2023 China Home Appliance Technology Annual Meeting TCL Air Conditioning Interprets High-quality Development with a New Generation of Air Conditioning

   From December 13th to 14th, the 2023 China Home Appliance Science and Technology Annual Conference and the High-quality Development Exchange Activity of the Smart Home Appliance Industry were held in Wuhan, Hubei. TCL Air Conditioning and a new generation of air conditioners – TCL Small Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning appeared, with a smart health experience upgrade that understands your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better, bringing a new wind to the high-quality development of the industry.

  According to the introduction, the theme of this conference is "Scientific and technological innovation leads the high-quality development of the home appliance industry", focusing on "green and low-carbon, intelligent home appliances, health and cleanliness, refrigeration, noise reduction, DC flexibility" and other technical directions. Many academicians and authoritative experts and professors in related fields such as intelligence and refrigeration were invited to give special reports.

  TCL air conditioning breaks the market with high-quality development

  At the plenary meeting held on the morning of December 13, Chen Shaolin, senior vice president of TCL Industrial and general manager of the Air Conditioning Division, gave a keynote speech entitled "The Road to Breakthrough in the High-quality Development of TCL Air Conditioning".

  Chen Shaolin pointed out that the challenges from respiratory health, the challenges of high energy consumption and refrigerants to global warming, and the opportunities and challenges of new technologies to the traditional air-conditioning industry are the main challenges facing the development of the current air-conditioning industry. In the face of industrial challenges and changes, it is necessary to use leading strategies to achieve high-quality development, and high-quality development is first and foremost the high-quality development of brands.

  In order to find a way to break through the high-quality development, TCL Air Conditioning is taking smart health as its value direction, with the brand mission of allowing more people to easily enjoy the healthy and green life brought by the air, and becoming a leading brand in healthy air management, heat pump and thermal energy management that users can trust.

  In terms of high-end, intelligent and green, TCL air conditioning takes Wuhan intelligent manufacturing base as its foothold, deepens 5G + industrial Internet integration, promotes digital transformation and high-quality development of the industrial chain, and increases efficiency by 40% in the past four years.

  Leading the new generation of air conditioning technology innovation, TCL air conditioning won the Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award

  On December 10th, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning was released in Beijing Water Cube. From Beijing to Wuhan, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning has attracted extensive attention from consumers and the industry. At this event, TCL Air Conditioning won the 2023 Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award and 6 Excellent Paper Awards for its fresh air air technology innovation, further demonstrating its technological research and development strength as a leading brand of fresh air.

  According to reports, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner has been fully upgraded from three aspects: health, energy saving and user habits.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your health. This product upgrades the user’s health from sound comfort, air quality comfort and thermal comfort, achieving 30 dB (A) silent fresh air, air quadruple filtration purification, temperature fluctuation control ± 0.3 ℃ and other experience improvements.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your energy saving. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioner not only saves energy in hardware, but also realizes energy saving in software algorithms, design energy saving, and operation energy saving. Among them, in terms of operation energy saving, the product adopts AI time domain prediction algorithm, which will anticipate the temperature and optimize it in real time, which can avoid excessive dehumidification and excessive cooling, and the energy saving rate can reach up to 40%.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your usage habits. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner is equipped with a high-performance offline voice module, which has a high wake-up rate in the bedroom environment, making voice control freer and more satisfactory. At the same time, it is equipped with a two-wheat control system with sound source positioning function, which can achieve the effect of "wind blowing towards people" or "wind avoiding people blowing".

  In fact, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioning is the innovation of TCL air conditioning in the fresh air track. At present, TCL air conditioning has seven international leading technologies, including high-efficiency energy-saving silent fresh air technology, heat pump operation energy-saving technology, large fresh air volume and low noise technology, frequency conversion energy-saving technology, smart soft air technology, 60 ° C high temperature and strong cooling technology, and power visualization technology.

  Industry experts say that the high-quality development and breakup of the air-conditioning industry cannot be separated from the joint promotion of the whole industry. TCL Air Conditioning has focused on the fresh air track, continuously increased investment in technology research and development, and launched a new generation of air conditioners that understand your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better. This has created a path of high-quality development.

The work of Zhou Xingchi!

During the "golden age" of Hong Kong cinema in the mid-1970s and early 1990s, more than a dozen film crews started work at the same time every day in this small city on the southern coast of China. Pretty boys and beautiful women from Hong Kong’s wireless artist training class came together and set up scenes among the various crews. Film and television companies such as Golden Harvest, Shaw’s and New Art City invested heavily in digging up and cultivating newcomers to compete in the entertainment industry. This also contributed to the miracle that Hong Kong films produced more than 200 films a year in the 1980s.

That golden age of Hong Kong cinema gave birth to countless movie superstars. They may be as good-looking as Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, and Tony Leung Chaowei, and their acting skills are first-class, becoming hot A-list actors. Or as daring as Samuel Hung, Jackie Chan, Yuan Biao, and Yuan Hua, who sacrificed their lives to complete eye-catching stunts and become action superstars.

However, those who can write, direct, and act, and are unique in artistic expression, can create a personal style, and even find a way to break out of a school of film, I think Xingye is one of the best.

The nonsensical style of "Zhou’s comedy" he pioneered and his special attention to the subject matter of the little people are enough to secure him the top spot in Chinese comedy, and it is no exaggeration to call it "Asian Jim Carrey".

Today, let’s talk about the most outstanding work of Xing Ye in the 21st century so far – "Kung Fu"

First, the self-cultivation of "little people"

The story of "Kung Fu" still follows the tradition of Xing Ye’s "little person narrative", telling the story of the 1940s Shanghai, when A Xing, a street gangster who has been bullied since childhood, tried to get ahead by pretending to be the "Axe Gang" and extorting in the "Pig Cage City". As a result, he attracted the real "Axe Gang" forces.

The unexpected invasion of the gangster forces disturbed the quiet life in the slum, and also disturbed the four peerless kung fu masters who were entrenched here – the inheritors of the Gorang Bagua Band, the Hong Family’s Iron Wire Fist and the Shaolin 12th Road Tan Leg.

The gangsters were naturally no match for the descendants of the divine arts, but the arrogant Axe Gang boss, Brother Kun, was unwilling to stop, so he used the gang’s power to invite peerless experts to try to level the "Pig Cage City" in one fell swoop. Every attack by Brother Kun would stir up more "masters" hidden in the secular world in this unsightly small pool. Until, Brother Kun used his head to sacrifice the ultimate killing king Huoyun Evil God, and his opponent was the little rascal A Xing who caused this disturbance.

Lord Xing wrote, directed and acted himself, focusing the guide tube on the little character A Xing, making him a witness and key participant in the contest between the "evil forces" and the "pig cage city". Every turn in the battle between the two sides was caused by A Xing’s inadvertent speculation.

The first time was when he saw that he was going to be beaten by the residents of the city, so he had to learn the way the Axe Gang used fireworks to call people and threw a cannon fight. As a result, it just blew up the head of the leader of the Axe Gang passing by the wall. Then the villain complained first and blamed the residents of the city, which caused a conflict between the two forces.

The second turning point was that Ah Xing, with an incomparable desire to get ahead, put down all his courtesy and shame to join the Axe Gang. As a result, the first task he received was to rescue the great devil Fire Cloud Evil God from the mental hospital.

Xing clearly knew that his actions were wrong, but he seemed to have been carried away by the desire to become famous. As a result, with the release of the Fire Cloud Evil God, an uncontrolled force of destruction swept through the entire Axe Gang and the city.

The third turning point was when the charterer and the charterer in the base camp of the Axe Gang faced off against the three masters who were entangled with each other, and A Xing chose to use a wooden stick to beat the Fire Cloud Evil God.

This time, the little gangster Ah Xing finally stood on the side of justice. But this also caused the evil god of fire clouds to go berserk directly, breaking Ah Xing’s meridians with a fist, and his life was hanging by a thread. It was precisely because of his walk through the gate of hell that Ah Xing’s potential as a "martial arts genius" was completely exploded.

It can be said that in the first half of the film, Ah Xing has always been a gangster who makes a living by picking locks and speculating. For fame and fortune, he can join gangs, bully civilians, and even rob a girl who buys candy.

But in the end, he was just a small person, without noble virtue or the ferocity of a big traitor, between good and evil. He did not dare to kill, set fire, or rape. After being bitten by a snake, he had to hide in the traffic light box and silently digest the pain.

But it was after a series of setbacks and tribulations that Ah Xing finally realized how precious the opportunity to "be a good person" was, and how despicable it was to be self-deprecating on the old road of a gangster. Therefore, the moment he completed the good and evil decision, the potential hidden in his body also fully exploded.

Eight kung fu stunts, combining Chinese martial arts

Since the movie is called "Kung Fu", the core element of the story is naturally Chinese martial arts. In the "imagined China" in Jin Yong and Gu Long’s martial arts novels, Chinese martial arts can be said to have a long history and many branches. The kung fu of Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Beggar Gang, and Tai Chi schools have their own strengths and weaknesses, and together they have painted the world of pleasure, enmity, swords, light and shadows.

On the one hand, Xing Ye’s "Kung Fu" continues the tradition of Hong Kong martial arts novels, and on the other hand, it inherits the mantle of Hong Kong martial arts films and kung fu films. The eight kung fu that appear in it can be said to be both a reinterpretation of traditional Chinese kung fu and a tribute to Hong Kong classic kung fu films. Let’s take a look at it together:

(1) The Tathagata Palm

The most invincible kung fu in the film "Tathagata’s Palm" is actually a fiction invented by Hong Kong filmmakers. It first appeared in the Hong Kong film "Tathagata’s Palm" in the last century, and was portrayed as the Buddha created for all living beings. There are ten styles.

At the end of the film, Ah Xing used the ninth form of "Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty". Later, it was continuously interpreted by people, and the Tathagata Divine Palm became a kind of divine power that interacted with the "Heavenly Remnant Foot".

(2) Toad Gong

"Toad Technique" was a must-kill skill of the Fire Cloud Evil God. He once used this skill to put Ah Xing at a disadvantage.

The toad skill comes from Jin Yong’s martial arts novel. It is the original stunt of Western Poison Ouyang Feng, and later passed on to his righteous son Yang Guo.

Its characteristic is that it is like a toad preying on insects, waiting for an opportunity to move, using static braking, and striking after. When the enemy attacks, it pounces suddenly, concentrating all its internal force on one point and bursting out, killing it in one blow.

(3) (4) Shaolin Nanquan North Leg – "Hongquan" and "Tan Leg"

The tailors and laborers who live in seclusion in the Kowloon walled city in the film are the descendants of Hong Quan and Tan Ju respectively. Hong Quan was pioneered by Hong Xiguan, a Cantonese from the Qing Dynasty. When he was a teenager, he studied under the Shaolin sect and integrated the kung fu of the North and South Shaolin with his extremely high understanding. He created a school of "Hong Quan" that combines internal and external cultivation, uses both fists and feet, and combines strength and softness.

The person who plays the tailor in the film is Zhao Zhiling, the apprentice of Huang Feihong, and the iron wire boxing he practices is also one of the five battles of Hongquan.

There are many theories about the origin of "Tan leg", including Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan, Longtan Temple in Shandong, and many other theories. Later, the Jingwu Association of Huo Yuanjia in Tianjin also taught this kind of kung fu. There is a proverb that goes "If you practice boxing without training your legs, you are like a daredevil". The Tan leg style, with sharp movements, changeable moves, and quick attack and defense, can complement the boxing technique well.

(5) Goro gossip stick

The origin of this stick technique is hidden in the name. The so-called "Goro" refers to Yang Goro, who fought against the Khitan people in the Southern Song Dynasty. When he was defeated in the battle with his father at the Golden Beach, he disguised himself as a monk.

Later, he really went to Mount Wutai to cut his hair and become a monk, and changed the Yang family’s marksmanship to a stick technique, creating the "Gorang Bagua Stick". The actor who plays the boss Yang in the film is Dong Zhiping, a Peking Opera martial artist, whose gun and stick skills are first-class.

(6) Tai Chi

This can be said to be the most well-known kung fu in the film. In the film, the charterer plays "Chen’s Tai Chi" originating from Chenjiagou, Henan. With Taoist Tai Chi and Yin and Yang as the mental method, he pays attention to both internal and external cultivation, combining rigidity and softness, and overcoming rigidity with softness.

Although the chartered public can use a set of superb tai chi to play the six-fingered piano demon in the palm of his hand, he is a "rake ear" and has to swallow his anger and bear the humiliation in the face of his wife’s domestic violence.

(7) The Lion’s Roar

The renter’s Lion’s Roar skill, which is comparable to ultrasonic weapons in the film, is one of Shaolin’s seventy-two stunts. When the power is performed, the qi is first sank in the dantian, and then it spreads for thousands of miles, which can be transmitted for miles. Hearing it, the heart is frightened and the back is cold. As Du Fu said in his poem, "When I suddenly hear the roar of a lion in Hedong, I am at a loss when the cane falls on my hand." Presumably, only a strong and domineering renter can control it freely.

(8) Three-hole Qin Demon – Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand

In the film, the two of the three-hole piano demons stroke a guqin together, the sound of the piano turns into the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, the lights turn off the grass wherever they go, and the killing is invisible. This kung fu can be regarded as the original of Xingye, which is composed of the six-style fingerings of the guzheng and the Shaolin dragon claws.

Of course, Xing Ye was also inspired by the "Fuqin Style" and "Drum Style" in Jin Yong’s novels, which Zhang Wuji once used in the Shaolin Dragon Gripper.

Three or ten years of preparation only to fulfill the "Kung Fu Dream"

In fact, Xing Ye had wanted to put "Kung Fu" on the stage as early as 2005. One of his original intentions when he set up his own color star company to film "Journey to the West" was to use the money he earned to shoot his dream work – "Kung Fu".

However, the nonsensical style of "Journey to the West" exceeded the upper limit of the audience’s understanding at that time, encountering an unprecedented box office waterloo, which directly led to the bankruptcy of the color star company and the plan to shoot "Kung Fu" was stranded indefinitely.

From "Journey to the West" in 2005 to "Kung Fu" in 2004, Xing Ye also filmed another classic work, "The King of Comedy" in 1999. It can be said that these three works, separated by five years from each other, together form the "Iron Triangle" of Zhou’s comedy across the centuries at a very high level.

Looking back now, in fact, the box office failure of "Journey to the West" at that time was not necessarily a bad thing. It was with the precipitation and tempering of the next ten years that Xingye was able to polish the script and works to such an exquisite level.

Moreover, based on the special effects level of the 1990s to shoot kung fu, the final scene of A Xing’s group fighting the Axe Gang and the Tathagata’s palm defeating the Fire Cloud Evil God would definitely be very simple, difficult to achieve the desired effect, and unable to perfectly interpret Xing Ye’s understanding of kung fu.

Rich rights and interests, delayed delivery and compensation, ask the new M7 to break 70,000 units in 45 days

   After a wave of Wang fried, "far ahead" has begun to appear "interlaced" (interlaced like mountains, no) phenomenon. Now, Huawei’s wave of "breaking the sky" has been used in the new M7 Dading gameplay: in early October, Huawei announced the new M7 worth 30,000 yuan Dading rights and interests, and soon made a commitment to the market to delay the delivery of subsidies of 200 yuan/day. On the basis of the order surge, the drainage of "welfare on the top is guaranteed" was formed again. The market continued to be hot, and the cumulative Dading has exceeded 70,000 units in the 45 days of listing! Triggered netizens to ridicule, Huawei just issued "benefits", regardless of their own pressure gameplay, giving the marketing market another lesson.



  Rights and security "together" Huawei is playing heartbeat?

  For a long time, the official listing of new cars will focus on "welfare" promotions, in order to win good market sales. Huawei has found a new way to stand on the "consumer side" and let the rights and protection of the new M7 go together!

  In terms of "welfare", Huawei’s new M7 rights and interests: (Time: 10.8-10)

  ① Dading enjoys 5,000 yuan to deduct 8,000 yuan, and the balance is reduced or exempted;

  ② Give away 12,000 yuan worth of inner and outer decoration matching gold;

  ③ Enjoy a matching right worth 15,000 yuan (as described below);

  Max Smart Driving Edition users can deduct the optional ADS2.0 urban pilot NCA function in equal amounts;

  Plus rear drive version users can equally choose a technology comfort package worth 15,000 yuan;

  Users of all models can also choose a combination of rights and interests worth 15,000 yuan (21-inch wheels worth 10,000 yuan and original rear-installed boutiques 3 choose 1)



  Shortly after the release of the 30,000 yuan rights and interests, the care plan for consumers to "back the bottom" was immediately released: Wenjiexin M7 users who completed the big payment before November 30, 2023 (inclusive), the order status on the AITO App from the date of "the delivery plan has been confirmed" to the date of "the vehicle has arrived at the store", if the corresponding waiting period in the table below is exceeded, the cash subsidy for car pickup will be obtained according to the number of days (the date the vehicle has arrived at the store – the date the delivery plan has been confirmed – the waiting period). The overdue subsidy standard is 200 yuan/day, up to 10,000 yuan.



  Two policies have come out one after another, allowing consumers to call "fun", creating a "Mate7 moment" in which the new M7 is set to break the 70,000 in 45 days. Even Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and chairperson of smart car solutions BU, has to go to the factory to supervise production and quality control. He also personally made a commitment to the market: currently, the Sailis smart factory is working overtime, the entire supply chain has invested more than 1 billion new funds, increased more than 20,000 people, and the new production shifts are 22 hours a day, going all out to ensure delivery! Directly let consumers praise "this wave, stable"!

  Not only is it smart and safe, but the space is also beyond your imagination

  After 25 days on the market, 50,000 orders will be broken, 60,000 orders will be broken in a month, and 70,000 orders will be broken in 45 days. Naturally, this splash of orders cannot be achieved solely by "welfare" and "rights and interests". People are increasingly discovering that the new M7 backed by Huawei is not only full of sincerity, but also extraordinary in the fields of intelligence and security. Even regular items such as space and interiors are impressive.



  The length, width and height of the five seats of the new M7 are 5020 × 1945 × 1760mm respectively. Huawei creatively uses the "room acquisition rate" to tell the market that the body size is not equal to the large space, and the effective interior space is the point that needs to be paid attention to. The five seats of the new M7 have the best effective interior space in the same class, and the "room acquisition rate" of 66.3% leads the same class. The length of the car is 3338mm, which is better than the excellent ideal L7 and BMW X5L in the same class. Each position is very spacious. The trunk depth is 1100mm, and the standard volume can reach 686L, which can easily accommodate 12 20-inch boarding boxes. After the second row of seats is reclined and connected to the trunk, the maximum depth is expanded to 2051mm, which can form a loading space of 1619L, easily accommodate 30 20-inch suitcases, and with the 52L storage compartment of the trunk, the ultimate space efficiency meets the loading needs of family cars. At the same time, the new M7 enjoys a more flexible six-seat layout, providing consumers with more car purchase options.



  In terms of seats, the new M7 focuses on family travel scenarios and comprehensively optimizes the driving experience. The five seats are standard with new "marshmallow" seats, 10 layers of comfortable stacked design, and the total thickness of foam is 100mm; the standard four seats are equipped with ventilation, heating and massage functions, each seat is as comfortable as first class. Through Xiaoyi smart assistant, the double-row nap function of the main and co-pilot can be activated by voice. Enjoy six seats with new zero-gravity seats, allowing users to relieve fatigue while riding, as if they were in a space capsule, bringing ultimate comfort and relaxation experience.



  Backed by Huawei, I thought that the product power of the new M7 in the world was far ahead, but after it went on the market, I found that the original Dading gameplay was also unparalleled. In fact, apart from the surface look of the kernel, these "unattainable" all stem from Huawei’s always standing at the starting point of the user, resulting in the popular fried chicken in the automotive circle and the new M7 in the world. At present, all rights and interests are in place, and the opportunity must not be missed. If you are interested in the new M7 in the world, speed up and rush!

Oil price welcomes 9 yuan era, this year’s listing saves money, inventory of hybrid cars.

  [car home Information] The oil price is about to usher in the "9 yuan" era, and friends around us have begun to succumb and want to change to a more economical car. Unfortunately, not only the oil price has gone up, but also the price of electric vehicles. Tesla and BYD have just announced price adjustments. In the era of high oil prices, hybrid models seem to be an ideal transition choice. Just last year, many car companies also released their own hybrid models. Today, let’s take a look at those hybrid models that have been listed this year and will be listed within 200,000 yuan to help you find more economical cars.

Home of the car

  Many consumers have very high requirements for cars, which require both strong power, money saving and large space. In the past, for pure fuel vehicles, it was very difficult to achieve strong power, large space and fuel economy, because it was a contradiction in itself. Strong power requires large displacement, and it is impossible to save fuel with large displacement. However, the arrival of new energy technologies has perfectly solved these contradictions.

Key hybrid vehicles that have been listed/will be listed within 200,000 yuan in 2022. car make and model grade Energy type Price (ten thousand yuan) BYD destroyer 05 compact car Plug-in hybrid power Not yet announced Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV Compact SUV Plug-in hybrid power Not yet announced Chery tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ Medium SUV Plug-in hybrid power 15.18-16.58 Chang’ an UNI-K iDD Medium SUV Plug-in hybrid power 17.69-19.29 Geely xingyue l Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version of oil and electricity Compact SUV Oil-electric hybrid power Pre-sale of 173,700 yuan Nissan hacker e-POWER Compact SUV Extended range hybrid power Not yet announced

  At present, there are three main types of hybrid models on the market, namely, hybrid electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle and extended-range hybrid vehicle. These three types will be included in the models to be recommended today. The battery of hybrid electric vehicle is small, which mainly depends on pure electric drive at low speed to save fuel. It does not need to be charged separately, and the price of new vehicle is easy to accept, but in terms of fuel economy, it is only slightly lower than that of ordinary fuel vehicle.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  Plug-in hybrid vehicles, compared with ordinary hybrid vehicles, have larger batteries, so they will have better performance in fuel economy. Because it not only works in pure electricity at the starting state, but can completely choose EV pure electricity mode. In this way, pure electric commuting is not a dream in the road sections with more traffic lights in the city. If the daily commuting distance is within a reasonable range, you can basically commute by pure electricity, so in this way, the fuel consumption is actually zero. However, plug-in hybrid vehicles need to be charged separately to give full play to its advantages. If there is no charging pile at home, it will cost some time.

  The extended-range hybrid model is an electric vehicle that does not need to be charged. The engine mainly charges the battery or supplies the generator. Although the fuel consumption is not lower than that of the plug-in hybrid model, it is lower than that of the oil-electric hybrid model, and it also saves the trouble of charging. Next, let’s take a look at the money-saving hybrid models that will be listed within 200,000 yuan this year.

 ● BYD destroyer 05

  BYD is gradually forming a series of marine life mainly equipped with E platform 3.0 pure electricity and a series of warships mainly equipped with DM-i plug-in hybrid technology. The destroyer 05 will be the first model of the warship series, and it will be positioned as a compact car. Its model size is 4780/1837/1495mm, and its wheelbase is 2718mm, which is basically the same as that of Qin PLUS DM-i, and its positioning will also form a complementary relationship with Qin PLUS DM-I. The car is equipped with an 8.8-inch full LCD instrument and a 15.6-inch floating multimedia touch screen.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  The sales of BYD DM-i are booming in 2021, which has a lot to do with BYD’s strategic change. BYD plug-in hybrid models have been sold in the market for many years, and the early publicity point is its powerful power, even the acceleration time of 0-100km/h will be marked at the rear of the car. Last year, BYD changed its thinking and launched a number of DM-i models focusing on fuel-saving routes. After years of deep cultivation in the plug-in hybrid vehicle market and pure electric market, BYD DM-i models were quickly recognized by consumers.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  Compared with the past DM-p models, the DM-i model engine is mainly a naturally aspirated small displacement engine, which increases the cruising range in pure electric mode and makes the comprehensive fuel consumption lower. Although the power is reduced, it is still at an excellent level in ordinary models.

Home of the car

  BYD Destroyer 05 is equipped with Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L engine, which adopts Atkinson cycle working mode and ultra-high compression ratio of 15.5:1. It is a fuel-saving engine. Compared with ordinary engines, it simplifies the engine structure, improves the reliability and makes the power more efficient. On the motor, EHS electromechanical coupling unit adopts double motor design, including driving motor and generator. At medium and low speeds, the motor is mainly used to drive the vehicle, and at high speeds, the engine is used to directly drive the vehicle, and the driving motor is used as power assistance. In addition, the battery is equipped with Ferrous lithium phosphate’s blade battery, which has higher energy density and smaller volume, reducing the occupation of vehicle space.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  From the parameter point of view, the 1.5L engine of destroyer 05 has a maximum power of 110 HP (81 kW) and a maximum torque of 135 Nm. In terms of driving motor, two power versions are provided according to different models, with the maximum power of 180 HP and 197 HP and the maximum torque of 316 Nm and 325 Nm respectively. The comprehensive pure electric cruising range of WLTC is 46km and 101km, respectively. Referring to Qin PLUS, the average fuel consumption given by the owner is 3.8L/100km. Of course, powerful friends can wait for Han DM-i, and its cruising range will be longer in pure electric mode.

 ● Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV

  Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV is positioned as a compact SUV, which will be equivalent to the positioning of Macchiato DHT-PHEV listed last year, forming complementary advantages. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4668/1890/1730mm and its wheelbase is 2745mm, which is obviously slightly larger than that of Macchiato DHT-PHEV. The car is equipped with four screens, including a 14.6-inch central control LCD screen, a 9.2-inch LCD instrument, a 9-inch touch screen and a HUD head-up display.

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  In the future, Wei Pai will promote DHT lemon mixing in all products and gradually transition to the era of new energy. DHT will be the focus of Wei Pai’s future development. At the same time, in terms of new energy technology, Wei Pai will also have two modes: HEV (oil-electricity hybrid) and PHEV (plug-in hybrid).

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  Great Wall DHT is a set of dual-motor high-efficiency hybrid system independently developed by Great Wall Motor for three years. The engine and two motors are connected through a parallel shaft 2-speed reduction mechanism, and the power output relationship between different components is adjusted through a clutch. That is, double motors are used to decouple the same wheel end of the engine to flexibly adjust the working state of the engine. In this way, the following three working modes can be realized: EV, series and parallel mode.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In pure electric mode, the TM main drive motor is driven by the lithium battery to directly drive the vehicle forward, and the engine is in a flameout state; In series mode, the engine runs in the high-efficiency interval to drive the GM motor to generate electricity, and the TM motor drives the wheels to move forward; In parallel mode, the engine drives the wheels through a two-speed reducer, and at the same time, the TM drive motor assists in adjusting the load of the engine.

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  In terms of parameters, the Latte DHT-PHEV is equipped with 1.5T intelligent DHT, with a total system power of 181kW and a peak torque of 532N·m, which will be matched with the DHT130 hybrid gearbox, with an acceleration of 7.5s from 0-100km/h, and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 4.9L/100km, and a full-oil battery life of over 1,000km.

 ● Chery Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+

  In January of this year, the Chery Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ was officially launched, and the price of the new car was 151.8-165.8 thousand yuan. It is a plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUV. Compared with the same price model, the Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ has a larger body size, and it also brings more interior seating space, forming a three-row and seven-seat layout. The interior adopts double 12.3-inch dual-screen design, with built-in high-tech maps, singing bars, iQiyi and other apps, combined with SONY audio, showing a different audio-visual experience.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  Chery Kunpeng Power was released at the Shanghai Auto Show in 2021. It is a global power architecture of Chery 4.0, a hybrid technology platform composed of Chery’s fourth-generation engine and a special DHT hybrid gearbox. Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is the first model of Chery equipped with Kunpeng DHT hybrid power system.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  Chery claims in the advertisement of Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ that the car has 3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds. What is this? Three engines refer to three kinds of power sources, including 1.5TGDI Miller cycle engine with the highest thermal efficiency of more than 45%+DHT double motors (front double motors+rear single motors). Double motors can be driven separately or simultaneously, and generate electricity at the same time. At the same time, DHT has three physical gear ratios.

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  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ can realize pure electric mode and series extended range mode, that is, the engine drives the motor to generate electricity, and the motor drives the wheels, and it can also realize parallel mode, that is, the engine and the motor are driven at the same time. Nine modes can realize high-efficiency working modes such as single/double motor drive, extended range, parallel connection, direct engine drive, single/double motor energy recovery, driving/parking charging, etc. In addition, Chery combined the motor with the transmission to form the DHT hybrid special transmission, thus achieving 11 combination modes and smooth and efficient power output. Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ also has 11 driving scenarios, including starting, medium and low speed, overhead, overtaking, red light, congestion, high speed, long distance, mountain road, high-speed steering, ice/snow/mud/sand.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  In terms of parameters, the Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is equipped with a hybrid power system consisting of front double motor+rear single motor +1.5T engine. The four-wheel drive model with engine+double motor+electric rear axle accelerates for 4.9 seconds at 0-100km/h, and the engine+double motor model accelerates for 7.2 seconds at 0-100km/h. The whole system comes standard with a battery pack of 19.27kWh, and the maximum input torque is 57.

 ● Changan UNI-K iDD

  Changan UNI-K iDD is a plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUV, which just announced the price of the new car, with the price range of 176,900-192,900 yuan. The new car continues the design of the fuel version, and adopts a sporty and futuristic design. At the same time, the interior design is also very layered. The full LCD instrument panel and the suspended central control panel will not be absent from the car.

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  At the Chongqing Auto Show in 2021, Changan released the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, which is a plug-in hybrid system, supporting pure electric mode and hybrid electric mode. This system includes blue whale engine, blue whale transmission, large-capacity battery control system, etc. Changan UNI-K iDD became the first vehicle equipped with the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, and it will be applied to more of its products in the future.

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  The structure of Blue Whale iDD hybrid system is similar to that of plug-in hybrid system of Volkswagen. Both of them adopt P2 hybrid system structure, and the motor is placed between the engine and the transmission. Blue Whale iDD hybrid system adopts core technologies such as high-efficiency and high-pressure hydraulic system, three-clutch integration technology, intelligent electronic double pump technology, etc. The comprehensive efficiency of electric drive of Blue Whale electric drive transmission is 90%, and it has a super-capacity PHEV battery with a battery capacity of 30.7kWh and a pure electric cruising range of 130km. In addition, Changan UNI-K iDD also supports OTA upgrade in full power domain, which can continuously enhance users’ feelings.

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Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  In terms of parameters, Changan UNI-K iDD is equipped with the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T turbocharged four-cylinder engine and an electric motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 170 HP, the maximum torque is 260 Nm, the maximum power of the motor is 116 HP, and the maximum torque is 330 Nm. The transmission system is matched with the Blue Whale three-clutch electric drive gearbox, and the NEDC has a pure electric cruising range of 130 km and a comprehensive cruising range of 1,100 km, which is power-deficient.

 ● Geely Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Edition

  At the end of last year, Geely Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version officially announced the pre-sale price, and the pre-sale price of the new car was 173,700 yuan, which was positioned as a compact SUV. This is a hybrid model based on the Star Yue L model, which is different from the fuel version of Star Yue L in appearance design, mainly reflected in the design of the front grille. In the interior design, the three screens in the car are the biggest highlights, and the use of large-area suede leather fabrics shows the luxury inside the car.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version is equipped with a 1.5T three-cylinder engine code-named DHE15. The three-cylinder engine is smaller, which helps to reduce the volume of the whole hybrid system. For the working conditions where the three-cylinder engine is prone to jitter, such as starting, the system can be driven by a motor to avoid poor working areas. The temperature of compression and combustion process of Miller cycle engine is lower, thus reducing heat transfer loss and saving fuel.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version with high version.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  With the appearance of DHT Pro, Geely hybrid system entered the era of dual motors. Of course, not all the double motors are used to drive the vehicle. The P1 motor is connected with the engine and mainly used to generate electricity, and the P2 motor is responsible for driving the vehicle. Geely has integrated a 3-speed transmission in the P2 drive motor of DHT Pro, which has more gears than ordinary models, and theoretically accelerates more smoothly, so the engine has more chances to be in an efficient working area.

Home of the car

  Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version of the ternary lithium battery pack has a capacity of about 1.8kWh, and the battery pack is located in the channel in the middle of the seat. Compared with the strategy of putting the battery pack under the seat in mainstream hybrid models, this method has less impact on the space of riding and storage, giving consideration to practical performance.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  In terms of parameters, Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version is equipped with a hybrid power system consisting of a 1.5T three-cylinder engine. The maximum power of the engine is 150 HP and the peak torque is 225 Nm. The transmission system adopts a 3-speed electric drive gearbox (DHT Pro). The thermal efficiency of the engine is 43.32%, the fuel saving rate is 40%, the maximum endurance is 1300km with full oil, the acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h is 7.9 seconds, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is 4.3L/100km.

 ● Nissan hacker e-POWER

  After Nissan Sylphy e-POWER, a new generation of hackers will also bring e-POWER models and position compact SUVs. The appearance style of the new hackers is similar to that of the current Qijun, and the new cars look more sporty and flamboyant than the current models. In the interior, the overall design is layered, and the suspended central control panel and full LCD instrument are equipped.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

  E-POWER can be understood as an extended-range hybrid power system equipped with a small-capacity battery. It is an electric vehicle without charging. It is structurally composed of an engine, a generator and a drive motor. The engine is an extended-range generator, which only drives the generator to generate electricity. The generated electric energy will be stored in the battery or directly used as the energy input of the drive motor according to the vehicle working conditions.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

  E-POWER system has a simple structure and no complicated coupling device, which is beneficial to miniaturization and lightweight and is presented in series. In terms of working mode, under low load, the energy of driving motor is completely provided by battery, and the driving mode of vehicle is the same as that of pure electric vehicle. With the increase of vehicle driving load, the output power of the battery can’t meet the demand of the motor. At this time, the engine starts to drive the generator to generate electricity to meet the demand of the motor for electric energy. When the battery power is low, the engine will also start to drive the generator to generate electricity. Part of the generated electricity will be sent to the motor to drive the wheels, and the other part will charge the battery to ensure that the battery power is at an appropriate level.

Home of the car

  In terms of working mode, under low load, the energy of driving motor is completely provided by battery, and the driving mode of vehicle is the same as that of pure electric vehicle. With the increase of vehicle driving load, the output power of the battery can’t meet the demand of the motor. At this time, the engine starts to drive the generator to generate electricity to meet the demand of the motor for electric energy. When the battery power is low, the engine will also start to drive the generator to generate electricity. Part of the generated electricity will be sent to the motor to drive the wheels, and the other part will charge the battery to ensure that the battery power is at an appropriate level.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

  In terms of parameters, the new generation of hacker’s e-POWER model is equipped with a 1.5T variable compression ratio engine with a maximum power of 190 HP, and the front wheels are driven by the motor. There are no parameters for fuel consumption. At present, the comprehensive fuel consumption of Sylphy e-POWER is 3.9L.

 ● Edit Comment:

  Consumers should still decide which model to choose according to their own situation, for example, it is inconvenient to charge, or don’t consider plug-in hybrid vehicles. Hybrid models are more suitable for commuting in cities with congested road conditions. In addition to saving fuel and money, they can also bring you a better driving experience and a smoother feeling on the stop-and-go road. I believe that in 2022, it may be a new year for hybrid vehicles, and oil prices will promote the change of historical wheels, which is similar to the process of Japanese cars knocking on the door of the United States. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

All over the mountains and plains, the Great Wall Cannon Great Wall Cannon all-round family fought in Alashan

  From September 30th to October 3rd, the performance version of Shanhai Gun, off-road gun, artillery and other heavy vehicles of Great Wall Gun, together with powerful vehicles such as Tank 300 and New Haval H5, formed the largest off-road corps, appeared in the "Alashan Heroes’ Club 2023", and gathered with users in the "Great Wall Motor Off-road Base" to make friends with cars and stroll in the sand sea.

  As the leader of pickup trucks, the All-round Family of Great Wall Gun built the pickup truck culture base camp in China with its strong off-road strength, which ignited the off-road pickup truck dream in users’ hearts and led the pickup truck culture to leap upward.

  Great Wall Gun Full Performance Familygo on an expedition/a campaignAlxa Write the lofty sentiments of galloping in the desert

  During the event, the full-performance family models of the Great Wall Cannon were all unveiled, and all over the mountains were Great Wall Cannons. They galloped with users in the vast desert and reveled under the vast starry sky, presenting a "performance pickup truck feast".

  As the leader of pickup truck culture and the leader of users’ co-creation, Great Wall Gun insists on creating user brands with users and empowering pickup truck culture. This Alashan Heroes’ Club is another user-created event after the fourth anniversary of the Great Wall Gun brand ushered in the 500,000-vehicle assembly line. This year’s Heroes’ Club will not only include cross-country events such as Arnaudas U2 Desert Championship, Great Wall Cup T3 Challenge, Artillery League Cup, but also activities such as users’ wave play and modification exhibition, cross-country training camp, light luxury camping in Shanhaiying, desert concert, etc., to play with users and be wild together.

  Great Wall Gun’s all-round performance family not only demonstrated its outstanding performance and leading technology, but also conveyed the spirit of freedom, passion and adventure to users, experienced the fun of "wild" together, and wrote down the lofty aspirations of galloping through the desert.

  The brand strength of Great Wall Gun has been recognized by the market and trusted by users. At present, the Great Wall pickup truck has been the first in sales for 25 consecutive years, and the global cumulative sales volume has exceeded 2.45 million; From January to August this year, the Great Wall pickup trucks sold a total of 135,477 units worldwide, up 7.3% year-on-year, and the domestic terminal market accounted for nearly 50%. For every two pickup trucks sold in China, one was the Great Wall, leading the pickup truck category value in China to jump upward.

  Bigger, stronger and more luxurious Shanhai cannon performance editionStage the ultimate performance aesthetics

  In this "2023 Alashan Heroes’ Club", the performance version of Shanhai Gun started the first test in the desert at the same time, showing off the hard-core off-road strength, and won unanimous praise from the media and user representatives in terms of luxury off-road configuration and long-distance crossing comfort.

  Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is based on the world’s leading intelligent professional off-road tank platform, which perfectly integrates hard-core off-road and intelligent luxury, and redefines hard-core off-road pickup trucks with bigger, stronger and more luxurious hard-core strength.

  The design concept of the performance version of Shanhai Gun originated from the aggressive spirit of China culture "erin brockovich". The exclusive body color of "Golden Armor" symbolizes the cross-country spirit of courage to challenge and constantly break through. Yellow sand wears golden armor in hundreds of battles, and it will never be returned without breaking Loulan. The whole vehicle body is close to the full-size pickup truck. Thanks to the design of shortening the rear suspension, increasing the wheelbase, widening the wheel track and optimizing the shock absorption arrangement, the proportion of the vehicle body is more coordinated, and the driving space is more spacious, bringing a space feeling like first class.

  Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is equipped with the only and most powerful domestic 3.0T V6 engine, matched with 9AT transmission, and comes standard with silicone oil fan with better heat dissipation performance, surging power and always on-line; Standard Borgwarner 4A+MLOCK intelligent four-wheel drive system, equipped with front and rear axle electronically controlled jaw differential locks, to create a real "three locks" in the hearts of off-road players, and equipped with up to 9 all-terrain modes, all-weather, all-road, all-scene off-road needs can be handled freely, showing the ultimate off-road driving pleasure and charm. The original factory is equipped with millions of off-road equipment, such as front and rear metal bumpers, metal side pedals connected to the frame, 18-inch off-road AT tires, K-MAN nitrogen shock absorption, 12,500-pound T-MAX winch and other hard-core equipment, which saves users the troubles of licensing, going on the road, annual inspection and after-sales, and brings amazing new off-road play.

  Highlighting the intelligent experience and high safety performance of the vehicle, Shanhai Gun Performance Edition also gives the optimal solution of off-road+intelligence, with L2-level high-level intelligent driving assistance, which can realize ACC adaptive cruise, intelligent cruise, AEB automatic emergency braking, lane keeping and other functions, giving the pickup a more intelligent and humanized experience with technology.

  It is reported that the performance version of Shanhai Gun will expand the experience of users and the media in mid-October, and start the national pre-sale at the same time. It will be listed in the fourth quarter of this year, with a price of less than 300,000. I believe that with the hard blessing of the performance version of Shanhai Gun, we will be more free, more calm and more extreme in pursuing the mountains and seas in our hearts.

  The Great Wall Gun created the off-road pickup truck culture that belongs to China people alone, so that off-road is no longer a hobby of a few people, but a lifestyle of more people. Great Wall Gun will continue to adhere to category innovation, continuously iterate and consolidate the full-performance family product matrix, so that more users can enjoy a new way of off-road life.

A century-old Volvo will finally be listed in Geely’s hands.

Edit | Paul Yu Pin

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As a global automobile safety benchmark, Volvo’s story began in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1927.

There, Volvo launched its first mass production model OV4, but it was ignored by the market because of its convertible structure design, which failed to take into account the local situation in Sweden.

It was not until the second model, the hard-top car PV4, was introduced that it was turned over by selling 694 cars in two years.

What put Volvo on the right track was the six-cylinder engine model PV651 launched in 1929. After the acquisition of Pentaverken Engine Company in 1935, Volvo was officially listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange.

Ford Motor Company was acquired in 1999 at a cost of US$ 6.45 billion. Later, due to the financial crisis in 2008, it was deeply mired in operating losses and had to sell its brand assets. Among them, Volvo Car was sold to Geely Automobile at a cost of US$ 1.8 billion in 2010, which was more than 70% lower than the original purchase price of US$ 6.45 billion. Ford is an old enemy in Volvo’s development history.

Geely and Volvo’s Ten Years’ Road

March 28th, 2020 is the 10th anniversary of Geely’s acquisition of Volvo, which is why when people talk about Volvo cars, they will mention Geely’s reasons.

Geely’s acquisition of Volvo in that year was enough to be called a snake swallowing an elephant drama. Li Shufu’s desperate saburo mentality made Volvo survive, especially in the second-tier luxury car camp in China market.

By 2018, the sales volume will reach 130,000 vehicles, the global sales volume will exceed 640,000 vehicles, and the brand value will soar from the original $1.8 billion to $18 billion, with a year-on-year increase of over 100%.

Since Geely acquired Volvo in 2010, thanks to the convenience Geely brought to Volvo in terms of channels and production capacity, the sales of Volvo cars in China and around the world have also increased year after year. Since Geely acquired Volvo, Volvo’s annual sales have risen sharply for six consecutive years.

Achieving profitability is just a starter. The highlight is that in 2019, global sales exceeded 700,000 vehicles, with a cumulative sales of 705,400 vehicles. Breaking the highest sales record since 1993, it can be said that Geely is a great benefactor on the road of Volvo’s revival.

Relying on the advantage of Geely’s localization in China, Volvo and Geely also jointly launched a new brand, Lexus, to enter the domestic high-end market. In 2018, the brand sold more than 120,000 vehicles, which almost tied Volvo’s annual sales, and made Great Wall WEY a loser, and established a reputation in the high-end market of domestic cars.

In the past ten years, the sales volume of Volvo cars has increased from 334,800 to 662,000 in 2020, and the China market has become the largest single market for Volvo.

Cars equipped with internal combustion engines have no future.

"Cars equipped with internal combustion engines have no future."

Volvo is full of longing for the future of electric vehicles, and even plans to completely eliminate all internal combustion engine automobile products including hybrid vehicles in 2030. This means that after 10 years, Volvo will bid farewell to fuel vehicles and become a pure electric brand completely.

However, with the current situation of Volvo’s electrification development, it is still far from such a radical plan.

The debut of Volvo’s first pure electric vehicle is long overdue, and the sales volume of electric vehicle brand Polar Star, which was born out of Volvo’s high-performance department specializing in electrification, is also a long story.

Farewell to the fuel truck completely after 10 years, which is quite a bit "desperate". But beyond that, Volvo seems to have no choice.

Volvo wants to rely on two wings when transforming to electrification, one is to rely on Polaris, and the other is to rely on its own hybrid car.

However, nowadays, the development of Polaris is far from optimistic, and hybrid cars are not up to expectations.

In 2017, Volvo’s department specializing in electrification and high performance was separated from Volvo and named Polar Star, officially becoming a brand new and independent electric vehicle brand.

The original intention of separating Polar Star is that Volvo hopes to change its traditional car image by the east wind of new energy, build a new brand with brand-new labels, develop in the direction of high-performance electric vehicles, and compete with Tesla.

Unfortunately, Volvo, which tried to fly with two wings, failed to fly.

Polar Star did not fulfill the dream of Volvo’s high-performance electric vehicle brand as expected. In 2020, the cumulative insurance amount of Polar Star was only 365 vehicles.

In terms of products, the brand positioning of Polar Star and Volvo is one of the major reasons for the poor sales performance of Polar Star.

Polar Star 1 can see the shadow of Volvo S90. The almost identical interior, central control panel and Raytheon’s hammer headlights make people feel that they bought a Volvo for 1.45 million yuan. The design of Polar Star 2 and Volvo 40.2 concept car cannot be said to be very similar, but can only be said to be exactly the same.

The core selling point of Polar Star, which goes out independently, is still the characteristics of environmental protection and performance, which is very similar to Volvo. As long as Volvo introduces pure electric vehicles, it will definitely collide with its own hatched polar star, and its own electric vehicle business coincides with its electric vehicle business, which is not conducive to the development of polar star.

On the other hand, Volvo’s funding for Polar Star is not generous, which makes Polar Star slow in terms of factory construction and retail network construction. This is also reflected in Volvo’s financial report.

According to the financial report, the loss of Polar Star reached 520 million Swedish kronor (about 380 million yuan) in 2018. Perhaps in order to improve cash flow, it was recently reported that Polar Star is promoting financing and will issue an IPO in the future.

Thomas Ingrat, CEO of Polar Star Brand, also confirmed that the goal of Polar Star’s medium and long-term development is very clear, which is to open the door to IPO and stock market.

Get an electric shock before Tesla

But in fact, Volvo is the earliest luxury brand that "gets an electric shock".

As early as 1992, Volvo launched the ECC model, started the exploration of electrification, and launched the ECC model. This car uses gas turbine+electric drive, not only that, but also the whole car is made of recyclable materials.

In 2007, when Europe scoffed at the electrification of automobiles, it was Volvo that released C30 Electric and stood up for electric vehicles. The car is equipped with "DRIVE" powertrain technology, adopts a mid-range battery pack, and has a cruising range of 150km. It takes only 8 hours to fully charge the household charging pile.

At that time, Tesla was only established for more than three years, and its first automobile product Roadster was not released.

Volvo is also the first traditional car company to stand up and specify the time to stop production of traditional fuel vehicles. In July 2017, Volvo announced that it would stop production of fuel vehicles after 2019.

However, all Volvo did was pay lip service. After the timetable of "stopping production of fuel vehicles" was put forward, Volvo’s electric vehicle project did not speed up. It was not until October 2019 that Volvo launched the first pure electric vehicle XC40 RECHARGE.

At the same time, other new energy car companies have accelerated their pace.

In 2017, Tesla set up a branch in China, which achieved sales of more than 20,000 electric vehicles that year. In 2018, Audi e-tron made its debut in China. Soon after, Mercedes-Benz EQC appeared in China.

Volvo’s XC40 RECHARGE is not only a late debut, but also an "oil-to-electricity" model, which is based on the Volvo XC40 fuel version. The product of "oil to electricity" has shortcomings such as short battery life, slow charging, unstable chassis and poor handling since its birth.

In 2020, Volvo XC40 RECHARGE sold only 87 vehicles; In January 2021, its sales volume was 51 vehicles.

Difficult IPO

At present, Geely is considering restarting its subsidiary Volvo’s IPO plan, and Volvo’s valuation may be around 20 billion US dollars.

Geely Holding will negotiate Volvo’s IPO as soon as this year, and consider potential listing sites including Stockholm and Amsterdam.

At present, IPO preparation is still in its infancy, and details such as potential valuation may change. Volvo Cars will also judge various IPO schemes, and if necessary, it will make regulatory disclosure at an appropriate time.

Previously, Geely Holding prepared for the IPO of Volvo Cars in 2018, but investors were hesitant about its valuation of up to 30 billion US dollars, and then Volvo’s listing went nowhere.

It is difficult to go public not only because the valuation is too high, but because Volvo is not worth the valuation.

As we all know, Volvo has got a hard hand in price reduction. The sharp price reduction has temporarily brought about an increase in Volvo’s sales, but it has greatly reduced its brand power and lowered its brand image.

Volvo’s technology has been continuously delegated to Geely, which will undoubtedly greatly reduce its brand image.

Price reduction and technology decentralization have undoubtedly made Volvo lose the dignity and value of luxury brands.

At the same time, it has greatly reduced consumers’ confidence in this brand. With the decline of brand power and consumer confidence, Volvo’s sales growth rate has slowed down significantly.

In terms of product quality, Volvo has also begun to decline.

Although Volvo has always advertised its own safety, frequent quality problems and many large-scale vehicle recalls have torn the label of Volvo’s "safety" completely.

In 2020 alone, Volvo recalled four times, involving more than 530,000 vehicles. Moreover, the number of vehicles recalled due to hidden dangers in seat belts is as high as 245,000.

As the inventor of three-point seat belts, Volvo finally stumbled in its own field, which forced people to re-examine Volvo.

The "low frequency resonance" problem of Volvo’s main sales models has also caused its reputation to decline.

Of course, the manufacturer has not come up with an effective solution, and this problem still plagues many Volvo car owners for a long time. Such quality makes it difficult to link Volvo with the "safety" label again.

As the brand image goes from bad to worse, the brand power is greatly reduced and quality problems appear frequently, Volvo’s future road becomes more and more difficult.

With the intensification of competition, even if Volvo goes public smoothly in the future, it will worry about the stock price.

The reputation of Tang DM series has exploded! Once again, it won the first place in the sales of medium and large SUVs, and more Tang DM-p was ready to go.

According to the latest sales data released by the Ride Association, BYD Tang (parameter picture) sold 10,107 new energy vehicles in April, of which Tang DM series sold nearly 9,000 vehicles, which continued to sell well, beating Li ONE and winning the first place in the medium and large SUV market, confirming its strong strength and leading position in the field of plug-and-mix.

The sales momentum is strong, and Tang DM series leads the brand to continue to rise.

In April, under the influence of the repeated spread of COVID-19 epidemic, the national passenger car market was hit hard, and the sales volume decreased by 34% compared with that in March, among which new energy was also affected by the current epidemic, with a decrease of 36.5% compared with that in March. Due to the impact of epidemic situation and the shortage of market supply chain, it is not easy for BYD Tang DM series to achieve such sales performance. By direct comparison, Li ONE, which is also the head camp of medium and large SUVs, delivered only 4,167 units in April, while Toyota Highlander sold 6,645 units, both of which were greatly reduced.

Behind the hot sale of Tang DM series, it not only highlights the technical advantages of BYD’s self-production and self-research in the whole industry chain, but also highlights that its word-of-mouth advantage is being widely recognized by more and more consumers. At present, in the attention ranking of market segments, the Tang DM series has been ahead of the top three German companies: Mercedes-Benz GLC, Audi Q5L and BMW X3, and has finished overtaking the traditional fuel SUV of luxury brands in corners with new energy, leading the high-end SUV of China brand to break through continuously, and has achieved initial results.

The flagship is evolving again, and the product matrix of Tang DM series is about to be upgraded again.

For a long time, BYD has anchored the market pain points with its innovative technical strength, bringing subversive product performance. Among them, Tang DM-i has a comprehensive cruising range of up to 1050km under the joint action of Xiaoyun-plug-in special turbocharged 1.5Ti high-efficiency engine, EHS electric hybrid system and other high-efficiency core components, bringing the ultimate performance, and relying on the wheelbase of 2820mm, it has the advantages of occupying 7 large seats, being large and economical, and has won wide popularity in the market and consumers.

At the same time, in the face of consumers’ increasingly diversified product demands, Tang DM series has continued to evolve, and Tang DM-p is about to strike with extreme performance strength, combining with Tang DM-i to form a "super ip" combination. BYD Tang DM series will once again subvert the new height of hard-core strength of medium and large SUVs, lead the car experience to a new level with industry-leading performance and efficiency, and its sales volume is expected to further increase.


The word-of-mouth and sales continued to generate, which confirmed that Tang DM-i was a well-deserved 200,000-class home SUV. Under the great opportunity of the rapid rise of new energy, market competition has been launched around the competition of hard-core technical strength, and products that can truly meet the diversified needs of users can stand out. From this point of view, BYD Tang DM series has taken the lead, and in the future, it will lead China brand to break through together with other models of Tang family.

The maximum battery life is 715KM, and the monthly electricity bill is only 126 yuan. Is BYD Han EV fragrant?

Among the new energy vehicles, BYD Han EV (parameter picture) has always had a good sales volume. In the past May, the sales volume also exceeded 10,000 units, which still has a high popularity in the market. The 2022 model has also been improved in battery life, with a maximum battery life of 715 kilometers. At present, BYD Han EV is selling a total of 8 models, of which 4 models are 2022, and the price range is 269,800 ~ 329,800. We recently experienced the 715KM flagship model of the Han EV 2022 Genesis Edition with the official guide price of 287,500. Today, let’s talk about this car.

Stylish appearance, in line with the public aesthetic;

In terms of appearance, the 2022 BYD has only made some minor adjustments, and the front face looks more concise. The headlights on both sides of the front are long and narrow, and are connected by a bright chrome trim, and the Chinese character logo in the middle is very recognizable. In addition, the raised ribs on the hood with the black lower surround below add a sense of strength and movement.

Viewed from the side, the lines of BYD Han EV are very smooth and have good flow linearity. The suspended roof and the shape of the big slip back make the body look slender. The sharp double waistline design, hidden door handle, chrome-plated identity nameplate and chrome trim of the side skirt car create a good fashion atmosphere. In terms of size, the length, width and height of BYD Han EV are 4995x1910x1495 mm and the wheelbase is 2920 mm respectively. The size has reached the level of medium and large family cars.

The tail shape of BYD Han EV is relatively simple, and the through taillights are blackened, and the interior is decorated with elements similar to "Chinese knots", which looks better after lighting. The bottom is surrounded by black to highlight the layering.

Interior configuration and space performance:

Entering the car, BYD Han EV adopts a classic "T" layout, with reasonable distribution of functional areas and convenient operation. The multifunctional steering wheel covered with leather has a good grip. The 12.3-inch full LCD instrument screen in front of the steering wheel displays all kinds of information of the vehicle. In addition, this car is equipped with the HUD head-up display function, which is convenient for the driver to check the vehicle information. The 15.6-inch floating central control panel in the central control area is eye-catching, with a built-in intelligent car system, which supports online GPS navigation, Hicar, car networking and OTA upgrade. Various entertainment apps can meet the needs of young people for car entertainment.

In terms of assisted driving, BYD Han EV is equipped with L2 automatic driving function, which supports lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, lane merging assistance, road traffic sign recognition, adaptive cruise and full-speed adaptive cruise. At the same time, it is also equipped with 360 panoramic images, 540 panoramic images, panoramic sunroof opening, keyless entry, remote start and other functions. In terms of configuration, it is still relatively rich, which can effectively improve driving safety.

As a medium and large family car, BYD Han EV has a good space performance. The front seat is designed in one piece, and the leather filler is also full. In addition, it supports electric adjustment, heating, ventilation and seat memory functions, which has a degree of comfort.

Adjust the comfortable driving posture in the front seat, and the experiencer with a height of 172CM will have plenty of room when he comes to the back, and there will be about three punches in the leg space. Because this car has a big slip-back shape, it will have a certain impact on the head space in the back row, but there will also be nearly one punch. Coupled with the blessing that can open the panoramic sunroof, there will be no sense of oppression. In addition, the almost flat platform is also a plus item, even if the passengers sitting in the middle can maintain a comfortable sitting position, they will not "squat".

In terms of storage space, the trunk space of BYD Han EV is not very large, but the opening is low, which is convenient for taking and putting luggage, and the internal space is relatively flat, which can put down two suitcases of about 20 inches. In addition, it is also equipped with an electric tailgate, which is very convenient to use.

Power and endurance performance:

In terms of power, this BYD Han EV adopts the layout of a front-mounted single motor, with the maximum power of 180 kW and the maximum torque of 350 Nm. This power system is not dragging its feet when driving in the city, and its dynamic response is relatively fast. You can get good feedback by pedaling lightly, and you can be handy when starting or overtaking. In addition, like most trams, Han EV runs smoothly and its power output is very linear. McPherson-style independent suspension+multi-link-type independent suspension chassis design and adjustment are relatively comfortable, and some fine shocks can be well filtered out, even if there are some speed bumps and potholes in the car, there will be no obvious bouncing feeling, which has better riding comfort.

In terms of battery life, the official battery life of this car is 715KM, which is improved compared with the 605KM long battery life version of the 2021 model. At the same time, it supports fast charging mode, and it takes only half an hour to charge from 30% to 80%. Longer battery life itself has reduced certain battery life anxiety, and with the blessing of fast charging mode, battery life anxiety is further reduced, which can meet more car scenes. Whether it is traveling in the city or going out for a long trip, it can be satisfied.

Car cost:

From the perspective of vehicle cost, the cost of electric vehicles is lower than that of fuel vehicles.

From the maintenance point of view, the first maintenance of BYD Han EV is carried out at the time of 5,000 kilometers or three months, and only some routine inspections are needed, and the cost is not much in 300 yuan. After that, the maintenance frequency should be 20,000 kilometers or once every 12 months.

In terms of energy consumption, according to the official power consumption of 13.5kWh/100km, if the household electricity consumption is 0.56 yuan/kWh, the electricity bill for driving 20,000 kilometers by Han EV is about 1,512 yuan, which is only 126 yuan per month when the mileage of driving 20,000 kilometers a year is added. Compared with the current "high" oil price, it is really cost-effective. However, this is only in the case of a household charging pile. If there is no charging pile at home, you need to go to a third-party charging pile to charge, and the cost will be relatively expensive. This depends on the actual use, but it should not be more expensive than the oil price.

Generally speaking, the performance of BYD Han EV is relatively balanced in all aspects, the appearance is fashionable and conforms to the public aesthetic, the interior has a certain texture and rich configuration, and the interior space can also meet the needs of family cars. In addition, from the point of view of battery life and power performance, the battery life of 715 kilometers can meet most people’s car scenes, and the power is strong and easy to drive. The most important thing is that the cost of car use is really much more affordable than that of fuel vehicles, which is a good model. So in the end, what do you think of this BYD Han EV? Welcome to have an interactive discussion with us in the comment area.

The NCA smart driving experience in the urban area is amazing, and the M5 smart driving version of AITO is stable this time!

Recently, AITO Wujie M5 Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition (Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition) has carried out a large-scale in-depth media test drive throughout the country, showing its hard-core strength in the field of NCA intelligent driving in urban areas for the majority of media friends. Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 Advanced Intelligent Driving System (HUAWEI ADS 2.0), which shines brilliantly in the actual urban sections and gives a perfect performance of nearly perfect score. At the same time, the powerful power system of the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition and the top experience of HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 make its name "Double Intelligent Ceiling" worthy of the name.

You can "see" the road without relying on high-precision maps.

The M5 intelligent driving version of Wenjie is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0, which realizes the NCA intelligent driving navigation without relying on high-precision maps. Recently, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, said that the M5 version of Zhijie has started the nationwide large-scale delivery of new cars, and the latest version of the system will be officially upgraded by OTA at the end of June, bringing better smart driving experience to users. It is expected that in Q3 this year, 15 cities will be opened for commercial use without maps, officially opening a new era of high-level intelligent driving in urban areas.

Thanks to the multi-sensor fusion perception system, Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition combines with road prediction neural network to realize the correlation of traffic elements, topological reasoning of road structure, and the matching between navigation map and real road, so that cars can "see" the road. HUAWEI ADS 2.0 can help drivers get rid of the trouble of taking care of mobile navigation while driving, give full play to the advantages of NCA’s intelligent navigation function, and realize a wider range of point-to-point high-order intelligent driving on the road, which is not only safe and reliable, but also makes driving easier.

The sense of security of intelligent driving also comes from accurate identification and accurate prediction of potential dangers. Not only in the highway section, but also in the urban section where people commute on weekdays, in the face of the scene of traffic and mixed people and cars, obstacles in the white list such as people and cars can be accurately identified by the fusion perception BEV bird’s eye view network in HUAWEI ADS 2.0 under the "God’s perspective". On this basis, abnormal obstacles such as water horses, mounds or sundries, fallen trees, etc., which are not listed on the white list, can also be pioneered by GOD’s general obstacle detection technology in the industry, and accurately capture and avoid risks through the simultaneous input of lidar and visual meeting.

After AI training, Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition has built a rich scene library to deal with various difficult scenes. When the right-hand vehicle overtakes, the left-hand vehicle comes from the rear, and there are big cars driving in front and behind, etc., on the premise of ensuring safety, the vehicles can make their own decisions and take actions such as slowing down and merging and speeding up overtaking. Whether it’s a "ghost probe" where the other side’s car is dazzling and the driver’s vision is blocked, or it encounters bad weather and insufficient light, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 can cope with and resolve it, and incorporate practical experience into its own database, and continue to iterate and optimize, becoming more and more like an "old driver" with rich practical driving experience.

Intelligent at the same time, performance is not inferior.

Not only that, the M5 version also has a 4-second acceleration performance, which brings strong power output to drivers. At the same time, its super-long cruising range reaches 1400km+, providing users with more lasting driving pleasure and convenience. Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition upgraded the all-aluminum chassis, replaced it with 1.5T all-aluminum four-cylinder range extender 4.0, and successfully "slimmed down" 20kg. Comprehensive weight reduction and HUAWEI DriveONE intelligent electric drive platform, combined with front double wishbone and rear multi-link suspension configuration, provide sports car-level handling performance.

Under the condition of full fuel and full charge, the maximum comprehensive cruising range of the extended range version (rear drive) of the M5 intelligent driving version is 1425km, and the pure electric cruising range of CLTC is upgraded to 255km. Even if you travel across provinces in go on road trip for a long distance, you can make sure that you don’t need to replenish energy frequently. The Wujie M5 pure electric intelligent driving version is equipped with a golden four-wheel drive combination consisting of a front AC asynchronous motor and a rear permanent magnet synchronous motor, which gives perfect consideration to power and economy. HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system also greatly reduces the shaking of vehicles on bumpy roads, greatly improves driving comfort, and brings users top-level driving control, stronger power, lower energy consumption, quieter driving experience and more comprehensive safety protection.

On the other hand, in terms of passive safety, the M5 intelligent driving version is armed to the teeth. Advanced body structure design and high-strength body materials make the vehicle more sturdy and stable, and provide reliable passive safety guarantee for drivers and passengers. No matter what kind of accident, passengers can always get the most effective protection.

This large-scale national media in-depth test drive, asked the M5 version of the smart drive to get a wide range of good feedback from the media, affirming its excellent smart drive experience and excellent product strength. Nowadays, the M5 version of Zhijie has been delivered nationwide on a large scale, bringing consumers a brand-new experience of high-level intelligent driving. With the large-scale delivery of the M5 Smart Drive Edition and the implementation of the 15-city map-free plan in Q3, we are moving towards a smarter and safer travel era. Let’s look forward to the great changes that technology will bring to our future life!

The network police of public security organs stationed in Tik Tok capital are sought after.

  Beijing Morning News (Chief reporter Zhang Jingya) The Beijing Morning Post reporter learned yesterday that the first batch of 170 cyber police units of provincial and municipal public security organs will collectively settle in the short video platform of vibrato by opening special work accounts. Among the government affairs numbers of cyber police, the official account of the Cyber Security Corps of Beijing Public Security Bureau "Capital Cyber Police" has become the focus of much attention. At present, the video content released by "Capital Cyber Police" has been played nearly 100 million times, and the number of likes has reached more than 5.2 million times, ranking among the top in Tik Tok government affairs numbers of all cyber police departments in China.

  "Vivid and vivid content, easy-to-understand language style, and popular forms of communication not only help to show the work style of the people’s police in the new era, but also make network security propaganda and legal education spread in a new form, which is actively supported and fully recognized by young users." Liang Liming, a cyber policeman, said that since the "Capital Cyber Policeman" entered the Tik Tok platform, it has promoted the publicity of cyber legal system and practiced the purpose of "serving the people" by publishing daily police work, anti-fraud knowledge and current affairs hotspots in a rich, diverse and "grounded" form.

  The reporter found that the "Capital Cyber Police" account closely followed the "trend", used flash subtitles and humorous dubbing to simulate the scene of telephone fraud, and successively launched two seasons of original videos of "killing a liar in one sentence" to give advice to netizens on how to deal with the scam skillfully, with a broadcast volume of 33 million times and more than 2,400 comments. Users have said that they are "interesting, informative and useful, and like it for the network police." The reporter saw one paragraph, "liar: hello, sir, we just found out that your credit card spent 1.8 million in Thailand yesterday. Is it your own operation?" Me: Yes, the elephant I bought yesterday, what happened? "

  In addition, the "Capital Cyber Police" combined with the high-incidence fraud means in real life, such as job hunting after graduation, making friends online, pretending to be a public security organ, and produced a series of sitcom "Cyber Police Classroom" to interpret network security knowledge, which was widely recognized by netizens. Up to now, the cumulative broadcast volume has reached more than 3.7 million times, and it has been praised 140,000 times. After Didi Yueqing hitchhiking incident, the "Capital Cyber Police" immediately released a safety reminder video through Tik Tok, instructing netizens how to set the location of emergency contacts to share their trips and how to ask for help quickly in an emergency. At present, the video has been praised by netizens for more than 243,000 times.