"Looking for a partner" is a rising wind and a small red book

"I am looking for a travel partner on May 1, and my friends have all gone home. I don’t want to go out to play alone."

"Take a reading partner and share the list of books recently read and planted grass with each other."

Recently, partner culture is very popular on the Internet. Partner, a new social relationship, focuses on precise companionship in the vertical field. According to different personal needs, it can be subdivided into "online at any time and lose contact after work", "paid toilet, two-person trip", and "like-minded, go to the dining hall together". During the May Day holiday, many people posted on social platforms, asking for "travel partners" to travel together.


Source: Little Red Book

There is no doubt,Partner, a relationship between close friends and strangers and linked by interests, has become a new favorite of young people.. In Tik Tok, the topic of # rice partner has been played 5.95 billion times, and the number of # game partner has been played 4.62 billion times. The traffic is remarkable.

In Xiaohongshu, the "trend distribution center", he boarded the hot search platform by "looking for a meal partner", and the user @ Xiaoxing Chip "opened his mind" in Xiaohongshu: just have a new meal partner, go to the store with the meal partner, and unlock a restaurant that he always wanted to go but didn’t make it. In the notes, she described in detail the precautions before, during and after the blind date, and won 12,000 praises.

At the same time, Xiaohongshu has also set off a wave of online "looking for partners", and users have written down their own "professional counterparts" to open up their own circle of friends in addition to traditional acquaintances.

Behind the prevalence of "partner culture", does it reflect the new social solution of Xiaohongshu?

01. Find a partner in Xiaohongshu

"I don’t know if I came back from my nap. In short, I fell asleep smoothly today, and I didn’t feel like I had a headache before. "

In Xiaohongshu, @ Yangyangzi loves to fish, so she took a photo. She covered a blanket with her nap and huddled on a mat about 1 meter in Zhang Kuan, sleeping soundly on the office floor. The existence of a nap partner makes the nap time in the office instantly warm and natural.

Of course, some people get their partners, and some people lose their partners. After the partners who eat together at work leave their jobs, Ms. @ Bajiao posted in Xiaohongshu to express her pain, but the roar of "Swallow, can’t I live without you?" Swallow didn’t win the return of the other party.


Xiaohongshu blogger @ Yangyangzi loves fishing, @ Ms. Banana

Partnering is gradually becoming a new social trend.. Choose incense between going to work and making progress, choose funny young people between making money and making friends, and choose partners between strangers and close friends.

According to the data of DT Research Institute, more than half of the people have at least one partner, and more than half of them want to have a partner. Only 4.2% of the total number of people explicitly refuse to socialize with their partners. At the same time, the qualities that people value most in the partner are congenial, easy-going and generous, which can be called the "three virtues" of the partner and also reflect the relationship needs of contemporary young people.

When the existing interpersonal relationship is not enough to meet their own communication needs, it is particularly important to find a partner who shares their hobbies.

In Xiaohongshu, you can also brush a variety of "seeking partners" notes.. In a note looking for a "weekend partner", blogger @-ZQ. explained his hobbies and needs for a "partner" in detail. For her, finding a partner is because "there are a lot of ideas but not many of them have been realized. Friends are all in love at work, not always dating." The "light relationship" between strangers and close friends can fully meet her needs.

In addition, there is also a "reading partner". Bloggers hope that two people can inspire each other, give each other different opinions and thoughts, "hug each other", and hope to relieve anxiety through hugging, "make an appointment with each other", find good mountains and waters to take photos together, and improve each other’s portrait skills … NoWhether it is a flat or refined version of intimate relationship, these notes bear the curiosity and expectation of young people to broaden their social circles, and there are many people in the comment area who raise their hands to sign up.

In Xiaohongshu, there are also a few notes sharing their happy experiences after finding like-minded partners. After successfully finding a travel partner who can travel together, the user @ Gungun wants to lose weight and released his experience of a half-day trip to the zoo+dazzling rice, detailing his happiness after "team success". This kind of social relationship, which does not need daily maintenance, only meets each other’s needs, has its charm.


Little Red Book users @ Gungun wants to lose weight, @-ZQ.

There is also Xu Zhong who has the same experience. Previously, Xiaohongshu had pushed her some mbti-related analysis and stalk maps. When she was writing a little red book, she came across an "INTP making friends". The other party was not in the same city as her, but their interests and hobbies overlapped. After quickly leaving a message under this note, she quickly received a reply from the other party. Soon after, the chat battlefield between the two sides moved to WeChat, and both of them felt that the chat fit was very high. "I discovered the other me to some extent."

Of course, "finding a partner" is not completely risk-free. Short and fast social interaction may also bring "throwing the sun" friendship, or accurately "stepping on the thunder" during travel.

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

In Xiaohongshu, a user posted a warning, "Don’t trust the posts that find chat partners", and listed all kinds of wonderful things that she encountered when looking for chat partners, including but not limited to asking Su Yanzhao when chatting partners came up, posting just to add heat to her account.

Even a carefully screened partner can be disappointing. The "seekers" who thought that their desire to express and talk would be completely accepted by the other party only found that this kind of social interaction itself was like "unpacking the blind box" after adding the other party’s friends. The expected high-quality chat always ended in the other party’s almost no reply, and then they realized that "they would never find a chat partner again" and "it was too internal friction to wait for the chat partner to reply to the message every day", and they were determined to turn the focus of their lives back to themselves.

02. Young people "find a partner", and the base camp is in Xiaohongshu.

It seems that this is not the first time that Little Red Book has shown its social potential.

Outdoor sports may be one of the earliest social dividends. Previously, Xiaohongshu was known as a trend culture distribution center, and the frisbee sports and camping that young people were keen on made their fortune in Xiaohongshu. Taking Frisbee as an example, this sport, which is not very popular, has attracted a large number of trendy men and women to punch cards, and the crowd increment has been significantly improved. With the blessing of professional events and clubs in the later stage, it has gradually become a national trend.

At present, Little Red Book is still the most active platform for Frisbee. Under related topics, many people directly link it with social activities, especially after it is linked with "making friends in the same city", the sport quickly expands its circle and becomes a trend social way.


Source: Little Red Book

Nowadays, the "partner culture" is on fire in Xiaohongshu, and there are also many notes with the topic of "finding partners" to find "alliances" in outdoor activities such as frisbee, camping and hiking.In essence, this has become a new social way for young people.These notes often have labels such as "Making friends in the same city" and "Where are you going on XX weekend", while searching for keywords in Xiaohongshu, the topic of "Making friends in Beijing" has been viewed more than 93 million times, and the social genes of the platform can be seen.

The "partner culture" gives young people a breakthrough in socializing in Xiaohongshu. What’s more interesting is that these social behaviors may not be the result of the official intentional guidance, but more based on the spontaneous generation of the platform ecology, and then the official traffic blessing will help the rapid growth of the content sector.

Why the little red book? Kasi believes that Xiaohongshu takes a path of "content-driven socialization and social consumption". The real sharing atmosphere of the platform, the low threshold of graphics and text, and the strong willingness of users have jointly created the social potential of Xiaohongshu.

In essence, Xiaohongshu is still a comprehensive content exchange community based on UGC, and users’ individual experience sharing and grass shopping strategies almost account for half of the content in the station. With the expansion of the life dimension covered by the platform, "sharing" and "truth" have become the core keywords of Xiaohongshu’s self-creation in recent years.

When talking to Liu Qing, Xiaohongshu COO Conan said, "Many platforms are more about recording and self-expression. What we cut in at that time was sharing. Sharing must be hoping to help others, encourage sharing itself, and become a community atmosphere, making everyone more willing to share. "

Xiaohongshu understands the user’s behavioral logic. When individual experience is not enough to support an action, they often refer to the opinions of others, and such content can be found everywhere in Xiaohongshu, such as platform questioning posts and raiders posts; At the same time,The community culture of Xiaohongshu is divided into interest and hobby. When interest becomes an important link in the link relationship, socialization naturally comes into being.

In Xiaohongshu, dating, looking for a partner, cooking tea around the stove, feeding cats at home, and even looking for coser to play a boyfriend are all social behaviors that actually happen between users.

Of course, it’s not just the little red book that makes social efforts. In the era of striving for user stock, content platforms are trying their best to strengthen socialization and keep users on the platform with social closed loop. Among them, how to design user interaction has become a part that ambitious platforms must solve.

Creating a lifestyle may be one of the common directions of content platforms.For example, slogan in Aauto Quicker "embraces every life", Tik Tok "records a beautiful life", and slogan in Xiaohongshu has moved from "foreign good things" to "marking my life".

Tik Tok’s water testing socialization began in 2017. At the "Today’s Headline Creators’ Conference", Zhang Yiming announced that he would move from "smart recommendation" to "smart socialization". In the following years, Tik Tok made many moves to explore social interaction, such as "multi-flash" and "flying chat" on the off-site online APP, but all ended up off the shelf. In 2019, Tik Tok began to test the group chat section in the station, and then tested a number of functions around making friends, such as live voice dating, connection, video calling, watching videos together, friends in the same city, daily life and so on.

In comparison,Xiaohongshu has more potential and advantages in social interaction, but how to guide users’ spontaneous behavior into the correct position is a problem that Xiaohongshu needs to think about.

Last October, Xiaohongshu tested the new function "Voice Live", which focuses on voice socialization. Users can create open rooms and discuss many topics of interest with strangers. Functionally, it can be called Little Red Book Voice Chat Room, which aims to strengthen users’ social behavior.

In February of this year, after several rounds of internal testing, the platform launched the "group chat" function again, continuing to break the social model of acquaintances based on reality and linking strangers with hobbies. In the group chat square, users can choose the content they are interested in and click Apply to join. At present, the founders of group chat include brands and merchants, as well as experts and amateur bloggers. At the same time, for close friends to socialize, Xiaohongshu also launched a "howling" function to receive photos shared by friends.


Xiaohongshu qunliao plaza

However, in order to really enjoy the "social" bonus, Little Red Book still has many problems to explore.

The new M7 in the world is set to exceed 80,000 vehicles, and the smart car ETF(159888) rose in intraday trading.

Today, the three major indexes opened higher and went lower, and the smart car ETF(159888) rose against the market, up to 10:17, with an increase of 0.62%. The positions of Guangting Information, Dongjian Technology and Zhongke Chuangda all rose more than 5%, and Luchang Technology, Hudian Shares and Wanji Technology all followed suit.

In the news, the new M7 in the world has exceeded 80,000 vehicles in 50 days since its listing, and the sales data of other new energy vehicle companies in October collectively appeared. Among the new forces, the monthly delivery of LI exceeded 40,000 vehicles for the first time, and the delivery of Xpeng Motors exceeded 20,000 vehicles, which made the automobile market "Silver Ten" full of background color.

Smart car ETF closely tracks CS Smart Car Index. From the perspective of the weight distribution of Shenwan secondary industries, the constituent stocks are mainly distributed in high-quality industry tracks such as electronics, computers, automobiles and communications, with distinct scientific and technological attributes. From the perspective of more exposed concepts, Smart Car Index is mainly exposed to automobiles, consumer electronics and Huawei-related concepts.

Founder Securities said that with the acceleration of the application of NOA in cities and the continuous landing of automatic driving systems at L3 and above, advanced assisted driving is gradually becoming standard. Thanks to the gradual maturity of hardware platform and software algorithm, the second half of autonomous driving is coming, and commercial vehicle autonomous driving takes the lead in entering the stage of commercial operation.

In 2018, a big wave of new policies will be related to your "wallet" from July 1.

  In a blink of an eye, 2018 is about halfway through. In July, there is a big wave of new policies about your wallet: the reduction of tariffs on imported consumer goods, the cancellation of traffic roaming fees, etc. What other new policies are there?

  1 enterprise employees’ pensions shall be subject to the central adjustment system.

  The State Council recently issued the Notice on Establishing the Central Adjustment System of the Basic Endowment Insurance Fund for Enterprise Employees, and decided to establish the central adjustment system of the endowment insurance fund, which will be implemented on July 1, 2018. On the basis of the current provincial overall planning of basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees, a central adjustment fund for old-age insurance will be established, and the old-age insurance funds in various provinces will be appropriately adjusted to ensure that basic pensions are paid in full and on time.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that the implementation of the central fund transfer system will not increase the burden on enterprises and individuals and will not affect the treatment of retirees. First, do not increase the proportion of contributions paid by enterprises and individual employees. The establishment of a central fund adjustment system is mainly to adjust the surplus and deficiency of funds between provinces. The total income and expenditure of the national endowment insurance fund in the current period has not changed, and enterprises and individual employees do not need to pay extra fees, which will not increase the overall burden of society. Second, it will not change the current pension insurance benefits calculation and adjustment methods, and will not affect the personal benefits of retirees. In some provinces, the amount of funds borrowed is greater than the amount of funds allocated. In these provinces, the burden of old-age care is relatively light and the fund support ability is strong. After adjustment, it will not affect the timely and full payment of current pensions. In some provinces, the amount of funds allocated is greater than that of the above solution. Through adjustment, the pressure of fund payment can be appropriately alleviated, and the basic pension can be better guaranteed to be paid in full and on time.

  2. Adjustment of social security payment base

  Many places in the country have successively announced the social security payment base in 2018. Taking Beijing as an example, the lower limit of the payment base for employees participating in basic old-age insurance and unemployment insurance is 40% of the average monthly salary of employees in Beijing in 2017, with a minimum of 3,387 yuan, which is 305 yuan higher than last year; For employees who participate in basic medical insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance, the minimum payment base is 60% of the average monthly salary of employees in this city in 2017, with a minimum of 5,080 yuan, up 456 yuan from last year.

  Social security payment is related to the treatment of the insured after retirement. Only when a certain payment level is reached can a better treatment level be achieved. If the payment level is too low, the pension level is still low. In other words, the payment level will increase with the increase of average salary, and the future treatment level will also increase.

  3. The tax incentives for scientific and technical personnel will be "received"

  The Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the Notice on Individual Income Tax Policies for Scientific and Technological Personnel to Earn Cash Rewards from Their Post Scientific and Technological Achievements, which made it clear that since July 1, 2018, non-profit research and development institutions and institutions of higher learning approved according to the law on promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the cash rewards given to scientific and technological personnel from their post scientific and technological achievements can be included in the "salary and salary income" of scientific and technological personnel in the current month at a reduced rate of 50%, and personal income tax can be paid according to law.

  It is cheaper to import daily consumer goods.

  With the approval of the State Council, the MFN tariff rate of some consumer goods will be reduced from July 1, 2018, involving 1449 tax items, and the average tax rate will be reduced from 15.7% to 6.9%, with an average decrease of 55.9%. Reduce the average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes and hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products from 15.9% to 7.1%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators from 20.5% to 8%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing and some medical and health products will be reduced from 8.4% to 2.9%.

  5. Tariff reduction of imported cars and parts.

  With the approval of the State Council, from July 1, 2018, the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% will be reduced to 15%, with tax reductions of 40% and 25% respectively; The tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% will be reduced to 6%, with an average tax reduction of 46%.

  6. The vehicle purchase tax will be levied on the trailer by half.

  The Ministry of Finance, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the Announcement on Reducing Vehicle Purchase Tax on Trailers. From July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021, the vehicle purchase tax will be reduced by half. The date of purchase shall be determined according to the issuance date of the Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales, Special Payment Letter for Customs Tariff or other valid documents.

  7. Preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investment individuals.

  The Notice on Tax Policies for Venture Capital Enterprises and Angel Investors jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China promoted the preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors, that is, the preferential policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors to invest in seed-stage and start-up technology-based enterprises, and the taxable income was deducted by 70% of the investment amount, which was implemented nationwide by eight pilot areas of comprehensive innovation reform and Suzhou Industrial Park.

  This Notice clarifies that the personal income tax policy for angel investment will be implemented as of July 1, 2018, and other policies will be implemented as of January 1, 2018; The above-mentioned tax policy can be applied to the investment that occurred within 2 years before the implementation date and has been invested for 2 years after the implementation date and meets the prescribed conditions.

  8. Traffic "roaming" fee is cancelled.

  On June 22nd, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom successively announced that, starting from July 1st, 2018, the roaming fee will be cancelled, and the provincial traffic of new and old mobile phone users will be upgraded to domestic traffic (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan traffic).

  Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a series of measures to reduce the growth rate of mobile traffic, including: from July 1, the "roaming" fee for mobile traffic will be cancelled, and basic telecommunications companies will be encouraged to launch large-flow packages. The average unit price of mobile traffic will be reduced by more than 30% during the year. Further reduce household broadband charges and international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan roaming charges. Promote enterprises to optimize and streamline tariff packages, and study and introduce relevant policies and measures to standardize tariff management. Support all localities to expand the coverage of wireless networks in public places and provide users with free Internet access services.

  9. Some high-speed rail tickets are discounted by 6.5%

  Starting from July 5 this year, the announced fares of high-speed trains running on the six sections of Hefei-Wuhan, Wuhan-Yichang, Guiyang-Guangzhou, Liuzhou-Nanning, Shanghai-Nanjing and Nanjing-Hangzhou were optimized and adjusted. This time, it is clear that the published fare is the highest price limit. Railway-related enterprises can lower the fare within the price limit by season, time, seats and sections according to the passenger flow, with a maximum discount of 6.5%. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  10. Tianjin will raise the unemployment insurance standard from July 1st.

  A few days ago, Tianjin issued a notice, starting from July 1 this year, it will raise the unemployment insurance payment standard.

  According to the "Notice on Improving the Payment Standard of Unemployment Insurance in Tianjin", if the payment period is from the first month to the twelfth month, the monthly payment standard will be raised from 1150 yuan to 1240 yuan; For the 13th to 24th months, the monthly payment standard was raised from 1,110 yuan to 1,200 yuan, respectively increasing the 90 yuan.

  The standard of one-time living allowance for farmers’ contract workers was raised from the current monthly payment standard of 690 yuan to 744 yuan, with an increase of 7.83% in 54 yuan. (Gao Chang/Compilation)

1+1 Watching Brazil: Football, Brazil’s Business Card

        When Brazil is mentioned in China, nine times out of ten, football will be mentioned. Football is not only a business card handed by Brazil to the world, but also a window for the outside world to observe Brazil.

        Bai Yansong: Before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was officially held, the football match of the Olympic Games had already started. The Brazilian men’s soccer team, which had high hopes, drew 0-0 with only 10 players in the first show. The front page of Brazilian media chose the picture of Neymar sighing or feeling extremely depressed, from which we can see that for Brazilians, football is the most worrying thing.

        What do Brazilians think of their own players coming to China to develop?

        Rio citizens:I don’t think there is any problem. My son likes playing football at the age of 23, but there is no chance. If a China club is willing to sign him, there is no doubt that not only he will go, but I will also go with him.

        Interviewed in the streets of Rio, there are some opinions about Brazilian players going to play in China, including opposition, approval and helplessness. In June this year, 56 million euros, the Chinese Super League team Shanghai signed Brazilian striker Hulk, and the high transfer fee set a new record for Chinese Super League and even Asian football.

        Kuka, former head coach of Shandong Luneng:China’s football is in the development stage, and the amount of money spent on hiring players should gradually decrease in the future. As China’s salary returns to rationality, Brazilian players will gradually reduce their trips to China.

        The Palmeiras team coached by Kuka is currently ranked first in Bajia League, but their head coach who coached Shandong Luneng in China was terminated, but the local fans did not think so.

        Palmeiras fans:Football is a team sport. It is useless to change only KUKA. Everyone must change, China players and Brazilian players. Everyone must change. If this is not enough, then I think KUKA is not alone.

        Bai Yansong:There is a questionnaire that you can have a look at. Have you heard of the clubs in China Football League? The first place is Guangzhou Evergrande, which may be related to his head coach Scolari. How many times do you remember China entering the World Cup finals? As a result, the proportion of wrong answers was the highest, and only 11% were right. The most fierce answer is never, and then the second place is 36%, more than three times, we should go in more than three times.

        Football students from China.

        Ma Sheng:My name is Ma Sheng. I’m 19 years old. I’m Aquarius. I came to Brazil from Anhui. My Brazilian name is Gattuso. I’m a central defender on the court. My blood type is A.

        Li Yueming:My name is Li Yueming. I come from Anshan, Liaoning. I’m 19 years old. I’m a Leo. My Brazilian name is Li, which is my Chinese surname. I’m 1.89 meters and I’m a central defender on the court.

        Belan Brethous, a small city 300 kilometers around Sao Paulo, is more comfortable and quiet than Sao Paulo. Ma Sheng and Li Yueming from China are training with Botafogo Professional Team in Sao Paulo. They have just finished their three-year study in Brazil, and now they are managed by Hebei Elite Football Club and Concession. To put it simply, they just finished studying abroad, and because of their outstanding performance, they stayed in Brazil to work.

        Bai Yansong:In fact, there is no way to send children out to play football. The best way is that we have a very rich football environment ourselves, and then football starts with dolls, instead of starting with the president of the Football Association, as we did a few years ago.

        Brazilian football has no worries about the future.

        In Brazil, it is said that after children learn to walk, the first thing they do is to play football. In the eight slums in the urban-rural fringe of Rio, the reporter saw a group of barefoot children, the youngest of whom was only 4 or 5 years old, but their feet were quite sophisticated.

        Reporter:What position do you play?


        Iger is 9 years old and lives in this slum. Although he hasn’t scored yet, when interviewed by reporters, he strongly urged his parents to allow him to be on TV. Iger’s idol is Neymar, born in 1992. Just like them, they played barefoot and practiced some gorgeous footwork. Fortunately, Neymar, who grew up in a slum, has become famous.

        Bai Yansong:Although the sand parade of the Olympic Games on Copacabana beach seems to be unfinished, it doesn’t affect the beach next to it at all. Brazilians continue to exercise happily. We found that the Brazilian innovated football on the beach. He combined volleyball and football, two of his strongest sports, and played volleyball, which required superb skills and skills. Maybe Brazilian football will be improved.

        Brazilian players and fans

        In order to find the mark of Pele, we came to Santos fan bar. When we asked the fans about Pele’s impression, an old man replied, Who is Pele? Later, the owner of the bar said that he was joking with us, and this was actually Bailey’s teammate in the national team. They fought together in the 1962 World Cup and won the championship.

        Coutinho:The memory is that we played football together and won the championship together. It was a grand game, and everyone was very excited. We were boiling on the court with the goddess of victory.

        Pele, who started from Santos team, became a symbol of Brazilian football, which made Santos fans proud forever. Bailey’s autograph on the wall has been hanging here for almost eight years. It can be said that all Santos fans know this bar. The decoration of the bar is unified into black and white colors of the team, and the walls are covered with historical photos of the team.

        Bai Yansong:There are simply too many people playing football in Brazil. Indeed, now Brazilian football seems to have encountered a huge challenge, losing 7-1 to Germany, and even the Copa America did not appear in the group stage, losing to Peru, which really shocked Brazilians. But when I really came to Brazil, I would feel that it will make a comeback soon, because there are too many people playing football, just like there are too many people playing table tennis in China. If you win or lose once, you won’t be afraid at all.

China will continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 2 (Reporter Gao Kang) The the State Council executive meeting held on June 2 studied the policies and measures to promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry. In order to release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles, the meeting proposed to continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles.

  New energy vehicles are the main direction of the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry, and the development space is very broad.

  In recent years, China’s new energy automobile industry has developed vigorously. According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to April this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 2.291 million and 2.222 million, an increase of 42.8% year-on-year, with a market share of 27%; The export of new energy vehicles was 348,000, a year-on-year increase of 170%.

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles, further optimize the industrial layout, strengthen key core technology research in key areas such as power battery system, new chassis structure and intelligent driving system, make overall plans for the development and utilization of domestic and international resources, improve the recycling system of power batteries, build an industrial ecology with the integrated development of "cars and energy in Lu Yun", and enhance the independent controllability and green development level of the whole industrial chain.

  "Technological innovation is the core competitiveness of development." Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said that in recent years, China has made remarkable achievements in the field of new energy vehicles, but it still needs to make efforts in tackling key core technologies, and at the same time, it needs to continue to make efforts in the construction of charging infrastructure and the research and development of small and micro electric vehicles.

  Chen Shihua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Industry Association, said that from the overall automobile data this year, China’s new energy automobile industry has developed steadily, and its supply capacity and quality have been continuously improved, becoming an important force to stabilize the industry.

  Insiders pointed out that the industry generally predicts that the development of new energy vehicles will maintain a good development trend, and the production and sales data of new energy vehicles in China is expected to usher in a new high this year. But at the same time, we should also see that at present, the confidence of automobile consumption still needs to be boosted and the potential of automobile consumption still needs to be released.

  In this regard, the meeting pointed out that it is necessary to continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles, build a high-quality charging infrastructure system, further stabilize market expectations, optimize the consumption environment, and release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles.

  "The new measures are expected to bring great impetus to the development of the new energy automobile industry in the next few years." Cui Dongshu said that the subsidy recession has a great impact on the new energy automobile industry, and consumers are sensitive to price and taxation. Continuing and optimizing the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles will further release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles and promote the sustainable and steady growth of the new energy automobile industry.

Huafu Fashion rose 5.35% to 5.12 yuan/share.

On March 13th, Huafu Fashion rose 5.35% to 5.12 yuan/share at 10:12, with a turnover of 289 million yuan and a turnover rate of 3.38%, with a total market value of 8.707 billion yuan.

According to the data, Huafu Fashion Co., Ltd. is located at No.6 Shishan Road, New Economic Development Zone, Huaibei City, Anhui Province. The company is the world’s leading color spinning brand and new yarn supplier, mainly engaged in medium and high-grade colored spinning yarn, high-grade new blank yarn and dyed yarn, and provides value-added services such as fashion trend, raw material and product certification, tag and technical consultation. At present, the company has formed a production capacity of 2 million spindles, with an annual output of 300,000 tons of new yarn. The leading products are exported to Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macao, Southeast Asia and other dozens of countries and regions.

As of September 30th, the number of shareholders of Huafu Fashion was 25,200, with 67,400 shares outstanding per capita.

From January to September 2023, Huafu Fashion achieved an operating income of 11.053 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 16.91%; The net profit attributable was 84,937,800 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 71.74%.

What should online games rely on to win the future?

  Recently, a number of ministries and commissions jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content. Bright pictures/vision china

  In recent years, China’s online games have developed rapidly and the content forms are constantly enriched. At the same time, it must be noted that the lack of cultural connotation of online games in China is more prominent, some games have a tendency to vulgar violence, and the values of individual works are biased. Recently, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Opinions on Strictly Regulating the Management of Online Game Market, and deployed centralized rectification of online game violations and bad content, which opened the curtain of online game industry governance nationwide. Taking this industry governance as an opportunity, online games are bidding farewell to the old stage of barbaric growth and welcoming a new era of transformation and upgrading.

  There is an urgent need to standardize the governance of online game market.

  To sum up, there are four kinds of problems in online games at present: universal and serious addiction, serious vulgarization of some contents, emphasis on form but light on connotation, and wanton deconstruction of traditional cultural classics and values.

  Addiction is a major feature that distinguishes online literature from traditional literature, among which online games are the most addictive. Once a netizen suffers from Internet addiction, it will not only consume a lot of time, energy and money, but also seriously damage his physical and mental health. The main users of online games are between the ages of 15 and 25. These teenagers have poor self-control and their minds are not yet fully mature. Once they are infected with Internet addiction, their physical and mental injuries are often very serious.

  Online games are not only the most addictive, but also the problem of vulgarization is serious. For example, in a popular MOBA online game, most female characters such as Wu Zetian, Xiao Qiao, The Story Of Diu Sim and da ji are scantily dressed, wearing sexy short skirts or long skirts. However, in large MMORPG 3D online games such as "Dragon’s Eight Branches" and "Zhu Xian", the role modeling with erotic and seductive meanings has been brought into full play. In addition to visual pornography, many games even add interactive content, such as the 3D online game "Myth", which has a built-in interactive little game called "Ghost Story", so that players can "experience" the pornographic scene of stealing women and stealing jade by manipulating characters. The above-mentioned vulgar pornographic content can be found everywhere in online games, which is extremely harmful to the physical and mental health of young players.

  Formalization is also a prominent problem in online games, which is manifested in excessive pursuit of external sensory experience and content almost becoming a vassal of form. Many domestic war games are designed with "skins" that need to be purchased before they can be used, and many games will regularly launch some "limited skins" for short-term sale according to specific festivals. Games such as the glory of the king, Battle Against the Snake, etc. are constantly launching a large number of various "skin" shapes to attract players to spend. No matter what kind of "skin", its function is just to change the audio-visual special effects in the game, which has nothing to do with the content of the game.

  There are also some games that arbitrarily deconstruct cultural classics and convey wrong values. For example, in a turn-based role-playing game with The Journey to the West as its content, both the demon and the demon are justified, and the inferno becomes an equal force with the Terran and the Fairy, thus the image of "man-eating monster" in the original work is easily dispelled. Another game with the content of "Three Kingdoms" is mixed with many fictional myths and legends on the basis of deconstructing the story of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The characters in this game, such as "Yin and Yang Scholars" and "Magician", have supernatural power and can use all kinds of magic. In addition, the excessive deconstruction of history and historical figures is also a common problem in online games. In a popular game, the backgrounds and experiences of all historical figures are deconstructed to varying degrees. For example, Gao Jianli is deconstructed as a wild and uninhibited "genius musician", Di Renjie is endowed with "extremely strong obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness tendency" and other unique personalities, Jing Ke is designed as a sexy female assassin, Huang Zhong is shaped as a gunner who operates a cannon, and da ji is deconstructed as a magic puppet with powers. The above-mentioned question game tells a false story of China, portrays a false image of China, and spreads a wrong view of history, which not only harms users’ physical and mental health,It is also not conducive to the construction of China’s cultural security and soft power.

  Build a strong position to tell the story of China well

  The problem of online games has a long history. To fundamentally solve all kinds of problems in the production and communication of online games, we need to start with top-level design, take multiple measures and make comprehensive policies.

  At present, Tencent, Netease, Sohu, Sina and other private capital or foreign capital-controlled Internet companies occupy the main position on the supply side of online game content in China. While calling on online game enterprises to assume more social responsibilities, in order to fundamentally improve the production pattern of online games in China, we must implement the supply-side reform of online literature and art, and build a number of powerful national teams of online literature and art as soon as possible, and the national teams will intervene and lead the development of online game industry.

  In order to ensure the core competitiveness of the national team in the online game market, the author suggests to build the first echelon of the online game national team based on the existing state-owned leading online media. For example, people’s network, CCTV, Xinhuanet and other powerful national online media can open up special online literature and art channels, recruit top talents in online game research and development around the world, develop a number of phenomenal online game products with both social and economic benefits, and build a strong position to tell the story of China on the Internet. For the strong private network literature and art production and communication subject, it can be developed into the second echelon of the online game national team by means of acquisition, holding or mixed reform. In addition, we can also acquire, hold or participate in a number of well-known foreign online game R&D teams with leading content production and network technology to form an alliance of the online game national team. The national online game team constructed in this way is conducive to the optimal allocation of various resources, which can not only lead the direction of telling the story of China in Socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also maintain high market sensitivity and creative vitality.

  The governance of online games can’t treat the symptoms only. To fundamentally solve the problem, we need to establish an institutional mechanism to ensure the green, healthy and sustainable development of online games. The author suggests that legislation on online literature and art should be started as soon as possible, so as to clarify the respective rights and obligations of the producers, communicators, consumers and regulators of online literature and art, and clearly define all kinds of illegal acts and punishment measures in online literature and art practice, so as to provide sufficient jurisprudence and legal basis for online game supervision. At the same time, the regulatory authorities should work with online game research institutions to introduce online game quality grading standards as soon as possible to improve the online threshold of online games; Develop a workable mechanism for screening, inspecting and identifying mental damage in online games to provide technical support for supervision. In addition, it is necessary to establish an online game criticism team with experts and scholars as the main body, actively guide online game criticism public opinion, and implement all-weather and full-coverage academic monitoring of online game industry operation.

  Deeply cultivate excellent cultural information resources on the Internet.

  Online games should embark on the road of healthy and sustainable development. Apart from the macro-level management of the country, it is more important for online games to practice their internal skills, enrich their contents and enhance their cultural content.

  Compared with traditional literary forms, online games have inherent advantages in the development and utilization of online cultural information resources because of their own Internet attributes, so they can make use of massive online cultural resources to achieve expanded reproduction based on high-quality IP and traffic factors. For example, the national treasure cultural relics collected in the Forbidden City can be carefully incubated as high-quality IP prototypes. When the traffic is cultivated to a certain amount and becomes an explosion "online celebrity", the first resource development from IP prototypes to online games can be realized according to the preset IP development roadmap. The online games developed for the first time, after gaining huge traffic, can be used as IP to expand the reproduction of TV dramas, variety shows and other products, and realize the re-dissemination from online to offline. By transforming the theme advantage of IP into the traffic advantage, and then transforming the traffic advantage into the content advantage, the social and economic benefits of online games can be maximized.

  Online games are a cross-border literary form. In the future development, domestic online games should make use of the unique communication advantages of the Internet, break through the national barriers, capital barriers and technical barriers inherent in traditional literature and art, and realize the global communication of China’s story based on online games. Therefore, the online game industry in China must build a powerful online game communication platform with high efficiency, unique resources and convenient consumption by greatly increasing bandwidth, expanding giant servers, mobile online payment and other advanced technical means, and simultaneously make online games and their derivatives bearing specific China stories and China spirit into multilingual versions for all-weather and full coverage integrated marketing communication for netizens around the world.

  Online game enterprises should clearly realize that the competition of online games in the future is cultural competition, and must abandon the commercial motivation of quick success and instant benefit and enhance the cultural content of products. Excellent Chinese traditional culture can provide rich materials for online game creation. In addition to adopting Chinese style in subject matter, pictures and music, we should organically embed the values of benevolence, loyalty and filial piety, benevolence, honesty, chivalry, humility and studiousness in Chinese traditional culture into game products. At any time, online games should correctly grasp the relationship between social benefits and market benefits, consciously put social benefits in the first place, do not be slaves to the market, and prevent economic interests from colliding with the bottom line of social morality.

   (Author: Ma Lixin Zhou Ding, a professor at Qilu Cultural Research Institute of Shandong Normal University, this article is the phased achievement of the key project of Shandong Social Science Planning "Research on the Rights and Obligations of Digital Art")

How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

Day 28 of Diary of "Epidemic": Spring has arrived in ICU!

  February 21st, the 28th day of aid to Hubei. It’s raining again in Wuhan.

  When I went to work this morning, it was raining outside. I bought a loving little pholiota adiposa from the door of the hotel and hurried to work.

  There are obviously more cars and even buses on the road around Jinyintan Hospital. There are also many people standing at the bus stop in the distance. Wuhan has not lifted the "closed city", so I guess they may be the medical staff in the living room (Fangcang Hospital) of Wuhan, and they have to take the shuttle bus back to their place of residence. You have worked hard, too.

  When I changed my work clothes, I just arrived at the doctor’s office and saw a big plastic bag in front of Professor Zhou. When everyone was almost here, Professor Zhou opened the plastic bag, which contained several sets of protective clothing and swimming glasses. Professor Zhou said excitedly that this is a material sent to him by a Shanghai primary school student. Primary school students and their parents bought eight sets of protective clothing and donated them all. I hope everyone will be safe. I don’t know what kind of twists and turns this child and his family have gone through before they can collect protective clothing under the unified management of protective materials. From the childish handwriting of children, we can see the people’s care and love for us and the future of our motherland. The head nurse said that they also received materials from an aunt in Shanghai. The circle of friends said that the people of Shanghai "borrowed" us to Wuhan! The arrival of batches of materials expressed their care and they looked forward to our early and safe return. Everyone is very touched!

  Next, it’s the shift handover time. After the shift handover, Team Zheng once again reiterated the safety issue, and let us carefully read the formula of wearing and removing protective clothing in Ruijin Hospital, so that each team member can remember four "musts": be highly vigilant, be strict in management, be sure to standardize the process and be cautious! Yes, we have been helping Hubei for 28 days, and now it is time to get tired and relaxed easily. We must cheer up and do a good job in protection and other work seriously and rigorously.

  Today, I followed Professor Zhou into the isolation ward for rounds. After checking the room, the nurses have prepared a full set of tracheal intubation devices. After the patient was fully calm, Professor Zhou made a nasotracheal intubation under the guidance of bronchoscope. I admire his proficiency. Today, after working as an assistant and observing the actual operation, my heart is much more stable. As the saying goes, "more skills don’t weigh me down", and I learned new skills today. Professor Zhou completes tracheal intubation, adjusts the ventilator mode and parameters, and observes the patient’s vital signs for a while, which makes me feel more at ease.

  Our group discharged a patient today. His symptoms improved, his nucleic acid test was negative continuously, and his lung CT examination turned better. According to the current process, patients need to be isolated at home for 2 weeks after discharge. However, the patient expressed the difficulty of his family’s housing shortage, and he was worried that it would affect other family members. We reported to the medical department of the hospital. Through coordination, when the patient leaves the hospital today, his community will send a car to pick him up and observe him in isolation at a nearby hotel for two weeks. I told him the two-week and four-week follow-up plan after discharge. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there may be patients in our group discharged from the hospital. Spring has arrived in the intensive care unit.

  In the afternoon, three columns of Chinese characters were posted in front of the first important door of our isolation ward. Maybe it will become a small scenic spot in Jinyintan Hospital in the future. Everyone lined up to take a photo with Professor Zhou, and I quickly lined up. Wuhan, come on! China, come on!

  After work, the lights are already on outside. Because the team suggested that the medical staff should not eat directly in the canteen after work, fearing that it would be too late to eat after cleaning, I chose a self-heating hot pot and some fruits from the "energy station" and changed the dinner!

  Authors: The first batch of Wuhan medical team members from Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,

  Attending physician Cha Qiongfang, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Renji Hospital

Collect this "spring film list" and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Special feature of 1905 film network People give the meaning of the renewal of Vientiane in spring, and inject thousands of expectations into the beginning of these four seasons, hoping that it will bring a brand-new look and weather, and "when the flowers bloom in spring" makes us look forward to it especially in this boxer year.


"March" seems to be the official name of spring. The warmth of runaway awakens the limp and numb limbs and warms up the beautiful season to come.


Just as spring is coming, follow Xiao Dianjun to taste this limited time of only three months on the screen.


Over the spring

Girl grow up private image

Girls and "Boundaries" are the stories of youth written in Over Spring.

The title of the film "Spring Festival" was originally a jargon in the mouth of smugglers, referring to "bringing goods" from Hong Kong to Shenzhen across the customs.

Liu Zipei, a girl who lives in Shenzhen and studies in Hong Kong, passively embarked on this "cross-border" journey with the dream of traveling to Japan with her friends.

The contradictory identity that originally made her lack of identity unexpectedly became her excellent advantage in the matter of "spending the spring", which not only helped her save enough travel expenses, but also made her feel an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

However, walking alone on the edge of danger is doomed to be full of adventure. The difference of ideas between mother and daughter, the break with friends and the love that can’t be established make this girl who can’t stand on either side of family, friendship or love become more and more addicted to this "boundary".

"Over Spring" does not hide a girl’s growing desire for material, feelings and self-identity, but it never forgets to find a safe place for this soul with nowhere to live.

In this tug-of-war of belonging and alienation, Pepe, wandering between the two cities, walked straight through the dividing line drawn by her youth with a cavity of loneliness and courage, and also left us with a series of questions about growth.


Four Springs

Family documentary video

In the eyes of China people, spring and the word "reunion" are inseparable. For every family, this season is filled with infinite warmth.

Lu Qingyi spent "four springs" in his hometown of dushan county, Guizhou Province to spend time with his family, and recorded this unique family video.

As far as the look and feel of the film is concerned, it actually looks almost the same as the video taken by our daily mobile phone. Lu Qingyi abandoned the tedious professional equipment and chose to take a hand-held shot in person to lead the audience to watch the family story under this patio. The lens that shakes from time to time and the depth of field that is not properly adjusted have added some pure and simple feelings of life.

From his subjective perspective, the father who smoked sausage, the mother who hummed ditty, and even a meal, a meal, a grass and a tree are particularly touching, warm and harmonious. Every true feeling of this family in the four springs: the sweetness of parents drinking a toast, the sadness of sister’s departure, and the sincerity naturally revealed at each reunion … … It seems to have become ours at that moment.

A series of collage family images, like spring breeze and rain, tell the whole picture of life, from which the most precious meaning about family ties is condensed and spread in everyone’s heart.


Small forest in winter and spring

Spiritual healing recipes

For people who are busy, what is more healing than a delicious meal after work?

Not much to say, "Little Forest in Winter and Spring" immediately presents you with a menu with full healing value: snowflake two-color cake, natto glutinous rice ball, fried tempura, winter flower miso sauce, wild garlic seedling fried salmon and cabbage flower pasta … …

Unable to blend in with the hustle and bustle of big cities, the hero Ichiko chose to return to his hometown Komori Village and run a self-sufficient life in the changing seasons. It is because of cooking that her seemingly monotonous life of living alone has become interesting.

As a food movie, the film aims a lot of close-ups at ingredients, showing them in an extremely simple way from the most authentic appearance to the appearance of being finally put on the table after special processing, which can instantly evoke taste buds.

In the film, the enthusiasm of the city children for life can be traced everywhere, not just the patience shown when cooking food. When burying natto in the snow, she will attach a special sentence "I hope you will become delicious", and every time even if one person eats, she should put her hands together and read the sentence "I am starting" devoutly.

Spring is the right season to start. When she received a letter from her long-lost mother, Shizi gradually realized the meaning of "going round and round". She was no longer trapped in her past life, but started from her heart and found the life she really longed for.

"Little Forest" has written a delicious chapter with enough literary brushstrokes. Putting aside this gorgeous coat, the core is still the true meaning of ordinary life.


Taste of Chengsha

Life taste tasting course

As a special guest of Japanese movies, Sakura always wakes up the audience: Look, isn’t spring the best time?

A small shop named "Spring of the Gong" is located beside a street full of cherry trees. The old man Dejiang, the manager Sentaro and the young girl Ruocai became attached to each other because of the burning of the Gong, and they met in the spring and spent a quiet and beautiful time together.

Grandmother Dejiang seems to be happy and informal, but every time she makes bean paste, she instantly changes to a serious face, soaking, boiling, filtering, boiling and stirring … … You have to do everything yourself.

Under her influence, Sentaro valued her work more, and Ruocai gradually opened her heart.

This is another natural law of Japanese movies — — "The beauty of mourning" is a film that is interpreted to the extreme.

"There are always all kinds of difficulties in life, so be sure to refuel." Dejiang tells the truth of life, but at the same time, he also conveys an open-minded attitude towards life to us in front of the screen.

When she visited another spring day, like a spiritual mentor, she had already passed away, and only the figure that had stood under the cherry tree was frozen forever.


Chunjiang plumbing

The Oriental Picture of Scenery Blending

If you want to choose a movie to visually present the appearance of spring, Chunjiang Plumbing must be on the list.

Hangzhou, where the film was filmed, is a paradise on earth with its own poetry and painting. When the traditional family stories are integrated into the oriental freehand brushwork aesthetics, the plain narrative slowly unfolds like a long scroll, which is fascinating.

The story focuses on the Gu family along the Fuchun River in Hangzhou, and a mother with a stroke leads to the warmth and coldness of a family for three generations. When consanguinity and kinship are discussed in the contemporary context, it is like a mirror that shines into reality and directly hits people’s hearts.

Inspired by Huang Gongwang’s "Fuchun Shan Jutu", the picture of the film slows down the narrative rhythm with a long scroll of landscapes and proper blank space, and creates a sense of documentary life with natural scenery, which makes people sigh for the world and still feel warm.

Under the ingenious arrangement of the director, the natural landscape and street style in "Spring River Plumbing" are poetically connected, and they have experienced a cycle from summer to spring, and all kinds of life have been deeply stared at by this river.


This spring in 2020 is of great significance, because it carries too many expectant eyes.

As the song goes, "When spring goes, spring will come, and the flowers will bloom again." I believe that after crossing the heavy haze, it will be the time when spring blooms again.

The sun will shine in the end, and the warmth will come as promised.