Who will compensate for the traffic accident caused by the driver? Let me tell you the real case!

  CCTV NewsIt is the consensus of many car owners to find a surrogate driver after drinking and socializing, but if the surrogate driver is fully responsible for the traffic accident, should the insurance company insured by the owner unconditionally settle the claim? Recently, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate Court) heard a case of subrogation by an insurance company caused by "Internet + surrogate driving". The court ruled that the surrogate driving company should be liable to the insurance company according to law.

  At 21:33 on October 22, 2014, Mr. Zhou contacted a car service company to provide chauffeur services. At 21:45, the chauffeur Tang arrived at Mr. Zhou’s location. Due to Mr. Zhou’s drinking, his friend Cai signed a "entrusted chauffeur service agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement") with a car service company. The signature of the "agreement" was stamped with the seal of a car service company.

  At 21:50, Tang had a traffic accident while driving Mr. Zhou’s vehicle, causing damage to the three vehicles. The traffic police department determined that Tang was fully responsible for the accident. Afterwards, the insurance company that insured Mr. Zhou’s car paid Mr. Zhou 53,300 yuan for the claim, and then obtained the transfer of rights issued by Mr. Zhou, and sued a car service company in court.

  The insurance company believes that a car service company, as the party providing the driving service, should ensure the safety of the vehicle. Now the company is responsible for the accident and should bear the liability of 53,300 yuan.

  The court of first instance ruled in favor of all the claims of the insurance company. A car service company refused to accept it and appealed to the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate Court, requesting that the original judgment be revoked and the original lawsuit request of the insurance company be rejected. An auto service company appealed that it was only a driver information service platform, an intermediary who provided driver service information to drivers and customers and facilitated the signing of the Agreement between the two parties, and was not a party to the Agreement. The driver-on-behalf relationship occurred between Mr. Zhou and Tang. Even if compensation is required, it should be Tang’s compensation.

  A car service company also proposed that the "Agreement" has stipulated relevant exemption clauses. For example, Article 12 stipulates that the client should first use vehicle insurance to settle claims. The company only compensates for "the part that falls within the scope of insurance liability but fails to pay", "the increase in insurance premiums in the following year" and "traffic compensation". Article 9 "Traffic accidents caused by non-personnel operations" are not responsible. When the customer logs in to the company platform to register, the company has informed the above exemption content, and the company’s website has also been publicized. When Mr. Zhou placed an order on the same day, the company also sent the relevant terms to Mr. Zhou via SMS. Therefore, the company has fully informed the exemption clause, and the exemption clause is legal and valid, and the company should be exempted accordingly.

  After the trial, the Shanghai First Intermediate Court held that it was not improper for the insurance company to assert the right of subrogation against an automobile service company based on the contractual relationship between an automobile service company and Mr. Zhou, and the exemption clause was not legally effective because it failed to provide a prompt explanation. An automobile service company should be liable for the losses caused by the traffic accident. Finally, 2nd-round Moderation rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

  The Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate Court held that an automobile service company affixed the official seal to the "entrusted party" of the Agreement, and Mr. Zhou’s friend Cai signed it at the "customer confirmation". An automobile service company also recognized that Mr. Zhou sent the information that needs to be driven to the company. According to the agreement in the Agreement that "the agreement signed by the accompanying person shall be regarded as signed by the client himself", Mr. Zhou and an automobile service company reached an agreement on the Agreement. The Agreement has come into effect, and the two parties have established a trust contract relationship. An automobile service company is a party to the Agreement. It is not improper for an insurance company to claim the right of subrogation from an automobile service company based on the contractual relationship between an automobile service company and Mr. Zhou. In addition, an automobile service company provides paid driving services, and the designated driver is fully responsible for traffic accidents during the driving process. Therefore, the company is at fault in the performance of the contract and should compensate the client, Mr. Zhou, for his losses.

  The "Agreement" is a format contract provided by the company, and Article 12 of it is a limitation of one’s own liability. The "Agreement" does not take black or bold methods to draw the attention of the client. The company claims to prompt customers through notifications during website registration and sending text messages, but does not provide evidence to prove it. Therefore, this clause has no legal effect because it fails to fulfill the obligation to prompt and explain. In addition, since the driver Tang is fully responsible for the traffic accident, this case does not fall under Article 9 of the "Agreement". "Therefore, an automobile service company shall be liable for the losses caused by the traffic accident. (CCTV reporter, Li Wenjie)

The cake in the industry is not enough, and the marketing depends on the head anchor … What is the reason why it is "difficult" to make up domestic products?

Every reporter Shu Dongni, every intern reporter Huang Hai, every editor Liang Xiao    

The public opinion storm caused by 79 yuan Huaxizi’s eyebrow pencil has not stopped.

On September 14th, some event-related entries, such as "Netizen explodes Hua Xizi’s five makeup brushes for 919 yuan", "What eyebrow pencils are more expensive than Hua Xizi’s" and "Yu Meijing’s powder rose by 320,000 a day", were posted on the hot search, which triggered a total reading volume of over 200 million times.

Consumers who questioned the price of Huaxizi poured into traditional Chinese beauty brands with more cost-effective performance. Since September 12, brands such as Bee Flower and Yumeijing have been on the hot search in turn, becoming the "new favorites" chosen by consumers.

In the transformation from "online celebrity" to parity, there may be a consumption trend that cannot be ignored — — It seems that the first generation of online celebrity beauty brands represented by Hua Xizi and Perfect Diary can’t be sold in Amoy’s base camp. According to the data of the third-party research report, the reporter of national business daily found that the total GMV of Huaxizi had a high year-on-year decline for several months since December last year on the Alibaba platform, the base camp where Huaxizi started.

"It has never been used, and the price/performance ratio is average." Yemeng, who lives in Foshan, Guangdong Province, bought Hua Xizi’s makeup remover, cosmetic eggs and eyeliner two or three years ago.

For yemeng, who didn’t have a job at that time, the singer Charlie was the only reason for her to buy Hua Xizi. She was a hardcore fan of Charlie. "In fact, even if I knew that Charlie had become a brand friend, I hesitated for a long time before buying it, because I knew that it was low in cost performance, mainly in marketing. So I didn’t buy its ace product, but bought something I thought I would use. "

When it comes to lipstick and honey powder with a "good" reputation, yemeng, who has always been careful in skin care, bluntly said: "Honey powder lipstick is a bit ‘ Wrong species ’ … …” Yemeng’s experience is not unique. On social media such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu, there are many discussions about the quality and price of Huaxizi.

On September 13, the related terms of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil were more expensive than gold on the hot search.

Taobao platform shows that the price of Huaxizi Shouwumei chalk in Huaxizi’s official flagship store is one replacement in 89 yuan, with a net content of 0.08g. After conversion, the average price per gram is 556.25 yuan, which is nearly 20% higher than the latest published unit price of gold in China and Shanghai Gold Exchange.

Image source: Weibo @ Hua Xizi Florasis

Is Huaxizi expensive?

"The price of Huaxizi is in the upper-middle price range among domestic products (beauty products)." On the afternoon of September 14, a person who was responsible for the live broadcast of a domestic brand e-commerce told reporters. However, the person also said that when calculating the price of eyebrow pencil, consumers should also take the replacement into account. Take the price of Hua Xizi’s live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi as an example. 79 yuan buys one and gets two replacement clothes, with an average price of 329.17 yuan per gram.

Compared with mainstream makeup brands on the market, the unit price of this eyebrow pencil of Hua Xizi is in the upper-middle level of the industry. In fact, entering the mid-to high-end market has always been the business goal that Hua Xizi is laying out.

According to several authoritative sources, Hua Mantian, the founder of Hua Xizi, once bluntly said: "For a long time, the high-end market of China cosmetics has been monopolized by international brands. But today, many products of Huaxizi have cut into the middle and high-end price belt and achieved certain success. "

However, for price-sensitive consumers, domestic beauty products with rising prices seem less attractive.

According to the latest research report of China Merchants Securities, in the nine months from December 2022 to August this year, the monthly GMV (total turnover) of Huaxizi products on Ali platform only increased in three months. In December 2022 and January 2023, the overall GMV of Huaxizi on the Ali platform dropped by as much as 45% and 56%.

Not only Hua Xizi, but also the perfect diary that ran out almost at the same time as Hua Xizi has a similar situation — — In the past nine months, the GMV of Perfect Diary on Ali platform has declined year-on-year almost every month.

The trend of pressure may have appeared in 618 last year. According to the research report of Guoyuan Securities, during the period of June 18, 2022, the brand growth rate of Huaxi Zi failed, with a drop of 41%.

On the afternoon of September 14th, the reporter sent an interview request to Hua Xizi on the issue of sales volume. As of press time, the other party has not responded.

"The research data is also biased. As far as I know, there is more than one channel for brands now. Taobao, Shake (sound), Fast (hand) and Little Red Book all need marketing costs. Brands may focus on Taobao at this stage. If other sales channels perform well, they may focus on other channels (such as marketing costs). Brands don’t want to be monopolized by the platform, making themselves very passive. "

On the evening of September 14, an e-commerce industry practitioner bluntly told reporters: "To be honest, we don’t know whether the sales volume of the brand is rising or falling, because the industry of live e-commerce may find many anchors to bring the goods, and all the sales data are in the hands of the boss or the corresponding merchants’ meeting knows that the company’s data has a wall."

However, in Wang Kai’s perception, the overall beauty is indeed on the decline in the past two years.

Wang Kai had previously worked as a "friend" in the head live broadcast room. He analyzed to reporters: "One is because there will be more new products of beauty, and now both domestic products and big brands are actually rolling … … For domestic products, it is more powerful in cost performance, but many of them have no brand power to support, so if it is not a very classic product, its product life cycle will be shorter. "

"Now it doesn’t cost too much to build a brand and make a product, so it won’t have long-term vitality."

It is not difficult to make products, and marketing has become the "number one project" of the brand. In the process of industry involution, the live broadcast room of the head anchor still has great appeal to domestic beauty brands.

Everyone is criticizing Hua Xizi, but almost all brands want to be Hua Xizi. Since I started to contact Li Jiaqi Live Studio in 2018, in just five years, Huaxi’s revenue has achieved a leap from tens of millions to billions.

"Lick" — — Wan Qing, who was in charge of the live broadcast of a domestic beauty brand, used this word to describe the company’s dependence on the head anchor. Wan Qing’s brand has appeared in many popular variety shows, but its dependence on the head anchor is not much different from that of small brands. "Sometimes it is a loss, because self-broadcasting is not necessarily so good."

Wan Qing told reporters that the cooperation between his brand and the head anchor often adopts the model of pit fee plus commission. Wan Qing recalled that the price of cooperation with a head anchor at that time was about 300,000 to 400,000 pit fees, plus a certain percentage of commission. "There is also a molecular parent link. If it is a parent link, it is more links, and it will be more expensive."

Wang Kai provided a set of data to the reporter. In the beauty industry, there are two main ways to cooperate with the live broadcast room. One is a pure maid, which is about 30% ~ 50%; The second is the pit fee plus commission, but the commission is probably between 30% and 50%, depending on the cooperation rules between the product and the anchor. "If you are like the previous top anchor, his commission will not be lower than 40% or 50%."

Image source: Weibo @ Li Jiaqi Austin

In the face of such a high proportion of commission, why are brands looking for goods in the live broadcast room still "endless"?

"Live broadcast is a must for domestic beauty."

Wang Kai gave a view similar to Wan Qing’s. He thought there were two main problems: exposure and transformation.

"If you have a deep cooperation with the head anchor, the head anchor will give you a video, and its broadcast volume may reach several million, which is equivalent to your exposure of several million in the whole network; If there is a super head anchor, there may be tens of millions in one game, which means that your product has tens of millions of exposures. " In terms of transformation, "a small-headed anchor, if it sells well, will bring you an output of about one million. Although you said that you paid a commission of 30% to 40% to this anchor, you still earned it."

In Wang Kai’s view, the brand’s choice of head anchor has hidden benefits. "First of all, this is an increase in exposure. There is no way to calculate the income, but it is indeed a relatively large hidden income. If Tik Tok has these exposures on Taobao, it will correspondingly increase the search volume of keywords on Taobao … … After the product goes on the market, there will be more things to consider, which will definitely be much better than yourself.

Cover image source: vision china -VCG41N171299989

SAIC: Zhiji L7 has wireless charging function.

  () Financial Research Center On April 21st, some investors asked (), Hello: Is the newly released Zhiji L7 pure electric vehicle jointly built by your company and Alibaba? Is it true that this car also has wireless charging function? thank you

  The company replied, Dear investors, hello. Zhiji Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. was established at the end of 2020. It is a brand-new user-oriented automobile science and technology company jointly built by SAIC, () and Alibaba Group. Zhiji L7 has wireless charging function.

A century-old Volvo will finally be listed in Geely’s hands.

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As a global automobile safety benchmark, Volvo’s story began in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1927.

There, Volvo launched its first mass production model OV4, but it was ignored by the market because of its convertible structure design, which failed to take into account the local situation in Sweden.

It was not until the second model, the hard-top car PV4, was introduced that it was turned over by selling 694 cars in two years.

What put Volvo on the right track was the six-cylinder engine model PV651 launched in 1929. After the acquisition of Pentaverken Engine Company in 1935, Volvo was officially listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange.

Ford Motor Company was acquired in 1999 at a cost of US$ 6.45 billion. Later, due to the financial crisis in 2008, it was deeply mired in operating losses and had to sell its brand assets. Among them, Volvo Car was sold to Geely Automobile at a cost of US$ 1.8 billion in 2010, which was more than 70% lower than the original purchase price of US$ 6.45 billion. Ford is an old enemy in Volvo’s development history.

Geely and Volvo’s Ten Years’ Road

March 28th, 2020 is the 10th anniversary of Geely’s acquisition of Volvo, which is why when people talk about Volvo cars, they will mention Geely’s reasons.

Geely’s acquisition of Volvo in that year was enough to be called a snake swallowing an elephant drama. Li Shufu’s desperate saburo mentality made Volvo survive, especially in the second-tier luxury car camp in China market.

By 2018, the sales volume will reach 130,000 vehicles, the global sales volume will exceed 640,000 vehicles, and the brand value will soar from the original $1.8 billion to $18 billion, with a year-on-year increase of over 100%.

Since Geely acquired Volvo in 2010, thanks to the convenience Geely brought to Volvo in terms of channels and production capacity, the sales of Volvo cars in China and around the world have also increased year after year. Since Geely acquired Volvo, Volvo’s annual sales have risen sharply for six consecutive years.

Achieving profitability is just a starter. The highlight is that in 2019, global sales exceeded 700,000 vehicles, with a cumulative sales of 705,400 vehicles. Breaking the highest sales record since 1993, it can be said that Geely is a great benefactor on the road of Volvo’s revival.

Relying on the advantage of Geely’s localization in China, Volvo and Geely also jointly launched a new brand, Lexus, to enter the domestic high-end market. In 2018, the brand sold more than 120,000 vehicles, which almost tied Volvo’s annual sales, and made Great Wall WEY a loser, and established a reputation in the high-end market of domestic cars.

In the past ten years, the sales volume of Volvo cars has increased from 334,800 to 662,000 in 2020, and the China market has become the largest single market for Volvo.

Cars equipped with internal combustion engines have no future.

"Cars equipped with internal combustion engines have no future."

Volvo is full of longing for the future of electric vehicles, and even plans to completely eliminate all internal combustion engine automobile products including hybrid vehicles in 2030. This means that after 10 years, Volvo will bid farewell to fuel vehicles and become a pure electric brand completely.

However, with the current situation of Volvo’s electrification development, it is still far from such a radical plan.

The debut of Volvo’s first pure electric vehicle is long overdue, and the sales volume of electric vehicle brand Polar Star, which was born out of Volvo’s high-performance department specializing in electrification, is also a long story.

Farewell to the fuel truck completely after 10 years, which is quite a bit "desperate". But beyond that, Volvo seems to have no choice.

Volvo wants to rely on two wings when transforming to electrification, one is to rely on Polaris, and the other is to rely on its own hybrid car.

However, nowadays, the development of Polaris is far from optimistic, and hybrid cars are not up to expectations.

In 2017, Volvo’s department specializing in electrification and high performance was separated from Volvo and named Polar Star, officially becoming a brand new and independent electric vehicle brand.

The original intention of separating Polar Star is that Volvo hopes to change its traditional car image by the east wind of new energy, build a new brand with brand-new labels, develop in the direction of high-performance electric vehicles, and compete with Tesla.

Unfortunately, Volvo, which tried to fly with two wings, failed to fly.

Polar Star did not fulfill the dream of Volvo’s high-performance electric vehicle brand as expected. In 2020, the cumulative insurance amount of Polar Star was only 365 vehicles.

In terms of products, the brand positioning of Polar Star and Volvo is one of the major reasons for the poor sales performance of Polar Star.

Polar Star 1 can see the shadow of Volvo S90. The almost identical interior, central control panel and Raytheon’s hammer headlights make people feel that they bought a Volvo for 1.45 million yuan. The design of Polar Star 2 and Volvo 40.2 concept car cannot be said to be very similar, but can only be said to be exactly the same.

The core selling point of Polar Star, which goes out independently, is still the characteristics of environmental protection and performance, which is very similar to Volvo. As long as Volvo introduces pure electric vehicles, it will definitely collide with its own hatched polar star, and its own electric vehicle business coincides with its electric vehicle business, which is not conducive to the development of polar star.

On the other hand, Volvo’s funding for Polar Star is not generous, which makes Polar Star slow in terms of factory construction and retail network construction. This is also reflected in Volvo’s financial report.

According to the financial report, the loss of Polar Star reached 520 million Swedish kronor (about 380 million yuan) in 2018. Perhaps in order to improve cash flow, it was recently reported that Polar Star is promoting financing and will issue an IPO in the future.

Thomas Ingrat, CEO of Polar Star Brand, also confirmed that the goal of Polar Star’s medium and long-term development is very clear, which is to open the door to IPO and stock market.

Get an electric shock before Tesla

But in fact, Volvo is the earliest luxury brand that "gets an electric shock".

As early as 1992, Volvo launched the ECC model, started the exploration of electrification, and launched the ECC model. This car uses gas turbine+electric drive, not only that, but also the whole car is made of recyclable materials.

In 2007, when Europe scoffed at the electrification of automobiles, it was Volvo that released C30 Electric and stood up for electric vehicles. The car is equipped with "DRIVE" powertrain technology, adopts a mid-range battery pack, and has a cruising range of 150km. It takes only 8 hours to fully charge the household charging pile.

At that time, Tesla was only established for more than three years, and its first automobile product Roadster was not released.

Volvo is also the first traditional car company to stand up and specify the time to stop production of traditional fuel vehicles. In July 2017, Volvo announced that it would stop production of fuel vehicles after 2019.

However, all Volvo did was pay lip service. After the timetable of "stopping production of fuel vehicles" was put forward, Volvo’s electric vehicle project did not speed up. It was not until October 2019 that Volvo launched the first pure electric vehicle XC40 RECHARGE.

At the same time, other new energy car companies have accelerated their pace.

In 2017, Tesla set up a branch in China, which achieved sales of more than 20,000 electric vehicles that year. In 2018, Audi e-tron made its debut in China. Soon after, Mercedes-Benz EQC appeared in China.

Volvo’s XC40 RECHARGE is not only a late debut, but also an "oil-to-electricity" model, which is based on the Volvo XC40 fuel version. The product of "oil to electricity" has shortcomings such as short battery life, slow charging, unstable chassis and poor handling since its birth.

In 2020, Volvo XC40 RECHARGE sold only 87 vehicles; In January 2021, its sales volume was 51 vehicles.

Difficult IPO

At present, Geely is considering restarting its subsidiary Volvo’s IPO plan, and Volvo’s valuation may be around 20 billion US dollars.

Geely Holding will negotiate Volvo’s IPO as soon as this year, and consider potential listing sites including Stockholm and Amsterdam.

At present, IPO preparation is still in its infancy, and details such as potential valuation may change. Volvo Cars will also judge various IPO schemes, and if necessary, it will make regulatory disclosure at an appropriate time.

Previously, Geely Holding prepared for the IPO of Volvo Cars in 2018, but investors were hesitant about its valuation of up to 30 billion US dollars, and then Volvo’s listing went nowhere.

It is difficult to go public not only because the valuation is too high, but because Volvo is not worth the valuation.

As we all know, Volvo has got a hard hand in price reduction. The sharp price reduction has temporarily brought about an increase in Volvo’s sales, but it has greatly reduced its brand power and lowered its brand image.

Volvo’s technology has been continuously delegated to Geely, which will undoubtedly greatly reduce its brand image.

Price reduction and technology decentralization have undoubtedly made Volvo lose the dignity and value of luxury brands.

At the same time, it has greatly reduced consumers’ confidence in this brand. With the decline of brand power and consumer confidence, Volvo’s sales growth rate has slowed down significantly.

In terms of product quality, Volvo has also begun to decline.

Although Volvo has always advertised its own safety, frequent quality problems and many large-scale vehicle recalls have torn the label of Volvo’s "safety" completely.

In 2020 alone, Volvo recalled four times, involving more than 530,000 vehicles. Moreover, the number of vehicles recalled due to hidden dangers in seat belts is as high as 245,000.

As the inventor of three-point seat belts, Volvo finally stumbled in its own field, which forced people to re-examine Volvo.

The "low frequency resonance" problem of Volvo’s main sales models has also caused its reputation to decline.

Of course, the manufacturer has not come up with an effective solution, and this problem still plagues many Volvo car owners for a long time. Such quality makes it difficult to link Volvo with the "safety" label again.

As the brand image goes from bad to worse, the brand power is greatly reduced and quality problems appear frequently, Volvo’s future road becomes more and more difficult.

With the intensification of competition, even if Volvo goes public smoothly in the future, it will worry about the stock price.

It is expected that Xiaomi SU7, which was listed in the first half of the year, has now started mass production.

??? A few days ago, Chezhi.com learned from relevant channels that Xiaomi SU7 started mass production on January 22nd. According to the plan, the output is expected to reach about 4,000 units in March, and the capacity will climb by the end of April. Two shifts will be implemented in June, and the mass production is planned to be about 70,000 units in 2024. Earlier, Lei Jun, founder and chairman of Xiaomi Group, said in an interview with the media that Xiaomi SU7 is expected to be listed in the first half of 2024.

??? In terms of appearance, xiaomi SU7 suggested to netizens that the details have been optimized, including a brand-new 21-inch rim, different-color brake calipers, blackening of the tail "Xiaomi" logo, and the provision of carbon fiber rearview mirror housing options. Xiaomi SU7 is positioned as a pure electric medium-sized and large-sized vehicle with the length, width and height of 4997mm*1963mm*1440mm respectively and the wheelbase of 3000mm.

??? The interior layout is refreshing and simple, and it creates a strong sense of quality through the soft curve transition and the large area of soft material covering at the center console. In terms of configuration, the new car will be equipped with a 7.1-inch flip LCD instrument and a 16.1-inch central control panel. The display effect of 3K resolution is clear and delicate, and the maximum brightness of 56-inch HUD can reach 13000nit. The car system is Xiaomi’s surging OS with built-in Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, which not only can be seamlessly linked with Xiaomi equipment, but also its own application ecology covers the mainstream car applications on the market at present.

??? In terms of power, the maximum horsepower of Xiaomi SU7 dual-motor model motor is 673Ps, the officially announced 0-100km/h acceleration time is 2.78s, and it matches the ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 101kWh, and the CLTC pure electric cruising range can reach 800km;; The single-motor version has a maximum horsepower of 299Ps, an acceleration time of 5.28s per 100 km, a lithium iron phosphate battery with a capacity of 73.6kWh, and a pure electric cruising range of CLTC of 668km. For more news about the new car, the car quality network will continue to pay attention.

On May 15th, Haval Xiaolong series was officially launched.

Carrying the attention and expectation of countless users, the brand-new models of Haval brand in the new energy market-Haval Xiaolong MAX and Haval Xiaolong will be officially listed in Beijing on May 15th. As a "global SUV expert", Haval brand is committed to bringing users the best SUV of each era. Haval Xiaolong MAX and Haval Xiaolong are the latest masterpieces that Haval brought to users in the new energy era.

Relying on the new sequence, new channels, new technologies, new products and four "new" measures of Haval brand, Haval Xiaolong MAX and Haval Xiaolong will bring users a higher quality travel experience with all-round strength, reset the new value benchmark of new energy SUV, and create a new era of Haval automobile in this field.

Hi4 electric four-wheel drive is standard, and Haval Xiaolong MAX promotes equal rights in science and technology.

As a sharp knife model of Haval Auto, Haval Xiaolong MAX comes standard with Hi4 electric four-wheel drive technology, which is specially designed for the high-end driving needs of new energy scenes, and brings technological equality to users with technological innovation.

Hi4 electric four-wheel drive technology includes three major technological innovations, namely, a new hybrid configuration with three power sources and two shafts, an iTVC intelligent torque vector control system and an innovative design of two-gear electromechanical coupling unit, which is the first new form of electric hybrid in the world.

Specifically, the hybrid configuration of Hi4 electric four-wheel drive integrates the generator and the driving motor on the front axle, and distributes the engine, the front and rear double motors, and a total of three power sources on the front and rear axles, which reduces the cost of the model, thus breaking the premium of the four-wheel drive model relative to the two-wheel drive model in pricing.

At the same time, iTVC intelligent torque vector control system can monitor the information of vehicles and roads in real time, dynamically adjust the torque output of each axle, and ensure the smooth performance of vehicles on cornering, wet and unpaved roads; Haval Xiaolong MAX has 3 engines and 9 modes of intelligent dynamic switching, which can switch different power modes under different working conditions such as cities and high speed, so as to achieve "the best efficiency in all working conditions and worry-free driving in all scenes".

Based on the excellent performance of Hi4 electric four-wheel drive, Haval Xiaolong MAX can accelerate 0-100km/h with a comprehensive power of 205kW and a comprehensive torque of 585N·m and 6.8s; NEDC has a pure battery life of 105km, and the fuel consumption of WLTC feed is 5.5L/100km. In the previous endurance challenge, Haval Xiaolong MAX achieved the ultimate cruising range of 1231km under the condition of full oil and full charge, showing the strength of all-round electric four-wheel drive.

Implementing the actual interests of users, Haval Xiaolong MAX brings real scientific and technological equality. There is no longer a premium on the price of four-wheel drive models, which provides excellent experience and further reduces the cost of car use, so as to achieve "four-wheel drive experience, two-wheel drive price, four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive energy consumption", so that users can "afford it, drive well, use it sparingly and run far" and lead the new energy SUV into a new era of four-wheel drive for all.

In addition, Haval Xiaolong MAX has a leading intelligent experience at the same level, adopting a new Coffee OS intelligent cockpit, bringing a 3×12.3-inch super-suspended large screen, especially the full-color LCD co-pilot screen, which is enough to add laughter to the journey; W-HUD head-up digital display can display a variety of information, avoid drivers’ distraction and improve travel safety. At the same time, Haval Xiaolong MAX has a body size comparable to that of a medium-sized SUV, and the wheelbase of 2800mm makes the whole family travel spacious and comfortable.

The inductance is interesting, and Haval Xiaolong starts to enjoy life lightly.

Haval Xiaolong is specially designed for young users and young families. The high-efficiency DHT electric hybrid system has a comprehensive power of 185kW, a comprehensive torque of 375N·m, a NEDC pure battery life of 110km, a comprehensive battery life of 1000km+, intelligent switching of various driving modes, and a perfect balance between power and energy consumption in daily vehicles.

In order to meet the high requirements of young consumers for driving experience, Haval Xiaolong adopted the adjustment of sports chassis to locally strengthen the key installation points of the car body, which increased the lateral stiffness of the car body by 14% and made it more confident in dynamic driving.

At the same time, Haval Xiaolong has a minimalist inductive driving control that conforms to the trend of new energy. The user carries the key handle to unlock the lock, fastens the seat belt when sitting down, and can directly drive in gear after stepping on the brake to show READY. The whole process is completed in one go, making driving more convenient.

Haval new energy network is ready to go, and the service experience is fully upgraded.

With the upgrading of users’ demand for services, the automobile marketing service channels are also changing. In this regard, Haval brand integrates the advantages of the original channels and builds a brand-new new energy sales network-Haval New Energy Network.

Haval New Energy Network is a diversified channel layout, which integrates 4S stores, urban landmark stores and other modes. It is not only a platform to provide users with purchase, car purchase and after-sales service, but also a three-dimensional business card integrating brand display, concept promotion and ecological construction.

In addition, Haval New Energy Network also has a tea break area and a children’s area, so that users can enjoy the traditional 4S shop shopping service and realize interactive communication with users and brands.

The successful construction of Haval New Energy Network has greatly improved the decision-making, operation and execution efficiency of Haval brand, and also brought comprehensive improvement to the user service upgrade of Haval brand, helping Haval brand to create a more efficient, open and healthy new car ecosystem for users.


At the upcoming launch conference, the Haval brand will show the excellent product strength of Haval Xiaolong MAX and Haval Xiaolong to the national media and users. These two models will lead the new wave in the field of new energy SUVs, provide users with high-quality travel experience and meet their needs for intelligence and comfort. In particular, Haval Xiaolong MAX, which is equipped with Hi4 electric four-wheel drive, will give users an unprecedented excellent experience by empowering technology equality with technological innovation.

The comprehensive strength of Haval Xiaolong series not only highlights the innovative ability of Haval brand in product research and development, but also further consolidates Haval’s brand position as a "global SUV expert" and brings groundbreaking influence to the new energy SUV industry.

Haval Xiaolong series will be officially launched in one day. At present, 99 yuan’s pre-emptive booking is still going on, so you can enjoy multiple great gifts immediately. At the same time, you can also go to the Haval New Energy Network Experience Store in your city for a field test drive experience and get a close look at the charm of Haval Xiaolong MAX and Haval Xiaolong products.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

   Recently, BYD officially released the rendering of Qin PLUS interior. The new car adopts a brand-new interior design, which is simpler and more fashionable than other BYD models. At the same time, it will be equipped with BYD’s newly developed Xiaoyun plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine, which has a thermal efficiency of 43%. This parameter also makes it the world’s highest thermal efficiency production gasoline engine.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

   Specifically, the interior of Qin PLUS is mainly designed to run through parallel lines, with a clear overall level and a great sense of quality. Among them, the center console continues the horizontal wide and embracing design elements, showing vitality and dynamic. A large number of instrument panels are designed in a suspended manner, which greatly enhances the sense of advanced, but also can bring users a broader visual experience. In addition, Bydhurst central control area presents a simple and avant-garde style.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

   BYD’s proud "Dragon Face" can be used on Qin PLUS, but it incorporates brand-new design elements. The large-mouth air intake grille at the front of Qin PLUS is not only huge in area, but also has a lattice design inside, which greatly improves its recognition. The chrome-plated decoration that runs through the front of the car not only divides the air intake grille into upper and lower layers, but also raises it on both sides of the front of the car. The ingenious design connects the headlight group with the middle net, which enhances the layering of the front of the car.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

   The side of Qin PLUS has a smooth body shape, and the body posture with low front and high back creates a visual effect of diving forward. The new car has also designed a small triangular window at the C-pillar position, which is expected to bring better lighting effect to the rear passengers.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

   In terms of the tail, Qin PLUS adopts a tail design with a slip back, and the rounded design style also makes the new car look more atmospheric. In addition, the horizontal lines at the tail and the downward curved design widen the overall visual effect.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

   The penetrating taillights of the new car have been blackened and full of mystery. A unique dart design is added into the lamp cavity, which creates a full sense of movement and further improves the recognition of Qin PLUS. BYD’s famous "BUILD YOUR DREAMS”slogan has also been upgraded on Qin PLUS, which adopts the latest font design and has a stronger sense of exquisiteness.

The exposure of BYD Qin PLUS interior renderings is quite national.

   In terms of power, Qin PLUS based on BYD’s brand-new DM-i platform will be equipped with brand-new power systems, including Xiaoyun 1.5L naturally aspirated engine newly developed by BYD. According to the news obtained so far, the thermal efficiency of this engine has reached an astonishing 43%, which is even higher than M20C engine under Toyota TNGA framework (41%). It is reported that Qin PLUS equipped with Xiaoyun 1.5L plug-in hybrid system can achieve a low fuel consumption performance of 3.8L/100km even in the state of power loss.

   (Text: Pacific Auto Network Xiong Ruifeng)

"Looking for a partner" is a rising wind and a small red book

"I am looking for a travel partner on May 1, and my friends have all gone home. I don’t want to go out to play alone."

"Take a reading partner and share the list of books recently read and planted grass with each other."

Recently, partner culture is very popular on the Internet. Partner, a new social relationship, focuses on precise companionship in the vertical field. According to different personal needs, it can be subdivided into "online at any time and lose contact after work", "paid toilet, two-person trip", and "like-minded, go to the dining hall together". During the May Day holiday, many people posted on social platforms, asking for "travel partners" to travel together.


Source: Little Red Book

There is no doubt,Partner, a relationship between close friends and strangers and linked by interests, has become a new favorite of young people.. In Tik Tok, the topic of # rice partner has been played 5.95 billion times, and the number of # game partner has been played 4.62 billion times. The traffic is remarkable.

In Xiaohongshu, the "trend distribution center", he boarded the hot search platform by "looking for a meal partner", and the user @ Xiaoxing Chip "opened his mind" in Xiaohongshu: just have a new meal partner, go to the store with the meal partner, and unlock a restaurant that he always wanted to go but didn’t make it. In the notes, she described in detail the precautions before, during and after the blind date, and won 12,000 praises.

At the same time, Xiaohongshu has also set off a wave of online "looking for partners", and users have written down their own "professional counterparts" to open up their own circle of friends in addition to traditional acquaintances.

Behind the prevalence of "partner culture", does it reflect the new social solution of Xiaohongshu?

01. Find a partner in Xiaohongshu

"I don’t know if I came back from my nap. In short, I fell asleep smoothly today, and I didn’t feel like I had a headache before. "

In Xiaohongshu, @ Yangyangzi loves to fish, so she took a photo. She covered a blanket with her nap and huddled on a mat about 1 meter in Zhang Kuan, sleeping soundly on the office floor. The existence of a nap partner makes the nap time in the office instantly warm and natural.

Of course, some people get their partners, and some people lose their partners. After the partners who eat together at work leave their jobs, Ms. @ Bajiao posted in Xiaohongshu to express her pain, but the roar of "Swallow, can’t I live without you?" Swallow didn’t win the return of the other party.


Xiaohongshu blogger @ Yangyangzi loves fishing, @ Ms. Banana

Partnering is gradually becoming a new social trend.. Choose incense between going to work and making progress, choose funny young people between making money and making friends, and choose partners between strangers and close friends.

According to the data of DT Research Institute, more than half of the people have at least one partner, and more than half of them want to have a partner. Only 4.2% of the total number of people explicitly refuse to socialize with their partners. At the same time, the qualities that people value most in the partner are congenial, easy-going and generous, which can be called the "three virtues" of the partner and also reflect the relationship needs of contemporary young people.

When the existing interpersonal relationship is not enough to meet their own communication needs, it is particularly important to find a partner who shares their hobbies.

In Xiaohongshu, you can also brush a variety of "seeking partners" notes.. In a note looking for a "weekend partner", blogger @-ZQ. explained his hobbies and needs for a "partner" in detail. For her, finding a partner is because "there are a lot of ideas but not many of them have been realized. Friends are all in love at work, not always dating." The "light relationship" between strangers and close friends can fully meet her needs.

In addition, there is also a "reading partner". Bloggers hope that two people can inspire each other, give each other different opinions and thoughts, "hug each other", and hope to relieve anxiety through hugging, "make an appointment with each other", find good mountains and waters to take photos together, and improve each other’s portrait skills … NoWhether it is a flat or refined version of intimate relationship, these notes bear the curiosity and expectation of young people to broaden their social circles, and there are many people in the comment area who raise their hands to sign up.

In Xiaohongshu, there are also a few notes sharing their happy experiences after finding like-minded partners. After successfully finding a travel partner who can travel together, the user @ Gungun wants to lose weight and released his experience of a half-day trip to the zoo+dazzling rice, detailing his happiness after "team success". This kind of social relationship, which does not need daily maintenance, only meets each other’s needs, has its charm.


Little Red Book users @ Gungun wants to lose weight, @-ZQ.

There is also Xu Zhong who has the same experience. Previously, Xiaohongshu had pushed her some mbti-related analysis and stalk maps. When she was writing a little red book, she came across an "INTP making friends". The other party was not in the same city as her, but their interests and hobbies overlapped. After quickly leaving a message under this note, she quickly received a reply from the other party. Soon after, the chat battlefield between the two sides moved to WeChat, and both of them felt that the chat fit was very high. "I discovered the other me to some extent."

Of course, "finding a partner" is not completely risk-free. Short and fast social interaction may also bring "throwing the sun" friendship, or accurately "stepping on the thunder" during travel.

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

In Xiaohongshu, a user posted a warning, "Don’t trust the posts that find chat partners", and listed all kinds of wonderful things that she encountered when looking for chat partners, including but not limited to asking Su Yanzhao when chatting partners came up, posting just to add heat to her account.

Even a carefully screened partner can be disappointing. The "seekers" who thought that their desire to express and talk would be completely accepted by the other party only found that this kind of social interaction itself was like "unpacking the blind box" after adding the other party’s friends. The expected high-quality chat always ended in the other party’s almost no reply, and then they realized that "they would never find a chat partner again" and "it was too internal friction to wait for the chat partner to reply to the message every day", and they were determined to turn the focus of their lives back to themselves.

02. Young people "find a partner", and the base camp is in Xiaohongshu.

It seems that this is not the first time that Little Red Book has shown its social potential.

Outdoor sports may be one of the earliest social dividends. Previously, Xiaohongshu was known as a trend culture distribution center, and the frisbee sports and camping that young people were keen on made their fortune in Xiaohongshu. Taking Frisbee as an example, this sport, which is not very popular, has attracted a large number of trendy men and women to punch cards, and the crowd increment has been significantly improved. With the blessing of professional events and clubs in the later stage, it has gradually become a national trend.

At present, Little Red Book is still the most active platform for Frisbee. Under related topics, many people directly link it with social activities, especially after it is linked with "making friends in the same city", the sport quickly expands its circle and becomes a trend social way.


Source: Little Red Book

Nowadays, the "partner culture" is on fire in Xiaohongshu, and there are also many notes with the topic of "finding partners" to find "alliances" in outdoor activities such as frisbee, camping and hiking.In essence, this has become a new social way for young people.These notes often have labels such as "Making friends in the same city" and "Where are you going on XX weekend", while searching for keywords in Xiaohongshu, the topic of "Making friends in Beijing" has been viewed more than 93 million times, and the social genes of the platform can be seen.

The "partner culture" gives young people a breakthrough in socializing in Xiaohongshu. What’s more interesting is that these social behaviors may not be the result of the official intentional guidance, but more based on the spontaneous generation of the platform ecology, and then the official traffic blessing will help the rapid growth of the content sector.

Why the little red book? Kasi believes that Xiaohongshu takes a path of "content-driven socialization and social consumption". The real sharing atmosphere of the platform, the low threshold of graphics and text, and the strong willingness of users have jointly created the social potential of Xiaohongshu.

In essence, Xiaohongshu is still a comprehensive content exchange community based on UGC, and users’ individual experience sharing and grass shopping strategies almost account for half of the content in the station. With the expansion of the life dimension covered by the platform, "sharing" and "truth" have become the core keywords of Xiaohongshu’s self-creation in recent years.

When talking to Liu Qing, Xiaohongshu COO Conan said, "Many platforms are more about recording and self-expression. What we cut in at that time was sharing. Sharing must be hoping to help others, encourage sharing itself, and become a community atmosphere, making everyone more willing to share. "

Xiaohongshu understands the user’s behavioral logic. When individual experience is not enough to support an action, they often refer to the opinions of others, and such content can be found everywhere in Xiaohongshu, such as platform questioning posts and raiders posts; At the same time,The community culture of Xiaohongshu is divided into interest and hobby. When interest becomes an important link in the link relationship, socialization naturally comes into being.

In Xiaohongshu, dating, looking for a partner, cooking tea around the stove, feeding cats at home, and even looking for coser to play a boyfriend are all social behaviors that actually happen between users.

Of course, it’s not just the little red book that makes social efforts. In the era of striving for user stock, content platforms are trying their best to strengthen socialization and keep users on the platform with social closed loop. Among them, how to design user interaction has become a part that ambitious platforms must solve.

Creating a lifestyle may be one of the common directions of content platforms.For example, slogan in Aauto Quicker "embraces every life", Tik Tok "records a beautiful life", and slogan in Xiaohongshu has moved from "foreign good things" to "marking my life".

Tik Tok’s water testing socialization began in 2017. At the "Today’s Headline Creators’ Conference", Zhang Yiming announced that he would move from "smart recommendation" to "smart socialization". In the following years, Tik Tok made many moves to explore social interaction, such as "multi-flash" and "flying chat" on the off-site online APP, but all ended up off the shelf. In 2019, Tik Tok began to test the group chat section in the station, and then tested a number of functions around making friends, such as live voice dating, connection, video calling, watching videos together, friends in the same city, daily life and so on.

In comparison,Xiaohongshu has more potential and advantages in social interaction, but how to guide users’ spontaneous behavior into the correct position is a problem that Xiaohongshu needs to think about.

Last October, Xiaohongshu tested the new function "Voice Live", which focuses on voice socialization. Users can create open rooms and discuss many topics of interest with strangers. Functionally, it can be called Little Red Book Voice Chat Room, which aims to strengthen users’ social behavior.

In February of this year, after several rounds of internal testing, the platform launched the "group chat" function again, continuing to break the social model of acquaintances based on reality and linking strangers with hobbies. In the group chat square, users can choose the content they are interested in and click Apply to join. At present, the founders of group chat include brands and merchants, as well as experts and amateur bloggers. At the same time, for close friends to socialize, Xiaohongshu also launched a "howling" function to receive photos shared by friends.


Xiaohongshu qunliao plaza

However, in order to really enjoy the "social" bonus, Little Red Book still has many problems to explore.

The new M7 in the world is set to exceed 80,000 vehicles, and the smart car ETF(159888) rose in intraday trading.

Today, the three major indexes opened higher and went lower, and the smart car ETF(159888) rose against the market, up to 10:17, with an increase of 0.62%. The positions of Guangting Information, Dongjian Technology and Zhongke Chuangda all rose more than 5%, and Luchang Technology, Hudian Shares and Wanji Technology all followed suit.

In the news, the new M7 in the world has exceeded 80,000 vehicles in 50 days since its listing, and the sales data of other new energy vehicle companies in October collectively appeared. Among the new forces, the monthly delivery of LI exceeded 40,000 vehicles for the first time, and the delivery of Xpeng Motors exceeded 20,000 vehicles, which made the automobile market "Silver Ten" full of background color.

Smart car ETF closely tracks CS Smart Car Index. From the perspective of the weight distribution of Shenwan secondary industries, the constituent stocks are mainly distributed in high-quality industry tracks such as electronics, computers, automobiles and communications, with distinct scientific and technological attributes. From the perspective of more exposed concepts, Smart Car Index is mainly exposed to automobiles, consumer electronics and Huawei-related concepts.

Founder Securities said that with the acceleration of the application of NOA in cities and the continuous landing of automatic driving systems at L3 and above, advanced assisted driving is gradually becoming standard. Thanks to the gradual maturity of hardware platform and software algorithm, the second half of autonomous driving is coming, and commercial vehicle autonomous driving takes the lead in entering the stage of commercial operation.

In 2018, a big wave of new policies will be related to your "wallet" from July 1.

  In a blink of an eye, 2018 is about halfway through. In July, there is a big wave of new policies about your wallet: the reduction of tariffs on imported consumer goods, the cancellation of traffic roaming fees, etc. What other new policies are there?

  1 enterprise employees’ pensions shall be subject to the central adjustment system.

  The State Council recently issued the Notice on Establishing the Central Adjustment System of the Basic Endowment Insurance Fund for Enterprise Employees, and decided to establish the central adjustment system of the endowment insurance fund, which will be implemented on July 1, 2018. On the basis of the current provincial overall planning of basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees, a central adjustment fund for old-age insurance will be established, and the old-age insurance funds in various provinces will be appropriately adjusted to ensure that basic pensions are paid in full and on time.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that the implementation of the central fund transfer system will not increase the burden on enterprises and individuals and will not affect the treatment of retirees. First, do not increase the proportion of contributions paid by enterprises and individual employees. The establishment of a central fund adjustment system is mainly to adjust the surplus and deficiency of funds between provinces. The total income and expenditure of the national endowment insurance fund in the current period has not changed, and enterprises and individual employees do not need to pay extra fees, which will not increase the overall burden of society. Second, it will not change the current pension insurance benefits calculation and adjustment methods, and will not affect the personal benefits of retirees. In some provinces, the amount of funds borrowed is greater than the amount of funds allocated. In these provinces, the burden of old-age care is relatively light and the fund support ability is strong. After adjustment, it will not affect the timely and full payment of current pensions. In some provinces, the amount of funds allocated is greater than that of the above solution. Through adjustment, the pressure of fund payment can be appropriately alleviated, and the basic pension can be better guaranteed to be paid in full and on time.

  2. Adjustment of social security payment base

  Many places in the country have successively announced the social security payment base in 2018. Taking Beijing as an example, the lower limit of the payment base for employees participating in basic old-age insurance and unemployment insurance is 40% of the average monthly salary of employees in Beijing in 2017, with a minimum of 3,387 yuan, which is 305 yuan higher than last year; For employees who participate in basic medical insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance, the minimum payment base is 60% of the average monthly salary of employees in this city in 2017, with a minimum of 5,080 yuan, up 456 yuan from last year.

  Social security payment is related to the treatment of the insured after retirement. Only when a certain payment level is reached can a better treatment level be achieved. If the payment level is too low, the pension level is still low. In other words, the payment level will increase with the increase of average salary, and the future treatment level will also increase.

  3. The tax incentives for scientific and technical personnel will be "received"

  The Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the Notice on Individual Income Tax Policies for Scientific and Technological Personnel to Earn Cash Rewards from Their Post Scientific and Technological Achievements, which made it clear that since July 1, 2018, non-profit research and development institutions and institutions of higher learning approved according to the law on promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the cash rewards given to scientific and technological personnel from their post scientific and technological achievements can be included in the "salary and salary income" of scientific and technological personnel in the current month at a reduced rate of 50%, and personal income tax can be paid according to law.

  It is cheaper to import daily consumer goods.

  With the approval of the State Council, the MFN tariff rate of some consumer goods will be reduced from July 1, 2018, involving 1449 tax items, and the average tax rate will be reduced from 15.7% to 6.9%, with an average decrease of 55.9%. Reduce the average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes and hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products from 15.9% to 7.1%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators from 20.5% to 8%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing and some medical and health products will be reduced from 8.4% to 2.9%.

  5. Tariff reduction of imported cars and parts.

  With the approval of the State Council, from July 1, 2018, the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% will be reduced to 15%, with tax reductions of 40% and 25% respectively; The tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% will be reduced to 6%, with an average tax reduction of 46%.

  6. The vehicle purchase tax will be levied on the trailer by half.

  The Ministry of Finance, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the Announcement on Reducing Vehicle Purchase Tax on Trailers. From July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021, the vehicle purchase tax will be reduced by half. The date of purchase shall be determined according to the issuance date of the Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales, Special Payment Letter for Customs Tariff or other valid documents.

  7. Preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investment individuals.

  The Notice on Tax Policies for Venture Capital Enterprises and Angel Investors jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China promoted the preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors, that is, the preferential policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors to invest in seed-stage and start-up technology-based enterprises, and the taxable income was deducted by 70% of the investment amount, which was implemented nationwide by eight pilot areas of comprehensive innovation reform and Suzhou Industrial Park.

  This Notice clarifies that the personal income tax policy for angel investment will be implemented as of July 1, 2018, and other policies will be implemented as of January 1, 2018; The above-mentioned tax policy can be applied to the investment that occurred within 2 years before the implementation date and has been invested for 2 years after the implementation date and meets the prescribed conditions.

  8. Traffic "roaming" fee is cancelled.

  On June 22nd, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom successively announced that, starting from July 1st, 2018, the roaming fee will be cancelled, and the provincial traffic of new and old mobile phone users will be upgraded to domestic traffic (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan traffic).

  Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a series of measures to reduce the growth rate of mobile traffic, including: from July 1, the "roaming" fee for mobile traffic will be cancelled, and basic telecommunications companies will be encouraged to launch large-flow packages. The average unit price of mobile traffic will be reduced by more than 30% during the year. Further reduce household broadband charges and international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan roaming charges. Promote enterprises to optimize and streamline tariff packages, and study and introduce relevant policies and measures to standardize tariff management. Support all localities to expand the coverage of wireless networks in public places and provide users with free Internet access services.

  9. Some high-speed rail tickets are discounted by 6.5%

  Starting from July 5 this year, the announced fares of high-speed trains running on the six sections of Hefei-Wuhan, Wuhan-Yichang, Guiyang-Guangzhou, Liuzhou-Nanning, Shanghai-Nanjing and Nanjing-Hangzhou were optimized and adjusted. This time, it is clear that the published fare is the highest price limit. Railway-related enterprises can lower the fare within the price limit by season, time, seats and sections according to the passenger flow, with a maximum discount of 6.5%. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  10. Tianjin will raise the unemployment insurance standard from July 1st.

  A few days ago, Tianjin issued a notice, starting from July 1 this year, it will raise the unemployment insurance payment standard.

  According to the "Notice on Improving the Payment Standard of Unemployment Insurance in Tianjin", if the payment period is from the first month to the twelfth month, the monthly payment standard will be raised from 1150 yuan to 1240 yuan; For the 13th to 24th months, the monthly payment standard was raised from 1,110 yuan to 1,200 yuan, respectively increasing the 90 yuan.

  The standard of one-time living allowance for farmers’ contract workers was raised from the current monthly payment standard of 690 yuan to 744 yuan, with an increase of 7.83% in 54 yuan. (Gao Chang/Compilation)