Fan Bingbing sacrificed four times for "Dongfeng Rain", acting is to solve the puzzle

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing

  A few days ago, popular actress Fan Bingbing won the title of the most beautiful 50 people held by an organization for the fifth consecutive year. As an A-list star who calculates the itinerary in seconds and integrates actors, producers, and bosses, it is not easy to maintain such results. On April 21, its billion-dollar spy blockbuster "Dongfeng Rain" co-starring with "The Godfather of Spy War" Liu Yunlong will be officially released. On the stage of Xianlemen Club, the most popular in the film, she is the beautiful and enchanting singer "Huanyan", and after the curtain falls, she turns into an alert and gentle female agent: drag racing, drunk, disfigured, cracked… Fan Bingbing’s sacrifices for "Dongfeng Rain" can be described as countless. "Dedication is a man" is director Liu Yunlong’s evaluation of her. "Huanyan is just a personal code name, no one knows what her real name is, and every cell of her is a puzzle." Fan Bingbing also confessed, "The process of acting is solving puzzles."

Tears on the spot, dissatisfied with the drunken performance 

  As the most beautiful singer in the popular nightclub, Fan Bingbing is more likely to drink in the movie "East Wind and Rain". She is not a good drinker because she needs to be drunk in the film and rotate in the crowd. "I don’t know how to reflect the state after being drunk." According to Fan Bingbing himself, director Liu Yunlong took a bottle of open whiskey to "find a feeling" in order to relax her and integrate into the role as soon as possible. "After drinking half a bottle, the whole person is completely confused." It is said that at that time, Fan Bingbing wanted every angle of his rotation to be perfect, so he practiced repeatedly on the set to find the best angle. Because of this perfect requirement, director Liu Yunlong was "dissatisfied", "Director Liu said Bingbing, you are already very beautiful, don’t give yourself so much burden, just let go and act." In addition, according to Fan Bingbing’s recollection, "After listening to this sentence, I shed tears, which made Director Liu inexplicable and very embarrassed." 

Hanging high in the sky, one lens is soaked all over

  In addition to the drunken dancing scene, Fan Bingbing, who was identified by the enemy, also had an "action scene" that was suspended from the sky. The skirt during the filming of this scene was sewn with 500 meters of red yarn. After completion, due to the size of the clothes, it could not be transported through the elevator. Eventually, it could only be "airlifted" into the shed by breaking the window. In order to pursue the truest state of the actor when he was suspended, Liu Yunlong also insisted on choosing "fake play" and hung Fan Bingbing in the air. "If the costume is too heavy, it will definitely hurt Bingbing. We finally cut off the fabric with a length of about 4 meters at the corner of the skirt." According to costume stylist Liu Shiyun, "When Bingbing was lowered from the air, the whole person was completely soaked, and he could really stick to it." Not easy. "

37 hours of drag racing and sleepless nights

  In the movie "East Wind and Rain", Liu Yunlong was discovered by Japanese agents and Fan Bingbing fled late at night in a drag racing scene, which was the last and most difficult scene of the film. Since the script was played by Fan Bingbing’s "Huanyan" driving, this was another challenge for Fan Bingbing, who had poor driving skills. In addition, the bridge itself was set in the middle of the night, and driving under dark road conditions was already extremely dangerous. For a time, the entire crew became a "temporary driving school". Everyone made plans. In less than a day, Fan Bingbing first mastered the turning and reversing skills smoothly, and when the official shooting started, he was more on-site "cleaning people". "Drive everyone away When you get to the house, try not to leave obstacles on the road and let Bingbing run away. "Director Liu Yunlong showed even more good intentions when talking about the filming of this scene. For Fan Bingbing, the 37-hour sleepless night is his enemy," Because of the relationship between the skin, I usually pay attention to sleep. I am busy with work but I always take time to sleep. This is the first time I haven’t slept for so long. After surviving, I feel that it will be fine if I don’t sleep for two days and two nights in the future. "

Severely disfigured, the golden horse is best to "possess" again

  As early as 2007, Fan Bingbing won the Golden Horse Best Supporting Actress of the year for his subversive appearance of "Manli" in "Ghost in the Heart"; three years later, "Huanyan", who was severely disfigured at the end of "Dongfeng Rain", rode away in a prison van, vaguely as if "Manli" was possessed. For an actor, choosing to play a subversive role requires not only luck, but also infinite courage and courage before the choice. "Every cell of Huanyan is a mystery, and this hazy identity illusion is the most fatal attraction for me, and the whole process of acting is like solving a puzzle, and the answer is only known at the last moment." For Fan Bingbing, "Xiba" can be regarded as a synonym for the time being. I believe that behind the torture and sacrifice in "Dongfeng Rain", "Xiba" is her final destination.

Di Lizheba was both happy and happy, but his face was rugged and he was 10 years old, and his back was strangely shaped like a hunchback!

On July 12th, Di Lizheba was a double happiness! First, the "Anle Biography" starring her was airborne and successfully exploded. She herself also appeared in the Dior event, adding to the popularity!

Ren Anle in "An Le Biography" is domineering and agile, allowing drama fans to speak bluntly: Di Lizheba is a good soil, I like it very much.

Di Lizheba attended the Dior dinner, wearing a printed tube top dress that was unparalleled. The Dior official also issued a post to recognize Di Lizheba’s identity, which gave Di Lizheba a face-to-face.

As a Dior partner, Di Lizheba could be said to be a frequent visitor to Dior events. The shape of the day was also quite brilliant. The collision of red and black colors matched Di Lizheba’s own flaming red lips, which was even more dazzling.

Whether it is the refined pictures posted by the studio or the Reuters posted by fans, Di Lizheba has withstood the camera very well. She has also successfully become the focus of the audience, not only the camera follows everywhere, but also the guests who turn into fans and whisper to Di Lizheba as soon as they arrive.

However, Di Lizheba in the refined picture is unparalleled in beauty, but she looks different in the picture of netizens: her face is as rugged as 10 years old, and her back is even more grotesque.

Looking carefully at Di Lizheba’s life picture, her face is thin and smooth, and her facial features are bright and atmospheric. Obviously, she is still a veritable beautiful woman, but her arms are too thin and look a little bumpy.

This time, Di Lizheba did not cover her chest again, but perhaps because the neckline was too low, Di Lizheba still lifted the skirt up. But this time, netizens were not interested in whether Di Lizheba covered her chest, but were attracted by her back.

Looking closely at Di Lizhemba’s back, the shoulder blades bulged very obviously. Although it was not unexpected for a thin person to bulge, Di Lizhemba’s back was too bulging to be ignored.

In this regard, netizens were also quite surprised, and there was a lot of discussion –

Many netizens left messages asking Di Lizheba’s "what’s wrong with her back" and "what’s wrong with her shoulder blades".

Others suggest that Di Lizheba’s shoulder blades are pterygoid and appear hunched from the side.

Change the video and take a picture of Di Lizheba’s side. Although it is not as exaggerated as before, it is obvious that there are still raised marks.

The netizens analyzed that Di Lizheba is a wing-shaped scapula, and she is too thin, so from the side, it is bulging, like a hunchback.

In addition to the bizarre shape of her back like a hunchback, Di Lizheba’s life picture was also taken out, making people feel 10 years older.

In the Dior live stream, some netizens took a screenshot of Di Lizheba’s live stream picture. She was so thin that her shoulders were bumpy, and the skin on her face was hard to describe. Not only was she darker than her body, but the fine lines at the corners of her eyes were also very obvious, and the potholes seemed to be 10 years older.

In other angles, Di Lizheba’s skin condition was equally surprising. Although her skin was as fat-curdled in the refinement picture, it was different in the raw picture.

Even fans expressed disbelief and asked: Di Lizheba’s skin condition, what’s wrong?

In this regard, fans feel that this is a deliberately sharpened picture of the black powder, but netizens who have watched the live broadcast say that this is indeed Di Lizheba’s true picture state. The reason why this effect appears is because Di Lizheba is old, thin, and light.

Di Lizheba’s skin was indeed not very good, and the light was even more so. After changing the light, Di Lizheba’s condition was obviously much better.

Obviously, in another random video, Di Lizheba changed the light, her skin was much smoother and more delicate, and instantly returned to the bright and moving appearance in the refined picture.

In this regard, netizens said that Di Lizheba’s beauty is limited to the soft lighting of the red carpet far-focus lens, the kind that can be vaguely seen in outline, and it will be revealed as soon as it reaches the "death light".

Of course, there were also people who felt that "the life picture of a female star" was completely meaningless. As female stars, their appearance was naturally much better than that of ordinary people, and it was normal that the life picture was not as good as the refined picture.

Responsible editor:

Chen He and Sun Yizhou Zero Interaction? Don’t look down on someone less popular than him? "Five Haas" is back in turmoil

In the second half of the show, however, something changed. A guest left work early, leaving Chen He, Sun Yizhou, Deng Chao and his uncle Wang Mian to attend the basketball game. Deng Chao participated in the game, while Sun Yizhou and his uncle served as commentators. This change made it observed that without Chen He, Sun Yizhou’s active level increased significantly, his expression was more vivid, and his words were more vivid.

The situation has sparked a debate about whether Chen He is really snobbish. However, when we look closely at the entire show and behind-the-scenes, we can see that it is not so simple. At Sun Yizhou’s debut, Chen He excitedly grabbed his clothes and refused to let go. When Sun Yizhou sat down, Chen He maintained his attitude of paying attention to him, even craning his neck to ensure that his eyes did not leave. This detail seems to contradict the relationship between the two.

In the behind-the-scenes scene, Chen He called Sun Yizhou "Old Sun" and invited him to try the pig’s eye meal many times, and even offered to share the food. However, the invitation was rejected by Sun Yizhou.

Therefore, the reason why Chen He was blamed seems to be related to the editing of the show. There is little interaction between the two in the main film, and these interactions are only seen by a part of the audience behind the scenes. This seems to be a deliberate way to create a conversation, which makes people misunderstand.

In general, the relationship between Chen He and Sun Yizhou may not be as complicated as it appears. Chen He’s behavior to some extent shows that he cares about Sun Yizhou, but these details are edited out in the main film, leading to some misunderstandings. Therefore, we cannot easily determine whether Chen He is a snob or not. Only by deeply understanding the situation behind it can we reach an accurate conclusion.


Some insights can be drawn from the interaction between Chen He and Sun Yizhou on the "Five Haas" program, which also applies to many situations in interpersonal and professional settings.

First, relationships can change even after a long period of cooperation. Chen He and Sun Yizhou appeared on "Love Apartment" together, but they didn’t seem to interact much on "Five Haas." This suggests that even if there was a deep partnership in the past, there is no guarantee that the relationship will stay close all the time. This reminds us to constantly invest time and energy in maintaining and strengthening relationships before they fade away.

Second, superficial relationships do not always reflect true emotions. Although Chen He and Sun Yizhou seem to have less communication on "Five Haas," there is still some cordial interaction between them, as can be seen through the behind- the-scene lens. This tells us that interpersonal relationships cannot be judged solely by superficial phenomena. Sometimes people behave differently in public than in private.

Once again, the media and program editing can distort the truth. The way the program is edited and presented has a major impact on the audience’s impression. In this case, there is little interaction between Chen He and Sun Yizhou in the feature film, but the behind- the-scene footage shows the cordial exchange between them. This emphasizes how the media selectively presents facts, leading to misunderstandings of the situation by the audience. Therefore, we should be cautious when judging things and not rely solely on the media’s presentation.

Finally, interaction and relationships are the responsibility of both parties. Whether in friendship or professional cooperation, the maintenance and development of the relationship requires the joint efforts of both parties. Although Chen He has been cordial at some moments, Sun Yizhou can also actively participate in the interaction, so that the relationship will be more balanced and close. This revelation tells us to actively participate and contribute, rather than unilaterally expecting others to pay.


The interaction between Chen He and Sun Yizhou on the "Five Haas" program has triggered some reflections on interpersonal relationships and media performance. First of all, we should understand that even if there were deep cooperative relationships in the past, interpersonal relationships may change, so it is necessary to constantly invest time and energy to maintain and strengthen these relationships. Secondly, interpersonal relationships cannot be judged solely by superficial phenomena, because sometimes people behave differently in public than in private. Media and program clips can also distort the truth, so we should be cautious about information and not easily trust the presentation of the media. Finally, interaction and relationships are the responsibility of both parties. Whether it is in friendship or professional cooperation, it is necessary for both parties to work together to maintain and develop the relationship, rather than unilaterally expecting others to pay. Through these reflections, we can better understand the complexities of interpersonal relationships and handle our interactions with others more wisely.

The above content and information are all derived from the Internet, relevant data, theoretical research is based on online data, and does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information in the article. I am not responsible for any of the above or related issues, and the author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility.

The takeaway price of the same package is 11 yuan more expensive than dine-in. What is the reason for the price of the two sets?

  In the new Jingwei client side July 28th (Jiang Ying, intern Wang Qi) the same package why the takeaway price is 11 yuan more expensive than the dine-in? In response to the recent online controversy, the new Jingwei client side survey found that McDonald’s delivery and dine-in There is a price difference is not an exception, many stores takeaway price is higher than the dine-in price, which is more or less related to the takeaway platform.

  Multi-merchant delivery dine-in pricing varies

  A few days ago, some consumers sent Weibo saying that when ordering on the McDonald’s app, they found that the price of the same food Mai Le sent was much higher than that of the dine-in food, and the price difference between the Mai Fragrant Fish set was 11 yuan. In this regard, the client side of Zhongxin Jingwei made a field comparison and found that there is indeed a price difference between the dine-in food and the takeaway price of McDonald’s, and the number is not small. For example, the price of the Dine-in Mai Fragrant Fish medium set is 21 yuan, but the price of Mai Le sent is 32 yuan. The price of this set meal alone is about 52% higher, while the price difference of the Mai Garbage Leg Fort set meal is 11.5 yuan, and the delivery fee of 9 yuan is required. The total price difference

  Many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the price of two sets of McDonald’s dine-in delivery: "If you pay the delivery fee and it doesn’t account for the guest fee, you have to add money, which is unreasonable." Some netizens questioned, "It is also a special delivery, why does Starbucks’ special star delivery not only not increase the price but also reduce the delivery fee from time to time?" But some netizens said they could understand the high delivery price: "Even if the self-operated platform does not have other platform deduction points, it also requires a separate operation team and other costs. The delivery staff has to pay separate delivery fees, insurance premiums, etc. Customers have to bear the cost to enjoy the convenience."

  In addition, the client side of Zhongxin Jingwei also found that there is a price difference between in-store food pickup and takeout, and McDonald’s is not an exception. This phenomenon is common from chain brands to individual merchants. For example, well-known fast food brands and Hegu, takeout prices range from 3-5 yuan higher than the in-store food pickup price, and they also have to bear the packaging fee and 6 yuan delivery fee. In addition, all products of Beijing Yonghe Fresh Pulp are listed on the takeaway platform at a price higher than the in-store pickup price of 1 yuan, which requires a certain price of packaging and 3 yuan delivery fee.

  However, the above-mentioned merchants all have different degrees of price-break discounts and discount packages, with a maximum discount of 50%, but because the takeaway price of merchants is higher than the in-store price, there are still a considerable number of takeaway prices higher than the in-store food. Take McDonald’s as an example. McDonald’s participated in activities such as Meituan "49 minus 9". The unit price of a McGarbage Leg Fort big set meal is 30.5 yuan, and the takeaway price is 36 yuan. For two sets of meals, it costs 61 yuan for dine-in and 72 yuan for takeaway. After deducting the delivery fee, the actual meal fee is 63 yuan. There are no promotions on McNuggets, which has its own delivery platform. The total price of the two sets is 81 yuan, which is 20 yuan higher than the dine-in.

  What is the reason for the two sets of prices?

  For the hotly discussed high-priced delivery products, a McDonald’s store manager told Zhongxin Jingwei client side that takeaway platforms such as Meituan and will deduct a certain percentage of fees, as well as platform advertising fees, which increase the cost of takeout. When asked about McDonald’s self-owned platform McNuggets, which does not need to deduct fees and prices are still high, the manager explained that the prices of each platform need to be consistent. As for why the price difference is as high as more than ten yuan, the manager said "I don’t know". Zhongxin Jingwei client side tried to seek answers from McDonald’s customer service, and the other party also said "I don’t know".

  Yonghe Fresh Pulp staff said: "The pricing of takeaway and the store will definitely be different, and the cost of packaging boxes, fresh and heat preservation will also be charged. The platform will take some points. We will definitely increase the price when these are added together."

  Mr. Xie, who runs a noodle shop in Wuxi, said that the same product takeaway will generally be two to three yuan higher than picking up food at the store, because Meituan, and other takeaway platforms will deduct 18% to 19% of the total price of the dishes, even if it is a price-break discounts activity, it is self-operated by the merchant, and the cost is borne by the merchant.

  Xie said that the profit of takeaway is not as high as the public thinks. In the past, there were fewer deduction points. This year, the deduction point for takeaway has risen by one percentage point. deducts 18% for a single order. Therefore, the profit of takeaway has been compressed. Coupled with the irregular promotion price-break discounts and the cost of promotion, it is difficult for merchants without price increases to make profits. Even if the price is increased, the profit of takeaway is not as high as that of dine-in.

  "Originally, there was a subsidy, and I wanted to specialize in takeaway business. Later, after the subsidy was cancelled, the deduction point was increased, the price-break discounts were increased, and the raw materials increased, we were called’black-hearted ‘, but the real profit was too small, and we only got a few dollars." Miss Zhu, who runs a fried chicken shop, said that due to poor operating efficiency, she was ready to close the store.

  According to the "China Sharing Economy Development Annual Report (2019) " released by the State Information Center, the scale of online takeaway users in 2018 was about 360 million, and the average annual growth rate of online takeaway income from 2015 to 2018 was about 117.5%. The online takeaway market has developed rapidly, accounting for the proportion of the national catering industry. Gradually expanding, online takeout has gradually become a part of people’s lives.

  In order to maintain the "freedom of takeout", netizens opened their minds. Some netizens said: "For nine yuan, you can find an errand company to buy a set meal with the same price as dine-in, and you can save dozens of yuan in minutes." Others said, "If you really want to eat, you can find a substitute to buy it. At most, the delivery fee is one or two yuan. You can’t get used to these platforms anymore." (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

The digital economy continues to empower and enhance China’s economic vitality

  Our reporter, Li Xiaohong

  In 2023, with the in-depth implementation of the strategy of Digital China and Network Power, our country’s digital economy will be fully developed and develop rapidly. The digital economy has become a stabilizer, accelerator and multiplier for China’s economic and social development, and the greatest certainty to deal with uncertainty.

  Experts interviewed by China Economic Times reporters believe that in 2023, our country’s digital development will continue to maintain a strong momentum, digital technology innovation will change with each passing day, the breadth of digital and real integration will continue to expand, and the development of digital economy industrial clusters will accelerate.

  The digital economy is gaining momentum

  "In recent years, our country has attached great importance to the development of the digital economy, continuously promoted digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, and created a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness," Ding Minglei, a researcher at the China Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy, said in an interview with China Economic Times reporters.

  The latest data has witnessed the rapid development of our country’s digital economy. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the scale of our country’s digital economy will reach 50.20 trillion yuan in 2022, an increase of 10.3% year-on-year. The proportion of digital economy in GDP is equivalent to the proportion of the secondary industry in the national economy, reaching 41.5%. It is expected that the scale of our country’s digital economy will reach 56.10 trillion yuan in 2023 and 70.80 trillion yuan in 2025. At the same time, the application of new technologies represented by digital technology will promote the transformation and upgrading of thousands of industries. The role of digital economy in amplifying, superimposing and multiplying our country’s economic development is prominent, injecting new momentum into the high-quality development of China’s economy. As of September 2023, there were more than 530,000 companies operating in digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence.

  Wang Lei, a researcher at the China Academy of Macroeconomics, told the China Economic Times reporter that in 2023, the development of our country’s digital economy will be full of bright spots. First, the new digital infrastructure will continue to be consolidated. 5G, gigabit fiber broadband, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence and other digital new infrastructure will be deployed to accelerate the deployment, and the world’s largest, technologically advanced and superior digital new infrastructure system will be basically built, and the overall capacity will be leapfrogged.

  The second is the continuous strengthening of digital science and technology innovation capabilities. The innovation-driven development strategy has been deeply implemented, the main body of digital science and technology innovation has accelerated growth, the achievements of digital science and technology innovation have continued to emerge, the level of digital technology self-reliance and self-improvement has been improved, and the ranks of the world’s most innovative countries have been accelerated. Third, the strength of digital industry clusters has been steadily improved. The integration of digital technology and the real economy has continued to accelerate, key digital industries have continued to grow, the multiplier effect of digital technology empowering thousands of industries has continued to appear, the traction role of digital consumption has been continuously consolidated, and the comprehensive competitiveness of digital industry clusters in our country

  Breakthrough development in artificial intelligence

  "In 2023, with the support of massive data resources, advanced computing power infrastructure, rich application scenarios, and high R & D investment, our country’s new generation of artificial intelligence has achieved remarkable results in technological innovation, industrial ecology, and integrated applications, and has entered the first echelon in the world," Wang Lei said.

  MIIT data shows that from January to October, artificial intelligence and other digital emerging industries are booming, the scale of artificial intelligence core industries has reached 500 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises has exceeded 4,300, which has injected new impetus into the construction of a more complete and competitive digital economy industry ecosystem in our country.

  It is worth noting that in 2023, generative artificial intelligence represented by large models will achieve breakthrough development and become the new commanding heights of current technological and industrial competition in various countries.

  It is understood that our country’s innovative achievements in intelligent chips, development frameworks, general models, etc., Huawei, Inspur Information, Sim Computing, Biren Technology, Moore Thread and other chip companies have launched chip acceleration cards for AI inference and training tasks in different scenarios, involving CPU, GPU, RISC-V and other different design architectures; MindSpore, Paddle-Paddle, SenseTime Technology SenseParrots, Tencent TNN, Ali MNN, ByteDance BytePS, Megvii MegEngine, Xiaomi Mace and other domestic artificial intelligence development frameworks and application ecosystems to achieve rapid development, Paddle developers have exceeded 8 million; Baidu ERNIE Bot, Alibaba Cloud Tongyi Qianwen Huawei Pangu, iFLYTEK Spark and other 11 large model products have passed the record.

  "Artificial intelligence, represented by the big model, is accelerating its deep integration with the real economy, empowering thousands of industries, giving birth to new business models of the digital economy, and showing a strong’head goose ‘effect. Healthcare, education, finance, transportation, manufacturing, energy and other fields have become the most active areas of commercial application of artificial intelligence technology." Wang Lei said that by improving the quality of social public services and enhancing the efficiency of social governance, artificial intelligence continuously meets the needs of the people for a better life, and enhances the people’s sense of gain and happiness.

  In Ding Minglei’s opinion, artificial intelligence has become an important driving force for technological innovation, industrial upgrading and productivity improvement, and it is increasingly integrated into the whole process of economic and social development, which has a significant and far-reaching impact on economic development and social progress.

  The digital economy continues to empower

  "Developing the digital economy is a strategic choice to grasp new opportunities in a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Deepening the innovative application of digital technology and continuously spawning new industries, new business models and new models is an important breakthrough point for making China’s digital economy bigger, better and stronger," Ding Minglei said.

  Looking to the future, Ding Minglei believes that the digital economy will unleash greater potential for China’s economic and social development. A series of new "Internet +" economic formats have been born one after another. Cloud computing and industrial Internet have become important driving forces for the digital transformation of enterprises. Large-scale Internet platform enterprises continue to empower the real economy through technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence; digital consumption continues to release the potential of residents’ demand; digital technology has also largely freed themselves from time and space restrictions, and the development of new trade models such as digital trade has smoothed the domestic and international economic cycle.

  "In order to maximize the empowering effect of digital economic innovation and promote high-quality economic development, the next step should be to accelerate the implementation of top-level design, optimize the business environment of the digital economy, and stimulate and protect entrepreneurship." Wang Lei said.

  In Ding Minglei’s view, to accelerate the empowering role of digital technology in economic development, one is to accelerate the promotion of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, especially to realize the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and further release the digital dividend and build a modern economic system. The second is to use digital technology applications to empower common prosperity, break the barrier of time and space, improve the inclusive level of limited resources, and promote the equalization of education, medical care, and services. The third is to support leading technology enterprises to give full play to market demand, integrate innovation, and organize platform advantages through digital transformation, integrate and gather innovative resources, improve China’s industrial basic capabilities and the modernization level of the industrial chain, and add more vitality for the economy to move towards high-quality development. The fourth is to continue to promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, guide the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, fully tap the development potential of the industrial Internet, and promote new generation information technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data to empower equipment, assign value to enterprises, and empower industries.

Independent brands ranked first and third in China SUV sales list, and super hybrid technology opened up a new blue ocean market.

The last month of 2021 passed quietly. According to the data of the Association, in the top ten domestic SUV sales list in December, two China brands ranked among them, and BYD Song model ranked third in the SUV sales list in China market.

According to the data of the Association, the sales volume of BYD Song family series was particularly bright in December 2021, ranking third in the SUV list of China market in December. According to the ranking of China Automobile Center, among the Song family, Song PLUS DM-i scored 23,153 vehicles, and the single product once again ranked as the champion in the A-class SUV market in December. And at the end of the year, with a total of 61,949 vehicles insured in the whole year, it ranked as the annual insurance champion of the national A-class plug-in SUV market, delivering a satisfactory answer for the market and consumers.
DM-i technology empowerment, Song PLUS DM-i product strength, good reputation, worth waiting for.
Since the release of DM-i super hybrid technology, the popularity has remained high, attracting the attention of many consumers with the advantages of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth and green". It can be said that DM-i super hybrid technology has opened up a new blue ocean market and promoted the development of hybrid technology market. Many companies have also laid out hybrid products with the intention of cutting into this new mainstream SUV market.

Industry-leading technical support and leapfrog product strength have enabled Song PLUS DM-i to set off a wave of plug-in hybrids in the market. At the end of 2021, it won the championship of plug-in hybrids for two consecutive months, and it is a well-deserved dark horse of the year. Although there is a situation that "one car is hard to find", the sales volume and excellent user reputation show that a good car is still worth waiting for. The users of Song PLUS DM-i who have picked up their cars are very satisfied with it, and the NPS net recommendation index of users is as high as 94%, and it is still rising. Warm market response and good user reputation are the best proof of the strength and competitiveness of Song PLUS DM-i products.
DM-i sells well, and the Song family adds new recruits.
On December 22, 2021, BYD took advantage of the situation and launched the 2022 Song Pro DM-i, which won the public’s attention with its subversive advantages of "fast, provincial, quiet, smooth and green", luxury design of the national tide and leapfrog intelligent technology.

When consumers are still struggling with fuel consumption or power when buying a car? Song Pro DM-i told everyone that adults don’t have to make choices. The 2022 Song Pro DM-i accelerates up to 7.9 seconds in 100 kilometers, overtaking at high speed, and the power is on call; The fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is as low as 4.4 liters, which is only half of the fuel SUV of the same level. The cost of using a car is only 3 cents per kilometer, and there is no pressure on daily use! With the blessing of extreme fuel consumption, the comprehensive battery life reaches 1090 kilometers, and the battery life performance far exceeds that of fuel SUV! At the same time, the 110KM model supports DC fast charging, and the acceleration and charging are one step ahead! The 2022 Song Pro DM-i perfectly solved the two major pain points of SUV "slow speed increase+high fuel consumption". "fuel SUV subversive", the 2022 song Pro DM-i is well deserved.

With the expansion of BYD’s factory, the production capacity will continue to increase. It is not difficult to predict that after this winter, Song PLUS DM-i will be fully fired, boosting all models to break the advanced stage and continue to climb to the top.
With its excellent performance, Song PLUS DM-i has been tested by the market for one year, and its sales reputation has been double bumper. As hybrid models are more and more accepted by the market and consumers, Song PLUS DM-i will take the lead in the future, and the brand sales of the 2022 Song Pro DM-i will not be underestimated throughout the year. At the same time, BYD will also increase the launch of DM-i models in the future. Ocean Net’s first car and warship car equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology are the first models — — Destroyer 05 also appeared at the previous Guangzhou Auto Show, which constitutes a brand-new product layout. The two-car strategy of "SUV+ sedan" will compete in the mainstream market together, and the future is worth looking forward to! (Zhang Guo)

Concerts across the country have set off a craze, how to make star traffic a city retention

  The weather is getting cooler, and the concerts are still hot. Since the beginning of this year, Mayday, Liu Ruoying, Liang Jingru, Wu Bai, Ren Xianqi, TFboys and other celebrities have started singing in Chongqing, setting off waves of craze. Looking across the country, "Go to a city for a concert" "Spend 500 to buy Wu Bai’s tickets and sing 500 to Wu Bai" and other hot searches have emerged one after another. Next, there are many concerts to be sung, and some venues have been scheduled until 2025…

  Behind the explosion of the concert is healing, feelings, and the chemical reaction brought about by the release of long-suppressed demand, but with it, there are also chaos such as "unable to grab tickets", "strong real-name system out of shape", "poor singer condition", "fans shouting refund tickets on the spot". What new changes have emerged behind the popularity? When the concert fever enters the second half, how can the traffic become the "retention" of the city?

  From chasing stars to pursuing "healing" concerts into a collective carnival

  "I can’t grab it, I can’t grab it at all." This past weekend, Wu Bai started singing in Chongqing. Citizen Hu Lisa is an old fan of Wu Bai and especially wants to participate in the "chorus". Unfortunately, she didn’t get tickets for both games. No matter how many strategies she did before, such as turning off all the programs on her mobile phone and finding the place with the best signal, there were too many people grabbing tickets. "Instead, it was my friend, a passerby fan who got it."

  More and more "passersby fans" are entering the concert scene, which is a new phenomenon this year. They often don’t chase stars, just to enjoy the atmosphere. "I haven’t seen a concert for three years. This time at the door of my house, I have to arrange it no matter what, and focus on a happy one." After watching the Mayday concert, Chongqing audience Chen Han hurriedly sent a set of photos to Moments, and the happy trip ended successfully.

  Zheng Xiaolin, a Guangzhou-based spectator, has seen three concerts a month. "It’s really relieving," she said. When she walked into the venue, she saw the crowd dressed up to watch the concert and the smiles on everyone’s faces, she felt "the moment is so good" and instantly forgot all troubles. At the scene, there will also be a certain lyric that makes her chest feel like it was hit, "the resonance is especially strong."

  Happiness and healing have become high-frequency words for watching concerts. The crowd at concerts can bring a short-term emotional release, and even if they are not chasing stars, people can get healing here. To a certain extent, watching concerts has gradually changed from an internal carnival of fan groups to a collective carnival of public participation.

  In this regard, Yang Yongfeng, an associate professor at the School of Geography and Tourism of Chongqing Normal University, explained: This is the inevitable result of the concentrated release of market demand for large-scale cultural and entertainment activities after the three-year epidemic. "Previously, people were confined to a small family or unit space, and they had a thirst for inner emotions and group connections, and they needed a leisure method similar to a concert to release and resolve."

  The market has also captured this mentality of the public. Since the beginning of this year, performance venues across the country have increased the number of performances to "seamless". Take the Mayday Chongqing concert as an example. From September 22 to 24, the Chongqing Olympic Sports Center held three consecutive days and three consecutive games, 120,000 fans flocked to the venues. "After mastering the audience’s love for concerts, the performers have more confidence. It is normal to have dense performances." Yang Yongfeng said that this is the law of the market economy and the need for economic and social development.

  The audience called out "rollover scene"

  The concert has frequent negative reviews

  At the same time as the popularity, there have also been some chaos. Since the second half of the year, many negative news and comments about the concert have been trending. For example, the TFboys Xi’an concert saw a phenomenon of "scalpers" hyping ticket prices. Shortly after the official announcement, the first row of tickets was fried to tens of thousands of yuan. On the day of the concert, there were also conflicts between fan groups over the competition for the support venue.

  Yang Yongfeng believes that there is a disorder in the ticket management of many concerts, and the emergence of "scalpers" not only damages the rights and interests of consumers, but also directly causes market chaos. Most of the concert audiences are young people, and everyone’s safety awareness is relatively lacking. Emotions are easy to get excited, coupled with the imperfect security mechanism of the organizers, unclear rights and responsibilities, etc., which can easily make the scene lose control.

  On the other hand, the quality of some concerts has aroused doubts among netizens. At Liang Jingru’s concert in Nanjing, more than one audience member reported encountering "pillar tickets" and the location was occupied; at the Chengdu concert, Xue Zhiqian had to stop halfway due to fever and tonsillitis; Miriam Yang’s Xiamen concert, the 580 yuan ticket seats were so dirty that fans did not dare to sit; Jay Chou’s Tianjin concert was suspected of being trapped in props for 20 minutes; at the Hainan "Diva Night" concert, the audience complained that "the song could not be heard clearly and the sound effect was poor"… In this regard, Yang Yongfeng said that there were many performances, heavy tasks, and after the high-intensity "special forces" performance, the singer would inevitably be in poor condition; the organizers blindly pursued economic interests or the pursuit of scenes, lacked control over the status of the guests, and ignored the audience’s feelings; The equipment was not well maintained, the seating arrangement was unreasonable, and the effect was also reduced. If a concert with the selling point of "star effect + live experience" finally brought such an experience to everyone, it would only consume everyone’s enthusiasm and chill the fans.

  Go to a city for a concert

  How to turn traffic into city "retention"

  Although there are a series of practical problems, it has to be admitted that the intensive holding of concerts has brought real popularity and consumption power to the city.

  According to the China Performing Arts Association’s observation of the first quarter of this year, one of the new trends in concert ticket sales is that the proportion of consumers who buy tickets to watch performances across cities has increased significantly, with an average cross-city viewing rate exceeding 50%. Industry insiders believe that compared with simple tourism, concerts attract more "gold content". The data also confirms this – before and after the Mayday Chongqing concert, the number of views of Chongqing hotels, restaurants, etc. rose rapidly, and it was difficult to find a room in the hotels around the Olympic Sports Center; TFboys Xi’an concert ticket revenue was 35.76 million yuan, which directly drove 416 million yuan in tourism revenue; data shows that on October 12, Jay Chou’s Shanghai concert, the day-on-day ratio of Shanghai supper takeout increased by 24%. " Concerts are comprehensive activities that integrate culture, entertainment, and economy. They have a strong’spillover effect ‘. Not only can they bring in considerable ticket revenue, but they can also gather a large number of passengers in a short period of time, driving the development of transportation, accommodation, catering, tourism, and other industries.

  It is understood that in July this year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued "Measures for Restoration and Expansion of Consumption", which mentioned that it is necessary to promote entertainment and sports exhibition consumption. The countdown will start in 2023, but the popularity of concerts continues. According to Barley Network data, 129,000 people marked Li Ronghao’s Chongqing concert "want to see", Zhang Huimei’s Chongqing concert reached 271,000 people, Eason Chan’s Chengdu concert 743,000 people were hot to grab, and some popular performance venues have been scheduled to 2025.

  How can the concert develop in a healthy and orderly manner next, and truly turn the traffic into the city’s "retention"? The first priority is to ensure safety. Yang Yongfeng said that local governments should make advance predictions and responses to problems that may affect safety and stability. The police, enterprises, and the police and the public work closely together to truly establish institutional safety management measures to effectively detect, prevent and reduce hidden dangers from the source.

  Secondly, organizers should strengthen ticketing management. Yang Yongfeng suggested that large-scale concerts implement a real-name ticket purchase and real-name admission system, and establish a refund mechanism. It is also necessary to plug policy loopholes, squeeze the space for "scalpers" to speculate on tickets, and make "strong real names" real and real, so as to truly solve the problem of concert ticket buying. Guide the fan group to establish correct values and cultivate a healthy star-chasing culture.

  "After this wave of fast-paced and hot topics, the concert market will gradually stabilize." Yang Yongfeng believes that in the future, concerts should combine local characteristics to promote the integrated development of "people’s livelihood + cultural performance + industry", expand and strengthen the concert industry chain, and extend the huge flow of people it brings to the entire cultural tourism consumption chain such as scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, and shopping, so as to fully release the "spillover effect" of the concert economy.

Big data on takeaway platforms: Confucius Temple, Drum Tower, and Xuanwu Lake have become the most popular attractions for takeaway orders in Nanjing

  Featured restaurants queue too long and don’t want to wait? Eating too much supper needs stomach-strengthening and digestive tablets? Scenic restaurants are too expensive to eat? More than half of the National Day holiday, big data just released by shows that five days before the National Day holiday, more than 529 tourists in Nanjing ordered duck takeaway; orders for takeaway medicine in hotels increased more than ten times year-on-year; takeaway orders from Nanjing libraries exceeded 2,500 orders, there are really many people who are racing against time to learn!

  Confucius Temple, Drum Tower, and Xuanwu Lake have become the attractions with the most takeaway orders in Nanjing

  According to data analytics, among tourists from all over the world who visit Nanjing, tourists from Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing most like to order takeout in Nanjing. Among the many attractions in Nanjing, Confucius Temple, Drum Tower and Xuanwu Lake have become the most ordered attractions for takeout. Five days before the National Day holiday, more than 529 tourists in Nanjing ordered duck food takeout.

  It is worth noting that, unlike previous years, the takeaway orders of Nanjing hotels saw a remarkable increase in non-dinner orders. Among them, medical orders increased by 1431% year-on-year, and orders for flowers and green plants increased by 185%.

  Three days before the National Day holiday, the most expensive takeaway order in Nanjing was as high as 737 yuan, and 25 curry beef brisket sets were ordered. When the warm-hearted Nanjing citizens ordered takeaway, they left 327 orders with the remarks "Happy National Day" and "Celebrate the birthday of the motherland".

  Five days before the National Day holiday, the library in Nanjing received more than 2,500 orders for takeout. There are really many people who are racing to learn! At the same time, there are also many "strugglers" who are still working hard. In Nanjing, more than 3,300 orders were sent to the traffic police brigade, and 443 orders were sent to the sanitation station and 944 orders were sent to the fire brigade. data shows that Nanjing people like to order takeout in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou when they go out. During this year’s National Day, Nanjing people’s favorite snacks when traveling are Shanghai raw fried, Changsha stinky tofu, and Chongqing hot and sour powder.

  Word-of-mouth data shows that during the National Day, the order volume of many consumer places increased by more than 100% month-on-month compared with the pre-holiday period. Among them, amusement parks, hot springs, and foot massage have become new choices for leisure gatherings during the National Day holiday of Nanjing citizens this year. The growth rate of orders from these places ranks among the top three in the city.

  More and more small and medium-sized urban residents

  The first choice for overseas travel during the festival

  Feeling fed up with the crowds and crowds at domestic tourist attractions, more and more domestic tourists prefer to travel abroad for the National Day holiday, "I want to take you to Turkey, as well as Tokyo and Paris." According to big data recently released by, during this year’s National Day holiday, the number of foreign travel tickets and hotel reservations in third- to sixth-tier cities increased rapidly.

  Statistics show that among the orders booked for international air tickets before the National Day this year, the proportion of first- and second-tier cities has declined compared with last year. At the same time, the proportion of international air tickets bookings in third- to sixth-tier cities has increased by 10 percentage points compared with last year. In terms of the number of international hotel reservations, the proportion of orders from third- to sixth-tier cities has increased by nearly 12 percentage points compared with last year.

  From the consumption destination data, Japan, South Korea and South East Asia continue to be the top travel destinations for domestic consumers. Seoul, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Osaka, Manila and other tourist cities are ranked at the top of the air ticket booking rankings. In addition to Japan, the popularity of British tourism has also been growing in recent years. London, Liverpool, Manchester and other cities full of British style are also the first choice for some domestic tourists. In addition, Singapore, Russia, New Zealand, Turkey and other tourist countries, due to better infrastructure and local customs, consumption popularity is also increasing year by year.

  In terms of travel equipment, consumers are also spending a lot of money. In terms of sales, sunscreen products and swimsuits still account for the majority, which also means that islands and beaches are still the first choice for tourists’ travel destination arrangements. With the arrival of the golden autumn season, sales of mountaineering equipment, sports cameras, drones and other equipment have also increased significantly. (Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter, Xu Xiaofeng)

Andy Lau is suspected of announcing his marriage, asking fans "Should I get married?"

Andy Lau is singing and dancing in Taipei

    On November 21, Andy Lau began singing in Taipei. At the age of 47, he showed his abs and sang "Chinese" in front of the LED screen, which was magnificent. The eternal idol in the hearts of thousands of fans said: "I’m back, do you miss me? Do you really?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he stirred the hearts of 10,000 viewers. Afterwards, Andy Lau also asked the fans in the audience: "Do you think an idol should get married and have a girlfriend?" After saying that, he immediately won thunderous applause from the audience. "

    Back then, Andy Lau became popular in Taiwan with the movie "Extrajudicial Love". When he sang the theme song of the film "Dear Child" that night, the live film played the movie footage, which was very interesting in the past. When singing "Stupid Child", he said emotionally: "More than 20 years ago, a stupid child was born in the entertainment industry, but I didn’t expect everyone to support him so much now." The time and space exchange of this concert was misplaced, and he was suddenly in the Shanghai style of Shili Yangchang, and suddenly turned into a cowherd in the sky, performing the unblessed love song and drama with the Weaver Girl.

    Andy Lau started singing in Taipei, and the two box offices were full, earning about 12.50 million yuan. It was the best concert at the box office in Taipei in the second half of this year. The entertainers in the audience also shone brightly that night, and even Jolin Tsai became a small fan to join the audience, wanting to learn the lighting and stage design of his concert. Luo Zhixiang, who regards Andy Lau as his number one idol, and Da S, Cai Kangyong, Ella, and Bang Bang Tang, who recently co-produced a new film with Andy Lau, all attended the performance.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

NIO Phone is really here, founder Li Bin wants to seamlessly connect with the car

Image source: NIO

On September 21, the long-rumored NIO phone finally appeared. At the NIO IN 2023 NIO Innovation and Technology Day, founder Li Bin officially released the flagship smartphone NIO Phone to the outside world.

At the beginning of the mobile phone launch session, Li Bin responded to the long-curious question of the outside world to everyone present – why does NIO make mobile phones?

"This is definitely not because mobile phone companies are building cars, nor is it because NIO doesn’t make money from cars now, but relies on mobile phones to make profits," Li Bin said. "Our reason is actually very simple and well-considered – because users need a mobile phone that is seamlessly connected to NIO, and we want to make NIO products better."

He showed how the phone can be seamlessly integrated into the car, both in terms of hardware and software.

First of all, the hardware configuration of the NIO Phone is basically the same as the flagship mobile phone on the market. In terms of chips, the phone is equipped with Qualcomm’s second-generation Snapdragon 8 leading version. The storage solution is based on 12GB + 512GB, and the maximum optional 16GB + 1T. It is equipped with a 6.81-inch curved screen with 2K resolution and supports a variable refresh rate of 1-120Hz. In terms of images, its main camera, ultra-wide-angle and periscope telephoto are all 50 million pixels. In terms of battery life, the NIO Phone is equipped with a 5200mAh battery and supports 66W wired and 50W wireless flash charging. At the same time, the special project matches the NIO wireless car charging.

In terms of appearance design, NIO Phone refers to the skyline elements of the NIO brand, using nano-microcrystalline ceramics and environmentally friendly leather stitching on the material. In addition, a special version of EPedition has been launched, with red elements interspersed in the fuselage, which is different from the ordinary version in design language.

Image source: NIO

As an important medium for human-vehicle interaction, NIO has injected many software-level interaction shortcuts into NIO Phone.

According to reports, the NIO Phone integrates mobile phones and smart electric vehicles through NIO Link NIO panoramic interconnection technology. The phone is equipped with UWB ultra-wideband technology, which can replace car keys and support unlocking without electricity within 48 hours.

On the left side of the fuselage, NIO Phone sets a NIO Link car control key, which can be just a click away 30 driver interconnection functions, including quick view of vehicle status, parking position, complete vehicle unlocking lock, window lift, trunk opening, air conditioning remote adjustment, etc., in the case of mobile phone without network, it can also realize unlocking, flashing horn, vehicle summoning, remote parking and other functions.

In terms of in-car control, Li Bin mentioned that the NIO Phone can be combined with in-car sensors to identify the user’s location and present a car control card interface with different functions based on the driver’s seat, passenger seat, or rear seat.

Li Bin believes that this reflects the original intention of NIO Phone’s design. "In addition to these functions that can be perceived more quickly, it is more about the seamless information flow and relay at the bottom of the software."

For example, NIO Phone has a more detailed understanding of human-vehicle interaction, such as the navigation route relay, which allows users to set a destination and choose a driving route on their mobile phone. After getting on the bus, it will automatically switch to the car-side navigation, and there is no need to perform additional operations on the car. For example, the navigation clipboard relay can automatically pop up and push on the car’s central control screen according to the location text copied by the user on the mobile phone, and the user can enter the navigation after clicking. It should be pointed out that these operations will not go to the cloud, ensuring the privacy and security of user data.

The Inter-App communications application of the mobile phone and the smart cockpit is the key breakthrough direction of this mobile phone. In addition to the aforementioned functions, the NIO Phone currently also has a panoramic application function, namely "Sky Window". After this function is turned on, a separate phone will run on the central control screen of the vehicle, supporting the parallel operation of the central control screen and the mobile phone dual applications. "Windows is not a simple screen projection, these two screens can run different programs in parallel, which is very different," Li Bin said.

For business scenarios, when users use the super conference, they can automatically transfer to the car after boarding the car, and can also call the in-car hardware (such as cameras). In terms of entertainment scenarios, NIO Link games can also be synchronized to the central control large screen to play.

For more systematic privacy and security issues, NIO said that the NIO Phone’s NIO self-developed SkyUI system provides 0 system advertisements, 0 commercial pre-installation, and only local processing of sensitive data. On cloud data protection, NIO Phone adopts multi-key encryption protection, and data and keys are stored separately.

According to reports, the 12GB + 512GB version of the mobile phone is priced at 6499 yuan, the 12GB + 1TB version is priced at 6899 yuan, and the EPedition 16GB + 1TB version is priced at 7499 yuan. It is currently only available in the NIO App Mall.