Everyone is watching

This article is from the WeChat official account:Chaos University (ID: hundun-university)According to Li Shanyou’s lecture notes in February 2020, the author: Li Shanyou (founder of Chaos University), the original title: "You attack to the death, but you can’t fight a department of giants? After Wang Xing cut three knives… | Classic Good Lesson", the header picture comes from: Screenshot of "Flowing Golden Years"

Many start-up company owners like to put the phrase "nothing unexpected, only impossible" on the wall, thinking that as long as you have a great dream, you will be able to achieve it.

But we often overlook that starting a business is for survival, not to die in competition. Competition is just a part of entrepreneurship, and there is no need to force yourself to attack the giants head-on unless it is a last resort.

In the competition, how to use the weak to overcome the strong is the first proposition for everyone. So, how to solve the problem?

In fact, God has left a "back door" for entrepreneurs

Take the horizontal axis as the market and the vertical axis as the technology to draw a simpleValue network model:

There is no doubt that incumbent companies often occupy the best technology, the best customers, and stand in the most dazzling value network – this is the mainstream market. The marginal value network composed of edge markets and edge technologies is often ignored by everyone.

Imagine you are a start-up, into such an existing competition landscape, will choose the mainstream value network, or the edge value network?

In real life, the vast majority of entrepreneurs will enter the mainstream value network market because it looks the most fertile and the least risky. But in fact, the emerging marginal value network is the best window of opportunity for entrepreneurs.

To follow or to destroy?

Going back to the value network model just now, if you choose the mainstream value network, you obviously adopt a follow-along strategy, thinking that you are more courageous than the giants of the mainstream market. If you choose the emerging value network, you adopt a strategy of disruptive innovation.

A common saying is that entrepreneurs feel they are more productive and have better values, so they can win by putting their lives on the line to compete with a division of a large company.

However, if you go outside Alibaba and Tencent buildings at 2 a.m., you will find that these giant companies are still shining brightly at night, with amazing combat effectiveness and efficiency.

So, don’t think it’s good to be diligent. Many times, we are very diligent just to cover up our laziness in thinking. As Wang Xing said, most people are willing to do anything to avoid thinking.

What are the differences between the two strategies?

In "The Innovator’s Dilemma," Christensen studied the 20-year history of disk drives and statistically said,If you compete head-on with the giants, the success rate is only 6%. If you are the first to enter an emerging value net and adopt a disruptive innovation competitive strategy, the success rate will be as high as 37%, a six-fold difference.

So we say,The first law of entrepreneurship is better than better.This is the simplest and most direct explanation of the thinking model of dislocation competition.

There is a line in Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: "For a start-up, it’s not that you don’t have a chance. You have to find areas where your strengths and weaknesses are avoided. Make your strengths longer and your weaknesses less important." This is misplaced competition.

Meituan: Specializing in "chicken ribs", leaving the fat for BAT

Meituan did group buying in the early days, when the first giant in the field of e-commerce was Ali. When I studied the Meituan case, I was very shocked that the first consideration of Wang Xing’s entrepreneurship in 2010 was how to compete with Ali.

He has successively proposed two theories of dislocation competition:

Four vertical and three horizontal

Wang Xing said that there are four areas in the Internet: information, communication, entertainment, and business.

In the Web 1.0 search era, there are giants in these fields, such as Baidu in information, Tencent in communication, Shanda in entertainment, and Alibaba in business. Therefore, he must go to the Web 2.0 era to find opportunities.

In the era of Web 2.0 social media, the giants in the information field include Sina Weibo, Renren in communication, and Kaixin001.com in entertainment. Is there any opportunity in business? Therefore, in this field, he made Meituan group buying against Ali, which is the positioning of 2010.

AB classification

In competition, we often have the illusion that the giants stand in front of us like mountains, so that you see the ecosystem where the giants are located as all possibilities. In fact, this is a huge illusion.

For example, most e-commerce companies are eyeing Ali to compete. But Meituan put forward a theory called AB classification:

First of all, based on whether supply and performance are online, we make a cross-cutting knife. Supply and performance are Tencent (Category A) online, and Ali is offline(Category B)

In category B, there is a more beautiful second knife: Ali is a physical e-commerce, and there is another possibility besides physical e-commerce that is a life service e-commerce. For example, takeaway is a life service e-commerce, and selling books, home appliances, and clothes is a physical e-commerce.

This knife is very beautiful. Most people limit e-commerce to the field of physical goods because Ali has done physical e-commerce. But Meituan cut this second knife, allowing you to see a completely different world.

In life service e-commerce, there is also a third knife: off-site life service e-commerce and local life service e-commerce.

Wang Xing’s analysis is very interesting, saying why do life service e-commerce instead of physical e-commerce? Because if you compete directly with Ali’s Juhuasuan, you have to have logistics, which is a very high cost for the start-up company.

Second, life service e-commerce is a non-standard product, a dirty and messy hard work, with low gross profit, so giants often disdain to do it. Meituan Wang Huiwen said:

"We have fallen in love with low-value things. How can BAT be interested in something that is not very profitable, difficult and slow. We specialize in chicken ribs and leave fat to BAT."

Looking back, what are the choices of other group buying websites at the same time? In 2010 and 2011, 58% of companies chose physical e-commerce. They were not killed by Meituan, but by Ali Juhuasuan.

In 16 years, Caijing interviewed Wang Xingshi and asked: Did the emergence of Meituan and Didi bring changes to the original BAT-led Internet order?

Wang Xing said: The law of competition in the Internet field has not fundamentally changed. It is not to squeeze out the original people in the original field, but to expand the new battlefield, and new players occupy the new battlefield. Innovation is always on the edge.

Wang Xing’s words are very wonderful. This is the power of the marginal value network.Innovation is always on the periphery.If you can’t see perfection, it’s because you’re too close to the picture.

Theory, is it really useful? "After being killed by the giant, I was reborn in a dislocation"

Many people ask me, Professor, Meituan is a successful giant, so is dislocation competition useful for small businesses? Is it useful for entrepreneurs?

Here, I would like to proudly invite a classmate to tell my story. Her name is Sister Deng, and she has used this theory to lead her company out of weakness and rebirth.

In 2010, I founded ROYMAX.(Wimes)LED company, launched a patented product, Apollo(LED three-sided luminous candle light), the turnover of single products reached 10 million.

But soon, the giant entered the market and beat our 68 yuan product with a 9.9 yuan congeneric product, causing our sales to plummet by 70% and being crushed by the giant.

Almost overnight, my ten-year savings were wiped out. Why is it that I am obviously different, but still being crushed by the giants?

On an occasional occasion, I learned the theory of "misplaced competition" and understood: "The difference is the difference between different value networks. The difference between the same value network is only better.

So, we started again, re-analyzed the market, positioned ourselves, and did succulent plant lighting and Jedi rebirth. How did you do it?

rough cut market

First look at the LED category map, divided into general lighting, medical lighting, agricultural lighting, and special lighting.

At that time, general lighting was already a red ocean market. Medical lighting was all for hospitals, and we couldn’t reach it in terms of professional technology. Special lighting refers to the aviation, aerospace, and marine fields, and it was difficult for us to enter the market. But there is still one area left, and we seem to have a chance – agricultural lighting.

Slice niche

Then we can divide the agricultural planting lights into breeding lighting and planting lighting. Aquaculture lighting because I was not familiar with it at the time, I couldn’t do it.

Planting lighting giants mainly serve B-end users, and Philips has launched a comprehensive solution that has eaten up this market. 

It can be seen that the opportunity can only be found at the C end. The C end requires flower and fruit lighting and succulent lighting. Because of the wide variety of colors, flowers need to be matched by many different spectra. At that time, our resources were insufficient, so we had to give up.

The pain point of succulent plants is the slow growth cycle and single color, which can be satisfied by our products. And in this field, compared with giants, as a start-up company, we have structural advantages: flexible market, online and offline simultaneous operation; startups with few personnel and efficient organization; product iteration speed is very fast. 

Through layers of analysis, we finally found the edge industry that this giant could not see, see, or do – succulent lighting, competing in a dislocation.

In the end, we occupied 60% of the market share, and the 18-year turnover exceeded 50 million, becoming a leading enterprise in the field of Taobao and Tmall horticultural lighting.

This is the power of the theory of misplaced competition, and by applying it, I can make change happen in the present moment.

Summary: Better than better, better than different

In an environment where leading companies have established a dominant advantage, any me too product will be reduced to chicken ribs. Don’t exaggerate your execution, don’t exaggerate your efforts, and don’t exaggerate your efficiency. The efforts and efficiency of today’s giants are much greater than ours, which is unimaginable.

Therefore, entrepreneurs need to keep in mind the misplaced competition model of "better than different".

The dislocation competition is not to be weak, but to make the chessboard bigger. To make the chessboard bigger, not in the same plane, but after the breakdown, it becomes a higher dimension and becomes bigger in a higher dimension.

This article is from the WeChat official account:Chaos University (ID: hundun-university)According to Li Shanyou’s lecture notes in February 2020, the author: Li Shanyou (founder of Chaos University)

Big data on takeaway platforms: Confucius Temple, Drum Tower, and Xuanwu Lake have become the most popular attractions for takeaway orders in Nanjing

  Featured restaurants queue too long and don’t want to wait? Eating too much supper needs stomach-strengthening and digestive tablets? Scenic restaurants are too expensive to eat? More than half of the National Day holiday, big data just released by Ele.me shows that five days before the National Day holiday, more than 529 tourists in Nanjing ordered duck takeaway; orders for takeaway medicine in hotels increased more than ten times year-on-year; takeaway orders from Nanjing libraries exceeded 2,500 orders, there are really many people who are racing against time to learn!

  Confucius Temple, Drum Tower, and Xuanwu Lake have become the attractions with the most takeaway orders in Nanjing

  According to data analytics, among tourists from all over the world who visit Nanjing, tourists from Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing most like to order takeout in Nanjing. Among the many attractions in Nanjing, Confucius Temple, Drum Tower and Xuanwu Lake have become the most ordered attractions for takeout. Five days before the National Day holiday, more than 529 tourists in Nanjing ordered duck food takeout.

  It is worth noting that, unlike previous years, the takeaway orders of Nanjing hotels saw a remarkable increase in non-dinner orders. Among them, medical orders increased by 1431% year-on-year, and orders for flowers and green plants increased by 185%.

  Three days before the National Day holiday, the most expensive takeaway order in Nanjing was as high as 737 yuan, and 25 curry beef brisket sets were ordered. When the warm-hearted Nanjing citizens ordered takeaway, they left 327 orders with the remarks "Happy National Day" and "Celebrate the birthday of the motherland".

  Five days before the National Day holiday, the library in Nanjing received more than 2,500 orders for takeout. There are really many people who are racing to learn! At the same time, there are also many "strugglers" who are still working hard. In Nanjing, more than 3,300 orders were sent to the traffic police brigade, and 443 orders were sent to the sanitation station and 944 orders were sent to the fire brigade.

  Ele.me data shows that Nanjing people like to order takeout in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou when they go out. During this year’s National Day, Nanjing people’s favorite snacks when traveling are Shanghai raw fried, Changsha stinky tofu, and Chongqing hot and sour powder.

  Word-of-mouth data shows that during the National Day, the order volume of many consumer places increased by more than 100% month-on-month compared with the pre-holiday period. Among them, amusement parks, hot springs, and foot massage have become new choices for leisure gatherings during the National Day holiday of Nanjing citizens this year. The growth rate of orders from these places ranks among the top three in the city.

  More and more small and medium-sized urban residents

  The first choice for overseas travel during the festival

  Feeling fed up with the crowds and crowds at domestic tourist attractions, more and more domestic tourists prefer to travel abroad for the National Day holiday, "I want to take you to Turkey, as well as Tokyo and Paris." According to big data recently released by JD.com, during this year’s National Day holiday, the number of foreign travel tickets and hotel reservations in third- to sixth-tier cities increased rapidly.

  Statistics show that among the orders booked for international air tickets before the National Day this year, the proportion of first- and second-tier cities has declined compared with last year. At the same time, the proportion of international air tickets bookings in third- to sixth-tier cities has increased by 10 percentage points compared with last year. In terms of the number of international hotel reservations, the proportion of orders from third- to sixth-tier cities has increased by nearly 12 percentage points compared with last year.

  From the consumption destination data, Japan, South Korea and South East Asia continue to be the top travel destinations for domestic consumers. Seoul, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Osaka, Manila and other tourist cities are ranked at the top of the air ticket booking rankings. In addition to Japan, the popularity of British tourism has also been growing in recent years. London, Liverpool, Manchester and other cities full of British style are also the first choice for some domestic tourists. In addition, Singapore, Russia, New Zealand, Turkey and other tourist countries, due to better infrastructure and local customs, consumption popularity is also increasing year by year.

  In terms of travel equipment, consumers are also spending a lot of money. In terms of sales, sunscreen products and swimsuits still account for the majority, which also means that islands and beaches are still the first choice for tourists’ travel destination arrangements. With the arrival of the golden autumn season, sales of mountaineering equipment, sports cameras, drones and other equipment have also increased significantly. (Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter, Xu Xiaofeng)

300,000 Chinese brand new energy SUV market research

  [Autohome News] Before 2020, our Chinese brand’s medium/medium and large SUV products were still rare, and the market was almost monopolized by overseas brands. At that time, we were still very cautious about this market. Even if there were products, most of them showed brand perception and technology, and did not pursue market performance. However, the growth of our Chinese brands in the past two years has indeed made rapid progress, especially in the new energy market. Medium/medium and large SUVs have gradually become the mainstream. Not only is the market demand increasing day by day, but our products are also becoming more and more mature.


  Recently, it has also become a period of product explosion in this market, including the new (|), the new Wenjie M7, Lynk & Co 08 EM-P and the new Xiaopeng G9 have been launched, and new players such as Zhiji LS6 are waiting for an opportunity. What is their market prospect? What is the sales policy now? Let’s go to the store again to find out.

◆ The new NIO EC6
Price range: 35.80-41 6,000
Product features: LiDAR upper body, appearance/configuration have been upgraded
Store location: direct sales model, there are many supermarket/store layouts. At present, there are 134 NIO centers, 286 NIO spaces, 304 NIO service centers and 58 NIO delivery centers globally


  The new NIO EC6 was officially launched on September 15, with two versions priced at 358,000 (75kWh) and 416,000 (100kWh). It stands to reason that it is beyond our 300,000 car purchase budget, but after using the NIO BaaS battery rental plan, the price of both models is 288,000 (battery rental 980 yuan/month and 1680 yuan/month), just within the budget, plus a good heat, so we decided to add it to this car purchase survey.



  The new EC6 has not been listed on the day of arrival, so there is only one.10,000 points for booking (deposit 5000 yuan)Other relevant policies are subject to those announced at the time of official listing. Detailed information can be found atClick here.Check, the delivery cycle is about 2 weeks. At that time, although the price of the new EC6 has not yet been released, the sales said that it is expected to be about 350,000, which is very close to the actual price. The order data is also relatively good. There are already more than 10 orders in the store, and one can be added every day on working days, and about 3 on weekends. The order is mainly for young people. Older users are also interested, but they have not placed an order. They still want to wait for the listing price to come out. Overall, the market prospect is relatively optimistic. It is worth mentioning that although the new EC6 has no discounts, there are no discounts in the storeES8 and ET7 have a small number of stock cars, you can get a discount of 10,000 yuan

NIO NIO EC6 2023 75kWh

NIO NIO EC6 2023 100kWh

  One of the main upgrades of the new EC6 is the appearance, and the other is the intelligent performance. The appearance aspect includes changing the appearance to a new design style, and at the same time provides 9 body colors to choose from. The interior will also provide 3 exclusive color schemes. It just so happens that the car on display adopts the Danxia red color scheme, which is very classy. In addition to intelligence, the new car is equipped with the latest banyan system and NOP + driving assistance. This time I came to the store just in time for the system upgrade, and I couldn’t actually experience it. However, friends who want to know more about the new car can also check our previous detailed experience videos.

NIO NIO EC6 2020 615KM Signature Edition


  The NIO EC6 was first launched in 2020, which can be regarded as a pioneer for Chinese brands to enter the medium-sized SUV market relatively early. At that time, it was also regarded as one of the strong competitors of Tesla Model Y. After the previous generation EC6 was launched, it achieved a monthly sales of 3,000 +, which is also a meritorious model that helped NIO achieve monthly sales of over 10,000 and successfully ranked among the top three new forces. With the launch of the new EC6, it can be regarded as the last piece of the puzzle of the NIO NT2.0 platform. It is bound to bear the burden of sales again. The future market performance is what we all look forward to.

◆ New Xiaopeng G9
Price range: 26.39-35 9,900 yuan
Product features: configuration adjustment, more people-friendly, more practical
Store location: mainly based on the direct sales model, but also developing the dealer model.Supermarkets are the main ones, and there are also departmental stores.





  The new Xiaopeng G9 just listed on September 19, after the completion of the change, the new car has finally dropped to 300,000, a total of 5 models, the price range is 26.39-35 9,900 yuan. At the same time, you can also enjoy the air suspension time-limited 20% off, car color limit free, delivery gift package, replacement subsidy, intelligent upgrade and other subsidy policies, while there are points compensation and hardware upgrades for old owners and so on.



  This time, the Xiaopeng G9 has been mainly adjusted for the configuration. For example, the Danao audio + 5D music cockpit is replaced with an optional configuration, and the standard Xiaopeng XOpera brand audio is equipped. In practice, this self-developed audio can also provide a good listening experience for front and rear passengers, which is completely sufficient for the vast majority of people. In addition, the car system still maintains a relatively high level, and the voice response is very sensitive, which has always been XPeng Motors’ expertise. Of course, in addition to the audio, the new Xiaopeng G9 has many details to adjust. For details, you can click here to view.



  There is a new G9 570max model display in the store. This is also the configuration mainly promoted by Xiaopeng G9. The new G9 has not been listed when it arrives at the store.The deposit is 5,000 yuan, and delivery is expected to start in 1 month.In addition, sales representationThe old Xiaopeng G9 can have a discount of 10,000 yuanHowever, there are only a small number of existing cars, and they are not available when they are sold out. But users who come to the store are basically waiting for the launch of the new G9. After all, there was news at that time that the price of the new model would be cheaper, and the configuration adjustment would not be large.

XPeng Motors Xpeng G9 2022 650 Performance Edition Max


  Xiaopeng G9 was officially launched in September 2022 at the earliest, and it has been exactly one year. As the flagship product of XPeng Motors, although its intelligent driving and charging capabilities have been raised to a new height, the pricing of 30.99-46 9,900 yuan has not been recognized by the market. Except for the sales volume of 4,000 in December 2022, the average monthly sales volume in other months basically hovers around 1,000. After the launch of the new Xiaopeng G9, the price range will be greatly reduced. Can it be recognized by the market again?

◆ New Q Jie M7
Price range: 24.98-32 9,800 yuan
Product features: five-seat version, Huawei ADS 2.0 smart drive, all-aluminum chassis
Store location: Huawei direct sales are mainly in supermarkets, while Sailis direct sales are mainly in industrial park stores, and supermarkets have a wider layout




  The new Q & J M7 was officially launched on September 12, with a total of 5 models and a price range of 24.98-32 9,800 yuan. Since the new car was pre-sold at the Chengdu Auto Show in August, the cumulative order exceeded 15,000 units within 24 hours of listing, and 2700 new orders were added on September 17, creating a new high for the brand’s single-day orders. It can be seen that whether in the supermarket Huawei store or the Q & J 4S store, the new Q & J M7 has become a well-deserved star product.




  According to sales, the new M7 store can basically guarantee a daily increase of 2-3 orders, and can double on weekends, mainly young consumers, most of them choose 5-seat smart driving version (309,800), Huawei ADS 2.0 smart driving is still very attractive to young consumers, and the older ones will basically choose the rear drive version (5 rear drive version sold 249,800, 6 rear drive version sold 269,800 yuan). According to previous news, Huawei ADS 2.0 smart driving system is expected to be in the National Open City NCA in December, when it may usher in another wave of sales.




  If you place an order before the first sales period on October 7, you can get a cash discount of 6,000 yuan, a matching fee of 12,000 yuan and a matching benefit of 15,000 yuan (choose one of three). In addition, there is a replacement subsidy of 15,000 yuan in the store, and the sales rights are still quite attractive. Although the new Q Jie M7 will be delivered when it is listed, if you place an order now, the delivery cycle will take about a month. It is worth mentioning that the new Q Jie M7 has a new 5-seat version with high comfort in the rear row, which is the most comfortable in this visit. In addition, Hongmeng Smart Cockpit 3.0 also has excellent performance. Except for the slightly slow automatic speech recognition (possibly due to signal problems in the exhibition hall), other performances are impeccable.

Sailis Automobile, Ask the World M7 2022 1.5T 4WD Deluxe Edition

  Wenjie M7 was first launched in July 2022. Under Huawei’s halo blessing, it achieved good market feedback in the early stage of listing. The highest monthly sales exceeded 5,000 units, but it fell sharply after 2023, with the average monthly sales falling to about 1,000 units. The new Wenjie M7 can be said to have been adjusted very timely and successful, especially at the moment when Huawei’s new mobile phones are released, the new M7 is also taking advantage of the momentum and has the potential to enter the first echelon.

◆ Lynk & Co 08 EM-P
Price range: 20.88-28 8,000 yuan
Product features: Meizu car machine, new design language/pure electric battery life 245km
Store location: dealer model, mostly industrial park stores, few supermarkets


Lynk & Co 08 2023, basic

Lynk & Co 08 Guided Price Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 120 Long Range Pro 20.88 120 long battery life Halo 21.58 245 Super long battery life Halo 23.58 220 4WD Performance Halo 26.18 Time Limited Edition 28.80

  Lynk & Co 08 ushered in the official listing on September 8. This time, a total of 5 models were launched, priced at 20.88-28 8,000 yuan. Through communication with sales staff, it was found that there are no other preferential policies in the store. For consumers who want to buy Lynk & Co 08, they can only refer to the official rights and interests released when they were listed. At present,Lynk & Co 08 all models can enjoy 9,000 yuan to enjoy the gold when placing an order. At the same time, you can also upgrade the Harmanka 23 speaker audio bag worth 10,000 yuan for free. The optional "Technology Pride Smart Enjoy Pack" can get 7,500 yuan for five years of NOA function service. In terms of replacement subsidy, you can enjoy a replacement/additional purchase subsidy of up to 6,000 yuan. In addition, you can also get 300 yuan worth of Meizu Mall 30,000 points.





  According to Geely’s official sales figures, the Lynk & Co brand sold 18,696 units in August, an increase of about 9% month-on-month and an increase of about 24% year-on-year. According to previous data, less than a week after the new car opened for pre-sale on August 8, the order has exceeded 10,000 units. On the same day, I communicated with the staff in the Beijing store and learned that since the official listing of Lynk & Co 08 as of September 15, the current in-store sales have exceeded 100 units. In this way, this store alone has an average of more than 10 orders per day. It seems that the popularity of new cars is still very high. During our viewing, there are staff who are explaining the functions of the car system to users. It can be seen that users are still very concerned about the intelligent configuration of vehicles.

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

Lynk & Co 08 New Energy 2023 245km Long Range Halo

  The new car uses the latest LYNK Flyme Auto Meizu car system. The sales staff in the store said that it has the same level of fluency as the mobile phone, and the actual experience is really good. Our experience of zoom navigation, one-handed sliding interface, switching between different interfaces and other conventional operations did not find any cards or slow responses during the process. Basically, we can realize finger operation where to hit, and the response is very fast. In addition, we also experienced the automatic speech recognition function of the car. Lynk & Co 08 can only support voice conversations in a single area. When the main driver issues a voice command, the co-pilot immediately sends out a voice command that cannot be recognized. In this regard, we can compare the M7, which can support continuous dialogue in different zones and increase the convenience of continuous operation for different passengers in the car. But for the usage habits of different users, we can’t give absolute good or bad evaluations.

  In addition to the function of the car, when we learned that the Harmanka stereo can be replaced for free, we immediately carried out the experience, which does continue the consistent characteristics of its brand, with excellent sound resolution. In addition, we hope to give users a certain reference in the car purchase experience. Looking back at our car store this time, the overall scale is relatively large, and different models have cars on display. There are also a small number of official used cars in the store. The service attitude of the sales staff in the store and the patient explanation provided us with a good car viewing experience.

◆ Zhiji LS6
Pre-sale price range: 23- 300,000 yuan
Product features: DIY personalized dress-up/technology cockpit design, GPT large model
go online
Store location: direct sales model, mostly supermarket stores, industrial park stores are rare



  Zhiji LS6 has opened pre-sale at the previous Chengdu Auto Show, and the pre-sale price range is 23-300,000 yuan.The new car plans to show the car to the store on September 22. By inquiring about the sales in the store, it is expected that the official price will be maintained within 300,000 yuan, and it will be officially listed and delivered in October. At present, there are no additional preferential policies in the store, and it is still based on official rights and interests. At present, the preferential activities that provide 2,000 yuan of intention gold to 5,000 car purchases also include 10,000 yuan of optional funds. For L7/LS7 owners, they can enjoy another 10,000 yuan discount.Since the pre-sale started at the end of August, as of the day of the survey on September 15,The national order volume of Zhiji LS6 has reached 15,000 units.

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, low-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

  The new car offers a total of 7 body colors. According to the store, the current main colors are brown, cyan and pink. Obviously, pink bodies are more popular with female consumers. Interestingly, although we didn’t see the real car, the in-store sales explained to us a variety of personalized gameplay of Zhiji LS6, including DIY replacement of different colors of rim decoration, side skirt trim and rear spoiler trim and so on.


Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

Zhiji Car, Zhiji LS6 2023, high-end

  Since there are no show cars in the store at present, we did not experience the actual operation of the car and machine system this time. However, in the store we experienced the car and machine of Zhiji L7 and the voice control system. The overall recognition speed needs to be improved compared with other vehicles of the same class. Looking forward to LS6’s improvement in this regard. The Zhiji car we investigated this time is a store located in a large shopping mall. The store decoration style is similar to the reduced version of the car show booth, located in the central lobby area of the mall. The service attitude of the staff in the store and the professional performance of the product are acceptable. 

Editor’s comment:

  This time we are mainly limited to about 300,000 of new products to the store survey, but in the domestic new energy market, of course, there are many BYD, Tengshi and ideal brands have very good products have been affirmed by consumers. An obvious feeling is that compared with the previous store survey by price, preferential and other stimulus policies, this survey we are more impressed by the product force.

  They are not only trying their best to meet the harsh conditions of consumers "both want, want, and want", but also form brand differences through details and bring some unexpected joy. So if you buy a car 300,000 budget, what aspects do you value most and which model will you choose? Which new car market conditions do you want to see? You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area, our car purchase investigation team is always ready. (Text/Autohome Guo Chen, Yao Yu)

Didi pricing method adjustment: Cancellation of 20% commission for drivers does not affect passengers

  After the merger of Uber China and the completion of the local online ride-hailing management plan, Didi began to make major adjustments to the pricing method.

  Surging News (www.thepaper.cn) learned that starting from August 18, Didi Chuxing platform implemented separate pricing for drivers and passengers.20% of each order charged by the driver before cancellation, 0.5 yuan per order, plus 1.77% management fee.

  Taking Beijing as an example, the order is driven for 10 kilometers and 20 minutes. Before the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (2 * 10 + 0.5 * 20) * 80% = 24 yuan; after the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (1.8 * 10 + 0.4 * 20) * 100% = 26 yuan.

  Didi said that after this adjustment, the income of car owners has not changed compared with before. The income of car owners in some cities will also increase with the separation of drivers and passengers, which can increase by about 10% -18%.

  The adjustment of Didi’s pricing method this time is mainly aimed at the driver side, with little impact on the passenger side.

  It is reported that after the driver and passenger are priced separately, the basic fare (km + duration + night fee), other fees, and dynamic price adjustment fees will be 100% owned by the owner. The owner does not need to make any changes in the withdrawal operation, which is the same as before.

  Didi told Surging News that the purpose of making this pricing adjustment is very simple. First, after the division of pricing,Owners can see their income more intuitively, and the details of their income become clearer. Second, owners can also calculate their income directly through the pricing rules on the owner’s side, which is simple and clear.Didi said that after the adjustment of the pricing method, the income of car owners will also be more stable and will not be affected by fluctuations in the passenger side.

  As for why they chose to make this pricing adjustment at this time, Didi said that after Didi merged with Uber China, the media reported a large number of Didi price increases (Didi said it was just a normal price dynamic adjustment, and there was no price increase), which confused Didi drivers about the pricing method. Many drivers expressed their desire for a more transparent pricing method to Didi Chuxing.

  After communicating with a number of Didi drivers in Shanghai recently, Surging News found that there has been a recent phenomenon of Didi drivers leaving the platform. Drivers said that the current subsidy for drivers has decreased compared to before.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and an expert member of the Sharing Economy Working Committee of the Internet Association of China, told The Paper.The adjustment of the pricing method made by Didi further illustrates the difference between online car-hailing and traditional taxis. It is not a disguised form of money or a tap, but a manifestation of the sharing economy.This also reflects the requirements of the "differentiated operation" of the new policy on special cars, not only for passengers and owners, but also for the difference in revenue sharing. This will force taxi reform.

  An insider of Volkswagen Chuxing (a ride-hailing platform owned by the mass transportation group) told The Paper that from the recent frequent actions of Didi, including price increases, reduced driver subsidies, and this time drivers charging a fixed proportion, it can be seen that Didi is under increasing pressure in terms of profitability and is working hard to make changes and postures to give confidence to the capital.

  The aforementioned Volkswagen insider also said that in the long run, Didi will surely generate profits on the driver and passenger side.

  It is reported that the new pricing method of Didi Chuxing has been launched in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, and will be gradually rolled out across the board in the future.

Sailis Automobile builds an efficient and stable supply chain system to help AITO enquire about the high-quality delivery of the new M7

"Gold nine silver ten" is the peak season of the traditional car market. According to the data released by the Passenger Federation, the sales of new energy passenger vehicles in September increased by 23.0% year-on-year. The AITO Wenjie new M7, which has been listed for only a month, is undoubtedly the new favorite of the market. According to the official, Dading has broken through 60,000 units. While sales are hot, it also puts forward higher requirements for delivery. It is reported that in order to fully ensure the high-quality and fast delivery of the AITO Wenjie new M7, Sailis Automobile’s joint supply chain has invested 1 billion yuan and added more than 20,000 manpower.

Whether the supply chain can be effectively pulled and managed is the key to ensuring large-scale delivery and high-quality product delivery. Especially in the new energy automobile industry, a stable and efficient supply chain system is the guarantee of the quality, quantity and delivery efficiency of auto parts. This is reflected in some previous new power car companies. Due to the lack of deep cooperation foundation and experience, there may be unstable and uncontrollable risk factors in the supply chain in the face of extreme situations. For example, during the epidemic, there were even situations where the supply chain was tight and "dared not" to take orders, which limited the sales growth of car companies.

As one of the leading enterprises in the whole vehicle chain, Sailis Automobile has 20 years of vehicle manufacturing accumulation and excellent supply chain management capabilities, and uses the high-quality supply chain system as the foundation for the whole vehicle strength. Not only does it cooperate with Huawei’s cross-border business to build a smart car industry chain in depth, but also reaches strategic cooperation with many leading enterprises such as Ningde Times, Topu, Wencan, etc. Among them, Li’er, Huguang, Topu, etc. have settled in the local area to help the local industry strengthen and supplement the chain. Through forward-looking judgment of the industry and cooperation with many supply chain enterprises in advance, Sailis Automobile gathers the leading technologies of leading supply chain enterprises, and at the same time reduces the cost from procurement, production to after-sales services, promotes production efficiency and quality control, and builds a solid foundation for efficient and high-quality delivery.

Since the beginning of this year, the AITO Q & A series has been launched and delivered the M5 smart driving version and the new M7 series, which have been widely recognized by the market. In December, the flagship model AITO Q & A M9 will also be launched soon. Under the support of a complete supply chain system, Sailis Automobile promotes the strategy of large single products, and will seize a place in the fierce competition of new energy vehicles.

It is worth noting that the stock price of 601127.SH has continued to rise recently, and the market value has jumped by 100 billion yuan again. Cinda Securities’ latest research report said that it is optimistic about the rising profit space of Sailis, and pointed out that with the launch of AITO’s new M7 and M9, the company’s new energy vehicle sales are expected to achieve a significant increase.

Nanning area Xingyue L Zhiqing has a big price cut! The reserve price is 152,700, and the quantity is limited.

In [car home Nanning Preferential Promotion Channel], we will bring you the latest car purchase benefits! At present, this high-profile model is undergoing limited-time preferential activities, with a preferential margin of 0.7 million yuan. The starting price has dropped to 152,700 yuan, which is a good opportunity to buy a car. If you want to seize this affordable opportunity, click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount and add a high-quality car for yourself. Take action and don’t miss this good opportunity to save the budget!


The car system Xingyue L Zhiqing shows a delicate and dynamic design. Its front face adopts a unique family-style design, and the air intake grille adopts a large area of chrome decoration, creating a strong visual impact. The overall style combines strength and elegance, and the lines are smooth, showing the style of a luxury SUV. The proportion of the car body is coordinated, and the details are full of scientific sense and exquisite craftsmanship, which makes people unforgettable.


Xingyue L Zhiqing proudly appeared on the stage, and its body size showed the combination of exquisiteness and atmosphere. The proportion of the body with a length of 4795mm, a width of 1895mm and a height of 1689mm was coordinated, and the wheelbase was as long as 2845mm, giving the car a spacious and comfortable ride space. Streamlined body lines outline a steady and dynamic silhouette, showing luxury temperament. The front and rear tyre size are both 235/50 R19, with unique rim design, which not only improves the driving stability, but also adds a dynamic visual impact.


The interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is mainly exquisite and scientific, creating a luxurious and comfortable atmosphere. It is equipped with a 12.3-inch high-definition central control screen, which not only displays clearly, but also integrates multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and other functions, making it easy to operate. The steering wheel is made of high-grade leather, which provides a good grip and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth to meet the needs of drivers. In terms of seats, Xingyue L Zhiqing is made of imitation leather, and the seat design pays attention to ergonomics. The main driver’s seat supports four-way adjustment of front and rear, backrest and height, and is equipped with heating and ventilation functions, so that drivers can enjoy a comfortable riding experience. In addition, the front seats also have electric memory function, and passengers can automatically adjust the seat position according to their personal habits. The co-pilot seat also provides multi-directional adjustment, while the second row of seats supports backrest adjustment. As for the convenience configuration, Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with two USB and a Type-C interface in the front row, which is convenient for passengers to charge and transmit data, and the driver’s seat also has the function of wireless charging of mobile phones, which fully meets the needs of modern drivers.


The car is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW, which can provide excellent power output. This engine is also equipped with 163 horsepower, which makes the vehicle have good acceleration performance in daily driving. The matching 3-speed DHT gearbox further optimizes the power transmission and ensures a smooth and efficient driving experience.

Summarizing the evaluation of car home car owners, we can draw the conclusion that although there are some controversies about the appearance design, this car owner has a special liking for the protruding front face design of Xingyue L Zhiqing. His unique vision and preferences show that the appearance design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is not only a single aesthetic standard, but can meet the individual needs of different car owners. Therefore, the aesthetic design of Xingyue L Zhiqing may be one of its attractive highlights, which is worth further exploration and taste.

What is the acceleration time of Mercedes-Benz e300 in 100 kilometers?


The acceleration time of Mercedes-Benz E300 is 6.6 seconds per 100 kilometers, which can directly reflect the dynamic performance of the car.

Among the vehicles with the same displacement, the vehicles equipped with turbocharged engines usually perform better in the acceleration of 100 kilometers, because they have stronger power output and a wide maximum torque output range, so that vehicles can exert their best acceleration ability at low speeds.

As a mid-range model of Mercedes-Benz, E300 has been completely redesigned in appearance and interior.

It is equipped with the interior ambience lights of Mercedes-Benz S-Class models, which makes the lighting combination in the car more luxurious when the lighting system is turned on at night.

In addition, the headlights can automatically adjust the brightness according to the external environment, providing a smarter lighting experience.

Volvo dumped 28 billion luxury electric "baggage" to Geely.

Volvo pulled out of the pole star and its share price soared by 30%.

Volvo Car announced that it will no longer provide funds for Polar Star and plans to reduce its holdings. The reduced shares will be mainly taken over by Geely.

In the past, some analysts believed that Volvo held a large number of polar stars, which dragged down Volvo.

The market reaction confirmed this view, and Volvo’s share price soared just after the announcement.

Volvo pulled out and its share price soared.

Volvo Car (hereinafter referred to as Volvo) announced that it would stop blood transfusion to Polar Star and adjust its shares.

At present, Volvo is evaluating the distribution of shares in Polar Star to its shareholders, and Geely Sweden is the potential main recipient.

Some analysts believe that Geely will replace Volvo’s position as an important shareholder of Polar Star.

For Volvo’s reduction, Geely responded that it supports Volvo to concentrate resources on developing itself.

Geely also stated that it will continue to provide comprehensive business and financial support for Polar Star.

Geely also added that supporting Polar Star will not make Geely reduce its holdings of Volvo. This will be added, because only last month, Geely reduced its holdings of Volvo.

Volvo currently holds 48% of the shares of Polar Star. Some analysts once thought that holding such a high share was a burden for Volvo.

The market proved that this was the case. After Volvo announced its withdrawal from Polar Star, its share price once rose by 30%.

The share price of Polar Star once fell more than 15%, and its market value shrank by nearly 86% compared with the highest value.

The polar star, which just announced layoffs not long ago, is now worse, and the recent situation is in sharp contrast with Volvo.

Volvo is in a good situation, but Polar Star is in a bad situation.

On February 1st, Volvo released its performance report, which showed that its global sales in 2023 was 708,000 vehicles, driving the company’s revenue to increase by 21% year-on-year to 399.3 billion Swedish kronor (equivalent to about RMB 275.9 billion).

Excluding joint ventures and associated companies, the company’s basic operating profit is about 17.694 billion yuan, up 43% year-on-year.

What is even more rare is that the transformation results are also good:

Volvo sold 113,000 pure trams last year, up over 70% year-on-year, and the sales volume of plug-in hybrid vehicles was 152,000, up 10% year-on-year.

Simply calculate, the sales volume of Volvo’s new energy vehicles accounts for over 37.4% of the total sales volume.

Jim Ron, CEO of Volvo Cars, summed it up:

In 2023, Volvo’s revenue and profit reached new highs, which was an important milestone on the company’s transformation road.

In 2017, Polar Star, a joint venture between Volvo and Geely, did not perform well last year.

The annual sales volume was only 54,600 vehicles, and the total loss in the first three quarters was equivalent to RMB 5.27 billion.

Just announced 15% layoffs last week, saying that "the market is full of challenges", and it is necessary to adjust the business scale to cut costs and reduce blood transfusion of Geely and Volvo.

The poor performance of Polar Star is partly due to insufficient attention to the domestic market. The financial report in the first quarter of last year showed that its revenue share in China was only 1.4%.

Polar Star realized the problem, and in order to cater to the preferences of consumers in China, the new polar star 4 was designated as an SUV model.

In view of the local development in China, it was built on the vast platform of the same model SEA, the chassis was tuned by Volvo, and considering the intelligent competitiveness, Meizu’s Flyme Auto was installed on the car core.

It can be seen that Geely assembled the main battle for the battle of Polar Star 4.

In June 2022, the market value of IPO rushed to the pole star of nearly 197.3 billion yuan, which ushered in a dream start, but it was abandoned by "Swedish fellow villagers" less than two years later.

With the withdrawal of Volvo, the problem of polar star is more directly placed in front of Geely case. Geely has gained more direct equity, so it is necessary to try to make Polar Star shine again.

Editor in charge: Ruofeng

Oil price welcomes 9 yuan era, this year’s listing saves money, inventory of hybrid cars.

  [car home Information] The oil price is about to usher in the "9 yuan" era, and friends around us have begun to succumb and want to change to a more economical car. Unfortunately, not only the oil price has gone up, but also the price of electric vehicles. Tesla and BYD have just announced price adjustments. In the era of high oil prices, hybrid models seem to be an ideal transition choice. Just last year, many car companies also released their own hybrid models. Today, let’s take a look at those hybrid models that have been listed this year and will be listed within 200,000 yuan to help you find more economical cars.

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  Many consumers have very high requirements for cars, which require both strong power, money saving and large space. In the past, for pure fuel vehicles, it was very difficult to achieve strong power, large space and fuel economy, because it was a contradiction in itself. Strong power requires large displacement, and it is impossible to save fuel with large displacement. However, the arrival of new energy technologies has perfectly solved these contradictions.

Key hybrid vehicles that have been listed/will be listed within 200,000 yuan in 2022. car make and model grade Energy type Price (ten thousand yuan) BYD destroyer 05 compact car Plug-in hybrid power Not yet announced Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV Compact SUV Plug-in hybrid power Not yet announced Chery tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ Medium SUV Plug-in hybrid power 15.18-16.58 Chang’ an UNI-K iDD Medium SUV Plug-in hybrid power 17.69-19.29 Geely xingyue l Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version of oil and electricity Compact SUV Oil-electric hybrid power Pre-sale of 173,700 yuan Nissan hacker e-POWER Compact SUV Extended range hybrid power Not yet announced

  At present, there are three main types of hybrid models on the market, namely, hybrid electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle and extended-range hybrid vehicle. These three types will be included in the models to be recommended today. The battery of hybrid electric vehicle is small, which mainly depends on pure electric drive at low speed to save fuel. It does not need to be charged separately, and the price of new vehicle is easy to accept, but in terms of fuel economy, it is only slightly lower than that of ordinary fuel vehicle.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  Plug-in hybrid vehicles, compared with ordinary hybrid vehicles, have larger batteries, so they will have better performance in fuel economy. Because it not only works in pure electricity at the starting state, but can completely choose EV pure electricity mode. In this way, pure electric commuting is not a dream in the road sections with more traffic lights in the city. If the daily commuting distance is within a reasonable range, you can basically commute by pure electricity, so in this way, the fuel consumption is actually zero. However, plug-in hybrid vehicles need to be charged separately to give full play to its advantages. If there is no charging pile at home, it will cost some time.

  The extended-range hybrid model is an electric vehicle that does not need to be charged. The engine mainly charges the battery or supplies the generator. Although the fuel consumption is not lower than that of the plug-in hybrid model, it is lower than that of the oil-electric hybrid model, and it also saves the trouble of charging. Next, let’s take a look at the money-saving hybrid models that will be listed within 200,000 yuan this year.

 ● BYD destroyer 05

  BYD is gradually forming a series of marine life mainly equipped with E platform 3.0 pure electricity and a series of warships mainly equipped with DM-i plug-in hybrid technology. The destroyer 05 will be the first model of the warship series, and it will be positioned as a compact car. Its model size is 4780/1837/1495mm, and its wheelbase is 2718mm, which is basically the same as that of Qin PLUS DM-i, and its positioning will also form a complementary relationship with Qin PLUS DM-I. The car is equipped with an 8.8-inch full LCD instrument and a 15.6-inch floating multimedia touch screen.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  The sales of BYD DM-i are booming in 2021, which has a lot to do with BYD’s strategic change. BYD plug-in hybrid models have been sold in the market for many years, and the early publicity point is its powerful power, even the acceleration time of 0-100km/h will be marked at the rear of the car. Last year, BYD changed its thinking and launched a number of DM-i models focusing on fuel-saving routes. After years of deep cultivation in the plug-in hybrid vehicle market and pure electric market, BYD DM-i models were quickly recognized by consumers.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  Compared with the past DM-p models, the DM-i model engine is mainly a naturally aspirated small displacement engine, which increases the cruising range in pure electric mode and makes the comprehensive fuel consumption lower. Although the power is reduced, it is still at an excellent level in ordinary models.

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  BYD Destroyer 05 is equipped with Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L engine, which adopts Atkinson cycle working mode and ultra-high compression ratio of 15.5:1. It is a fuel-saving engine. Compared with ordinary engines, it simplifies the engine structure, improves the reliability and makes the power more efficient. On the motor, EHS electromechanical coupling unit adopts double motor design, including driving motor and generator. At medium and low speeds, the motor is mainly used to drive the vehicle, and at high speeds, the engine is used to directly drive the vehicle, and the driving motor is used as power assistance. In addition, the battery is equipped with Ferrous lithium phosphate’s blade battery, which has higher energy density and smaller volume, reducing the occupation of vehicle space.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  From the parameter point of view, the 1.5L engine of destroyer 05 has a maximum power of 110 HP (81 kW) and a maximum torque of 135 Nm. In terms of driving motor, two power versions are provided according to different models, with the maximum power of 180 HP and 197 HP and the maximum torque of 316 Nm and 325 Nm respectively. The comprehensive pure electric cruising range of WLTC is 46km and 101km, respectively. Referring to Qin PLUS, the average fuel consumption given by the owner is 3.8L/100km. Of course, powerful friends can wait for Han DM-i, and its cruising range will be longer in pure electric mode.

 ● Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV

  Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV is positioned as a compact SUV, which will be equivalent to the positioning of Macchiato DHT-PHEV listed last year, forming complementary advantages. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4668/1890/1730mm and its wheelbase is 2745mm, which is obviously slightly larger than that of Macchiato DHT-PHEV. The car is equipped with four screens, including a 14.6-inch central control LCD screen, a 9.2-inch LCD instrument, a 9-inch touch screen and a HUD head-up display.

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  In the future, Wei Pai will promote DHT lemon mixing in all products and gradually transition to the era of new energy. DHT will be the focus of Wei Pai’s future development. At the same time, in terms of new energy technology, Wei Pai will also have two modes: HEV (oil-electricity hybrid) and PHEV (plug-in hybrid).

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  Great Wall DHT is a set of dual-motor high-efficiency hybrid system independently developed by Great Wall Motor for three years. The engine and two motors are connected through a parallel shaft 2-speed reduction mechanism, and the power output relationship between different components is adjusted through a clutch. That is, double motors are used to decouple the same wheel end of the engine to flexibly adjust the working state of the engine. In this way, the following three working modes can be realized: EV, series and parallel mode.

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  In pure electric mode, the TM main drive motor is driven by the lithium battery to directly drive the vehicle forward, and the engine is in a flameout state; In series mode, the engine runs in the high-efficiency interval to drive the GM motor to generate electricity, and the TM motor drives the wheels to move forward; In parallel mode, the engine drives the wheels through a two-speed reducer, and at the same time, the TM drive motor assists in adjusting the load of the engine.

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  In terms of parameters, the Latte DHT-PHEV is equipped with 1.5T intelligent DHT, with a total system power of 181kW and a peak torque of 532N·m, which will be matched with the DHT130 hybrid gearbox, with an acceleration of 7.5s from 0-100km/h, and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 4.9L/100km, and a full-oil battery life of over 1,000km.

 ● Chery Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+

  In January of this year, the Chery Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ was officially launched, and the price of the new car was 151.8-165.8 thousand yuan. It is a plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUV. Compared with the same price model, the Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ has a larger body size, and it also brings more interior seating space, forming a three-row and seven-seat layout. The interior adopts double 12.3-inch dual-screen design, with built-in high-tech maps, singing bars, iQiyi and other apps, combined with SONY audio, showing a different audio-visual experience.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  Chery Kunpeng Power was released at the Shanghai Auto Show in 2021. It is a global power architecture of Chery 4.0, a hybrid technology platform composed of Chery’s fourth-generation engine and a special DHT hybrid gearbox. Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is the first model of Chery equipped with Kunpeng DHT hybrid power system.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  Chery claims in the advertisement of Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ that the car has 3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds. What is this? Three engines refer to three kinds of power sources, including 1.5TGDI Miller cycle engine with the highest thermal efficiency of more than 45%+DHT double motors (front double motors+rear single motors). Double motors can be driven separately or simultaneously, and generate electricity at the same time. At the same time, DHT has three physical gear ratios.

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  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ can realize pure electric mode and series extended range mode, that is, the engine drives the motor to generate electricity, and the motor drives the wheels, and it can also realize parallel mode, that is, the engine and the motor are driven at the same time. Nine modes can realize high-efficiency working modes such as single/double motor drive, extended range, parallel connection, direct engine drive, single/double motor energy recovery, driving/parking charging, etc. In addition, Chery combined the motor with the transmission to form the DHT hybrid special transmission, thus achieving 11 combination modes and smooth and efficient power output. Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ also has 11 driving scenarios, including starting, medium and low speed, overhead, overtaking, red light, congestion, high speed, long distance, mountain road, high-speed steering, ice/snow/mud/sand.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  In terms of parameters, the Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is equipped with a hybrid power system consisting of front double motor+rear single motor +1.5T engine. The four-wheel drive model with engine+double motor+electric rear axle accelerates for 4.9 seconds at 0-100km/h, and the engine+double motor model accelerates for 7.2 seconds at 0-100km/h. The whole system comes standard with a battery pack of 19.27kWh, and the maximum input torque is 57.

 ● Changan UNI-K iDD

  Changan UNI-K iDD is a plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUV, which just announced the price of the new car, with the price range of 176,900-192,900 yuan. The new car continues the design of the fuel version, and adopts a sporty and futuristic design. At the same time, the interior design is also very layered. The full LCD instrument panel and the suspended central control panel will not be absent from the car.

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  At the Chongqing Auto Show in 2021, Changan released the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, which is a plug-in hybrid system, supporting pure electric mode and hybrid electric mode. This system includes blue whale engine, blue whale transmission, large-capacity battery control system, etc. Changan UNI-K iDD became the first vehicle equipped with the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, and it will be applied to more of its products in the future.

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  The structure of Blue Whale iDD hybrid system is similar to that of plug-in hybrid system of Volkswagen. Both of them adopt P2 hybrid system structure, and the motor is placed between the engine and the transmission. Blue Whale iDD hybrid system adopts core technologies such as high-efficiency and high-pressure hydraulic system, three-clutch integration technology, intelligent electronic double pump technology, etc. The comprehensive efficiency of electric drive of Blue Whale electric drive transmission is 90%, and it has a super-capacity PHEV battery with a battery capacity of 30.7kWh and a pure electric cruising range of 130km. In addition, Changan UNI-K iDD also supports OTA upgrade in full power domain, which can continuously enhance users’ feelings.

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Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  In terms of parameters, Changan UNI-K iDD is equipped with the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T turbocharged four-cylinder engine and an electric motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 170 HP, the maximum torque is 260 Nm, the maximum power of the motor is 116 HP, and the maximum torque is 330 Nm. The transmission system is matched with the Blue Whale three-clutch electric drive gearbox, and the NEDC has a pure electric cruising range of 130 km and a comprehensive cruising range of 1,100 km, which is power-deficient.

 ● Geely Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Edition

  At the end of last year, Geely Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version officially announced the pre-sale price, and the pre-sale price of the new car was 173,700 yuan, which was positioned as a compact SUV. This is a hybrid model based on the Star Yue L model, which is different from the fuel version of Star Yue L in appearance design, mainly reflected in the design of the front grille. In the interior design, the three screens in the car are the biggest highlights, and the use of large-area suede leather fabrics shows the luxury inside the car.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version is equipped with a 1.5T three-cylinder engine code-named DHE15. The three-cylinder engine is smaller, which helps to reduce the volume of the whole hybrid system. For the working conditions where the three-cylinder engine is prone to jitter, such as starting, the system can be driven by a motor to avoid poor working areas. The temperature of compression and combustion process of Miller cycle engine is lower, thus reducing heat transfer loss and saving fuel.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version with high version.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  With the appearance of DHT Pro, Geely hybrid system entered the era of dual motors. Of course, not all the double motors are used to drive the vehicle. The P1 motor is connected with the engine and mainly used to generate electricity, and the P2 motor is responsible for driving the vehicle. Geely has integrated a 3-speed transmission in the P2 drive motor of DHT Pro, which has more gears than ordinary models, and theoretically accelerates more smoothly, so the engine has more chances to be in an efficient working area.

Home of the car

  Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version of the ternary lithium battery pack has a capacity of about 1.8kWh, and the battery pack is located in the channel in the middle of the seat. Compared with the strategy of putting the battery pack under the seat in mainstream hybrid models, this method has less impact on the space of riding and storage, giving consideration to practical performance.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  In terms of parameters, Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version is equipped with a hybrid power system consisting of a 1.5T three-cylinder engine. The maximum power of the engine is 150 HP and the peak torque is 225 Nm. The transmission system adopts a 3-speed electric drive gearbox (DHT Pro). The thermal efficiency of the engine is 43.32%, the fuel saving rate is 40%, the maximum endurance is 1300km with full oil, the acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h is 7.9 seconds, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is 4.3L/100km.

 ● Nissan hacker e-POWER

  After Nissan Sylphy e-POWER, a new generation of hackers will also bring e-POWER models and position compact SUVs. The appearance style of the new hackers is similar to that of the current Qijun, and the new cars look more sporty and flamboyant than the current models. In the interior, the overall design is layered, and the suspended central control panel and full LCD instrument are equipped.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

  E-POWER can be understood as an extended-range hybrid power system equipped with a small-capacity battery. It is an electric vehicle without charging. It is structurally composed of an engine, a generator and a drive motor. The engine is an extended-range generator, which only drives the generator to generate electricity. The generated electric energy will be stored in the battery or directly used as the energy input of the drive motor according to the vehicle working conditions.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

  E-POWER system has a simple structure and no complicated coupling device, which is beneficial to miniaturization and lightweight and is presented in series. In terms of working mode, under low load, the energy of driving motor is completely provided by battery, and the driving mode of vehicle is the same as that of pure electric vehicle. With the increase of vehicle driving load, the output power of the battery can’t meet the demand of the motor. At this time, the engine starts to drive the generator to generate electricity to meet the demand of the motor for electric energy. When the battery power is low, the engine will also start to drive the generator to generate electricity. Part of the generated electricity will be sent to the motor to drive the wheels, and the other part will charge the battery to ensure that the battery power is at an appropriate level.

Home of the car

  In terms of working mode, under low load, the energy of driving motor is completely provided by battery, and the driving mode of vehicle is the same as that of pure electric vehicle. With the increase of vehicle driving load, the output power of the battery can’t meet the demand of the motor. At this time, the engine starts to drive the generator to generate electricity to meet the demand of the motor for electric energy. When the battery power is low, the engine will also start to drive the generator to generate electricity. Part of the generated electricity will be sent to the motor to drive the wheels, and the other part will charge the battery to ensure that the battery power is at an appropriate level.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

  In terms of parameters, the new generation of hacker’s e-POWER model is equipped with a 1.5T variable compression ratio engine with a maximum power of 190 HP, and the front wheels are driven by the motor. There are no parameters for fuel consumption. At present, the comprehensive fuel consumption of Sylphy e-POWER is 3.9L.

 ● Edit Comment:

  Consumers should still decide which model to choose according to their own situation, for example, it is inconvenient to charge, or don’t consider plug-in hybrid vehicles. Hybrid models are more suitable for commuting in cities with congested road conditions. In addition to saving fuel and money, they can also bring you a better driving experience and a smoother feeling on the stop-and-go road. I believe that in 2022, it may be a new year for hybrid vehicles, and oil prices will promote the change of historical wheels, which is similar to the process of Japanese cars knocking on the door of the United States. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

Huawei Cloud Zhang Peng: Technology empowerment releases digital intelligence productivity and enables the modernization of government and enterprise applications.

At this juncture in 2023,Using digital powerAccelerate application modernization,alreadybecomeGovernment and enterprises jointly build a digital China to promote Chinese modernization.The main theme.It can be said that going to the cloud has become the only way to intellectualize government and enterprises, and it is the future of digital China.

As a global manufacturing enterprise with nearly 200,000 employees, Huawei has many similarities with many government and enterprises, both of which are non-cloud-native, and have also experienced the process of their own digital transformation from scratch.Practicing the strategy of "everything is service", Huawei Cloud is based on the positioning of digital "cloud base" and "enabler".The technology, tools and experience precipitated in the digital transformation will continue to be opened on Huawei Cloud to help more government and enterprises accelerate digitalization.

On the one hand, Huawei Cloud provides a comprehensive and rich cloud service to help government and enterprises make good use of the cloud. In the application of modern technological innovation, Huawei Cloud provides six key technologies: "assembly delivery, digital intelligence drive, DevOps, service-oriented architecture, security, credibility and resilience", including the leading Huawei Cloud Astro low-code platform and innovative cloud services covering databases, AI, digital content production and other aspects. At the same time, Huawei Cloud also creatively integrated the four production lines, launched DevCloud Development Cloud, and realized the collaboration of DataOps, MLOps, MetaOps and DevOps. Through one-stop XOps solution, the asset sharing and development process of data, AI, digital content and applications were seamlessly integrated, and isolated islands were broken, which made the process from innovation to value realization more efficient and reliable.

In addition, for the diversified application scenarios of government and enterprises, Huawei Cloud Stack has comprehensively carried out innovation on the cloud. By extracting the common characteristics of industry segmentation scenarios, the cloud service combination Offering, networking, configuration, application, etc. has been standardized and continuously introduced to the market. Based on rich experience in industry cloudization, Huawei Cloud Stack is working with partners to provide professional services and best practices to help many government and enterprise users move towards deep cloud use. In 2022, Huawei Cloud Stack accumulated more than 5,200 global government and enterprise customers, and continued to lead in the government and enterprise market.

At the same time, Huawei Cloud has also built a soft capability of digital transformation, that is, spilling Huawei’s own digital transformation experience to Huawei Cloud, and jointly building industry aPaaS with partners to help users better realize application modernization and complete digital transformation through "experience as a service". Up to now, Huawei Cloud has released several basic aPaaS services, such as industry, heating, government affairs, coal mine, education, electric power and highway, as well as KooMessage cloud messaging service and river map KooMap service. Huawei Yunkaitian aPaaS has fully opened more than 50 scene cloud services and more than 100,000 API services, which are widely used in more than ten vertical industries.

On the other hand,With the comprehensive and deep use of the cloud in the government and enterprise market, the demand has increased by leaps and bounds year by year.The coordinated development among cities, industries and enterprises has become particularly important, which requires the joint efforts of government, enterprises, industry and research.

In order to accelerate the overall improvement of the quality and efficiency of the digital economy, and help the smart development of cities, the upgrading of industrial digital intelligence, and the innovative growth of enterprises, Huawei Cloud joined hands with institutions such as China Soft Institute, Federation of Industry and Commerce, Xinhua Net, media and ecological partners to jointly launch the "100-city enterprise application modernization China Tour" action, and joined hands with all parties.Promote the modernization of government and enterprise applications and accelerate the high-quality development of government and enterprise.

"China Tour of’ 100 Cities and 100 Enterprises’ Application Modernization" promotes the modernization of government and enterprise applications and accelerates high-quality development.

As an important part of the "100 Cities and 100 Enterprises Apply Modernization to China" campaign, Huawei Cloud City Summit has gone through five years, which is the five years that Huawei Cloud has been deeply cultivating government and enterprises, and it is also the five years that it witnessed the rapid cloudization of government and enterprises and entered the deep-water area of digital intelligence. In order to bring the latest intelligent transformation concepts, technologies and successful practical experience to various cities, industries and enterprises, since 2019, Huawei Cloud City Summit has begun to go deep into the country and enter the forefront of the intelligentization of government and enterprises. To this day,Huawei Cloud City Summit has been completed.Grow more and moreThe preferred platform for cities and enterprises to explore technology and business model innovation.Next, Huawei Cloud City Summit will continue to go to the whole country, injecting new kinetic energy into the modernization of urban and industrial applications.

Up to now, Huawei Cloud has served the 800+ China government cloud project in the government market, built a "one city and one cloud" with 150+ cities, and provided digital empowerment services for over 40 central enterprises and 200 state-owned enterprises; At the same time, relying on more than 160 innovation centers nationwide, Huawei Cloud has helped more than 23,000 manufacturing enterprises to digitally transform.

One tree doesn’t make a forest, and one river can’t make a sea. Digitalization has become the biggest dividend and opportunity for government and enterprises at present, and it is also a common opportunity for the whole industry. Huawei Cloud hopes to release digital productivity by building a "cloud base" in the future world and become the primary force for the intelligentization of government and enterprises.