Snowstorms are ruthless, people are affectionate, and we walk together in the snow.


    Wen Jiabao cordially visited the waiting passengers: Is the ticket good to buy? Did you get paid?

    On the afternoon of January 25th, Wen Jiabao inspected the road transportation and emergency preparedness, visited the frontline traffic cadres and workers and shook hands with them.

    The Spring Festival is coming, and Spring Festival travel rush is at its peak. Not long ago, a large-scale rain and snow weather brought certain difficulties to Spring Festival travel rush. Can the people’s new year’s goods be guaranteed? Is it good to buy a ticket home? Is the journey safe and smooth? Premier Wen Jiabao is very concerned about this. On the afternoon of January 25th, Premier Wen visited Zhuozhou Service Area of Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway and Beijing West Railway Station, and made arrangements for doing a good job in Spring Festival travel rush and ensuring safety and smoothness. < < < < detailed    


    Nandu appeals to postpone the Spring Festival holiday and stop Spring Festival travel rush’s response to the snowstorm. Is it feasible?

 On January 27th, armed police soldiers maintained order at the entrance of Hefei Railway Station. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    This is the biggest disaster since the founding of New China in 1949, and it is also a great test. The government must act decisively. We suggest that the government start the following scheme as soon as possible:

    First, we suggest that the government stop Spring Festival travel rush and postpone this year’s Spring Festival holiday to the Lantern Festival to stagger the snowstorm. At the same time, the stranded population will be evacuated to other places by using accessible short-distance transportation. Avoid further "man-made disasters" caused by a large number of people stranded in one place. < < < < detailed

Why is it okay to snow in the north but not in the south?

On January 27th, a passenger braved the heavy snow and waited at Hefei Railway Station.

    I really don’t understand: there is heavy snow in the north of China every year, and I have never seen a large number of trains late, a large shortage of power supply and extremely tight resources; However, it snowed in the south for a few days this year, and as a result, power was cut off everywhere, grain and oil were tight, and traffic was stagnant. Why does it snow heavily every year in the north, and nothing happens, while it snows in the south? < < < < detailed     

Spring Festival travel rush’s paralysis exposed China’s fragile ability to cope with the crisis. How to deal with it? 

    On January 27th, a passenger with a baby in his arms stood in the Hefei Railway Station in the heavy snow. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    Most parts of China suffered from the once-in-50-year severe rain and snow weather. Many trunk lines such as Beijing-Guangzhou were cut off, and trains could not run, resulting in a large number of delays on the Beijing-Guangzhou line, and the north-south artery was once paralyzed. At Guangzhou Railway Station, the transportation hub at the southern end of the Beijing-Guangzhou line, more than 150,000 passengers were stranded on the 27th, and hundreds of thousands of people were frozen along the rain and snow returning home. The paralysis crisis in Spring Festival travel rush, of course, was caused by bad weather, but it also exposed the problems of the rapid development of China’s economy and society, such as the lag of transportation and other infrastructure, and the fragile ability to cope with the crisis.

    What do you think should be done to solve the problems caused by the annual Spring Festival travel rush spring tide? < < < < detailed      

Editor: Chen Xixia

A strong New Year’s flavor wafted from the Wuhan subway construction site, and the Shaanxi guy gave his father a live reunion dinner.

"Soft-shelled turtle ribs, Texas braised chicken, braised pork elbow, old goose in white soup, pot-stewed meat … Dad, these hard dishes are coming!" As soon as the camera lens turned, Chen Kunpeng, a young man from Weinan, Shaanxi Province, was broadcasting the reunion dinner on the construction site for his father. At the other end of the phone, the old man was happy: "What is that dish? Give me another look … "At noon on February 9, the taste of hometown from all corners of the country drifted away in the project department of the first opening section of the third phase of Wuhan Rail Transit Line 11 of China Railway 14th Bureau.
Shout "Happy New Year" together.
The person in charge of the project department said that this year, in order to respond to the call of "celebrating the New Year on the spot", a total of 52 workers stayed in the project department, from Shandong, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Hebei, Henan, Yunnan and other places. The project department specially prepared a rich reunion dinner to comfort everyone. For this meal, chef Zhang was still preparing ingredients at 1 am yesterday, and got up at 5 am this morning to continue preparing.
Finally, it’s time for dinner! In the brightly decorated dining hall, one end of the dish came up, "Wow!" Everyone took out their mobile phones to take pictures and sent their friends to show off. Technician Chen Kunpeng simply gave a live broadcast to his father in his hometown in Shaanxi: "Dad, look at this … look over there … it’s richer than home!" The father on the other side of the camera gave a thumbs up: "Good! Good! " This young man, born in 1999, has been in Wuhan Project Department for three years. This is the second time that he has not gone home for the New Year, and his family can’t help thinking about it. However, in the face of the overall situation of epidemic prevention, Chen Kunpeng put his thoughts on his family in his heart and once again chose to stay.
Hard dishes from all corners of the country
Like him, Jiang Xingyu, an experimenter, chose to stay behind. As the only son in the family, this year is the first time he can’t go home for reunion. Jiang Xingyu came from Harbin, and his parents in his hometown told him early: "It is safer to stay in Wuhan and work hard for the coming year!" His parents also sent him a bunch of Harbin sausages to satisfy his hunger. "There are sausages, sausages, pine nuts and small bellies … all meat!" Jiang Xingyu gloated with the new year’s goods sent by his parents. "Now communication is very convenient. I will make a video call to my parents every two days. They are quite relieved that I am in Wuhan!"
Jiang Xingyu shows Harbin sausage sent by his parents.
Just as everyone was taking photos and talking on the phone, a little guy less than 3 years old was eating chicken legs at the table. He is the son of Wu Qiuping, a financial officer. Wu Qiuping is a native of Guangshui, Hubei Province, and one of the few women here. Usually busy with work, children are given to the elderly, taking advantage of the New Year holiday, Wu Qiuping said that he must accompany his baby to spend a good year in Wuhan.
Wu Qiuping feeds his son chicken legs.
According to the person in charge of the project, during the eight years in Han Dynasty, they successively participated in the construction of Wuhan metro line 8 Phase I and Wuhan Rail Transit Line 5. They are very proud, and they are also present in the urban construction of Wuhan. At present, the projects they are participating in, such as Line 5, Lianghu Tunnel and the south extension of Wuhan Heping Avenue, are still in full swing. Time is tight, they only arranged four days’ holiday in the New Year, and soon everyone will be involved in the project construction again. (Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter Li Lili correspondent Zhao Pengfei photojournalist Huang Shifeng video clip Zhao Peng)

[Going to the grassroots in the New Year] Returning to the countryside to plant rattan peppers to drive the villagers to generate income. "This reunion dinner is very real."

  Returning home to plant rattan pepper to drive villagers to generate income &mdash; &mdash;

  □ Sichuan Online Reporter Deng Sihua Song Kaiwen Yu Rubo

  On the morning of January 16th, on a barren slope not far from the village road, bulldozers rumbled and dug up red land, and villagers were busy cleaning up roots and weeds &hellip; &hellip;

  After this land is sorted out, it will become a part of the rattan pepper planting park in Yongtai Town. "Before the Spring Festival to sort out the land, seedlings. Germination in February, germination in March, flowering in April, and fruiting in July. " Tang Morality, a returning entrepreneur, is full of confidence in planting rattan pepper.

  As a populous county and a labor export county, Zhongjiang County has introduced a number of policies and measures in recent years to attract talents to return home to start businesses, and Tang Morality is one of them. Returning home to start a business has activated the land that has been abandoned for many years and increased the opportunities for rural employment and income increase. "They brought back capital, industries and markets, brought all kinds of resources, and brought us hope for rural revitalization." Huang Zhen, Party Secretary of Yongtai Town, said.

  "The villagers can see the benefits"

  On the same day, while the sun was shining, Tang Morality decided to do everything that could be done years ago.

  After urging the completed people to tidy up the land in Jinqiao Village, he rushed to Shiba Village to explain pruning skills to more than 10 villagers who were busy in the field. Here, his rattan pepper garden has developed more than 400 mu, and the seedlings planted last year have been half a meter high, and will enter a high-yield period in about 5 years. "The taste of rattan pepper has been accepted by all kinds of cuisines and cuisines, and the market prospect is broader." At present, Tang Morality has invested more than 3 million yuan, and will continue to invest more in the later period.

  After busy working in the field, he invited the workers to the courtyard of his second brother’s house to settle the salary in December 2019 on the spot and distribute more than 40,000 yuan in cash to nearly 20 people. Later, a dam banquet was held in the yard, and Tang Morality called workers and villagers to have a family reunion dinner. Meng Yinlong, a villager, rammed earth in the Tengjiao Park and earned more than 10,000 yuan. He smiled and said, "Mr. Tang has come back, and this reunion dinner has been really eaten."

  "At present, there are more than 20 villagers who have been working for a long time in the rattan pepper garden. At the peak of the employment of seedlings and picking, more than 200 people will be absorbed every day. " Tang Morality said that the wages were settled in the same month, plus the land transfer fee, "the villagers can see the benefits."

  "Affordable" is obvious. Shiba village has planted more than 400 acres of rattan pepper trees, and two-thirds of it was abandoned in the past. "One-third of the land is planted with corn, and one acre can only receive one season a year, with only 700 yuan of income." Yang Quyong, the branch secretary of Shiba Village, said that the rattan pepper garden has just started and there is no income yet, but Tang Morality has planted cash crops such as soybeans in the field, with an income of more than 3,000 yuan per mu.

  Yang Sifu, a villager in Shiba Village, also works outside the home all the year round. He has invested 10,000 yuan to plant more than 4 mu of rattan pepper with Tang Morality. Last year, the income from intercropping soybeans has reached more than 5,000 yuan. Yang Sifu smiled and said, "Money is definitely not a loss."

  "When the rattan pepper is listed in high yield, if the market is good, the yield per mu can reach 10,000 yuan." Tang Morality said that he hopes to make the rattan pepper industry bigger and stronger, which will be more driving. "&lsquo; Company+farmer &rsquo; , joint-stock system and other forms, we all have to try. "

  "There is hope in the countryside"

  "I have no culture, but I always have feelings for my hometown." When it comes to returning home to start a business, Tang’s moral words reveal rationality. Tang’s morality is very clear, and the project is the key to returning home to start a business. "It’s not good to have a passion, especially in agriculture."

  In 1988, when he was only 15 years old, Tang Daode went out to work. In 2000, his family began to take root in Xi ‘an, and he still runs his own decoration company and hotel.

  When I return home to start a business, my family and friends don’t quite understand: "According to the business and assets outside, my family doesn’t have to worry about food and clothing, so why bother?"

  Tang Morality said that it is not blind to "invest in agriculture in my hometown". Around 2012, he thought about going back to Zhongjiang to "do something", and kept consulting materials and visiting friends for several years. Later, Tang Morality realized that Yangling, where he was located, was an important agricultural town, and held the "China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Achievements Expo" every year, while his hometown was also a big agricultural county. His thoughts suddenly became clear, so he went to the Agricultural Fair every year to learn about it. The company that Tang Morality often cooperates with has the business of processing rattan pepper into seasonings, cosmetics and other products, and the products are "not worried about the market". Tang Morality still hasn’t rushed into the project. In his view, engaging in agriculture needs ideals and rationality. "You don’t plant whatever you want."

  Tang Morality learned from teachers everywhere, met Yu Jianghong, a senior agronomist known as the "father of rattan pepper", and hired him as technical director. He found that in 2019, the "No.1 Document" of the provincial party committee clearly stated that it was important to cultivate and expand the "Chuanzihao" characteristic industry and improve the five-year promotion plan of "10+3" advantageous characteristic industries, among which "Chuanjiao" was listed. He sent the soil collected from his hometown to agricultural research institutions for testing, and carefully studied the terrain and climate conditions needed for the growth of rattan pepper, and found that Zhongjiang was generally suitable.

  In 2019, Tang Morality returned to his hometown to start a business, rattan pepper, which was officially launched. He set a "small goal": to develop thousands of acres of rattan pepper, provide seedlings, technology and sales channels, and drive local farmers to plant together.

  Huang Zhen said that Yongtai Town is a pure agricultural town, and 70% of the village’s more than 60,000 people are working outside the home. At present, more than 60 outstanding talents with certain strength and willingness to return home have been counted. "There are more &lsquo; Tang Morality &rsquo; When we come back to start a business, we can see more hope. "

  There are 488,000 migrant workers in Zhongjiang County all the year round, and Tang Morality is one of them. In recent years, Zhongjiang County has introduced a series of policies and measures to attract entrepreneurs who return home. According to statistics from Zhongjiang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, in 2019, a total of 253 migrant workers in Zhongjiang returned home to start businesses.

Before New Year’s Day, a municipal government was interviewed.

Shanxi Provincial Emergency Management Department on the 29th, December 29th,In view of the "12.16" self-built house in the village in Nanpan community of xiaodian district and the "12.27" carbon monoxide poisoning accident in the hot pot restaurant in Xiaozhanying Village, Jinci Town, Jinyuan District,According to the requirements of the State Council Security Committee Office and the provincial government,The Provincial Security Committee Office interviewed Taiyuan Municipal Government.Wang Qirui, director of the Provincial Security Committee Office and director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department, mainly interviewed.

The interview requires that Taiyuan should improve its political position and conscientiously implement the major decision-making arrangements of the provincial party Committee and the provincial government.Draw lessons from the accident and draw inferences from others.Supervise all departments and enterprises in the territory to do their best to implement safety production responsibility measures and stabilize the safety production situation. It is necessary to put the work of safety in production in a more important position, comprehensively compact the government responsibility, departmental supervision responsibility and enterprise main responsibility, and do a good job in safety in production in key industries at the end of the year and the beginning of the year.Solidly carry out actions to investigate and rectify potential safety hazards,In particular, the prevention of toxic and harmful gas poisoning, strengthen safety risk management and control, organize the investigation of indoor units or houses such as burning charcoal for heating, burning charcoal for dining, using gas water heaters, strengthen safety publicity, promote the installation of toxic and harmful gas alarm devices, and prevent poisoning caused by carbon monoxide and other injuries.It is necessary to seriously investigate and handle the accident, thoroughly find out the nature of the cause of the accident, speed up the investigation and handling of the accident, and announce the results to the public in a timely manner.

Yang Cheng, member of the Standing Committee of Taiyuan Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor, expressed his position on behalf of Taiyuan Municipal Government.We will conscientiously implement the spirit of this interview meeting.Deeply draw lessons from the accident, draw inferences from others, compact the safety responsibilities of all parties, effectively strengthen the prevention and control of safety risks, carefully investigate and rectify potential safety hazards, avoid the recurrence of similar accidents, and ensure the safety and stability of the city during the "two festivals".

Zhang Heping, deputy director of the Provincial Safety Committee Office, deputy director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department, Li Wei, second-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Commerce, Hu Baishun, second-level inspector of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, and heads of relevant offices attended the interview.

At the same time, according to the "Notice of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Work of Enterprise Safety in Production" and other relevant regulations,The Provincial Safety Committee Office decided to investigate and supervise the "December 27" carbon monoxide poisoning accident in Xinlong Yangxiezi Hotpot Restaurant in Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City.

Source: "Shanxi Provincial Emergency Management Department" WeChat WeChat official account


Movie life, happy color | This decade, our movie life.

Special feature of 1905 film network In this decade, from fireworks to prosperity in the world, movies have always been in our lives. This decade, the film is life, life is film, this decade, our film life.

A movie, like a mirror, reflects the inner world of the viewer. Actors find their own colors from the characters; Wang Xiaoping, a movie fan, will substitute himself into the role and advance and retreat with the role.

"I love movies because it opens my world." Wang Xiaoping is a kindergarten teacher and a movie fan. When she was a child, she lived on an island and it was inconvenient to communicate with the outside world. The film became a window for her to know the world. When her parents took her as a child, she went to the surrounding villages to watch open-air movies and watched almost everything she could. On the other side of the sea is the road to Ningbo. Occasionally, her parents will take her there by ferry to see a movie. For her, it is like Chinese New Year.

In the ten years since 2012, a bridge has been built between the island and Ningbo, and the transportation is convenient. Now Wang Xiaoping can drive back and forth at any time, which is very happy for her as a movie fan. In addition to making it easier to go to Ningbo to watch movies, a modern cinema was built on the island in 2018. Since the establishment of this cinema on the island, Wang Xiaoping has watched more movies, and none of the new films he wants to see will be left behind.

Wang Xiaoping likes movies. As a kindergarten teacher, she also likes to chat with children in primary schools. Many movies can resonate with them. For example, these movies touched her deeply, and children also said that they were moved by them. Every year on Children’s Day in kindergarten, we watch movies together. Wang Xiaoping organizes everyone to make posters and set up stalls to buy tickets. Students can also go to other classes to watch movies.

Wang Xiaoping usually talks with children about domestic animated films. For example, Wang Xiaoping will use the characters with great personality in these films in art classes. She will pass on the good stories and characters in the films to students through her teaching life such as music and art. In her view: "I watched so many movies and experienced so many lives. I know that the movie brought me more than just a temporary touch. A good movie is a lifetime treasure for me, because my heart is full of passion and warmth. "

Wang Xiaoping’s practice of inspiring children through animated films made Youhao Zhang, as an anime fan, feel very cordial. Youhao Zhang grew up watching cartoons produced by Shanghai Fine Arts Studio when he was a child. At that time, the school rarely showed movies to children. Seeing that many schools now use movies to assist teaching, Youhao Zhang felt very envious.

Ten years ago, Youhao Zhang studied broadcasting at school. He was admitted to a school in Beijing as he wished. But when he was a freshman, he had deep doubts about himself and didn’t know how he could pass the teacher’s exam. When he was a sophomore, he began to read characters and scripts, and came into contact with classic plays such as Four Generations under One roof and Thunderstorm. He gradually felt that he could read the people in the scripts and understand their inner world. Later, he successfully graduated from the Central Academy of Drama and embarked on the road of being an actor.

When he saw the script, Youhao Zhang felt that it was a play he had to fight for, and the role in the script was highly compatible with himself. Then he wrote a long letter about his thoughts on Xiao July and the whole The Eight Hundred after watching the role. This is the first time he feels that he has devoted himself to creating a role &mdash; &mdash; What kind of person he should be and what kind of emotion he should be endowed with.

Later, Youhao Zhang began to enter the core team of creation, and felt his responsibility and obligation to do his work well. He is also very grateful to the distinguished people he met along the way. They conveyed a very important idea to him, that is, don’t lose the color of himself. The reason why he was chosen to play a certain role is that he has something that makes others feel different.

Movies are a way to open the world. Movies can be used to inspire children’s hearts and let people find themselves in them.

Communiqué of the Third Ministerial Conference of China-Arab Cooperation Forum

  BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the communiqué of the third ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum.

  The foreign ministers of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the member countries of the League of Arab States (hereinafter referred to as "the two sides") and the Secretary General of the League of Arab States held the third ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum (hereinafter referred to as "the Forum") in Manama, the capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain, from May 21 to 22, 2008.

  The two sides spoke highly of the rich achievements made by China and Arab countries in building a new partnership of equality and all-round cooperation in recent years; Reviewing the activities held under the framework of the Forum since the Second Ministerial Conference, I am satisfied with the achievements made in the mechanism construction and important activities such as the Senior Officials Committee, the China-Arab Entrepreneurs Conference, the China-Arab Relations and the China-Arab Civilization Dialogue Seminar, China-Arab Environmental Cooperation, China-Arab Friendship Conference, China-Arab Energy Cooperation Conference and China-Arab News Cooperation Forum. Determined to further enrich the connotation of cooperation and promote the in-depth development of forum construction.

  It is believed that the world today is undergoing great changes and adjustments, and it is the general trend to seek peace, development and cooperation. With the in-depth development of economic globalization, countries are increasingly interdependent, so all countries should jointly deal with it and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Traditional security threats are still outstanding, and non-traditional security threats are on the rise, which urgently requires the international community to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with them.

  It is emphasized that strengthening China-Arab dialogue and cooperation and improving the overall level of China-Arab relations under the new situation are in the common interests of the Chinese and Arab people and are also conducive to world peace and development;

  To this end, the two sides decided to continue to strengthen the new partnership of equality, mutual trust, all-round cooperation, peace-oriented and sustainable development, and reached the following consensus:

  I. Political field

  1-Reaffirm the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. Promote the democratization of international relations and build a harmonious world. Respect all countries to safeguard their territorial integrity and security without violating the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized norms of international law.

  2-Strengthen mutual visits and communication between leaders and government officials of the two sides, keep close contact and contact, and enhance friendship and mutual trust.

  3-Promote exchanges between parliaments and political parties of the two sides, promote exchanges between non-governmental organizations, enhance mutual understanding and deepen traditional friendship.

  4-Maintain political consultations between the foreign ministries of the two sides and collective consultations within the framework of the forum.

  5-The Arab countries expressed sympathy and condolences to the Chinese side for the heavy casualties and serious property losses caused by the earthquake in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, People’s Republic of China (PRC), and appreciated the efforts of the China government and people in earthquake relief and reconstruction. The government and people of China express their heartfelt thanks and welcome to the sympathy, support and help given by the Arab countries and people. The Arab countries support China in hosting the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 and wish the Games a complete success.

  6-The Arab countries reiterate that the government of People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan Province is an inalienable part of the territory of China. They oppose the Taiwan Province authorities’ participation in the United Nations and other international organizations and conferences limited to sovereign countries in any name and form, and support the efforts of the government and people of China to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

  7-China supports the Arab countries’ strategic choice to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the road map plan for Middle East peace. China supports the Arab peace initiative as an important principle for comprehensively solving the Middle East issue, and calls on Israel to respond to the Arab countries’ desire for peace, negotiate with relevant Arab countries on the basis of the initiative, and end the occupation of all Arab territories occupied since 1967. Support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Arab peace initiative and solve the refugee problem in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, so as to restore the legitimate rights of the Arab people, and thus achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Call on the international community to commit itself to lifting the blockade of Palestine, take practical measures to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza, stop building settlements and all actions that aggravate tensions, and create favorable conditions for the Middle East peace process to move forward.

  8-Emphasize support for Syria to recover the occupied Golan Heights in accordance with relevant UN resolutions, on the basis of the results of the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991 and the Arab Peace Initiative in 2002, and on the basis of the principles of the peace process.

  9-Emphasize full solidarity with Lebanon and provide it with political and economic support. In the State of Qatar Emir Hamad? Ben? Khalifa? His Highness Al Thani, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad? Ben? Jasim? Ben? Jabbar? His Highness Al Thani, Secretary General of the Arab League Amr? Thanks to the efforts of Your Excellency Moussa and the members of the Arab Ministerial Committee, the Doha Lebanese National Dialogue Conference reached a consensus solution on the basis of the Arab initiative to solve the political crisis in Lebanon, and both sides warmly congratulated them.

  10-Emphasize that Iraq’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity should be fully respected, not interfering in its internal affairs, respecting the Iraqi people’s independent determination of their future, and condemning all forms of terrorist acts against the Iraqi people and their institutions. Support the Iraqi government’s efforts aimed at stabilizing the security situation and promoting the process of national reconciliation, so as to achieve national reconciliation and encourage cooperation for the reconstruction of Iraq. We welcome the role of the Arab League, the expansion of international cooperation through meetings of foreign ministers of neighboring countries in Iraq, and the search for the necessary mechanism to solve Iraq’s current problems. We hope that Iraq and its neighbors can solve their mutual concerns.

  11-Emphasize support for all peaceful efforts, including the initiative and efforts of the United Arab Emirates, aimed at peacefully resolving the issue of the three islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa) through peaceful negotiations and in accordance with the norms of international law.

  12-Emphasize support for Sudan’s national unity, national unity and territorial integrity. Support the Sudanese government of national unity to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and push forward the North-South peace process. Welcoming the signing of the Agreement on the Status of Mixed Forces on 9 February 2008 and the efforts made by the Government of Sudan to make the hybrid operation a success. It emphasizes that the hybrid operation should be deployed in Darfur in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1769, supports the tripartite consultation mechanism between Sudan, the African Union and the United Nations to continue to play the role of the main channel, advocates the balanced promotion of peacekeeping operations and the political process in Darfur, calls on the opposition and the Sudanese government to step up negotiations, reach a comprehensive peace agreement in Darfur at an early date, and supports the Arab League to continue to play an important role in this issue. Condemn the attack launched by the Justice and Equality Movement in Omdurman.

  13-Emphasize that continuing to promote the peace process in Somalia is of great significance to regional security and stability, respect the unity and national sovereignty of Somalia, and support Somalia to achieve national reconciliation and domestic peace as soon as possible.

  14-Support each other to safeguard national sovereignty, independence and national dignity, respect and support the independent choice of development path according to national conditions, and exchange ruling experience and development experience with each other.

  15-Emphasize that both sides attach importance to strengthening friendly relations between the National People’s Congress of China and Arab parliaments, consultative conferences and Arab transitional parliaments on the basis of the purposes and principles of the forum.

  16-Conduct political consultations, close coordination and cooperation on major regional and international issues of common concern within the framework of the Forum.

  17-Advocate dialogue and consultation, and encourage hot issues and differences to be handled through political and peaceful means.

  18-Support the maintenance of the international nuclear non-proliferation system and advocate the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue in the Middle East through diplomatic negotiations, so as to maintain regional peace and stability. Support the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East and the active efforts made by Arab countries on the basis of consultation to achieve this goal as soon as possible. The right of all countries to peaceful use of nuclear energy in accordance with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons should be respected and maintained, and the possession and development of military nuclear capabilities in violation of the provisions of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons should be opposed.

  19-Condemn all forms of terrorism and oppose linking terrorism with specific ethnic groups and religions. It is believed that counter-terrorism must be based on the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized norms of international law, adhere to the leading and coordinating role of the United Nations and its Security Council, and oppose double standards. King Abdullah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a servant who supports the two holy places? Ben? Abdalasis? Al Saud’s proposal to establish an international counter-terrorism center at the 2005 Riyadh World Counter-Terrorism Conference. Welcome and support President Zine El-Zine El-Assad of the Republic of Tunisia? Abidine? Ben? Ali proposed that the United Nations should hold an international conference to formulate anti-terrorism action guidelines that all parties should abide by and promote dialogue among different faiths, cultures and civilizations. We will continue to strengthen anti-terrorism cooperation in bilateral areas and under multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations. In this regard, the two sides support the international conference organized by the United Nations and attended by international organizations such as the Organization of the Islamic Conference to discuss the definition, prevention and fight against terrorism, and call on all parties to complete the negotiation of a comprehensive anti-terrorism convention as soon as possible.

  They agreed to strengthen dialogue and cooperation within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations, promote multilateralism, and safeguard the authority of the United Nations and its leading role in international affairs. Support the United Nations to carry out necessary and reasonable reforms, improve efficiency, fulfill the mission entrusted by the Charter of the United Nations, and increase its ability to effectively respond to new threats and challenges. Support the Security Council to play a major role in maintaining world peace and security. The reform of the Security Council should give priority to increasing the representation of developing countries, and members should reach consensus on the reform of the Security Council on the basis of extensive discussion and democratic consultation.

  21-It advocates reaching understanding and resolving differences between countries through dialogue and diplomatic means, so as to solve the problems that hinder the improvement of relations between countries. Oppose laws that override the norms of international law and aim at harming the sovereignty and interests of other countries.

  Second, promote development

  22-The two sides actively promote trade facilitation, continue to expand the scale of trade, improve the trade structure, standardize the trade order, raise the level of trade, and strive to achieve comprehensive, orderly and balanced development of bilateral trade.

  23-Expand two-way investment, promote enterprises of both sides to strengthen investment cooperation in a wider field, and encourage technology transfer.

  24-Strengthen cooperation in infrastructure construction, complement each other’s advantages in capital, technology and engineering, and explore projects to implement infrastructure construction, improve people’s livelihood and enhance the ability of independent development.

  25-Promote cooperation in the financial field, encourage financial institutions of both sides to strengthen cooperation, jointly provide financial support and convenience for investment, project contracting and trade of both sides, and encourage both sides to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the banking field under the conditions of complying with relevant laws and regulations of various countries.

  26-Strengthen cooperation between the two sides in the field of human resources development, learn from each other and learn from each other.

  27-The two sides coordinate and cooperate in international economic and trade fields and institutions, and work together to establish an open, fair and standardized multilateral international trading system and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

  28-Accelerate the negotiation process between China and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, and strive to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

  29-Support mutual investment projects in oil and gas industries on the basis of mutual benefit, and strengthen and expand existing cooperation, especially in the exploration, exploitation, transportation and refining of oil and gas; Exchange of experience and technology transfer in the fields of energy and environmental protection of energy-related projects through mutual visits, holding joint seminars and advanced courses, and participating in relevant activities organized by the other side.

  30-Strengthen cooperation and dialogue in the fields of environmental protection and desertification control, maintain close consultation and cooperation on international environmental affairs, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides in the fields of environmental protection and sustainable development.

  Carry out scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges through close contacts, and carry out joint research and technology transfer in seawater desalination, environmental protection technology, high-efficiency agricultural technology, clean energy, new energy and renewable energy technology.

  32-The two sides recognize that mankind is facing severe challenges in the issues of environment and sustainable development, and are willing to strengthen cooperation with the international community to meet the challenges in an open and pragmatic manner; Support the United Nations to play an important role in promoting global sustainable development and make positive contributions to promoting global environmental protection and sustainable development.

  33-Both sides attach great importance to climate change and are willing to make joint efforts with the international community to make positive contributions to climate change. The two sides stressed that any international arrangement to deal with climate change should be based on the principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, especially the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation in tackling climate change, including technical exchanges, improving energy efficiency and developing new and renewable energy sources.

  Third, people-to-people exchanges and dialogue among civilizations should be carried out.

  34-Encourage cooperation between research institutions, universities and educational institutions of both sides in the fields of education, scientific research and academic exchanges, including teaching Chinese and Arabic.

  35-Encourage and support Chinese and Arab cultural institutions to carry out official and non-governmental exchange programs, use information and communication technology to protect cultural heritage, sort out and publish cultural works, and attach importance to learning from each other in culture to achieve common development.

  36-Establish an art festival mechanism held by both parties in turn on a regular basis.

  37-Encourage the opening of Arab cultural centers in China and China cultural centers in Arab countries, and provide mutual convenience.

  38-Create conditions to encourage tourism cooperation between China and China, and actively consider listing Arab countries as outbound tourist destinations for citizens.

  39-Strengthen exchanges and dialogues among different civilizations, promote mutual understanding and interaction among people of all countries, respect the cultural characteristics of people of all countries, and be inclusive and exchange and learn from each other in the spirit of equality, mutual respect and tolerance.

  40-Emphasize that the two sides attach importance to participating in regional and international initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation among different civilizations, cultures and religions to deal with all forms of mutual exclusion and incitement to violence, and should not use freedom of speech as an excuse to vilify and vilify religions, beliefs, religious shrines and figures of people of all countries.

  Fourth, enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between Chinese and Arab news organizations.

  41-Close cooperation in the fields of news and publication between the two sides, and enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and Arab peoples through various mass media (television, newspapers and radio).

  V. Building the China-Arab Cooperation Forum

  42-Strengthen coordination and cooperation, jointly implement the principles and objectives set in the forum communiqué and the action implementation plan, and create more common development benefits for the people of both sides.

  43-Persist in innovation, constantly enrich China-Arab cooperation, improve the forum mechanism, and explore a forum construction model that conforms to the reality of both sides and the characteristics of China-Arab bilateral relations.

  44-Support the Forum to establish horizontal ties with other regional or multilateral cooperation mechanisms in which both sides participate, and broaden the space for common cooperation.

  45-Express gratitude and appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain for hosting the third ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum, and welcome the holding of the fourth ministerial meeting of the Forum in China in 2010 and the next Senior Officials Meeting of the Forum in China in 2009.

  This communiqué was signed in Manama on May 20th, 2008 in duplicate, each in Chinese and Arabic, both texts being equally authentic.



People’s Republic of China (PRC)

League of Arab States



Yang Jiechi (signature)

Amourous? Moussa (signature)

Foreign Minister of People’s Republic of China (PRC)

Secretary-General of the League of Arab States

Editor: Sun Jie

The 2023 Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament concluded, leading the public health movement.

BEIJING, Beijing, November 1st (Xinhua)-Hosted by Beijing Social Sports Management Center, the 2023 Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament hosted by Beijing Football Association recently came to an end in the football field of Kangbite Sports City. After nearly two months of competition, the champion was finally decided.

With the theme of "I exercise, I am healthy and I am happy", the Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament is a national social football brand competition created by Beijing Social Sports Management Center, aiming to convey a positive, healthy and happy sports concept to the general public. The Invitational Tournament has been successfully held for six times since 2018.

After nearly two months of intense competition, this year’s invitational tournament finally won the first and second place in 1994, with Guan Gao United and Brothers Company tied for the third place.

The players are in the competition. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

A contestant said that after years of development, the invitational tournament has been warmly welcomed and highly recognized by the majority of football fans, which has had a far-reaching impact in the football world. It is very happy to have the opportunity to participate in the Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament, a mass football brand event. "I can feel that everyone here is full of sports vitality and enjoy the happiness brought by football."

According to the organizer, it is hoped that the Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament will further vigorously promote the national football, advocate the spirit of national fitness, promote the development of football in the city, enhance the physical fitness of the whole people, and cultivate the sportsmanship of striving, enterprising, unity and cooperation among the citizens.

The 2023 Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament was closed. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

In recent years, the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau has made continuous efforts to build a sports and fitness environment from various angles, such as enriching diversified sports events, building fitness venues all over urban and rural areas, and scientifically guiding national fitness, which not only improved the citizens’ sports and cultural literacy, but also led the transformation of the public’s healthy lifestyle. It is reported that a series of mass sports activities will be launched next to promote the physical and mental health of the whole people and promote the all-round development of sports. (End)

Positive progress has been made in the high-quality development of culture and tourism

On December 14th, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism introduced the situation of accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

There are 57 world heritages in China.

Lu Yingchuan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has taken a series of targeted and effective measures to build a strong cultural country and promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism, and has done a lot of work to lay a foundation and establish a long-term future, thus making positive progress in promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

Adhere to the spirit of culture, cultural empowerment, prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries. We will increase the guidance and support for stage art and art creation, implement a series of art creation projects in the new era, and organize activities such as the exhibition of outstanding plays of stage art and the exhibition of fine arts. In the first 11 months, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism hosted 27 exhibitions, with 900,000 offline audiences and over 1.8 billion online viewers. We will improve cultural and economic policies, implement the strategy of driving major cultural industry projects, actively cultivate new formats and models, launch a series of consumption promotion activities, and carry out special rectification such as performance ticketing and script entertainment, so that the cultural industry will achieve rapid growth. In the first three quarters, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, with a box office income of 31.54 billion yuan and 111 million audience, up by 121.0%, 84.2% and 188.5% over the same period in 2019.

Adhere to integrity, innovation, self-confidence and self-improvement, protect, inherit and carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture. In-depth implementation of the Chinese civilization tracing project, archaeological China and other major projects, strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and ancient books, promote the fourth national cultural relics survey, and implement the Chinese ancient books protection plan. Do a good job in the systematic protection of intangible heritage, promote the identification of the sixth batch of national intangible heritage representative inheritors, and announce 10 national cultural and ecological protection zones. Organize international museum day, cultural and natural heritage day and other publicity and exhibitions, and hold activities such as "Tea and the World Sharing Intangible Heritage". Actively promote the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival, and promote the inclusion of "Pu ‘er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" in the World Heritage List, increasing the number of world heritage sites in China to 57.

Adhere to tourism for the people and tourism-driven, and better meet the new expectations of the people for a better life. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, develop mass tourism, smart tourism, green tourism and civilized tourism, build a list of special-grade tourism resources in China, pilot cultivate a new space for immersive experience of smart tourism, and hold a publicity campaign of "Civilized Tourism with You and Me". Eight villages were selected as the "Best Tourism Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization after the implementation of the rural tourism quality project, which became a typical case of rural revitalization with cultural and tourism empowerment.

Adhere to the position of Chinese culture, promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and continuously enhance the influence of Chinese cultural communication. We will implement the global civilization initiative, hold high-level cultural performances of important state events such as the China-Central Asia Summit and the third "the belt and road initiative" international cooperation summit forum, and carry out the activities of Chinese and Western culture and tourism year. Hold the first Liangzhu Forum, Yihui Silk Road-exhibition of works by famous Chinese and Arab artists, and performance to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra’s visit to China. Restore the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises to operate the outbound team travel business of China citizens to 138 countries, and carry out "Hello! China "national tourism image promotion, promote the recovery and development of inbound and outbound tourism.

In the first three quarters, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion.

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first three quarters of this year, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will focus on three aspects: promoting cultural and tourism consumption, improving people’s quality of life and better meeting people’s needs.

The first is to optimize the policy environment and solve the difficulties of blocking points. We will combine the new situation of tourism development, implement relevant policies and measures, and exert our efforts from both supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumer confidence. Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, improve tourism services, standardize the order of the tourism market, strengthen tourism security, and create a tourist destination with quality and temperature. At the same time, provide more high-quality tourism products and more convenient services for inbound tourists.

The second is to promote industrial integration and innovate product supply. It will further promote the deep integration of cultural tourism, enhance cultural taste, enrich spiritual connotation, cultivate new consumption formats and new models, promote the construction of "small but beautiful" performing arts new space, and innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products. Promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts, and promote the integration of food, performance, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism, so that people can feel culture, cultivate sentiment, experience life and enjoy health during their travels.

The third is to build a platform carrier and increase the intensity of benefiting the people. It will promote the brand building of a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas. Guide local innovative consumption scenarios, cultivate new formats and consumption patterns, enrich measures to benefit the people, and implement the "100 cities and 100 districts" financial support culture and tourism consumption action plan. We will continue to run national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, strengthen publicity and marketing, stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption will, and help business entities to resume development.

Further safeguard the order of culture and tourism market.

In recent years, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has continuously relaxed market access, actively innovated supervision methods, created a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment, stimulated the vitality of the cultural and tourism markets, and helped the high-quality development of the industry. Relax the market access threshold and continuously release policy dividends. Promote the reform of tourism service quality margin, so that travel agencies have more liquidity. In the Pilot Free Trade Zone and other places, we have implemented the notification and commitment system for the establishment of travel agencies, implemented the electronic license for applied culture and tourism market, fully implemented the "one-line management" for administrative examination and approval, implemented more high-frequency matters "handheld management, fingertip management", and deepened the "good and bad reviews" for government services, making things more convenient and providing better services.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism responded to the demands of the masses in a timely manner, found and handled a number of problems, and organized a series of special law enforcement actions, effectively maintaining market order.

Since the beginning of this year, special rectification of script entertainment, special rectification of commercial performance ticketing, and 100-day rectification of tourism market order have been deployed one after another. In the first 11 months, the comprehensive law enforcement agencies of the national cultural market dispatched 9.988 million law enforcement personnel, inspected 3.348 million times and handled 41,000 cases. In view of the e-commerce platform providing conditions for reselling performance "scalper tickets", commercial performance activities and art exhibitions contain illegal contents, and some cases such as organizing minors to participate in performances that harm physical and mental health are specially supervised. In view of the illegal and illegal business activities such as specifying specific shopping places and operating travel agency business without permission, key provinces have been deployed to carry out centralized case handling in the tourism market, guiding relevant regions to investigate and deal with a number of major cases according to law.

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the local cultural and tourism departments investigated and dealt with some typical cases such as content violations, non-performance of performance obligations, forced shopping in the tourism market, threats by tour guides to tourists, and abandonment of tour groups by travel agencies, and promptly disclosed the punishment results to the public, effectively deterring all kinds of illegal acts.

"In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will continue to strengthen the comprehensive law enforcement supervision of the cultural and tourism markets, solidly promote a series of law enforcement actions, severely investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations, and further safeguard the order of the cultural and tourism markets." Du Jiang said. People’s Daily (December 15, 2023, 02 edition)

How many unreasonable places are there in the female body?

From forest apes to modern humans

Humans have experienced tens of millions of years of evolution.

In this process

We learned to walk upright and use tools.

Has produced the emotion, the thinking consciousness

Great changes have taken place in the body.

it is a pity that

Although after tens of millions of years of evolution,

Our bodies still have some. …

Where "it doesn’t seem reasonable"

Let’s take a look at it with you today.

The female body

How many unreasonable places are there?

Private part

First of all, let’s talk about the biggest difference between women and men-reproductive system. As one of the most important parts of the human body, the reproductive system, which bears the heavy responsibility of racial reproduction, has a "huge" defect in design-it is too close to the urinary system and excretory system.

Women’s reproductive tract mouth, urethral mouth and anus are too close. Under the attack of these two, various problems follow.

It is inevitable that there will be some "dirty things" in excreta that are not conducive to health. Because they are too close, these "dirty things" may run to the reproductive system with a little carelessness, causing inflammation, mold infection and other diseases.

Even if you pay great attention to personal hygiene, it is difficult to keep this area dry and fresh all the time. The humid environment will continue to irritate the skin and cause folliculitis.

In addition, the female reproductive system has also designed an unreasonable "cooling mechanism"-menstruation stage.

Regular visits by "big aunt" will not only bring a lot of inconvenience in life, but also bring physical pain and emotional fluctuations.


After talking about the private parts, let’s turn our eyes to the inside of the body and talk about the pelvis.

In order to give birth smoothly, women’s pelvis is wider than men’s, and such "differential treatment" brings many "congenital disadvantages" to girls.

Because the pelvis is narrower, boys can have a "good-looking" ass without effort. And girls’ hips are wide and flat.

The wider pelvis also leads to a larger pelvic inclination, a forward posture and an X-leg problem.

Therefore, women are more vulnerable to pelvic pain, and at the same time, the probability of low back pain and other problems is higher than that of men.

Accessory milk

Next, let’s move our eyes upward-vice breasts.

During fetal development, if the redundant breast tissue is not completely degraded, this embarrassing thing will appear. Although complementary breasts will not pose a threat to women’s health, they will bring some inconvenience and trouble to women.

First of all, the first question is-not good-looking. Vice breasts usually grow near women’s armpits. In summer, these two bulging "fat" have become the heart disease of many girls.

If it’s just "two lumps of meat", it’s tolerable. I’m afraid that the pair of breasts is the version with nipples, which is embarrassing to by going up one flight of stairs.

corpus luteum

The corpus luteum may be unfamiliar to men. Let me introduce it to you first. The corpus luteum of women is a temporary gland in the ovary, which will be formed after ovulation.

Unlike "useless auxiliary milk", Huang will secrete hormones such as progesterone, which can help the endometrium maintain a stable state and promote the full development of the chest.

But it has a fatal bug-it will break! And it is easy to break!

Slightly violent jumping, running, or too hard when going to the toilet may cause corpus luteum rupture. If the pressure in the yellow body is too great and no external force is needed, it will even break for you automatically.

After corpus luteum rupture, abdominal pain will be severe, and if internal bleeding is serious, there may even be shock.

Prostaglandins and androgens

Yes, women also secrete prostaglandins and androgens. The former can regulate menstrual cycle and fertility, while the latter can affect women’s sexual desire and reproductive health.

However, if these two hormones are secreted too much, they will have adverse effects on girls’ health.

Excessive secretion of prostaglandin will amplify girls’ sensitivity to pain, while excessive secretion of androgen will lead to more body hair and irregular menstruation.

The good news is.

Some researchers have found that

Over the past 40 thousand years

The speed of human evolution is accelerating.

Especially in the last 5000 years.

The speed of human evolution is 100 times faster than before.

Over time.

These "unreasonable" places.

Maybe through evolution.

Become more reasonable

But everyone here

I don’t think I can witness it in person

Doctor, for a minute, the posture keeps rising.

End of this period

Ten funny stories: I was caught smoking in the bathroom, and my mother was so angry that she swung her belt and beat her.

Who should control the family economic power? This is a puzzling question. Today, we are going to listen to a story about a man B and his wife. Man b confidently said that he gave his wife pocket money every month, which made people admire him. But what kind of story is hidden behind his behavior? Male B was predicted by the master to be a cow and a horse for a woman, but in the end he did it willingly for his sister. Some of his reactions to his wife also made people laugh. His daughter-in-law’s pocket money made him a little uneasy, so he secretly opened his son’s red envelope and won some money, only to find that his son always ran to the flowerpot. Finally, his girlfriend lost her ring, and he promised to buy her a new one. As a result, her girlfriend made up her mind to cry out another gold necklace. These stories make us wonder, who should control the family economic power?

Is it a man or a woman? Or, should this power be shared with each other? Please leave your opinions and suggestions. Looking back at the full text, the story of male B shows us all kinds of complicated and interesting stories behind the mastery of family economic power. In real life, the power of family economy should be jointly negotiated and decided by husband and wife, not unilaterally controlled by one party. Mutual respect and equal communication are the keys to maintaining family harmony. What do you think? My relatives and friends have been angry or surprised for some unexpected reasons. For example, some people are blamed for their impolite answers on blind date, while others lament each other’s heartlessness after divorce, but frankly admit that they put it forward by themselves. Another time, my family found me smoking in the bathroom, and I was beaten by a belt and a feather duster.

What’s more, I thought that the other party would promise me, but I was told that today is the final test. What an accident. Another time at school, I mistakenly thought someone was fighting, but it caused the other person’s anger. It was a joke. Which of the above stories do you think is the most unexpected? Leave a message and tell us! Each of these stories is full of surprises and reversals, which makes people stunned. In life, we are always full of surprises and accidents, which is also the fun of life. Whether you get along with relatives and friends or deal with various situations in your life, unexpected things may happen. In the face of these accidents, we should learn to deal with them calmly and handle every accident well, so as to enjoy the fun of life better. Do you have a similar experience?

Or what do you think and comment on the above story? Welcome to leave a message and share with us!