Interview with Yang Zi: Leave the most authentic and precious performances in the camera

1905 movie network news "Family with Children" has accompanied a generation’s childhood.In the blink of an eye, 15 years later, Yang Zi, the child star who played Xia Xue at that time, is now also the head "Huadan" in the entertainment industry who can carry the banner.


Many actors who have worked with her have joked that they "grew up watching Teacher Yang Zi’s plays", and every time, Yang Zi laughed "hahahahahaha".The "true self" in words is also like her laughter, pure and free and easy.In Yang Zi’s WeChat circle of friends, she claims to be the most active one, and the messages are always "hahahahaha". If a friend promotes her, she will give a like.


Yang Zi never taboo "self-blackening", would make fun of her own weight, save her own emoji, and look at Yang Zi’s speech in the words, and if she complained about herself, she would laugh along. When she encountered strange things, she would say "what the hell" in her heart, and then let it go.Yang Zi confessed that her personality resembled"Ode to Joy."Qiu in LiYingyingJust a little girl.


When she went to KTV, her friends would help her order a lot of nursery rhymes similar to "Little Donkey" and "Little Sloppy". When she met teachers and elders, she would also be "second-timed", "I grew up seeing that leaders and teachers are the kind who turn corners and don’t dare to say too much."


On weekdays, Yang Zi discussed many things with her father, and Yang Zi’s father’s WeChat name was "Yang Zi Studio". In many interviews, Yang Zi revealed that her family atmosphere was full of love, and it was this kind of family that cultivated her pure and optimistic character.


This personality makes Yang Zi transparent and self-consistent in the entertainment industry.Since entering the industry in 1999, 21 years of acting experience has also made her appear stable and sober in acting.This time,China Film Report"Looking Up – Young Actors Pay Tribute to Ordinary Heroes" special program interviewed actress Yang Zi. We took this opportunity to organize past interviews with Yang Zi by China Film Report to see how she combines "little girl" and "old actor".

(The following is Yang Zi’s self-report)


I didn’t know "Chaohua" before, and I thought it was the homepage of Weibo searching for my name. Later, Zhang Yishan taught me that "Chaohua" is after searching for Yang Zi, there is "Yang Zi Chaohua" below and then click on it. "Chaohua" is full of things about Yang Zi.


I like to see the funny things inside, complain to me there, I also laugh, feel very funny.Our post-90s actor friends chatted privately, including many famous actors. Everyone was very innocent, "I’ve seen your plays" "I like you too," and I was very happy. In fact, everyone’s private conversations were not what they imagined.


We actors are ordinary people, and we all know these online memes, and we also use our own emojis. Everyone may think that actors or celebrities are far away from us, but in fact, they are not. Everyone is the same.


Many people want to watch me and Zhang Yishan act, not because I don’t want to act, but because I don’t want to consume everyone’s enthusiasm for us. I think we must choose a script that is worthy of the audience, rather than just to satisfy everyone.


If I chose the ideal type in the roles I have played, I would chooseXu Xiaobin in.Like Han Shangyan and Xufeng, they are more like characters living in TV dramas. I don’t think they will appear in life, but Xu Xiaobin will. He is reliable and true. What I value most is kindness, sincerity, and a good person.


I am very grateful to Teen Fame, because Teen Fame made everyone know me earlierI also understand some things earlier than children of the same age. I like acting and have a strong desire to perform. If I don’t act, I can’t think of what else I can do.I think I’m lucky too, it used to be likeThe Great Yangko."Ode to Joy.""War in Changsha"These well-received dramas were all chosen by them. And at that time, I didn’t have much choice, so I naturally went all out when I had the opportunity.


For example, if there is a good script, I will say to my father, "Can you contact them, give me a chance to audition, and let the director at least see me?" Maybe sometimes they will say, "Your image is not suitable, forget it," and I will say, "No, try my play and think I am suitable."


Before I picked up Heroes of Fire, I didn’t read the script.At that time, the script was still under wraps, but the director told me the story of Xu Xiaobin’s prototype. He and his fiancée died fighting a fire before they even took wedding photos. The director also showed me many photos and videos, and I cried on the spot. Then the director asked me if I would like to participate in this movie? I said, "Director, no matter what the role is, I promise, even if there is only one word, I will also participate."Because my dad used to be a firefighter, at that moment I felt like a nerve was touched, and I felt like I had to act no matter what.


Another point that touches me is my role, Wang Lu. She is a firefighter first, and then a family member of a firefighter. Although her scenes are not particularly large, their love story made me cry just by reading the script.


Wang Lu’s rank is a little higher than Xu Xiaobin’s. As a boy, Xu Xiaobin’s self-esteem will be a little frustrated. In addition, he doesn’t earn much. When Wang Lu asked him during the wedding photo shoot, "What do we plan to do in the future?" He said, "Two blind people walk at night." Meaning, he can’t guarantee my future. But in fact, he loves me very much, and I love him very much, but neither of them said it and left angrily.


And that turned out to be the last time the two of us met. This line of affection was very abusive, including the scene where Xu Xiaobin died at the end, which also touched me a lot.

When I was filming "Heroes of Fire", a lot of people asked me if your dad told you a lot about firefighters, but he didn’t.Now that I think about it, maybe he was afraid that I would worry about my mother. Then one day he told me that when he got out of the fire truck, he would think, "I just want it to be okayAn’anWhen I go back, I can see my daughter-in-law and my two-year-old child at home, and I can see her sleeping face again. "He always sets out with this idea, because he doesn’t know what will happen, and it is possible that he will never come back if he goes.

But my dad would never tell us this. I really know that when I grew up, I read the news, including learning about the lives of firefighters, and realized that this is a great and dangerous thing. Firefighters use their lives to protect our safety. Therefore, I think my dad is great.

After "Heroes of Fire" was released, he went to the audience and invited fellow firefighters to watch it. When he came back, he told me, "You really did a good job. You have to continue to work hard."


The thing I grew up most afraid of and disliked the most was when people said, "Come on, show us a crying scene."So I also reject acting in variety shows. If everyone asks me to act, I will act out hilariously, because I think acting is a mission and my dream. "Acting" is very high in my heart.


In the early stage of a crying scene, you have to work very hard to enter the world of the characters. Although you may think I’m being perfunctory, I really didn’t lie to you. I don’t have any skills. This is what I have summed up over the years. Therefore, I say that actors are very innocent. When you truly believe in this thing, when you really step into this role, you will believe that you are him. Therefore, at the moment of filming a crying scene, you are wronged.


Just like in "Dear Love", when I broke up with Han Shangyan, I felt particularly wronged, but my grievance was not the kind of grievance that I was angry with or resented him, but the kind of grievance that he couldn’t be with me, and I was particularly sad.When I was playing "Honey Sinks Like Frost", there was a scene where I went to kill the person I loved the most, and I cried that time, but it was a kind of hatred, but I loved him very much in my heart, and it was different from the previous emotions. Therefore, when I was playing the crying scene, I played it according to the character’s state.

If a play has a good plot, I will be more immersive in it. This is also due to the director and screenwriter. They have made the play of high quality, including during the shooting, the atmosphere of the scene will naturally bring you into that environment.


A lot of them say I’m good at acting or something, and I’ll say I’m probably just more emotional. I like to observe things and release that emotion in the character.

If I want to play a person, I will definitely be with her, and I hope to keep the most authentic and precious performances in the camera.

Fan Bingbing sacrificed four times for "Dongfeng Rain", acting is to solve the puzzle

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing

  A few days ago, popular actress Fan Bingbing won the title of the most beautiful 50 people held by an organization for the fifth consecutive year. As an A-list star who calculates the itinerary in seconds and integrates actors, producers, and bosses, it is not easy to maintain such results. On April 21, its billion-dollar spy blockbuster "Dongfeng Rain" co-starring with "The Godfather of Spy War" Liu Yunlong will be officially released. On the stage of Xianlemen Club, the most popular in the film, she is the beautiful and enchanting singer "Huanyan", and after the curtain falls, she turns into an alert and gentle female agent: drag racing, drunk, disfigured, cracked… Fan Bingbing’s sacrifices for "Dongfeng Rain" can be described as countless. "Dedication is a man" is director Liu Yunlong’s evaluation of her. "Huanyan is just a personal code name, no one knows what her real name is, and every cell of her is a puzzle." Fan Bingbing also confessed, "The process of acting is solving puzzles."

Tears on the spot, dissatisfied with the drunken performance 

  As the most beautiful singer in the popular nightclub, Fan Bingbing is more likely to drink in the movie "East Wind and Rain". She is not a good drinker because she needs to be drunk in the film and rotate in the crowd. "I don’t know how to reflect the state after being drunk." According to Fan Bingbing himself, director Liu Yunlong took a bottle of open whiskey to "find a feeling" in order to relax her and integrate into the role as soon as possible. "After drinking half a bottle, the whole person is completely confused." It is said that at that time, Fan Bingbing wanted every angle of his rotation to be perfect, so he practiced repeatedly on the set to find the best angle. Because of this perfect requirement, director Liu Yunlong was "dissatisfied", "Director Liu said Bingbing, you are already very beautiful, don’t give yourself so much burden, just let go and act." In addition, according to Fan Bingbing’s recollection, "After listening to this sentence, I shed tears, which made Director Liu inexplicable and very embarrassed." 

Hanging high in the sky, one lens is soaked all over

  In addition to the drunken dancing scene, Fan Bingbing, who was identified by the enemy, also had an "action scene" that was suspended from the sky. The skirt during the filming of this scene was sewn with 500 meters of red yarn. After completion, due to the size of the clothes, it could not be transported through the elevator. Eventually, it could only be "airlifted" into the shed by breaking the window. In order to pursue the truest state of the actor when he was suspended, Liu Yunlong also insisted on choosing "fake play" and hung Fan Bingbing in the air. "If the costume is too heavy, it will definitely hurt Bingbing. We finally cut off the fabric with a length of about 4 meters at the corner of the skirt." According to costume stylist Liu Shiyun, "When Bingbing was lowered from the air, the whole person was completely soaked, and he could really stick to it." Not easy. "

37 hours of drag racing and sleepless nights

  In the movie "East Wind and Rain", Liu Yunlong was discovered by Japanese agents and Fan Bingbing fled late at night in a drag racing scene, which was the last and most difficult scene of the film. Since the script was played by Fan Bingbing’s "Huanyan" driving, this was another challenge for Fan Bingbing, who had poor driving skills. In addition, the bridge itself was set in the middle of the night, and driving under dark road conditions was already extremely dangerous. For a time, the entire crew became a "temporary driving school". Everyone made plans. In less than a day, Fan Bingbing first mastered the turning and reversing skills smoothly, and when the official shooting started, he was more on-site "cleaning people". "Drive everyone away When you get to the house, try not to leave obstacles on the road and let Bingbing run away. "Director Liu Yunlong showed even more good intentions when talking about the filming of this scene. For Fan Bingbing, the 37-hour sleepless night is his enemy," Because of the relationship between the skin, I usually pay attention to sleep. I am busy with work but I always take time to sleep. This is the first time I haven’t slept for so long. After surviving, I feel that it will be fine if I don’t sleep for two days and two nights in the future. "

Severely disfigured, the golden horse is best to "possess" again

  As early as 2007, Fan Bingbing won the Golden Horse Best Supporting Actress of the year for his subversive appearance of "Manli" in "Ghost in the Heart"; three years later, "Huanyan", who was severely disfigured at the end of "Dongfeng Rain", rode away in a prison van, vaguely as if "Manli" was possessed. For an actor, choosing to play a subversive role requires not only luck, but also infinite courage and courage before the choice. "Every cell of Huanyan is a mystery, and this hazy identity illusion is the most fatal attraction for me, and the whole process of acting is like solving a puzzle, and the answer is only known at the last moment." For Fan Bingbing, "Xiba" can be regarded as a synonym for the time being. I believe that behind the torture and sacrifice in "Dongfeng Rain", "Xiba" is her final destination.

The takeaway price of the same package is 11 yuan more expensive than dine-in. What is the reason for the price of the two sets?

  In the new Jingwei client side July 28th (Jiang Ying, intern Wang Qi) the same package why the takeaway price is 11 yuan more expensive than the dine-in? In response to the recent online controversy, the new Jingwei client side survey found that McDonald’s delivery and dine-in There is a price difference is not an exception, many stores takeaway price is higher than the dine-in price, which is more or less related to the takeaway platform.

  Multi-merchant delivery dine-in pricing varies

  A few days ago, some consumers sent Weibo saying that when ordering on the McDonald’s app, they found that the price of the same food Mai Le sent was much higher than that of the dine-in food, and the price difference between the Mai Fragrant Fish set was 11 yuan. In this regard, the client side of Zhongxin Jingwei made a field comparison and found that there is indeed a price difference between the dine-in food and the takeaway price of McDonald’s, and the number is not small. For example, the price of the Dine-in Mai Fragrant Fish medium set is 21 yuan, but the price of Mai Le sent is 32 yuan. The price of this set meal alone is about 52% higher, while the price difference of the Mai Garbage Leg Fort set meal is 11.5 yuan, and the delivery fee of 9 yuan is required. The total price difference

  Many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the price of two sets of McDonald’s dine-in delivery: "If you pay the delivery fee and it doesn’t account for the guest fee, you have to add money, which is unreasonable." Some netizens questioned, "It is also a special delivery, why does Starbucks’ special star delivery not only not increase the price but also reduce the delivery fee from time to time?" But some netizens said they could understand the high delivery price: "Even if the self-operated platform does not have other platform deduction points, it also requires a separate operation team and other costs. The delivery staff has to pay separate delivery fees, insurance premiums, etc. Customers have to bear the cost to enjoy the convenience."

  In addition, the client side of Zhongxin Jingwei also found that there is a price difference between in-store food pickup and takeout, and McDonald’s is not an exception. This phenomenon is common from chain brands to individual merchants. For example, well-known fast food brands and Hegu, takeout prices range from 3-5 yuan higher than the in-store food pickup price, and they also have to bear the packaging fee and 6 yuan delivery fee. In addition, all products of Beijing Yonghe Fresh Pulp are listed on the takeaway platform at a price higher than the in-store pickup price of 1 yuan, which requires a certain price of packaging and 3 yuan delivery fee.

  However, the above-mentioned merchants all have different degrees of price-break discounts and discount packages, with a maximum discount of 50%, but because the takeaway price of merchants is higher than the in-store price, there are still a considerable number of takeaway prices higher than the in-store food. Take McDonald’s as an example. McDonald’s participated in activities such as Meituan "49 minus 9". The unit price of a McGarbage Leg Fort big set meal is 30.5 yuan, and the takeaway price is 36 yuan. For two sets of meals, it costs 61 yuan for dine-in and 72 yuan for takeaway. After deducting the delivery fee, the actual meal fee is 63 yuan. There are no promotions on McNuggets, which has its own delivery platform. The total price of the two sets is 81 yuan, which is 20 yuan higher than the dine-in.

  What is the reason for the two sets of prices?

  For the hotly discussed high-priced delivery products, a McDonald’s store manager told Zhongxin Jingwei client side that takeaway platforms such as Meituan and will deduct a certain percentage of fees, as well as platform advertising fees, which increase the cost of takeout. When asked about McDonald’s self-owned platform McNuggets, which does not need to deduct fees and prices are still high, the manager explained that the prices of each platform need to be consistent. As for why the price difference is as high as more than ten yuan, the manager said "I don’t know". Zhongxin Jingwei client side tried to seek answers from McDonald’s customer service, and the other party also said "I don’t know".

  Yonghe Fresh Pulp staff said: "The pricing of takeaway and the store will definitely be different, and the cost of packaging boxes, fresh and heat preservation will also be charged. The platform will take some points. We will definitely increase the price when these are added together."

  Mr. Xie, who runs a noodle shop in Wuxi, said that the same product takeaway will generally be two to three yuan higher than picking up food at the store, because Meituan, and other takeaway platforms will deduct 18% to 19% of the total price of the dishes, even if it is a price-break discounts activity, it is self-operated by the merchant, and the cost is borne by the merchant.

  Xie said that the profit of takeaway is not as high as the public thinks. In the past, there were fewer deduction points. This year, the deduction point for takeaway has risen by one percentage point. deducts 18% for a single order. Therefore, the profit of takeaway has been compressed. Coupled with the irregular promotion price-break discounts and the cost of promotion, it is difficult for merchants without price increases to make profits. Even if the price is increased, the profit of takeaway is not as high as that of dine-in.

  "Originally, there was a subsidy, and I wanted to specialize in takeaway business. Later, after the subsidy was cancelled, the deduction point was increased, the price-break discounts were increased, and the raw materials increased, we were called’black-hearted ‘, but the real profit was too small, and we only got a few dollars." Miss Zhu, who runs a fried chicken shop, said that due to poor operating efficiency, she was ready to close the store.

  According to the "China Sharing Economy Development Annual Report (2019) " released by the State Information Center, the scale of online takeaway users in 2018 was about 360 million, and the average annual growth rate of online takeaway income from 2015 to 2018 was about 117.5%. The online takeaway market has developed rapidly, accounting for the proportion of the national catering industry. Gradually expanding, online takeout has gradually become a part of people’s lives.

  In order to maintain the "freedom of takeout", netizens opened their minds. Some netizens said: "For nine yuan, you can find an errand company to buy a set meal with the same price as dine-in, and you can save dozens of yuan in minutes." Others said, "If you really want to eat, you can find a substitute to buy it. At most, the delivery fee is one or two yuan. You can’t get used to these platforms anymore." (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

Record of Tianyancha 315 party ⅰ: Exposing the chaos of consumption, we are acting!

It is 315 in another year. Every year, the CCTV 315 party is a national event with ratings second only to the Spring Festival Evening. This year’s party was postponed, but today, Tianyancha is not absent.

Today, let Tianyancha show you a "reality documentary" "Everyday 315".

(The following is a record of Tianyancha’s "Everyday 315" program. All cases are real complaints from users, and the source is public news reports. )

Love is like a tornado, which will blow your money away.

Being single for a long time, I always have fantasies and expectations about love, but the reality is a bit cruel.

Xiao Wu, a young man from Hangzhou, met a girl through the matchmaking website jiayuan. The matchmaker said that the girl was the daughter of the chairman of a listed company and graduated from Peking University with a master’s degree.

The next day, Xiao Wu confessed, and the other party asked for a ring, and Xiao Wu bought it; On the third day, the other party said that he would meet his parents and send a necklace, and Xiao Wu also bought it; Then, the girl said that her mother would give a gift for her birthday, and Xiao Wu began to doubt the girl’s identity.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

It was not until Xiao Wu found the woman’s unit that she found out that the woman had two children after divorce, not the daughter of the chairman or graduated from Peking University.

But jiayuan replied through official micro: The woman’s identity is true.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

After that, Xiao Wu reported the situation to the market supervision department. After investigation, the market supervision department found that the materials submitted by jiayuan were very simple, and there were no relevant academic credentials.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Jiayuan’s Shanghai Huaqianshu Information Technology Co., Ltd. has 97 lawsuits.

(Source: Tianyancha)

However, apart from the mixture of good and evil people in matchmaking agencies, online dating is full of hidden dangers and dangers.

In the Internet age, "online dating" has become a new fashion for young people to make friends. Online dating often gives people with ulterior motives more opportunities to perform because they can’t meet each other. Comparing friends with pigs and using love as bait, the "pig killing plate" has been calculating the money in each other’s pockets since the moment they met.

(Source: Network)

Liars will first set themselves up on the internet, either elite or interesting, and then chat with the victims every day in order to cheat each other’s trust.

(Source: Network)

When the other party feels that the victim’s goodwill and trust in him are rising, it will gradually reveal its own purpose, such as inducing the victim to invest, and the amount will increase little by little.

(Source: Network)

When consumers invest enough, or the victim consciously may be cheated, the other party may run away, resulting in a tragedy of both people and money.

Beauty disfigurement can’t be distinguished, and the medical and beauty industry is mixed.

The mixture of medical and beauty industries has led to a large number of incidents of "left foot stepping out of the shop and right foot entering the court".

Ms. Peng, 45, felt that her eyelids were drooping a little, so she went to a medical beauty shop in Ningbo and spent more than 30,000 yuan to have eye bags removed and eyebrows raised. However, after the recovery period, she felt that her eyes were still staring all the time, which made her look scary.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Ms. Peng repeatedly found the beauty salon to understand the situation, but the other party could not coordinate and communicate at all. Finally, Ms. Peng had to find the health department in Ningbo to reflect the relevant situation.

According to the data of Tianyancha, Ningbo Haishu Miyang Medical Beauty Clinic Co., Ltd., which belongs to Miyang Medical Beauty, was once subject to administrative punishment for violating the regulations on advertising content management. In addition, the company has also been subject to administrative penalties for cases such as medical activities exceeding the scope of registration and commercial bribery.

Image source: Tianyancha

However, even with frequent exposure, the medical and beauty industry is still in turmoil. Consumers Xiao Wei and his brother went to a hairdresser’s shop in Binjiang, Hangzhou to spend money on washing and cutting for 30 yuan. As a result, they unconsciously did scalp care, and it cost 15 thousand to recharge their cards.

Later, the store said that it would send a free medicated bath for the two brothers to experience the next day, and the two of them filled the money in a muddle. In two days, the two brothers charged a total of more than 34 thousand, and then the more they thought about it, the more they felt wrong.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Later, after investigation, it was discovered that the new store that the brothers thought was "to Alice" was actually renamed from a "problem" store called "Armani Xuan".

(Source: Network)

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Although it has changed its name, the routine is still familiar.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Later, the market supervision department also found this store and investigated it.

Medical beauty is risky, and it needs to be cautious to love beauty. In order to make consumers pay for their bags, some businesses dare to use any means.

According to Xiaoqiu, a girl from Shimen Town, Tongxiang, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, when she went to a local barber shop to get her hair done, a "teacher" saw that there were many freckles on her face, so she said to treat them quickly, otherwise the consequences would be very serious.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Listening to the teacher in the store, Xiaoqiu was frightened and quickly transferred 6,000 yuan to the other party through Alipay.

At that time, the other person used an instrument to spot the freckles on his face. The photo was full of scars, which looked a little scary. Now the scars are light, but they are still full of freckles.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

After that, Xiaoqiu found the store manager, who repeatedly stressed that the teacher who spotted Xiaoqiu was very professional.

According to the reporter’s investigation, in fact, this "teacher" in his thirties who is said to be comparable to the old Chinese medicine practitioner is neither a graduate of a medical university nor has any qualification certificate.

According to the information of Tianyancha, the Shimen Zinuo Barber Shop in Tongxiang City, where Xiaoqiu went, only has hairdressing services in its business scope, and does not include any other related services such as skin care.

(Source: Tianyancha)

Everyone loves beauty, but the benefits will not fall from the sky. Consumers should also keep their eyes open and spend carefully.

When will the overlord clause stop when the big factory has a deep consumption routine?

At the end of 2019, the online drama Joy of Life was broadcasted in Tencent, and Tencent created a brand-new membership system-VVIP.

VVIP means that users who have already purchased VIP can upgrade their membership rights by paying 50 yuan again, and watch 6 episodes more than others. Many users have cried, "Why should I pay more if I am a member?"?

(Source: Network)

After complaints from netizens, Tencent Video, which was unbearable by public opinion pressure, has revised its membership system and changed it to pay in advance for single episode. In fact, it is to change the posture of "cutting leeks", and this method is more expensive than the previous VVIP.

(Source: Network)

On December 14th, 2019, People’s Daily published Weibo, criticizing him by name for "eating ugly"!

(Source: Network)

However, the bridge of big data "killing" has also been staged again.

(Source: Network)

Some time ago, many netizens broke the news that they opened 88 members in Tmall Supermarket to buy things, but it was more expensive than ordinary users.

For the same product, 88vip is 73.3 yuan, as long as the non-vip account is not in 63 yuan.

(Source: Network)

Moreover, at the time of settlement, non-members are free of charge, but members have to pay 5 yuan express fee. Although Tmall later explained to the media that it was due to system failure, many netizens believe that this is a typical big data killing.

Cases of killing big data are not uncommon, but as ordinary consumers, we often can only "recognize and kill" invisibly, even when we are "killed".

Platform routines wave after wave, and long-term rental apartments appear to be "a lot of simplicity", and direct unilateral compulsory consumption.

In February, the epidemic was serious, and many areas called on landlords to reduce rents. I didn’t expect this call to be immediately targeted by bad businesses. Landlords in many places in Danke Apartment reported that Danke Apartment requested both landlords to reduce rents and tenants to pay rents on the grounds of epidemic situation.

(Source: Network)

Netizens have said: This middleman will really make a difference!

(Source: Image)

If the landlord does not agree to rent-free, eggshell will terminate the contract forcibly and will not provide compensation for breach of contract on the grounds that the epidemic situation is force majeure. In the end, even the tenants will suffer.

Eggshell’s response to this is: the expenditure on subsidies is far more than the amount of rent-free from the owners, so there will never be a "earning difference", and a series of measures have been introduced to subsidize tenants.

According to Tianyancha data, Ziwutong (Beijing) Asset Management Co., Ltd., the operating entity of Danke Apartment, was established in January 2015 with a registered capital of 10 million RMB and its legal representative is Gao Jing.

(Source: Tianyancha)

In fact, a single consumer is often the weak side when facing merchants, especially well-known brand merchants, so it is more necessary to establish a credit system to protect consumers’ rights and interests from the system.

NIO, "landing" in five European countries

On June 17, NIO announced that its NIO EL8 (domestic model ES8) has been officially launched in five European countries, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark. This is the sixth model launched after NIO launched in the European market.

Specifically, the NIO EL8 offers two models. The 75 kWh battery version is priced at 94,900 euros (about 739,000 yuan); the 100 kWh battery version is priced at 103,900 euros (about 809,000 yuan). For reference, the NIO ES8 is priced at 49.80-598,000 yuan in China. This means that the starting price of the NIO EL8 in the German market is about 240,000 yuan higher than the starting price of the domestic ES8.

As a well-crafted luxury electric SUV, the NIO EL8 shows its extraordinary quality in details. The design has maintained the consistency with the ES8 sold in China. From the hidden door handle to the watchtower laser radar, to the equipped multiple high definition cameras, it all shows the NIO’s scientific and technological strength and innovative spirit.

In terms of configuration, the car has a 6-seat layout of 2 + 2 + 2 type. The first two rows of seats use a seat frame platform developed by Weilai, with heating/ventilation/massage functions, and the third row of seats supports seat heating. Equipped with a suspended central control screen and a full LCD instrument, it not only enhances the comfort of the ride, but also makes a clever article on the sense of technology.

In terms of power, the NIO EL8 is equipped with a front and rear dual-motor four-wheel drive system, with a combined power of 480 kW and a peak torque of 850 Nm. It is also equipped with a dual-cavity air suspension, a CDC dynamic damping control system, and a Bosch IPB intelligent braking system.

Earlier, NIO founder, chairperson and CEO Li Bin announced the company’s expansion plans in the European market at the opening ceremony of "NIO Center | Amsterdam". Despite the current uncertainty of the European Union’s tariff policy on electric vehicles in China, NIO is still committed to the development of the European market.

Li Bin mentioned that electric vehicles are of great significance to the sustainable development of the environment. If the European Union imposes high tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, NIO will make corresponding business decisions based on market conditions.

In 2023, the cumulative sales volume of NIO in the European market is 2,399 vehicles. At the same time, the company has laid out a charging and swapping network in Europe, with 43 swapping stations, 45 overcharging piles, and connected to 600,000 third-party charging piles.

"When NIO’s annual sales in the European market reach about 100,000 units, we will consider establishing a production base in cooperation with local partners," Li Bin said.

Ministry of Transport: The average daily usage of online car-hailing in 2019 exceeded 20 million

Webmaster’s Home ( December 22, news:At today’s press conference of the State Council Information Office, the Ministry of Transport announced data that in 2019, the whole society completed 17.60 billion passengers and 46.20 billion tons of freight, with an average of 48.22 million passengers and 127 million tons of goods in transit every day.

In addition, in 2019, online car-hailing covered more than 400 cities across the country, and the average daily usage of the platform exceeded 20 million. The average daily usage of shared bicycles is about 45 million. The express business volume has completed 63.50 billion pieces, with an average annual growth of 39.1% in the past 10 years. The business volume has jumped to the first place in the world, equivalent to about 174 million pieces of express delivery every day.

This year, the China Intelligent Transportation Association and the Ministry of Transport have also released data on shared bicycles and online car-hailing.

On September 18, the China Intelligent Transportation Association announced data that the national bus card users have approached 500 million, the vehicle and mobile phone navigation users have exceeded 700 million, and the registered users of shared bicycles have exceeded 400 million.

On October 12, the Ministry of Transport announced data that as of now, the average daily order volume of online car-hailing has reached more than 21 million orders. At present, there are 1.39 million cruise taxis across the country, and the daily passenger volume is nearly 100 million.

In addition,December 17th.The Ministry of Transport once again released data saying,As of November 30, 2020, a total of 210 online car-hailing platform companies across the country have obtained the operating license of the online car-hailing platform, and a total of 2.719 million online car-hailing driver licenses and 1.111 million vehicle transportation licenses have been issued in various places. In November 2020, the online car-hailing regulatory information exchange platform received a total of 660 million orders. Among them, there were 8 online car-hailing platforms with a total of more than 1 million orders in the month, namely Enjoy Road Travel, T3 Travel, Cao Cao Travel, Shouqi Car-hailing, Didi Chuxing, Meituan Taxi, Wanshun Taxi, Hua Xiaozhu Travel.


Make up for shortcomings and strengthen norms – multi-departments speed up the "umbrella company" for workers in new formats

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 5?Topic: Making up for shortcomings and strengthening norms – multi-departments accelerate the support of "umbrella companies" for new business workers

Xinhua News Agency reporters Jiang Lin and Liu Weiwei

During the May Day holiday, Qi Jianzhong, a Meituan delivery rider in Nanjing, was both busy and down-to-earth. "With occupational injury protection, I feel much more at ease. Otherwise, I really don’t know who to call if I get injured."

In December 2023, Qi Jianzhong accidentally fell and broke his bone while delivering food. With the help of Meituan staff, he used his mobile phone to declare occupational injury protection, and about 1,000 yuan of medical expenses were reimbursed 875 yuan. After the disability identification, at the end of January 2024, he received a one-time disability subsidy of 41,900 yuan issued by the human resources and social security department.

Qi Jianzhong told reporters that he has been a rider for six years, and his income is good and his time is flexible. But bumps are inevitable in the rush, especially in bad weather, and his family always worries. "Occupational injury protection is like adding a layer of’protective net ‘, so after four months of recuperation and recovery, I came back to deliver food."

The occupational injury insurance that Qi Jianzhong said is a new type of work-related injury insurance created by the state for workers in new employment forms. The platform enterprise pays the fee, and the individual employed person does not pay the fee. The scope and circumstances of its protection, the standard and level of treatment, are basically consistent with work-related injury insurance.

Since July 2022, the new employment form of occupational injury protection for employed persons has been piloted in 7 platform enterprises including Meituan,, Flash, Lalamove, and Cao Cao Travel in 7 provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Guangdong. As of the end of March 2024, 8.017 million people have been included in the scope of protection.

"Occupational injury protection effectively protects the rights and interests of employees in the new employment form, especially the basic living standards guarantee function of major casualty accidents. This system also disperses the business risks of platform enterprises and helps the platform economy develop in a standardized and healthy way," said Zheng Xuanbo, director of the work injury insurance department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Zheng Xuanbo introduced that how to participate in social insurance for the emerging group of new employment forms, the pilot has solved the problem and accumulated valuable experience. The next step will be to summarize experience and study to expand the scope of implementation.

The reporter noticed that on the website of the national social insurance public service platform, a special occupational injury protection service section has been set up, which shows that the insurance information, treatment payment application acceptance, occupational injury confirmation, treatment distribution, processing progress and other inquiry services are being practiced run.

Including delivery riders, instant delivery staff, online car drivers, such as the new employment form of workers, there are 84 million people.

"In response to the shortcomings such as high occupational risks, high labor intensity and low level of security faced by this group, in recent years, we have worked with relevant departments to continuously improve the system and mechanism, innovate work methods, strengthen service security, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers in new employment forms," said Li Xinwang, director of the labor relations department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

From the eight departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Safeguarding the Labor Protection Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms", to the introduction of special project rights protection policies for key groups such as takeout workers and online car-hailing drivers, and the reasonable definition of labor protection responsibilities of enterprises, to the February 2024 issue of "Guidelines for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms of Rest and Labor Remuneration", "Guidelines for the Publicity of Labor Rules for Workers in New Employment Forms" and "Guidelines for the Protection of Workers’ Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms"… Relevant departments have accelerated the support of "umbrella companies" for workers in new

"We guide platform companies and their employment partners to sign employment contracts and written agreements with workers, reasonably determine labor compensation, scientifically arrange working hours, formulate and revise platform labor rules such as order distribution and compensation payment in accordance with laws and regulations, and establish an internal labor dispute resolution mechanism," Li Xinwang said.

In response to the outstanding problems faced by workers in the new employment form of "overtime work", the relevant guidelines have made specific and detailed guidance for enterprises to scientifically determine the workload and labor intensity, and at the same time include workers in the new employment form into the minimum wage guarantee. In terms of optimizing insurance participation services, except for some megacities, all localities have opened the channels for flexible employment personnel to participate in employee pension insurance at the place of employment.

What should I do if there is a dispute between workers and platforms over compensation, and how can I protect my rights?

By strengthening the linkage with people’s mediation and judicial mediation, relevant departments have launched one-stop joint mediation services for labor disputes in new employment forms such as labor compensation, rest time, and occupational injury. At the same time, they have continuously improved the construction of online mediation platforms, optimized the mediation process and time limit, and helped both parties reach a mediation agreement voluntarily on the basis of mutual understanding and accommodation.

"The parties can also apply for arbitration review or judicial confirmation of the mediation agreement, and after review or confirmation, they can apply for the court to enforce it. At present, there are nearly 1,000 such mediation organizations across the country, and we will continue to promote it," Li Xinwang said.

Jackie Chan International Film Week Closing Ceremony and Awards Ceremony, with the help of Zhang Liangying and Zhang Jie

1905 movie network news On July 22, the 4th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week held a closing ceremony and awards ceremony in Datong.

As the first star to walk the red carpet, Yu Rongguang was dressed in a golden dragon and auspicious cloud Tang suit with extraordinary bearing, and also shared his unforgettable experience of filming an action movie.

Xu Dongmei, as the only girl in the "New Seven Xiaofu", boarded the red carpet. Although she wore fashionable clothes, she still put on a dashing action, and she was very handsome.

"Sisters" of Fatima Sana Shaka and Sanya Mahota, the star of the hit Indian film "Wrestle! Dad," made an elegant appearance on the red carpet, and Sanya Mahota looked exotic in Indian-style clothing.

The famous director Wang Jing also came on behalf of the crew, and the film was also shortlisted for Jackie Chan International Film Week. Director Wang Jing also showed a "Mantis Fist".

Tan Weiwei, a powerful singer, made an elegant appearance in a long white dress, adding charm to the elegance of the tassel + hollow design dress. She also confided that she would bring a song that would explode the audience tonight.

Director Ding Sheng also walked down the aisle in cool black casual clothes. He has worked with Jackie Chan,""Railway Flying Tiger" and many other films, the film directed by him is also one of the participating films this year, whether it can win the award is very exciting.

Liu Chengyu and action director Wu Gang walked down the aisle on behalf of the crew of "Detective Chinatown 2". As a new generation of action actress, Liu Chengyu wore a long black dress to show her graceful figure, and the armor design of the dress was dynamic and chic.

Wu Jing, dressed in a black straight suit and wearing cool black sunglasses, walked down the red carpet handsomely. As the best action actor of the first Jackie Chan International Film Week, Wu Jing came with his work as a director and received five nominations, becoming one of the most popular films tonight.

International singer Zhang Liangying dressed up in a dark V light gray embroidered dress and walked down the red carpet elegantly, with short shoulder-length brown hair, adding sweetness to her sexiness.

"Kung Fu Kid" Shi Xiaolong wore a heroic black suit and stepped on the red carpet of Jackie Chan International Film Week handsomely.

The crew Jiang Luxia walked down the red carpet in a handsome slim black suit. Greeting and signing autographs with fans cordially, she is very affable.

Zhang Jie walked down the aisle to the screams of fans, and the black straight suit made Jie Ge personable.

The first Jackie Chan International Film Week, the winner of the Best Action Newcomer Award, Wang Baoqiang, attended the Jackie Chan International Film Week again with his work "Detective Chinatown 2". Wang Baoqiang, wearing a dark blue suit, is elegant and generous.

Duan Yihong, an elegant and handsome man who has appeared in many action movies, left a deep impression on the audience as he stepped down the aisle.

Yuan De and Yuan Biao joined hands on the red carpet. Both of them have worked with Jackie Chan many times. This time, the Jackie Chan International Action Film Week has made many people look forward to the three of them sharing the stage.

Zhang Lanxin, who has co-starred with Jackie Chan, and Chen Xunqi, who has been a friend of Jackie Chan for many years and is the soundtrack, walked on the red carpet together. Zhang Lanxin wore a long pink sequined suspender dress, which was sweet and elegant; Chen Xunqi wore a black dress and was elegant and handsome.

Jury members Wu Siyuan, Wen Jun, Yang Ziqiong, Lu Chuan, Huang Xiaoming, Bai Baihe and Qian Jiale made a big appearance on the red carpet, causing a climax of the red carpet. The male members of the jury all chose black and blue handsome suits, elegant gentlemen; Yang Ziqiong and Bai Baihe wore dark green and white evening gowns respectively, leaving a beautiful figure on the red carpet.

Hong Jinbao once again attended Jackie Chan International Film Week. Dressed in a black Mao suit, he appeared on the red carpet with his wife.

Jackie Chan made his grand finale appearance, attracting the most enthusiastic cheers from the audience as the spokesperson of Jackie Chan International’s Chinese Kung Fu movies. Jackie Chan greeted fans all the way and couldn’t hide his excitement. In an interview, he said he looked forward to the complete success of tonight’s closing ceremony.

Independent brands ranked first and third in China SUV sales list, and super hybrid technology opened up a new blue ocean market.

The last month of 2021 passed quietly. According to the data of the Association, in the top ten domestic SUV sales list in December, two China brands ranked among them, and BYD Song model ranked third in the SUV sales list in China market.

According to the data of the Association, the sales volume of BYD Song family series was particularly bright in December 2021, ranking third in the SUV list of China market in December. According to the ranking of China Automobile Center, among the Song family, Song PLUS DM-i scored 23,153 vehicles, and the single product once again ranked as the champion in the A-class SUV market in December. And at the end of the year, with a total of 61,949 vehicles insured in the whole year, it ranked as the annual insurance champion of the national A-class plug-in SUV market, delivering a satisfactory answer for the market and consumers.
DM-i technology empowerment, Song PLUS DM-i product strength, good reputation, worth waiting for.
Since the release of DM-i super hybrid technology, the popularity has remained high, attracting the attention of many consumers with the advantages of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth and green". It can be said that DM-i super hybrid technology has opened up a new blue ocean market and promoted the development of hybrid technology market. Many companies have also laid out hybrid products with the intention of cutting into this new mainstream SUV market.

Industry-leading technical support and leapfrog product strength have enabled Song PLUS DM-i to set off a wave of plug-in hybrids in the market. At the end of 2021, it won the championship of plug-in hybrids for two consecutive months, and it is a well-deserved dark horse of the year. Although there is a situation that "one car is hard to find", the sales volume and excellent user reputation show that a good car is still worth waiting for. The users of Song PLUS DM-i who have picked up their cars are very satisfied with it, and the NPS net recommendation index of users is as high as 94%, and it is still rising. Warm market response and good user reputation are the best proof of the strength and competitiveness of Song PLUS DM-i products.
DM-i sells well, and the Song family adds new recruits.
On December 22, 2021, BYD took advantage of the situation and launched the 2022 Song Pro DM-i, which won the public’s attention with its subversive advantages of "fast, provincial, quiet, smooth and green", luxury design of the national tide and leapfrog intelligent technology.

When consumers are still struggling with fuel consumption or power when buying a car? Song Pro DM-i told everyone that adults don’t have to make choices. The 2022 Song Pro DM-i accelerates up to 7.9 seconds in 100 kilometers, overtaking at high speed, and the power is on call; The fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is as low as 4.4 liters, which is only half of the fuel SUV of the same level. The cost of using a car is only 3 cents per kilometer, and there is no pressure on daily use! With the blessing of extreme fuel consumption, the comprehensive battery life reaches 1090 kilometers, and the battery life performance far exceeds that of fuel SUV! At the same time, the 110KM model supports DC fast charging, and the acceleration and charging are one step ahead! The 2022 Song Pro DM-i perfectly solved the two major pain points of SUV "slow speed increase+high fuel consumption". "fuel SUV subversive", the 2022 song Pro DM-i is well deserved.

With the expansion of BYD’s factory, the production capacity will continue to increase. It is not difficult to predict that after this winter, Song PLUS DM-i will be fully fired, boosting all models to break the advanced stage and continue to climb to the top.
With its excellent performance, Song PLUS DM-i has been tested by the market for one year, and its sales reputation has been double bumper. As hybrid models are more and more accepted by the market and consumers, Song PLUS DM-i will take the lead in the future, and the brand sales of the 2022 Song Pro DM-i will not be underestimated throughout the year. At the same time, BYD will also increase the launch of DM-i models in the future. Ocean Net’s first car and warship car equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology are the first models — — Destroyer 05 also appeared at the previous Guangzhou Auto Show, which constitutes a brand-new product layout. The two-car strategy of "SUV+ sedan" will compete in the mainstream market together, and the future is worth looking forward to! (Zhang Guo)

How to connect the smart drying rack to Xiao Ai

With the popularity of smart homes, more and more families are beginning to use smart drying racks, and Xiao Ai, as the right-hand assistant of smart homes, has become particularly important to connect with smart drying racks. So, how to connect smart drying racks to Xiao Ai? Next, we will conduct popular science at different points.

First, ensure device compatibility

Before connecting, first make sure that both your smart drying rack and Xiao Ai support smart home connection function and are on the same LAN. Usually, most brands of smart drying racks support connection with Xiao Ai, but it is best to check the manual or official website of the device to confirm compatibility.

2. Use the Mijia APP to connect.

If your smart drying rack supports Mijia APP control, you can connect it through the following steps:

1. Open the Mijia APP and log in to your Xiaomi account.

2. Click the "+" sign on the homepage of the APP and select "Add Device".

3. Find your smart drying rack in the device list and click to connect.

4. Follow the prompts of the APP to complete the network distribution and connection operation of the device.

5. After the connection is successful, you can see the device information of the smart drying rack in the Mijia APP and make relevant settings.

III. Use Xiao Ai for voice control

After the connection is successful, you can voice control the smart drying rack through Xiao Ai. The specific operations are as follows:

1. Make sure that Xiao Ai and the smart drying rack are in the same LAN and have been turned on.

2. Say instructions to Xiao Ai, for example: "Xiao Ai, open the drying rack."

3. Xiao Ai will recognize your instructions and send them to the smart drying rack.

4. After the smart drying rack receives the command, it will perform corresponding operations, such as lifting, lighting, etc.

IV. Precautions

During connection and use, the following points need to be taken into account:

1. Make sure the devices are on the same local area network and the network is stable.

2. Follow the operating instructions and precautions of the equipment to avoid misoperation.

3. If you encounter any problems, you can consult the manual of the device or contact customer service to solve it.

Through the above steps, you can easily connect the smart drying rack to Xiao Ai and enjoy the convenience and comfort brought by smart home.