Fan Bingbing sacrificed four times for "Dongfeng Rain", acting is to solve the puzzle

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing

  A few days ago, popular actress Fan Bingbing won the title of the most beautiful 50 people held by an organization for the fifth consecutive year. As an A-list star who calculates the itinerary in seconds and integrates actors, producers, and bosses, it is not easy to maintain such results. On April 21, its billion-dollar spy blockbuster "Dongfeng Rain" co-starring with "The Godfather of Spy War" Liu Yunlong will be officially released. On the stage of Xianlemen Club, the most popular in the film, she is the beautiful and enchanting singer "Huanyan", and after the curtain falls, she turns into an alert and gentle female agent: drag racing, drunk, disfigured, cracked… Fan Bingbing’s sacrifices for "Dongfeng Rain" can be described as countless. "Dedication is a man" is director Liu Yunlong’s evaluation of her. "Huanyan is just a personal code name, no one knows what her real name is, and every cell of her is a puzzle." Fan Bingbing also confessed, "The process of acting is solving puzzles."

Tears on the spot, dissatisfied with the drunken performance 

  As the most beautiful singer in the popular nightclub, Fan Bingbing is more likely to drink in the movie "East Wind and Rain". She is not a good drinker because she needs to be drunk in the film and rotate in the crowd. "I don’t know how to reflect the state after being drunk." According to Fan Bingbing himself, director Liu Yunlong took a bottle of open whiskey to "find a feeling" in order to relax her and integrate into the role as soon as possible. "After drinking half a bottle, the whole person is completely confused." It is said that at that time, Fan Bingbing wanted every angle of his rotation to be perfect, so he practiced repeatedly on the set to find the best angle. Because of this perfect requirement, director Liu Yunlong was "dissatisfied", "Director Liu said Bingbing, you are already very beautiful, don’t give yourself so much burden, just let go and act." In addition, according to Fan Bingbing’s recollection, "After listening to this sentence, I shed tears, which made Director Liu inexplicable and very embarrassed." 

Hanging high in the sky, one lens is soaked all over

  In addition to the drunken dancing scene, Fan Bingbing, who was identified by the enemy, also had an "action scene" that was suspended from the sky. The skirt during the filming of this scene was sewn with 500 meters of red yarn. After completion, due to the size of the clothes, it could not be transported through the elevator. Eventually, it could only be "airlifted" into the shed by breaking the window. In order to pursue the truest state of the actor when he was suspended, Liu Yunlong also insisted on choosing "fake play" and hung Fan Bingbing in the air. "If the costume is too heavy, it will definitely hurt Bingbing. We finally cut off the fabric with a length of about 4 meters at the corner of the skirt." According to costume stylist Liu Shiyun, "When Bingbing was lowered from the air, the whole person was completely soaked, and he could really stick to it." Not easy. "

37 hours of drag racing and sleepless nights

  In the movie "East Wind and Rain", Liu Yunlong was discovered by Japanese agents and Fan Bingbing fled late at night in a drag racing scene, which was the last and most difficult scene of the film. Since the script was played by Fan Bingbing’s "Huanyan" driving, this was another challenge for Fan Bingbing, who had poor driving skills. In addition, the bridge itself was set in the middle of the night, and driving under dark road conditions was already extremely dangerous. For a time, the entire crew became a "temporary driving school". Everyone made plans. In less than a day, Fan Bingbing first mastered the turning and reversing skills smoothly, and when the official shooting started, he was more on-site "cleaning people". "Drive everyone away When you get to the house, try not to leave obstacles on the road and let Bingbing run away. "Director Liu Yunlong showed even more good intentions when talking about the filming of this scene. For Fan Bingbing, the 37-hour sleepless night is his enemy," Because of the relationship between the skin, I usually pay attention to sleep. I am busy with work but I always take time to sleep. This is the first time I haven’t slept for so long. After surviving, I feel that it will be fine if I don’t sleep for two days and two nights in the future. "

Severely disfigured, the golden horse is best to "possess" again

  As early as 2007, Fan Bingbing won the Golden Horse Best Supporting Actress of the year for his subversive appearance of "Manli" in "Ghost in the Heart"; three years later, "Huanyan", who was severely disfigured at the end of "Dongfeng Rain", rode away in a prison van, vaguely as if "Manli" was possessed. For an actor, choosing to play a subversive role requires not only luck, but also infinite courage and courage before the choice. "Every cell of Huanyan is a mystery, and this hazy identity illusion is the most fatal attraction for me, and the whole process of acting is like solving a puzzle, and the answer is only known at the last moment." For Fan Bingbing, "Xiba" can be regarded as a synonym for the time being. I believe that behind the torture and sacrifice in "Dongfeng Rain", "Xiba" is her final destination.

The original 68-year-old Wang Jianlin appeared in plain clothes, with a haggard face and a very thin figure. He was escorted by many people

Recently, when some netizens went out to play, they happened to encounter business tycoon Wang Jianlin inspecting his work. This time he looked very haggard. My physical condition can’t help but worry me.

When it comes to Wang Jianlin, the first thing that people think of is the business empire he built. Many large and medium-sized cities in our country have one or more "Wanda Plaza". As a businessperson, Wang Jianlin is undoubtedly very successful.

Wang Jianlin, who was born in October 1954, is approaching his 69th birthday. Although he is nearly 70 years old, he is still working in the front line and often travels to various places.

Judging from the live video shared by netizens, Wang Jianlin should be inspecting a certain project. He listened carefully to the narrator’s introduction as he walked. There were six or seven people protecting him by his side. Everyone walked towards the tourist bus in front of them. Get ready for your next destination.

Although the itinerary was quite grand, Wang Jianlin dressed very low-key, wearing sportswear, and his hair was simply combed, making him look casual and capable.

After the video was released, many netizens noticed Wang Jianlin’s vicissitudes and left messages: "I’m old and thin", "Why have I lost so much weight?"

When the picture was enlarged, it was clear that Wang Jianlin, 68, was indeed much older. Tall as he was, he looked thin. The skin on his face was drooping, his cheeks were sunken, and his arms were smaller than those behind him. The guards were noticeably thinner.

No wonder some netizens commented that Wang Jianlin was not in good condition. I don’t know if he didn’t get enough rest or if he encountered something unsatisfactory in his business. Wang Jianlin looked very haggard. Not only were his bags deep under his eyes, but his eyelids were also heavy. Dark circles under his eyes.

This contrasts sharply with the high-spirited singing "False Walking Monk" on stage.

When netizens saw that Wang Jianlin had such a huge business empire, but he was so hard and haggard, they left messages urging him to take care of his health while busy with his career.

It is not difficult to find from public reports that Wang Jianlin has often traveled to various places to negotiate business in recent years. At the same age, others may have already enjoyed family life, but Wang Jianlin is constantly on the road.

A few years ago, some netizens happened to meet Wang Jianlin, who was also working out. It seems that the fatigue of work made him realize that he must pay attention to his health. Wang Jianlin looked much stronger then than he is now. In just a few years, he has changed so much.

Speaking of Wang Jianlin, everyone will think of his son Wang Sicong. A reporter once said that after seeing Wang Jianlin’s itinerary, he felt that every day was very hard.

Unexpectedly, Wang Sicong’s answer was very straightforward: "That’s because it was a very hard day, so people pointed it out. Don’t believe this kind of chicken soup easily."

This answer is quite surprising, but it is in line with Wang Sicong’s usual style.

Compared to Wang Jianlin’s efforts, Wang Sicong’s life is more in line with our imagination of the rich. Not only does he often travel to various places and attend parties, but he is also surrounded by beautiful women. He is much more dashing and happy than his father Wang Jianlin.

Wang Sicong still has a lot of honest speech. A reporter asked Wang Jianlin, which title makes you feel the most uncomfortable?

Wang Jianlin’s answer is that rich people are the least happy, but in fact I am very educated.

As a result, when "good old man" Wang Sicong came to see him, he ruthlessly exposed his father’s background. He said his father was not as educated. He joined the army at 16 and had a difficult education.

I wonder how Wang Jianlin will feel after listening.

In any case, good health is the most important thing. Body is the capital of revolution. I hope Wang Jianlin, who is about to enter his seventies, can take care of his health after work.

[The pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete it]

Responsible editor:

The man ordered takeout and was eaten by the rider, and was also threatened by the rider’s text messages

  Qilu Evening News (reporter, Qi Yunlei, intern, He Xishuang) At noon on July 22, Mr. Qi, a citizen of Jinan, ordered a takeaway through, but he didn’t expect to wait for more than an hour before receiving it. After contacting the delivery rider, the rider actually claimed that he was taking revenge on the person who ordered the takeaway, and sent a text message to abuse and threaten Mr. Qi. At present, the platform has been involved in the investigation, and a delivery manager of said that he will pay Mr. Qi.

  At around 7pm on the 22nd, the netizens "Cen Cen _" broke the news on the Internet, saying that he ordered a takeaway through at noon, but did not expect to be eaten by the rider who delivered the food. "This person took the order to get the meal, and then ordered to complete the order for himself to eat. Then the mobile phone was turned off and could not be contacted. customer service did not care. The responsibility was pushed to the merchant, and the merchant was pushed to" netizens said.

  According to the exposed order, the reporter saw that netizens spent 32.75 yuan to order takeout, showing that it was delivered at 1:34 pm, and the delivery rider was Liu. However, two other screenshots show that Liu sent multiple text messages to netizens at 3:29 to abuse, with a bad attitude and a lot of swear words. He also said "we are in the dark" and "be careful of bricks these days", and made verbal threats to netizens.

  At 9 PM on the 22nd, the reporter contacted Mr. Qi, who broke the news. According to his introduction, he ordered the takeaway at 12 noon. An hour later, although the order showed that the takeaway had been delivered to the destination, it was strange that he did not get the takeaway.

  Then, Mr. Qi tried to contact the rider to ask where his takeaway was, but the rider’s phone could not get through. He contacted the customer service of again, but the customer service staff put the responsibility on the merchant and did not deal with it. In desperation, Mr. Qi contacted a regional manager of, who just asked him to order another takeaway without explaining the relevant problems.

  Then why did the rider send abusive text messages? Mr. Qi said that he later contacted the delivery rider Liu and asked why the other party did not deliver the food to him. As a result, the rider told him that the food was indeed in his hands, and he ordered the delivery on purpose without delivering it. The purpose is to treat people like him who specialize in ordering food, because they do not get paid. "It sounds like he has a kind of revenge mentality."

  Mr. Qi told reporters that he had contacted Liu with another mobile phone number at the time, but Liu began to keep calling and harassing him, one after another, and even sent text messages to abuse him. Unbearable, Mr. Qi complained again to customer service, but the customer service staff only sent him the rider’s information and asked him to contact the rider himself. "They did this so incorrectly that they haven’t dealt with it until now," Mr. Qi said.

  According to the situation reported by Mr. Qi, the reporter tried to contact the rider involved to verify the relevant information, but Liu’s mobile phone has been unanswered.

  Subsequently, the reporter contacted a manager surnamed Li who was in charge of takeaway delivery at Regarding the situation that Mr. Qi placed an order but did not get the takeaway, Manager Li said that they would negotiate with the merchant to compensate Mr. Qi. As for the rider’s abuse and threats against Mr. Qi, Manager Li said he was not clear and they would verify.

  Reporters noticed that when Mr. Qi exposed the rider online, official Weibo quickly responded and apologized to the user for the matter, saying that it would private message the parties and communicate the specific situation.

  "Money is a small matter, but I am very dissatisfied with the way handles it. The takeaway was not delivered, the rider scolded people, and the customer service has been dragging it out." At 10 pm on the 22nd, Mr. Qi said that the staff of the platform had called him back, and the other party would refund him today.

Ministry of Transport: The average daily usage of online car-hailing in 2019 exceeded 20 million

Webmaster’s Home ( December 22, news:At today’s press conference of the State Council Information Office, the Ministry of Transport announced data that in 2019, the whole society completed 17.60 billion passengers and 46.20 billion tons of freight, with an average of 48.22 million passengers and 127 million tons of goods in transit every day.

In addition, in 2019, online car-hailing covered more than 400 cities across the country, and the average daily usage of the platform exceeded 20 million. The average daily usage of shared bicycles is about 45 million. The express business volume has completed 63.50 billion pieces, with an average annual growth of 39.1% in the past 10 years. The business volume has jumped to the first place in the world, equivalent to about 174 million pieces of express delivery every day.

This year, the China Intelligent Transportation Association and the Ministry of Transport have also released data on shared bicycles and online car-hailing.

On September 18, the China Intelligent Transportation Association announced data that the national bus card users have approached 500 million, the vehicle and mobile phone navigation users have exceeded 700 million, and the registered users of shared bicycles have exceeded 400 million.

On October 12, the Ministry of Transport announced data that as of now, the average daily order volume of online car-hailing has reached more than 21 million orders. At present, there are 1.39 million cruise taxis across the country, and the daily passenger volume is nearly 100 million.

In addition,December 17th.The Ministry of Transport once again released data saying,As of November 30, 2020, a total of 210 online car-hailing platform companies across the country have obtained the operating license of the online car-hailing platform, and a total of 2.719 million online car-hailing driver licenses and 1.111 million vehicle transportation licenses have been issued in various places. In November 2020, the online car-hailing regulatory information exchange platform received a total of 660 million orders. Among them, there were 8 online car-hailing platforms with a total of more than 1 million orders in the month, namely Enjoy Road Travel, T3 Travel, Cao Cao Travel, Shouqi Car-hailing, Didi Chuxing, Meituan Taxi, Wanshun Taxi, Hua Xiaozhu Travel.


Independent brands ranked first and third in China SUV sales list, and super hybrid technology opened up a new blue ocean market.

The last month of 2021 passed quietly. According to the data of the Association, in the top ten domestic SUV sales list in December, two China brands ranked among them, and BYD Song model ranked third in the SUV sales list in China market.

According to the data of the Association, the sales volume of BYD Song family series was particularly bright in December 2021, ranking third in the SUV list of China market in December. According to the ranking of China Automobile Center, among the Song family, Song PLUS DM-i scored 23,153 vehicles, and the single product once again ranked as the champion in the A-class SUV market in December. And at the end of the year, with a total of 61,949 vehicles insured in the whole year, it ranked as the annual insurance champion of the national A-class plug-in SUV market, delivering a satisfactory answer for the market and consumers.
DM-i technology empowerment, Song PLUS DM-i product strength, good reputation, worth waiting for.
Since the release of DM-i super hybrid technology, the popularity has remained high, attracting the attention of many consumers with the advantages of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth and green". It can be said that DM-i super hybrid technology has opened up a new blue ocean market and promoted the development of hybrid technology market. Many companies have also laid out hybrid products with the intention of cutting into this new mainstream SUV market.

Industry-leading technical support and leapfrog product strength have enabled Song PLUS DM-i to set off a wave of plug-in hybrids in the market. At the end of 2021, it won the championship of plug-in hybrids for two consecutive months, and it is a well-deserved dark horse of the year. Although there is a situation that "one car is hard to find", the sales volume and excellent user reputation show that a good car is still worth waiting for. The users of Song PLUS DM-i who have picked up their cars are very satisfied with it, and the NPS net recommendation index of users is as high as 94%, and it is still rising. Warm market response and good user reputation are the best proof of the strength and competitiveness of Song PLUS DM-i products.
DM-i sells well, and the Song family adds new recruits.
On December 22, 2021, BYD took advantage of the situation and launched the 2022 Song Pro DM-i, which won the public’s attention with its subversive advantages of "fast, provincial, quiet, smooth and green", luxury design of the national tide and leapfrog intelligent technology.

When consumers are still struggling with fuel consumption or power when buying a car? Song Pro DM-i told everyone that adults don’t have to make choices. The 2022 Song Pro DM-i accelerates up to 7.9 seconds in 100 kilometers, overtaking at high speed, and the power is on call; The fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is as low as 4.4 liters, which is only half of the fuel SUV of the same level. The cost of using a car is only 3 cents per kilometer, and there is no pressure on daily use! With the blessing of extreme fuel consumption, the comprehensive battery life reaches 1090 kilometers, and the battery life performance far exceeds that of fuel SUV! At the same time, the 110KM model supports DC fast charging, and the acceleration and charging are one step ahead! The 2022 Song Pro DM-i perfectly solved the two major pain points of SUV "slow speed increase+high fuel consumption". "fuel SUV subversive", the 2022 song Pro DM-i is well deserved.

With the expansion of BYD’s factory, the production capacity will continue to increase. It is not difficult to predict that after this winter, Song PLUS DM-i will be fully fired, boosting all models to break the advanced stage and continue to climb to the top.
With its excellent performance, Song PLUS DM-i has been tested by the market for one year, and its sales reputation has been double bumper. As hybrid models are more and more accepted by the market and consumers, Song PLUS DM-i will take the lead in the future, and the brand sales of the 2022 Song Pro DM-i will not be underestimated throughout the year. At the same time, BYD will also increase the launch of DM-i models in the future. Ocean Net’s first car and warship car equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology are the first models — — Destroyer 05 also appeared at the previous Guangzhou Auto Show, which constitutes a brand-new product layout. The two-car strategy of "SUV+ sedan" will compete in the mainstream market together, and the future is worth looking forward to! (Zhang Guo)

How to connect the smart drying rack to Xiao Ai

With the popularity of smart homes, more and more families are beginning to use smart drying racks, and Xiao Ai, as the right-hand assistant of smart homes, has become particularly important to connect with smart drying racks. So, how to connect smart drying racks to Xiao Ai? Next, we will conduct popular science at different points.

First, ensure device compatibility

Before connecting, first make sure that both your smart drying rack and Xiao Ai support smart home connection function and are on the same LAN. Usually, most brands of smart drying racks support connection with Xiao Ai, but it is best to check the manual or official website of the device to confirm compatibility.

2. Use the Mijia APP to connect.

If your smart drying rack supports Mijia APP control, you can connect it through the following steps:

1. Open the Mijia APP and log in to your Xiaomi account.

2. Click the "+" sign on the homepage of the APP and select "Add Device".

3. Find your smart drying rack in the device list and click to connect.

4. Follow the prompts of the APP to complete the network distribution and connection operation of the device.

5. After the connection is successful, you can see the device information of the smart drying rack in the Mijia APP and make relevant settings.

III. Use Xiao Ai for voice control

After the connection is successful, you can voice control the smart drying rack through Xiao Ai. The specific operations are as follows:

1. Make sure that Xiao Ai and the smart drying rack are in the same LAN and have been turned on.

2. Say instructions to Xiao Ai, for example: "Xiao Ai, open the drying rack."

3. Xiao Ai will recognize your instructions and send them to the smart drying rack.

4. After the smart drying rack receives the command, it will perform corresponding operations, such as lifting, lighting, etc.

IV. Precautions

During connection and use, the following points need to be taken into account:

1. Make sure the devices are on the same local area network and the network is stable.

2. Follow the operating instructions and precautions of the equipment to avoid misoperation.

3. If you encounter any problems, you can consult the manual of the device or contact customer service to solve it.

Through the above steps, you can easily connect the smart drying rack to Xiao Ai and enjoy the convenience and comfort brought by smart home.

Geely Xingyue L will become the world’s first L4 AVP mass-produced fuel vehicle with 1km parking problem.

Xingyue L relies on the (cross-domain) centralized electrical functional architecture first carried by the "CMA Super Matrix" architecture, and realizes cross-domain high-speed calculation and highly integrated collaborative management of functional domains such as power control, intelligent driving control, chassis control and cloud collaboration with the help of the vehicle core super domain controller, making the automatic driving control management more centralized, agile, reliable and safer!

It is reported that the Xingyue L 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking system is equipped with the world’s first super-domain controller of Texas Instruments and a super-sensing system consisting of 24 sensors covering the whole vehicle, which can calculate the dynamic and static obstacles such as roads, pedestrians, road signs and roadblocks online, and the intelligence exceeds the industry models, bringing users a safe, reliable, worry-free and convenient parking experience. As the first automobile enterprise in the industry to mass-produce this high-level autonomous driving technology, Geely Automobile has demonstrated its strong technical strength.

Demonstrate the powerful strength of technology Geely 4.0 Geely 5G-AVP will realize parking freedom.

Driving and parking in the city has always been a difficult problem. With the continuous increase of car ownership, "difficulty in parking and picking up cars" has become the second biggest pain point after "traffic jam". In order to solve this problem, most car companies are working on automatic parking technology. From the initial ultrasonic radar, reversing image assisted parking, to APA automatic parking using multiple sensors, and then to RPA remote parking technology carried by some new models. As the spokesperson of the powerful strength and the latest technology of Geely 4.0, Xingyue L, combined with the development of the previous stages, has surpassed RPA remote parking technology in its automatic parking technology. At present, it has reached the unmanned parking technology of 5G-AVP 1km, and will explore to enter the parking service stage of AVP intelligent cloud map in the future.

The world’s first 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology, Xingyue L, can currently complete powerful functions such as 100% unmanned driving, obstacle avoidance, intelligent parking space search, autonomous parking and parking within 200 meters round-trip distance through vehicle self-learning. In scenes with fixed parking spaces such as home and office, the vehicle only needs to complete route learning once, and the user can get off the bus in advance, and the vehicle can find the parking space independently to complete parking. When picking up the car, the mobile phone also calls the vehicle to automatically drive to the user’s location, which completely liberates the user from repeated parking.

According to Geely technicians, Xingyue L’s 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology will realize full-scene parking in the underground parking lot, and vehicles will automatically travel to any location. When the user goes out to pick up the car, he can remotely call Xingyue L by tAPPing the mobile phone app, and the car can automatically start, park out and drive to the set pick-up point. When parking after work, the driver can get off early when driving within the automatic parking map. Xingyue L will automatically drive and search for parking spaces, avoid obstacles on the way, and lock the parking spaces, which can realize automatic parking of different parking spaces such as vertical and parallel. After the parking is successful, Xingyue L will automatically take photos and accept the inspection of users. This technology does not need the driver’s participation in the whole process, which truly realizes the complete automatic driving, helps users solve the parking problem and greatly facilitates the user’s experience.

Xingyue L 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking system has 360TOPS+8TOPS overspeed computing power through the high-speed and low-speed fusion algorithm of 24 sensing elements including 12 ultrasonic radars, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 7 high-definition cameras, and can calculate road information and dynamic and static obstacles in real time, and realize L4-class unmanned driving technology in some scenes and working conditions. According to relevant comparative tests, the unmanned parking technology of 5G-AVP 1km of Xingyue L is superior to the new power star model Tesla Model Y in terms of the farthest control distance and parking function, which greatly subverts the aura of "idol" and reshapes the market’s cognition of China brand high-end SUV.

Evolvable Xingyue L with FOTA upgrade will realize L4 AVP driverless technology.

Geely Automobile is one of the first automobile enterprises to obtain the license of intelligent networked automobile test in the Yangtze River Delta. It has accumulated rich technology and experience in the field of automatic driving. It not only took the lead in popularizing L2 intelligent driving assistance system to its vehicles, but also became the first China brand to realize the full-scale mass production of L2 intelligent driving technology. Moreover, the allocation rate and market share of newly-produced L2 intelligent driving vehicles in the industry reached the first place, benefiting the intelligent travel life of millions of users.

In the completely unmanned scene, absolute accurate positioning and low delay are needed to ensure driving safety, which requires high-precision maps to reach centimeter level. In recent years, Geely has comprehensively laid out the field of commercial satellites, consolidating the underground structure of the integration of heaven and earth. With the formation of Geely’s low-orbit satellite layout, the navigation accuracy will be improved to centimeter level, providing systematic positioning services for future high-level intelligent driving. This time, the 5G-AVP 1km unmanned parking technology carried by Xingyue L is an overall improvement of Geely brand parking technology. In addition, with the FOTA upgrade and evolution of the whole vehicle with full functional domain, it is believed that the parking service function of AVP intelligent cloud image will be realized soon.

As the new flagship of SUV under the CMA framework of Geely Automobile, Xingyue L will be the first safe and intelligent fuel vehicle to reach L4 level, breaking the boundary between old and new forces and opening a new stage of intelligent driving, and its subversive strength is increasingly expected. In the future when 5G, sensor technology and infrastructure become more mature, cars will be smarter. Xingyue L, which is homologous to the whole world and can be upgraded and evolved by FOTA, will surely promote the further improvement of driverless technology, and continuously evolve in the direction of automation, bringing more, higher, faster and stronger cutting-edge intelligent technologies to the people, which is bound to detonate the new trend in the mainstream market.

At the age of 58, Jackie Chan jumped into a volcano with his life, calling it a year to let Lin Fengjiao star

group photo of the main creator

Jackie Chan

    Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Li Chao) On December 11, the film held a "final blow" press conference in Beijing, and Jackie Chan attended with the stars Yao Xingtong, Zhang Lanxin, Bai Luna, Liao Fan and Liu Chengjun. Jackie Chan, who has won the Guinness World Record for performing the most stunts, revealed that although he was also very scared during the shooting of the volcano jumping scene, he still stood in front of the camera when he saw a big rock flying over, and he said that even if he died, he would like to be a hero. At the end of the film, Jackie Chan’s brother’s beloved wife Lin Fengjiao appeared in surprise. In this regard, Jackie Chan said that for these short shots, he begged Lin Fengjiao for a whole year.


Yao Xingtong

Zhang Lanxin

Bai Luna

Liao Fan

Liu Chengjun

58-Year-old kung fu superstar jumps over volcano, Jackie Chan: Die like a hero

    Jackie Chan, who is 58 years old this year, has performed a lot of extremely dangerous and difficult moves for the audience in "Zodiac". Not long ago, he broke the Guinness World Record for "most stunts". Jackie Chan admitted that looking back on the dangerous scenes he had shot, he was also very scared at the time. "Today I broke my hand, tomorrow I broke my foot, and I can cut my head at every turn. I can get through it safely, but every morning I wake up and ask myself, will I be so lucky every time? Bruce Lee died after a few scenes, but he left a very bright image. I also want to leave a bright image, but I am not willing to die. It is better to leave a way out for myself and tell everyone that I will never make such a life-saving movie again."

    "It was too dangerous. I was going to roll down from the top of the volcano with iron ore in my eyes. Before I took the picture, I asked them, when was the last volcanic eruption? They said it was ten years ago. I mean, I wouldn’t have caught up with it so coincidentally. Once I saw a big rock floating over, and they were all shouting: Big brother! Go away! I stood in front of the camera very calmly and smartly, because even if I die, I will die like a hero."

Next page: Shu Qi and Wu Yanzu made cameos, Jackie Chan begged for a year to make Lin Fengjiao play

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

The original title: A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  There are still 3 days to end in 2016. Recently, foreign media checked through SteamSpy what are the games that sold 1 million in 2016. Before announcing the game, let’s say that this investigation does not count free games and remastered games that provide free upgrades. In addition, games that landed on Steam Early Access in 2014 or 2015 and were officially released this year will not be included.

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

  But in terms of sales, it seems that "H1Z1: Killing King" is the best-selling new game on Steam in 2016. The Steam version sold more than 3 million sets, and the game first landed on Steam on February 17. The second place is the indie game "Stardew Valley Story". The game landed on Steam in February, and as of now, it has sold almost 2 million sets (1.89 million).

  In third place is the multiplayer (4v1) horror game "Dead by Dawn", which sold around 1.45 million. Judging from Tieba and live broadcasts, this game seems to be relatively popular in China. As for 3A games, the games on the list include "Doom 4" (1.45 million), "Civilization 6" (1.43 million), "Dark Souls 3" (1.23 million), "Tomb Raider: Rise" (1.23 million), "The Division Lockdown" (1.02 million), "UFO 2" (1.08 million) and "Warhammer: Total War" (1.03 million).

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

A summary of new games that sold millions on Steam in 2016

  Game Sales Ranking

  Most of the games on the list were released in the first half of 2016 (except for Civilization 6, which was released in October), and the masterpieces released in October and November were not on the list. Watchdog 2 is only a month away from now, and it must be difficult to sell millions, but according to SteamSpy statistics, the current sales are around 190,000. For 3A games, I don’t know if Ubisoft can accept it?

  In addition, the "Dishonored 2" released on November 11 currently sells about 320,000 Steam, while the "Call of Duty 13" released on November 3 sells about 260,000 Steam.


2023 China Home Appliance Technology Annual Meeting TCL Air Conditioning Interprets High-quality Development with a New Generation of Air Conditioning

   From December 13th to 14th, the 2023 China Home Appliance Science and Technology Annual Conference and the High-quality Development Exchange Activity of the Smart Home Appliance Industry were held in Wuhan, Hubei. TCL Air Conditioning and a new generation of air conditioners – TCL Small Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning appeared, with a smart health experience upgrade that understands your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better, bringing a new wind to the high-quality development of the industry.

  According to the introduction, the theme of this conference is "Scientific and technological innovation leads the high-quality development of the home appliance industry", focusing on "green and low-carbon, intelligent home appliances, health and cleanliness, refrigeration, noise reduction, DC flexibility" and other technical directions. Many academicians and authoritative experts and professors in related fields such as intelligence and refrigeration were invited to give special reports.

  TCL air conditioning breaks the market with high-quality development

  At the plenary meeting held on the morning of December 13, Chen Shaolin, senior vice president of TCL Industrial and general manager of the Air Conditioning Division, gave a keynote speech entitled "The Road to Breakthrough in the High-quality Development of TCL Air Conditioning".

  Chen Shaolin pointed out that the challenges from respiratory health, the challenges of high energy consumption and refrigerants to global warming, and the opportunities and challenges of new technologies to the traditional air-conditioning industry are the main challenges facing the development of the current air-conditioning industry. In the face of industrial challenges and changes, it is necessary to use leading strategies to achieve high-quality development, and high-quality development is first and foremost the high-quality development of brands.

  In order to find a way to break through the high-quality development, TCL Air Conditioning is taking smart health as its value direction, with the brand mission of allowing more people to easily enjoy the healthy and green life brought by the air, and becoming a leading brand in healthy air management, heat pump and thermal energy management that users can trust.

  In terms of high-end, intelligent and green, TCL air conditioning takes Wuhan intelligent manufacturing base as its foothold, deepens 5G + industrial Internet integration, promotes digital transformation and high-quality development of the industrial chain, and increases efficiency by 40% in the past four years.

  Leading the new generation of air conditioning technology innovation, TCL air conditioning won the Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award

  On December 10th, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning was released in Beijing Water Cube. From Beijing to Wuhan, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning has attracted extensive attention from consumers and the industry. At this event, TCL Air Conditioning won the 2023 Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award and 6 Excellent Paper Awards for its fresh air air technology innovation, further demonstrating its technological research and development strength as a leading brand of fresh air.

  According to reports, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner has been fully upgraded from three aspects: health, energy saving and user habits.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your health. This product upgrades the user’s health from sound comfort, air quality comfort and thermal comfort, achieving 30 dB (A) silent fresh air, air quadruple filtration purification, temperature fluctuation control ± 0.3 ℃ and other experience improvements.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your energy saving. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioner not only saves energy in hardware, but also realizes energy saving in software algorithms, design energy saving, and operation energy saving. Among them, in terms of operation energy saving, the product adopts AI time domain prediction algorithm, which will anticipate the temperature and optimize it in real time, which can avoid excessive dehumidification and excessive cooling, and the energy saving rate can reach up to 40%.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your usage habits. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner is equipped with a high-performance offline voice module, which has a high wake-up rate in the bedroom environment, making voice control freer and more satisfactory. At the same time, it is equipped with a two-wheat control system with sound source positioning function, which can achieve the effect of "wind blowing towards people" or "wind avoiding people blowing".

  In fact, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioning is the innovation of TCL air conditioning in the fresh air track. At present, TCL air conditioning has seven international leading technologies, including high-efficiency energy-saving silent fresh air technology, heat pump operation energy-saving technology, large fresh air volume and low noise technology, frequency conversion energy-saving technology, smart soft air technology, 60 ° C high temperature and strong cooling technology, and power visualization technology.

  Industry experts say that the high-quality development and breakup of the air-conditioning industry cannot be separated from the joint promotion of the whole industry. TCL Air Conditioning has focused on the fresh air track, continuously increased investment in technology research and development, and launched a new generation of air conditioners that understand your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better. This has created a path of high-quality development.