China will continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 2 (Reporter Gao Kang) The the State Council executive meeting held on June 2 studied the policies and measures to promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry. In order to release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles, the meeting proposed to continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles.

  New energy vehicles are the main direction of the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry, and the development space is very broad.

  In recent years, China’s new energy automobile industry has developed vigorously. According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to April this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 2.291 million and 2.222 million, an increase of 42.8% year-on-year, with a market share of 27%; The export of new energy vehicles was 348,000, a year-on-year increase of 170%.

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles, further optimize the industrial layout, strengthen key core technology research in key areas such as power battery system, new chassis structure and intelligent driving system, make overall plans for the development and utilization of domestic and international resources, improve the recycling system of power batteries, build an industrial ecology with the integrated development of "cars and energy in Lu Yun", and enhance the independent controllability and green development level of the whole industrial chain.

  "Technological innovation is the core competitiveness of development." Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said that in recent years, China has made remarkable achievements in the field of new energy vehicles, but it still needs to make efforts in tackling key core technologies, and at the same time, it needs to continue to make efforts in the construction of charging infrastructure and the research and development of small and micro electric vehicles.

  Chen Shihua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Industry Association, said that from the overall automobile data this year, China’s new energy automobile industry has developed steadily, and its supply capacity and quality have been continuously improved, becoming an important force to stabilize the industry.

  Insiders pointed out that the industry generally predicts that the development of new energy vehicles will maintain a good development trend, and the production and sales data of new energy vehicles in China is expected to usher in a new high this year. But at the same time, we should also see that at present, the confidence of automobile consumption still needs to be boosted and the potential of automobile consumption still needs to be released.

  In this regard, the meeting pointed out that it is necessary to continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles, build a high-quality charging infrastructure system, further stabilize market expectations, optimize the consumption environment, and release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles.

  "The new measures are expected to bring great impetus to the development of the new energy automobile industry in the next few years." Cui Dongshu said that the subsidy recession has a great impact on the new energy automobile industry, and consumers are sensitive to price and taxation. Continuing and optimizing the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles will further release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles and promote the sustainable and steady growth of the new energy automobile industry.

The beauty of reading | It’s always shallow to get what you get on paper, but you don’t know how to do it.


Reading on a Winter’s Night and Showing Children’s Yue is a group of eight poems taught by Lu You. This poem is the most famous third poem, which was written at the end of the fifth year of Qingyuan in Song Ningzong (1199). Zi Yu is Lu You’s youngest son. In his poems, Lu You encouraged his son to work hard and persevere in learning, emphasizing that learning can not be satisfied with book knowledge, but must be "practiced" — — Only by learning and applying knowledge in practice can we achieve something.

The first two sentences of the poem say that the ancients always tried their best to learn, and only by working hard when they were young can they achieve something in the future. The word "no effort" summarizes the degree to which the ancients worked hard and tirelessly in learning. The last two sentences, "I feel shallow at the end of the paper, but I don’t know how to do it", are poetic eyes. Paper: books. Know nothing: understand deeply and thoroughly. This means that the knowledge gained from books is inevitably superficial, and to thoroughly understand things, you must practice it yourself. Lu You emphasized the importance of practice from the relationship between book knowledge and social practice. This feeling of the poet’s reading in winter night is the most profound understanding of his life as a scholar. He told his son: a person who has both book knowledge and practical experience is a truly learned person; Reading must strive to achieve "heart-to-heart, eye-to-eye, mouth-to-mouth", and can draw inferences from others in practice to achieve mastery.






(作者 杨立新)


Collect this "spring film list" and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Special feature of 1905 film network People give the meaning of the renewal of Vientiane in spring, and inject thousands of expectations into the beginning of these four seasons, hoping that it will bring a brand-new look and weather, and "when the flowers bloom in spring" makes us look forward to it especially in this boxer year.


"March" seems to be the official name of spring. The warmth of runaway awakens the limp and numb limbs and warms up the beautiful season to come.


Just as spring is coming, follow Xiao Dianjun to taste this limited time of only three months on the screen.


Over the spring

Girl grow up private image

Girls and "Boundaries" are the stories of youth written in Over Spring.

The title of the film "Spring Festival" was originally a jargon in the mouth of smugglers, referring to "bringing goods" from Hong Kong to Shenzhen across the customs.

Liu Zipei, a girl who lives in Shenzhen and studies in Hong Kong, passively embarked on this "cross-border" journey with the dream of traveling to Japan with her friends.

The contradictory identity that originally made her lack of identity unexpectedly became her excellent advantage in the matter of "spending the spring", which not only helped her save enough travel expenses, but also made her feel an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

However, walking alone on the edge of danger is doomed to be full of adventure. The difference of ideas between mother and daughter, the break with friends and the love that can’t be established make this girl who can’t stand on either side of family, friendship or love become more and more addicted to this "boundary".

"Over Spring" does not hide a girl’s growing desire for material, feelings and self-identity, but it never forgets to find a safe place for this soul with nowhere to live.

In this tug-of-war of belonging and alienation, Pepe, wandering between the two cities, walked straight through the dividing line drawn by her youth with a cavity of loneliness and courage, and also left us with a series of questions about growth.


Four Springs

Family documentary video

In the eyes of China people, spring and the word "reunion" are inseparable. For every family, this season is filled with infinite warmth.

Lu Qingyi spent "four springs" in his hometown of dushan county, Guizhou Province to spend time with his family, and recorded this unique family video.

As far as the look and feel of the film is concerned, it actually looks almost the same as the video taken by our daily mobile phone. Lu Qingyi abandoned the tedious professional equipment and chose to take a hand-held shot in person to lead the audience to watch the family story under this patio. The lens that shakes from time to time and the depth of field that is not properly adjusted have added some pure and simple feelings of life.

From his subjective perspective, the father who smoked sausage, the mother who hummed ditty, and even a meal, a meal, a grass and a tree are particularly touching, warm and harmonious. Every true feeling of this family in the four springs: the sweetness of parents drinking a toast, the sadness of sister’s departure, and the sincerity naturally revealed at each reunion … … It seems to have become ours at that moment.

A series of collage family images, like spring breeze and rain, tell the whole picture of life, from which the most precious meaning about family ties is condensed and spread in everyone’s heart.


Small forest in winter and spring

Spiritual healing recipes

For people who are busy, what is more healing than a delicious meal after work?

Not much to say, "Little Forest in Winter and Spring" immediately presents you with a menu with full healing value: snowflake two-color cake, natto glutinous rice ball, fried tempura, winter flower miso sauce, wild garlic seedling fried salmon and cabbage flower pasta … …

Unable to blend in with the hustle and bustle of big cities, the hero Ichiko chose to return to his hometown Komori Village and run a self-sufficient life in the changing seasons. It is because of cooking that her seemingly monotonous life of living alone has become interesting.

As a food movie, the film aims a lot of close-ups at ingredients, showing them in an extremely simple way from the most authentic appearance to the appearance of being finally put on the table after special processing, which can instantly evoke taste buds.

In the film, the enthusiasm of the city children for life can be traced everywhere, not just the patience shown when cooking food. When burying natto in the snow, she will attach a special sentence "I hope you will become delicious", and every time even if one person eats, she should put her hands together and read the sentence "I am starting" devoutly.

Spring is the right season to start. When she received a letter from her long-lost mother, Shizi gradually realized the meaning of "going round and round". She was no longer trapped in her past life, but started from her heart and found the life she really longed for.

"Little Forest" has written a delicious chapter with enough literary brushstrokes. Putting aside this gorgeous coat, the core is still the true meaning of ordinary life.


Taste of Chengsha

Life taste tasting course

As a special guest of Japanese movies, Sakura always wakes up the audience: Look, isn’t spring the best time?

A small shop named "Spring of the Gong" is located beside a street full of cherry trees. The old man Dejiang, the manager Sentaro and the young girl Ruocai became attached to each other because of the burning of the Gong, and they met in the spring and spent a quiet and beautiful time together.

Grandmother Dejiang seems to be happy and informal, but every time she makes bean paste, she instantly changes to a serious face, soaking, boiling, filtering, boiling and stirring … … You have to do everything yourself.

Under her influence, Sentaro valued her work more, and Ruocai gradually opened her heart.

This is another natural law of Japanese movies — — "The beauty of mourning" is a film that is interpreted to the extreme.

"There are always all kinds of difficulties in life, so be sure to refuel." Dejiang tells the truth of life, but at the same time, he also conveys an open-minded attitude towards life to us in front of the screen.

When she visited another spring day, like a spiritual mentor, she had already passed away, and only the figure that had stood under the cherry tree was frozen forever.


Chunjiang plumbing

The Oriental Picture of Scenery Blending

If you want to choose a movie to visually present the appearance of spring, Chunjiang Plumbing must be on the list.

Hangzhou, where the film was filmed, is a paradise on earth with its own poetry and painting. When the traditional family stories are integrated into the oriental freehand brushwork aesthetics, the plain narrative slowly unfolds like a long scroll, which is fascinating.

The story focuses on the Gu family along the Fuchun River in Hangzhou, and a mother with a stroke leads to the warmth and coldness of a family for three generations. When consanguinity and kinship are discussed in the contemporary context, it is like a mirror that shines into reality and directly hits people’s hearts.

Inspired by Huang Gongwang’s "Fuchun Shan Jutu", the picture of the film slows down the narrative rhythm with a long scroll of landscapes and proper blank space, and creates a sense of documentary life with natural scenery, which makes people sigh for the world and still feel warm.

Under the ingenious arrangement of the director, the natural landscape and street style in "Spring River Plumbing" are poetically connected, and they have experienced a cycle from summer to spring, and all kinds of life have been deeply stared at by this river.


This spring in 2020 is of great significance, because it carries too many expectant eyes.

As the song goes, "When spring goes, spring will come, and the flowers will bloom again." I believe that after crossing the heavy haze, it will be the time when spring blooms again.

The sun will shine in the end, and the warmth will come as promised.

Snowstorms are ruthless, people are affectionate, and we walk together in the snow.


    Wen Jiabao cordially visited the waiting passengers: Is the ticket good to buy? Did you get paid?

    On the afternoon of January 25th, Wen Jiabao inspected the road transportation and emergency preparedness, visited the frontline traffic cadres and workers and shook hands with them.

    The Spring Festival is coming, and Spring Festival travel rush is at its peak. Not long ago, a large-scale rain and snow weather brought certain difficulties to Spring Festival travel rush. Can the people’s new year’s goods be guaranteed? Is it good to buy a ticket home? Is the journey safe and smooth? Premier Wen Jiabao is very concerned about this. On the afternoon of January 25th, Premier Wen visited Zhuozhou Service Area of Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway and Beijing West Railway Station, and made arrangements for doing a good job in Spring Festival travel rush and ensuring safety and smoothness. < < < < detailed    


    Nandu appeals to postpone the Spring Festival holiday and stop Spring Festival travel rush’s response to the snowstorm. Is it feasible?

 On January 27th, armed police soldiers maintained order at the entrance of Hefei Railway Station. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    This is the biggest disaster since the founding of New China in 1949, and it is also a great test. The government must act decisively. We suggest that the government start the following scheme as soon as possible:

    First, we suggest that the government stop Spring Festival travel rush and postpone this year’s Spring Festival holiday to the Lantern Festival to stagger the snowstorm. At the same time, the stranded population will be evacuated to other places by using accessible short-distance transportation. Avoid further "man-made disasters" caused by a large number of people stranded in one place. < < < < detailed

Why is it okay to snow in the north but not in the south?

On January 27th, a passenger braved the heavy snow and waited at Hefei Railway Station.

    I really don’t understand: there is heavy snow in the north of China every year, and I have never seen a large number of trains late, a large shortage of power supply and extremely tight resources; However, it snowed in the south for a few days this year, and as a result, power was cut off everywhere, grain and oil were tight, and traffic was stagnant. Why does it snow heavily every year in the north, and nothing happens, while it snows in the south? < < < < detailed     

Spring Festival travel rush’s paralysis exposed China’s fragile ability to cope with the crisis. How to deal with it? 

    On January 27th, a passenger with a baby in his arms stood in the Hefei Railway Station in the heavy snow. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jian photo

    Most parts of China suffered from the once-in-50-year severe rain and snow weather. Many trunk lines such as Beijing-Guangzhou were cut off, and trains could not run, resulting in a large number of delays on the Beijing-Guangzhou line, and the north-south artery was once paralyzed. At Guangzhou Railway Station, the transportation hub at the southern end of the Beijing-Guangzhou line, more than 150,000 passengers were stranded on the 27th, and hundreds of thousands of people were frozen along the rain and snow returning home. The paralysis crisis in Spring Festival travel rush, of course, was caused by bad weather, but it also exposed the problems of the rapid development of China’s economy and society, such as the lag of transportation and other infrastructure, and the fragile ability to cope with the crisis.

    What do you think should be done to solve the problems caused by the annual Spring Festival travel rush spring tide? < < < < detailed      

Editor: Chen Xixia

Fireworks Show Held in Guangzhou 400,000 Citizens Watch in the Rain [Photos]

Topic: Spring Festival 2009

Fireworks make Pazhou Convention and Exhibition Center more splendid.

Fireworks reflected the whole White Swan Pond River.

  Flowers put thousands of trees, and stars fall like rain. On the first night of New Year’s Day, by the Pearl River, a grand fireworks show lit up the night sky in Yangcheng and people’s faces. This year’s New Year Fireworks Gala in Guangzhou set off a total of 200,000 fireworks, sending warm wishes to the citizens. Members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Wang Yang, secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Zhu Xiaodan, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, were at the edge of White Swan Pond, enjoying with the citizens.

  Last night, from 8: 30 to 9: 00, fireworks were lit at the same time at two discharge points on the river surface of White Swan Pond River and Pazhou Exhibition Hall. This year’s Guangzhou Fireworks Gala is divided into four movements: "Five Blessingg Golden Bull He Xinchun", "Splendid Flower City Full of Spring", "Vibrant Guangzhou Welcomes the Asian Games" and "Harmonious Prosperity and Prosperity". The creative design closely follows the theme of the Spring Festival, reflecting the fervent feelings of Guangzhou citizens in celebrating the 2009 Spring Festival, celebrating the 60th birthday of the motherland and looking forward to the 2010 Asian Games.

  The fireworks set off this year are novel and unique. Many fireworks displays that surprised the world at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games gathered in Guangzhou yesterday, running through the whole party.

  In order to allow more citizens to watch the fireworks display at close range, Guangzhou set up two discharge points for the first time this year. White Swan Pond Riverside Exhibition Hall and Pazhou Exhibition Hall have the same content for the two discharges on the river surface, and the discharge time is 30 minutes. According to statistics, nearly 400,000 citizens went to the two discharge points to watch it last night.

  The public marveled that this year’s fireworks were "innovative"

  Flowers put thousands of trees, and stars fall like rain. On the first night of the first lunar month, by the Pearl River, a grand fireworks lit up the night sky in Yangcheng and people’s faces. Last night, a total of 200,000 fireworks were set off at the fireworks show in Guangzhou, sending warm wishes to the citizens.

  In the beautiful White Swan Pond fireworks display area, six 600-ton cargo ships are used as the display platform, and six high-altitude fireworks display points, 12 hollow art fireworks display points and low-altitude stunt fireworks display points are set up, with the fireworks screen reaching 1,500 square meters. Tens of thousands of fireworks are fired in unison, like huge waves, with a surge of spring tides and a magnificent momentum of passion.

  This year’s fireworks are novel and unique. Special effects fireworks "Orange Flash", mid-low altitude artistic modeling fireworks "Dove of Peace", "Flash Golden Bridge", "Rainbow Bridge", "Open the door to see happiness", high altitude fireworks "Kapok Blossom", "Thunderbolt Golden Crown", "Colorful Five Rings" and "Xiangyun" made new appearances. The unique effect of "three-dimensional fireworks" makes people sigh at the wonder of fireworks, and the "big flash" that suddenly disappears runs through the whole fireworks level. At the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games, new ideas ran through the fireworks show yesterday, and the audience at the scene said that this year’s fireworks were "innovative".

  It began to drizzle in Guangzhou yesterday afternoon, but the cold rain did not seem to affect the public’s enthusiasm for watching the New Year fireworks show. At 6 o’clock last night, many citizens braved the drizzle and gathered on the banks of the Pearl River in Pazhou. Many citizens said that Pazhou area is very suitable for watching fireworks because of its open space and convenient transportation. It is "very enjoyable" to watch the fireworks show here. On the Shamian River facing the White Swan Pond River, many citizens came to "occupy the position" early in the morning, and the seats on the riverside of the White Swan Hotel had been booked a month ago. Mr. Zhang, a citizen, said: "Watching fireworks in the rain, don’t have a taste."

  Link: 11 coast guard boat "Pearl River Fireworks"

  Last night, the Guangzhou Spring Festival fireworks show was lit at the same time in White Swan Pond and Pazhou River. The maritime department dispatched 11 coast guard boat ships and more than 40 maritime law enforcement officers to maintain the safety of water traffic order.

  Fifteen minutes after the fireworks display, the maritime patrol boat of the Inner Harbor Marine Department will arrange for the Pearl River boat to leave first, and other ships will be allowed to pass later.

How does "sauna day" pass the advice of meteorologists?

Since August 1st, high temperature and high humidity weather has continued to appear in Tianjin, and it is full of sultry feeling. It can be seen that this year’s "middling" high temperature and high humidity "power" is not small. What effects does hot weather have on health and life? How should the public strengthen health protection? Listen to Yi Xiaoyuan, chief forecaster of Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, and Fan Wenyan, engineer of Tianjin Environmental Meteorological Center, explain the high temperature weather and give advice on how to strengthen health protection.
See how the weather in Tianjin enters "sauna steaming mode"
Since August 1st, there has been a continuous hot and muggy weather in Tianjin. In recent days, the highest temperature in most parts of Tianjin has exceeded 37℃. Coupled with the high humidity, people feel extremely hot and humid, which is also known as "sauna weather".
Sauna weather is not only caused by high temperature, but also by high humidity. Yi Xiaoyuan, chief forecaster of Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, said that wet bulb temperature is a comprehensive measure of temperature and humidity, and it often reflects the sultry weather. Therefore, meteorological departments often use the wet bulb temperature of 25℃ and the temperature of 33℃ as the threshold of "sauna weather".
For example, when the temperature reaches 33℃ and the relative humidity is 55%, the wet bulb temperature will reach 25.5℃, which is the "sauna day" in everyone’s mouth. Sometimes, although the temperature is very high, the relative humidity is not high enough. For example, when the temperature reaches 38℃ but the relative humidity is 30%, the wet bulb temperature is only 23.7℃, and there will be no sultry feeling of "sauna weather" in this weather.
Why does "sauna weather" make people feel hot and humid? Yi Xiaoyuan said that there are two ways to make the human body cool down quickly. One is that the temperature drops. For example, when we enter an air-conditioned room, we will feel cool immediately. The second is to speed up the air flow, for example, we will feel much cooler when we turn on the fan. This is because both the temperature drop and the air flow can make human sweat evaporate, thus taking away the heat in the body, and then we will feel cool. The "sauna weather" is not only high in temperature, but also high in humidity in the air, which makes the sweat on the body surface unable to evaporate, so it will feel very hot.
"Summer solar terms+subtropical high system" perfectly matches "heat"!
It is said that it is the hottest time in Tianjin from late July to early August, because it is in the summer solar term at this time of year, and it is often the hottest time in a year from the climate background. In addition, from the weather system, at this time, the subtropical high will be carried northward to the northern part of China. Subtropical high pressure is a very deep warm high pressure system, and high temperature weather will appear under the influence of this system. In recent days, Tianjin has maintained hot and muggy weather under the control of subtropical high.
According to Yixiaoyuan, during the day on the 4th, the degree of sultry weather in Tianjin remained unabated. It is expected that there will be a weak cold air influence on the night of the 4th, when there may be thunderstorms, and the maximum temperature will drop slightly. However, due to the weak cold air force, the cooling rate is very small. Moreover, the recent rainfall in Tianjin under the control of subtropical high is mostly local heat convection weather. This type of rainfall weather will increase the humidity in the air, resulting in a stronger sultry feeling after rainfall, and will not bring you a refreshing and cool feeling.
Hot weather is closely related to life and health.
Directly affected by hot weather, the most common disease is heatstroke. As an inducing factor, it may aggravate the condition of people who suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Fan Wenyan, an engineer of Tianjin Environmental Meteorological Center, said that our common heatstroke refers to the acute diseases caused by the dysfunction of human thermoregulation center and sweat gland failure under high temperature conditions.
Besides the temperature, the factors causing heatstroke are also related to humidity, sunshine, labor intensity, exposure time to high temperature environment, physical strength, nutritional status, water and salt supply and health status. According to the severity of symptoms, it can be divided into mild heatstroke, moderate heatstroke and severe heatstroke, and severe heatstroke is also called heatstroke.
There are various manifestations of heatstroke. The main manifestations of mild heatstroke are palpitation, dizziness, headache, thirst, hyperhidrosis, general fatigue, inattention, uncoordinated movements, and normal or slightly elevated body temperature. The symptoms of moderate heatstroke include nausea, vomiting, cold skin, pale face, obviously increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure or syncope, oliguria, mild dehydration and so on. Severe heatstroke, also known as heatstroke, is a serious fatal disease caused by the imbalance of body regulation function when people are exposed to high temperature and high humidity, and the heat production is greater than heat dissipation, which leads to the rapid rise of the core temperature of the human body and exceeds 40℃, accompanied by skin burning, consciousness disorder and multiple organ dysfunction.
How to protect health in hot weather?
In terms of clothes, you can wear some loose, light and light clothes, which will reflect sunlight and maintain the balance of body temperature. Drink plenty of water, sweat a lot in hot weather, and replenish water in time, so as to "always drink water when you are not thirsty". The elderly and the infirm should avoid activities under the scorching sun, the living environment should be ventilated, sleep should be ensured, digestible food should be eaten, and heatstroke should be avoided as far as possible. Once you feel heatstroke, you should quickly get out of the high temperature and high humidity environment, lie still in a cool and ventilated place, replenish water in time, and remove clothes as much as possible if possible to help dissipate heat. People with severe heatstroke, dyspnea or coma should seek medical treatment immediately and take corresponding first aid measures under the guidance of doctors.
For the elderly, more attention should be paid to health protection in hot weather. To get into the habit of replenishing water, the daily water intake should be about 1500-2000 ml, and the blood viscosity of diabetic patients is higher, so it is necessary to replenish more water. Attention should be paid to avoid foods with high fat, sugar and starch in daily diet, and it is suggested to increase the proportion of coarse grains in the diet appropriately. In summer, you can also eat more ingredients with the functions of dispelling summer heat and benefiting qi, promoting fluid production and quenching thirst. Proper exercise can control weight, reduce the risk of stroke, ensure adequate high-quality sleep every day, and adjust mood to avoid excessive blood pressure fluctuation. Pay attention to the adjustment of air-conditioning temperature, because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, it is more likely for the elderly to have blood pressure fluctuations, which may lead to repeated contraction and relaxation of cerebral vessels. In addition, the cerebral vessels of the elderly are prone to atherosclerosis, resulting in poor blood circulation in the brain, which may easily lead to ischemic stroke. Therefore, when the elderly use air conditioning, the room temperature should be controlled at 26℃, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not exceed 7℃, giving the body time to adapt to the indoor low temperature environment. (Li Dan)

[Going to the grassroots in the New Year] Returning to the countryside to plant rattan peppers to drive the villagers to generate income. "This reunion dinner is very real."

  Returning home to plant rattan pepper to drive villagers to generate income &mdash; &mdash;

  □ Sichuan Online Reporter Deng Sihua Song Kaiwen Yu Rubo

  On the morning of January 16th, on a barren slope not far from the village road, bulldozers rumbled and dug up red land, and villagers were busy cleaning up roots and weeds &hellip; &hellip;

  After this land is sorted out, it will become a part of the rattan pepper planting park in Yongtai Town. "Before the Spring Festival to sort out the land, seedlings. Germination in February, germination in March, flowering in April, and fruiting in July. " Tang Morality, a returning entrepreneur, is full of confidence in planting rattan pepper.

  As a populous county and a labor export county, Zhongjiang County has introduced a number of policies and measures in recent years to attract talents to return home to start businesses, and Tang Morality is one of them. Returning home to start a business has activated the land that has been abandoned for many years and increased the opportunities for rural employment and income increase. "They brought back capital, industries and markets, brought all kinds of resources, and brought us hope for rural revitalization." Huang Zhen, Party Secretary of Yongtai Town, said.

  "The villagers can see the benefits"

  On the same day, while the sun was shining, Tang Morality decided to do everything that could be done years ago.

  After urging the completed people to tidy up the land in Jinqiao Village, he rushed to Shiba Village to explain pruning skills to more than 10 villagers who were busy in the field. Here, his rattan pepper garden has developed more than 400 mu, and the seedlings planted last year have been half a meter high, and will enter a high-yield period in about 5 years. "The taste of rattan pepper has been accepted by all kinds of cuisines and cuisines, and the market prospect is broader." At present, Tang Morality has invested more than 3 million yuan, and will continue to invest more in the later period.

  After busy working in the field, he invited the workers to the courtyard of his second brother’s house to settle the salary in December 2019 on the spot and distribute more than 40,000 yuan in cash to nearly 20 people. Later, a dam banquet was held in the yard, and Tang Morality called workers and villagers to have a family reunion dinner. Meng Yinlong, a villager, rammed earth in the Tengjiao Park and earned more than 10,000 yuan. He smiled and said, "Mr. Tang has come back, and this reunion dinner has been really eaten."

  "At present, there are more than 20 villagers who have been working for a long time in the rattan pepper garden. At the peak of the employment of seedlings and picking, more than 200 people will be absorbed every day. " Tang Morality said that the wages were settled in the same month, plus the land transfer fee, "the villagers can see the benefits."

  "Affordable" is obvious. Shiba village has planted more than 400 acres of rattan pepper trees, and two-thirds of it was abandoned in the past. "One-third of the land is planted with corn, and one acre can only receive one season a year, with only 700 yuan of income." Yang Quyong, the branch secretary of Shiba Village, said that the rattan pepper garden has just started and there is no income yet, but Tang Morality has planted cash crops such as soybeans in the field, with an income of more than 3,000 yuan per mu.

  Yang Sifu, a villager in Shiba Village, also works outside the home all the year round. He has invested 10,000 yuan to plant more than 4 mu of rattan pepper with Tang Morality. Last year, the income from intercropping soybeans has reached more than 5,000 yuan. Yang Sifu smiled and said, "Money is definitely not a loss."

  "When the rattan pepper is listed in high yield, if the market is good, the yield per mu can reach 10,000 yuan." Tang Morality said that he hopes to make the rattan pepper industry bigger and stronger, which will be more driving. "&lsquo; Company+farmer &rsquo; , joint-stock system and other forms, we all have to try. "

  "There is hope in the countryside"

  "I have no culture, but I always have feelings for my hometown." When it comes to returning home to start a business, Tang’s moral words reveal rationality. Tang’s morality is very clear, and the project is the key to returning home to start a business. "It’s not good to have a passion, especially in agriculture."

  In 1988, when he was only 15 years old, Tang Daode went out to work. In 2000, his family began to take root in Xi ‘an, and he still runs his own decoration company and hotel.

  When I return home to start a business, my family and friends don’t quite understand: "According to the business and assets outside, my family doesn’t have to worry about food and clothing, so why bother?"

  Tang Morality said that it is not blind to "invest in agriculture in my hometown". Around 2012, he thought about going back to Zhongjiang to "do something", and kept consulting materials and visiting friends for several years. Later, Tang Morality realized that Yangling, where he was located, was an important agricultural town, and held the "China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Achievements Expo" every year, while his hometown was also a big agricultural county. His thoughts suddenly became clear, so he went to the Agricultural Fair every year to learn about it. The company that Tang Morality often cooperates with has the business of processing rattan pepper into seasonings, cosmetics and other products, and the products are "not worried about the market". Tang Morality still hasn’t rushed into the project. In his view, engaging in agriculture needs ideals and rationality. "You don’t plant whatever you want."

  Tang Morality learned from teachers everywhere, met Yu Jianghong, a senior agronomist known as the "father of rattan pepper", and hired him as technical director. He found that in 2019, the "No.1 Document" of the provincial party committee clearly stated that it was important to cultivate and expand the "Chuanzihao" characteristic industry and improve the five-year promotion plan of "10+3" advantageous characteristic industries, among which "Chuanjiao" was listed. He sent the soil collected from his hometown to agricultural research institutions for testing, and carefully studied the terrain and climate conditions needed for the growth of rattan pepper, and found that Zhongjiang was generally suitable.

  In 2019, Tang Morality returned to his hometown to start a business, rattan pepper, which was officially launched. He set a "small goal": to develop thousands of acres of rattan pepper, provide seedlings, technology and sales channels, and drive local farmers to plant together.

  Huang Zhen said that Yongtai Town is a pure agricultural town, and 70% of the village’s more than 60,000 people are working outside the home. At present, more than 60 outstanding talents with certain strength and willingness to return home have been counted. "There are more &lsquo; Tang Morality &rsquo; When we come back to start a business, we can see more hope. "

  There are 488,000 migrant workers in Zhongjiang County all the year round, and Tang Morality is one of them. In recent years, Zhongjiang County has introduced a series of policies and measures to attract entrepreneurs who return home. According to statistics from Zhongjiang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, in 2019, a total of 253 migrant workers in Zhongjiang returned home to start businesses.

The United States is going to wage war?

This warning notice issued on Twitter reveals the urgent tone of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council.
The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council called on Americans overseas to return to China as soon as possible. "the State Council urged Americans not to postpone their return to China, and all means of transportation may be unavailable soon."
Besides,The Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Department of the United States wrote on the attached map that "American citizens should make plans to return to China now", and especially emphasized "now" in bold font.The tweet links to the global level 4 health warning issued by official website of the Consular Affairs Bureau of the State Council on March 31st-Don’t travel.
As you can see, in this warning, the State Council advised American citizens to avoid all international travel. American citizens living in the United States should immediately arrange to return to the United States unless they are prepared to stay abroad indefinitely.
Obviously, this is an unusual warning notice.
Looking at the wars that have happened in the past few decades, the United States will also mobilize its overseas citizens to return to China as soon as possible before the war, and then choose the right time to start the war.When the United States attacked Iraq in 2003, there was a similar move. Therefore, this has become an important basis for some people to speculate that the United States may wage war again.
The second reason is that the Covid-19 epidemic has become a global pandemic, and the number of confirmed infections in the United States is increasing at a "rocket speed" of 30,000 people a day. At present, the total number of infected people in the United States is close to 350 thousand, and the death toll immediately exceeds 10 thousand. Trump just warned that the United States may usher in the peak of death toll in the next two weeks.
US Health Secretary Jerome Adams said that the American epidemic will usher in the "Pearl Harbor moment", which will be the "most difficult and sad" day for most Americans."The next moment will be our Pearl Harbor moment, the’ 9.11′ moment … We really have to understand that if we want to smooth the curve to the other side, everyone needs to do their duty."
Economically, the United States is in a bad situation. Last week, the number of first-time unemployed registered in the United States has reached a record-breaking 6 million, compared with 3.12 million in the previous week. The domestic economy and people’s living conditions in the United States have also been pressed the "pause button". Many large American companies have issued warnings, which may be the most difficult one, and have thrown out layoffs.
Therefore, in this grim situation,I am afraid that the epidemic situation in the United States will get out of control (or close to a stable state), a serious economic crisis will break out, and social contradictions will become increasingly prominent. The American political ruling class will go to war to transfer contradictions.
The third basis is that, judging from the information transmitted by the current US military, it seems that it has begun to enter a quasi-wartime state.
On March 29th, "Russia Today" revealed that the US Northern Command had dispersed its important headquarters to the famous Cheyenne Mountain bunker in Colorado, and isolated them from another secret location. The purpose of the Northern Command is to ensure that these personnel can work normally in the case of an epidemic and monitor the potential threats to the United States around the clock.
The underground bunker in Cheyenne Mountain is the product of the "nuclear cloud" of the Cold War. It is located on the outskirts of colorado springs. From 1965 to 2006, the base was used as the main command and control center of the North American Air Defense Command, and it is the largest and most modern military command center on the earth.
Because it is located in the center of the mountain, the top and surrounding of the building are covered with rocks hundreds of meters thick, forming an unbreakable bunker, and its independent facilities are placed in a large excavation tunnel of 20,000 square meters.This tunnel is hidden behind a 25-ton explosion-proof door. Its design purpose is to enable the supreme commander of the US military to survive a nuclear attack.
Combined with the last media exposure, if the top government and parliament in Washington, USA can’t command this country, then the commander of the Northern Command will take over the military command of the whole country. Someone on the Internet said that this move to the Northern Command must be carefully studied …
In addition, on the last day of the end of March, the US military reconnaissance plane rarely entered the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea at the same time; The two US aircraft carrier battle groups are still deployed in the Middle East to implement strategic deterrence against Iran; The United States issued a wanted order to Venezuelan national leader Maduro; It is rare for the US military to recruit 1 million reservists …
It seems that the atmosphere of war is really getting stronger and stronger.

In the name of "advanced" and the fact of "hooliganism", what is noble in the fashion circle?

# Headline Creation Challenge #

After the beginning of the year, various film festivals, fashion weeks and red carpets at home and abroad have never stopped. The fashion industry seems to be eager to release all the inspiration accumulated in the past two years.

Through the internet, everyone can enjoy different aesthetics all over the world, which was originally a good thing.

However, the fashion industry has always been dominated by the aesthetics of Europe and the United States, and they do not change the strong nature, and more and more like to kidnap the aesthetics of Asians with "advanced".

If you look closely, you will find that the fashion industry is all "hooligans" under the banner of "advanced".

Part 1: Binding, Discrimination and Solidification

Recently, Liu Wen, a supermodel, boarded a hot search with the entry of "wearing a chain dress with dozens of pounds", which triggered a hot discussion among netizens.

When I opened it, it turned out that Liu Wen was a catwalk for a big brand, and the skirt she was wearing was all made up of chains, weighing tens of pounds.

In the comment area, full of praise such as "beautiful", "Liu Wen’s business ability is excellent" and "too stable", small 8 didn’t know how to react for a moment.

To be fair, is this set of styling really beautiful?

As can be seen from the photos of the audience, Liu Wen’s two arms are congested because of the heavy skirt, and the skin color of the arms is in sharp contrast with the skin color of the neck, so people can only feel bound and can’t see where the beauty lies.

The first function of clothes is to wear, and the second is to look beautiful. This style does not occupy any point. Just because it is designed by foreign brands, it has become recognized as "beauty".

Europe and America are very experienced in forcibly defining aesthetics.

However, what Europe and America admire is "advanced". Models should lose their ribs and their cheeks should be sunken, which is in line with their aesthetics.

At the same time, they are still aggravating the stereotype of Asians: the eyes should be small, the cheekbones should be high, and the hair should be combed into a "big light", exposing the shortcomings of the head shape.

In China, Liu Wen looks like this: fresh, simple and intellectual.

But in Europe and America, she became old-fashioned, withered and emaciated.

He Sui, a supermodel known as "Fairy Girl", is glamorous and smart in China.

When she went abroad for a catwalk, she became indescribable ……

The so-called "senior face" is just a kidnapping of European and American aesthetics and Asian aesthetics.

Part 2: the "freedom" of going too far

While keen on labeling Asians, the fashion industry also likes to beautify their "freedom".

"Freedom to dress" is a very popular word in recent years. Indeed, everyone has the right to wear clothes he likes, but gradually, this "freedom" has gone beyond the fire.

Recently, Jin Jenny, a member of BLACKPINK, a top-notch Korean women’s group, is traveling in Europe and America.

As the top actress in Asia, she played a supporting role in American TV series, and the biggest scene was dancing the following dance.

Once the clip came out, it attracted netizens to vomit.

To put it bluntly, what’s the difference between this and playing hooligans in the street?

Don’t say that our thoughts are feudal, and they can’t accept the comments of Korean netizens.

As soon as the controversy subsided, Jenny Jin was scolded for a group of photos.

In the first photo, she is wearing a perspective coat, which seems to be tightly dressed. When you look closely, you can actually see everything in a glance.

In the second photo, she is wearing a plastic corset and tight underwear, which is neither beautiful nor comfortable, and I really don’t know what the meaning is.

If the domestic fashion circle had arranged for her to dress like this, the designers and dressers would have been scolded.

However, since this was written by European and American fashion circles, the related comments immediately became "Jennie is so beautiful" ……

At the previous Milan Fashion Week, the styles of Liu Wen and He Cong were also unacceptable.

Liu Wen appeared in the show wearing a black dress with straps, saying that the straps are not exaggerated at all. There are only two crossed straps as a cover for the whole upper body, which is quite like "the emperor’s new clothes".

Another supermodel, He Cong’s clothes, are even more outrageous. The place that can not be covered is covered tightly, and there is no cloth in the covered place, so it can only be replaced by hands.

It took thousands of years for human beings to evolve from smooth animals to ashamed homo sapiens, but now, the fashion circle has begun to advocate the trend of not wearing clothes, which is really hard to understand.

You can dress freely, but please don’t overdo it.

Part 3: Aesthetic "brainwashing" has achieved results.

Some people may say that the aesthetics of European and American fashion circles have anything to do with us, and they like whatever they like!

In fact, this has a lot to do with us. Under the "brainwashing" of aesthetics in Europe and America, there are also many examples of self-uglification in China.

The same is the advertisement for shooting beauty cosmetics. The effect of shooting abroad is like this: blonde, sweet and lovely.

And here we are, a model with a single eyelid, picking her eyes with her fingers as "squinting".

The same is the advertisement for shooting bags. The advertising effect abroad is natural, and the models are also carefully selected beauties.

In China, however, the advertisements have become ugly with dark style, squinting and high cheekbones.

What’s more sad is that it was taken by our own photographer.

In addition to industry photographers being brainwashed by abnormal aesthetics in Europe and America, even schools have been eroded by this trend.

Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, as one of the benchmarks of domestic academy of fine arts, launched a graduation show full of "squints".

To tell the truth, it is difficult for everyone to see so many people who conform to stereotypes in their lives, but on the show floor, such models are caught a lot.

Chinese culture has been passed down for thousands of years, and we have our own aesthetics.

What we are after is never skinny and squint with high cheekbones, but a well-proportioned figure, an oval face, big eyes and a high nose.

Aesthetics can be grounded, but not grounded.

Nowadays, more and more people oppose the so-called "advanced aesthetics" in Europe and America, and it is the most beautiful to stick to yourself!

Wei Xiaoan: China tourism, changes of the times

Wei Xiaoan, President of Leisure and Holiday Branch of China Tourism Association

  The topic I’m going to talk about today is "Tourism in China, Times Change", because we are familiar with the word times, but we may not really understand it. China’s tourism development has entered a new turning point in 45 years. What turning point? One is to reopen and the other is to develop again, but the foundation is different and the starting point is different, so it cannot be mentioned in the same breath. From 1978 to 1979, Deng Xiaoping talked about tourism development five times in 10 months. Thirty years later, Huangshan held a meeting to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s visit to Huangshan, proposing that China tourism should start from Huangshan. At that time, grasping tourism was to grasp the breakthrough point of reform and opening up, the country’s foreign exchange income was extremely scarce, and tourism facilities were extremely scarce, almost starting from scratch. But now it’s different. We have a lot of foreign exchange income and a surplus of tourist facilities, and we are really facing a new turning point. At present, tourism now has a huge market scale. When domestic tourism is counted together, the scale of China’s tourism market ranks first in the world, and it ranks first with our foreign trade and our high-speed rail. We have a bunch of world firsts, all of which are about scale, and so is tourism.

  Second, there is a huge asset scale. How big is this asset? No one can tell. Because there is a simple reason, the boundaries of the tourism industry are unclear. But I think there is at least a huge asset scale, because I have done this before. When I was the director of the Financial Planning Department, I said that we should study how big the asset stock of China tourism is. Looking up and down, I found that there was a number in 2008, when the country was 800 billion. At present, our annual tourism investment is expected to be 1.8 trillion yuan. After 30 years of accumulation, we have only accumulated 800 billion assets. Now, it is more than 8 trillion yuan. We can draw such a conclusion.

  Third, strong operational capability. This is the foundation for China to become a world tourism power, and it is also the foundation for our re-development. This foundation is completely different from before. For example, when I go to various places now, I sometimes see them holding investment promotion conferences. Generally, I don’t attend this conference. Today, I still talk about attracting investment. This is to fool people, 100 projects, a project of 1 billion or even 2 billion, and more than 78 billion projects. When it comes to tourism investment in this province, it reaches 3 trillion. Who is this fooling? Did you fool investors or yourself? I think this is a big problem in our industry now, and everyone has not figured out what is going on with us now. Therefore, my conclusion is that the incremental era has passed and the stock optimization has begun. This is our fundamental transformation. In fact, most of Xiangyuan’s investments in recent years are also stock adjustment.

  In the past, the growth of speed began, so it is obviously inaccurate to set the frame of reference as 2019 now. Because before we responded to the epidemic in 2019, it was only a comparison of quantity and scale, and now we should start with quality. There are four major problems in China tourism in 2019, including poor efficiency, low quality, poor structure and lack of talents. We can’t go back to the epidemic now, should we go back to that time? Objectively speaking, the tourism industry in China has taken a breath for more than half a year. While taking a breath, the original problems are showing, and the problems have not been solved. However, the problems were not shown when the epidemic was severe, and now they are showing up again. Therefore, there have been a lot of complaints about tourism recently, and of course there are many praises.

  So we have to think about it, when will we go back? Strictly speaking, going back to the past must be wrong. We must focus on the future and study how to develop in the future. Therefore, naturally, China tourism faces the historical task of transformation and upgrading, transforming into the main traditional fields, including travel agencies, restaurants and scenic spots, as well as the growing traditional fields, such as hot springs, homestays and camps. All these are regarded as new formats. Is this a new format? Hot springs have been in existence for 30 years, camps for 20 years, and homestays have been ups and downs for 10 years. Strictly speaking, these so-called emerging things have been traditional. It should correspond to the changes in market demand, and upgrading is a high-quality development and a comprehensive requirement, in which quality and efficiency are the same requirements, and the fundamental reason is behind the benefits. Strictly speaking, China tourism is an industry with low efficiency. Don’t always talk about emerging industries. Is it still an emerging industry after 45 years of development? China’s real estate industry started in 1998, 20 years later than tourism, and now it has reached the ceiling. At this time, it is said that tourism is a new industry, which is nonsense with your eyes open. To make tourism a new industry, this new type requires us to have good benefits, strong quality, excellent structure and sufficient talents, of which the core is enterprises.

  At present, the so-called head enterprises are all based on turnover, or on scale. How many places really talk about profit? After so many years of tourism, can we reach the average social profit rate? For example, 5%, industrial manufacturing 5%, which contains many things, such as bank interest rates, the whole investment cost and operating cost, and finally condenses out 5%, with social contributions ahead. Our tourism industry can’t even achieve this now, so what is our greatest contribution? Raising a group of people for the country is the greatest contribution. But it is true, all kinds of different situations. But in the final analysis, it is such a problem. So I talk about these big issues.

  First, the new era

  The new era is not entirely the future, we are in a new era, and the new era is not entirely hope, but more likely difficulties and challenges.

  1. External factors

  This determines the immediate operation and long-term development of tourism, among which three negative pressures are relatively large.

  The first global change. Changes in the second epidemic era. Now we say that the epidemic has passed. I say that the epidemic has not passed. What we have passed now is only the epidemic control method. From the beginning of December last year to the end of December, the epidemic was high in one month. As far as tourism is concerned, the epidemic situation in COVID-19 has marked an era, and the epidemic control has also marked an era. Therefore, everyone said that it began to recover this year, and they were all excited. I said several times that there is no need to get excited. What is the situation? Wangding was not prosperous, so he did it again.

  The third is the influence of uncertainty. In the past three years, the epidemic has become a gray rhinoceros incident, which is a risk that people are used to. The black swan incident is hard to prevent. What else will there be? No one knows, generally speaking, there will be a great disaster after the great epidemic, but fortunately, our ability to prevent and resist disasters has been comprehensively improved. However, there are many uncertainties in international factors, and the only certainty is uncertainty. What will happen next? I don’t know These are three background factors that determine our destiny, many of which are negative, and three of which are positive.

  Fourth, it is a long-term goal to move from a well-off society to a moderately developed society. 1.4 billion people are moderately developed and need to get rid of the middle-income trap, which is the hope and the fundamental power source of tourism development. The words of per capita income growth, diversified demand and diversified consumption all sound familiar and cliché. But think about it, how to diversify the demand? How to achieve diversification of consumption? This is a challenge.

  Fifth, the era of high quality is coming, which is the general tone of the next national development. Similarly, from scale to quality, tourism must also be pursued. High quality is not synonymous with high-end, but the systematization of decision-making quality, operation quality, product system, service quality and market quality, and it is the sum of development quality.

  Sixth, Chinese modernization. This will lead to the modernization of tourism in China, and I think this is the biggest task we are facing now. What is the modernization of Chinese tourism? We must have a good answer, which is also a guide.

  2. Changing times

  In the past 45 years, the development of tourism in China has been a general trend, but there have been nine fluctuations during this period, including various factors such as world-wide, economic, political, social and natural, and the most influential ones have been twice, but they all recovered quickly. However, all the fluctuations together can’t reach the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. In the past three years, we can say that we have suffered everything and died. It’s time to hit the bottom. For example, in the travel agency industry, there were originally 50,000 saying and 80,000 saying, and in the end, there were less than 30,000 travel agencies. Travel agencies are a sunset industry. If they don’t reform, they will die. If there is no epidemic, they will die. So I don’t feel bad about the closure of travel agencies. Why? Because the travel agency is playing with people and people, it announced its closure today and will set up another one tomorrow. What’s wrong with more than a few? However, at this time, public opinion is rising, and tourism is fragile. There is a process from fragility to sensitivity, to elasticity and to resilience. In 1990, the National Tourism Administration held a special meeting to study vulnerability, and finally came to a conclusion that tourism can’t be said to be fragile. If this industry is fragile, is it still worth developing? Later, the World Tourism Organization also said this in 1991. We can’t say that tourism is fragile. We all said that it is sensitive. In the past few years, we started to say that tourism is flexible and tourism is resilient. This is not a matter of saying. The overall judgment and understanding of an industry determines a series of things.

  But now it’s different. In the past three years, the epidemic situation has been affected to a great extent, the second is the time, and the third is the depth, which involves the development potential. Therefore, it is natural that investment has stopped and brain drain has occurred in these three years. This is the biggest challenge in the new era. We don’t have to pin our hopes on the explosion of demand. What we really pin our hopes on is the quick response ability of the industry. If we have the quick response ability, there may be hope. Therefore, overall, I still have a breath this year, and I hope to really turn over next year. There is no need to be too optimistic about the situation. We can’t drum up our strength, and we can’t talk empty words. Although individual successful cases are encouraging, they can’t solve the universal problems.

  At present, the tourism pattern in China has undergone fundamental changes. First, the consumption capacity has declined. At first, it was said that consumption was suppressed, but now it can only be said that it is shrinking. I always felt this way when I was on a business trip in the first five months of this year, but this time I was on a business trip, I felt different.

  I recently went to Qingdao as the first stop on a business trip, and I felt a phenomenon that I hadn’t felt for several years, because before that, Beijing came into being, but with a wave of Beijing’s small flag, I took the tour groups one by one, and I said it was no good. This is an old man and an old lady, how can I spend money? Qingdao is different. We live in Haitian Hotel in Qingdao, which is a high-end boutique business hotel. When people are full, they have to grab rooms and wait for them. Breakfast is all on vacation. It really helps the old and brings the young. Has the market changed? I thought it was summer vacation, so I turned a business boutique hotel into a holiday hotel. Then go to Xi ‘an, which is a city in online celebrity. People come and go from morning till night. I don’t feel enough when I arrive in Shanghai. But just a feeling, where is the essence of this market? It is the consumption of beasts that pulls strength. In the summer vacation, at Qingdao Airport and Xi ‘an Airport, it is the fundamental consumption that drives children’s consumption. I thought so. A summer vacation passed and school started. Everyone met, but you didn’t go out to play. You and your classmates had nothing to say. What does this mean? It shows that our consumption power is still there, so we should not be too pessimistic, neither too optimistic nor too pessimistic.

  The second is the change of market structure. The rise of urban leisure and the prosperity of rural micro-vacation have formed two new tracks, which can accommodate trillions of investment and form trillions of consumption, and can last for a long time, even if there are any uncertain factors, these two tracks will not change. So safety, short distance, short time and speed are the basic requirements.

  The third is the change in supply. The traditional pattern almost collapsed, and new products corresponding to demand gradually flourished. What is this? This is the fundamental turn of our traditional sightseeing, but the track is too small to solve the crisis.

  Fourth, tourism investment has declined in an all-round way, lacking development potential. An industry without investment really has no stamina, but now we are facing a big problem. What should we invest in? I met many investors and asked, what do you want to invest in tourism? I asked you what you want to vote for. I counted for a long time, but I couldn’t count it.

  3, can’t mess up.

  However, after three years of ups and downs, everyone is in a hurry and can’t get confused. Now the basic situation can’t be found in the north, and there are four so-called new hotspots, which are likely to develop blindly. Therefore, if you want to find such projects again, I suggest that you don’t look for them.

  The first world-class scenic spot and resort lacks research support. What is world-class? Moreover, scenic spots and resorts are not world concepts at all. Come to a world-class red tourist area, isn’t that a joke? Actually, it is a concept of destination, not a concept of area. Second, the number is limited and cannot be exaggerated, but now everyone is starting again.

  On the second night, the economy and night tourism were exaggerated in scale and windy in the project. I saw a figure saying that China’s night economy will reach 36 trillion yuan. We can’t exaggerate this level. In 2021, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China will be 44 trillion yuan. Among the total retail sales of consumer goods in China, the night economy will be 36 trillion yuan. Who will be fooled? However, because a group of companies do this, they hope that the bigger the story, the better. I think it will cause endless troubles and involve a lot of problems. In 1990, Shanghai talked about lighting up Shanghai. At that time, I hoped that all the merchants on the Bund would turn on the lights at night. In a word, who would pay the electricity bill? Because the government said, I’ll help you with these facilities. Who will pay the electricity bill? The government said I would come out for half a year. Half a year has passed, and the night economy has really got up. Everyone said that there is no need for the government to pay. Now we are tossing these things, which involves this. Don’t ask if the power supply is enough? At present, air conditioning is not free all over the world, including some places in Europe and America. Why? There is no electricity. China is now the country with the most adequate power supply, so people don’t think this is a problem. Second, who will pay the electricity bill? Third, how to solve light pollution? A series of negative factors, but everyone is so fooled, I don’t agree. It is ok for a prefecture-level city to have an area to be a night economic zone, but it can’t be everywhere, and there is no need for counties, but now many of us are starting to do it. In my judgment, one is basically dead.

  The third virtual reality, augmented reality, meta-universe, etc., can not be blindly developed. This is also a more exaggerated problem now. There are two judgments on this matter, one is called instrumentalization, and the other is called productization. The traditional field is instrumentalization. We improve efficiency and increase efficiency through digitalization. This needs to be strengthened and vigorously developed, but productization does not need so much. One of the most basic points violates the origin of tourism. Why do tourists go out? In order to pursue these feelings, if a meta-universe replaces all these things, anything at home will do. What are we doing for tourism? Besides, doing these things violates the origin of tourism. How is it possible?

  Fourth, the health care industry. Kangyang industry is a big track, but it is not simple. Kangyang is a career. Now we are industrializing our career, and tourism is one of them at best. Now that Kangyang is a big tourist track, what does Kangyang have to do with you? There are a number of residential projects, which are considered as health care, and they are also very popular now. They are also trying to promote themselves and should not be overestimated. Moreover, this pit is also very deep. After a long time, can you dig a pit and put yourself in it?

  Therefore, these four so-called new hot spots are not very likely. Now they have seen blind development, not to mention the overall shrinking of tourism investment and the general difficulties of government finances. Therefore, I don’t know who is fooling who, and I may finally fool myself.

  At the same time, a new pattern has emerged. First, the traditional resources have been exhausted and their influence has gradually faded. Second, traditional products dominate the market, and their stamina is gradually decreasing. Third, the traditional market has been transformed in an all-round way, and the old and the new are alternately carried out. Fourth, cross-border development has become the norm, and traditional enterprises have declined. Fifth, the industrial structure is constantly changing, and new formats are emerging. Sixth, the investment structure goes beyond tourism and goes across fields. Seventh, the factor market is gradually prominent, and structural optimization is the first. What is the so-called factor market? Land, capital, management, technology, talents and information are all elements of the development of various industries. In the factor market of tourism, everyone pays attention to capital, followed by the land market, while other markets do not. Now the factor market is gradually prominent. Eighth, the location advantage changes gradually, and the traffic advantage appears. When I say that my location is very good, can it be done just by location? What is the traffic like? A place with convenient transportation, your original location weakness has been strengthened now, and a place with inconvenient transportation, let alone location advantage, will not do. China’s geographical and geometric center is in Lanzhou, which has the best location advantage, but a Hu Huanyong line marks the location of China’s economic geography, so it is natural to invest in the west and think about how to do this job. You can’t just talk about a location advantage. The ninth city has a prominent gathering pattern and a leading group development. In the next step, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta plus Chengdu-Chongqing city circle, plus at most a Central Plains city circle and a Northwest city circle, basically these city circles, these cities are gathering more and more prominent.Naturally, the hope of finding a project in these places is much greater. So now it is said that the resources are very good. Why do you say this? Tenth, the world’s leading situation has taken shape and new development guidance has been made.

  Therefore, the inevitability of history, the pressure of reality and the guidance of development all form a direction of tourism transformation.

  Third, the changes of the times

  I just talked about the changing times, saying that the changes of the times are the latest induction.

  1. Several phenomena

  In recent years, there are three hot phenomena in China. The first is Xi’ an, the ancient capital of Xi’ an for thousands of years, but it doesn’t rely on the old to sell the old, but relies on the old to sell the new. In addition to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the Huaqing Pool has basically been replaced by the Song of Eternal Sorrow. I stayed in Huaqing Palace Hotel a few days ago, and I walked around the garden every morning, and almost no one was quiet. When I went out, I saw people start to come in. In the afternoon, all the people came in, with three songs and dances, the most. New products emerge one after another. At twelve o’clock in Datang Furong Garden, Datang City that Never Sleeps and Chang ‘an, new hotspots are constructed by immersion and scene, so the whole Xi ‘an has become a city in online celebrity. It is normal to see a little girl wearing a Tang suit on the street of Xi ‘an, and people wearing Tang suits also feel normal.

  The second Changsha. Changsha is also a famous historical and cultural city, so simply go straight to the city of fashion and entertainment. The original foundation was the foundation of a market culture, and now it has strengthened fashion. I went to Wenheyou to watch outside, but I couldn’t get in because there were people inside. I just took a look and knew what was going on. If I wanted to have a meal inside, I could get a ticket. After six hours, what would it be? What are the reasons for the scenes in the 1980s and the living atmosphere in the 1980s? Because the post-80s generation has now become the mainstream, they are beginning to feel nostalgic, so Wenheyou is a new nostalgia. Modern China Tea Shop is just a punching card in online celebrity, and Changsha is lively, thus constructing another online celebrity city. Moreover, these two cities are relying on the old for the new and the new for the old. Such a pattern is very interesting, but I can’t move. I am a famous historical and cultural city. How can I do it? Will this work?

  The third Zibo. Inadvertently, another city is booming, and Zibo has abandoned all traditional concepts and formed a Zibo phenomenon by barbecue, but I said there is a Zibo experience. First, the breakthrough of urban management, deregulation, liberalization of the market, giving citizens opportunities; Second, the breakthrough of urban concept, the city exists for human existence, not for material existence. Because of our urbanization development in recent years, what do these four big things mean: main roads, big squares, big buildings and big green spaces? It means that the city depends on the car and exists for the car, but if there is no room for people to move, the city is uninhabited. Therefore, Zibo is just the opposite. The Zibo municipal government does not have this traditional set, and in the history of Zibo, a city was divided into five parts and did not pursue centralization. The third is the breakthrough of urban culture. A barbecue lights up a city and becomes a unique cultural phenomenon. In the final analysis, barbecue is just an introduction, which is simply warm and tender. The citizens also reciprocate the government, and there is no need to control or call. Zibo brand has become the pursuit of all people and spread it out through a warm-hearted little thing; Fourth, the cohesion of the city has improved, so everyone feels warm in it, and everyone gives everyone warmth. This experience can be extended. I first saw the Zibo phenomenon on the Internet, and I was the first to judge that Zibo had broken through the traditional urban management in China, which was a big deal. Now everyone says that Zibo has cooled down. Zibo has not cooled down, but has come down from the peak. Now it is back to normal, back to normal. How can we say it has cooled down? These views tend to be intense, hot,Sitting on the steamer when it is hot, lying on the ice when it is cold, it is unnecessary to be extreme. Zibo’s experience does not need huge costs, but it needs empathy and empathy, and it needs to start from small things. This is why we see the popularity of three cities.

  2. Kaleidoscope

  From the product point of view, there are a bunch of kaleidoscopes.

  One is the twelve o’clock in Chang ‘an, which is the most typical of immersion and scene. From the perspective of urban organic renewal, it has actually entered the fourth stage, the first stage of old city reconstruction, which began in the 1990s. The effect is not good, but it has changed the appearance of China city and turned it into a thousand cities. The second stage of urban organic renewal, because our city has developed to the ceiling, how to go further? Cities are not so powerful, real estate is shrinking, and urban land finance is basically broken, so now they all turn to urban organic renewal, tap urban traditional resources, and refine urban scenery. This is the second stage. In the third stage, when I saw Chang ‘an at twelve o’clock, what was this project? This project is a shopping mall in the 1990s. The shopping mall is 36,000 square meters, and the business is very poor, so it can’t be maintained. Therefore, Shaanxi Wen voted for such a move and made it twelve o’clock in Chang ‘an. Before I went, I thought I would build a block, but later I found it was wrong. It was just a building, which took 24,000 square meters and made countless scenes, and it was integrated from the moment I entered. Every morning at 10: 00 a.m., an official in Tang suit announced the start with an imperial edict. The guards were mighty. As soon as everyone entered, actors were in front of you, so you walked down all the way, and all kinds of scenes changed. Li Bai recited poems here, Du Fu recited poems there, and Xuanzang worshipped Buddha with his Buddhist scriptures on his back. When someone quarreled next to him, they were all actors, so people immediately merged. Come with me. A little girl. Where is she? I went to make up,I put on my makeup in an hour, changed my Tang suit, and came out. I was very excited. I was like a star, and everyone took pictures with me. The average guest stays for five hours, which costs an average of 500 yuan. After makeup, he eats in a stall without changing, just eating and eating in a Tang suit. After reading it, have a discussion with them. The first space in this place needs to be expanded, and you still have 12,000 square meters to use. The second time needs to be extended. Now it’s 10 am to 10 pm every day, so can’t it be extended to 2 pm? In this way, consumption will continue to increase, and attraction depends on immersion. There are 72 small songs and dances. When you get here, a song and dance comes out, which lasts for 8 minutes at the longest, usually 5 minutes. I don’t think I enjoyed it. How did it end? You go forward with another little encouragement, which is a bit like flash. I didn’t immerse myself that day. I just watched, watched and talked, but I got it. What does it mean? The buildings in the 1990s are old now, and at least they need functional transformation. When we come out, we will look at the 12,000 square meters and study how to make this place. This is a scene. In the fourth stage, I recently went to Chengdu, which is an enterprise that I said changed from 3 billion to 8 billion in two years. What project did he do? Shuang Bao Fuyu Garden. What is Shuang Bao? Giant pandas and golden monkeys, we only know that giant pandas and golden monkeys need more protection. This project is located in OCT, which used to be a real estate sales office. When the building was sold out, the sales office was useless. It was put down, and there were a bunch of exhibitions of giant pandas and golden monkeys, from stamps to photographs to paintings to international exchange works.Seven buildings were built outside, all of which were model buildings, and seven restaurants were made. Coupled with the environment, the restaurant cost an average of 700 yuan per person, and it had to be booked, but it was really well done. I got an inspiration from this. Now there are countless idle spaces in the city. We used to only value the old factory buildings and big warehouse. Now this latest idle space has come out. If we get this kind of thing out, we will basically get it one by one.

  The second national costume craze in Luoyang is the climax of the national tide wind. Why is there a national tide wind? It has been very fashionable and simple for three years, because this generation of consumption power has risen. At the beginning of the reform and opening up in 1978, we looked up at foreign countries and thought it was great, just like heaven. I remember the first time I went to Singapore to see a project. I looked like paradise at that time. After more than N years, I once went to Singapore to take an oil tanker and watched this project again. It was too bad. Why? It is because we are constantly improving. And this generation, when they were born and raised, can look at the world, so this generation’s national pride and pride are very strong. This is the foundation of the national tide.

  The third is the Zibo barbecue fever, which is the pursuit of fireworks.

  The fourth special forces tour, poor and healthy, does not fall into the blue sky, this is all the rest of our play, what is this called? I really want to travel and have no money, so I can play this thing. This thing can’t last long. In 1978, during my first summer vacation in college, I was a travel enthusiast and invited several people to visit Beijing, Jinan and Tai ‘an, and then came back for five days, including round-trip train tickets, at a cost of 20 yuan per person. How to play? Climbing to Mount Tai, everyone got a raincoat, lay down and slept for one night, and watched the sunrise the next morning. At the last stop in Jinan, there was only enough money left to buy steamed buns, and we sat at the stall and asked for a bowl of water to finish two steamed buns and get on the train. All this was left over from our play. What’s the big deal? But it reflects such a situation, so it can’t last long, because it doesn’t conform to the basic laws of tourism, but it is easy to spread in the network era.

  The fifth phenomenon, gathering and opening up, is cultural injection, quality improvement, and it really reflects consumption. I went to Shapotou, Ningxia last year, and there is a Yellow River lodge near it. This yellow river lodge is a new village built by Zhejiang people in the Yangtze River Delta, and the farmers in the village have moved out. This village has recruited 13 brand-name enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta to make homestays, and each of them will make a building with 130 rooms. Here is the Yellow River, and there is the desert. The appearance of earth houses and earth walls is the same. It is different when entering the yard. There is a small swimming pool in each yard, which is a holiday feeling. Look at the guests from the Yangtze River Delta, so people from the Yangtze River Delta used to invest, while people from the Yangtze River Delta used to operate, corresponding to the Yangtze River Delta guests. Talk to them, this year’s epidemic is sad, with a total income of 65 million. What if there is no epidemic? It is no problem to break through 100 million. We can think about it. Can a hotel with 130 rooms in a big city center earn such income a year? Speaking of gathering, it is actually a consumption gathering.

  The sixth phenomenon is camp expansion. It was originally planned that there would be 2,000 camps in the country by 2020. In recent years, the camps are very special. Because they can’t get out of the city, the camps will swell up. Therefore, all kinds of fake camps and small camps are at sixes and sevens, and they will rise in one year. How many? There is no statistics. Anyway, 2,000 are over, and there are tens of thousands of fake camps together. After a year, it fell again. Originally, the camp equipment could sell for 1 million yuan, but now no one wants to sell for 100,000 yuan. Why? Now that the epidemic control has been liberalized, the camp has suddenly fallen. But what does it reflect? It is a new way to pursue.

  Seventh, the village BA and the village supermarket in Guizhou are still popular until now, which is a comprehensive scene experience. This is actually the carnival in China. These phenomena are not accidental. Of course, there are local operational reasons. Of course, it is not operational reasons. What is it? It is resources and products that correspond to the market.

  Eighth, the East has chosen to enter tourism and create a new pattern. We feel that Oriental Selection has created a new marketing method by team influence. Is this just a new marketing method? Relying on their cultural excavation and cultural communication power. Therefore, I feel that this year has a characteristic. The injection of culture and the growth of demand for culture have become new phenomena this year.

  I gave a lecture to a seminar for tourism performing arts leaders in Xi ‘an the day before yesterday. When I came up, I said that there was a new situation. We talked about tourism performing arts. In fact, there is a new phenomenon called performing arts tourism. How do you say it? I saw three advertisements for performing arts in Qingdao subway tunnel at a glance. They said that several performing arts have been pulling Qingdao for a month, and countless people have come to these people. Therefore, I said that performing arts promote cities and performing arts promote tourism. It is indeed a new phenomenon, that is, performing arts tourism. What is the relationship between performing arts tourism and tourism performing arts? We need to study it. This is a new phenomenon.

  Starting from Zibo, friendly tourist destinations began to emerge. When I went to Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, I always said that there is a sacred place in Nankong and Quzhou is polite. Therefore, I went to Quzhou to say that Quzhou is polite and can’t be empty talk. I want to build a friendly tourist destination and talk about what a friendly tourist destination is, what a series of friendly products, friendly communities and friendly scenic spots are. After the speech, Quzhou specially set up a standing committee of the municipal party committee, thinking that this is a direction. Quzhou is the most basic and polite, and its purpose is to make guests feel warm and tender, not just formal politeness. Therefore, a series of phenomena, based on life, are only formed by internet communication and digitalization, but the most fundamental thing is the scene feeling.

  In Quzhou, they were given a special project, the four in one, and the pattern was so good. After this project was completed, Quzhou immediately became the center of the four provinces. Now they say that it is the edge of the four provinces, and they say that the edge is not low. Make yourself the center of four provinces, and this project is ready-made. There is an ancient city with city walls, gate towers and ancient streets. There is a new area, this new area is a peninsula, all fashionable things. There is also an island that can be made into an ecological island and an entertainment island. In the end, Nankong Holy Land and Confucius’ home temple are merged, and all the elements are concentrated together, and the transportation is extremely convenient. This project needs to be done well. According to my idea, it doesn’t cost much, but it can become famous in one year. Naturally, this is a process, which reflects the gradual changes.

  3. Accordingly, several judgments can be drawn.

  First, the resource era has long passed, and the traditional concept of tourism is completely backward. It is said that resources are rich, and even from strengths to weaknesses, it has become a burden. Modern interpretation of traditional culture, modern products of traditional resources, modern market of traditional products, if tradition is not combined with modernity, it has academic significance and research value, but it is difficult to market. Therefore, academic value, historical value and archaeological value are one pole, while aesthetic value, entertainment value and market value are the other pole, and some of them can be equated. For example, the Forbidden City and Terracotta Warriors have six values, some of which are two levels. The first three values can only form professional calls and minority tourism, and the last three values can correspond to mass tourism.

  Furthermore, China’s first-class tourism resources formed products and entered the market at the beginning of its development. The representative natural resources are Huangshan and Jiuzhaigou, and the cultural resources are the Forbidden City and Terracotta Warriors. Second-rate tourism resources entered the market in the middle stage of development, generally in the second half of 1990s and the first decade of the new century. After that, they entered the pan-resource situation and entered the market one after another. Now, everyone is trying to use environmental tourism resources, social tourism resources and life tourism resources, or the traditional concept of tourism resources is no longer of much use, and strengthening resources will even form a resource curse.

  Second, the era of productization is intensified. In just a few years, with the popularization of digitalization, we have sublimated from attention tourism to influence tourism. This is not a simple marketing, but a particularly prominent phenomenon in the market this year. The purpose of marketing is only to attract attention, so the word attention economy was fashionable a few years ago, and this era is no longer enough. Now, with the upgrading of products, the influence is expanding, which is an active expansion, which also forms a new pattern of strengthening products and pulling the market, which is the dual dominance of products and markets. In the next step, how to upgrade the products, don’t think that marketing is the most important thing now, and it will be natural to upgrade the products and then moderately market them. For example, when I went to Dunhuang last year, I got up in the morning and saw more than 100 online celebrity live bloggers on the sand hill around Dunhuang. They were all red skirts, so Dunhuang didn’t need marketing. Work for these bloggers and provide you with new materials. What else have you not seen? What else needs to be strengthened? Providing this every day is enough for bloggers who broadcast live. What else do you do in marketing? Besides, the brand has risen. However, these people, including the Oriental Selection, have actually done these jobs to dig deep into the culture, experience deep feelings and create a series of scenes. So now it’s product and market leading. I always feel that the times are really different. From the product point of view, from history to fashion, from heavy to light, it can just make up for the shortcomings of our current development, and how to expand the content has become a top priority. Products and markets are both dominant, and products rely on content.

  In this era, the strength of talents is fully demonstrated, and the backwardness of talents is naturally fully demonstrated. The talents tempered in the resource era have fallen behind, the talents in the product era are now the mainstream, and the emerging talents are a diversified and compound generation. So it doesn’t mean that you are suitable for tourism because you are from a tourism background. Not necessarily, you can’t do anything because you are not professional, right? Say tourism is a major, I say tourism is a field, not a major, and there are many vertical subdivisions of this major below it. On the other hand, products are refined and even vertical, and the market is subdivided, so talents become our biggest shortcoming at this time. Since this year, the number of talents is not enough, because most people have left in three years, and the situation has recovered. Some people say that I have finally changed my position and stabilized, and the income of this position is good. Why do I have to go back? Therefore, there is a general shortage of talents. But more importantly, the quality of talents is insufficient, and the diversified and compound generation of talents has not really risen.

  From the perspective of product strengthening, it is necessary to study market changes.

  First, the process of consumption change. The first generation of tourists, pursuing more or less, spend the least money to see the most. In the second stage, I asked if it was expensive. It was too expensive to spend, but I wanted to find something better. Say hello to the third stage? The pursuit of quality begins, and the fourth stage is the pursuit, right? What corresponds to you may not correspond to me, which is that the market is subdivided and refined. Is the fifth stage worth it? It is the pursuit of cost performance. As long as the cost performance is good, I don’t care if I spend more money, but the cost performance is not good, so I may not go for free. Therefore, in recent years, a hacker in Hainan and a hacker in Yunnan have had a bad reputation in the market, but this is a game. Some old comrades have already had rich experience. They went to Yunnan to sign up for a free tour group and kept their credentials along the way. After the tour group participated, they complained. After the complaint, the travel agency compensated. In the end, he also played. As a result, not only did he not spend money, but he also got a compensation. Such tourists are too unruly and cunning. You can’t just say that Yunnan pits guests, it depends on what kind of guests. Obviously, such a phenomenon should not become the mainstream of the market, but it is just an accident.

  What we are pursuing now is never-ending, dazzling, and red. What we are pursuing now is this. It is enough to hit the card. As for this, why? Do nothing, it’s just a red hand and a online celebrity. This is a fashion, and it should not become the norm, but market consumption is such a changing process. So what am I paying more attention to now? It is market refinement.

  The second is comprehensive feeling and product classification. One is horizon-oriented mass tourism, which pursues horizon. How many places have you been? On the Internet, there are 20 places worth visiting and 20 villages worth seeing in China, and so on, too many. Second, home-style folk leisure enriches the rural micro-holiday, which is a main track. Third, enjoy all kinds of vacations. As long as it is a holiday life, the essential pursuit is enjoyment. Therefore, a resort can’t do without some products that make people feel enjoyable. The fourth is the theme park of Sahuan, which pursues Sahuan, the most typical Disney and Universal Studios Beijing. The fifth is the wild outdoor sports, which is definitely the next development direction. Outdoor sports are basically absent in our generation, because there were no conditions at that time, and we only wandered outdoors at most. I am a travel enthusiast. When I was young, I liked two things best. One was mountain climbing, and the other was swimming. So I climbed the mountains in the suburbs of Beijing by bike, and finally I didn’t feel satisfied. I rode my bike to Chengde. This is the way my generation played, and it cost little or no money. However, the post-80s generation can’t, because they are all only children. At that time, school spring outing and autumn outing didn’t dare to organize. They just took spring vacation and autumn vacation. What if something happened? It’s different now. It should be said that children are required to have outdoor sports skills in school education. Therefore, outdoor sports, including study tours, are actually a new way to go wild and transcend daily life. Finally, the self-abuse special tourism,Mountain climbing, diving, surfing and so on, special tourism is masochistic, spending money to buy punishment, and even spending money to buy risks, people like it.

  So, what does this comprehensive feeling mean? It means product refinement. What I just said is the process of time change, and this is the process of spatial refinement. Product strengthening has become the mainstream, which will continue for a long time, but various changes will take place. First, specialization, sophistication, uniqueness and novelty have become a trend in the industrial field. When it comes to fostering specialized, sophisticated, unique and new small enterprises, the tourism field is empty. We have heard from any enterprise that I am specialized, sophisticated, unique and innovative. I have never heard of it. Which projects are specialized and which projects are refined? Fine points, you do good quality is fine, which are special? What are new? Not to mention our so-called invisible giant, none of these.

  Second, big and complete, big and high, have come to an end and should not be pursued. This year, I saw that seven or eight places in the country wanted to build a Lego theme park. There was a section in Tianjin that wanted to build Paramount, but it didn’t work. There were also enterprises in Beijing that wanted to build a six-flag mountain and water town. As a result, one of them died. Now the enterprises are going to collapse, and this road can’t go on. But for China, it is different. After all, there is such a big market, so any small percentage point means that we have enough market, but we are sure of it. For example, there are still plays made by enterprises like the city paradise Ji Gao. Why? The scale is not large, and the investment is not large. It is enough to correspond to an urban area, because it can be reused. But what can go down?

  Third, corresponding to life, scene products, open up the future pattern. For example, there was a period when some travel agencies did the opposite, and they exempted shopping groups, and later they exempted scenic spots. How can they travel without scenic spots? It is to feel the scene, so this is the trend now. In this case, the scene era is coming. Mr. Zhang Ruimin has a famous saying that in the era of Internet of Everything, there are only scenes without products, only ecology without industries. The ecology he said is not the concept of general natural ecology, but the generalization of industrial chain, and all walks of life break boundaries and become an ecological circle. For example, Zhang Dong said that Haier ranks first in the world in white goods, and I must take off this hat. I don’t think this hat has any glory, because white goods are just products. What should I do now? It is an all-round supplier of family life scenes. What family life needs and what I provide is such a set of things. Therefore, around this set of ideas, he formed an operation mode, which called people to be single-in-one, and divided the Haier Group of more than 40,000 people into more than 2,000 groups, with an average of 20 people in a group, and 20 people developed their own products and studied their own scenes. Anyway, the production workshop was here, and when they got off the single production workshop, they moved. Therefore, in the past three years, more than 1,500 enterprises in more than 70 countries around the world have participated in the system of "one person and one single person". A unique phenomenon, where this system is adopted, has been growing against the trend in the past three years. Therefore, the consumption of scenes has become a fashion, and the development of scenes will inevitably become the traction of tourism. Immersion and scene are becoming the common pursuit of everyone. In that case,Our time has turned to mode competition. What mode? It is the scene mode.

  I just said so many examples, from the city to the product, there is no concept of resources, there is a concept of products, but what are they selling? All they sell are scenes. For example, there is a Yongxingfang in Xi ‘an, which is about 60 mu of land. I think it is the most productive area per unit area in China. There are 200 million to 300 million people going in a year, and the income is 3.5 billion. What are you selling? It’s snacks, plus intangible cultural heritage, that’s all. It turned out that this place was a hotel, and the hotel closed down. What did this boss do in the past? First, he moved his own headquarters, occupied the land, and then did this one by one. He said it was completely beyond my imagination. What is it actually? It corresponds to the demand of scene and provides a scene model, so the extension is expanded and the connotation is deepened, far beyond the traditional scenic spots and scenic spots. Scene is a daily language, and its modeling begins with drama and movies and becomes the pursuit of commercialization and even socialization. Scene, first, the creation of field and space; The second is the scenery, which is the creation of the atmosphere; Third, emotion and scene blend, which requires deep participation and interactivity. Nowadays, technical means are rich but stories are difficult to compile, so it is fundamental to conform to human nature and reach people’s hearts.

  A changing era, the resource era has long passed, the product strengthening era is the mainstream, and it will last for a long time, and the scene era is the future. So on the other hand, what kind of talents do you need in the scene era? I don’t know, because there is no college education, no theoretical research and no theoretical support in universities. When I asked Chang ‘an at twelve o’clock, how did you think of this one? He said it was forced. Why did you think of making these contents? I used to be experienced in literary travel, especially in the creation of scenes. Such talents are really future-oriented talents that meet the needs of development. So I feel that things are difficult, so a strategic adjustment is needed.

  Fourth, the new development

  1. Development depends on the general trend first.

  Why did I come up to talk about six eras? This is the general trend. If it doesn’t correspond to the general trend, you can even quit.

  First, the digital trend. In just over 20 years, the Internet has covered everything, mobile communication has become a necessity of life, and digitalization has become a reality. We naturally adjust the traditional tourism operation mode, jobs and even enterprise structure to subversive changes, but it is very difficult to actively respond to the general trend and produce subversive changes.

  Second, the general trend of construction. In the past, the shortcomings that restricted the development of tourism for a long time have been fully alleviated. Traffic, electricity, energy, communication, water and even garbage and sewage treatment were all problems. Now the problems have passed, which means forming the foundation for high-quality development.

  Third, the trend of supply and demand. After 40 years of development, the relationship between supply and demand in various industries in the tourism field is relatively loose, especially in the accommodation industry, which has exceeded demand, so there are basically no obvious shortcomings and constraints in hardware construction. It can also be said that the era of hard development has passed and the competition for soft development has become fierce, which is a fundamental change. Sometimes investors say, what do you vote for? Do you vote for scenic spots? Besides, the uncertainty of the scenic spot is too strong. One thing stops working, and the other thing is free. Anyway, the scenic spot becomes a golden egg. When do you have to dig out the golden egg? What should you do in the scenic spot? Besides, there are now 30,000 scenic spots in China, many of which should have been eliminated long ago. Why can they still exist? It is because of the market. For example, if I kill you for three months, and the employees go home after three months, what should I do? Anyway, if I sharpen my knife for three months every year, it will be over. How valuable is this scenic spot? Many scenic spots should be transformed, but they have not. The most important point is this.

  2. Strategic focus

  The first key point is the transformation of tourism enterprises, traditional tourism enterprises, tour guide-centered travel agencies, urbanization-centered hotels, destination-centered scenic spots, immersion-centered performing arts, camp-centered self-driving cars, accommodation-centered resorts, fireworks-centered leisure, life-centered villages and villagers’ hostels, comprehensive structural adjustment, and pan-tourism-centered life transformation. Let me talk about the transformation of this tourism enterprise.

  Now, we are taking advantage of the fire to rob the bottom. This is the time, but we have to judge the bottom. What do we copy? If you want to buy a tourism enterprise now, you will be picky about it. Therefore, from the overall consideration of the group, study the industrial chain penetration, because an industrial chain penetration is a structural adjustment of the group, and the advantages of the industrial chain can be brought into play after this adjustment.

  This is a big category. The actual performing arts, camps, lodging, leisure and homestay are all emerging formats. In fact, emerging formats are also facing the need of transformation.

  The second key point is the innovation of emerging enterprises. First, it is not only emerging but also new. Second, emerging changes quickly and quickly becomes a tradition. People say the new format, so I ask what’s the new format now? For example, to build a commercial scenic spot is nothing more than a coffee shop and a bar. Are these things new? It’s hard to see what is new now. Third, the iteration is fast, and the back waves push the front waves. You feel new, just get up and iterate, and something new comes out. Therefore, be innovative and don’t follow the fashion. Years of experience show that following the fashion has no good result, three steps ahead is the pioneer, two steps ahead is the martyr, and one step or even half a step ahead is the advanced. There are always opportunities, and there are different opportunities at different stages, so there is no such thing as now or never, and I don’t agree with this sentence. We have a lot of specious words, which are actually wrong for us.

  The third key point is enterprise development. Improving the total factor productivity is the requirement of the central government now, but this word has never been used in the tourism industry. How can the total factor productivity of the tourism industry be reflected? In addition, the concentration of head enterprises is getting higher and higher, which is inevitable in the market and involves the optimization of tourism enterprise structure to meet the demand. In 1996, Ctrip just got up. In 1997, the National Tourism Administration discussed whether an enterprise like Ctrip was a tourism enterprise. Everyone thought it was an e-commerce enterprise. Later, Ctrip had no choice but to register an international travel agency before recognizing it as a tourism enterprise. Now the tourism head enterprises are these big companies. Are China Tourism Group, Overseas Chinese Town, Jinjiang Group and BTG Group head enterprises because of their historical scale accumulation? Not counting the head enterprises, because there is no platform influence in the industry, and there is no platform effect, we just do it ourselves, and we rely more on the allocation of government assets, and some rely on monopoly operation, so our whole industry is the structural optimization of enterprises first.

  In the next step, these large factories are ok, because their strength is really strong, but some things are inadvertently up. Some are big and small, and the enterprises are scattered or even fragmented, but a big industry has gathered, and our homestays and camps are all like this. How big is the camp head enterprise? Just a few self-driving clubs, but they don’t make camps, and the camps are decentralized. I asked, how do you understand big? But there must be this problem.

  The fourth focus is on structural optimization, because structural problems have always been a major problem in tourism development for many years, and structural optimization is also a major problem in development. I have always attached great importance to this matter. One year, I specially organized six doctors to produce an achievement, Research on the Economic Structure of Tourism in China. After this book came out, it had little impact. I was surprised that such an important issue was also such an important research topic. How could it have little impact? The academic circles have little influence, because people are not aware of the structural problems. The actual structural problems just affect our big problems now. One is that each of our sub-industries has the structural problems of sub-industries, and the other is that every enterprise has the structural problems of enterprises. It is not that the bigger the enterprise, the better. It should be said that the superior the enterprise, which involves a series of structural problems of our enterprise. Now that the bubble is in, it is the right time to adjust the structural strategy.

  The fifth key point is demand promotion. This is the most important thing, and we are still insufficient. One of the important reasons is that our understanding and policies are incomplete. Everyone takes it for granted that the demand is natural and the tourism market is not automatic. In fact, the demand for tourism has shrunk greatly, even if there is no epidemic, we can’t take it for granted, including the demand policy and holiday system, which need to be adjusted. In recent years, many provinces and cities have introduced a travel voucher policy, which has little effect in promoting it. I didn’t take the coupon, but I went out to travel with some money myself. It’s not this at all. It’s that our demand has been suppressed and released this year, but the substantive demand is still insufficient. From the perspective of expert research, there is not much demand for research. I have contacted international tourism experts, and basically everyone has a key topic, all of which are research needs. Why don’t China tourism experts study it? It’s very simple. No one pays for the research on tourism demand. Who will pay for your research? But research supply, find a project, the project party pays for me, find a place, and the place pays for me, so experts are also an interest choice.

  The sixth key point is the promotion of science and technology. In the final analysis, tourism is a life-oriented industry, a communication between people, and a person-to-person service. We are just high-tech users. Science and technology is a tool, so it is not suitable for productization, nor can it be productized. But what we lack now is the lack of tools, so I have repeatedly stressed this matter, especially the ChatGPT started a few months ago, and I have studied it more carefully. I think this matter is promising and beneficial to tourism. Because ChatGPT is basically a white-collar revolution and mechanization is a blue-collar revolution, but what did the demand turn to at that time? People-to-people service is more needed. I once went to the robot hotel, but I couldn’t see anyone when I entered. There was no lobby when I entered. I was just a robot. After I swiped my ID card, a set of standard languages came out, followed by spitting out a card. You took this card and left. Before you got to the elevator door, the door opened. When you got into the elevator, it lit up as soon as you got out of the floor. When you got to the door, the door opened. It was really automatic. Then I went into the house, and Xiaoqiang welcomed you out. I feel terrible when I enter a hotel without meeting anyone. The first time you feel fresh and fun, every time I stay in a hotel like this, I can’t accept it, because people-to-people service is more needed at this time. Therefore, I feel that the next white-collar revolution has emerged, and many other fields have been laid off, which has attracted a new opportunity in our field. Similarly, on the one hand, we need high-end talents, diversified, compound and scene-based talents, on the other hand, we also need these service personnel at the grassroots level, which is natural.At that time, tourism will be valued again. Why? Because we have become the main industry of employment, Americans have a saying that one person’s leisure is another person’s employment. In fact, we are now talking about the integration of literature and tourism, emphasizing the deep integration of literature and tourism. There is no such word in the world. I have discussed this issue with many experts and reached a conclusion that the ultimate direction of the integration of literature and tourism is leisure. Therefore, if our integration of literature and tourism is leisure science from the perspective of knowledge, making this article bigger is our foundation. In this case, tourism is a field at first, and there are countless industries under it, which are traditional, emerging, potential and promising. Therefore, the development of tourism has many meanings, such as people-centered in politics, satisfying people’s pursuit of happiness in society, stimulating development in economy, promoting ecology in environment, comprehensively utilizing and upgrading in culture and improving quality in life, especially in the new era. Therefore, tourism transformation should first correspond to the new era and new nature, clarify integration and strengthen comprehensiveness, and then play a variety of significance.

  3. High quality development

  The core now is to optimize the stock, create increment and form high-quality development. Through transformation to ease the existing difficulties, the old road will not work, and we don’t have to pursue returning to the peak. Therefore, it is always 2019, and 2019 is not worthy of our pursuit. The transformation has opened up a broad space and increased a lot of resources to create new ways. Therefore, high-quality development means high-quality decision-making, scientific macro-decision-making, respect for market players and optimization of business environment. Second, high-quality planning, planning first, planning landing, design characteristics, activity promotion, less detours, less cost, so now a way to plan first, operation first, you can wait for a project if you can’t find the right person, don’t say that you will enter when you look at this project well, and you don’t have the right person, which is operation first. Third, high-quality projects, do more with less money, do good things well, and do things well. Fourth, high-quality products, reasonable resource allocation, marketization, systematization and rationalization. The fifth is high-quality operation. The operation efficiency is high, the market effect is good, and the economic benefits are reasonable. Let’s not think about making big money and making quick money. That’s not tourism. Sixth, high-quality services, basic services in place, improved adaptive services, and the forefront of developmental services. Seventh, high-quality technology. Eight is high-quality talents. Nine is high-quality public services. Ten is the high-quality development pattern.

  Generally speaking, in the ten aspects of high-quality tourism development, when we say that high-quality tourism means high-quality service, that’s wrong. Not all services are high-quality. It’s very simple. Quality requires cost. How can you achieve high quality without corresponding cost? And I think some things are too much, actually conniving at consumers. What kind of money you spend and what kind of service you get are normal. For example, when I eat in a big food stall, I just shout, and there is no service at all, but the fireworks are very popular with everyone. There are at least two waiters at the hotel for a banquet, otherwise the banquet service can’t keep up. Anyway, that’s what I feel this year. When I went to Taizhou, Zhejiang, they said that Mr. Wei gave us some advice on service. I said that I would never mention tourism service this year. It would be good to have service this year, but also high-quality service? We often don’t even have service now. We stayed in a hotel two days ago, but later we found out that the waiter didn’t know anything. The hotels we stayed in on the first day in Qingdao were all newcomers. Ask the hotel owner. He says it’s a headache. I don’t even know the waiter. He may have come an hour ago, so don’t choose. It’s harder to find a good waiter now than a daughter-in-law. Especially after 90′ s and 00′ s, if you leave, you will leave. If you change your work clothes without saying a word, you won’t say hello. How can you guarantee it? So in this case, you can’t cage all of them. I am worried that high-quality tourism has gone too far, conniving at consumers and actually causing our passivity. I am worried about this.

  Ten high qualities add up to form a complete and systematic high quality, so it is natural to need a new set of research and a new set of pursuit. Therefore, it is necessary to redefine tourism. Tourism is life, personal tourism is the process of life, and mass tourism is the long-lasting lifestyle of society. Leisure is the pursuit of life, the experience of life value and the manifestation of civilization.

  4. Re-understanding

  However, this definition is very important, that is, tourism is life. Redefine tourism, the front and high end of life service industry, lifestyle guidance, rich life content and improved life experience. So tourism is the life service industry in the final analysis, but we are at the front end, we are at the high end, and we are ahead. So now that tourism has become an indispensable part of life, this feeling is particularly strong this year, especially during the summer vacation, when I saw so many interesting things, I felt that I had increased my confidence in the market. From the perspective of producers and supply, how do we respond to this demand? Just three.

  The first one, tourism meta-philosophy, conforms to human nature. These things are against human nature, and this thing is ineffective. Self-abuse tourism is also human nature. Because there are hidden adventures and challenges in human nature, people are willing to spend money on it, but it is not possible to go against human nature. I remember that in the early 1990s, I saw a project in Guangdong called Feilong Theme Park, which was a snake. After I went in, my hair stood up. Three ladies in a big glass room were lying in a snake’s nest in bikinis, which was very uncomfortable. I told my boss, you have accepted this matter. What did you do? It’s a snake farmer. If you continue to raise snakes, it’s over. He said someone was coming, but I said it was hopeless. Why? Because you violated human nature, you accepted it in half a year.

  Second, the principle of tourism conforms to common sense. Your things violate common sense, which is hard for everyone to accept. In particular, some things, such as some performing arts projects, are not logically correct. I can’t watch them as long as I see them, including watching TV. I won’t watch them if they are logically wrong.

  Third, tourism meta-foundation, life pursuit. So in the final analysis, such three yuan.

  Naturally, this requires us to have a comprehensive understanding of tourism. First, there is no limit to tourism resources, and differences are attractive. Now, strictly speaking, the concept of tourism resources is no longer established. Last year, I participated in several planning reviews online. The first chapter was definitely about resource survey and resource evaluation. I said you have to cancel this chapter, or change its name. It’s not resources at all, but products. Why? We have done several rounds of resource evaluation, and we have even done a general survey of resources. What else are you doing? What you do is to evaluate the products. But in the final analysis, it is the difference. The stronger the difference, the greater the attraction.

  Second, tourism behavior has no framework and legal bottom line. I am in favor of civilized tourism, but civilized tourism cannot be generalized.

  Third, the tourism experience is endless, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. You can have any kind of experience.

  Fourth, leisure consumption is endless and cheerful. We let the guest spend money happily and leave happily, instead of making him feel slaughtered everywhere all the time and feel that going out is a pit. Such a tourist experience can never be good, so we advocate friendly tourist destinations.

  Fifth, the leisure industry has no boundaries and comprehensive coverage. What is leisure industry? As long as you are idle, you have demand and you have consumption. This is the leisure industry, which is really comprehensive coverage.

  Sixth, leisure development is unconstrained, and entrepreneurship is king. Therefore, it is natural that it is cultural and commercial if it is in line with human nature. (Source: China Tourism Association Leisure and Holiday Branch)