Awesome, my C919! The first flight of China big plane is in sight.

  Wu Guanghui, chief designer of Comac C919 and ARJ21, has won the national special prize for scientific and technological progress and the first prize for national defense scientific and technological achievements. A key model won the first prize of China Aviation Industry Corporation I and the first prize of the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Committee.

  "Many aircraft parts are made in China and fly in the sky every day. C919 has gone through nearly seven years, and has done a lot of design, calculation and experiments. I am definitely willing to take this plane first. "

  — — Wu Guanghui

  These days, in the commercial aircraft test center of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation, the newly-built Zhuqiao test hangar in Pudong is spacious and bright. In the hangar, the landing gear that originally supported the domestic large passenger plane C919 was all put into the landing gear cabin, and three air springs like "jacks" lifted the plane into mid-air. What is going on here is the ground resonance test and modal coupling test of the whole aircraft that must be completed before the first flight, which means that the C919 has officially entered the final sprint stage before the first flight.

  C919 is a domestic large passenger plane independently designed and developed by China. It is a short-haul single-aisle narrow-body passenger plane with more than 150 seats. In the future, it will compete with internationally renowned commercial aircraft such as Airbus 320 series and Boeing 737 series for orders. The manufacturer China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. recently announced that the C919 plans to make its first flight in the first half of 2017 and will fully launch the wide-body passenger aircraft project. It can be said that after nearly 10 years of hard work, China people’s dream of "big plane" will soon become a reality.

  ① Rigorous test to ensure safety.

  To fly into the blue sky, a plane must first practice a pair of steel bars and iron bones. For the C919, which carries the dream of a big plane for Chinese people, the significance of the test is even more significant. This is the first large passenger plane made in China, and its safety cannot be lost.

  For this reason, C919 has undergone a series of tests like "torture". Among them, the 2.5g static test of the whole aircraft started in early November last year is the most severe and significant one since the birth of the C919.

  This test mainly tests the strain and deformation of the "skeleton" of the body under constant external loading. In layman’s terms, this kind of test is to let the aircraft simulate the stress situation when challenging air flight on the ground, and go beyond the natural limit to verify how much force the aircraft can bear.

  Before the start of the experiment, the researchers covered the whole body with white adhesive tape, which is a resistance strain gauge that can sensitively measure stress and strain close to the surface of the body, just like doing electrocardiogram for the plane. During the test, the load starts to rise at the level of 5%, and the load must be kept for 3 seconds every time. "The structure must be able to withstand the ultimate load for 3 seconds without damage." Zhou Liang Dao, deputy chief designer of the C919 passenger plane, said that the preparation behind the team took more than 300 days for this short three seconds.

  With the continuous loading, the aircraft began to show obvious external reflection, and the wing began to tilt up a little. Finally, when the load reaches 100% of the test outline, the wing tip tilts up to nearly 2 meters, which is highly consistent with the strength analysis before the test, which shows that the test is successful and its strong "bones" and body are enough to support flying into the blue sky.

  This is just a small step in the long March before the first flight of the plane. A passenger plane has to complete 13 static tests in 48 working conditions, including pressurization in the booster cabin, front lifting connection, main lifting connection, whole aircraft condition, vertical tail and rudder, as well as "three-bird test" such as iron bird, copper bird and electric bird and joint test of the whole aircraft system. Therefore, researchers have made independent innovations in system integration experiments.

  In the comprehensive test hall of Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, the iron bird test-bed with little difference from the C919 real machine looks like an eagle with wings spread and its tail stuck high. Don’t underestimate this test-bed. Its full name is "Integrated Test-bed for Flight Control Hydraulic System", which mainly tests the landing gear, wings and other mechanical systems of aircraft. In order to ensure the authenticity of the system test, the iron bird test-bed is designed according to the 1:1 ratio of the real aircraft, so that the mechanical installation interfaces of the flight control, hydraulic and landing gear systems are the same as those of the aircraft.

  Next to the Iron Bird Test Bench, there is also a "Copper Bird" that tests power supply systems such as power generation and distribution, and also restores the real state of the machine to 1:1 for equipment installation. "Iron Bird", "Copper Bird" and the avionics system test called "Electric Bird" will eventually be all connected, thus forming a "three-bird joint test" to simulate the state of the aircraft.

  In the experiment, researchers conducted a comprehensive test on the aircraft system. Take the avionics system as an example. At most, there are more than 100,000 parameters in a test. These parameters should be tested one by one to find out the possible omissions in the design. "Our goal is not to take the fault to the sky." Yu Shenghui, senior engineer of the General Aerodynamics Department of Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, said.

  According to the plan, six testing machines are carrying out joint testing of the whole machine system, and customer service engineering and airworthiness work are also being carried out simultaneously.

  ②C919 is genuine China goods.

  As the first large passenger plane with completely independent intellectual property rights in China, C919 has been frequently questioned since it was established in 2006: an aircraft whose engine, avionics core processing system and some materials all depend on foreign products or technologies, why should it be said to be "made in China"?

  In fact, to evaluate the innovation of C919, we may need to draw lessons from a fairy tale named Pony Crossing the River. This story is about a pony crossing a river. A cow next to it said, "The water is very shallow, just without a calf, so you can cross it." But the squirrel in the tree said, "The water is deep and will drown." So, is the river deep or shallow? Finally, the pony got off the river by himself and carefully waded to the other side. It found that the river was neither as shallow as the cow said, nor as deep as the squirrel said. The same is true for the development and innovation of C919. Everyone should not only see the major innovations achieved in the process of aircraft development, but also objectively admit the existing shortcomings.

  According to international standards, judging whether an airplane is made in China or assembled depends on whether it meets three conditions. 1. Who owns the property right of the whole machine? Second, who is the core team to develop the whole machine? Third, who holds the key link in the development of the whole machine? For C919, the answer to these three questions is China.

  The person in charge of Comac in China said that the property right of the C919 is owned by Comac in China. The team of Comac in China is the core of the development, and the key links such as aircraft design, final assembly, test flight and sales are in the hands of Comac in China.

  As for foreign companies providing parts or technology, this is a common thing in the global aviation manufacturing industry. Aviation manufacturing giants such as Boeing and Airbus also use foreign products on many key components when developing aircraft.

  However, for equipment like engines, the C919 chose the LEAP-X1C engine jointly developed by the United States and France, which is the only foreign starting power device selected by the C919. It should be said that the engine is indeed a major constraint in the development of China’s large aircraft, and it can only be sought from people at present. However, I believe that in 10 to 15 years, China will be able to develop its own advanced aero-engine for large aircraft.

  ③ Have a number of scientific and technological innovations.

  Experts said that the C919 was completely designed and integrated independently, with outstanding technical indicators. It is the persistent innovation of researchers who have sharpened their swords for ten years that has led to the high-tech C919, which integrates many key technologies.

  However, what did C919 look like when it was approved as one of the 16 major projects in the national medium-and long-term science and technology planning in January 2006? What difficulties may be encountered in the development? Due to the limitation of western aviation powers in technology introduction, China researchers have no idea and can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

  In November 2008, the C919 project was launched. A large passenger aircraft joint engineering team composed of 468 experts from 47 domestic and foreign units, plus a large passenger aircraft expert consulting group composed of 20 academicians and experts, started from sketches and gradually sorted out the first batch of 14 special technical research projects that need to be started.

  Among these key technologies, there are several that must be mentioned. For example, the "supercritical airfoil" that makes airplanes more fuel efficient. A large passenger airliner is an out-and-out "oil tiger". In order to reduce fuel consumption, the wing design of C919 uses a supercritical airfoil, which improves the cruise aerodynamic efficiency by more than 20% and reduces drag by about 8%.

  Another unique innovation is the adoption of the third generation Al-Li alloy materials. It is the first time in China that the world’s advanced third-generation Al-Li alloy materials are widely used in the main structure of C919. Compared with ordinary aluminum alloy, this lightweight metal material with high damage resistance has greater strength and lighter weight under the same strength, which is very important to realize the weight reduction of aircraft structure and greatly improve the service life of aircraft.

  In addition, as the "brain" of the C919, the avionics system of the aircraft has realized "giving all the work to the network". Compared with the old version of the network, which was widely used before but had limited bandwidth, the new aviation bus communication protocol adopted by C919 not only has high bandwidth but also shares resources, which means that the signals that originally needed to be transmitted through several cables can now be transmitted by one cable. Experts said that this is like we need to run 10 trains from A to B, but we don’t need to build 10 railways. We only need a set of double-track railways and a reliable signal system.

  According to Wu Guanghui, the chief designer of C919, the developers have planned 102 key technical problems, and many advanced materials have been applied on a large scale in domestic civil aircraft for the first time. The development process of millions of parts and airborne systems is highly parallel. In order to overcome these technical difficulties, 22 provinces and cities, more than 200 enterprises, 36 universities and hundreds of thousands of industrial personnel participated in the development of C919 large passenger aircraft, and 16 material manufacturers and 54 standard parts manufacturers including Baosteel became suppliers or potential suppliers of large passenger aircraft projects.

  Our reporter Peng Xunwen

What should online games rely on to win the future?

  Recently, a number of ministries and commissions jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content. Bright pictures/vision china

  In recent years, China’s online games have developed rapidly and the content forms are constantly enriched. At the same time, it must be noted that the lack of cultural connotation of online games in China is more prominent, some games have a tendency to vulgar violence, and the values of individual works are biased. Recently, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content, which opened the curtain of online game industry governance nationwide. Taking this industry governance as an opportunity, online games are bidding farewell to the old stage of barbaric growth and welcoming a new era of transformation and upgrading.

  There is an urgent need to standardize the governance of online game market.

  To sum up, there are four kinds of problems in online games at present: universal and serious addiction, serious vulgarization of some contents, emphasis on form but light on connotation, and wanton deconstruction of traditional cultural classics and values.

  Addiction is a major feature that distinguishes online literature from traditional literature, among which online games are the most addictive. Once a netizen suffers from Internet addiction, it will not only consume a lot of time, energy and money, but also seriously damage his physical and mental health. The main users of online games are between the ages of 15 and 25. These teenagers have poor self-control and their minds are not yet fully mature. Once they are infected with Internet addiction, their physical and mental injuries are often very serious.

  Online games are not only the most addictive, but also the problem of vulgarization is serious. For example, in a popular MOBA online game, most female characters such as Wu Zetian, Xiao Qiao, The Story Of Diu Sim and da ji are scantily dressed, wearing sexy short skirts or long skirts. However, in large MMORPG 3D online games such as "Dragon’s Eight Branches" and "Zhu Xian", the role modeling with erotic and seductive meanings has been brought into full play. In addition to visual pornography, many games even add interactive content, such as the 3D online game "Myth", which has a built-in interactive little game called "Ghost Story", so that players can "experience" the pornographic scene of stealing women and stealing jade by manipulating characters. The above-mentioned vulgar pornographic content can be found everywhere in online games, which is extremely harmful to the physical and mental health of young players.

  Formalization is also a prominent problem in online games, which is manifested in excessive pursuit of external sensory experience and content almost becoming a vassal of form. Many domestic war games are designed with "skins" that need to be purchased before they can be used, and many games will regularly launch some "limited skins" for short-term sale according to specific festivals. Games such as the glory of the king, Battle Against the Snake, etc. are constantly launching a large number of various "skin" shapes to attract players to spend. No matter what kind of "skin", its function is just to change the audio-visual special effects in the game, which has nothing to do with the content of the game.

  There are also some games that arbitrarily deconstruct cultural classics and convey wrong values. For example, in a turn-based role-playing game with The Journey to the West as its content, both the demon and the demon are justified, and the inferno becomes an equal force with the Terran and the Fairy, thus the image of "man-eating monster" in the original work is easily dispelled. Another game with the content of "Three Kingdoms" is mixed with many fictional myths and legends on the basis of deconstructing the story of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The characters in this game, such as "Yin and Yang Scholars" and "Magician", have supernatural power and can use all kinds of magic. In addition, the excessive deconstruction of history and historical figures is also a common problem in online games. In a popular game, the backgrounds and experiences of all historical figures are deconstructed to varying degrees. For example, Gao Jianli is deconstructed as a wild and uninhibited "genius musician", Di Renjie is endowed with "extremely strong obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness tendency" and other unique personalities, Jing Ke is designed as a sexy female assassin, Huang Zhong is shaped as a gunner who operates a cannon, and da ji is deconstructed as a magic puppet with powers. The above-mentioned question game tells a false story of China, portrays a false image of China, and spreads a wrong view of history, which not only harms users’ physical and mental health,It is also not conducive to the construction of China’s cultural security and soft power.

  Build a strong position to tell the story of China well

  The problem of online games has a long history. To fundamentally solve all kinds of problems in the production and communication of online games, we need to start with top-level design, take multiple measures and make comprehensive policies.

  At present, Tencent, Netease, Sohu, Sina and other private capital or foreign capital-controlled Internet companies occupy the main position on the supply side of online game content in China. While calling on online game enterprises to assume more social responsibilities, in order to fundamentally improve the production pattern of online games in China, we must implement the supply-side reform of online literature and art, and build a number of powerful national teams of online literature and art as soon as possible, and the national teams will intervene and lead the development of online game industry.

  In order to ensure the core competitiveness of the national team in the online game market, the author suggests to build the first echelon of the online game national team based on the existing state-owned leading online media. For example, people’s network, CCTV, Xinhuanet and other powerful national online media can open up special online literature and art channels, recruit top talents in online game research and development around the world, develop a number of phenomenal online game products with both social and economic benefits, and build a strong position to tell the story of China on the Internet. For the strong private network literature and art production and communication subject, it can be developed into the second echelon of the online game national team by means of acquisition, holding or mixed reform. In addition, we can also acquire, hold or participate in a number of well-known foreign online game R&D teams with leading content production and network technology to form an alliance of the online game national team. The national online game team constructed in this way is conducive to the optimal allocation of various resources, which can not only lead the direction of telling the story of China in Socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also maintain high market sensitivity and creative vitality.

  The governance of online games can’t treat the symptoms only. To fundamentally solve the problem, we need to establish an institutional mechanism to ensure the green, healthy and sustainable development of online games. The author suggests that legislation on online literature and art should be started as soon as possible, so as to clarify the respective rights and obligations of the producers, communicators, consumers and regulators of online literature and art, and clearly define all kinds of illegal acts and punishment measures in online literature and art practice, so as to provide sufficient jurisprudence and legal basis for online game supervision. At the same time, the regulatory authorities should work with online game research institutions to introduce online game quality grading standards as soon as possible to improve the online threshold of online games; Develop a workable mechanism for screening, inspecting and identifying mental damage in online games to provide technical support for supervision. In addition, it is necessary to establish an online game criticism team with experts and scholars as the main body, actively guide online game criticism public opinion, and implement all-weather and full-coverage academic monitoring of online game industry operation.

  Deeply cultivate excellent cultural information resources on the Internet.

  Online games should embark on the road of healthy and sustainable development. Apart from the macro-level management of the country, it is more important for online games to practice their internal skills, enrich their contents and enhance their cultural content.

  Compared with traditional literary forms, online games have inherent advantages in the development and utilization of online cultural information resources because of their own Internet attributes, so they can make use of massive online cultural resources to achieve expanded reproduction based on high-quality IP and traffic factors. For example, the national treasure cultural relics collected in the Forbidden City can be carefully incubated as high-quality IP prototypes. When the traffic is cultivated to a certain amount and becomes an explosion "online celebrity", the first resource development from IP prototypes to online games can be realized according to the preset IP development roadmap. The online games developed for the first time, after gaining huge traffic, can be used as IP to expand the reproduction of TV dramas, variety shows and other products, and realize the re-dissemination from online to offline. By transforming the theme advantage of IP into the traffic advantage, and then transforming the traffic advantage into the content advantage, the social and economic benefits of online games can be maximized.

  Online games are a cross-border literary form. In the future development, domestic online games should make use of the unique communication advantages of the Internet, break through the national barriers, capital barriers and technical barriers inherent in traditional literature and art, and realize the global communication of China’s story based on online games. Therefore, the online game industry in China must build a powerful online game communication platform with high efficiency, unique resources and convenient consumption by greatly increasing bandwidth, expanding giant servers, mobile online payment and other advanced technical means, and simultaneously make online games and their derivatives bearing specific China stories and China spirit into multilingual versions for all-weather and full coverage integrated marketing communication for netizens around the world.

  Online game enterprises should clearly realize that the competition of online games in the future is cultural competition, and must abandon the commercial motivation of quick success and instant benefit and enhance the cultural content of products. Excellent Chinese traditional culture can provide rich materials for online game creation. In addition to adopting Chinese style in subject matter, pictures and music, we should organically embed the values of benevolence, loyalty and filial piety, benevolence, honesty, chivalry, humility and studiousness in Chinese traditional culture into game products. At any time, online games should correctly grasp the relationship between social benefits and market benefits, consciously put social benefits in the first place, do not be slaves to the market, and prevent economic interests from colliding with the bottom line of social morality.

   (Author: Ma Lixin Zhou Ding, a professor at Qilu Cultural Research Institute of Shandong Normal University, this article is the phased achievement of the key project of Shandong Social Science Planning "Research on the Rights and Obligations of Digital Art")

Day 28 of Diary of "Epidemic": Spring has arrived in ICU!

  February 21st, the 28th day of aid to Hubei. It’s raining again in Wuhan.

  When I went to work this morning, it was raining outside. I bought a loving little pholiota adiposa from the door of the hotel and hurried to work.

  There are obviously more cars and even buses on the road around Jinyintan Hospital. There are also many people standing at the bus stop in the distance. Wuhan has not lifted the "closed city", so I guess they may be the medical staff in the living room (Fangcang Hospital) of Wuhan, and they have to take the shuttle bus back to their place of residence. You have worked hard, too.

  When I changed my work clothes, I just arrived at the doctor’s office and saw a big plastic bag in front of Professor Zhou. When everyone was almost here, Professor Zhou opened the plastic bag, which contained several sets of protective clothing and swimming glasses. Professor Zhou said excitedly that this is a material sent to him by a Shanghai primary school student. Primary school students and their parents bought eight sets of protective clothing and donated them all. I hope everyone will be safe. I don’t know what kind of twists and turns this child and his family have gone through before they can collect protective clothing under the unified management of protective materials. From the childish handwriting of children, we can see the people’s care and love for us and the future of our motherland. The head nurse said that they also received materials from an aunt in Shanghai. The circle of friends said that the people of Shanghai "borrowed" us to Wuhan! The arrival of batches of materials expressed their care and they looked forward to our early and safe return. Everyone is very touched!

  Next, it’s the shift handover time. After the shift handover, Team Zheng once again reiterated the safety issue, and let us carefully read the formula of wearing and removing protective clothing in Ruijin Hospital, so that each team member can remember four "musts": be highly vigilant, be strict in management, be sure to standardize the process and be cautious! Yes, we have been helping Hubei for 28 days, and now it is time to get tired and relaxed easily. We must cheer up and do a good job in protection and other work seriously and rigorously.

  Today, I followed Professor Zhou into the isolation ward for rounds. After checking the room, the nurses have prepared a full set of tracheal intubation devices. After the patient was fully calm, Professor Zhou made a nasotracheal intubation under the guidance of bronchoscope. I admire his proficiency. Today, after working as an assistant and observing the actual operation, my heart is much more stable. As the saying goes, "more skills don’t weigh me down", and I learned new skills today. Professor Zhou completes tracheal intubation, adjusts the ventilator mode and parameters, and observes the patient’s vital signs for a while, which makes me feel more at ease.

  Our group discharged a patient today. His symptoms improved, his nucleic acid test was negative continuously, and his lung CT examination turned better. According to the current process, patients need to be isolated at home for 2 weeks after discharge. However, the patient expressed the difficulty of his family’s housing shortage, and he was worried that it would affect other family members. We reported to the medical department of the hospital. Through coordination, when the patient leaves the hospital today, his community will send a car to pick him up and observe him in isolation at a nearby hotel for two weeks. I told him the two-week and four-week follow-up plan after discharge. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there may be patients in our group discharged from the hospital. Spring has arrived in the intensive care unit.

  In the afternoon, three columns of Chinese characters were posted in front of the first important door of our isolation ward. Maybe it will become a small scenic spot in Jinyintan Hospital in the future. Everyone lined up to take a photo with Professor Zhou, and I quickly lined up. Wuhan, come on! China, come on!

  After work, the lights are already on outside. Because the team suggested that the medical staff should not eat directly in the canteen after work, fearing that it would be too late to eat after cleaning, I chose a self-heating hot pot and some fruits from the "energy station" and changed the dinner!

  Authors: The first batch of Wuhan medical team members from Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,

  Attending physician Cha Qiongfang, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Renji Hospital

The college entrance examination countdown is 10 days! Make more moves to ensure the safety of exams.

  Beijing, May 28th (Leng Yuyang) Today, there are only 10 days left before the 2018 college entrance examination. Every year, the college entrance examination, the topic of examination style and discipline, and the safety of college entrance examination are all hot spots of social concern. This year, what measures have been introduced in various places to ensure the safety of the college entrance examination?

  Data map: Senior three students are taking the simulated college entrance examination in the classroom, and the window sill of the classroom is filled with various review materials. Yan Nan Photo source: vision china

  Relevant departments have repeatedly applied for the deployment of college entrance examination security

  As the college entrance examination approaches, the safety of college entrance examination is frequently put on the agenda. The reporter from Zhongxin. com found that since March this year, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and other relevant departments have deployed the safety work of the college entrance examination many times.

  As early as March this year, the Ministry of Education made arrangements for the safety of the college entrance examination. On March 5th, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Colleges and Universities in 2018, which pointed out that special actions should be concentrated on purifying the network environment involved in the examination, cracking down on the sale of cheating equipment, purifying the surrounding environment of the test center, and cracking down on cheating for the test. Strengthen the management of standardized test sites, close the entrance to the examination room, focus on the implementation of examination services and examination room management, and ensure strict and orderly examination style and discipline.

  Two months later, the safety of the college entrance examination was specifically mentioned again. On May 8th, the Ministry of Education held a video conference with the members of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting of the National Unified Education Examination to fully mobilize and deploy the safety work of the 2018 college entrance examination.

  Chen Baosheng, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Education, pointed out at the meeting that it is necessary to further strengthen the departmental cooperation mechanism, focus on key actions, key groups and key areas, and severely punish them, thus forming a high-pressure situation to crack down on exam fraud. Strictly control the entrance, invigilation, marking and admission.

  At the same time, Shi Jun, member of the Party Committee and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, also demanded at the meeting that local public security organs should persist in attacking with heavy punches, strengthen online inspections, carry out key rectification, strengthen investigation and crackdown, and strictly guard against crimes involving exams. It is necessary to strengthen risk prevention and control, strengthen public security management around test sites, and create a good campus surrounding environment.

  On May 25th, less than half a month before the college entrance examination, official website, the Ministry of Education, released a message and signed a letter of responsibility for college entrance examination safety with the admissions committees of colleges and universities in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).

  The responsibility book is clear, and all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should improve the management responsibility system and accountability system of the college entrance examination, improve the working mechanism of the relevant departments, and take effective measures to ensure the safe and smooth progress of the college entrance examination.

  What measures are there to ensure the safety of the college entrance examination?

  At the same time, the reporters of Zhongxin. com found that the same measures were taken at the local level, and the college entrance examination was deployed safely.

  The importance of preventing examination questions from leaking is self-evident. In this regard, Henan proposed that education administrative departments at all levels and recruitment offices should strengthen the supervision of the whole process and the whole chain of secret-related links such as making papers, transporting, keeping, distributing, applying for examinations and marking papers to ensure the absolute safety of test papers.

  Xinyang, Henan Province, put forward more detailed measures. Specifically, the security room video should be monitored and stored 24 hours a day, in all directions and without dead ends. It is necessary to strengthen the video monitoring of the test paper on the way from the secret room to the test center, and track it in real time, so as to achieve special car transportation, special secret box storage, double lock reinforcement, public security escort, and full video monitoring.

  Preventing high-tech cheating is also a highlight of this year’s college entrance examination security work. The safety work plan for the 2018 college entrance examination issued by Beijing proposes that a fixed monitoring network covering the whole city and some outer suburbs will be started in advance, and special electromagnetic environment monitoring and governance work will be carried out on the test sites and surrounding areas to investigate suspicious signals. During the examination, the monitoring vehicles will patrol the road and cooperate with the fixed monitoring network to ensure seamless monitoring of the electromagnetic environment of the test center. Two groups of radio law enforcement officers will also be on duty in sections during the examination.

  In addition, in terms of ensuring the safety of examination rooms, Wuhan, Hubei Province proposed that every examination room in the city should be equipped with metal detectors and mobile phone shielding devices, and candidates should undergo security inspection after entering the examination room. The situation of the examination room will be recorded and recorded all the time, and remotely monitored electronically. In addition, this year’s Wuhan college entrance examination venue will all be replaced by intelligent automatic time correction radio clocks, and candidates can’t wear watches to enter the examination room.

  On the other hand, Jiangxi proposed that during the college entrance examination, colleges and universities should strictly enforce the system of students’ leave. Without special reasons, college students are not allowed to leave school on June 7 and 8. Students who have been approved to leave school or practice alone should contact the students by telephone half an hour after the exam starts during the college entrance examination, and report any suspicious substitute immediately.

  Data Map: On June 7, 2017, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the test center of Henan Experimental Middle School, the candidates and parents who took the college entrance examination. China News Service reporter Wang Zhongju photo

  Carefully deployed in many places to escort candidates.

  While severely cracking down on the safety issues involved in the examination, there are also some warm moves in many places to escort the candidates.

  For example, the Shaanxi Provincial Admissions Office recently issued the Shaanxi 2018 College Entrance Examination Code to remind candidates that only 2B pencils, 0.5mm black ink pens, rulers, compasses, triangular plates, rubber without envelopes, knives, blank pads, transparent pencil cases and other stationery are allowed to enter the examination room. Mobile phones, radio transmitting and receiving equipment, electronic memory recording and playback equipment, watches, correction fluids, correction tapes, hearing AIDS, pencil cases and other non-examination articles are strictly prohibited from being brought into the examination room.

  Food safety is also a hot topic for candidates and parents. In this regard, hunan food and drug administration recently issued a warning on food safety consumption during the college entrance examination. Specifically, parents should pay attention to the fact that the time interval between the prepared food and consumption should not exceed 2 hours; Parents and candidates should not be superstitious about the so-called "brain tonic" products and other warm tips.

  What should candidates do if they encounter problems with their documents? Recently, the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau set up a special distribution point for candidates’ certificates in the service hall of resident ID cards, and introduced measures such as expediting acceptance, giving priority to making certificates and shortening the time limit for receiving them, so as to provide convenient services for candidates who are in urgent need of certificates.

  In addition, Leshan, Sichuan Province stipulates that May 10 to June 14 is the noise-forbidden time for the college entrance examination, and arrangements are made for the construction time of the construction site, the use of sound devices for motor vehicles, and the use of sound in square dances during the noise-forbidden period to ensure the study and rest of candidates. (End)

How to reform the English proficiency test for CET-4 and CET-6?

  Beijing, Dec. 14 (Leng Yuyang) According to the news from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the CET-4 and CET-6 will be held today in the second half of 2019, and candidates can check their scores in February next year. In recent years, there has been a constant debate in public opinion about the reform of CET-4 and CET-6, and even the debate about whether to keep or abolish it. In the future, how to evaluate the English proficiency level is worthy of attention.

  College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 starts today.

  According to the news from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the CET will be held on December 14th in the second half of 2019. Among them, 9: 00 am & mdash; Take CET-4 at 11:20, and at 15:00— At 17:25, the CET-6 will be conducted.

  On the eve of the exam, many provincial education examination institutes issued a reminder that candidates must enter the examination room with the admission ticket, student ID card and valid ID card on the day of the exam (starting at 8:45 am and starting at 2:45 pm), and the "three certificates" are indispensable. Admission is forbidden after 15 minutes.

  During the examination, candidates are only allowed to bring necessary examination stationery into the examination room, and are not allowed to bring books, materials, bags and other items. It is strictly forbidden to bring electronic equipment with the function of sending or receiving information. Once found, it will be dealt with in violation of regulations, and the results will be invalid.

  According to the pre-test reminders issued by various places, before the exam, there are often some lawless elements and intermediaries in the society who use the Internet and other tools to publish harmful information such as "helping the exam", "providing real questions" and "answers" and peddling cheating tools, and claim to "package" to defraud candidates of money. Please don’t believe in false propaganda, so as not to be deceived.

  Under the current examination system, the CET written test is held twice a year in June and December of each year. In June, all subjects in English and non-English are taken, and only English subjects are taken in December. CET oral test is held twice a year, in May and November each year. Since December 2016, candidates who apply for the written test in the same year are eligible to apply for the same level of oral test.

  Candidates can check their scores through the official website of CET-4 and CET-6 in February next year.

  Debate on the reform of CET-4 and CET-6

  The National College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 is a large-scale standardized test sponsored by the Ministry of Education and presided over and implemented by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education. Since its implementation in 1987, CET-4 and CET-6 have gone through more than 30 years, accompanying the youth of generations of students.

  In order to constantly meet the needs of students learning English, CET-4 and CET-6 have been on the road of reform. The reporter found that in recent ten years, various reform schemes, such as taking multiple questions and volumes, canceling cloze, increasing Chinese-English translation scores, and changing fast reading comprehension into long reading comprehension, have been implemented in CET-4 and CET-6.

  On October 23 this year, the plenary session of the National College English Test Committee for Band 4 and Band 6 in the second half of 2019 held in Shanghai said that the use of artificial intelligence technology has obvious effects on improving the quality of marking papers, and it is suggested to further strengthen research and gradually promote it. Moreover, the CET test system still needs to be further improved, and it is suggested that CET oral test should be included as a compulsory subject as soon as possible, which is beneficial to college English teaching.

  In fact, in recent years, some experts and scholars have called for "canceling the CET-4 and CET-6 examination" and "turning to the socialization level examination".

  In January this year, Cai Jigang, a professor at Fudan University and the president of China Academic English Teaching Research Association, published an article in the media entitled "CET-4 and CET-6 can be turned to socialization level test". According to the article, CET-4 and CET-6 have even seriously affected the higher requirements of college English, and standardized tests have also affected or even seriously affected the development of college students’ critical thinking ability.

  In Cai Jigang’s view, higher education is a systematic process, and each major or course can’t be selfish. College English can only be a service course. Different disciplines and majors have different needs for English, and the English proficiency test should not be "one size fits all". CET-4 and CET-6 should be turned to socialized proficiency test as soon as possible.

  At the same time, however, there are voices that the CET-4 and CET-6 can’t fully reflect the level of the subjects, but its existence value should not be denied.

  According to a commentary published by China Youth Daily at the end of 2017, CET-4 and CET-6 cover listening, reading, translation and writing. At the same time, an oral test is set, which covers listening, speaking, reading and writing, and the test items are relatively flexible. Compared with IELTS or TOEFL, which cost thousands of registration fees, CET-4 and CET-6, which can be applied for only tens of yuan, is still the "gold standard" for evaluating the English level of most China students.

  Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Academy of Educational Sciences, told that although CET-4 and CET-6 have played a lot of positive roles in history, the shortcomings of their unscientific inspection standards and insufficient pertinence have hindered students’ English learning. Relevant departments may wish to listen to the suggestions of academic circles and replace them or carry out more drastic reforms.

  When will the future English test come?

  The reporter noted that as early as 2014, the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Examination Enrollment System", proposing to strengthen the construction of foreign language proficiency assessment system, which is the first time at the national level to put forward clear requirements for the comprehensive reform of foreign language examinations.

  In February 2018, the Ministry of Education and state language commission officially released the China English Proficiency Scale, which is the first English proficiency assessment standard for English learners in China. At that time, when answering a reporter’s question, the person in charge of the examination center of the Ministry of Education said that on the basis of the scale, the examination center of the Ministry of Education was developing the English proficiency test.

  In December this year, Yu Han, deputy director of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, revealed at the 2019 TOEFL annual meeting that the overall design of the China English Proficiency Test has been completed at this stage. "The focus of the previous research is to develop exams corresponding to the corresponding levels of higher education. At present, the design and demonstration of the examination syllabus have been completed, and the test work has been carried out in some colleges and universities. "

  In view of the speculation that China English Proficiency Test will replace CET-4 and CET-6, on December 11th, the relevant person in charge of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education responded to the media reporter and said: How to integrate the new system with the existing examination items and do a good job in inheritance and development, we are studying and widely listening to opinions.

  In addition, it is worth noting that another national-level general English test — — The National English Test has been suspended in Sichuan, Liaoning, Jiangxi and Henan provinces.

  The comprehensive reform of foreign language examination is progressing continuously, but the final direction of CET-4 and CET-6 is still inconclusive.

The snow express will not stop, and the Spring Festival price will be notified.

Elephant journalist Zhao Quantang Fan Mohan


On the afternoon of February 2, Zhengzhou ushered in a new round of snowfall. Snowflakes are flying, and the express car is still on the road. Does continuous snowfall affect the delivery of express delivery? What changes have taken place in the price during the Spring Festival? Elephant journalists came to the express delivery point in Zhengzhou to learn about the situation.

Don’t close when it snows, don’t worry about the delay of express delivery.

At the SF Express Point in Maohua Road, Zhengzhou City, despite the heavy snow, the express point is still operating normally, and everything is as usual. According to the salesman of SF Express, this snowfall will not affect the operation of the express delivery point. However, some courier company salesmen also said that snowfall will cause some couriers to arrive late.

According to reports, SF salesman started unloading at around 6 am and got off work at 9 pm. Near the end of the year, the number of gifts transported by the courier company increased, and the company equipped the salesman with a shuttle bus to transfer the goods. In order to ensure the quality of work, in recent weeks, SF Express Company has provided free breakfast and hot drinks for outlets every day.

How to calculate the cost without stopping during the Spring Festival?

A number of courier companies said that due to the overtime pay of couriers, the price of pickup items will rise during the Chinese New Year. According to previous years’ practice, an additional Spring Festival service fee will be added to the basic fee for mailing, and this year’s fee standard has not been announced.

A number of courier companies have indicated that the fee information will be released as soon as possible in official website, the courier company. At that time, you can log in to official website of major express delivery companies to check the charging standards.

(Source: Elephant News)


Snowstorms are ruthless, people are affectionate, and we walk together in the snow.


    Wen Jiabao cordially visited the waiting passengers: Is the ticket good to buy? Did you get paid?

    On the afternoon of January 25th, Wen Jiabao inspected the road transportation and emergency preparedness, visited the frontline traffic cadres and workers and shook hands with them.

    The Spring Festival is coming, and Spring Festival travel rush is at its peak. Not long ago, a large-scale rain and snow weather brought certain difficulties to Spring Festival travel rush. Can the people’s new year’s goods be guaranteed? Is it good to buy a ticket home? Is the journey safe and smooth? Premier Wen Jiabao is very concerned about this. On the afternoon of January 25th, Premier Wen visited Zhuozhou Service Area of Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway and Beijing West Railway Station, and made arrangements for doing a good job in Spring Festival travel rush and ensuring safety and smoothness. < < < < detailed    


    Nandu appeals to postpone the Spring Festival holiday and stop Spring Festival travel rush’s response to the snowstorm. Is it feasible?

 On January 27th, armed police soldiers maintained order at the entrance of Hefei Railway Station. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    This is the biggest disaster since the founding of New China in 1949, and it is also a great test. The government must act decisively. We suggest that the government start the following scheme as soon as possible:

    First, we suggest that the government stop Spring Festival travel rush and postpone this year’s Spring Festival holiday to the Lantern Festival to stagger the snowstorm. At the same time, the stranded population will be evacuated to other places by using accessible short-distance transportation. Avoid further "man-made disasters" caused by a large number of people stranded in one place. < < < < detailed

Why is it okay to snow in the north but not in the south?

On January 27th, a passenger braved the heavy snow and waited at Hefei Railway Station.

    I really don’t understand: there is heavy snow in the north of China every year, and I have never seen a large number of trains late, a large shortage of power supply and extremely tight resources; However, it snowed in the south for a few days this year, and as a result, power was cut off everywhere, grain and oil were tight, and traffic was stagnant. Why does it snow heavily every year in the north, and nothing happens, while it snows in the south? < < < < detailed     

Spring Festival travel rush’s paralysis exposed China’s fragile ability to cope with the crisis. How to deal with it? 

    On January 27th, a passenger with a baby in his arms stood in the Hefei Railway Station in the heavy snow. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    Most parts of China suffered from the once-in-50-year severe rain and snow weather. Many trunk lines such as Beijing-Guangzhou were cut off, and trains could not run, resulting in a large number of delays on the Beijing-Guangzhou line, and the north-south artery was once paralyzed. At Guangzhou Railway Station, the transportation hub at the southern end of the Beijing-Guangzhou line, more than 150,000 passengers were stranded on the 27th, and hundreds of thousands of people were frozen along the rain and snow returning home. The paralysis crisis in Spring Festival travel rush, of course, was caused by bad weather, but it also exposed the problems of the rapid development of China’s economy and society, such as the lag of transportation and other infrastructure, and the fragile ability to cope with the crisis.

    What do you think should be done to solve the problems caused by the annual Spring Festival travel rush spring tide? < < < < detailed      

Editor: Chen Xixia

Fireworks Show Held in Guangzhou 400,000 Citizens Watch in the Rain [Photos]

Topic: Spring Festival 2009

Fireworks make Pazhou Convention and Exhibition Center more splendid.

Fireworks reflected the whole White Swan Pond River.

  Flowers put thousands of trees, and stars fall like rain. On the first night of New Year’s Day, by the Pearl River, a grand fireworks show lit up the night sky in Yangcheng and people’s faces. This year’s New Year Fireworks Gala in Guangzhou set off a total of 200,000 fireworks, sending warm wishes to the citizens. Members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Wang Yang, secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Zhu Xiaodan, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, were at the edge of White Swan Pond, enjoying with the citizens.

  Last night, from 8: 30 to 9: 00, fireworks were lit at the same time at two discharge points on the river surface of White Swan Pond River and Pazhou Exhibition Hall. This year’s Guangzhou Fireworks Gala is divided into four movements: "Five Blessingg Golden Bull He Xinchun", "Splendid Flower City Full of Spring", "Vibrant Guangzhou Welcomes the Asian Games" and "Harmonious Prosperity and Prosperity". The creative design closely follows the theme of the Spring Festival, reflecting the fervent feelings of Guangzhou citizens in celebrating the 2009 Spring Festival, celebrating the 60th birthday of the motherland and looking forward to the 2010 Asian Games.

  The fireworks set off this year are novel and unique. Many fireworks displays that surprised the world at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games gathered in Guangzhou yesterday, running through the whole party.

  In order to allow more citizens to watch the fireworks display at close range, Guangzhou set up two discharge points for the first time this year. White Swan Pond Riverside Exhibition Hall and Pazhou Exhibition Hall have the same content for the two discharges on the river surface, and the discharge time is 30 minutes. According to statistics, nearly 400,000 citizens went to the two discharge points to watch it last night.

  The public marveled that this year’s fireworks were "innovative"

  Flowers put thousands of trees, and stars fall like rain. On the first night of the first lunar month, by the Pearl River, a grand fireworks lit up the night sky in Yangcheng and people’s faces. Last night, a total of 200,000 fireworks were set off at the fireworks show in Guangzhou, sending warm wishes to the citizens.

  In the beautiful White Swan Pond fireworks display area, six 600-ton cargo ships are used as the display platform, and six high-altitude fireworks display points, 12 hollow art fireworks display points and low-altitude stunt fireworks display points are set up, with the fireworks screen reaching 1,500 square meters. Tens of thousands of fireworks are fired in unison, like huge waves, with a surge of spring tides and a magnificent momentum of passion.

  This year’s fireworks are novel and unique. Special effects fireworks "Orange Flash", mid-low altitude artistic modeling fireworks "Dove of Peace", "Flash Golden Bridge", "Rainbow Bridge", "Open the door to see happiness", high altitude fireworks "Kapok Blossom", "Thunderbolt Golden Crown", "Colorful Five Rings" and "Xiangyun" made new appearances. The unique effect of "three-dimensional fireworks" makes people sigh at the wonder of fireworks, and the "big flash" that suddenly disappears runs through the whole fireworks level. At the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games, new ideas ran through the fireworks show yesterday, and the audience at the scene said that this year’s fireworks were "innovative".

  It began to drizzle in Guangzhou yesterday afternoon, but the cold rain did not seem to affect the public’s enthusiasm for watching the New Year fireworks show. At 6 o’clock last night, many citizens braved the drizzle and gathered on the banks of the Pearl River in Pazhou. Many citizens said that Pazhou area is very suitable for watching fireworks because of its open space and convenient transportation. It is "very enjoyable" to watch the fireworks show here. On the Shamian River facing the White Swan Pond River, many citizens came to "occupy the position" early in the morning, and the seats on the riverside of the White Swan Hotel had been booked a month ago. Mr. Zhang, a citizen, said: "Watching fireworks in the rain, don’t have a taste."

  Link: 11 coast guard boat "Pearl River Fireworks"

  Last night, the Guangzhou Spring Festival fireworks show was lit at the same time in White Swan Pond and Pazhou River. The maritime department dispatched 11 coast guard boat ships and more than 40 maritime law enforcement officers to maintain the safety of water traffic order.

  Fifteen minutes after the fireworks display, the maritime patrol boat of the Inner Harbor Marine Department will arrange for the Pearl River boat to leave first, and other ships will be allowed to pass later.

Can a hydrogen fuel cell car be affordable? Is it safe? Experts tell you the answer.

  CCTV News:In the development process of hydrogen energy industry, reducing cost and ensuring safety are two core concerns. In the face of this emerging industry, how to answer the public’s concerns? Let’s take a look at the answers given by the guests in the "On Tao" column.

  Reduce industrial costs

  Dong Yang, First Vice President of the World Automobile Organization and former Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:It is still more expensive than this gasoline car, even more expensive than the ordinary battery car. However, I will tell you that there is such a rule in automobile production. After you reach this scale of hundreds of thousands and millions, its cost will drop to one tenth of the original. Or this aircraft engine is the price of gold, and the car engine, with the same technology, is the price of cast iron.

  Zhang Weidong, Director of Energy and Environment Project of the United Nations Development Programme:According to some experts, the cost of battery stack is 11,833 yuan per kilowatt now, and it will reach 668 yuan by 2025, which will be lower.

  Dong Yang:Compared with the internal combustion engine, the fuel cell stack is basically a quasi-static or quasi-dynamic process, and many processes are very similar, but there is no reason to say that the stack must be more expensive than the internal combustion engine. Now it is only a matter of technical maturity and market capacity.

  Zhang Xiaoqiang, Executive Vice President and Executive Director of China International Economic Exchange Center.To solve the cost problem of hydrogen production, if we don’t have a reasonable framework in terms of electricity price and so on, it may trouble enterprises for a long time, that is, the cost can’t be reduced. How can we have a reasonable electricity price system? For example, when using off-peak electricity, can we make it cheaper enough, so that large users can establish such a direct purchase and sale relationship, instead of adding this network fee through the power grid, resulting in high cost. Many aspects like these need government guidance.

  For another example, we now attach importance to the utilization of hydrogen energy, especially hope that it can transform renewable clean energy, that is, water, wind and light. According to the characteristics of China, water, wind and light are concentrated in the southwest and northwest. Therefore, under the guidance of the government, we established a large-scale project in the world in the past. We called it "West-to-East Power Transmission and West-to-East Gas Transmission". Then, the next step is how to cooperate with this kind of energy and pipe network facilities in existing countries and explore in some ways. By participating in power transmission and gas transmission, and exploring new long-distance transportation of liquid hydrogen, for example, we can clean the energy in the northwest and northeast regions where energy is abundant. Apart from local consumption, because our main and most developed area is in the east, to solve these problems, I think many of them need the government to do a good job.

  Safety standard operation

  Guo Liejin, Academician of China Academy of Sciences:Everyone is very concerned about safety. When we were in primary school, our teacher would tell us that hydrogen would explode. The concentration of hydrogen, the concentration in space is 13% to 90%, and it is likely to explode between them. However, there is a premise for explosion. It needs to see an open flame with sufficient concentration. In Toyota and related enterprises, they all talk about the same car in their reports, which is a car filled with gasoline and a car filled with hydrogen. The chassis structure is the same. They do experiments. Under the premise of causing an explosion, the explosion of the gasoline car is completely destroyed, while the whole structure of the hydrogen fuel cell car is basically unchanged. Therefore, from this safety point of view, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are much safer than our diesel gasoline vehicles.

  The US Department of Energy and NASA have also done the same experiment. A barrel of gasoline, a barrel of diesel oil and a barrel of liquid hydrogen are shot from a distance, and then various protective facilities are built around to see who has strong explosive ability. The damage degree of the hydrogen tank after explosion is less than half that of the first two tanks, which is between 30% and 40%. What is the reason? Because hydrogen itself is a very light thing, once it is released, it runs into the sky and you can’t find it.

  I have a personal experience. In 1997, I started to build facilities for hydrogen energy research in my State Key Laboratory. At that time, I was also worried about safety. I installed explosion-proof facilities on all the windows of the laboratory, and put hydrogen sensitive elements called sensors at key points around me, and I debugged them myself. Then when the concentration reaches a certain level, it will call the police and the fan will directly discharge the things. But it’s been twenty-two years since this year, and it hasn’t exploded, even ringing.

  We operate according to the rules. Don’t our gas stations have many rules? It is also dangerous goods. Why can we do it well? Hydrogen can also be done very well, and even its destructiveness is much smaller than the fuel we use now. So recently, several hydrogen refueling stations in the world have reported explosions, such as those in California, South Korea and Europe, but when you read its reports, the final result is that the harm to people is minimal. Moreover, it is not the explosion of the fuel body itself, but the auxiliary device, which is caused by irregular operation or irregular installation. So in itself, as an energy source, you can use hydrogen with confidence, but you must of course obey the rules.

  Dong Yang:This safety mainly depends not on whether the fuel can catch fire, but on whether you have mastered the norms and whether human beings have mastered the laws. Therefore, we must pay attention to the safety issue, which is the top priority for us to develop fuel cell vehicles. It is to do it seriously, accumulate experience, solve it, and monitor it with the industrial chain and life cycle, which can completely solve this problem.

Xiangshui Qingbo Finance Lianyun PICC P&C Insurance Hunan Branch: Cultivating Clean Culture and Creating Financial Ecology "Green Water and Green Mountain"

The Central Financial Work Conference held in October 2023 emphasized that finance is the blood of the national economy and an important part of the country’s core competitiveness. As a stabilizer and promoter for the healthy development of the financial industry, the construction of clean financial culture needs financial workers to shoulder their sacred mission, maintain the long-term purity and stability of the financial team, and provide an important guarantee for the safe and steady operation of the national finance and effectively serve the real economy.
In the past three years, PICC P&C Hunan Branch has incorporated the construction of incorruptible financial culture into party building, corporate governance and corporate culture, compacted the responsibility of party committees at all levels in the province to manage the party and the supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection commission, incorporated the construction of incorruptible financial culture into the overall planning of party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work layout, and devoted itself to cultivating incorruptible culture and creating a "green mountain" of corporate financial ecology.
Adhere to the guidance of party building and promote ideological and political work to take root and cast souls.
PICC P&C Hunan Branch always adheres to the guidance of Party building, embodies the Party’s centralized and unified leadership over financial work in the specific work of building a clean financial culture, constantly strengthens the Party’s leadership, highlights the political function of the Party organization, takes Party building as the "root" and ideological and political work as the "soul" for building a clean financial culture.
First, strengthen the awareness of "one post and two responsibilities" among members of party committees at all levels, and organize party committee secretaries, discipline inspection commission secretaries and team members to sign the Supervision Letter on Performing Political Responsibility respectively, so as to clarify the specific measures and implementation requirements of political responsibility.
The second is to strengthen the party’s innovative theory, attach importance to ideological and political education, and regularly organize the theoretical study center group study of party committees at all levels, the "three sessions and one lesson" study of party branches, and the party branch secretary to teach the special party class on clean government. Pay attention to strengthening ideological and political education, convey the concept of strictly administering the party in an all-round way, and strengthen the leadership of the party in the whole province.
Strengthen organizational leadership and promote the implementation of the security system.
In order to ensure the real implementation and implementation of the construction of clean financial culture in the practical work of provincial branches, there must be three guarantees, namely, strong organizational leadership and personnel team, scientific institutional mechanism and strict system implementation. The three guarantees complement each other and rely on each other, and are always implemented in the construction of clean financial culture to ensure the stability and far-reaching operation of clean financial culture and the company.
First, strengthen organizational leadership. Provincial and municipal institutions set up leading groups for the construction of clean and honest financial culture, with the party secretary as the leader and the secretary of the discipline inspection commission as the deputy leader, set up supervision committees and risk compliance committees, and set up offices to undertake daily work, with specialized agencies to study and promote and effectively ensure the orderly development of clean and honest financial culture construction. The Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and relevant functional departments hold regular joint meetings to listen to the work of political and ecological governance, find out the problems existing in the comprehensive and strict management of the party, study and deploy the work of building a clean and honest government, promote the rectification of problems, and promote big governance with small incisions.
The second is to strengthen the construction of discipline inspection and supervision team, optimize and adjust the division of labor of discipline inspection secretaries of local and municipal branches, increase the number of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, strengthen the training of discipline inspection team, and promote the improvement of supervision ability.
The third is to establish and improve a scientific and reasonable system and mechanism of clean government. We have successively issued a series of system documents and work plans in the aspects of supervising four winds’s eight regulations, key minority supervision, and "three majors and one big" supervision, and established a joint meeting mechanism of supervision committees to integrate supervision resources, form a joint force of supervision, and give full play to the functional supervision role of various functional departments.
Carry out investigation and management, and continue to promote discipline and discipline.
Do a good job in the investigation and prevention of integrity risks in financial institutions, and pay attention to key positions, key areas and key links. We should regularly collect information such as the performance of cadres and employees’ duties and the implementation of the system. On the one hand, we can understand the breeding environment of corruption and optimize the identification method of personal and post risks; On the other hand, it can identify potential risks in time, analyze various risk manifestations, warn and resolve risks, and make up for management loopholes.
The first is to integrate honesty into compliance management and establish and improve the supervision and inspection mechanism. Organize the clean-up of existing employee management and related processes, and conduct many investigations on abnormal behaviors of employees for outstanding problems of internal control and compliance and potential risks of integrity, so as to plug loopholes in the management system. In view of the illegal issues found in the risk investigation of employee behavior management, such as illegal shareholding and engaging in social business activities that are of interest to their jobs, they have been promptly accountable and rectified.
The second is to carry out special rectification and continue to be disciplined. We will carry out special rectification work to correct the unhealthy trend and discipline, and comprehensively investigate and centrally rectify the new and old problems of leading cadres at all levels in five aspects: violation of political discipline and rules, violation of organizational and personnel discipline, violation of business-run enterprises, violation of financial discipline (including violation of the spirit of the eight central regulations), and bad work style. Comprehensively strengthen the party’s discipline construction, strictly implement the "Regulations on the Approval Authority and Procedures of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Municipality for Disciplinary Actions against Discipline in party member", resolutely investigate and deal with violations of party discipline together, and report by name, so as to promote the political and organizational functions of party organizations through discipline construction.
Insist on diversified promotion and create a strong atmosphere of clean finance
The construction of clean financial culture is an important measure to establish and improve the punishment system and prevent financial corruption, and it is also an effective way to optimize the financial environment. To build a clean financial culture, we need to further strengthen systematic thinking, adhere to diversified promotion, and continue to exert our strength for a long time.
The first is to strengthen the warning activities of clean government education. Focus on the publicity and education of the party’s work style and clean government in various forms, such as collecting and broadcasting clean financial and cultural works, establishing clean government publications, organizing cadres and employees to participate in online clean government knowledge tests, collectively watching warning education films, inviting party school teachers to teach clean government classes, and organizing visits to clean government education bases. Disciplinary committees at all levels in the province cooperated with the Claims Department to strengthen the integrity construction in the field of claims, and jointly hired personnel from the Judicial Bureau, the Economic Investigation and Criminal Investigation Bureau, the traffic police and the appraisal agency as the supervisors of the company’s claims integrity style. Strengthen the warning by case, inform and forward judicial cases and typical cases of violation of discipline, deepen the promotion of reform by case, and clarify the discipline by case, so as to achieve the effect of investigating a case, warning one side and standardizing one side.
The second is to conduct a clean government talk in a normal way. Strengthen daily supervision and conversation reminders, and members of the party Committee team will conduct pre-appointment talks on clean government to new managers one by one, and conduct daily talks on clean government with members of lower-level teams from time to time; The top leaders at the same level took the initiative to talk with other members of the team, reminding each other and urging each other.
The third is to improve the archives of leading cadres’ integrity, comprehensively collect the basic information of leading cadres, their integrity performance, performance behavior, letters and visits, accountability results and other contents, use the archives of integrity to analyze the situation of cadres’ integrity, draw political portraits of cadres, and provide important reference for selecting and appointing leading cadres, investigating hidden risks of integrity, and judging political ecology.
Fourth, carry out the construction of clean financial demonstration sites, extensively establish clean financial culture demonstration sites at the grass-roots level in the whole province, cultivate and guide them to carry out rich clean financial culture construction activities, and make clean financial culture go deep into the minds of grassroots cadres and employees. Among them, the construction of two demonstration sites in Chenzhou and Xiangtan has achieved fruitful results and was awarded by the provincial insurance industry association and the clean financial special Committee.
The fifth is to enrich the publicity activities of clean and honest culture. With the goal of creating a strong atmosphere, the provincial branch has carried out rich, diverse, pragmatic and efficient learning and publicity, such as making short videos and posters on incorruptible culture, conducting online answering activities on incorruptible culture, sending a letter to family members of leading cadres, and holding a photo exhibition on incorruptible financial culture calligraphy and painting.
In the next stage, PICC P&C Hunan Branch will insist on the construction of clean financial culture as an effective way to enrich political culture and conserve political ecology, and continue to strengthen the company’s ideological and political education, so as to help the high-quality development of Hunan’s financial industry with the financial ecology of PICC P&C Hunan Branch. (Wen Wei)