi films have long been concerned about the revolutionary history, cultural history and real life in the northwest. This film not only inherits the artistic tradition, but also transcends the conventional definition of films and becomes the carrier of historical restoration, representing an important breakthrough of Xiying in the creation of western films and injecting new vitality into western films. At the same time, it combines various art forms and time relations, redefining the viewing experience.

Li Zhen, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, said that the film is a masterpiece to restore the story of historical heroes, which combines two types, namely documentary and war film. Through the memories of heroes, we have traveled through just visiting for 70 years, and we have a deep understanding of history. The film has created different types of heroes, which are both bloody and tender, without showing off or grandiose words, which makes the characters more authentic and will be deeply moved when watching.

According to Pei Yali, a professor at Shaanxi Normal University, "This is a touching film, and the most touching part is the real interview content, which is very touching and adds soul to the film. The film also absorbs the cultural and artistic traditions very well, showing the profound integration of Guanzhong culture and art. For example, when the two armies confronted each other, the two armies challenged the Shaanxi opera, which we have not seen in other films, so that the audience can empathize. "

The audience communicated with the creative team around behind-the-scenes stories, creative inspiration and performance details. Everyone said that the film was real and moving, and the revolutionary ancestors did not hesitate to shed blood and sacrifice, and wrote a magnificent chapter for the happiness of the motherland and the people. Their heroic deeds will go down in history forever. We should remember the history, carry forward the glorious tradition, contribute to the prosperity of the motherland and create a better future.

Leaders of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, members of Xiying Group, Meixian County Party Committee and County Government, Provincial Literary Critics Association, Provincial Film Association, Provincial Cultural Industry Association, Provincial Film Industry Association, Provincial Musicians Association and other units, responsible persons of Xiying film and television industry, university experts, media guests, fans and audiences attended the premiere ceremony.

On December 19th, let’s walk into the cinema, reminisce about the red years and pay tribute to the revolutionary heroes.

Movie life, happy color | This decade, our movie life.

Special feature of 1905 film network In this decade, from fireworks to prosperity in the world, movies have always been in our lives. This decade, the film is life, life is film, this decade, our film life.

A movie, like a mirror, reflects the inner world of the viewer. Actors find their own colors from the characters; Wang Xiaoping, a movie fan, will substitute himself into the role and advance and retreat with the role.

"I love movies because it opens my world." Wang Xiaoping is a kindergarten teacher and a movie fan. When she was a child, she lived on an island and it was inconvenient to communicate with the outside world. The film became a window for her to know the world. When her parents took her as a child, she went to the surrounding villages to watch open-air movies and watched almost everything she could. On the other side of the sea is the road to Ningbo. Occasionally, her parents will take her there by ferry to see a movie. For her, it is like Chinese New Year.

In the ten years since 2012, a bridge has been built between the island and Ningbo, and the transportation is convenient. Now Wang Xiaoping can drive back and forth at any time, which is very happy for her as a movie fan. In addition to making it easier to go to Ningbo to watch movies, a modern cinema was built on the island in 2018. Since the establishment of this cinema on the island, Wang Xiaoping has watched more movies, and none of the new films he wants to see will be left behind.

Wang Xiaoping likes movies. As a kindergarten teacher, she also likes to chat with children in primary schools. Many movies can resonate with them. For example, these movies touched her deeply, and children also said that they were moved by them. Every year on Children’s Day in kindergarten, we watch movies together. Wang Xiaoping organizes everyone to make posters and set up stalls to buy tickets. Students can also go to other classes to watch movies.

Wang Xiaoping usually talks with children about domestic animated films. For example, Wang Xiaoping will use the characters with great personality in these films in art classes. She will pass on the good stories and characters in the films to students through her teaching life such as music and art. In her view: "I watched so many movies and experienced so many lives. I know that the movie brought me more than just a temporary touch. A good movie is a lifetime treasure for me, because my heart is full of passion and warmth. "

Wang Xiaoping’s practice of inspiring children through animated films made Youhao Zhang, as an anime fan, feel very cordial. Youhao Zhang grew up watching cartoons produced by Shanghai Fine Arts Studio when he was a child. At that time, the school rarely showed movies to children. Seeing that many schools now use movies to assist teaching, Youhao Zhang felt very envious.

Ten years ago, Youhao Zhang studied broadcasting at school. He was admitted to a school in Beijing as he wished. But when he was a freshman, he had deep doubts about himself and didn’t know how he could pass the teacher’s exam. When he was a sophomore, he began to read characters and scripts, and came into contact with classic plays such as Four Generations under One roof and Thunderstorm. He gradually felt that he could read the people in the scripts and understand their inner world. Later, he successfully graduated from the Central Academy of Drama and embarked on the road of being an actor.

When he saw the script, Youhao Zhang felt that it was a play he had to fight for, and the role in the script was highly compatible with himself. Then he wrote a long letter about his thoughts on Xiao July and the whole The Eight Hundred after watching the role. This is the first time he feels that he has devoted himself to creating a role — — What kind of person he should be and what kind of emotion he should be endowed with.

Later, Youhao Zhang began to enter the core team of creation, and felt his responsibility and obligation to do his work well. He is also very grateful to the distinguished people he met along the way. They conveyed a very important idea to him, that is, don’t lose the color of himself. The reason why he was chosen to play a certain role is that he has something that makes others feel different.

Movies are a way to open the world. Movies can be used to inspire children’s hearts and let people find themselves in them.

Hot words vividly record the life of China people.

On September 29th, in the new "December City" block of Kuanzhai Lane, Chengdu, actors dressed as characters of the Tang and Song Dynasties were performing in a parade. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Hongjing photo
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 19th, by topic:Hot words vividly record the life of China people.
Xinhua News Agency reporters Ma Xinran, Zhang Yujie and Luo Fei
"Love the Future", "Generative Artificial Intelligence", "Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation", "Special Forces Tourism" and "Village Supermarket" … The buzzwords, new words and online expressions of 2023 launched by multi-platforms have been released one after another. These annual hot words cover the hot current affairs of the year, record the changes of the times, social development and people’s lives, and outline a vibrant China.
"The hot words that are simple and easy to understand are the most sensitive nerve endings to perceive social development." Wang Xiaoyan, an associate professor in the Chinese Department of the College of Arts and Sciences of Beijing Normal University, said that online language is an observation window that is closest to the lives of Chinese people and directly reflects the feelings of the group.
The "Top Ten Internet Terms" released by the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center in 2023 are: Aida Future, Fireworks, Intelligent Life, Village BA, Special Forces Tourism, Prominent Bag, Playing a ×××, Dopamine, The Gear of Destiny Begins to Turn, and New Employees.
Experts said that the monitoring corpus contains language resources in different media forms such as video barrage and online news, and the size of the analyzed corpus exceeds 8 billion characters.
Wang Xiaoyan believes that online neologisms or occasional old words and new sayings show the vigorous vitality of Chinese. The "commando-style tourism" and "dopamine penetration" come from the fact that netizens mix and match cross-industry proper terms, and the "gear of fate begins to turn" and "the main one is ×××", which has the characteristics of strong appeal and easy internet spread.
For example, hot words such as "Love the future" and "Fireworks" are close to daily life, full of human touch and romantic poetry, showing the life picture under the accelerated economic and social recovery and pinning people’s beautiful vision for life. Internet vocabulary integrates the context of wonderful life, which reflects the solid foundation of China’s economic stabilization and social life stability and order.
On August 16th, the picture shows Mozi Sky Survey Telescope. Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of China University of Science and Technology)
More innovative ideas are also reflected in the "Top Ten New Words" in 2023. Generative artificial intelligence, global civilization initiative, village supermarket, new quality productivity, national ecological day, consumption boost year, special forces tourism, conspicuous bags, hundred-mode war, Mozi’s sky survey …
Ouyang Rihui, vice president of China Institute of Internet Economy, Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that compared with the top ten new words in 2022, the high-tech vocabulary has higher gold content and more quantity this year. "This shows that 2023 is a year for China to increase innovation and strive to develop".
This year, all kinds of "large-scale deep learning models" are developing in the application field. There are more than 100 large-scale models published in China, and the large-field "optical" telescope is named after Mozi, which shows that it has the hard power of scientific research in China. New-quality productivity provides scientific guidance for China to accelerate scientific and technological innovation and promote high-quality development in the new era and new journey.
Sports events with super-high national popularity, such as "Village BA", "Village Super" and "Hangzhou Asian Games", have entered the list of buzzwords, new words and online terms one after another this year.
On October 25th, the finals of the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) started in Taipan Village, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, and the audience watched the game in the stands. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongyu photo
"Thanks to the hot circle of’ Village BA’, there are several waves of tourists in the surrounding villages." Yang Xiaochun, a physical education teacher at No.1 Middle School in Kaili City, Guizhou Province, said, "The mass sports culture atmosphere is stronger, and exercise and health are always on everyone’s lips.
In her view, sports have boosted the spirit of China people to stand on their own feet and pursue their dreams. Yang Xiaochun is a member of the local women’s basketball team.
From the "Chinese Dream" in 2013, the "new era" in 2017, to the "Chinese modernization" and "the common value of all mankind" in 2022, and then to this year’s "modern civilization of the Chinese nation" and "building a the belt and road initiative with high quality" … China people’s pioneering temperament and the context of national development can be seen.
"forge ahead hand in hand" is the theme of the times read by Ruan Huangyun, a Vietnamese student studying at Central South University. China’s global civilization initiative ranks among the "top ten new words" and "top ten buzzwords" respectively this year.
"The Journey to the West’s Dream of Red Mansions is very popular in Vietnam, and Chinese culture is no stranger to us. The two countries have many common highlights of civilization, and exchanges and mutual learning bring the love and respect that the world needs most." Ruan Huangyun said. She hopes to become a Chinese teacher and continue to spread the flame of civilization after returning to China.
On July 12, the photovoltaic power station in Xuezhang Township, Ruicheng County, Shanxi Province (photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yanshe
Since 2013, green and sustainability have become the "permanent guests" of China’s annual hot words. This year’s shortlisted "National Ecological Day" is a microcosm of the ecological civilization concept of "respecting nature, adapting to nature and protecting nature" which is deeply rooted in China.
Nowadays, more and more people in China have opened household carbon accounts. Since the application program "Carbon Pratt & Whitney" for low-carbon electricity consumption in Shenzhen was launched one year ago, 805,000 households have opened carbon accounts, and the cumulative carbon reduction is about 12,000 tons. The new energy vehicles that can be seen everywhere on urban roads are also one of the many witnesses that China people practice "green travel".
"The continuity and positive energy contained in the annual hot words are, to a certain extent, the surface innuendo of social development stability and civilization." Wang Xiaoyan said that in the future, there will be more "keywords" representing China people’s yearning for a better life, which is worth looking forward to.

The 2023 Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament concluded, leading the public health movement.

BEIJING, Beijing, November 1st (Xinhua)-Hosted by Beijing Social Sports Management Center, the 2023 Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament hosted by Beijing Football Association recently came to an end in the football field of Kangbite Sports City. After nearly two months of competition, the champion was finally decided.

With the theme of "I exercise, I am healthy and I am happy", the Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament is a national social football brand competition created by Beijing Social Sports Management Center, aiming to convey a positive, healthy and happy sports concept to the general public. The Invitational Tournament has been successfully held for six times since 2018.

After nearly two months of intense competition, this year’s invitational tournament finally won the first and second place in 1994, with Guan Gao United and Brothers Company tied for the third place.

The players are in the competition. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

A contestant said that after years of development, the invitational tournament has been warmly welcomed and highly recognized by the majority of football fans, which has had a far-reaching impact in the football world. It is very happy to have the opportunity to participate in the Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament, a mass football brand event. "I can feel that everyone here is full of sports vitality and enjoy the happiness brought by football."

According to the organizer, it is hoped that the Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament will further vigorously promote the national football, advocate the spirit of national fitness, promote the development of football in the city, enhance the physical fitness of the whole people, and cultivate the sportsmanship of striving, enterprising, unity and cooperation among the citizens.

The 2023 Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament was closed. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

In recent years, the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau has made continuous efforts to build a sports and fitness environment from various angles, such as enriching diversified sports events, building fitness venues all over urban and rural areas, and scientifically guiding national fitness, which not only improved the citizens’ sports and cultural literacy, but also led the transformation of the public’s healthy lifestyle. It is reported that a series of mass sports activities will be launched next to promote the physical and mental health of the whole people and promote the all-round development of sports. (End)