Fang Zhigang: Every drop of crude oil is the crystallization of science and technology.

  Editor’s Note: The publicity campaign on the theme of "Chinese Dream: Artisans in Great Countries" was jointly carried out by the National Internet Information Office and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, aiming at vigorously promoting the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and artisans, creating a glorious social fashion of labor and a professional atmosphere of striving for perfection, giving full play to the demonstration and leading role of advanced model figures, and encouraging more workers, especially young people, to take the road of becoming talents and serving the country with skills.

  China Youth Network, Beijing, September 29th (Reporter Mou Haokun Intern reporter Wu Boyang correspondent Hasyeti Kasmu Li Shuangxing) Petroleum is the most important raw material in modern industrial society. Everyone’s food, clothing, housing and transportation are closely related to oil and natural gas.

  For example, a bottle of mineral water on the table, which is put in front of you after water source discovery, mining, purification, bottling and transportation, consumes a third of the oil. If it is fruit juice, the oil consumption will be as much as half a bottle.

  Before graduating from college, like many young people who have never been to an oil field, Fang Zhigang, a first-class engineer in Tuha Oilfield and a technical expert in China Petroleum Gas Lift Center, thought that once an oil well was drilled, the oil could be ejected or pumped out and then applied to all aspects of our lives. However, when he arrived in the Turpan-Hami basin, he realized that oil is contained in rock sand and needs to be "washed out" again and again by water and polymers.

  Recently, the reporter followed the theme propaganda activity of "Chinese Dream, Artisans of Great Powers", and learned about the whole process of oil from exploitation, refining to export, as well as the symbolic brand technology of China oil. "Gas-lift oil recovery is an oil recovery method that injects high-pressure gas into the well from the ground and uses the principle of gas expansion to reduce the liquid density in the wellbore and lift crude oil to the ground." Fang Zhigang is an outstanding representative engaged in this technical research and the leader of the gas lift technical innovation team in recent years.

  "What we are doing is to make oil wells produce high and stable yields."

  "Facing the long yellow sand and the vast Gobi every day, it’s a bit monotonous and lonely after a long time, but I’m used to it." After graduating from college, Fang Zhigang, a young man from the northeast, came to the northwest of the motherland, which gradually made him feel special about this land in Xinjiang. In his eyes, the vast desert contains infinite possibilities. "If you want to dry oil, you want to choose the place with the most oil fields. The most promising place in the future is Xinjiang." He said.

  Fang Zhigang went into the gas distribution room to check the gas injection in the gas lift well at the gas lift technical operation site in Jannarol Oilfield (well 2397). Photo courtesy of respondents

  When he first arrived in Tuha Oilfield, Fang Zhigang came to Tuha Drilling Company for an internship. But the drilling work is a far cry from what Fang Zhigang imagined. Fang Zhigang starts from the construction site every day, lifting drill pipes and removing cuttings. At the end of the day, he is covered with mud and oil. What impressed me the most was that one day a nearby well overflowed and several drilling teams helped to prepare mud. Fang Zhigang and his workmates carried barite powder and poured it into the mud pit in bags. A bag of 25 kilograms, busy from the afternoon until late at night, when the danger is lifted, everyone is tired and paralyzed at the well site.

  This is the first time that Fang Zhigang experienced heavy physical labor. Later, I heard from Master that overflow is the precursor of blowout, and barite powder mixed with mud is used to kill well and make blowout. If you hold down the well, it will be fine. If you can’t hold down the well, it will be a blowout accident, and the most serious machine will destroy people. At that time, what appeared in Fang Zhigang’s mind was the picture of Iron Man Wang Jinxi jumping into the mud pool, and he also understood the special significance behind everyone’s shoulder-pulling.

  After the first Spring Festival in Tuha Oilfield, the company informed Fang Zhigang to report to the Institute of Engineering Technology. When he arrived at the Academy of Engineering and entered the gas lift center, Fang Zhigang’s first task was to design a slim hole expandable packer. At that time, Tuha Oilfield used sidetracking technology to bring a number of old wells and casing damaged wells back to life and re-employed. However, there is no matching small diameter packer in China, so the oilfield decided to develop it by itself.

  When designing the rubber tube, the research team encountered problems. Small size does not have enough bearing capacity, and large size can’t get into the well. Repeated adjustment of the design failed to solve the problem. "It’s like a seesaw, taking care of one end and not caring about the other." Fang Zhigang said.

  After soaking in the workshop for several days, Fang Zhigang pondered it over and over again. He found that the most serious deformation of the rubber tube was mainly at both ends, and this factor mainly affected the sealing performance.

  "Can you change the rubber tube from fixed to movable, so as to reduce the risk of damage and improve the sealing performance?" Fang Zhigang’s idea, after implementation, really solved the problem. Master asserted that a single-minded young man can do technology and research.

  After a period of oil well production, the pressure drop and the output drop, all of which need to be supplemented by artificial lifting to improve the output. In Fang Zhigang’s view, among many artificial lifting oil production methods, gas lift can give full play to the reservoir’s own energy. Under the condition of gas source, gas lift oil production is the first choice and the most economical and effective artificial lifting method in the oilfield. Moreover, gas lift can produce oil in the whole life cycle from the initial stage of production to the final shutdown.

  With gas lift, wells with insufficient energy for flowing production can produce normally, wells with low production can increase production, and wells with high production can obtain higher production. Fang Zhigang often vividly said to the gas lift team members, "What we are doing is to make the oil well high and stable, make the oil field develop efficiently, and strive to make the oil field younger."

  "The mountain is climbed step by step."

  In 2010, Fang Zhigang took over the 48-gas lift technical service of BBA Oilfield in the Middle East, and the biggest problem was gas lift tools.

  The crude oil in BBA Oilfield has "four highs", high sulfur content, high wax content, high carbon dioxide content and high asphaltene content, which requires high sulfur and corrosion resistance for downhole tools. In particular, the oil well is large in size and high in production, and the diameter of the working cylinder of gas lift valve is required to be 168 mm, while the largest size of Tuha gas lift in the past was only 127 mm.

  "The diameter has increased by 41 mm, which seems to have only increased by one-third, but the technological difficulty is geometric growth, which is easy to talk about!" It is time-consuming, heavy-duty and difficult to complete the R&D and manufacturing test of tools and put them into field application within one year. When I first took over the task in 2010, many people described it as an "impossible task".

  "The mountain is climbed step by step, and the ship is shaken out one by one." Fang Zhigang said, "If you don’t do it, you will never succeed."

  When it really gets started, problems follow.

  The first is to prevent hydrogen sulfide. Sulfur is the nemesis of metals. Generally, when metal meets hydrogen sulfide, it will produce "hydrogen embrittlement" phenomenon, and the stress will drop greatly, so it is easy to break off. The upper and lower ends of the working cylinder of the gas lift valve are connected with oil pipes, and the diameter is relatively small, while the diameter of the body part is large, which is "small at both ends and thick in the middle" on the whole. In the past, the working cylinder of gas lift valve mostly adopted welding technology, three-stage combination and two welds. However, sulfur has a great influence on the weld, and the sulfur-proof welding process is more difficult.

  Domestic factories have found one after another, but they can’t guarantee sulfur-resistant welding. "Welding can’t be changed to forging!" Forging is not difficult. Just to solve the problems of shrinkage ratio and compression resistance, I don’t know how many times I optimized the structure repeatedly, and finally I had to choose a special-shaped working cylinder similar to an ellipse.

  Press the hoist to float the ladle, avoiding the welding problem and welcoming the forging test. The special-shaped structure has greatly increased the difficulty of forging, and it is only after half a year of tackling key problems that we have found the top domestic factory in Shenyang.

  Dozens of such large and small problems have been solved, almost all of which are original solutions. Finally, it’s time to wake up the underground gas lift tools. Whether the gas-lift tools that have been dormant underground for several years can be started normally or not, the gas-lift ceremony of Well 028 affects the hearts of all parties in the oilfield. Although every step of gas lift is carefully calculated and thought out, many original technologies are used to extract oil under such harsh conditions, which is unprecedented in China. "Whether it’s a dragon or a worm, we’ll see." Just like welcoming the birth of a child, Fang Zhigang was both nervous and excited in those days. "I still have the confidence to do my own work!"

  At 9: 00 am on July 18, 2017, with the opening of the gas injection valve, natural gas was continuously injected into the wellbore. The primary valve is over-gassed, and the secondary valve is over-gassed … … Two days later, the gas lift well entered the normal working state, and the oil well output rose steadily until it exceeded 30% of the initial daily production. The oil field won the environmental protection award issued by the local government, which is the first time that the local government’s foreign cooperation project has won such an honor for decades.

  "My greatest value is here."

  In North Trouvat Oilfield (Well 7546), Fang Zhigang (third from left) led the team to go deep into the technical service site to carry out technical services. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Working in the oil field and serving the domestic and foreign countries by gas lift is the norm in Fang Zhigang, and even the wife who works in the same unit rarely meets it.

  At the end of 2014, his father, who was far away in the northeast, was critically ill, and Fang Zhigang hurried back to his hometown. When I met my father in the hospital, my condition was so serious that it was no longer suitable for treatment. Father said, "Son, let’s go home." Going home that day, my father died in the middle of the night.

  I have been working for many years, far away from my hometown, and there are only a handful of days to be with my father. Children want to raise and don’t stay close. Fang Zhigang said that the most regrettable thing is that he failed to convince his father to come to Xinjiang to live together before his death.

  After the birth of his youngest daughter, he was away on business all the year round. I have a vacation once in a while, but I can’t stay for a few days. When I first met my father, my little daughter felt strange and cried. Go to bed at night and drive straight out. A few days later, I finally got a little hot, and it was time to go again.

  In 2011, Tuha gas lift entered the Middle East market. As the head of the Middle East project in Beijing, Fang Zhigang is as busy as a top every day. In July, it was the critical moment of business operation, and the two daughters had a high fever at the same time. Three days later, I still have a high fever. The wife was really desperate, so she called Fang Zhigang.

  Report to the leader, immediately grant leave, and arrange for colleagues in Tuha Oilfield to coordinate vehicles and help take care of them. Fang Zhigang finished the work at hand overnight, and instructed his colleagues. Only then did he fly back to Xinjiang in a hurry and rushed to the hospital. At this time, the child’s body temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius, especially the one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, who has been in a coma since she had a fever. The doctor suggested that she be transferred to the hospital immediately. Rushed to Urumqi overnight, the hospital arranged directly into the intensive care unit. Seeing the child with an oxygen tube and a stomach tube, this strong northeast man shed tears.

  Fortunately, three days later, the high fever eased and the child could open his eyes, so the couple were a little relieved. A week later, the child was transferred to the general ward. Fang Zhigang was ready to put up with his wife’s complaints and scolding, but she didn’t say anything. She understands that most oil families do.

  A few years ago, some mainland enterprises also offered olive branches with high salaries, hoping to seek common development. Fang Zhigang declined politely. He said: "It is my breath that has made me. My greatest value is here, and the stage for giving full play to my talents is also here."

What should online games rely on to win the future?

  Recently, a number of ministries and commissions jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content. Bright pictures/vision china

  In recent years, China’s online games have developed rapidly and the content forms are constantly enriched. At the same time, it must be noted that the lack of cultural connotation of online games in China is more prominent, some games have a tendency to vulgar violence, and the values of individual works are biased. Recently, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content, which opened the curtain of online game industry governance nationwide. Taking this industry governance as an opportunity, online games are bidding farewell to the old stage of barbaric growth and welcoming a new era of transformation and upgrading.

  There is an urgent need to standardize the governance of online game market.

  To sum up, there are four kinds of problems in online games at present: universal and serious addiction, serious vulgarization of some contents, emphasis on form but light on connotation, and wanton deconstruction of traditional cultural classics and values.

  Addiction is a major feature that distinguishes online literature from traditional literature, among which online games are the most addictive. Once a netizen suffers from Internet addiction, it will not only consume a lot of time, energy and money, but also seriously damage his physical and mental health. The main users of online games are between the ages of 15 and 25. These teenagers have poor self-control and their minds are not yet fully mature. Once they are infected with Internet addiction, their physical and mental injuries are often very serious.

  Online games are not only the most addictive, but also the problem of vulgarization is serious. For example, in a popular MOBA online game, most female characters such as Wu Zetian, Xiao Qiao, The Story Of Diu Sim and da ji are scantily dressed, wearing sexy short skirts or long skirts. However, in large MMORPG 3D online games such as "Dragon’s Eight Branches" and "Zhu Xian", the role modeling with erotic and seductive meanings has been brought into full play. In addition to visual pornography, many games even add interactive content, such as the 3D online game "Myth", which has a built-in interactive little game called "Ghost Story", so that players can "experience" the pornographic scene of stealing women and stealing jade by manipulating characters. The above-mentioned vulgar pornographic content can be found everywhere in online games, which is extremely harmful to the physical and mental health of young players.

  Formalization is also a prominent problem in online games, which is manifested in excessive pursuit of external sensory experience and content almost becoming a vassal of form. Many domestic war games are designed with "skins" that need to be purchased before they can be used, and many games will regularly launch some "limited skins" for short-term sale according to specific festivals. Games such as the glory of the king, Battle Against the Snake, etc. are constantly launching a large number of various "skin" shapes to attract players to spend. No matter what kind of "skin", its function is just to change the audio-visual special effects in the game, which has nothing to do with the content of the game.

  There are also some games that arbitrarily deconstruct cultural classics and convey wrong values. For example, in a turn-based role-playing game with The Journey to the West as its content, both the demon and the demon are justified, and the inferno becomes an equal force with the Terran and the Fairy, thus the image of "man-eating monster" in the original work is easily dispelled. Another game with the content of "Three Kingdoms" is mixed with many fictional myths and legends on the basis of deconstructing the story of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The characters in this game, such as "Yin and Yang Scholars" and "Magician", have supernatural power and can use all kinds of magic. In addition, the excessive deconstruction of history and historical figures is also a common problem in online games. In a popular game, the backgrounds and experiences of all historical figures are deconstructed to varying degrees. For example, Gao Jianli is deconstructed as a wild and uninhibited "genius musician", Di Renjie is endowed with "extremely strong obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness tendency" and other unique personalities, Jing Ke is designed as a sexy female assassin, Huang Zhong is shaped as a gunner who operates a cannon, and da ji is deconstructed as a magic puppet with powers. The above-mentioned question game tells a false story of China, portrays a false image of China, and spreads a wrong view of history, which not only harms users’ physical and mental health,It is also not conducive to the construction of China’s cultural security and soft power.

  Build a strong position to tell the story of China well

  The problem of online games has a long history. To fundamentally solve all kinds of problems in the production and communication of online games, we need to start with top-level design, take multiple measures and make comprehensive policies.

  At present, Tencent, Netease, Sohu, Sina and other private capital or foreign capital-controlled Internet companies occupy the main position on the supply side of online game content in China. While calling on online game enterprises to assume more social responsibilities, in order to fundamentally improve the production pattern of online games in China, we must implement the supply-side reform of online literature and art, and build a number of powerful national teams of online literature and art as soon as possible, and the national teams will intervene and lead the development of online game industry.

  In order to ensure the core competitiveness of the national team in the online game market, the author suggests to build the first echelon of the online game national team based on the existing state-owned leading online media. For example, people’s network, CCTV, Xinhuanet and other powerful national online media can open up special online literature and art channels, recruit top talents in online game research and development around the world, develop a number of phenomenal online game products with both social and economic benefits, and build a strong position to tell the story of China on the Internet. For the strong private network literature and art production and communication subject, it can be developed into the second echelon of the online game national team by means of acquisition, holding or mixed reform. In addition, we can also acquire, hold or participate in a number of well-known foreign online game R&D teams with leading content production and network technology to form an alliance of the online game national team. The national online game team constructed in this way is conducive to the optimal allocation of various resources, which can not only lead the direction of telling the story of China in Socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also maintain high market sensitivity and creative vitality.

  The governance of online games can’t treat the symptoms only. To fundamentally solve the problem, we need to establish an institutional mechanism to ensure the green, healthy and sustainable development of online games. The author suggests that legislation on online literature and art should be started as soon as possible, so as to clarify the respective rights and obligations of the producers, communicators, consumers and regulators of online literature and art, and clearly define all kinds of illegal acts and punishment measures in online literature and art practice, so as to provide sufficient jurisprudence and legal basis for online game supervision. At the same time, the regulatory authorities should work with online game research institutions to introduce online game quality grading standards as soon as possible to improve the online threshold of online games; Develop a workable mechanism for screening, inspecting and identifying mental damage in online games to provide technical support for supervision. In addition, it is necessary to establish an online game criticism team with experts and scholars as the main body, actively guide online game criticism public opinion, and implement all-weather and full-coverage academic monitoring of online game industry operation.

  Deeply cultivate excellent cultural information resources on the Internet.

  Online games should embark on the road of healthy and sustainable development. Apart from the macro-level management of the country, it is more important for online games to practice their internal skills, enrich their contents and enhance their cultural content.

  Compared with traditional literary forms, online games have inherent advantages in the development and utilization of online cultural information resources because of their own Internet attributes, so they can make use of massive online cultural resources to achieve expanded reproduction based on high-quality IP and traffic factors. For example, the national treasure cultural relics collected in the Forbidden City can be carefully incubated as high-quality IP prototypes. When the traffic is cultivated to a certain amount and becomes an explosion "online celebrity", the first resource development from IP prototypes to online games can be realized according to the preset IP development roadmap. The online games developed for the first time, after gaining huge traffic, can be used as IP to expand the reproduction of TV dramas, variety shows and other products, and realize the re-dissemination from online to offline. By transforming the theme advantage of IP into the traffic advantage, and then transforming the traffic advantage into the content advantage, the social and economic benefits of online games can be maximized.

  Online games are a cross-border literary form. In the future development, domestic online games should make use of the unique communication advantages of the Internet, break through the national barriers, capital barriers and technical barriers inherent in traditional literature and art, and realize the global communication of China’s story based on online games. Therefore, the online game industry in China must build a powerful online game communication platform with high efficiency, unique resources and convenient consumption by greatly increasing bandwidth, expanding giant servers, mobile online payment and other advanced technical means, and simultaneously make online games and their derivatives bearing specific China stories and China spirit into multilingual versions for all-weather and full coverage integrated marketing communication for netizens around the world.

  Online game enterprises should clearly realize that the competition of online games in the future is cultural competition, and must abandon the commercial motivation of quick success and instant benefit and enhance the cultural content of products. Excellent Chinese traditional culture can provide rich materials for online game creation. In addition to adopting Chinese style in subject matter, pictures and music, we should organically embed the values of benevolence, loyalty and filial piety, benevolence, honesty, chivalry, humility and studiousness in Chinese traditional culture into game products. At any time, online games should correctly grasp the relationship between social benefits and market benefits, consciously put social benefits in the first place, do not be slaves to the market, and prevent economic interests from colliding with the bottom line of social morality.

   (Author: Ma Lixin Zhou Ding, a professor at Qilu Cultural Research Institute of Shandong Normal University, this article is the phased achievement of the key project of Shandong Social Science Planning "Research on the Rights and Obligations of Digital Art")

How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

Why do elites love the commonness between running and business?

1. Why do elites love running?

Once I was scolded by my partners. During that time, they always asked me what the main road of our company was.

In fact, the direction is not clear. At that time, I didn’t understand that the so-called main road came out, not out of my mind.

When I talked too much, my anger came up, and a quarrel broke out between men. Z, the most angry one, told me that I had not made any money for more than a year.The reason for the Leader.

Said that my goal was unclear and not quantified. In short, I was helpless during that time and fell into an anxious state for a week.

It was a great blow to me. I was never so desperate after two bankruptcies. At that moment, I really wondered if I was worthless in my life.

Lying in bed every day, I don’t want to do anything, eat rice, drink water and touch my mobile phone. The more I think about it, the more anxious I am. What saved me in the end was not so much running as Lei Jun.

I don’t know what to do when I am helpless. In the past, I always watched the video of Ma Yun being driven back to Beijing and crying in the car. Later, I felt that it didn’t work for me, and I was a little numb.

It happened that during that time, the circle of friends was giving Lei Jun’s New Year’s speech, so I went to see it. Lei Jun said: 2020 is an extraordinary year, and the world faces many challenges.

Many people are very anxious, and they are also very anxious. We can’t change many things, but we can change our mentality.

To this end, he thought of a way to adjust his mentality: walking, walking 10 kilometers a day. Every step you take, you have more courage to move forward.

At first, Lei Jun thought this goal was exaggerated. He was worried that he couldn’t do it. He really walked more than 300 kilometers, walking for an average of 1 hour and 50 minutes every day.

This spring, he decided to push himself and start running, changing from walking to running. In Lei Jun’s own words, "the goal has changed".

Lei Jun fell in love with running during the Jinshan valley, when he was full of anxiety. In order to relieve the pressure, he began to force himself to run 5 kilometers a day.

In October 2014, Lei Jun took a photo after running. The Olympic Forest Park was sunny and the yellow leaves were all dyed. He said: "Running is a kind of precipitation, otherwise you can’t calm down."

At that time, I thought it was impossible. How could I do it in ten kilometers? But there was nothing I could do. I thought I might collapse, and then I began to learn from him.

I have to walk three times a day in Chenggong Guanshan Reservoir. I don’t know how far it is. Look at the lake and the plants. It seems that my mood is really much better.

In those days, I not only walked, but also listened to books, listening to what money can’t buy, happiness psychology, and how to comfort myself anyway.

Sure enough, I came out in three days, and we now have a complete business model, community+project incubation. From then on, I will walk for an hour every day, listening to books and attending classes.

In May of this year, I met some problems again, and I really answered that sentence. After 30 years of starting a business, looking back, it was all bumpy. Then I started running, and now I have lost more than ten kilograms.

Apart from my own experience, I talked about the content of this issue, and more importantly, I saw many elites running. After in-depth research, I found that entrepreneurship and running have strong correlation and commonality, so I shared this issue.

In the past, I was under great pressure to start a business, and I bought goods at every turn, but I was not so anxious in recent years.

One of my analysis is that the environment was not so difficult at that time, and the other is that I kept exercising all the time, because at that time I played badminton, played with the secretary and county magistrate every day, and sometimes I could spend eight hours in the arena, but I didn’t know anyone when I came to Kunming, so I stopped.

I have explored many awesome people, and they all have the habit of keeping moving, and most of them run.

In an interview with Eddie Peng Yuyan, he said: Running is not difficult, that is, moving your left foot and right foot back and forth and running before starting work. This is not a simple exercise, but also a blessing for self-recognition. Once you can fulfill your promise, you will have confidence.

No matter whether you meet the opposite sex or the boss, nothing you say can hurt me, because I am a confident person, and I can do what I say. Wang Shi said: Running is an internal enrichment.

Running for 30 minutes or an hour every day can relieve most of the stress in the day and make you feel relaxed, so that you can better devote yourself to trivial life and work.

If a person stays in front of a computer or holds a mobile phone every day, his brain will only get more and more confused. Running in fresh air, breathing fresh air, brain thinking activities immediately become clear, obviously eliminating brain fatigue and improving the ability of learning and practice.

Physiological research has proved that after long-term running, the content of red blood cells per cubic millimeter is 1 million to 1.5 million higher than that of ordinary people, and the blood circulation is nearly twice as high as that of normal people. Therefore, in such a process, a large amount of blood will be driven to the brain, so that you can think more keenly.

Buffett also said: "Long-distance running needs to endure boredom and control desire."

In his view, a few hours of long-distance running is more of a process of challenging yourself, physical fatigue and mental boredom.

Running is not only an exercise, but also a lifestyle and attitude towards life. It can not only make our bodies healthier, but also adjust our mentality and help us achieve better results in our work and life.

Running is an indispensable choice for both entrepreneurship and other fields.

Second, the similarity between running and business

With the previous personal experience, I tried to find the relevance between running and business, consulted several Kunming head entrepreneurs in the community, and also consulted some materials.

To sum up, there are probably a few points to share with you.

Entrepreneurial perspective:

Entrepreneurship is a technical activity with both long-term and short-term perspectives. It is necessary to look up at the starry sky and be down-to-earth, focusing on the future but living in the present. This perspective is simple, but it is actually difficult to exercise. Most of them are either too far-sighted to act, or they are occupied by the current work and troubles.

Therefore, starting a business is very similar to running. When you watch marathon training, you need to have a clear understanding of the long-term ultimate goal, but every time you train, you must work hard every kilometer.

The same is true for entrepreneurship. To create a successful enterprise, long-term vision and strategy are needed, but daily operational decisions, customer interaction and product development all require immediate efforts and attention.

Therefore, long-distance running is an effective way to exercise our combination of long and short perspectives, keep a close eye on the goal and run every step well.


No matter in life or starting a business, the only constant is change. When I first learned to repair mobile phones, my master repaired pagers, and they transformed into mobile phone maintenance masters. This is change.

With the change of the times, some things will not exist, and so will business. Not seeking change is the greatest risk, but human beings are extremely pursuing certainty and like the same.

For example, I have to go through slow walking, fast walking and jogging in five months to complete the runner’s goal, and I have to adjust my health and weather in the middle.

Just like starting a business, the market environment, customers’ needs and competitors’ behaviors will change, which requires us to be more adaptable and readjust its business strategy according to the changes.

Continuous self-challenge:

Many people say that entrepreneurship needs to find an imaginary enemy. Why is it an imaginary enemy? Because the real opponent is oneself, and entrepreneurship is the process of constantly conquering oneself.

A few days ago, vanilla installed GPT. She was extremely unwilling to study tools and technologies. She looked so big that I thought I was going to get mad. As a result, when I saw people in the group using it in the morning, it was a self-challenge. Do you think this is really difficult?

Others have studied the tutorial, so can she. What they really want to overcome is not how difficult it is, but the discomfort that they can break through the comfort zone.

You see, some business owners obviously can’t sell, and it’s the best choice to transform into IP, the founder of short video, but they can’t always do it. What they have to overcome is the inner difficulty of not wanting to please others.

Some people don’t want to do sales, and some people don’t want to please others. In the final analysis, they can’t challenge themselves. Wang Yangming said that it is easier to break a thief in the mountain than in the heart. What is the thief in this heart?

It is self-limiting. Running can exercise the ability to break through well. Runners often set higher goals to improve themselves and constantly challenge their limits.

The same is true of entrepreneurship. In order to continue to grow, we need to innovate constantly, open up new markets and meet more customer needs. We should continue to challenge ourselves and keep up with the progress of the times.

Data-driven decision:

The most taboo of starting a business is to make decisions by imagining things out of thin air. According to statistics from American business think tanks, 48% of entrepreneurial failures are due to the fact that the products produced are not needed in the market.

How did this product come from? The founder came up with it out of thin air. Have you ever thought about why short video live broadcasts are so popular in recent years? That’s because he can show you intuitive data and let you know what you did wrong.

Traditional entrepreneurship, making a product, can’t sell it, you can’t be sure whether it is needed by the product marketing department or weak sales ability, because the product has not been carefully investigated, and the sales team doesn’t blame the product itself, and eventually consumes each other.

But if you directly imitate mature products or are confirmed by a large number of data, it is much more reliable. Short videos are so popular that people are quick to make achievements because they use data to drive decision-making.

For example, if you send a video and no one watches it, you can look at the background data, showing that most people left after brushing for two seconds, which means that your first page shot or words are not attractive.

If you find that someone has finished reading it, but no one likes it, it means that your content has not voiced for a specific group and cannot resonate.

You see, the reason why short video can explode in a few years and complete the sales data that traditional enterprises can’t achieve for decades is that it comes from real data-driven decision-making. This is the ability that all entrepreneurs should learn and practice, regardless of feelings, only believing in data and facts.

The same is true for running. The correct way is to exercise watches and applications to track his progress, heart rate and pace, and adjust the training intensity according to strong facts to avoid being too tired or failing to achieve training results.

In this process of monitoring running with data, we can effectively train entrepreneurs’ data thinking and factual thinking, reduce irrational judgment, and get closer to the goal.

In fact, from these commonalities, whether running or starting a business requires strategy, hard work, continuous learning and adaptability, as well as the balance between teams and individuals.

These principles can help us succeed not only on the track, but also in the business world. Therefore, elites love running because they can effectively train related abilities and heart.

Collect this "spring film list" and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Special feature of 1905 film network People give the meaning of the renewal of Vientiane in spring, and inject thousands of expectations into the beginning of these four seasons, hoping that it will bring a brand-new look and weather, and "when the flowers bloom in spring" makes us look forward to it especially in this boxer year.


"March" seems to be the official name of spring. The warmth of runaway awakens the limp and numb limbs and warms up the beautiful season to come.


Just as spring is coming, follow Xiao Dianjun to taste this limited time of only three months on the screen.


Over the spring

Girl grow up private image

Girls and "Boundaries" are the stories of youth written in Over Spring.

The title of the film "Spring Festival" was originally a jargon in the mouth of smugglers, referring to "bringing goods" from Hong Kong to Shenzhen across the customs.

Liu Zipei, a girl who lives in Shenzhen and studies in Hong Kong, passively embarked on this "cross-border" journey with the dream of traveling to Japan with her friends.

The contradictory identity that originally made her lack of identity unexpectedly became her excellent advantage in the matter of "spending the spring", which not only helped her save enough travel expenses, but also made her feel an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

However, walking alone on the edge of danger is doomed to be full of adventure. The difference of ideas between mother and daughter, the break with friends and the love that can’t be established make this girl who can’t stand on either side of family, friendship or love become more and more addicted to this "boundary".

"Over Spring" does not hide a girl’s growing desire for material, feelings and self-identity, but it never forgets to find a safe place for this soul with nowhere to live.

In this tug-of-war of belonging and alienation, Pepe, wandering between the two cities, walked straight through the dividing line drawn by her youth with a cavity of loneliness and courage, and also left us with a series of questions about growth.


Four Springs

Family documentary video

In the eyes of China people, spring and the word "reunion" are inseparable. For every family, this season is filled with infinite warmth.

Lu Qingyi spent "four springs" in his hometown of dushan county, Guizhou Province to spend time with his family, and recorded this unique family video.

As far as the look and feel of the film is concerned, it actually looks almost the same as the video taken by our daily mobile phone. Lu Qingyi abandoned the tedious professional equipment and chose to take a hand-held shot in person to lead the audience to watch the family story under this patio. The lens that shakes from time to time and the depth of field that is not properly adjusted have added some pure and simple feelings of life.

From his subjective perspective, the father who smoked sausage, the mother who hummed ditty, and even a meal, a meal, a grass and a tree are particularly touching, warm and harmonious. Every true feeling of this family in the four springs: the sweetness of parents drinking a toast, the sadness of sister’s departure, and the sincerity naturally revealed at each reunion … … It seems to have become ours at that moment.

A series of collage family images, like spring breeze and rain, tell the whole picture of life, from which the most precious meaning about family ties is condensed and spread in everyone’s heart.


Small forest in winter and spring

Spiritual healing recipes

For people who are busy, what is more healing than a delicious meal after work?

Not much to say, "Little Forest in Winter and Spring" immediately presents you with a menu with full healing value: snowflake two-color cake, natto glutinous rice ball, fried tempura, winter flower miso sauce, wild garlic seedling fried salmon and cabbage flower pasta … …

Unable to blend in with the hustle and bustle of big cities, the hero Ichiko chose to return to his hometown Komori Village and run a self-sufficient life in the changing seasons. It is because of cooking that her seemingly monotonous life of living alone has become interesting.

As a food movie, the film aims a lot of close-ups at ingredients, showing them in an extremely simple way from the most authentic appearance to the appearance of being finally put on the table after special processing, which can instantly evoke taste buds.

In the film, the enthusiasm of the city children for life can be traced everywhere, not just the patience shown when cooking food. When burying natto in the snow, she will attach a special sentence "I hope you will become delicious", and every time even if one person eats, she should put her hands together and read the sentence "I am starting" devoutly.

Spring is the right season to start. When she received a letter from her long-lost mother, Shizi gradually realized the meaning of "going round and round". She was no longer trapped in her past life, but started from her heart and found the life she really longed for.

"Little Forest" has written a delicious chapter with enough literary brushstrokes. Putting aside this gorgeous coat, the core is still the true meaning of ordinary life.


Taste of Chengsha

Life taste tasting course

As a special guest of Japanese movies, Sakura always wakes up the audience: Look, isn’t spring the best time?

A small shop named "Spring of the Gong" is located beside a street full of cherry trees. The old man Dejiang, the manager Sentaro and the young girl Ruocai became attached to each other because of the burning of the Gong, and they met in the spring and spent a quiet and beautiful time together.

Grandmother Dejiang seems to be happy and informal, but every time she makes bean paste, she instantly changes to a serious face, soaking, boiling, filtering, boiling and stirring … … You have to do everything yourself.

Under her influence, Sentaro valued her work more, and Ruocai gradually opened her heart.

This is another natural law of Japanese movies — — "The beauty of mourning" is a film that is interpreted to the extreme.

"There are always all kinds of difficulties in life, so be sure to refuel." Dejiang tells the truth of life, but at the same time, he also conveys an open-minded attitude towards life to us in front of the screen.

When she visited another spring day, like a spiritual mentor, she had already passed away, and only the figure that had stood under the cherry tree was frozen forever.


Chunjiang plumbing

The Oriental Picture of Scenery Blending

If you want to choose a movie to visually present the appearance of spring, Chunjiang Plumbing must be on the list.

Hangzhou, where the film was filmed, is a paradise on earth with its own poetry and painting. When the traditional family stories are integrated into the oriental freehand brushwork aesthetics, the plain narrative slowly unfolds like a long scroll, which is fascinating.

The story focuses on the Gu family along the Fuchun River in Hangzhou, and a mother with a stroke leads to the warmth and coldness of a family for three generations. When consanguinity and kinship are discussed in the contemporary context, it is like a mirror that shines into reality and directly hits people’s hearts.

Inspired by Huang Gongwang’s "Fuchun Shan Jutu", the picture of the film slows down the narrative rhythm with a long scroll of landscapes and proper blank space, and creates a sense of documentary life with natural scenery, which makes people sigh for the world and still feel warm.

Under the ingenious arrangement of the director, the natural landscape and street style in "Spring River Plumbing" are poetically connected, and they have experienced a cycle from summer to spring, and all kinds of life have been deeply stared at by this river.


This spring in 2020 is of great significance, because it carries too many expectant eyes.

As the song goes, "When spring goes, spring will come, and the flowers will bloom again." I believe that after crossing the heavy haze, it will be the time when spring blooms again.

The sun will shine in the end, and the warmth will come as promised.

When is the Lantern Festival in 2021? What day is it on the fifteenth day of the first month?

  The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is called Lantern Festival every year, so when is the Lantern Festival in 2021, and when is it?

Q: When is the Lantern Festival in 2021? When is the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

  A:Lantern Festival in 2021 is on Friday, February 26th, 2021, the 15th day of the first lunar month..

WeChat screenshot _20210224162607

Brief introduction of lantern festival

  After the Spring Festival, another traditional festival in China is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar.

  The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called the night "Xiao", so they called the fifteenth day of the first month the Lantern Festival. The 15th day of the first month is the night of the first full moon in a year, and it is also the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. On the night in spring returns, people celebrate this and celebrate the continuation of the Spring Festival. Lantern Festival is also called "Shangyuan Festival".

  According to the folk tradition in China, on this bright night, people light up thousands of lanterns to celebrate. Going out to enjoy the moon, burning lamps and setting off flames, enjoying solve riddles on the lanterns, having Lantern Festival together, family reunion and celebrating the festive season are all enjoyable.

  Lantern Festival is also called Lantern Festival. The custom of burning lanterns on Lantern Festival originated from the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, the activities of enjoying lanterns became more prosperous. Lights were hung everywhere in the palace and on the streets, and tall lantern wheels, lantern buildings and lantern trees were also built. Lu Zhaolin, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, once described the grand occasion of burning lanterns on Lantern Festival in "Watching Lights on Fifteen Nights", saying that "the stars in the Han Dynasty are falling, and the buildings are like the moon hanging."

  In the Song Dynasty, more attention was paid to the Lantern Festival, and the lantern viewing activities were more lively. The lantern viewing activities lasted for five days and the styles of lanterns were more abundant. In the Ming Dynasty, the lantern festival will last for 10 days, which is the longest lantern festival in China. Although there were only three days of lantern viewing in Qing Dynasty, the lantern viewing activities were large in scale and unprecedented in pomp. Besides burning lanterns, fireworks were also put on to entertain.

  "solve riddles on the lanterns", also called "playing riddles", is an activity added after the Lantern Festival, which appeared in the Song Dynasty. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the capital Lin ‘an made riddles every Lantern Festival, and there were many people guessing riddles. At the beginning, it was a busybody who wrote riddles on paper and pasted them on colorful lanterns for people to guess. Because riddles are enlightening and interesting, they are welcomed by all walks of life in the process of spreading.

  The folk custom of eating Yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice, either solid or stuffed. Filled with bean paste, sugar, hawthorn, all kinds of fruit materials, etc., it can be cooked, fried, steamed and fried when eating. At first, people called this kind of food "Floating Yuanzi", and later they called it "Tangtuan" or "Tangyuan". These names "Reunion" have similar sounds, meaning reunion, which symbolizes the reunion of the whole family, harmony and happiness, and people also miss their parting relatives and place their good wishes on their future life.

  In some places, the Lantern Festival also has the custom of "walking all kinds of diseases", also known as "roasting all kinds of diseases" and "dispersing all kinds of diseases". Most of the participants are women. They walk together or walk by the wall, or cross the bridge and walk in the suburbs, in order to drive away diseases and eliminate disasters.

  With the passage of time, there are more and more activities in the Lantern Festival, and many local festivals have added traditional folk performances such as playing dragon lanterns, playing lions, walking on stilts, rowing dry boats and dancing yangko, and playing Taiping drums. This traditional festival, which has been passed down for more than 2,000 years, is not only popular on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, but also celebrated year after year in areas inhabited by overseas Chinese.

Editor in Charge: Fang Di

[Network China Festival Lantern Festival] Do you know all these Lantern Festival knowledge?

The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar, and the ancients called night "night".

So put the first full moon night of the year

The fifteenth day of the first month is called Lantern Festival.

So ~ Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month,

Do you remember those traditional customs?

Let’s take a look at it with Xiaobian ~


(Please swipe your phone to watch)

The bright moon in the sky, the Lantern Festival in the bowl

Every household is round and round.

Full of best wishes for the new year.

I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!

Source: Zhaoqing Civilization Network

Stay away from "toxic" "love" Listen to Zhang Wenhong teach you to love rationally.

Yesterday was the annual 520 "Dog Abuse Festival". There were many days related to love, and there were countless slogans and truths about love. Sincere love is always worthy of praise, but sometimes when there are other plans in the name of "love", you get the goods, and you get the goods!
Recently, there is a news in the hot search that really makes people laugh and cry:
There is a hot comment that borrows the lyrics of Aska Yang’s Onion, but it is very appropriate: "If you are willing to peel my heart layer by layer" …
Pure love is worthy of praise, and love and hate are the eternal carriers of thousands of literature; But sometimes, when the name of "love" is used for other purposes, how many people who are addicted to the love trap can discover the truth layer by layer?
Here, we must release Zhang Wen’s grand and super-rational view of love:
"Get a hepatitis B vaccine before you fall in love."
"The reason why AIDS hurts young people so much,
It is because it is under the banner of love.
Anything, once in the name of love, is terrible. "
Here, the key points must be bold: "anything, once it is under the banner of love, is terrible!" "
And the love that comes with "drugs" is always a tragedy.
For example, girls who are addicted to love traps and help transport drugs,
I don’t know what is waiting for them is not love.
It’s behind bars.
For example, some people are carried away by love,
Drug trafficking, drug abuse …
Trying to make love more "complete" …
A couple in Yunnan "borrowed" money from strangers to raise money for drugs.
And then don’t return it! ! !
To pay off his girlfriend’s debts,
The man was caught with drugs in his body,
Swallow twice as much as ordinary people.
Or starting from love but going to extremes,
In order to get back together, the man pretended to send a courier to the door.
Injured his ex-girlfriend and grandmother and forced him to "laugh" …
Women turn themselves in for drug abuse,
In order to enter the detention center and "reunite" with her boyfriend …
And drug trafficking was caught "throwing pot" to the boyfriend of pregnant girlfriend.
On May 13th, the police of Pinggui Branch of Hezhou Public Security Bureau in Guangxi arrested two suspects and seized more than 70 grams of suspected heroin. The criminal suspects He Mou and Cen Mou are lovers. When he was arrested, He tried his best to argue and "shabu-shabu" his pregnant girlfriend Cen.
The couple tried to get rid of their unhappiness by taking drugs.
During the patrol, the Anti-drug Brigade of Yongfu County Public Security Bureau in Guangxi found a white car parked on the side of the road, and there was a quarrel between men and women from time to time.
The police came forward to check and found that they were in a trance and faltered. The police found banknotes suspected of taking drugs and a small amount of drugs scattered at the car console, and they brought them back to Yongfu County Law Enforcement Case Center according to law. After testing, the urine of the two men was positive for ketamine (commonly known as K powder) and truthfully confessed the illegal facts of taking drugs in the car.
After the police asked, they learned that Qin and Wang were lovers before. Shortly after breaking up, there was a quarrel in the car due to emotional problems. Because of his bad mood, Qin, who had a drug abuse record, took out the K powder prepared in advance, thinking that they could get rid of their troubles by taking drugs together. The two were given administrative punishment by the public security organs.
True love,
Instead of using your partner,
Nor is it to lure your partner to the white abyss with drugs.
"Toxic" love never lasts,
When drugs meet love,
It is doomed to be a tragic ending.
Stay away from the "love" mixed with drugs,
Don’t let a trace of drugs contaminate your life.
Healthy love, away from drugs!
Source: China Anti-drug

Snowstorms are ruthless, people are affectionate, and we walk together in the snow.


    Wen Jiabao cordially visited the waiting passengers: Is the ticket good to buy? Did you get paid?

    On the afternoon of January 25th, Wen Jiabao inspected the road transportation and emergency preparedness, visited the frontline traffic cadres and workers and shook hands with them.

    The Spring Festival is coming, and Spring Festival travel rush is at its peak. Not long ago, a large-scale rain and snow weather brought certain difficulties to Spring Festival travel rush. Can the people’s new year’s goods be guaranteed? Is it good to buy a ticket home? Is the journey safe and smooth? Premier Wen Jiabao is very concerned about this. On the afternoon of January 25th, Premier Wen visited Zhuozhou Service Area of Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway and Beijing West Railway Station, and made arrangements for doing a good job in Spring Festival travel rush and ensuring safety and smoothness. < < < < detailed    


    Nandu appeals to postpone the Spring Festival holiday and stop Spring Festival travel rush’s response to the snowstorm. Is it feasible?

 On January 27th, armed police soldiers maintained order at the entrance of Hefei Railway Station. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    This is the biggest disaster since the founding of New China in 1949, and it is also a great test. The government must act decisively. We suggest that the government start the following scheme as soon as possible:

    First, we suggest that the government stop Spring Festival travel rush and postpone this year’s Spring Festival holiday to the Lantern Festival to stagger the snowstorm. At the same time, the stranded population will be evacuated to other places by using accessible short-distance transportation. Avoid further "man-made disasters" caused by a large number of people stranded in one place. < < < < detailed

Why is it okay to snow in the north but not in the south?

On January 27th, a passenger braved the heavy snow and waited at Hefei Railway Station.

    I really don’t understand: there is heavy snow in the north of China every year, and I have never seen a large number of trains late, a large shortage of power supply and extremely tight resources; However, it snowed in the south for a few days this year, and as a result, power was cut off everywhere, grain and oil were tight, and traffic was stagnant. Why does it snow heavily every year in the north, and nothing happens, while it snows in the south? < < < < detailed     

Spring Festival travel rush’s paralysis exposed China’s fragile ability to cope with the crisis. How to deal with it? 

    On January 27th, a passenger with a baby in his arms stood in the Hefei Railway Station in the heavy snow. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    Most parts of China suffered from the once-in-50-year severe rain and snow weather. Many trunk lines such as Beijing-Guangzhou were cut off, and trains could not run, resulting in a large number of delays on the Beijing-Guangzhou line, and the north-south artery was once paralyzed. At Guangzhou Railway Station, the transportation hub at the southern end of the Beijing-Guangzhou line, more than 150,000 passengers were stranded on the 27th, and hundreds of thousands of people were frozen along the rain and snow returning home. The paralysis crisis in Spring Festival travel rush, of course, was caused by bad weather, but it also exposed the problems of the rapid development of China’s economy and society, such as the lag of transportation and other infrastructure, and the fragile ability to cope with the crisis.

    What do you think should be done to solve the problems caused by the annual Spring Festival travel rush spring tide? < < < < detailed      

Editor: Chen Xixia

A strong New Year’s flavor wafted from the Wuhan subway construction site, and the Shaanxi guy gave his father a live reunion dinner.

"Soft-shelled turtle ribs, Texas braised chicken, braised pork elbow, old goose in white soup, pot-stewed meat … Dad, these hard dishes are coming!" As soon as the camera lens turned, Chen Kunpeng, a young man from Weinan, Shaanxi Province, was broadcasting the reunion dinner on the construction site for his father. At the other end of the phone, the old man was happy: "What is that dish? Give me another look … "At noon on February 9, the taste of hometown from all corners of the country drifted away in the project department of the first opening section of the third phase of Wuhan Rail Transit Line 11 of China Railway 14th Bureau.
Shout "Happy New Year" together.
The person in charge of the project department said that this year, in order to respond to the call of "celebrating the New Year on the spot", a total of 52 workers stayed in the project department, from Shandong, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Hebei, Henan, Yunnan and other places. The project department specially prepared a rich reunion dinner to comfort everyone. For this meal, chef Zhang was still preparing ingredients at 1 am yesterday, and got up at 5 am this morning to continue preparing.
Finally, it’s time for dinner! In the brightly decorated dining hall, one end of the dish came up, "Wow!" Everyone took out their mobile phones to take pictures and sent their friends to show off. Technician Chen Kunpeng simply gave a live broadcast to his father in his hometown in Shaanxi: "Dad, look at this … look over there … it’s richer than home!" The father on the other side of the camera gave a thumbs up: "Good! Good! " This young man, born in 1999, has been in Wuhan Project Department for three years. This is the second time that he has not gone home for the New Year, and his family can’t help thinking about it. However, in the face of the overall situation of epidemic prevention, Chen Kunpeng put his thoughts on his family in his heart and once again chose to stay.
Hard dishes from all corners of the country
Like him, Jiang Xingyu, an experimenter, chose to stay behind. As the only son in the family, this year is the first time he can’t go home for reunion. Jiang Xingyu came from Harbin, and his parents in his hometown told him early: "It is safer to stay in Wuhan and work hard for the coming year!" His parents also sent him a bunch of Harbin sausages to satisfy his hunger. "There are sausages, sausages, pine nuts and small bellies … all meat!" Jiang Xingyu gloated with the new year’s goods sent by his parents. "Now communication is very convenient. I will make a video call to my parents every two days. They are quite relieved that I am in Wuhan!"
Jiang Xingyu shows Harbin sausage sent by his parents.
Just as everyone was taking photos and talking on the phone, a little guy less than 3 years old was eating chicken legs at the table. He is the son of Wu Qiuping, a financial officer. Wu Qiuping is a native of Guangshui, Hubei Province, and one of the few women here. Usually busy with work, children are given to the elderly, taking advantage of the New Year holiday, Wu Qiuping said that he must accompany his baby to spend a good year in Wuhan.
Wu Qiuping feeds his son chicken legs.
According to the person in charge of the project, during the eight years in Han Dynasty, they successively participated in the construction of Wuhan metro line 8 Phase I and Wuhan Rail Transit Line 5. They are very proud, and they are also present in the urban construction of Wuhan. At present, the projects they are participating in, such as Line 5, Lianghu Tunnel and the south extension of Wuhan Heping Avenue, are still in full swing. Time is tight, they only arranged four days’ holiday in the New Year, and soon everyone will be involved in the project construction again. (Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter Li Lili correspondent Zhao Pengfei photojournalist Huang Shifeng video clip Zhao Peng)