Chen He and Sun Yizhou Zero Interaction? Don’t look down on someone less popular than him? "Five Haas" is back in turmoil

In the second half of the show, however, something changed. A guest left work early, leaving Chen He, Sun Yizhou, Deng Chao and his uncle Wang Mian to attend the basketball game. Deng Chao participated in the game, while Sun Yizhou and his uncle served as commentators. This change made it observed that without Chen He, Sun Yizhou’s active level increased significantly, his expression was more vivid, and his words were more vivid.

The situation has sparked a debate about whether Chen He is really snobbish. However, when we look closely at the entire show and behind-the-scenes, we can see that it is not so simple. At Sun Yizhou’s debut, Chen He excitedly grabbed his clothes and refused to let go. When Sun Yizhou sat down, Chen He maintained his attitude of paying attention to him, even craning his neck to ensure that his eyes did not leave. This detail seems to contradict the relationship between the two.

In the behind-the-scenes scene, Chen He called Sun Yizhou "Old Sun" and invited him to try the pig’s eye meal many times, and even offered to share the food. However, the invitation was rejected by Sun Yizhou.

Therefore, the reason why Chen He was blamed seems to be related to the editing of the show. There is little interaction between the two in the main film, and these interactions are only seen by a part of the audience behind the scenes. This seems to be a deliberate way to create a conversation, which makes people misunderstand.

In general, the relationship between Chen He and Sun Yizhou may not be as complicated as it appears. Chen He’s behavior to some extent shows that he cares about Sun Yizhou, but these details are edited out in the main film, leading to some misunderstandings. Therefore, we cannot easily determine whether Chen He is a snob or not. Only by deeply understanding the situation behind it can we reach an accurate conclusion.


Some insights can be drawn from the interaction between Chen He and Sun Yizhou on the "Five Haas" program, which also applies to many situations in interpersonal and professional settings.

First, relationships can change even after a long period of cooperation. Chen He and Sun Yizhou appeared on "Love Apartment" together, but they didn’t seem to interact much on "Five Haas." This suggests that even if there was a deep partnership in the past, there is no guarantee that the relationship will stay close all the time. This reminds us to constantly invest time and energy in maintaining and strengthening relationships before they fade away.

Second, superficial relationships do not always reflect true emotions. Although Chen He and Sun Yizhou seem to have less communication on "Five Haas," there is still some cordial interaction between them, as can be seen through the behind- the-scene lens. This tells us that interpersonal relationships cannot be judged solely by superficial phenomena. Sometimes people behave differently in public than in private.

Once again, the media and program editing can distort the truth. The way the program is edited and presented has a major impact on the audience’s impression. In this case, there is little interaction between Chen He and Sun Yizhou in the feature film, but the behind- the-scene footage shows the cordial exchange between them. This emphasizes how the media selectively presents facts, leading to misunderstandings of the situation by the audience. Therefore, we should be cautious when judging things and not rely solely on the media’s presentation.

Finally, interaction and relationships are the responsibility of both parties. Whether in friendship or professional cooperation, the maintenance and development of the relationship requires the joint efforts of both parties. Although Chen He has been cordial at some moments, Sun Yizhou can also actively participate in the interaction, so that the relationship will be more balanced and close. This revelation tells us to actively participate and contribute, rather than unilaterally expecting others to pay.


The interaction between Chen He and Sun Yizhou on the "Five Haas" program has triggered some reflections on interpersonal relationships and media performance. First of all, we should understand that even if there were deep cooperative relationships in the past, interpersonal relationships may change, so it is necessary to constantly invest time and energy to maintain and strengthen these relationships. Secondly, interpersonal relationships cannot be judged solely by superficial phenomena, because sometimes people behave differently in public than in private. Media and program clips can also distort the truth, so we should be cautious about information and not easily trust the presentation of the media. Finally, interaction and relationships are the responsibility of both parties. Whether it is in friendship or professional cooperation, it is necessary for both parties to work together to maintain and develop the relationship, rather than unilaterally expecting others to pay. Through these reflections, we can better understand the complexities of interpersonal relationships and handle our interactions with others more wisely.

The above content and information are all derived from the Internet, relevant data, theoretical research is based on online data, and does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information in the article. I am not responsible for any of the above or related issues, and the author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility.

8 minutes of "hurricane", red and blue warning lights become life-saving green lights! High fever of 40 ° C, foaming at the mouth… This disease is menacing, you must be vigilant

Original, full of positive energy, Qiantang New District News

"Here we are, send to the emergency room!"

February 25th at 10:00 pm

A police car with flashing lights

"Rush" to the entrance of the emergency room of Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

Hezhuang police station police Zhou Zewei

Pull the door open and jump out

It’s usually a 20-minute drive.

It only takes 8 minutes to "go crazy" all the way

"Comrade police, my child has a high fever and is in a coma

I need urgent medical treatment, please help! "

It turned out that ten minutes ago

Qiantang Public Security received a call for help

Ms. Mao lives in Hezhuang Street

The grandson fainted due to a high fever

Foaming at the mouth, critical condition

In less than 5 minutes, Hezhuang Police Station police officer Zhou Zewei

I drove a police car to Ms. Mao’s house

High fever 40 degrees Celsius, body keeps twitching

Foaming out of his mouth…

Parents feel sorry for their children and sweat in a hurry

Zhou Zewei is also nervous

Immediately let Mr. Mao pick up the child and get into the police car

Under the premise of ensuring safety

Quickly rush to Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

On the way, he sounded the siren to warn the vehicles ahead to avoid

While reassuring anxious parents

In order not to delay the rescue time

A vehicle is blocked on the road.

Zhou Zewei shouted loudly

Alert the driver ahead to avoid

The police lights are shining in the dark

All the way

With the cooperation of many enthusiastic drivers

The police car arrived at the hospital smoothly

After getting off the bus, Zhou Zewei asked Mr. Mao

Take the baby to the emergency room

He quickly called a doctor for consultation

After examination, the child was infected with influenza A, causing stress fever

With emergency treatment, her high fever gradually subsided

Out of danger

At present, the child has been safely discharged from the hospital

(Officer Zhou at work)

Recently, the frequent occurrence of influenza A has attracted social attention. Afterwards, the reporter also interviewed the doctors of Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital to interpret it for the public –


What is "A-stream"?

A: Influenza A refers to an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the influenza A virus. It is highly infectious and the population is generally susceptible. Spring is the high incidence period of influenza A.


What are the symptoms of "influenza A"?

What is the difference between it and the common cold?

A: Due to the similarity of symptoms, many residents will confuse influenza A with the common cold. In fact, compared to the common cold, the symptoms of influenza A are often more serious.

① From the perspective of fever, the duration of A-stream fever is longer, which can reach 3-5 days; hot topics are prone to occur, and the body temperature can reach 39 ° C or higher.

② From the perspective of accompanying symptoms, influenza A is often accompanied by sore throat, muscle pain, general weakness, etc., and patients may experience symptoms such as chills, chills, poor spirits, and vomiting.


"H1N1" Which groups need special attention?

A: Generally speaking, the elderly and children with underlying diseases need special attention. Young and middle-aged people are less susceptible to infection due to their strong resistance.


What should I do if I have swine flu? Is swine flu easy to turn into severe disease?

A: If you have flu-like symptoms, fever, sore throat or cough during the epidemic season of influenza A, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible. The doctor will determine whether it is influenza A based on further examinations, such as nucleic acid tests, and will give antiviral treatment or antiviral prophylaxis as soon as possible to shorten the course of the disease and prevent severe illness.

At the same time, the doctor cautioned that the severe incidence of influenza A is relatively low, and as long as patients seek medical attention promptly after experiencing flu-like symptoms, they can largely avoid becoming more severe.


How to prevent swine flu?

A: ① Active vaccination against influenza can reduce the probability of infection and also reduce the occurrence of severe and critical influenza.

② Wear masks in a standardized manner and avoid going to crowded places.

Wash your hands frequently, open windows frequently, and maintain indoor air circulation.

④ If someone around you experiences respiratory symptoms, try to avoid close contact with them.

In addition, in addition to influenza A, there are also some spring epidemics that require attention:


Norovirus is mainly transmitted by the intestine and is highly contagious. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, etc. The course of the disease is short, generally about 2-3 days. It is mainly spread through contaminated water sources, food, items, air, etc.

hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses, mainly through the digestive tract or respiratory tract droplets, usually fever symptoms, papules and herpes on the palms and soles of the feet, herpes or ulcers on the oral mucosa, and obvious pain.


It is an acute infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus infection, mainly in infants and preschool children. It is generally transmitted through droplets. Patients will experience symptoms such as headache and fever, and will develop into blisters with itching later. After the onset, there will be lifelong immune effects.


Mumps, also known as "mumps", is a common respiratory infectious disease in children and adolescents. It is an acute, systemic infection caused by the mumps virus. Patients often experience symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache, and swollen and painful parotid glands on one or both sides of the ear. The entire course of the disease is about 7-12 days.

Source | District Rong Media Center, Hezhuang Police Station, Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital

Original title: "8 minutes of" hurricane ", red and blue warning lights become life-saving green lights! High fever of 40 ° C, foaming at the mouth… This disease is menacing, you must be vigilant"

Read the original text

The man ordered takeout and was eaten by the rider, and was also threatened by the rider’s text messages

  Qilu Evening News (reporter, Qi Yunlei, intern, He Xishuang) At noon on July 22, Mr. Qi, a citizen of Jinan, ordered a takeaway through, but he didn’t expect to wait for more than an hour before receiving it. After contacting the delivery rider, the rider actually claimed that he was taking revenge on the person who ordered the takeaway, and sent a text message to abuse and threaten Mr. Qi. At present, the platform has been involved in the investigation, and a delivery manager of said that he will pay Mr. Qi.

  At around 7pm on the 22nd, the netizens "Cen Cen _" broke the news on the Internet, saying that he ordered a takeaway through at noon, but did not expect to be eaten by the rider who delivered the food. "This person took the order to get the meal, and then ordered to complete the order for himself to eat. Then the mobile phone was turned off and could not be contacted. customer service did not care. The responsibility was pushed to the merchant, and the merchant was pushed to" netizens said.

  According to the exposed order, the reporter saw that netizens spent 32.75 yuan to order takeout, showing that it was delivered at 1:34 pm, and the delivery rider was Liu. However, two other screenshots show that Liu sent multiple text messages to netizens at 3:29 to abuse, with a bad attitude and a lot of swear words. He also said "we are in the dark" and "be careful of bricks these days", and made verbal threats to netizens.

  At 9 PM on the 22nd, the reporter contacted Mr. Qi, who broke the news. According to his introduction, he ordered the takeaway at 12 noon. An hour later, although the order showed that the takeaway had been delivered to the destination, it was strange that he did not get the takeaway.

  Then, Mr. Qi tried to contact the rider to ask where his takeaway was, but the rider’s phone could not get through. He contacted the customer service of again, but the customer service staff put the responsibility on the merchant and did not deal with it. In desperation, Mr. Qi contacted a regional manager of, who just asked him to order another takeaway without explaining the relevant problems.

  Then why did the rider send abusive text messages? Mr. Qi said that he later contacted the delivery rider Liu and asked why the other party did not deliver the food to him. As a result, the rider told him that the food was indeed in his hands, and he ordered the delivery on purpose without delivering it. The purpose is to treat people like him who specialize in ordering food, because they do not get paid. "It sounds like he has a kind of revenge mentality."

  Mr. Qi told reporters that he had contacted Liu with another mobile phone number at the time, but Liu began to keep calling and harassing him, one after another, and even sent text messages to abuse him. Unbearable, Mr. Qi complained again to customer service, but the customer service staff only sent him the rider’s information and asked him to contact the rider himself. "They did this so incorrectly that they haven’t dealt with it until now," Mr. Qi said.

  According to the situation reported by Mr. Qi, the reporter tried to contact the rider involved to verify the relevant information, but Liu’s mobile phone has been unanswered.

  Subsequently, the reporter contacted a manager surnamed Li who was in charge of takeaway delivery at Regarding the situation that Mr. Qi placed an order but did not get the takeaway, Manager Li said that they would negotiate with the merchant to compensate Mr. Qi. As for the rider’s abuse and threats against Mr. Qi, Manager Li said he was not clear and they would verify.

  Reporters noticed that when Mr. Qi exposed the rider online, official Weibo quickly responded and apologized to the user for the matter, saying that it would private message the parties and communicate the specific situation.

  "Money is a small matter, but I am very dissatisfied with the way handles it. The takeaway was not delivered, the rider scolded people, and the customer service has been dragging it out." At 10 pm on the 22nd, Mr. Qi said that the staff of the platform had called him back, and the other party would refund him today.

Li Dong, Consul General in Adelaide, Meets with Chairperson of China Energy Construction International Construction Group

On November 15, 2023, Consul General Li Dong in Adelaide met with Lu Zexiang, Chairperson of China Energy Construction International Construction Group, and his party at the Consulate General.

Chairperson Lv Zexiang introduced the overall layout of China Energy Construction’s overseas business, the development of projects in Australia and the next plan. Consul General Li welcomed Chairperson Lv to lead entrepreneurs to visit South Australia, saying that when the Supreme Leader met with Australian Prime Minister Albanese in Beijing not long ago, he guided the development of China-Australia cooperative relations. The Consulate General in Adelaide actively supports Chinese enterprises to conduct business in South Australia. It is hoped that China Energy Construction International Construction Group will base on its own advantages and actively explore and promote practical cooperation with South Australia in energy development, especially in the field of clean energy.

How to connect the smart drying rack to Xiao Ai

With the popularity of smart homes, more and more families are beginning to use smart drying racks, and Xiao Ai, as the right-hand assistant of smart homes, has become particularly important to connect with smart drying racks. So, how to connect smart drying racks to Xiao Ai? Next, we will conduct popular science at different points.

First, ensure device compatibility

Before connecting, first make sure that both your smart drying rack and Xiao Ai support smart home connection function and are on the same LAN. Usually, most brands of smart drying racks support connection with Xiao Ai, but it is best to check the manual or official website of the device to confirm compatibility.

2. Use the Mijia APP to connect.

If your smart drying rack supports Mijia APP control, you can connect it through the following steps:

1. Open the Mijia APP and log in to your Xiaomi account.

2. Click the "+" sign on the homepage of the APP and select "Add Device".

3. Find your smart drying rack in the device list and click to connect.

4. Follow the prompts of the APP to complete the network distribution and connection operation of the device.

5. After the connection is successful, you can see the device information of the smart drying rack in the Mijia APP and make relevant settings.

III. Use Xiao Ai for voice control

After the connection is successful, you can voice control the smart drying rack through Xiao Ai. The specific operations are as follows:

1. Make sure that Xiao Ai and the smart drying rack are in the same LAN and have been turned on.

2. Say instructions to Xiao Ai, for example: "Xiao Ai, open the drying rack."

3. Xiao Ai will recognize your instructions and send them to the smart drying rack.

4. After the smart drying rack receives the command, it will perform corresponding operations, such as lifting, lighting, etc.

IV. Precautions

During connection and use, the following points need to be taken into account:

1. Make sure the devices are on the same local area network and the network is stable.

2. Follow the operating instructions and precautions of the equipment to avoid misoperation.

3. If you encounter any problems, you can consult the manual of the device or contact customer service to solve it.

Through the above steps, you can easily connect the smart drying rack to Xiao Ai and enjoy the convenience and comfort brought by smart home.

All parts of the province jointly carry out voluntary tree planting activities, work together to plant new seedlings, and draw green and beautiful pictures together

  Spring is the best season of the year to plant green and sow green. On February 13, all parts of the province jointly launched the 2023 province-wide promotion of green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction voluntary tree planting activities. Cadres and masses in various places shoveled soil and supported seedlings for watering. With 100 green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites in the province as the main places, local tree species such as alpine fir, triangular plum and camphor were widely planted, adding new green to the land of South Guangdong.

  This year’s event is guided by the "Decision on Deepening Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), with the theme of "Promoting Green Beauty Guangdong Ecological Construction and Promoting Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature". A total of 2,453 tree planting points were set up in the province, and five forest chiefs at the provincial, municipal, county, town and village levels participated in the voluntary tree planting activities. The number of people involved in tree planting exceeded 190,000, and the number of trees was over 1 million.

  Optimize forest stands ? ? Native tree species "play the leading role"

  Phoenix wood, banyan tree, soil agarwood, iron holly, Shanduying… A large number of native tree species have entered the voluntary tree planting activities, adding green and beauty to Shanwei’s roadside green spaces, scenic spots and parks and other areas. This year, Shanwei will include the "Implementation of Urban and Rural Green Beauty Project to Benefit the People" in the "Ten Practical Things for People’s Livelihoods". It is expected that by the end of this year, 10 forest phase optimization demonstration belts and 11 green beauty Guangdong ecological construction demonstration sites will be completed.

  Qingyuan Yingde took "bamboo" as the characteristic theme of this voluntary tree planting activity, which is also a pillar industry for enriching the local people. In Yingde, the industry formed around bamboo shoots reached 3.20 billion yuan. With the help of this activity, Qingyuan focused on increasing the planting of evergreen broad-leaved forests, and the city and county jointly planted 66,885 seedlings of various types to continuously optimize the stand and beautiful forest appearance.

  Continuously improving forest appearance, improving stand quality, and comprehensively and deeply carrying out national voluntary tree planting activities are all key tasks for green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction put forward in the "Decision", and many prefectures and cities have combined the two. In Yunfu Xinxing Jintai Mountain Forest Park, everyone worked together to plant iron knife wood, golden peach, Hainan red beans, etc., and replanted and interplanted native broad-leaved trees in the existing masson pine pure forest in Jintai Mountain Forest Park. Through the scientific combination of multiple tree species, the internal ecosystem of the forest has become more stable.

  In the Meizhou Meishe Express Forest Stand Optimization Demonstration Site, newly planted saplings by Meizhou cadres and the masses stand tall in the wind. In the next three years, the demonstration site will achieve an average height of more than 3 meters of forest trees, a preservation rate of more than 85%, and an increase in native broad-leaved trees dominated by precious tree species from 20% to more than 65%. This will achieve accurate improvement in forest quality and a significant increase in the output value of afforestation acres. Effectively solve the problems of single tree species, poor landscape effect, high fire risk coefficient, and high risk of forest diseases and pests. The Meishe Express will be built into a multi-tree, multi-level, and multi-color key landscape corridor out of the city.

  In the area where the forest facies renovation project of Weiyuan Island Forest Park in Dongguan City is located, party members, cadres and volunteers waved shovels on the mountains to shovel soil and water seedlings. The scene was in full swing, and small saplings suitable for the local soil and climate, such as purple flower wind Suzuki, yellow flower wind Suzuki, camphor trees, iron holly, and yin fragrance, "stood up" on both sides of the hillside. "Today’s voluntary tree planting activity has planted a total of 600 trees. When the trees grow up, the Weiyuan Island forest, which was originally poor in growth and uneven in forest appearance, will form a multi-species, multi-level and multi-color forest ecosystem, further improving the ecological benefits of the forest." The relevant person in charge introduced.

  Seed recognition, adoption, protection, love, green action

  Leading cadres, army officers and soldiers, volunteers, student representatives… At the voluntary tree planting site in Sanlingshan National Forest Park, Zhanjiang City, there were busy figures everywhere. On the same day, 10 counties (cities and districts) in Zhanjiang City jointly carried out the voluntary tree planting activity to promote the ecological construction of Green and Beauty Guangdong. According to statistics, the city organized a total of 11 voluntary tree planting sessions, 7523 people participated in the voluntary tree planting, and a total of 63,566 trees were planted.

  Guangdong’s 21 cities have different populations, areas, and climates. All localities implement the principle of "Seek Truth and Be Pragmatic, Scientific Greening" in the "Decision". There are forestry cities that plant more than 100,000 trees, and some cities that strive for excellence and plant 10,000 saplings. The enthusiasm of the masses for tree planting is not much different in the province.

  By Moyang Lake, everyone is supporting seedlings and cultivating soil. At the Mini Program, citizens’ enthusiasm for seed adoption is high. Yangjiang continues to broaden the channels for mass participation in the form of "Internet +" seed adoption and adoption this year. Yangjiang, with a population of about 3 million, has participated in voluntary tree planting since "Chuangsen". The number of people who have participated in voluntary tree planting has exceeded 9 million. This year, Yangjiang also adopted some ancient trees for the first time, including plum, neem, stone chestnut, egg flower, longan, camphor tree, blood seal throat, banyan tree and other ancient trees located in parks and villages.

  Among the participants in the voluntary tree planting in Zhongshan, a group of local entrepreneurs’ representatives stood out. On February 13, they planted 17,000 saplings together with the cadres and masses in Zhongshan. "A tree needs to be cultivated if it wants to grow into a’towering tree ‘. As an enterprise rooted in Zhongshan, we are willing to claim a batch of tree planting tasks, water and maintain it for a long time, and contribute to retaining the green waters and green mountains in Zhongshan," said Zhang Chuanwei, an entrepreneur representative.

  "What we planted is not only saplings, but also pieces of green hope," said Xu Qingtao, a cadre in Nanxiong Town, Shaoguan, who participated in the tree planting. Although the spring rain still has a trace of coolness, the tree planting site in Nanxiong is in full swing. Everyone formed a group of 3 people and a group of 5 people, and planted 20 mu of saplings in one afternoon. A total of 105 voluntary tree planting activities like this were carried out in Shaoguan, attracting nearly 10,000 people.

  In Heyuan, many citizens were attracted by the warm atmosphere, donned volunteer vests, and led their children to join the tree planting team. About 117,000 trees were planted in the city that day. Osmanthus, kapok, iron holly, drunken fragrance and smiles and other tree species covered the mountains and plains, connecting the landscape ecology and humanities of Heyuan together. "Green waters and green mountains are becoming Jinshan Yinshan!" Everyone eagerly looked forward to it.

  Beautify urban and rural areas

  Sowing green, harvesting hope. In the national reserve forest base of Niu Mian Mountain, Jianqun Village, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing, the cadres and masses planted 14,000 trees such as Milao Pai, Acacia blackwood, red cone, Huolinan, and rosewood. "These trees are matched according to the long, medium and short growth cycles to create a broad-leaved mixed forest, and promote the optimization of low-quality and low-efficiency forest stands on both sides of the Xijiang River with points and areas to improve forest appearance," said Ding Jianping, deputy director of the Zhaoqing Forestry Bureau.

  Standing on Niu Mian Mountain and looking down, the clear water of a bay in the West River winds past; from a distance, the three waters of Foshan on the other side of the river can be faintly seen. Ding Jianping said that considering Niu Mian Mountain is the first scenic line of waterway entering Zhaoqing, the local area will make it the "main venue" for voluntary tree planting in Zhaoqing this year.

  In this year’s voluntary tree planting activities, many places have combined the national voluntary tree planting activities with the construction of a high-level urban-rural integrated green and beautiful environment, and the high-quality urban-rural green and beautiful ecological environment of "forest and city depend on each other, forest and people blend" has gradually emerged. In Jieyang Puning, citizens planted yellow flower suzuki, purple flower suzuki and kapok at the municipal voluntary tree planting activity point located on the north bank of Lianjiang River. The seedlings were planted along Lianjiang River, which stretched for 4 kilometers. A beautiful picture of "the city is in the forest, the road is in the green, the house is in the garden, and the people are in the scenery" is slowly unfolding.

  In Shantou, tree planting activities were carried out in the Jufeng Scenic Area of Haojiang District. Cadres, soldiers and volunteers planted Peach, Silver Leaf Acacia, Yellow Flower Wind Suzuki, Bodhi, etc., mostly for viewing flowers and leaves, adding to the creation of a green and beautiful home with scenery in all seasons. After more than 10 years of sewing and inserting green, planting green and replenishing green, the scenic spot has become a good place for citizens and tourists to watch flowers.

  In the Maoming Open-pit Mine Ecological Park, hundreds of green planters waved their hoes and shovels and planted saplings one by one. Open-pit mines used to be the "scars" of the city in the past, but now they have become an important part of the urban landscape, which shows that green planting has become an "example" action of Maoming. This year, Maoming will also focus on guiding the intensive processing of agarwood, orange, oil tea and other characteristic industries, extending the industrial chain of forest products, and at the same time creating a characteristic route of forest tourism, promoting the construction of forest towns and villages, actively cultivating a new business model of "rural tourism + ecology", exploring the development of forestry carbon sink trading, and enhancing the efficiency of Maoming forest "carbon sink discharge".

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

The original title: A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  There are still 3 days to end in 2016. Recently, foreign media checked through SteamSpy what are the games that sold 1 million in 2016. Before announcing the game, let’s say that this investigation does not count free games and remastered games that provide free upgrades. In addition, games that landed on Steam Early Access in 2014 or 2015 and were officially released this year will not be included.

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

  But in terms of sales, it seems that "H1Z1: Killing King" is the best-selling new game on Steam in 2016. The Steam version sold more than 3 million sets, and the game first landed on Steam on February 17. The second place is the indie game "Stardew Valley Story". The game landed on Steam in February, and as of now, it has sold almost 2 million sets (1.89 million).

  In third place is the multiplayer (4v1) horror game "Dead by Dawn", which sold around 1.45 million. Judging from Tieba and live broadcasts, this game seems to be relatively popular in China. As for 3A games, the games on the list include "Doom 4" (1.45 million), "Civilization 6" (1.43 million), "Dark Souls 3" (1.23 million), "Tomb Raider: Rise" (1.23 million), "The Division Lockdown" (1.02 million), "UFO 2" (1.08 million) and "Warhammer: Total War" (1.03 million).

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

  Most of the games on the list were released in the first half of 2016 (except for Civilization 6, which was released in October), and the masterpieces released in October and November were not on the list. Watchdog 2 is only a month away from now, and it must be difficult to sell millions, but according to SteamSpy statistics, the current sales are around 190,000. For 3A games, I don’t know if Ubisoft can accept it?

  In addition, the "Dishonored 2" released on November 11 currently sells about 320,000 Steam, while the "Call of Duty 13" released on November 3 sells about 260,000 Steam.


300,000 Chinese brand new energy SUV market research

  [Autohome News] Before 2020, our Chinese brand’s medium/medium and large SUV products were still rare, and the market was almost monopolized by overseas brands. At that time, we were still very cautious about this market. Even if there were products, most of them showed brand perception and technology, and did not pursue market performance. However, the growth of our Chinese brands in the past two years has indeed made rapid progress, especially in the new energy market. Medium/medium and large SUVs have gradually become the mainstream. Not only is the market demand increasing day by day, but our products are also becoming more and more mature.


  Recently, it has also become a period of product explosion in this market, including the new (|), the new Wenjie M7, Lynk & Co 08 EM-P and the new Xiaopeng G9 have been launched, and new players such as Zhiji LS6 are waiting for an opportunity. What is their market prospect? What is the sales policy now? Let’s go to the store again to find out.

◆ The new NIO EC6
Price range: 35.80-41 6,000
Product features: LiDAR upper body, appearance/configuration have been upgraded
Store location: direct sales model, there are many supermarket/store layouts. At present, there are 134 NIO centers, 286 NIO spaces, 304 NIO service centers and 58 NIO delivery centers globally


  The new NIO EC6 was officially launched on September 15, with two versions priced at 358,000 (75kWh) and 416,000 (100kWh). It stands to reason that it is beyond our 300,000 car purchase budget, but after using the NIO BaaS battery rental plan, the price of both models is 288,000 (battery rental 980 yuan/month and 1680 yuan/month), just within the budget, plus a good heat, so we decided to add it to this car purchase survey.



  The new EC6 has not been listed on the day of arrival, so there is only one.10,000 points for booking (deposit 5000 yuan)Other relevant policies are subject to those announced at the time of official listing. Detailed information can be found atClick here.Check, the delivery cycle is about 2 weeks. At that time, although the price of the new EC6 has not yet been released, the sales said that it is expected to be about 350,000, which is very close to the actual price. The order data is also relatively good. There are already more than 10 orders in the store, and one can be added every day on working days, and about 3 on weekends. The order is mainly for young people. Older users are also interested, but they have not placed an order. They still want to wait for the listing price to come out. Overall, the market prospect is relatively optimistic. It is worth mentioning that although the new EC6 has no discounts, there are no discounts in the storeES8 and ET7 have a small number of stock cars, you can get a discount of 10,000 yuan

NIO NIO EC6 2023 75kWh

NIO NIO EC6 2023 100kWh

  One of the main upgrades of the new EC6 is the appearance, and the other is the intelligent performance. The appearance aspect includes changing the appearance to a new design style, and at the same time provides 9 body colors to choose from. The interior will also provide 3 exclusive color schemes. It just so happens that the car on display adopts the Danxia red color scheme, which is very classy. In addition to intelligence, the new car is equipped with the latest banyan system and NOP + driving assistance. This time I came to the store just in time for the system upgrade, and I couldn’t actually experience it. However, friends who want to know more about the new car can also check our previous detailed experience videos.

NIO NIO EC6 2020 615KM Signature Edition


  The NIO EC6 was first launched in 2020, which can be regarded as a pioneer for Chinese brands to enter the medium-sized SUV market relatively early. At that time, it was also regarded as one of the strong competitors of Tesla Model Y. After the previous generation EC6 was launched, it achieved a monthly sales of 3,000 +, which is also a meritorious model that helped NIO achieve monthly sales of over 10,000 and successfully ranked among the top three new forces. With the launch of the new EC6, it can be regarded as the last piece of the puzzle of the NIO NT2.0 platform. It is bound to bear the burden of sales again. The future market performance is what we all look forward to.

◆ New Xiaopeng G9
Price range: 26.39-35 9,900 yuan
Product features: configuration adjustment, more people-friendly, more practical
Store location: mainly based on the direct sales model, but also developing the dealer model.Supermarkets are the main ones, and there are also departmental stores.





  The new Xiaopeng G9 just listed on September 19, after the completion of the change, the new car has finally dropped to 300,000, a total of 5 models, the price range is 26.39-35 9,900 yuan. At the same time, you can also enjoy the air suspension time-limited 20% off, car color limit free, delivery gift package, replacement subsidy, intelligent upgrade and other subsidy policies, while there are points compensation and hardware upgrades for old owners and so on.



  This time, the Xiaopeng G9 has been mainly adjusted for the configuration. For example, the Danao audio + 5D music cockpit is replaced with an optional configuration, and the standard Xiaopeng XOpera brand audio is equipped. In practice, this self-developed audio can also provide a good listening experience for front and rear passengers, which is completely sufficient for the vast majority of people. In addition, the car system still maintains a relatively high level, and the voice response is very sensitive, which has always been XPeng Motors’ expertise. Of course, in addition to the audio, the new Xiaopeng G9 has many details to adjust. For details, you can click here to view.



  There is a new G9 570max model display in the store. This is also the configuration mainly promoted by Xiaopeng G9. The new G9 has not been listed when it arrives at the store.The deposit is 5,000 yuan, and delivery is expected to start in 1 month.In addition, sales representationThe old Xiaopeng G9 can have a discount of 10,000 yuanHowever, there are only a small number of existing cars, and they are not available when they are sold out. But users who come to the store are basically waiting for the launch of the new G9. After all, there was news at that time that the price of the new model would be cheaper, and the configuration adjustment would not be large.

XPeng Motors Xpeng G9 2022 650 Performance Edition Max


  Xiaopeng G9 was officially launched in September 2022 at the earliest, and it has been exactly one year. As the flagship product of XPeng Motors, although its intelligent driving and charging capabilities have been raised to a new height, the pricing of 30.99-46 9,900 yuan has not been recognized by the market. Except for the sales volume of 4,000 in December 2022, the average monthly sales volume in other months basically hovers around 1,000. After the launch of the new Xiaopeng G9, the price range will be greatly reduced. Can it be recognized by the market again?

◆ New Q Jie M7
Price range: 24.98-32 9,800 yuan
Product features: five-seat version, Huawei ADS 2.0 smart drive, all-aluminum chassis
Store location: Huawei direct sales are mainly in supermarkets, while Sailis direct sales are mainly in industrial park stores, and supermarkets have a wider layout




  The new Q & J M7 was officially launched on September 12, with a total of 5 models and a price range of 24.98-32 9,800 yuan. Since the new car was pre-sold at the Chengdu Auto Show in August, the cumulative order exceeded 15,000 units within 24 hours of listing, and 2700 new orders were added on September 17, creating a new high for the brand’s single-day orders. It can be seen that whether in the supermarket Huawei store or the Q & J 4S store, the new Q & J M7 has become a well-deserved star product.




  According to sales, the new M7 store can basically guarantee a daily increase of 2-3 orders, and can double on weekends, mainly young consumers, most of them choose 5-seat smart driving version (309,800), Huawei ADS 2.0 smart driving is still very attractive to young consumers, and the older ones will basically choose the rear drive version (5 rear drive version sold 249,800, 6 rear drive version sold 269,800 yuan). According to previous news, Huawei ADS 2.0 smart driving system is expected to be in the National Open City NCA in December, when it may usher in another wave of sales.




  If you place an order before the first sales period on October 7, you can get a cash discount of 6,000 yuan, a matching fee of 12,000 yuan and a matching benefit of 15,000 yuan (choose one of three). In addition, there is a replacement subsidy of 15,000 yuan in the store, and the sales rights are still quite attractive. Although the new Q Jie M7 will be delivered when it is listed, if you place an order now, the delivery cycle will take about a month. It is worth mentioning that the new Q Jie M7 has a new 5-seat version with high comfort in the rear row, which is the most comfortable in this visit. In addition, Hongmeng Smart Cockpit 3.0 also has excellent performance. Except for the slightly slow automatic speech recognition (possibly due to signal problems in the exhibition hall), other performances are impeccable.

Sailis Automobile, Ask the World M7 2022 1.5T 4WD Deluxe Edition

  Wenjie M7 was first launched in July 2022. Under Huawei’s halo blessing, it achieved good market feedback in the early stage of listing. The highest monthly sales exceeded 5,000 units, but it fell sharply after 2023, with the average monthly sales falling to about 1,000 units. The new Wenjie M7 can be said to have been adjusted very timely and successful, especially at the moment when Huawei’s new mobile phones are released, the new M7 is also taking advantage of the momentum and has the potential to enter the first echelon.

◆ Lynk & Co 08 EM-P
Price range: 20.88-28 8,000 yuan
Product features: Meizu car machine, new design language/pure electric battery life 245km
Store location: dealer model, mostly industrial park stores, few supermarkets


Lynk & Co 08 2023, basic

Lynk & Co 08 Guided Price Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 120 Long Range Pro 20.88 120 long battery life Halo 21.58 245 Super long battery life Halo 23.58 220 4WD Performance Halo 26.18 Time Limited Edition 28.80

  Lynk & Co 08 ushered in the official listing on September 8. This time, a total of 5 models were launched, priced at 20.88-28 8,000 yuan. Through communication with sales staff, it was found that there are no other preferential policies in the store. For consumers who want to buy Lynk & Co 08, they can only refer to the official rights and interests released when they were listed. At present,Lynk & Co 08 all models can enjoy 9,000 yuan to enjoy the gold when placing an order. At the same time, you can also upgrade the Harmanka 23 speaker audio bag worth 10,000 yuan for free. The optional "Technology Pride Smart Enjoy Pack" can get 7,500 yuan for five years of NOA function service. In terms of replacement subsidy, you can enjoy a replacement/additional purchase subsidy of up to 6,000 yuan. In addition, you can also get 300 yuan worth of Meizu Mall 30,000 points.





  According to Geely’s official sales figures, the Lynk & Co brand sold 18,696 units in August, an increase of about 9% month-on-month and an increase of about 24% year-on-year. According to previous data, less than a week after the new car opened for pre-sale on August 8, the order has exceeded 10,000 units. On the same day, I communicated with the staff in the Beijing store and learned that since the official listing of Lynk & Co 08 as of September 15, the current in-store sales have exceeded 100 units. In this way, this store alone has an average of more than 10 orders per day. It seems that the popularity of new cars is still very high. During our viewing, there are staff who are explaining the functions of the car system to users. It can be seen that users are still very concerned about the intelligent configuration of vehicles.

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

  The new car uses the latest LYNK Flyme Auto Meizu car system. The sales staff in the store said that it has the same level of fluency as the mobile phone, and the actual experience is really good. Our experience of zoom navigation, one-handed sliding interface, switching between different interfaces and other conventional operations did not find any cards or slow responses during the process. Basically, we can realize finger operation where to hit, and the response is very fast. In addition, we also experienced the automatic speech recognition function of the car. Lynk & Co 08 can only support voice conversations in a single area. When the main driver issues a voice command, the co-pilot immediately sends out a voice command that cannot be recognized. In this regard, we can compare the M7, which can support continuous dialogue in different zones and increase the convenience of continuous operation for different passengers in the car. But for the usage habits of different users, we can’t give absolute good or bad evaluations.

  In addition to the function of the car, when we learned that the Harmanka stereo can be replaced for free, we immediately carried out the experience, which does continue the consistent characteristics of its brand, with excellent sound resolution. In addition, we hope to give users a certain reference in the car purchase experience. Looking back at our car store this time, the overall scale is relatively large, and different models have cars on display. There are also a small number of official used cars in the store. The service attitude of the sales staff in the store and the patient explanation provided us with a good car viewing experience.

◆ Zhiji LS6
Pre-sale price range: 23- 300,000 yuan
Product features: DIY personalized dress-up/technology cockpit design, GPT large model
go online
Store location: direct sales model, mostly supermarket stores, industrial park stores are rare



  Zhiji LS6 has opened pre-sale at the previous Chengdu Auto Show, and the pre-sale price range is 23-300,000 yuan.The new car plans to show the car to the store on September 22. By inquiring about the sales in the store, it is expected that the official price will be maintained within 300,000 yuan, and it will be officially listed and delivered in October. At present, there are no additional preferential policies in the store, and it is still based on official rights and interests. At present, the preferential activities that provide 2,000 yuan of intention gold to 5,000 car purchases also include 10,000 yuan of optional funds. For L7/LS7 owners, they can enjoy another 10,000 yuan discount.Since the pre-sale started at the end of August, as of the day of the survey on September 15,The national order volume of Zhiji LS6 has reached 15,000 units.

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, low-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

  The new car offers a total of 7 body colors. According to the store, the current main colors are brown, cyan and pink. Obviously, pink bodies are more popular with female consumers. Interestingly, although we didn’t see the real car, the in-store sales explained to us a variety of personalized gameplay of Zhiji LS6, including DIY replacement of different colors of rim decoration, side skirt trim and rear spoiler trim and so on.


Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

  Since there are no show cars in the store at present, we did not experience the actual operation of the car and machine system this time. However, in the store we experienced the car and machine of Zhiji L7 and the voice control system. The overall recognition speed needs to be improved compared with other vehicles of the same class. Looking forward to LS6’s improvement in this regard. The Zhiji car we investigated this time is a store located in a large shopping mall. The store decoration style is similar to the reduced version of the car show booth, located in the central lobby area of the mall. The service attitude of the staff in the store and the professional performance of the product are acceptable. 

Editor’s comment:

  This time we are mainly limited to about 300,000 of new products to the store survey, but in the domestic new energy market, of course, there are many BYD, Tengshi and ideal brands have very good products have been affirmed by consumers. An obvious feeling is that compared with the previous store survey by price, preferential and other stimulus policies, this survey we are more impressed by the product force.

  They are not only trying their best to meet the harsh conditions of consumers "both want, want, and want", but also form brand differences through details and bring some unexpected joy. So if you buy a car 300,000 budget, what aspects do you value most and which model will you choose? Which new car market conditions do you want to see? You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area, our car purchase investigation team is always ready. (Text/Autohome Guo Chen, Yao Yu)

2023 China Home Appliance Technology Annual Meeting TCL Air Conditioning Interprets High-quality Development with a New Generation of Air Conditioning

   From December 13th to 14th, the 2023 China Home Appliance Science and Technology Annual Conference and the High-quality Development Exchange Activity of the Smart Home Appliance Industry were held in Wuhan, Hubei. TCL Air Conditioning and a new generation of air conditioners – TCL Small Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning appeared, with a smart health experience upgrade that understands your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better, bringing a new wind to the high-quality development of the industry.

  According to the introduction, the theme of this conference is "Scientific and technological innovation leads the high-quality development of the home appliance industry", focusing on "green and low-carbon, intelligent home appliances, health and cleanliness, refrigeration, noise reduction, DC flexibility" and other technical directions. Many academicians and authoritative experts and professors in related fields such as intelligence and refrigeration were invited to give special reports.

  TCL air conditioning breaks the market with high-quality development

  At the plenary meeting held on the morning of December 13, Chen Shaolin, senior vice president of TCL Industrial and general manager of the Air Conditioning Division, gave a keynote speech entitled "The Road to Breakthrough in the High-quality Development of TCL Air Conditioning".

  Chen Shaolin pointed out that the challenges from respiratory health, the challenges of high energy consumption and refrigerants to global warming, and the opportunities and challenges of new technologies to the traditional air-conditioning industry are the main challenges facing the development of the current air-conditioning industry. In the face of industrial challenges and changes, it is necessary to use leading strategies to achieve high-quality development, and high-quality development is first and foremost the high-quality development of brands.

  In order to find a way to break through the high-quality development, TCL Air Conditioning is taking smart health as its value direction, with the brand mission of allowing more people to easily enjoy the healthy and green life brought by the air, and becoming a leading brand in healthy air management, heat pump and thermal energy management that users can trust.

  In terms of high-end, intelligent and green, TCL air conditioning takes Wuhan intelligent manufacturing base as its foothold, deepens 5G + industrial Internet integration, promotes digital transformation and high-quality development of the industrial chain, and increases efficiency by 40% in the past four years.

  Leading the new generation of air conditioning technology innovation, TCL air conditioning won the Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award

  On December 10th, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning was released in Beijing Water Cube. From Beijing to Wuhan, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning has attracted extensive attention from consumers and the industry. At this event, TCL Air Conditioning won the 2023 Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award and 6 Excellent Paper Awards for its fresh air air technology innovation, further demonstrating its technological research and development strength as a leading brand of fresh air.

  According to reports, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner has been fully upgraded from three aspects: health, energy saving and user habits.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your health. This product upgrades the user’s health from sound comfort, air quality comfort and thermal comfort, achieving 30 dB (A) silent fresh air, air quadruple filtration purification, temperature fluctuation control ± 0.3 ℃ and other experience improvements.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your energy saving. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioner not only saves energy in hardware, but also realizes energy saving in software algorithms, design energy saving, and operation energy saving. Among them, in terms of operation energy saving, the product adopts AI time domain prediction algorithm, which will anticipate the temperature and optimize it in real time, which can avoid excessive dehumidification and excessive cooling, and the energy saving rate can reach up to 40%.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your usage habits. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner is equipped with a high-performance offline voice module, which has a high wake-up rate in the bedroom environment, making voice control freer and more satisfactory. At the same time, it is equipped with a two-wheat control system with sound source positioning function, which can achieve the effect of "wind blowing towards people" or "wind avoiding people blowing".

  In fact, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioning is the innovation of TCL air conditioning in the fresh air track. At present, TCL air conditioning has seven international leading technologies, including high-efficiency energy-saving silent fresh air technology, heat pump operation energy-saving technology, large fresh air volume and low noise technology, frequency conversion energy-saving technology, smart soft air technology, 60 ° C high temperature and strong cooling technology, and power visualization technology.

  Industry experts say that the high-quality development and breakup of the air-conditioning industry cannot be separated from the joint promotion of the whole industry. TCL Air Conditioning has focused on the fresh air track, continuously increased investment in technology research and development, and launched a new generation of air conditioners that understand your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better. This has created a path of high-quality development.

NIO Phone is really here, founder Li Bin wants to seamlessly connect with the car

Image source: NIO

On September 21, the long-rumored NIO phone finally appeared. At the NIO IN 2023 NIO Innovation and Technology Day, founder Li Bin officially released the flagship smartphone NIO Phone to the outside world.

At the beginning of the mobile phone launch session, Li Bin responded to the long-curious question of the outside world to everyone present – why does NIO make mobile phones?

"This is definitely not because mobile phone companies are building cars, nor is it because NIO doesn’t make money from cars now, but relies on mobile phones to make profits," Li Bin said. "Our reason is actually very simple and well-considered – because users need a mobile phone that is seamlessly connected to NIO, and we want to make NIO products better."

He showed how the phone can be seamlessly integrated into the car, both in terms of hardware and software.

First of all, the hardware configuration of the NIO Phone is basically the same as the flagship mobile phone on the market. In terms of chips, the phone is equipped with Qualcomm’s second-generation Snapdragon 8 leading version. The storage solution is based on 12GB + 512GB, and the maximum optional 16GB + 1T. It is equipped with a 6.81-inch curved screen with 2K resolution and supports a variable refresh rate of 1-120Hz. In terms of images, its main camera, ultra-wide-angle and periscope telephoto are all 50 million pixels. In terms of battery life, the NIO Phone is equipped with a 5200mAh battery and supports 66W wired and 50W wireless flash charging. At the same time, the special project matches the NIO wireless car charging.

In terms of appearance design, NIO Phone refers to the skyline elements of the NIO brand, using nano-microcrystalline ceramics and environmentally friendly leather stitching on the material. In addition, a special version of EPedition has been launched, with red elements interspersed in the fuselage, which is different from the ordinary version in design language.

Image source: NIO

As an important medium for human-vehicle interaction, NIO has injected many software-level interaction shortcuts into NIO Phone.

According to reports, the NIO Phone integrates mobile phones and smart electric vehicles through NIO Link NIO panoramic interconnection technology. The phone is equipped with UWB ultra-wideband technology, which can replace car keys and support unlocking without electricity within 48 hours.

On the left side of the fuselage, NIO Phone sets a NIO Link car control key, which can be just a click away 30 driver interconnection functions, including quick view of vehicle status, parking position, complete vehicle unlocking lock, window lift, trunk opening, air conditioning remote adjustment, etc., in the case of mobile phone without network, it can also realize unlocking, flashing horn, vehicle summoning, remote parking and other functions.

In terms of in-car control, Li Bin mentioned that the NIO Phone can be combined with in-car sensors to identify the user’s location and present a car control card interface with different functions based on the driver’s seat, passenger seat, or rear seat.

Li Bin believes that this reflects the original intention of NIO Phone’s design. "In addition to these functions that can be perceived more quickly, it is more about the seamless information flow and relay at the bottom of the software."

For example, NIO Phone has a more detailed understanding of human-vehicle interaction, such as the navigation route relay, which allows users to set a destination and choose a driving route on their mobile phone. After getting on the bus, it will automatically switch to the car-side navigation, and there is no need to perform additional operations on the car. For example, the navigation clipboard relay can automatically pop up and push on the car’s central control screen according to the location text copied by the user on the mobile phone, and the user can enter the navigation after clicking. It should be pointed out that these operations will not go to the cloud, ensuring the privacy and security of user data.

The Inter-App communications application of the mobile phone and the smart cockpit is the key breakthrough direction of this mobile phone. In addition to the aforementioned functions, the NIO Phone currently also has a panoramic application function, namely "Sky Window". After this function is turned on, a separate phone will run on the central control screen of the vehicle, supporting the parallel operation of the central control screen and the mobile phone dual applications. "Windows is not a simple screen projection, these two screens can run different programs in parallel, which is very different," Li Bin said.

For business scenarios, when users use the super conference, they can automatically transfer to the car after boarding the car, and can also call the in-car hardware (such as cameras). In terms of entertainment scenarios, NIO Link games can also be synchronized to the central control large screen to play.

For more systematic privacy and security issues, NIO said that the NIO Phone’s NIO self-developed SkyUI system provides 0 system advertisements, 0 commercial pre-installation, and only local processing of sensitive data. On cloud data protection, NIO Phone adopts multi-key encryption protection, and data and keys are stored separately.

According to reports, the 12GB + 512GB version of the mobile phone is priced at 6499 yuan, the 12GB + 1TB version is priced at 6899 yuan, and the EPedition 16GB + 1TB version is priced at 7499 yuan. It is currently only available in the NIO App Mall.