The beauty of reading | It’s always shallow to get what you get on paper, but you don’t know how to do it.


Reading on a Winter’s Night and Showing Children’s Yue is a group of eight poems taught by Lu You. This poem is the most famous third poem, which was written at the end of the fifth year of Qingyuan in Song Ningzong (1199). Zi Yu is Lu You’s youngest son. In his poems, Lu You encouraged his son to work hard and persevere in learning, emphasizing that learning can not be satisfied with book knowledge, but must be "practiced" — — Only by learning and applying knowledge in practice can we achieve something.

The first two sentences of the poem say that the ancients always tried their best to learn, and only by working hard when they were young can they achieve something in the future. The word "no effort" summarizes the degree to which the ancients worked hard and tirelessly in learning. The last two sentences, "I feel shallow at the end of the paper, but I don’t know how to do it", are poetic eyes. Paper: books. Know nothing: understand deeply and thoroughly. This means that the knowledge gained from books is inevitably superficial, and to thoroughly understand things, you must practice it yourself. Lu You emphasized the importance of practice from the relationship between book knowledge and social practice. This feeling of the poet’s reading in winter night is the most profound understanding of his life as a scholar. He told his son: a person who has both book knowledge and practical experience is a truly learned person; Reading must strive to achieve "heart-to-heart, eye-to-eye, mouth-to-mouth", and can draw inferences from others in practice to achieve mastery.






(作者 杨立新)


Weekend sports competitions and autumn outing activities will affect traffic in many places, Beijing traffic control department reminded.

  During the peak season of autumn tour, many scenic spots in the city attract a large number of passengers, and parking around some scenic spots is difficult, which in turn leads to congestion. The traffic pressure around Xiangquan Island is high from 7: 00 to 14: 00, and the parking lot is saturated before 8: 00. The traffic forecast for next week released by the Municipal Traffic Management Bureau shows that due to the increase of outing vehicles, the Beijing-Chengde Expressway, the Beijing-Tibet Expressway and the Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway in the northern part of the city are prone to congestion during the weekend morning hours. At the same time, sports competitions will be held in Tongzhou and Pinggu, and the surrounding traffic will be affected to some extent during the games.

  This weekend is the key peak day of the viewing period of the red leaves in Xiangshan, and the traffic control department will take temporary traffic management measures for the surrounding roads in due course according to the traffic conditions. It is suggested that citizens should choose the Xijiao Line of rail transit as far as possible, which not only saves time than driving, but also makes Xiangshan Station on Xijiao Line 1500 meters closer to the park than the parking lot.

  During the morning rush hour next week, the second, third and fourth rings, the east, west and north fifth rings, the east and north sixth rings, Caihuying South Road, Tonghuihe North Road, Xizhimen North Street, Deshengmenwai Street, Yuanmingyuan West Road to Wanquanhe Road, Fushi Road and Lianshi East Road will enter the city, as well as Beijing-Tibet Expressway, Jingcheng Expressway, Jingtong Expressway, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway and Airport Expressway. The traffic pressure will be particularly prominent on Monday and Wednesday morning rush hours when the tail numbers are limited to 4 and 9.

  From morning to morning on weekdays, it is estimated that the traffic volume in front of and around hospitals such as Children’s Research Institute, Children’s Hospital, Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, Beijing Hospital, Tongren Hospital, Xiyuan Hospital and Jishuitan Hospital is relatively large, and the peak hours are expected to be 7: 00 to 13: 00.

  From 7:10 to 7:50, some schools in Haidian, Xicheng, Dongcheng and Chaoyang, and areas where primary and secondary schools are concentrated, such as Zhongguancun and Guangqumen, will have traffic peaks, and parking will affect normal traffic.

  During the evening rush hour, the traffic flow on some sections of the East, West, North Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Ring Road and East Sixth Ring Road, as well as urban roads from Wanquanhe Road to Yuanmingyuan West Road, Tonghuihe North Road and Lianshi East Road, is concentrated. The traffic flow on Beijing-Tibet Expressway, Jingcheng Expressway, Jingtong Expressway, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway and Airport Expressway is large, and the peak hours are from 17:30 to 20:00.

  From the morning of November 5 (Sunday) to the morning, the 2023 Beijing Tongzhou Canal Half Marathon will be held in Tongzhou District. During the event, temporary traffic management measures will be taken for the urban green heart forest park and some surrounding roads; From the morning of November 5 (Sunday) to noon, a bicycle race will be held in Pinggu District. During the event, temporary traffic management measures will be taken for Shilinxia Scenic Area and some surrounding roads; On the evening of November 6, a basketball match will be held in the gymnasium of the Olympic Sports Center. On the evening of November 8th and 10th, a basketball match will be held in Wukesong Gymnasium. In addition, a number of performances will be held in the National Grand Theatre, Beijing Concert Hall, Tianqiao District, Guotu Art Center, Sanlitun District and the vicinity of Pingfang Bridge. Before and after the entrance, there will be a short period of heavy traffic on the roads around the venue.

The layout wisdom of the Forbidden City-facing the mountains and facing the water, taking the positive center.

  The layout of the Forbidden City embodies the designers’ wisdom. The clever thinking of "facing the mountain and facing the water" is one of the obvious characteristics. Jingshan Mountain is in the north of the Forbidden City, and Neijinshui River is in the south. There were no mountains in Beijing. When the Forbidden City was built in Yongle period, more than 1 million cubic meters of soil was excavated by opening a moat, and the piles of muck demolished by the Yuan Dynasty Palace could not be treated. So, a "waste utilization" came, which piled up the soil into mountains and planted trees on them. This is the Zhenshan in the north of the Forbidden City. Zhenshan was called "jingshan park" in the Ming Dynasty, and it was renamed "Jingshan" in the Qing Dynasty, and it has been used ever since. Jingshan is the commanding height in Beijing, which is east-west and narrow in the north-south direction, much like a screen. At the same time, when the Forbidden City was built, a culvert was dug downstairs from the northwest corner to introduce the moat water into the city. This is the specially dug Jinshui River. Jinshui River winds south through Chenglong Temple, winding all the way, turning east through Wuying Hall, passing Taihe Gate and Wenyuan Pavilion, and flowing out of the Forbidden City from the southeast corner. Jinshui River not only provides drainage channels for people in the Forbidden City, but also echoes with Jingshan Mountain, forming an aesthetic image of mountains, rivers and mountains in harmony. The surface of Jinshui River is lower than the ground of the Forbidden City, and the main part of the Forbidden City is built on the balcony between Jingshan and Jinshui River. Through Jingshan Mountain and Jinshui River, the Forbidden City is in harmony with nature in the aesthetic sense.

  "negative yin embraces yang" is also a feature of the layout of the forbidden city. All the important palaces in the city face south. Chapter 42 of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching says: "Everything is negative and holds Yang, and rushing into the air is thought to be harmonious". It means that everything in the world is shady and sunny, and yin and yang interact to form a new harmonious body. The important palace buildings in the Forbidden City face south, with a large number of doors and windows in the south and fewer doors and windows in the north. The Book of Changes, Zhuan Zhuan Zhuan, says, "Sages listen to the world from the south, and govern from the Ming Dynasty", which means that the ancient sages ruled the world by listening to the south and facing the bright sunshine. Similarly, this layout has scientific significance in geography: the Yellow River Basin in China is located in the most remarkable subtropical monsoon climate area in the northern hemisphere, and in winter, a high pressure is formed in the northwest of the Asian continent, with a northerly wind for several months; In summer, the center of high pressure turns to the southeast Pacific Ocean, and the rainy monsoon from the south makes the temperature rise and the summer heat pressing. Under this geographical condition, it is most suitable for the building to face south, with the north side closed to keep out the cold, and the south side with windows for sunlight and ventilation in summer.

  Another feature of the layout of the Forbidden City is "taking the positive center". "Correcting" means that the north-south direction is the main axial direction of the building layout. This is mainly due to the construction experience of ancient Chinese craftsmen based on the geographical location and natural environment of China, that is, the main seat faces south and is symmetrical left and right. "Centripetal" means that all secondary buildings face the main building. All the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City are mainly quadrangles, with the main rooms facing south and the wing rooms facing east and west. This centripetal architectural style not only makes the distance between houses smaller, which is conducive to the convenience of transportation, but also reflects the idea of "China is supreme" and "China is still big" in ancient China culture. At the same time, this orientation layout reflects the unity and coordination of the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City, and there is no sense of clutter.

  The architectural division of the Forbidden City is also particular. From the perspective of architectural functional zoning, the layout of the Forbidden City includes the imperial court area and the imperial court area. The buildings of the former dynasty were located in the south of the Forbidden City, mainly including the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Zhonghe and the Hall of Baohe (commonly known as the Three Great Halls), which was the place where the emperor held important ceremonies. The imperial palace buildings are mainly located in the northern part of the Forbidden City, including Ganqing Palace, Jiaotai Palace, Kunning Palace (commonly known as the last three palaces) and the East and West Six palaces, which are the places where emperors and empresses live. The three great halls of the former dynasty occupied a large area and formed a huge pattern in the Forbidden City. These three buildings stand on a three-story platform, which is 8.13 meters high and takes the form of Sumitomo. Sumeru is actually the base of the Buddha statue. "Sumeru" is an Indian Buddhist term, which means "the center of the universe". Sumeru is used as the foundation of the building, which means that the building is stable and long-lasting. The three-story platform of the three halls can highlight the grandeur and height of the building, form an obvious contrast with other buildings in the Forbidden City, and highlight its extraordinary position. Not only that, the three halls are elegant in richness and dignified in exquisiteness, which highlights the majesty of the emperor. The Three Great Halls are not only the center of the Forbidden City, but also the center of Beijing, with the axis from Yongdingmen in the south to the Bell Tower in the north, becoming a straight central line. On both sides of this axis, buildings with less important functions are arranged symmetrically and orderly in turn. There is also a square with an area of 30,000 square meters in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This layout is conducive to showing a grand scene when holding important ceremonies.For the six palaces of the East and West, they are symmetrically arranged and vertically arranged. These buildings are separated vertically and horizontally by the East-West Second Long Street and the alleys in front of the palace, forming a very regular and rigorous closed space with streets and lanes, and the doors and walls of the seats are connected and separated. In their own space, that is, in the independent courtyards of each palace, they have the same layout and basically the same architectural form. The plane of each palace is square, and the layout is in the form of a three-in-one courtyard with two courtyards. The front hall and the back bedroom are all equipped with halls, which are strictly symmetrical. The layout of the courtyards of the East-West Six Palaces is subtle and compact, which not only guarantees the privacy of the life of the Empress Dowager, but also has reasonable planning: "How deep the courtyards are" can reflect the location characteristics of the East-West Six Palaces in the Forbidden City. On the whole, the architecture of the former dynasty was Yang, and Yang was majestic and tall. The architecture of the imperial palace is yin, and yin converges to the reality of hiding. The six palaces in the east and west and the three halls form a harmonious and unified wisdom thought of rigidity and softness, yang and yin.

  In addition, the architectural layout of the Forbidden City was convex in the former dynasty and concave in the imperial palace. The combination of convex and concave is just like a mortise and tenon. This layout of tenon-mortise connection not only shows the ingenious tenon-mortise locking concept of the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City, but also embodies the concept of "Yin and Yang in one" in ancient Chinese architectural culture, which is a reflection of the wisdom of the builders of ancient architecture.

  (The author is a research librarian of the Palace Museum)

Wildlife parks frequently expose tourists’ illegal lessons. Why are they repeatedly banned?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 26 (Shang Qi) Recently, the Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, where the "tiger bites" incident happened, exposed two incidents of tourists violating regulations. On the one hand, the park repeatedly emphasizes the requirements for tourists to visit, and on the other hand, the dangerous incidents of tourists are constantly exposed. Why are the illegal incidents of tourists in the wildlife park still repeatedly banned after experiencing the "blood lesson"?

  On the afternoon of July 22, 2017, in the Northeast Tiger Park of Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, children repeatedly leaned out of the roof window, almost revealing half of their bodies. Photo courtesy of the event exposer

  Badaling Zoo has repeatedly had tourists open windows and feed illegally?

  The garden confirmed!

  On July 23, 2016, a tiger wounding incident occurred in Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, causing one death and one injury. After the investigation by the Yanqing District Government of Beijing, the result was clear. The victim Zhao did not abide by the "no getting off the bus" rule in the beast area and was injured by a tiger attack. Her mother was eager to save her daughter, did not comply with the regulations and got off the bus. She was attacked by a tiger and died. This incident is not a production safety responsibility accident.

  Just one year after this tragedy, on July 23 this year, many media reported that on the morning of July 22, in Malai Bear Park, Badaling Wildlife World, some netizens photographed tourists being caught by bears for feeding bears. Also on the 22nd, in the Northeast Tiger Park, two children repeatedly leaned out of the skylight of the car, and one of them almost showed half of his body.

  On July 25, the park confirmed to the reporter of Zhongxin. com that these two incidents did occur and were immediately discovered and stopped by patrol cars in the park. The two incidents lasted for a short time and did not cause personal injury or vehicle damage.

  At present, it is the peak season of summer tour. Liu Weishi, director of the Badaling Wildlife World Office in Beijing, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the garden has sent more people, increased the inspection density, and added more security personnel. Specifically, each park has added a patrol car.

  In recent years, tourists’ violations in zoos have occurred frequently. According to media reports, in June this year, three tourists crossed the back mountain of Changsha Wildlife Park in order to avoid tickets, and as a result, they strayed into the tiger stocking area. Fortunately, no casualties were caused. At the beginning of this year, in Youngor Zoo in Ningbo, a man climbed over the fence and entered the activity area of Hushan. He was found by a tiger and killed.

  Some people think that although there are always "blood lessons", in reality, people who are lucky are still courageously rushing forward, bumping into the common sense and conscience of Chinese people again and again. This also shows that it is necessary for China society to further strengthen the awareness of rules and put an end to any form of "exception", "outside the law" and "outside the norm".

  Data Map: On the morning of March 19, 2017, in Badaling Wildlife Park, tourists got off at the Beast Area. Photo courtesy of the reporter

  Guarding tourists like minors?

  In view of the personal safety accidents in the zoo, laws and regulations have always been clearly defined. Article 81 of the Tort Liability Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that "if animals in the zoo cause damage to others, the zoo shall bear the tort liability, but those who can prove that they have fulfilled their management duties shall not bear the responsibility."

  Zhu Weiri, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, explained in an interview with that this means that if the zoo can prove that it is not at fault for the damage results, it will not be responsible, which is stipulated by law.

  In addition, the Tort Liability Law also requires that managers of hotels, shopping malls, banks, stations, entertainment places and other public places or organizers of mass activities should bear tort liability if they fail to fulfill their security obligations and cause damage to others. If the manager or organizer fails to fulfill the obligation of safety guarantee, he shall bear corresponding supplementary responsibilities.

  "What is the standard of security obligations? Is it like an adult’s guardianship over a minor? I’m afraid not. " An Xiang, director of Beijing Dexiang Law Firm, who participated in the compilation of the Collection of Current Animal Protection Laws in China, told the reporter of that in a judicial interpretation on personal injury compensation issued earlier years, "the obligation of safety protection within reasonable limits" was clarified.

  "Take the safari park as an example. First of all, we must set the tourists as people with full capacity, and not in a state of mental abnormality, lack of judgment and discrimination." An Xiang explained that if he is a person with full capacity, he should have a kind of self-knowledge about the danger of wild animals by default. On the basis of this self-knowledge, as a zoo, visitors should be made clear by signs, tips and other measures. In which area of the zoo, if you open the window and get off, your life will be in danger.

  An Xiang said that if tourists don’t carry out sightseeing activities according to the common sense of people with full capacity, it is similar to suicide and self-mutilation. This kind of behavior is not unilaterally asking the garden to stop it.

  "Is it necessary to monitor all tourists in the way of monitoring minors?" An Xiang asked, he said, if this is the case, for the vast majority of normal tourists, will the tour experience drop to a very low level, and will the operation of the whole society be lowered by IQ and efficiency?

  The zoo has a power grid. Who lives in it?

  Although the awareness of self-safety should be the common sense of tourists in the face of wild animals, and obeying the rules should also reflect the quality of human civilization, it is also indispensable to improve industry norms and better protect the safety of tourists.

  According to media reports, china wildlife conservation association presided over the drafting of the "Wildlife Park Safety Code" in 2005, which stipulated that special personnel should be set up in the animal stocking area to maintain the order of sightseeing; To avoid direct contact between tourists and potentially dangerous animals, we should set up power grid devices to prevent animals from escaping in fierce animal stocking areas, and comprehensively check the cages, fences, protective nets, trenches, door locks and power grids of fierce animals every day.

  Just after the tiger wounding incident in Badaling Wildlife World last year, the Northeast Tiger Park of the zoo added a power grid and a warning sign "No getting off the bus" at the exit gate, but it still failed to completely prevent the above-mentioned incidents of illegal window opening by tourists.

  Zhu Wei, who has visited the zoo many times, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the power grid installed in Badaling Wildlife World is particularly thin. With the power grid, the effect of safety warning is even worse. "Some people are not afraid after knowing that there is a power grid. Some people even get off the bus and open the window because they think that the power grid can block the tiger."

  An Xiang believes that the current laws and regulations are sufficient to deal with the safety accidents in zoos. If similar incidents become more and more common, the quality of tourists is getting worse and worse, and people should be more restricted than animals when they have to take certain measures.

  Regarding the restrictions on people, An Xiang told the reporter of that it is a way to establish a "blacklist" of zoo visits similar to the social credit system.

  "The zoo can operate on its own. Whether it is signing a notice or an agreement, it has certain legal effect in essence. A statement can be added to the notice, stating that if a tourist violates relevant regulations, the garden has the right to refuse his car, including visitors, to enter the zoo for sightseeing. Such a blacklist can be made by the garden. "

  However, Liu Weishi told reporters frankly that he would not consider setting up a "blacklist" for the time being. "If you blacklist tourists, they may not cooperate with you. Although some tourists violate the rules, they are still consumers. We have no right to ask them not to come in the future. This will be complained."

  An Xiang said that another way is that the zoo can make a "blacklist" from the perspective of protecting animals and maintaining normal visiting order, realize information exchange through animal protection related associations, and include unruly tourists into the "blacklist" of the entire zoo management system.

  Extension — —

  Should the safari park go on road trip be cancelled?

  Whether you open the window or get off the bus while driving, or you are bitten by a tiger for ticket evasion, the last victims are not only people themselves, but also animals that conflict with them. The phenomenon that the tiger is "innocent" and the peacock is plucked from its feathers can’t help but make some netizens wonder whether the form of self-driving tour should be cancelled for the protection of wild animals.

  Xie Yan, an associate researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with that wild zoos in foreign countries, especially in Africa, belong to in-situ protection, which is equivalent to a wildlife refuge in protected areas. It is the natural survival of local species in the local natural environment, which not only attracts a large number of tourists, but also really plays the role of protecting wild animals.

  "But some safari parks in China raise all kinds of wild animals and put them in a closed environment for people to watch. Instead of protecting wild animals, they consume wild animals." Xie Yan said.

  Nevertheless, An Xiang, who has been engaged in legal consultation in the field of animal protection for many years, believes that one of the social functions of the zoo is to give the public an opportunity to get in touch with wild animals, and the irrational behavior of a few people should not stifle the value of the existence of the wild zoo go on road trip. (End)

When is the Lantern Festival in 2021? What day is it on the fifteenth day of the first month?

  The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is called Lantern Festival every year, so when is the Lantern Festival in 2021, and when is it?

Q: When is the Lantern Festival in 2021? When is the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

  A:Lantern Festival in 2021 is on Friday, February 26th, 2021, the 15th day of the first lunar month..

WeChat screenshot _20210224162607

Brief introduction of lantern festival

  After the Spring Festival, another traditional festival in China is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar.

  The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called the night "Xiao", so they called the fifteenth day of the first month the Lantern Festival. The 15th day of the first month is the night of the first full moon in a year, and it is also the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. On the night in spring returns, people celebrate this and celebrate the continuation of the Spring Festival. Lantern Festival is also called "Shangyuan Festival".

  According to the folk tradition in China, on this bright night, people light up thousands of lanterns to celebrate. Going out to enjoy the moon, burning lamps and setting off flames, enjoying solve riddles on the lanterns, having Lantern Festival together, family reunion and celebrating the festive season are all enjoyable.

  Lantern Festival is also called Lantern Festival. The custom of burning lanterns on Lantern Festival originated from the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, the activities of enjoying lanterns became more prosperous. Lights were hung everywhere in the palace and on the streets, and tall lantern wheels, lantern buildings and lantern trees were also built. Lu Zhaolin, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, once described the grand occasion of burning lanterns on Lantern Festival in "Watching Lights on Fifteen Nights", saying that "the stars in the Han Dynasty are falling, and the buildings are like the moon hanging."

  In the Song Dynasty, more attention was paid to the Lantern Festival, and the lantern viewing activities were more lively. The lantern viewing activities lasted for five days and the styles of lanterns were more abundant. In the Ming Dynasty, the lantern festival will last for 10 days, which is the longest lantern festival in China. Although there were only three days of lantern viewing in Qing Dynasty, the lantern viewing activities were large in scale and unprecedented in pomp. Besides burning lanterns, fireworks were also put on to entertain.

  "solve riddles on the lanterns", also called "playing riddles", is an activity added after the Lantern Festival, which appeared in the Song Dynasty. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the capital Lin ‘an made riddles every Lantern Festival, and there were many people guessing riddles. At the beginning, it was a busybody who wrote riddles on paper and pasted them on colorful lanterns for people to guess. Because riddles are enlightening and interesting, they are welcomed by all walks of life in the process of spreading.

  The folk custom of eating Yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice, either solid or stuffed. Filled with bean paste, sugar, hawthorn, all kinds of fruit materials, etc., it can be cooked, fried, steamed and fried when eating. At first, people called this kind of food "Floating Yuanzi", and later they called it "Tangtuan" or "Tangyuan". These names "Reunion" have similar sounds, meaning reunion, which symbolizes the reunion of the whole family, harmony and happiness, and people also miss their parting relatives and place their good wishes on their future life.

  In some places, the Lantern Festival also has the custom of "walking all kinds of diseases", also known as "roasting all kinds of diseases" and "dispersing all kinds of diseases". Most of the participants are women. They walk together or walk by the wall, or cross the bridge and walk in the suburbs, in order to drive away diseases and eliminate disasters.

  With the passage of time, there are more and more activities in the Lantern Festival, and many local festivals have added traditional folk performances such as playing dragon lanterns, playing lions, walking on stilts, rowing dry boats and dancing yangko, and playing Taiping drums. This traditional festival, which has been passed down for more than 2,000 years, is not only popular on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, but also celebrated year after year in areas inhabited by overseas Chinese.

Editor in Charge: Fang Di

Fun Olympics | Can swimming build 8 abdominal muscles? Brother Africa tells you the answer.

  CCTV News:In the men’s swimming field of Rio Olympic Games, we are used to this painting style:

  Eight-pack ABS and a faint mermaid line … … 



  No one can resist the power of the perfect figure.


Australian star McEvoy


Phelps of Rio 2016 Olympic Games


"Youth Invincible Edition" of Philippine Fish and Rochet are poisonous after watching … …

  However, in the 100-meter freestyle preliminaries, a "belly brother" broke this style of painting.


  His name is Robel Kiros Habte, and he is 24 years old and comes from Ethiopia.


Yes, 24 years old!

  According to official data, gabit is 1.76 meters tall and weighs 81 kilograms.

  This height and weight are really grounded. Many netizens said: "I feel that I can compete."


Like us, he only has one abdominal muscle.

  Gabit took part in the men’s 100m freestyle.


Take off and take off without falling in the wind ~


Then, file out gracefully ~



However … … Swim a little slow … …

  Gabit finished the race almost half a pool behind others in the preliminaries … … The score was 1 minute 04.95 seconds, and he was the only player who took more than 1 minute, ranking 59 th overall.


  However, when he reached the finish line, he got the warmest applause from the audience.

  Gabit told reporters that this is his first time to participate in the Olympic Games, and he had never even seen a 50-meter regular competition swimming pool before the competition. He was very happy to be here. He said that his personal best time was 59.08 seconds. Although he didn’t play well this time, he really tried his best in this field.


  "I am the only professional swimmer in our country. This is not surprising, because Ethiopia is a traditional long-distance running power, and people just want to be a long-distance runner. But I have a soft spot for swimming. What I always thought was to be different from others. "

  It doesn’t matter where my destination is, what matters is that I’m here!


In the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, Eric Sabani of Equatorial Guinea competed.

  History is always strikingly similar. The appearance of gabit made Xiao Bian suddenly think of another athlete from Africa, Eric MSabani of Equatorial Guinea. He also participated in the 100-meter freestyle preliminaries at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, and finally he finished the race with a time of 1 minute 52.72 seconds, just like gabit’s experience. Unlike gabit, Tim Sabani is not a professional swimmer. He only started swimming nine months before the Sydney Olympic Games.

  How did you get into the Olympic Games with such a bloated figure?

  Gabit’s Olympic spirit is praiseworthy, but many netizens may ask, "Why did he qualify for the Rio Olympic Games? How did he get in when he swam so slowly? "

  Because of the "wild card". Every session of the International Olympic Committee will issue "wild card" players to countries with underdeveloped sports. The quota system is determined to ensure that some countries can be represented in some backward projects and show the spirit of modern Olympics. These players obviously don’t have the strength to compete for gold and silver at all, but every year their persistence and love for the project touched a group of audiences.

  So, as long as you finish the game, you are good!

More than 20 provinces’ civil service exams are getting together. Learn about this week’s preferential policies

  Cctv newsThe recruitment of civil servants in many provinces in 2018 is underway. This weekend, more than 20 provinces will gather together to hold a written examination of civil servant recruitment. Observing the recruitment policies of civil servants in various places this year, many places continue to increase the policy inclination for the grassroots. In addition, some provinces have also introduced preferential policies to recruit professionals or urgently needed talents.

  The popularity of civil servant registration in many provinces has not diminished.

  Since March this year, more than 20 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have intensively started the recruitment of civil servants in 2018. Judging from the number of applicants announced in various places, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, Guangdong and other provinces have recruited more than 7,000 civil servants this year. At present, the online registration work in many places has ended, and civil servants in some provinces are very popular.

  For example, Jiangxi’s recruitment plan this year is 5,235, an increase of 46% over last year, and 179,000 people have successfully registered, an increase of 19% over last year, the highest in history.

  In Chongqing, in the first half of this year, Chongqing plans to recruit a total of 1,193 civil servants, and finally 74,683 people will pay for registration, with a recruitment ratio of 63: 1. This is the most competitive civil service examination in Chongqing in the first half of the past three years.

  Yunnan plans to recruit 3,765 civil servants this year. In the end, a total of 305,128 people successfully registered, and the registration was successful and the payment was 284,944, and the number of applicants also reached a new high.

  In addition, in the registration of some provinces, the competition ratio of the hottest positions exceeds "one in a thousand". For example, the number of applicants for the civil service examination in Guizhou Province exceeded 400,000, the highest in the past years, and the competition for the hottest positions exceeded 1,700: 1. In the recruitment of civil servants in Qinghai this year, 62,608 people signed up, and the hottest competition ratio was as high as 1,370: 1. In Yunnan, the competition ratio of the hottest jobs is as high as 1376∶1.

  Push preferential policies in many places to recruit "urgent talents"

  In recent years, no matter the national or provincial examination, the recruitment policy of civil servants has been continuously strengthened and tilted to the grassroots level, enriching the grassroots civil servants. In addition to paying more attention to the grassroots, some provinces have also introduced preferential policies to recruit professionals or urgently needed talents.

  For example, this year, Guangxi listed some highly specialized positions such as medicine, urban and rural planning and food inspection that are urgently needed by some recruitment agencies as short-term positions, and gave preferential policies such as relaxing the proportion of written examinations and delineating qualified scores separately; If the newly recruited civil servants meet the requirements of the high-level or scarce talent introduction policies of the cities and counties where they are located, the cities and counties can formulate specific policies in light of the actual situation and enjoy the relevant treatment of talent introduction.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Anhui Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, this year, Anhui will take measures such as relaxing the qualification conditions, reducing the proportion of opening examinations, delineating the scores of qualified written examinations separately, and recruiting students for household registration in this city, so as to supplement urgently needed professionals in urban and rural planning, modern agriculture, tourism management and so on for the grassroots in time.

  In Jiangxi, in order to solve the shortage of talents in key areas and key links of grass-roots market and quality supervision departments, the market and quality supervision departments of Jiangxi Province have come up with a total of 549 recruitment plans, mainly distributed in grass-roots branches of market and quality supervision.

  Shaanxi also requires employers to reasonably set job qualifications within the scope of laws, regulations and policies, combined with the actual personnel structure; Actively promote the grading and classification examination, increase the written examination of professional subjects for law enforcement service positions of public security organs, strengthen the scientific level of civil service recruitment examination, improve the matching degree between people and posts, and supplement urgently needed professionals for organs at all levels in the province.

  Recruitment of civil servants in more than 20 provinces will start this weekend.

  Since November last year, the recruitment of provincial civil servants has started one after another in 2018. Beijing and Shanghai have conducted written examinations at the end of last year, and the written examinations for civil servants in Zhejiang and Jiangsu were held in January and March this year respectively.

  In April, this year’s written recruitment tests for civil servants were held in various provinces. Last weekend, on April 14th and 15th, Guangxi and Guangdong held written recruitment tests for civil servants respectively. This weekend, the written recruitment tests for civil servants in more than 20 provinces will be held on April 21st.

  In recent years, many places have arranged the written examination of the provincial civil service examination on the same day, which is also called the "civil service joint examination" among candidates. "In the past, some candidates took exams across many provinces. If they were hired by many places, they could only choose one position, which would have an impact on the recruitment of other positions." Experts said that in all provinces participating in the joint entrance examination, the recruitment work is organized separately, and the joint entrance examination is not the same volume. Many provinces choose the written test on the same day, which helps to prevent candidates from taking advantage of the test time difference to participate in multi-provincial recruitment.

Can a hydrogen fuel cell car be affordable? Is it safe? Experts tell you the answer.

  CCTV News:In the development process of hydrogen energy industry, reducing cost and ensuring safety are two core concerns. In the face of this emerging industry, how to answer the public’s concerns? Let’s take a look at the answers given by the guests in the "On Tao" column.

  Reduce industrial costs

  Dong Yang, First Vice President of the World Automobile Organization and former Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:It is still more expensive than this gasoline car, even more expensive than the ordinary battery car. However, I will tell you that there is such a rule in automobile production. After you reach this scale of hundreds of thousands and millions, its cost will drop to one tenth of the original. Or this aircraft engine is the price of gold, and the car engine, with the same technology, is the price of cast iron.

  Zhang Weidong, Director of Energy and Environment Project of the United Nations Development Programme:According to some experts, the cost of battery stack is 11,833 yuan per kilowatt now, and it will reach 668 yuan by 2025, which will be lower.

  Dong Yang:Compared with the internal combustion engine, the fuel cell stack is basically a quasi-static or quasi-dynamic process, and many processes are very similar, but there is no reason to say that the stack must be more expensive than the internal combustion engine. Now it is only a matter of technical maturity and market capacity.

  Zhang Xiaoqiang, Executive Vice President and Executive Director of China International Economic Exchange Center.To solve the cost problem of hydrogen production, if we don’t have a reasonable framework in terms of electricity price and so on, it may trouble enterprises for a long time, that is, the cost can’t be reduced. How can we have a reasonable electricity price system? For example, when using off-peak electricity, can we make it cheaper enough, so that large users can establish such a direct purchase and sale relationship, instead of adding this network fee through the power grid, resulting in high cost. Many aspects like these need government guidance.

  For another example, we now attach importance to the utilization of hydrogen energy, especially hope that it can transform renewable clean energy, that is, water, wind and light. According to the characteristics of China, water, wind and light are concentrated in the southwest and northwest. Therefore, under the guidance of the government, we established a large-scale project in the world in the past. We called it "West-to-East Power Transmission and West-to-East Gas Transmission". Then, the next step is how to cooperate with this kind of energy and pipe network facilities in existing countries and explore in some ways. By participating in power transmission and gas transmission, and exploring new long-distance transportation of liquid hydrogen, for example, we can clean the energy in the northwest and northeast regions where energy is abundant. Apart from local consumption, because our main and most developed area is in the east, to solve these problems, I think many of them need the government to do a good job.

  Safety standard operation

  Guo Liejin, Academician of China Academy of Sciences:Everyone is very concerned about safety. When we were in primary school, our teacher would tell us that hydrogen would explode. The concentration of hydrogen, the concentration in space is 13% to 90%, and it is likely to explode between them. However, there is a premise for explosion. It needs to see an open flame with sufficient concentration. In Toyota and related enterprises, they all talk about the same car in their reports, which is a car filled with gasoline and a car filled with hydrogen. The chassis structure is the same. They do experiments. Under the premise of causing an explosion, the explosion of the gasoline car is completely destroyed, while the whole structure of the hydrogen fuel cell car is basically unchanged. Therefore, from this safety point of view, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are much safer than our diesel gasoline vehicles.

  The US Department of Energy and NASA have also done the same experiment. A barrel of gasoline, a barrel of diesel oil and a barrel of liquid hydrogen are shot from a distance, and then various protective facilities are built around to see who has strong explosive ability. The damage degree of the hydrogen tank after explosion is less than half that of the first two tanks, which is between 30% and 40%. What is the reason? Because hydrogen itself is a very light thing, once it is released, it runs into the sky and you can’t find it.

  I have a personal experience. In 1997, I started to build facilities for hydrogen energy research in my State Key Laboratory. At that time, I was also worried about safety. I installed explosion-proof facilities on all the windows of the laboratory, and put hydrogen sensitive elements called sensors at key points around me, and I debugged them myself. Then when the concentration reaches a certain level, it will call the police and the fan will directly discharge the things. But it’s been twenty-two years since this year, and it hasn’t exploded, even ringing.

  We operate according to the rules. Don’t our gas stations have many rules? It is also dangerous goods. Why can we do it well? Hydrogen can also be done very well, and even its destructiveness is much smaller than the fuel we use now. So recently, several hydrogen refueling stations in the world have reported explosions, such as those in California, South Korea and Europe, but when you read its reports, the final result is that the harm to people is minimal. Moreover, it is not the explosion of the fuel body itself, but the auxiliary device, which is caused by irregular operation or irregular installation. So in itself, as an energy source, you can use hydrogen with confidence, but you must of course obey the rules.

  Dong Yang:This safety mainly depends not on whether the fuel can catch fire, but on whether you have mastered the norms and whether human beings have mastered the laws. Therefore, we must pay attention to the safety issue, which is the top priority for us to develop fuel cell vehicles. It is to do it seriously, accumulate experience, solve it, and monitor it with the industrial chain and life cycle, which can completely solve this problem.

Sports Review: Take off! Snowboarding in China opens a new era.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 7th (Reporter Shen Nan, Lu Xingji, Zheng Zhi) At noon on the 7th, 17-year-old China skater Su Yiming made history and won the first Winter Olympics medal for men’s snowboarding in China. Wearing the national flag, standing side by side with two Canadian masters, "Xiaoming" declared that China men’s single board was officially among the top fashion in the world.

  On February 7th, Max parrot of Canada (middle) who won the championship, Su Yiming of China (left) who won the second place and Mark Lee Mcmorris of Canada who won the third place presented souvenirs. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Shizhen photo

  This is the fruit of China folk veneer for 20 years. At the beginning of the 21st century, this trendy sport, which started in North America, began to have the first group of folk fans in China. Most of them used to be double-board professional athletes or snow friends. They began to grope for learning, playing, building venues, holding competitions and training by relying on foreign video materials that helped each other and were not rich in resources. At the beginning of this circle, it was not big. Almost everyone knew Xiaoming and watched Xiaoming grow up.

  Su Yiming’s hometown, Jilin City, Jilin Province, is blessed with ice and snow resources. Xiaoming, born in 2004, has been brought to the snow by his parents since he was two or three years old, and has cultivated an excellent sense of snow. Although it didn’t take long for "Brother Ming" to become the "ceiling" in China, he went abroad for training, communication and finding famous teachers, it is undeniable that the rise of folk veneer in China was the soil for Su Yiming’s birth.

  This is the fruit of the intersection of personal dreams and national dreams. When Beijing won the bid for the Winter Olympics in the summer of 2015, Xiaoming, who was only 11 years old, set his own goal — — After six and a half years of hard training, I stood on the stage of the Winter Olympics on behalf of China. He clearly knows that this is the best time for him, and it may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to represent the country at home to win the highest honor.

  On February 7th, China’s Su Yiming was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Changshe

  This is a valuable youth ambition and courage — — Give up acting career, but also face the risk and pain of challenging the limit. When the national cross-border cross-country training team called, he joined without hesitation. The team also gave the boy a relaxed environment and strong guarantee after fully understanding him, which opened up a training mode different from the traditional training system for him. This allows him to devote himself to the preparations and the points competition of the Winter Olympics according to his own rhythm and ideas.

  This way is also more conducive to him to maintain his unique sports style and temperament, a kind of freedom and freedom as the "soul" of veneer. This also makes it easier for him to be accepted and recognized by the international veneer circle. In fact, after years of training abroad, the growth track similar to that of international players and fluent English, Su Yiming can be well integrated into the international circle.

  This will be the beginning of a new era of snowboarding in China. In recent years, snowboarding has been "blowout" among the people, and the proportion of snowboarders in major ski resorts has soared. Among the emerging skiers in the south, snowboarding accounts for an overwhelming proportion. Especially among children, veneer is because of one word — — "Cool" is popular. I believe among these children, there will be future champions.

  Su Yiming’s blockbuster today is an exclamation point and a comma. His soaring will plant dreams and ignite hope in the hearts of more single-board "dolls" and teenagers.

Movie life, happy color | This decade, our movie life.

Special feature of 1905 film network In this decade, from fireworks to prosperity in the world, movies have always been in our lives. This decade, the film is life, life is film, this decade, our film life.

A movie, like a mirror, reflects the inner world of the viewer. Actors find their own colors from the characters; Wang Xiaoping, a movie fan, will substitute himself into the role and advance and retreat with the role.

"I love movies because it opens my world." Wang Xiaoping is a kindergarten teacher and a movie fan. When she was a child, she lived on an island and it was inconvenient to communicate with the outside world. The film became a window for her to know the world. When her parents took her as a child, she went to the surrounding villages to watch open-air movies and watched almost everything she could. On the other side of the sea is the road to Ningbo. Occasionally, her parents will take her there by ferry to see a movie. For her, it is like Chinese New Year.

In the ten years since 2012, a bridge has been built between the island and Ningbo, and the transportation is convenient. Now Wang Xiaoping can drive back and forth at any time, which is very happy for her as a movie fan. In addition to making it easier to go to Ningbo to watch movies, a modern cinema was built on the island in 2018. Since the establishment of this cinema on the island, Wang Xiaoping has watched more movies, and none of the new films he wants to see will be left behind.

Wang Xiaoping likes movies. As a kindergarten teacher, she also likes to chat with children in primary schools. Many movies can resonate with them. For example, these movies touched her deeply, and children also said that they were moved by them. Every year on Children’s Day in kindergarten, we watch movies together. Wang Xiaoping organizes everyone to make posters and set up stalls to buy tickets. Students can also go to other classes to watch movies.

Wang Xiaoping usually talks with children about domestic animated films. For example, Wang Xiaoping will use the characters with great personality in these films in art classes. She will pass on the good stories and characters in the films to students through her teaching life such as music and art. In her view: "I watched so many movies and experienced so many lives. I know that the movie brought me more than just a temporary touch. A good movie is a lifetime treasure for me, because my heart is full of passion and warmth. "

Wang Xiaoping’s practice of inspiring children through animated films made Youhao Zhang, as an anime fan, feel very cordial. Youhao Zhang grew up watching cartoons produced by Shanghai Fine Arts Studio when he was a child. At that time, the school rarely showed movies to children. Seeing that many schools now use movies to assist teaching, Youhao Zhang felt very envious.

Ten years ago, Youhao Zhang studied broadcasting at school. He was admitted to a school in Beijing as he wished. But when he was a freshman, he had deep doubts about himself and didn’t know how he could pass the teacher’s exam. When he was a sophomore, he began to read characters and scripts, and came into contact with classic plays such as Four Generations under One roof and Thunderstorm. He gradually felt that he could read the people in the scripts and understand their inner world. Later, he successfully graduated from the Central Academy of Drama and embarked on the road of being an actor.

When he saw the script, Youhao Zhang felt that it was a play he had to fight for, and the role in the script was highly compatible with himself. Then he wrote a long letter about his thoughts on Xiao July and the whole The Eight Hundred after watching the role. This is the first time he feels that he has devoted himself to creating a role — — What kind of person he should be and what kind of emotion he should be endowed with.

Later, Youhao Zhang began to enter the core team of creation, and felt his responsibility and obligation to do his work well. He is also very grateful to the distinguished people he met along the way. They conveyed a very important idea to him, that is, don’t lose the color of himself. The reason why he was chosen to play a certain role is that he has something that makes others feel different.

Movies are a way to open the world. Movies can be used to inspire children’s hearts and let people find themselves in them.